HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-01, Page 5Thgrladay, Juice let, 1922 BUSINESS CARDS X'roudfooi, Killoran &. HOLM' .Barristers, Solicitor's,: , 'ut.aries, Pali), ), Fete, OMee Qnthe Square, and door Irom llarxiiltbn Ft ,.Grod- racix, Private funds 'to loam at Iarweat eat e5. :fie ?x•oudloot, K,C, J. L. Killoran D..E,.:k-foln(.ii. Mr. Roltoes will, be in Hemel]. on Friday of each week, ,Andrew la'. Hess, Towizship ;Clexlr termer of marriage licenses, Notary Public, Comninissioncr, Fire and Aut- iornobile insurance, Representing Huron and Erie'Nfortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada: Trust Co. Zurich,' Ontario. r.E. S. Har 'ie, DENTI$T At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY• DASHWOOD EVERY.'THURSDAY MAIN OFFICT F:UENRAL•L. • OSCAR KLOPP professional Auctioneer, graduate gut Davenport . Aucti0neering School wry me for real estate, merchandise, jewellery pedigreed stock, farm sales • Mates alwaysreasonable, my territory the. world. Choice farms for sale. Phone 18-93 Zurich Licensed Auctioneer • 1 have taken out Auctioneer' Lieense for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any, kind o,.. Auction Sale. ' Give me a trial and. I will assure you atiislaction or make no charge. ' Arthur Weber, Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. -Zurich i MARKET wT Fresh and. Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woull 0 CASH FOR SKINS & RIDES . T rngbi t ,Beichertg ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position .toaccomo- date all requirements in .the Livery :Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done, in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone se Zurich: LIVE pori L,TRY WANTED . Taken every day till 3 ,Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning When brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR--- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich 19.20 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Incurance Co. Mead Office; — London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period unparelled: Reward, A Hoffman, Agent COAL SI e Spring and Summer DELIVERIES RI1 S SEASON 1922• Owing to the strike of the Min- ere .now prevailing in the Pennsyl- *Tania .Anthracite coal fields, we tri unable to ;guarantee delivery :or price and until conditions be- xame more settled orders will be taken rn* sect to our ,being able to =obtain supplies andat prevailing ,srieea time of, delivery. �. ..� G ,z teicx . I„"OAL JSt` ptorni CE MERCHANT 'BERMS y=;CASH Phone Office low,. ' House 10j, {;a.N.SALL ONT. 711RI.CFI HEl2AL;l) PUT YOUR r , Wants, For Sale, Lost, Fou n'dEtc. Ads IN THIS COL'tT3,4N FOR SALE I I have a quantity of Ferizl'i er on hand, Everybody elrotald use Fertilizer on. corn land and buck- wheat laird. J, l' -ley Jr 41-3 FOR SALE An auto' trailer in good condiit- ion. Apply l3' to C . Fritz. FOR SALE . .pure bred, Holstein heifer calf, two weeks old. J. Preeter COURT OF REVISION I6W-nslrip Of Hay NOTICE is hereby gi'veu that a Court of Revision of the Assess int>nt Roll ;of 1922, of the _Township of II.ey will hold its first meeting la the Town Hall, Zurich on Sat- urday, the 3rd day of ,Tune, 1922, at 93 o'clock, a. nz. ANDREW F. HESS, Township Clerk, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A good second hand all steel hay rake for. sale, L. Prang. -442 IMMEINflOMIMIO NOTICE We have the following varieties of Seed Corn for sale. White Cap Yellow Dent, Wisconsin No. 7, Imp. Leeming Bailey and Cam- ptons early. Government tested seed, also .marigold and turnip seed. and a small quantity of . Millett seed—Prices Right.—J. Gascho & Son, .;Zurich, -40 NOTICE. MEETING OF HURO N CO- UNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron 'will meet in the Council Chambers, God- erich, at 3 p.m., Tuesday, June 6th, 1922. AU accounts should be ` in the hands of the Clerk on or before the Monday preceding the meeting of Council. • GEO. W. HOLMAN, `Co. Clerk, Goderich, May 18th, 1922. WANTED, KEEPER AND MATRON—Man: and wife to have chargeof the Huron County Horne near Clinton, and the farm in connection therewith. Ap plications, personal prefered; to be made to the undersigned, (the ap- pointment to be made at the next meeting of the County Council, which meets on June 0th, " JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector, Clinton, Ont. 'Clinton, May 2nd; 1922. NOTICE. We, the undersigned hereby agree to close our respective pl- aces• of business et 12 o'clock noon eacle Thursday during the months of May, June, July and August, 1922: T. L. Wurm. J.; Gaseho & Son E. Oesch _ C. Fritz & Son Stade & Weido M. E. Routledge Fred. Thiel John Kipper Denomy Bros.• - Andrew F. Hess . T. L. Williams C. L. Smith W. G. Hess ' Melick & Braun W. H. Pfil:e' Jacob Deichert NOTICE I imve taken out License Cr Auctioneer for the County of Hare on, and alit in a position to con- duct sales by auction, Give me a trial and I' will assure you satis- faction or F . t c i a charge, • tf-29 James T;enoin•ey, R. R. 2, ;.Zurich,. P119ne Na 10-91, G. S. ATKINSON, 14.D,5., D.D.S, DEN-TIST Graduate of the Royal College Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of. Toronto;.. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a en. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial House, (,Upstairs). Main O£ fife at Bayfield., Ont. -19 Starting on Thursday, May 2nd, Zurich Studio and Book Room Printing and Developing, Photos • on Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Also sell Cameras Films, . Albutn%. and all ametuer's Supplies. A :full Line of School book's and Stationery always en hand tf2i OBRIEW+ t; KALBPLEISCH Hartleib 131oe t : -- Zurich LOCAL NEWS Spend june 3rd, et Zurie1i ' Mr. T, Hudson of Sealortit eit,llyd in the village an Molidity. Mr. and IV,Gr 8 0, f, Stahl w 3uuici ay. visitors to Dashwood, Dungannon, (i-ariow, 1ia11J41'i'1T, 8ennitlier anti Netlist have i'orntl ed -n: baseball league, I'x yoaak'e bound to 'din, laugh yourself, to cle.atli, :Ct's easier than wee/eying your head off. T, t .:V5 e had e_ Arecwv J long ere ibis Mee ou it ;a streets ;cit Sri but t o l r our J, a i. t sabeniiegly .the oil ha:, not yet ea- rivedt Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Daters of Hay Tp were Sunday visitors with the forrTier's parents,: Mr, and Mrs. Hy.,, Daters, I>Tew .Hamburg. The Dominion government has voted .$150,000 for pezi tentiari.es, to. accomodate the . incasing prison populat.ibn , Mr. and Mrs. Tay, Weseloh and Mr. and . Mrs. Joe. Meidinger were Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. Geo. Kock, ` Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Milton ,Siemens and Mrs. Neil ,of Centralia, and Mrs, Fletcher • of Calgary, A!lb.... spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Jacobe. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner, Miss Mabel 'Sehade and Messiel Elgin. Schatz and Herb Krueger all oft he 11th coni: were• week -end vis itors at Elmira,: Waterloo andKit- chener}. Mr. P. Rexene has taken' over the handling of ' Eckstein's bread which was formerly kept at 3. Gascho & Son's general store\Get your bread at this place and pat- ronize the -home baker, the man that mikes his living at Zurich end lives in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Restemeyexi and. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Restemeyer of the Bronson; Mr. and Mrs. P. Eisenbach and Mr. Geo. Eisenbach of near Granit Bend; Mr.; and Mrs. rY. Sararas of Zurich and IVIr.:and Mrs. Elmer- Wililert of the 14th+. nnnz ,were Sunday visitors et the 'ti ere. of Me. and Mrs. Herb. Des ijardine,,.,Parr Line. • Mr. Alex. Foster, while going north on the Goshen Line on Sat- urday, met with what might hare been a seriqus accident, when he not seeing it, hit some fresh gravel the czar turned turtle and MrtPos- ter;going through the wind shield headfirst. However, uo serious dernege was ,done to both occup- ant and cax; On Friday, 3une 2nd, a number c f i.ivainessrnen from the city of 11 CAUSE Q'W Page Five '„ 'r lie r , m f4e Gad ,Fly Annoy Injures .iadis, -low the Peet Ol➢k'rut:?a..•.. ..te au'i .T'ao floe llcseribed-.,.t r4.::z ata .ra ea, 1 'fi.'r m:I: set of $•d',srhae., ••ls sews Wheat. (cont Lebo tett by ennui' iD,,l,.:.r:...::3 of At;t•lc.ultur,x loras:,:r.'1 . The nazis; i,', s" i: -s ai,, rather eon teen e aantion. ,.fit. + pit... xrtrir,l. ,.. a..c..+tir•tl ,,;;• a; lel: and 1Q/1, 1. teetea 1evelop during the lac vie'. months, and. r.e spring a ppi'4 :,..... skin along the back an'] lcte:; -. .noticed to be ccv°e.ed with Stated rounded swellings about the saw- of x seiall.walnut. '.Che lumps are collie ',ender• at first, and when thsy et- eome fully developed a round hole, .urrounded by a little frothy matter, becomes noticeable in the centre of aach little swelling, 'Through eacb of those little openings in the skin a grub or warble finally emerges. Tho explanation of the occurrence and development of warbles in cattle is rather interesting. Tbe Gad FlyIsResponsible For the Injury. The primary cause ,is the "Gad ly;" ofwhich there are two varie- ties technically terined the Hyderma bovis and the liyderma lineata. These flies attaclecattle whine at pas- ture during the warm summer season, and are seldom troublesome during cold damp weather. They make a buzzing sound ,vhen in flight, and cattle when attacked'bythem become te: r.•ified to such Zan extent as to cause them to stampede; which is common- ly known as "gadding." The riles attack Zile lower' parts of the body and the legs. They deposit their eggs in the hairs close to the skin, cud in such a manner that the eggs are firmly attached to the hairs. Aft, -..,r a time the eggs aie hatched, and the larva or young insect passes down the hair follicle, through the lain, into the tissues. Further develop- ment of the larva takes place in the tissues, and finally they succeed in ' Making their way, to the region of the back, which they appear to select for the last stage of their development, and form little lumps in the skin, in eacb of which a grub or "warble" is present, which is the mature larva. Finally the grub bores its way out through the skin and falls to the ground, where it passes through the chrysalis or cateritiliar stage encased in a cocoon or shell-like covering, and is transformed into a pupa which in about a month. becomes fully de 'eloped and emerges as the mature adult. gad,fiy. 3tnatforcl, .accompanied by Pre •Effects and Loss Sustained. ter .Drury and probably Hon. 'Me. 1-Igrgs will take a trip. to Goder a :h; ricking up recruits. by ' the 'Tay as thee- proceed. It is •exp- ecta,z thr. . -.`eral will join `the hike al+ _ the way and auncheon will be e :•ved by the Goderiteh -BeY",'.''rade and .speeches giv- er! iver! ');•: the 'Premier and others. The Summer Series of meetings of the Womens' Institute conduct. ed by the Department of Agric- ulture r'il'l be held in Zurich; on the afternoon of June 7th at 2.30 o'- clock. The Government speaker will be Miss E. M. Collins,•site his. had several year's experiienoo as a Demonlstration Lecturer in sewing and as. a lecturer to Wom- en's Institutes. Her success a, a demonstrator and teacher, together' with the ability to instruct in a pleasing, forceful Manner,. will en- sure- valuable service to the Ina- stitutes. Her. subjects are The Principles of Dress; A. Girl's Pre- p;tration for Life; Homemaking •= Ideals;; Instiitutea--Their A4msand .Achievements; Women's National Outlook. A heeirty welcome is extended to all ladies to bepres- ent and take in this intellectual. feast. The meeting will be held, at the Ladies' Hall, a good pro- gram isp repared and:. a larlge. turnout is expected. CHUn:CH OF GOD CAMP MEETING The annual camp meeting of the Church of God -OW be held in London this year on June `god to June llth inclusive. The camp grounds are located at Kingston ITeights, West London, an ideal location and site for the purpose There hes just been completed on 'the grounds, a spacious and attractive Tabernacle which *will i seat nearly 1000 peop:e. The Plan of the Tabernacle was designed by an American architect azul though net elaborate, its graceful lines and pleasing 'proportions awake it a thing of beauty] Every effort is being put forth to make this meeting a grand success. Able rraiaisterial help has been securej .btoh `frouz thiis coun- try incl Mtn the United States and the music, nad singing will . be made ;a• special feature: The grand truths of the Bible which can never grow old, will be presented hi their simplicity and their fullness, .Much 'prayer has been, offered for the Meeting and a gracious Outpouring of God's Holy Spirit is' expected$ - - The distance from .Zurich is not great, why not "r otor down on eithett or both, of the Sundays dur- ing whic1e,4$ie meetings are in progress : ;A hearty invitation is extended to the ptibliic to 'attend this it)ectxll , The effects 'produced by gad flies 'and warbles are chiefly , economic losses, which the flies cause by worrying cattle while at pasture dur- ing the .summer time and lessening milk production, and the damage which the warbles inflict to the skin, thug lessening the value of hides for tanning purposes. The extent of the injury done to hides through warbles is considerable, and it is conserva- tively estimated that twenty-five per cent. of cattle hides are thus damag- ed each year. Tanners and hide dealers do not want warbled hides, as the uses a grubby hide • can be put to -are limited, and as a result they are graded low and reduced in ;price. Prevention and Treatment. • Various preparations have been recommended and used as repellents to ward, off the attacks of gad flies and prevent them laying eggs on cat- tle during the summer season. Local treatment of the backs of cattle with a mixture of sulphur, oil ot tar and train oil is popular, but it would appear to be of little real service. It is now generally considered that n districts where warbles are troublesome that the best course to be adopted is to keep the cattle un- der shelter or the shade of trees during the heat of the day in sum- mer to prevent them being altackacl by the files as far as possible. Dur ing the winter months the cite. should be examined every week, and if any of them are noticed to be affected with warbles the grubs should be squeezed out of thea backs every fes' Weeks or at least once a month. To facilitate, the removal and destruction pf the: grubs the little openings in the skin over each lump may be enlarged a little with the ,point of -a sharp' knife and a little to 2torzaa1-ye.eeline, ointment applied, his ointment' is. composed of one part of iodoform and five parts Of yaseline, and is very effective in killing the grubs. The grubs ca:n be readily sq c.azed• out of the lumps at the proper tine and should be de- stroyed to prevent their further development and thus lessen the number of flies for the coining sum- mer. 12 these precautions and sim- ple measures were carried out by cattle owners each winter the occur- revice of warbles wonalcl bo large: overcome, and a needless loss avoid- ed which in the aggregate is very ;con- :iderable as it involves loss of con- dition, lessened- intik production and damage r to ' the hides.—C, D. Mc- Gilvr;ay, Principal Ontario Veterin- ary College, Toronto. Weeds Versus Wheat. Ragweed removes from 'the sole 14.6 pounds of nitrogen and three pounds of pliospliorie aeld for each ton of Weeds, while the same weight of wheat in grain and straw removes only 12.2 pounds of nitrogen and 2,8 pounds of ,phosphoric acid. One ton of such wheat is equivalent to a 13 -bushel crop. 'Warm water, green feed and lint w; laps 'U-10tli , i ;.Cc1'0 of :.,:-:, • Pletch;°r'c Cas tori: ie a _r...,.: a remedy for infanta and Children. Foods are , _ w.l. for babies. A baby's medicine is evenprimarily <.n.rr»^ ..r:.F .?.,a ;.:l: Laby. Remedies primarily prepared f(:r F ,.1719-'l= 9 _, . »:itcrc ,,an 'able. It was the need of a r:unedy. for '..lav conic.on ailments of Infants and Children- that brcuzint Castoria,beefore the public after; years of research, ano. o claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not j?re I ;Si-. Ian 4. h _s T RI Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For • more than thirty years it has been in censtaut use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and .Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a,,, d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural. sleep. The Children's Con-dort—The Mother's Friend. CASIO 11 GENUIPslE 1ALWAYS Bears the Signature of t -ii Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY., NEW YORK CITY EMENSIMIENCEEREEZIENEMLIt • ,•+-'r i ++4. -'-m+++4.4eHea++++ r+.IItr` : ai-a+++++++fire..+++4+fir i .g, .y. Lube�� Laths $ SIiingies s. 4. Everything in 4 Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and Bui!din t'Fate§ Ia1 Custom'Work our Specialty 4. T Always in the ra• rliet for saw' legs a 'iBiTA, i'( • PHONE 69ZURICH • ommammasur .4. Cti Chalmers Six, New Battery, at ... ... ............ McLaughlin Trucky 4.i F. M. HESS & CO. OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE New The Gveriand Four is still going and going good $375.00 ZURICH cn STATION Overland Cars! Overlord Cars ti : 41,144 -s Automobile Insurance Are You Protected? "Yesterday Arthur Elridge of the city, had a cart. To -day; •t y alter. work.� Shortly 1 e nothing remains of it hut the charred Trainy running it into the: Garage, the neighbors detected. flames shooting out of the rootbrigade The bri ade W,as on 'the scene promptly', but the cae was a complete loss before the firemen could get to it. Ac- cording to the fire chief the fire .was started by a short circuit,', ' 's ss ie about 1000.(0".—Woodstock news item -•-c 'rli( tnotoxrst to � , Saturday, Free Press„ London, i 1, ;T + ON FIRE AND TRANSIT, THEFT, PUB I,.E1 111E GIYII YOU RA, RS LIC .LIABILITY, COLLISION AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT, 1 Have You MADE YOUR ;W1 LL? PARTICULARS APPLY TO';-- FOR PULL Andrew F. Hess, Zurich