HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-01, Page 4LORD MACELLUS Mie acid. M. Oscar Koehler a (;amity and Mee. J. !galleon wv w`isitiare to. Bedew and Kitehceiaer or tweallw.•wt'ndw M1lis; I )lir r anal ([ugh' ti.• 'r lila. , ia,. we il)< foi•tip.: a ,, pert'nts, Oar, ails') i(1 ilmi Mrs. De e. (lir gerit le iiod netee, zind sire, C. ehr a„ are . at - the Meenonl 1 C onik'•i'e et', 111 :et wl ar,clrani t.heei wee , Mr. :and eIrs, E. ,\V. ;St ekopf leit.ehee:'r. ,)pant the .week -end Evelyn home 0.1 the lattei's ptpane)Mr. and Mrs. 'Thong as J,,h.nsoii. Mr. Ir. and Mrs, Elmore Thiel and family of Blake )Ir. and Mi .. wVen. Thiel and . daughter v elyn :,f theBronson, spent the week -end at London' nd arra taw' cal' ith I'S ,IIVIPORTED PURE BRED CLYDESDALE (17354) WILL STAND FOR THE SEASON OF 1922 AT $13,00 To INSURE I.ONDAY-til"ill leave his own sableDashwood, to. John Will- iams, Goshen Line, Slephep for noon ; t hence west and north to Ed. Lamport, Stephen for night. ' ' IESDAY--West and north to ;T. Phalli's for noon; thence north to iiobt. Taylor, L. Road for night. 'WEDNESDAY -North to Jos. Sar- aras Sauble Line, Hay, fornoon; .and north to Frank Corriveau, aSaubae Line, for night. 1'-erHI3'RSDAY-North and east to Ross Johnston, Bronson Line, St- anley for noon; thence south to •Ohris. Erb, Bronson Line, Hay 'Tor night. 31%111DLY-To Zurich and south to Wm. Koehler for noon; thence to his own stable, Dash,vood till the following Monday morning. PEDIGREE AND DESCRIPTION LORD MACELLUS (17358) was +red by Francis Gilbert, White- :•bide, Tullynessle, Alford, Aberdeen •;shire, Scotland and was Imported IT Mr. 'Colin MeKeegan. Strath - Ivy,. Ontario, in 1913, foaled 1910. SIRE-Mareelius (.1.475S) by Lord '.Lawrence (11798) by Galant Mc- aiuon (6760 by Young Lofty DAM -Rose of Milltiniber (2s591) '1.e Bess of Milltimber (7650) by Nate (80951, by Sally-. ZURI LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Rees 27 Buckwheat , VC:i, at .per • bushel _.. Wheat „ Oats ,,,., Flour per cwt. ,. ,. Bran per tong, Shorts i.,iw e flogs.,_._. of at RN t Si..m _ n .'at Zurich Roaad, Hay l'oweehip, on Tvlay 18th, to 141r. incl Mrs. Conrad ;Siemon, a son. Stephenson ---At Varna, May 19th to Mr, and Mrs. Willi:tln R, Ste- phenson, a daughter, Eulene 1Vlaei•jorie: 75e. 1.45 87<37. 60-750. :.., $4,00-$4.75 • 30.00 $35.00 1.3 I Mr, Kenneth Routinely, who has been oar leave of absence Ey the ] Xolsons Bank, leas resumed; ' duties and has left for Lucknow on Monday to work at the local ' brancht here, Kane of our eillagers have bei en plucking dandelions during the. 1,a:at few weeks, presumable- for the making of wine. One some- time: ome-time: wionders if people have for- getter) orgctten the thirst-tluehehing .,aaalit- lee of 1i'ater. There is no drink io equal it under the sun, though a rice cup of black tea, generously .cionmea, mares a good second. Little success has attended the efforts df the agent or the Agr- icultural Department of the Dom- inion Government who took three coir loads of flax. to Europe six weeks ago to try to establish a market for Ontario flax. Flax producers in Ontario have had a hard tine of it since 1920. Pract- ically the whole of the crop of 1920 and 1921 still remains umnark- eted. , Mk FOR ROSE PESTS How to Deal With Sore Persia. tent Roe EIlet33 e$. A Remedy at Hand for Every Assail. ant -In Cold Weather egiray 'n the Mornings -- Generous Cows Need a Good Grain Ration. LORD l ACELL'CS (173551 is a' antiful Bay horse, with white, %tripe on face, with near fore and "siitia hind legs white, was foaled -3Nc,eember 26th, 1913, in Scotland, f S the home of the choicest of tee; •e:ly desdale breed of horses. He is of excellent quality throughout, leas the size and weight, weighing eunsiderable over 243,000 pounds. n fact this is one o7 the best Aiaars€s t hat has ever been pros - ,ted to the public in this vicnn.:ty, a Clydesdale he sands lour- *tonere in type ,, and cn_�ernzation, 'second to none. and _parties des - zing to breed heavy this year should not fail at first seeing Lord ++i acdllus (1735s before promising .weir mares elsewhere. He conies =trout the, Avery best of stock. his' b tatiaer Marcellus Junior being a I well known sire in the old Land, , fi and the good back breeding is 'shown by the good bones and his general makeup.. It earl readily he seen that from eeuch choice breeding this horse nannot help but be a first-class stock getter, LORD MACELLUS (17358) has :leen inspected and enrolled in farm I, by the Ontario Stallion and Enrollment Board, Toronto, Ontario. TERMS - To insure a foal, $13.00, payable tat, February, 1923, by cash or note •.111 accidents to mares at Tisk of •owners, care will be taken to avoid a ccidents. Mares must be return - 'ad regularly to the horse or the owners will be charged tuil. ipsur -ante. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time will be Charged full insurance. • Any mares tried to the horse will be nonsidered insured and the owner deeid. liable to return her regularly 'throughout the season. -J, C. REID, 'Proprietor, DASHWOOD, ONT. WLILIAM WILLIS, Manager. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Spraying with water under pres- ure with a fine spray is a geed preventive for thew r ores pests tint infect rose bushes. Tills, however, is often times not full effective, put my a help. pounds... and Soap Solutions Effective. Strong tobacco or soap solutions applied in the same way as stated for the water are good remedies. Three ounces of whale oil soap dissolved in a gallon of water gill make a good olution for green .aphids, red spicier and thrip. A solution of tobacco water can be made byplacing to- aceo leaf stems or raw tobacco eaves in a pail, 11.e or 2 pounds; 11 the pail with boiling soap suds, over up, and alio') to cool. Strain LOCAL- NEWS Mr. Hilton Truemner has pur-. 'teased a new Baby Grand Choy - valet Touring car. Mx. and Mrs. A, A. Weber of the Bronson,visited at Dashwood a Sunday, Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich 'sant ` Sunday with his brothel:, Mr, Thomas Johnson. The Misses Martin of 'lav'ist'ock. axe visiting at the horne of Mr, and Mrs. Sol. Martin, 133Xhyloni Vitae Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Heidemen and family and Mr. Albert Heide- man motored to London on Fri- -dolt .Pi .vessel evil ,call at Goderiich "alyout once a fortnight (hiring the h44 with a cargo of sugar;, kite tc.minion Sugar Co. will ship the 91P1)Iy for ,Koro)) county to ea Godciiele by water.; r Arraaagvin- bus env navc been )nide for the, use ca elf portion of the town freight Li +baa and spray it on the plants as re- quired. Another good formula is made by mixing one part slightly sour milk and two parts of coal oil. These must be mixed (churned) together thor oughly first, then add 20 parts of water and mix thoroughly. This must be used quickly, as ft -'toes not keep long. The following preparations sold at large seed stores are also good, Sul- pho-tobacco soap and Black Leaf 40 are good remedies. These are also sold at some drug stores. Full direc- tions for use are given on the pack- ages. I find it an improvement to use soapy water in mixing Black Leaf 40. These remedies are for aphis, thrip and red spider mainly. )Dealing With the .;lug. Another pest that infests rose bushes is what is known as the rose slug, a slimy green caterpillar, about one inch long, that eats the leaven, and also eats into the flower. Duet- ing the bushes when the leaves are damp (not too wet) with dry helle- bore from an old baking powder tin having a perforated lid, 'will help to keep down these .pests or an mace of hellebore powder finny be mixedmixedwith a gallon of water and sprayed on the plants. These are all very. effective remedies for pests on rose bushes. Gare must be taken, how- ever, not only to be particular In mixing the ingredients, but also to apply thoroughly to all parts of the plant, more especially to the under side of the leaves for the white thrip. and red spider, and start early in: the season before the pests appear. Prevention Is better• than eure. When to Spray. In applying any of these solu{ions, any spraying necessary in chilly weather should be done in the morn-. ing.. During the. very hot weather, 'spraying may be done in the evening. If spraying is done in chilly weather it induces mildewy. The remedy for downy or powdery mildew is t� dust the plants -with flowers, of sulphur or spray with a solution made by mix- ing one •ounce of potassium sulphide in three gallons of water, An appli- cation. of any of these remedies should be made every week or ten days from early fri .the season until the end of summer, The Potassluan sulphide is also a good remedy for "13lack Spot," another fungus dis- se that .attacks the leaves 'ef rose Alt dead or diseased leaves used by black spot or mildew ould bo gathered up and burned. The Tata Wm, H'tnt,' O. tS.. College, elph. DA sHWOO;i Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cook spent the week -end, at Blake, Miss Verdi Fassold of Highgate and M1. Walter Fassold and Miss Terry of London, visited at .the home of Mel, and Mrs. P. Fassold over the 24th1, Mr. Wm. Ehlers, who has spent some time in Kitchener visited w;th his family here last weeks Mr, and Mrs. 0. F. Klapp and family of Zurich and Mr. and rigs. Wm. Kuntz of Exeter visited at the home of Me. C. 11. Walper on 'Sunday„ Mr. D. Bettschen returned to Sarnia after spending the week- end. herd. Mr. and Mrs, Adam Birk and daughter Verna, and Mr. and Mrs. Rzra Bender were Sunday visitors, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Sehaclet. Misses Ada Fassold and Salina Beaver of Hensall visited withthe former's parents, over Sunday.. Miss Maida Routledge of Zur ich spent"'a- fete deys last week with the Misses Kraft Messrs. E. G: Kraft and M. Mc Isaac made a business trip - to Toronto last week, returning with two Durant cars. Mss Luella Merner has retiurned from London. Mr. and Mrs. Yates of Sarnia, spent the 24th with the Misses Krafti Mr. and Mrs. B, J. Wainer and Miss Edith Walper visited Mrt and Mrs. Wan. Kuntz at Exeter on Friday, Mr and Mrs. A. A. Weber and fan-ily. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith of Zurich, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. E..Dahms, BAYFIELD 4'w'Liz. Eagleson of Aberdeen Dolt. arrived here 'last Friday :to see his mother, Mrs. W. Eaglesee IfERA'LI) Thursday, June 1st. 1922 TRACTOR PRICES E Y.TCE Titan 10-2O now $825M0. Internationl 8-16 now $775.00. A three bottom plow will be-- P given free with the Titan and a two bottom plow will be given free with the IiiternationaL,. Note the following low prises;- Chevrolet bumper now $4.00 1 blaeliemith blower at ... ...$12 Ford rear axles a pair ...... $1.00 1 pair hoof clippers at ... ...$1.00 30x3' tubes, each -.. .. ., -$2.00 1 hack saw at ;. $1.00 Ford front springs , each _.. $2.25 2. Vulcanizers at each ... ..;11.25 2 only bolt clippers at -_ :.:$3.00 Ale') one ' nine H. P. gasoline en - AT THE END OF EACH MONTH EV, ?Y AGENT MUST PAY. FOR HIM DURING THE MONTH. 'NO AGENT' IS, ALLOWED TO SELL L. A. Prang, Zurich gine in working bargain; 1 larige size; horse. chipper; Farna implements. pumps, etc. Ford parts ..fol sale. AL', REPAIRS SHIPPED REPAIRS ON CREDIT. order at a real TO, son who went on to Branpton to visit an old acquaintance. ;Mrs.. John McKinley' has s1ent the past two weeks with • her fri- ends in McKillope Beit,. J. L. Foster and Mrs. J. E. Bramwell attended District meet- ing at Goderich last week John Foote, one of the oldest residents of Stanley Tp. and fa- ther of Rev. James Foote, Exeter, - died on Monday, May 22nd, in his 851h year. The deceased was a life-long Liberal and Presbyter- ian. Mrs. Foote predeceased him, 27 years ago. Two sons and two daughters survive; Rev. J. Foote Andrew, on the homestead, Mrs. W. D. MacQueen, of Vanco ver, and Miss Annie Foote at home. The funeral was held Wednesday aft- ernoon, interment in Baird's cem- nr, eteryt who passed away Tuesday moron HENSA LL. ing last. Grenville Atkinson is installing a radio outfit and expectes soon to oe listening to concerts from • Mrs. Robert I3onthron is in. Detroit. He pray later on in Barrie, visiting her d ughtee M s the season have a radio concert MCMartin, and intends remaining at the +town hall. few weeks Prof. Dearle, of London;, has - taken a cottage in Deer Lodge £ er four months. W. Metcalf, son of Dr. and Mrs. 'Metcalf, left flast ;week to begin. a course in architecture, F. S. Glass of London has his ecttage on the terrace pretty well on toward completion (and it is gring to be a very handsome st reictute. 1Via eople are f or cottages and building inquiring gthese clays and considerable property is changing hands. E. Sturgeon has purchased a lot from Wni. Jewett aaao has moved a building on it he bought from Capt. Ferguson; and proposes completing it this fail. Harold Brandon has pureh- aoed Wang Higgin's property on Main Street across froom the rec- tory, Miss Margaret Peck has purch- ased a lot from P, Weston, and West Bros, have sold lots to 3. Reid, of the Front Road, and J. Reid of Clinton. GRED TON Arrangements are profressing for the 'beiebration on June 8rd., Fire totally destroyed Mr, Meth- ew England's' automobile on the tt win line last Monday night, as. he was driving it, The fire was supposed to have been caused by 'faulty ignition. Quite a number of our people are ill with influenza at present, and some of them seriously so. Among the number are, Mr. G. Me :x'hinney, Mrs. ,Chris, Heist, rMs. Herb Either and- Slaughter, Mrs) T..,1.tawhinney, Mrs. Ezra Twist and son Leonard, STANLEY TOWNSHIP (Intended for last weer,, Rewe„ Charlie Tougl ,,, who has been preaching on a charge near Stratford is visiting at present with his brothers David and Wm. a, of the Bronson Line► i Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Lilley of Sea- forth spent Sunday with -friends On the Goshen(;. Mr, Calvin Dowson is spend- ing a few days at the home of his brother, M. W. 3, •bowson, Mr. piston Dowson and his si+s- ter Miss Ella DOwsoil motored to Kennelworth on Saturday to visit their sister, Mrs., Oscar Wright and family; They were , ..."iiWr. ace, d by iter: W, J, 77ewwe 1 a Mrsi E. S. Rladi' has been in 'Toronto for some weeks, being cal led there through the illness of her daughter, Mr (, T. McIntosh. Truen:ian Br) ,t 1i, who thought U." reeeere to out village on acc- ount ui ;Uri sca.c.. , of houses here to rent, 1:i3 retrieval to Hae„ e''V e are p':ea;ie 1 to report that Dai. Peck, whe was so seriously i11 with pneumonia is now improving and bids Lair to a speedy re- eeveree Hugh McDona d foriner em- ployee of the Ob .c.':'er Office has accepted a positi Sn on the Clin- ton Nests- Record taffy Dr. E. 5„ Hardie.) was .quite" poorly for a few* days during the, past week, but is ,n a .v able to t..e around again' Jaso iron lw" B Hill 1` , t soon colo-, rence the erection of a summer cottage at Grand Be adt Robert Drysdale )eft this week to visit relatives and friends in Michigan , Rey. G. W.'Rivers left on Mon- day to attend .the. London Confer encae of the Methodist church; Mr. ;Riven is chairmen of the Exeter district and has duties to perforin on the stationing . committee which meets prior to. the conference session': COUNTY NE1" a. Graduation exercises in connect - i013 with the. Goderich Hospiilat,: take ))lace on 'June 2nd. The south pier at Goderich was seen to be on fire ,on Sunday morn- day recently and a plank or two had to be removed before the fire could .he put out. It is sup- posed the fire was caused by some one throwing a burning cig. Tette stub between the planks. • Two machine guns received from the Militia Department by . the. Woolens' 'Institute of Bluevale are to be placed . upon the school grounds. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Lainlg of Exeter announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret )='life], to Mr. Ulric Snell, son Of Mr. and.. Mrs, Win, Snell of Exeter, the nnarriage to take place in June. • Among the estimates brought down in the Dominion :Parliament. recently for harbors in Western Ontario, 88,600 will be appropri- ated for the Goderich Harbor, A. 3. Ford of Hey Township!has set out ' a thousand trees for sills wor.us, cove:Ina give acres, i Battery and Radiator No matter what shape your Batt try or Radiator is in we can:, repair it as good as new by our improved method. Being in your leaky Radiators. All work bears the well known Ail cartage charges paid on way Epp's SQUARE DEAL Guarantee Exchange your old Stoeage rata, ery on one of our new 18 menthe:. guaranteed Epps Battery. Ournew 3 -ton International 'Truck wily ' take care of your hauling problem. Epps-. Son v ARNA Phane Clinton e26 r 14 Lends O'Bdi "Red Bra Agog brick eaapsa....aye.•ss•.vaQ•• �e•s•••••0•4®s ®1...•t ••i�a3�!i • nnic a1. and • p Gn�� nn�n Bonds • Of Germany, Italy; Frannce and other European Countries 11. e, ® now offer wonderful profit possibilities. The turning point in • Eicchange has been reached which will Aileen advancing prices r from now one OFFERING SAMPLE GROUP :+ • .. Price 22.40 -Normal Value $1729.00 eto FULL INFORMATION UPON REQUEST;, • GE O, J. REINER • • Poreign Bonds • e•e 34 King St West, Tor. . , onto, Ontarioy. •.h • 0lD0S3Q000•iiA•iit•,c ',The village C'ounci'l of Luck - now have decided, not to oil the streets but is relying on sprinkling to keep. down the dust' -in thehot dry weather, EXETER. Miss 'Chaeolette Dearing, who has been in Detroit for 'several months, returned home, last Mons. b wK'Ell. Hem has started excavat- Jc.hr, Treble, bray who. -died in Winn: ing for the erection of a ne'ty ipeg; Max., on May 18th were residence on Gidley,Street, brought to Exeter and the fitnera' W. D. Sanders returned home was helot .last MondaykM least Saturday evening from Lon-, M,afternoon , , . g from the Home tai Geo. Cowan),owv dol hospital where be has been j interment in the Bi eter.' cem • t I cemetery. for the .past seven weeps .receiv- Mrs. Treble's tiraiden: .Maine was ing treatment for .eye trouble. ,. Mary Fulton` 'aged '17 Herbert Bedford of K' r . - f years. .Shy , ii gstolny was a resident of this community,. and Jason Bedford of Grand. for years,, ieaving here with lei, Rapids, 1liich,, have . been here !family e 1ittl1 Over •tell -ears ovate tenting :he past Week owing' ago for Manitoba, d'c to the serous illness of their fate. her, Jasori Bedford. N M, Graham, who has been,at-I•. tMiding the ,Ontario College Ot Pharmacy, in Toronto,has been; 'nest successful in -his examination scouring first class lhoeore and the practical Chemestry .Medal. Mr. and Mrs; Thos. Newell and ;.; Mrs: Wm. Aawkshawv left. Tours-. dee for then' newhoiva is Strati.' Ord, The remains of the late Mrs