HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-01, Page 7Jimmy's Fishing Excursion,
Jimmy was spending the :summer at
'his Grandfather's farm; a lively
place, with cows and horses and pigs
to interast him; but this day Jimmy
was not happy.
At the lower end of the orchard,
,just beyond the stables there was a
•creek. It was a narrow stream and
yet it was deep •and very swift; and
it was full of small fish,
One° ninny's uncle Ned had' taken
him down to this little 'brook, that
-went, singing •so gayly, on its way to
the sea, and had allowed him to fish
.all one long afternoon; :and ever after
that happy clay Jimmy had but one
'wish, and that was to 'play in the
brook; to sail snake believe ,ship's, and '
to catch more of the little • minnows
and have Mary, the cook, fry them
for his supper, as she had that other
time. •
But e waternbecause .th ran so
swiftly, and was so deep, it was not
'safe for Jimmy,to go there alone, and j
he had been forbidden to do so, over
and over.
Yet this afternoon, the longing be
'came so unbearable that the small lad
'felt be could not endure it, and so
very quietly he went to the barn,
found the long willow fishing pole
TJncle Ned had fixed for him, and
orceping past the kitchen door, so no
one would' see him, he hurried away,
drown the garden path, and through
the orchard to the creek. 1
For a long time after Jimmy reach-
ed the old willow tree, whose branches
reached nearly across the 'stream, he'
was very careful, and he kept away
from the edge of the water; but soon,
in the excitement of catching min-
nows, he began to grow careless, and
leaned faa=ther and farther over the
edge of the bank, in his attempt to.
throw his line into a deeper pool, at
the farther side.
Jimmy's Uncle Ned had told hint of l
:a big, wary trout that lived in that'
pool and, he thought "If I can only'
catch that whopper, I guess they wilt
think I em big . enough to go fishing,
by myself, and won't they be sur
prised• when I take him home." But,'
like so many others, Jimmy was
"counting his chickens," for as her
balanced on a branchof the willow,
ande threw back his arm to make a
long cast, the branch'bent slightly:0d;
in trying to regain his balance, Jim-;
production, record has been at by the
Ayrshire "Butbereup of Gienholm"
owned by Prof. J. D. Clark, superin-
tendent of the Experimental Station
at Ottawa, which under a 36155-ed•aytest
produced 16,444: pounds of Milk and
062 pounds • of fat, the milk production
being 400 pounds in excess off ,any pre-
vious record'.
Canada is not particularly lcewer n'ed
in the matter of claiming the world's
record being ;'ally conscious that she
is realising what she set out to ac-
complish in establishing a thriving°
dairy industry. Production is inareas-
ixig rapidly, especially lir, tie Western
' provinces, and the Canadian products
' have found great favor, in the face of
strenuous ceompetlition, on foreign
markets,. The type .of dairy animal
Canada tee produced is in universal de-
maid and individual production r•e-
cords ,are equal to those achieved else
rely fell with a splash elght in the
huiddie of the swiftly.Ilewing watea'..
As he fell he gave one lead cry,
and then he was •whirled away, the
current rolling him over and over, so
that he hid no chance, to •swine --for
Jimmyhad been leaning to swim
that summer.
Somewhat stunned, and . dreadfully
frightened, Jimmy was fast losing his
senses, when he heard a shout, and
through a haze he saw a figure run-
ning at top speed down the bank.
"Hold on, old c'hae; I'm owning,"
Uncle Ned called., as he !stpurted ahead,
making for another willow that grew
over the creek lower down; and as
Jimmy, sputtering and gasping, went
sailing by, Uncle Ned bent a long
branch of the willow tree right down
in front of him, and shouted "grab it
boy, grab it." Jimmy did grab' it, and
held on with all his strength. It was
only•a moment befoze-Uncle.Ned had
him, dripping and shaking, on the
"Well," said Uncle Ned, as he hur-
ried Jimmy towards home. "How do
you like fishing by your lonesome, had
fun enough to make it pay?"
"No," chattered Jimmy, "I'll never
run away .and, go 'fishing alone again;
but after all, Uncle Ned, if I hadn't
been nearly drowned, you would never
have had the 'chance to be a hero by
saving me."
"That's all right, , Old Timer, but
don't you go off on any more solitary
excursiibns, just on my account; I'd
rather be a plain :every -day farmer,
than be scared to death, any day; and
it was lucky for you that I 'happened
to miss you, and looked for that fish-
ing pole, or you'd be floating over the
clam about now."
"Just the same I hope I can catch
that big trout,"said Jimmy, as he
was tucked away between blankets,
and made to swallow a big dose of
ginger tea. .
"Perhaps you can," said Uncle Ned.
"I think .you have been punished
enough for d'iso'bedience this time; but
next time I will go along, when you
try for him. I was just hunting you
up, to ask if you would like to do to
the Lake and catch real fish, when I
missed you this afternoon."
"Oh, Uncle Ned," wailed Jimmy,
"and now I can't go. I'll never, never
run away again as long as T live. It
don't pay a little bit, and I did so
want to go to the Lake."
Type of Dairy Animal Pro-
duced in Canada is in
Universal Demand.
No sooner does Canada turn her
hand to some new, phase of agricul-
t tural endeavor than she achieves un -
'qualified success in the departure and
proceeds to create records. This has
been repeatedly illustrated in her
brief history and now the Dominion,
in agricultural phases previously con-
sidered impossible ,to her soil and
climate, has surpassed older countries
where agriculture 'has been an estab-
lished industry for generations. It is
not long since Canada commenced her
departure from the tremendous cattle
herds and huge wheat fields which
formed the general coneeption of suc-
cessful agriculture and by diversify-
ing With .dairy cattle made a bid for'
dairying fame, but 'already she lias ae-'
com,plished ehenonenal things hi this!
direction, exporting dairy products
where previously she imported, and
meeting en what has come to be an'
equal footing of quality the olid estab-.
fished dairy countries of 'the world.
With the 'interest awakened in dairy-'
ing, Canadian farmers, as is typical
of all their activities, were satisfied
with, nothing but the best, .and set'
about producing the best dairy cows'
possible, in '*Bich laudible work they
received the active •co-operationof the •
governments. They have. now develop-
ed, herds which are •considered second
uo none orf the globe; and each year
Canadian animals are purchased by
other countries to build up their own
(nerds.. Every year sees Canadian
Lure -bred dairy stock .purchased by.
farmers in the United •States. They
have gone,Tapau, to Australia, Japan, 'Peru
and the West Indies. - Holstein stock,
first importer] Timm England,has herd
Its progeny branght back to improve
British. ;herds, For •country of each
recent dairy development meat this is
very eredlt,able showing.
Alberta Cow Sets Pace.
]`hough f..rein . the. outset, Canadian
dairy l roduetinn records compared
.ver'•y favorably with those of all dairy.
eounntries there was nothing signal
about them nail "Rosalind of Old Bas-
ing'," a Jersey of Red Deer, 'Alberta,
won for herselfthe distinction of be-
ing tt'c, champion illiich eow of the
.iri'inpira, s1ien the Dominion]
Plant a Tree.
He who plants a tree
Planus hope
Rootlets up through. fibres blindly
Leaves unfold into horizons free;
So man's life must climb
From the clods of time
Unto " heavens sublime.
Owlet t I tree,
thou prophecy, thou little t ,
What the glory of thy boughsshallbe?
He who plants a tre
Plants a joy;
Plants a comfort that will never cloy,
Every day a fresh reality,
Beautiful and strong,.
To whose shelter throng
Creatures blithe with song,
If thou cou•1•dst but know, thou happy
tree, •
Of the bliss that shall inhabit thee!
He who plants a tree,
He plants peace.
Under its green curtains jargons
Leaf"and zephyr murmur soothingly;
:;hallows soft with, sleep
Down tired eyelids creep,
Balm of slumber deep.
Neverhast thou dreamed, thou blessed
Of the benediction thou shalt be.
He who plants a tree,
He plants youth;
Vigor won for centuries in sooth;
Life of time that hints eternity;
Boughs their strength uprear;
New shoots every year
On old growths appear.
Thou shalt teach the ages, sturdy tree,.
Youth of soul is immortality.
1 He who plants a ,tree,
He plants rove,
Tents of coolness spreading out
Wayfarers' he may not live to see.
Gifts that grow are best;
Hands that bless are beat;
Plant! Life does the rest.
Heaven and earth help him who plants
a tree,
And his work its own reward shall be.
—Lucy Larcom, 1824-1893.
The weer Congo.
In Congoian 1, men do the sewing
and wash the clothes and women farm
the crops and sell the produce. Men.
alone are permitted to take snuff,
whilst the women smoke tobacco far
more potent than the strongest twist.
A Congolese bride wears her wed-
ding -ring onthe leg, not on the finger.
It is not made of gold, but of brass,
and may weigh anything up to thir-
teen pounds!
Eat Meat Only On Holidays.
In Greece there are hundreds of
families i who never taste meat during,
the entire yeare xcept on New Year's
Day and at Easter.
experienced the gratification of true
accomplishment and felt justifiably
proud. On a lest .conducted .over three
consecutive years her highest milk
yield for one dray was 52 lbs., for one
month 1,471% lbs., and for ane year
15,700 lbs. The average test for but-
ter fat was 5.16 per cent. and she pro-
duced in one year 1,031.89. The ac-
tual returns for cream ,and skim milk
from this queen of cows in the three
years was $1,007.50, which it must be
remembered, was in a time when but-'
ter prices were very much lower than 1
they are now and a thousand dollars
had greater representative value,
This achievement stimulated Can-
adian dairymen to emulation and
pointed the way to yet greater things.
Later Bulla Pontiac, a Holstein
Freisan, owned by T. A. Barron, of
Brantford, Ontario, left the Alberta
cow behind and made a world milk
production record under the official
test of the Holstein-Freisan Assoeia-
tion. In twelve months shep roduced
a total of 27,017 pounds of butter; 1,-
259 pounds of fat; and 1,573.75 pounds
of butter. This was far in excess of
any world's milk record previously set,
though since surpassed, and entitled
Bella Pontiac, for some time, to the
title of the world's record cow.
No another Canadian cow has risen
to fame setting a new Canadian, re-
cord for combined milk and butter
production which also, from the stand-
point of strictly official tests, is a
world record. This cow is De Kel Plus
Segis Dixie, of Vaudreuil, near Mont -
reel, Quebec, which in 1921 produced
32,632 p:oumds .of milk and 1,439 pounds
of butter. The test was conducted
under the supervision of chief inspec-
tor C. S. Wood and R. S. Hamer, Do-
minion. • live stock commissioner.
Neither in milk alone or butter alone
is Dixie's record a Canadian one, but,,
far combined production she is the first'
in Canada. Only one cow has sur -1
passed this record in the world, Segis
Pieterje Prospect, of the Carnation
Paries, and this was effected -under
merely semieotlicial'tests '. aid not hi:n
der the eye of 'a government official;
so that the Qoebec cow might with'.
justifieation claim 'the world's corn-!
alined butter and milk :production re-'
cord. •
An 'Unquestioned World Record.
Since th.e Vaudr^euil, covi's line
achievement a world record in another
class has' been made .by a heifer "Echo
Sylvia Laura" owned by W. D. Wright
of Brockville, Ont., evhich holds' the
world's championship for .butter and,
milk production for heifer with first
cal:C, This young• anima born in'
April, 1919, in seven days produced
505,5 pounds of, milk and' 36,64 pounds
of butter, ,And in thirty daps 2230.5,
pounds et milk and 141,10 pounds of .
butter. i
A new four -.year 614 Canadian milk
Machinery That Seems
Almost Human.
Although the making of a pin : is
not such a complicated matter as the
aianufectuee. of 'needles, it passes
through many processes before it is
ready for the market. .
In the latest improved method of
making pins, red copper and zinc are
put into a :crucible, and the amalgam
obtained by fusing the two metals is
run into moulds to form oval pla:tes,.
The plates are sheared and then cut
into wires. While being cut they are
held fast by massive clamps. At this
stage a device similar to .a glacier's
direr/loud is driven down upon the
plates by a simple truck pike machine
consisting of four grooved wheels and
a pulley and chain.
While the • plate is held in position
by the clainps, its outer edge rests
against the `'tangent of two circular
shears, which turn mechanically in op-
posite directions. The 'machine starts,
the shears worst, and the wires receive
their points and are cut into square.
seetions, which are seized by workmen
and hooked on to one of the shear
posts. A n'ian draws the plate along,
and the shears force it to turn.
While the shears are paring the
plate into the required shape, a sixty
pound weight drags the truck along,
pressing on the shears. The shears
cut .all the time until the plate is par-
ed to a diameter of forty-five milli-
metres. Then the wire from the
square sectgons goes to the wire -
drawers, where the ends are pointed
by file .or hammer. .
Later the wire is straightened,
drawn, and turned. It presents its ex-
tremity and is met by a little mallet,
which gives it the three short, sharp
raps which form its head. The fully -
formed pin wire is now cut intosec-
tions. As the sections • are cut they
fall on to a grooved slide: The
groove catches the pins by their
heads, and they are manipulated by a
long, rapidly revolving'rnouider.
The pin is then pushed away from
the machine from behind, drawn back,
and then forced forward, revolving as
it moves along. As the pin advances
along the screen or sieve, its body lies
almost wholly on the runner. When
it reaches the end of the long screen
it falls into the box which has been
set to catch it.
May is such a pretty girl—
She fastens in her hair
The pink of apple blossoms
And the white of summer pear.,
She has the, most elusive scent
That any girl could use;
She owns a gorgeous sunset sky
Of many different Mies.
,.t She robes herself in softest gieen---
That's most becoming, too,
Although the changes • in her gown
Are really very few.
May is such a clever girl—
She knows the way to blend
The colors in her centrepiece
Just so they won't offend.
Shea truly very kind of heart
And trims the poorest lots
With something as exquisdts as
The blue forget-me-nots.
But when her lovely centrepiece
is all complete and fine,
Her sister June will come along
And change the whole design.
—Nan Terrell Reed.
Sad GIve•Away.
Mrs. Hibrow—"Did the Earl you had
to dinner last night bring his coronet?"
Mrs. Newrich-"I didn't even know.
he could play one."
Children have to acquire a taste
for sweets; it in not one of their na-
tural traits, saysa scientist.
How Biggest : est Diamond Was Polished
The wonderful skill and ingenuity
of the diamond workers, which invol-
ves the utmost .delicacy of workman -i
ship,• has never better been illustrated
than in the polishing • of the biggest
of all •diamonds --the .famous Cuilinan,
presented to the late Xing Edward
VII. by the owners of the, Kimberley
mines in. South Africa..
It was necessary to •cleave the stone
in three pieces so as to remove the
two very bad flaws. This cleaving was
accomplished first by making an in-
th' limn
vision , nh the stone vv" a a o
cutting saw at the point where it was
to be ,cleaved and folllowing the grain
(all diamonds have a grain) to a
depth of one-half to three-quarters of
an inch. X
Before this cleaving operation was
undertaken crystal models were made
cleaved to learn, as far •ascould
be known, just what would happen
when the same process was applied to
the real stone.
When the incision brad been made
the cleaver aver inserted' into the slit a
s:peeially eoirstrueted knife blade made
i then with
h t ,.tech d l e
of the finest , an
thick steel rod struck it :a hard brow
and .cut the stone in twain exactly at
the •point where it was proposed it
efhould he cut. It was an exceedingly
well executed piece of work.
The cleaving of a diamond is not.
always accomplished along the line
it is intended., and, it notinfrequently
happens that in cleaving a stone it
flies into a great number of pieees.
The Cullinai •stone baying been su,e-
t 1;
cessfully split the next and final opera-
tion was the pelfsluing, the most diffi-
cult and nicest part of the diamond
cutting. This huge gem was polished Afrtzca,
on a disk made of cast iron and
steel, revolving. at the rate of twenty-
four hundred revolutions a minute.
The diainond• was pressed down on
this disk, which was liberally supplied
with a miXtui'e of diamond dust and
oil, by weights of from fifteen to
twenty-five pounds, and the - disk was
constantlyturned from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
every day for eleven months before
the polishing was •oomipleted.
The Cullinan is mealy times larger
than the Excelsior, the next largest
diamond in the world. The Cullman
in the tough weighed 3,027 carats.
The part of •'Nhe stone on the mill, when
finished, weighted 'between 500 and
600 carats. The . actual commercial
value Of the stone is about $2,600,000,
but its Unique character makes it
practically priceless.
When the Cullunan was fdund it was
a. problem sof the diamond company to
decide what to do with it. Its mere
eine, over one and a half pounds,
made it unmarketable and unsalable,
and to out it up into small ,pneees
would destroy not only its fiitriesie
value but its sentiznentai value.. The
diamond therefore retrained in the
vaults of the company .for nearly three
years; when it was decided to present
it to the Xing orf Great Britain on the
anniversary of his sixty-sin;th 'birth-
In the rough t1io stone was valued,
at about $1,000,000, and about this
price was actually paid, namely $400,-
000 and $600,000. representing 60 pr
cent, of the interest the Government
of the Transvaal had therein on ac-
count of the fact that the government
was entitled to this percentage of the
output of all 'diamond mines of Sotith
TOJQiri You!
pfyj' R'rt�alPiCx
epp CTc '`O LST
Migratory Birds Convention Act
The Act respecting certain conven-
tions between Canada and the United
States for the protection of migratory
birds which was ratified at Washing-
ton in. December, 1917 and is sum-
marized, with amendments, in a gov-
ernment paper issued last fall, is be-
ginning to make itself left. At beast,
so says Mr. Jack Miner; student of
wild life and lover ofthe great out-
doors; who, on his farm near Kings-
ville, Essex County, Ontario, some
years ago set aside an area as a
Birds Sanctuary.
Briefly, the Ant .defines the opening
and closing dates for shooting migra-
tory 'birds or the taking of their
eggs and nests, the bag limits, the
closed season, the, kinds of guns and
appliances permitted sportsmen, the
penalty for, violatin"the law and the
names of the birds . that come within
the protectory clauses of the Act. It
is designed to protect and Propagate
the birds during the mating : and
breeding season, and obviate their ex-
tinction both north and::soutlr of the
international boundry, leaving to
sportsmen and those who depend upon
the game for food supply, opportunity
to indulge their purpose.
Mr, Miner—or "Jack" as he Tikes to
be called, bases his assertion on the
number of 'wild' geese and ducks which
annually visit his Sanotuary ponds.
"Since the Act went into effect," he
declares, "I have noted the .steady in-
crease in the number of birds that
Dome to sojourn with nie. The first
year—some year ago,—I de'finit'ely
offered protection and feed to these
birds., seven only visited me; but they
came back the following one with
eleven others and year by year, they
returned in increasing numbers un-
til this spring between; three and
four thousand are now to be found
on the Sanctuary. I attribute the
great increase in the last three years
to the Migratory Birds Act."
Mr. Mines, who is a philosopher as
well as fiend of bird and beast, is an
enthusiast on wild life conservation.
From cthildhood he has lived on the
farm he now occupies, which in his
youth was uncultivated forest land:
and mingled daiiyR•with the'wild ihdngs
of the woods. He has made friends
with thepi and Doane to understand
them. "When you kill a bird, in the
spring " he says, "you're dep?eting
bird life; you're taking a mate away
from some other bird and wiping out
untold, unborn families. It is a moral
crime for anyone to kill any bird at
mating or hatching time;" and he
faithfully ,practices what he preaches.
About ten acres of the farm is set
aside as the Sanctuary and protection
is .extended for two miles en either
side. In this area, Mr. Miner made
an artificial pond 'and scatter d cern
on the banks and the shallow bottpms.
Last year, 7,000 bushels. (on the cob)
were fed to them, and now, year aftr
year, in increasing numbers, in the
early spring and ]rate fall, he is visited
by his feathered friends. They know
him 'and trust him. Sportsmen who
have attempted to approach . wind
geese near enough for a sere kill,
know the difficulty of accomplishing
their purpose, know the sagecety and
intelligence of the speoies. Yet Mr.
Miner walks •carelessly amongst then
and brings Ms friends .and visitors
with hirn.
Wiintering along the shores of the
Gullf of Mexiico, the co'as'ts of Florida
and the mouth .of the Mississippi, Wild
geese migrate northwards in the
early 'spring to breed in the vicinity of
Hudson and James Bey, Labrador and
Baffin Land. In the course of their
long flight they descend to rest on
ponds and lakes wherever night finds
them •a.nd prior to the passage of the
Migratory Birds' Act, were slaughter-
ed in great quantity. This slaughter
mow, to a gireat extent, has been
Their food value to tlhoae who live
in what are known as the Barren
Lands of the North is great, and afber
the breeding season, when moulting,
thousands are easily killed and laid
away in the frozen .ground for future
Mr. Miner is carrying en his altruis-
tic work from the sheer love of de
He is increasing the •size of his Sanc-
tuary to one hundred acres, handling
the active administration cf his farm
and: brick ,and the plant to his sons,
and is going to devote all his time and
energy to the welfare of the binds.
He grows his own corn for feed pur-
poses -and while he is in receipt of
small annual grante from the Do-
minion and Ontario governments, his
books show a deficit. His example and
propaganda is making itself felt in
windening circles and the demands for
his lectures from points in both Can-
ada ,and the United States are e.tead:ily
increasing. It is due to the efforts of
babies' lovers both north and south of
the boundary, the late Dr. Cordon
Hewitt ,of Ottawa and Dr, Harnady cf
New York., that the Migratory Bird
act came into existence.
Gerais Pass Through Walls.
Five hundred monkeys have been
mad in the last three years in experi-
ments by which the vaccine now in
use .against pneumonia has :been, de-
veloped. •
This has been part of national re-
search work on the 'subject of in-
fluenza and pneumonia, which, accord-
ding to Dr, W. H. Park, of the New
York Health Department, has proved,
amongst other things, that the invisi-
ble. unidentified organism that causes
influenza can ss through a stone
h p
For three years the Dep,arinient has
kept under observation 6,000 vaccinat-
ed and 8,000 unvaccinated persons:
There have been two cases of'pneu-
m�onia •amongs�F
the vaccinated,
twelve amongst the. unvaccinated.
The moiikeys have been brought in
as they were needed from South Am-
erica and Africa, end` the experiments
have been carried out in Washington
and New York.'.
Dr W. 11. Pacrk states that twosuFb-
stances were used hypaclermically in
the' treatment of pneumonia, one be-
ing the vaccine and the :other the
serum taken from .a heree that had
been inoculated with pueunionia,
The serum was generally admitted
to be x« useful aici in aid treatment
of pneumonia, but there was some dif.
ference of opinion regarding the vac -
When a person suffering front pneu-
monia is inoculated with the vaccine,
a chill is produced which sometimes
throws off the disease.
The experiments on monkeys show-
ed that when the animals were vac --
tined they did not get pneumonia,
even though they might be inoeelateri
with the ;germ.
If they were not rMei naxed they
did get the disease wheninoculated;
and usually died, but thee dict not
mean, said Dr, Park, that experiments
on•human beings would show the same
results. •
Mother Thoughts:
I would go proudly
And bow my 'head no more.
How can I walk humbly
Before High God.
Beating on my siloukiers
This immeasurable road.?
My burden of the loss of lain
So groat it is, and sore,
1 must go proudly,
end bole my head no c,re.
Mari,ila M. P. Hubbell.
Good bargaining makes a tifeg