Zurich Herald, 1922-05-25, Page 4i, tj tt 1 t 'a it1 i. ft A);. Lx Tlxurs'tlay'a May. 2litlx, 1922 ;; �.rr",,y}.-�p.rM'rPnMY„Wr•�,a,MT��-R'°1�"'.•m'_.,....n......,... ..-+..-r..-"•'"'T"_"_�*-• _- -.. _-. ;... , .. .in.. .....-.n" pAsHWOE D _ •. , }� A Does Not Pa to Raise 41141 midst shortly, ells. wil4 ring in; our --- Wedding b „ 1 Mr• N..E, Dahms occupied the Stilt Th a iwf116� 091 pulpit in the Evangelical churclx 00 __ hero Sunday xruorning and in �Cr.- l eveniLlg• ,;,�, A i i , e 1V'ytuxda#les, [teals aiit?� ,?tc`lks Bast editon Sunday C. StNtc'ie visite for Fattening- Dila#uac at . Z r. and Mrs, Ground Barley, •Corax rifenJ, in Zurich over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. J. Adams of y_ oronttcl i3xickerh * and Shox ts, London spent Sunday, with Mr. and With Sovir 'rilillc-A`'intei' Mrs. h • Y. Pza�, 'o$ lire E'x 1A11xpd i Rhubarb Growing, T 'angel teal church spent a social cvenr- �e, �l tLbt�tUodc itQr�reMrEo onto')tment oS ing with the Y: P, A. at.Grand (Cont e, ,Lasrunto,l Bend on Friday evening, A veryA. _ I �, r _ v c - a The trsarketiix; df tibio chickens is pleasant time was reported bya ✓ ` not conserving covr lineal supply, nor all. .' �, I� �m . , �- u•' is. It the most i06fitable method to Miss P• Yates of of 'Sarnia is I �-✓ the Produces. (1►resent prices of visiting with the, Misses Kraft. ' 1 w �i• SOW is the T&atAe to eget out market Pouitx•.y iaklmits of the liberal Mr. and Mrs. H. Oesch of Guxich �, +I +, ' ' �{ spent Sunday in town. r: ;�i•aacer lawn mower, have 'it well use .of feeds atilt •the marketing of �,P Isir. and Mrs. A. Moxenz are y• � r'L'' � �� - �; �' g well -fleshed birtr0�s: ' :,�•harpened, oiled end all tighten- gin ;Detroit.. - 1' and thein notice holy nice In most ,lonalitles there is con this week visiting , d p efderable rF•amiaitivrn in the prices Paid" lVTrs, Fleideinan 6f,- 41t fi . Stratford. ;, . • ;ya"1 will ilm , aiad also keep it rutin yy��rry�q,remove all 'stones, sticks` and for thin a4vd fludshed chickens, 'The spent the week -end with her. dau- ' atxs from alae grass you in to spread J prifts Varies from om two to ghtei, Airs. Selienk, r. PouM. Brokenshire was aweek-Sve cents -" Y 3" stances ,nimhr•tiiore- It canoe readily endTvisitor in . Pt., Huron. Some - A,' be seem i hat tthe producers' gain in attractions Mark. •Ir"CC \ :price 'om the ,tsriginal weight .oi the Mr.•'and Mrs. Ai- Doan of Thed- jaw"-� ,�;li►* bird shomftd make a profit, above the THIS HERALD cost 'atf drirshing, on the gain in ford spent Sunday -with Mr. K. . "Aasued wed�eday noon from the Callfas: weight. ° lE1•ERALD PRINTING 04l; ten-ttisgt•ffeavier Breeds. IN MEMORIAM . TR, ACjT10, PRIDES PtEDT n D OFFICE, ThB tbestbbirds to flesh or fatten mre those of the heavier breeds, 7n. loving memory of our dear W. Jectiive after Jan. let. 192a anxh asiWyandottes, Reds and Rocks. Mother, Elizabeth Well, Titan 10-20 now. $825.00. Internatirt'nl 8-16 now $775.00. A three bottom plow w1i1 be Wife. and, ygubscriptiom Terris; $1.25 per year .Tare �3igtit breeds, such as I:eghorns, who. assed away two years ago 0 d; !aeildomlpay=to'fatten unless they are �' ver Free with the Ti#an and a two'bottozn plow will be given free with the InternationaL_ advausae; $`3.od. maybe.lthaia�e a>y tliiuitn flesh. may 31st,; 1920.'. $n Gone; but not' forgotten,.. • it not so paid. TJ, S. xvanee.. o- Mhe obhids intended .for fattening ote .the followil9. 10W r100894 �am.$g.,�5 stmictly in ai•vmri�e.No. shoitlS "krec'eonfined to a sinaI2 pen Oft and oft our thoughts dowonler, N To the rave. not far• awn :_. $4:40 1 Black ith bloix"er at ...1612 gine 'in working' order at a riea'Y paper t)iscontinued 'til all ar- ice _slaittedceoop" .,Tlie process is not g' y'' Cheirolet. bumper now n, :diffirnit aif93ou will but pay etten- Where we laid• her smiling face, Ford rest axles a air $1,00 1 pair hoof clippers at .::$1.00 bargain; Farm roara gre paid unless tat the m i? •• m ne date to ition :to aa' few points that are The World -may change from year, tubes, each ... _.. $2:Oo i hack saw `at ::. ..............$1.00 1 litrlge size horse chipper; of the publish t' 'n is id. 'essential. to year, ,lmn;ents; pumps,. etc Ford which every su>5gcsi+p $ci Pa Do;noii peed the birds for the first And''Iriends from day- to day. Ford front springs each, ... $2"25 2. L ulcanizers at each ,_-. .-_ p e par 3a denoted on lire 1s`be1. cli c are shut ird You should But never the one we .love, ,from only bolt clippers at ...$3.00, Also. (•tie nine H: P. gasoiina en- carts fol sale: ay sY AOVERTISEN i '132 Tui give :them, somethtng todrink. but _ memory. pass away- AT THE END OF EACH MONTH EV ' AGENT MUST '•PAY FOR AL', REPAIRS SHIPPED TO -Dimptay Advertj!,A L9- de'ku8wU ittiisttrestto give no feed. Then feed Her Loving Husband and ;Child- HIM DURING THE MONTH. NO AGEN'1, I£ ALLOWED. TO SELL REPAIRS ON CREDIT.. r api eation. y i t1w for two or three days, ren ' $tray :�nimaleE-1©zre 'isrssoi'tivt3+50e canis gradually increase' the rattan, THE WESTERN FAIR, L. A. gang; Zurich ` lree, ertio cal T ,far ale. 8being Yxery careful not to overfeed. Set 9th to 16th, 1922 RCe ai>ssuUlly start chickens on very , P ' or R iixaily;graund grains at the rate of for Mrst month, $1•or'eadh 9sslb- One Of the most interesting fea- • tthree-;quarters of an ounce of grain tyires of last years ,Exhibi#ionwas On Saturday the Plymouth Bre- Battery and Radiator '�egiietit insertirin. . ;perffedd; to each bird., feeding twicer 6p eional(C' els •not•exeeliiing. rkiallY• :This can be increased gradu- arse Boys and •Giiris,. calf, ;feeding. thren baptised about twenty-eiglxt inch, '$5 per aye• :dUy Oto i:two or three times this feeaang competition whiclx was, at Brewster. A large crowd was A• tv,ftn -Sile, int on rtf the urst time., There R EPAI R I _ $1°5'0 °fur one 'in amourd. Generally the most profit P in attendance. :N' G ;sifrtioix,`$2 fortt'cvo,.insei`tiOna,iffmot : ode gains are made during the first were tadii'ty two competitors and Bert Halt spent a few days in ache tfourteen)„to sixteen days' feeding. m. lthangli there were only fifteen I,eamin;gton, Mich. . v"r h inches iia 'lin Sicli`,hit•,ds will not be excessively fat, prizes given, the Board gave a pug, Wm. Mollard is on the sick Local;,andM l'ntive•ttisxng rade- hatsshakad be fat enough to cook prize of $10 cash to each of the: list. No matter what shapeyourBatt cry or Radiator is in we can, ices, reading, t'eT, '1*c 'a '1nrefor emu. eabaaiell. Some marketa demand L%thi er teentestants: +---- repair it as good as new by our improved method. Brat l+nsertro>n ,a%a '� -p'er'iirre tfor ai"fattier4iib�rd. This competition will be repeat= COUNTY. NEMS. Mich :Flaibsegzten3t irrset•tiam. 0he :m e,st profitable gains are ,ed ulsi£in tlsas year on' similar con- Bring in your leaky Radiators. Ail• cartage charges paidl owway ?Gard ¢if Thanifis,'iln 'Meartrio n,5COc. ;mAde oit-ibirds weighing from .three .$•mons; the first prize .being . $•100' On Easter Sunday Rev: Cc All. work bears the well known Miis�eitatte°us �"tsctea ai mot ,p ids c4 laen pili up ton dalf to four nfatten halt and a pilver cup in addition to,th)s. Baker, pastor of the Methodist yaosare �fiYia'n fit+e" 1su®s,' �ele;'To s yEarlirig feeding competition will church at Thamesford, : was strick- ]E'ee+si! tke,'alrain Finely ground. �' p��S SQUARE 0GAL Guarantee aR t,"ar"�iPa�tr ,jbost, irrrd>` " .,The,, anis fed should be finely w lint on for Boys and Girls sonic en 'with paralysis, while .conduct vach'�fi#cot:-:,on ° what similar with generous prized ing the morning service, and with ,Ldq'$re>;s alt c0m nicati "ns rt° ;S��nxb'&,.d,z h at all passible, ix Chet bk X 'have been kindly rsA-donated the exception of brief intervals, ,be:milzeda;:@avith sour milk. Eliz the lby �, Weld of The Farmers 1d Fxc•hange your old Storag=P.att cry on one of our new, 18 months r Ea$ ZAI:� deed totarconsistency ofla pancake g i' he was tneonscoFrida' afthetia { g pp cry.. Ourzevv 3 -ton International Truc)Lwill. ;••I•H ,. x. ,, ,� rate and Mr. Fralei h of 'Forest: of his death on y uaranteed E 3 Batter j -batter.- 1:10 -At more nriik .uti CW �s ie Lt. � A11 mTormatiotr is in the Pr take care of your hauling problem. rtvill, takQ,:the better bird you will ., week.. He was in his 51st year, ze That s3eud for one to -the SEr_-, _ .._•� ,1r� _..._ , x )laxei:in;.itbe:,:end. Milk appears to _, -8 fey - Our t*iVed by niy Wtx. , , A A. X. $unt, General Office , ' , - e . /� '• 1iaYeLnQ,gAlod; subst1tut6 for fattening was formerly lUiiss Hatti F'o)l ek `� ' San o t.riudon, ,6nt. rr ehfckens.. zlf :you:. cannot -get, milk of Exeter, and several chiidrenja , Z"d tb9n!._Ad(X- tent to diteen per cent. oU flet*. Baker was an earnest m. i3ter � iMi' wmzai,,meal•)orkhe ration and mriz 'U`f URT OF REVISION-, r he aster and he was mighty iii the L�'linton: _AH. r 11r t V" RNAs, 10CA&L : itli%water'i; Thee addition of a little_ Township Of Hay. ie arded ii those who 'bad been ' rri�s ,axe, ilp" ,M'grof fo dale g t trill bel matters. - s. j,J1I'ICif .is hereby even that associated with him. H� was n - red ;sttk a P ll� eP� fe�cllri at,lirttle salt. About onehadf� ^y g former pastor at Crediton and at vlar i�,ec4nse :holes'4don t sfi o:vv. a .Court of Revision of the Asses; Woodham. The funeral service `. ,Po94"o, mac handred pounds of dry gelicatoiferentoe,vgxil anent Rritl of 1922,-of.the;Tdwnshrp was held at Exeter cemetery. •� gi�lin Aga sKiilbcieizrt: This mites best erff gs • will ln�ld its first nieetiYlStratford. J* hel>:i at ;:rediton nett year. by.,;bpingi 4Lta4otiv�ed in 'water and add -1., , y g The. bus between Stratford .and 3AIr. Fre'de9ick Weseloh of Dash-' ,insult the tat �,er,wh feed. Be careful tin the. Town Hall, Zurich on Sat- Goderich has been running. during pt 30, xse tag, much. !mivay:, 11-e 3rd •day. of June, 1922, the pastcoupleof weeks and. is and ;Alis •ra. Nxweek•-®3i'1�, �T-USiter+° i llp : P available now area l at 93 'O"clack a, m.' °••• ,9ihei?lpest ; + being patronized. The bus will >arYs , inpi tr�w a �of,;retaound barley, corn- ANDREW F. HESS, {gileal,•,;8niely."g rtawd buckwheat, and 1Tu+x.nelsi +Clerk Zurich, Ont, pill up plssenger; along the way -wad Mrs... Mary Milled Dashxa*ood .; , 1has r ,,irneld ,to her 1,hom�e, after 1;6-�i,". Arts. ; Gi is � f' charging for the distance trthree ei; • 3 mood if part`of the ' ' asitin somettime witkAter•tda gh ;Yl ill �ssaiisted, "t,. as are also ground led, th i xt,� is app oximateiy three i gs I cents - a miip. TAirs, ;•$yl, --Wilmer, *t3abydan gine „lel e�Ye s �grai?�s. ,; 1 s have used with t MARD OF THANKS " ffApd;•rgal s a,�, xEure of, two parts Mr. asoma Wurm and family wish; ' ' Clinton 'h i% - debt of 1$60,000; >iteei*k .Topp, C>»rk -F ;sof .grwA4d t,b'axgoy,ktwo parts cora-I tto •greatly thank their neighbors.-Seaf°rth, $ 02;000 and Wingham, . ?meas and the ca,uncilloe`s •,iwade ••an ,mal. ;aid , two;,,�ax s shorts, mixed ; ^ate Itienlis that liave given such 2U1,000 ap'ectiaa>t, in tix>~ east tl r jf,�he �yf t,� Fe�the,,arVQ .i of sour mIM1,�ntl assistaneq 'and showed such Mr. Cockburn Heys,, Godericli, � 4 "�:�wnaipilaa -oir `Mfjnday. LI,n gi;gugr�al ,,p®ed.,;aaOout .one -this'd ;sympaihlr 'in the recent bereave-•i;18as returned fro.nx Toronto where i � o ,. • 7�0 people •,moi the P41* ? j N?r.ls :NMd tlhgn _Whatever ,Rely I me of'the' boss of thE� wife and he has completed N; legal course Von wookO thirrylc so to fir: -the rgriQ:and .gr4W,YQur: Y have 2tb+aatt aiiiat9hex, and is associating lr'mself with his 11 tt4e;•$,*rm. i father," Mr R. Cr H tys .in .his legal +eking* &,--,hen ffeapers ' fll ttP ' -siaow up .fit -tile -A e PPoin time. .I fl# Ai9ints eWPrQgA"wwbaering. ` j SVMDULT OF GROUP 1 business. • \ C•Q-M nap T1* "s a :gowd Sign,. L -,e i,bindsj1%,}st,, e,,llAaith:v. Na. 7, N. W. B. Ai Ny ord hzs been received from _ Ralph Ste hensoa S"tanle Towi - ■ ■ ■ �.. When. a aan.,s s the vd ,rlti is e °9p ss,4iAjd,.,per.A;eanitnd tr®o P P 5' ar ii } r A l is 119 ;"-rA?'n•`'AWRAl, i Games effecting .Crediton are ail ship; who went West _a couple of Lennis. O'Brien Red Bird . Agent Zurl akVing be he t? i dress .0liid l?A ?t.feeidi°ingc x�t._atlay. r 011liiAts;'r= b y is ,g of an - ent cvicic,e aP yF?,ge•,d fiIghtiytknxie;,ilrst,few e.%Lys• Rome Games ;!daughter, Mrs. b Turner, ging himself as example rod >'aP l ,d'del�+r llea,ve t•f@Ad .hefpce the birds 9�'ta;t� �,uCan-•=•Mav 22, .Jealy 18. ' 'Haat has .daughter, F:os'ie, at Ptlo t esent er Dian, tWjpgra thap'49tegn taiily,tes. If it g y. tetter, g Martin, daughter of i4lr, a CREDITON' , Pe '�,tlx Ailsa (Crai .Tune 3 Jul ia. ' Mound is no l'aett r but radua- nil , Mrs.' t nen:heir, ` d' 198,'nR.t..alG.Cp �s,ii)k rFen3ohe whtiat is 'td•,itt',h, liiex!t�tn-Juane ~1.2, July 5. I fly sinking. r � Stepheq Marlin of 'London. lir.. Mr. and M•rip, (OWIP t. t v1 ,tg Y�'•a'l;h'Wrathroy-Jaen 21, ,Jul 26. Immediate steps are being tak Aaniily of Daobwood ;t ere visitQas i ;,ait;a}i;Pba LFi.mizttlua ground +•• y "' P g land Mrs. Owen, Cleiger were guests Crediton will; b� Wit iI!sr'bo,-Way 19, .June 26. . ? eh by -tthe . Townships of Usborne -;A the home of lobe ,tc,rxner's sis,t ', t�fd ,w'Gh otrr.milk.-. I at the wedding, ebration on th- ol :Mari pn :4he Babylon IIl 1: .e usl R, Ora- Games Away. ; amd Stephen to drain the bad hoes our : cour cil have arranged for The C rd o an nee eels.• At ffA% &*-;Tune 1fi July 15 in the London Road, which level- a "�`3 d of tuner, 19'irs: S n ` tkP', S?• ,+€�• �R#.?•�.,.�,..,Di?• •• hide, on Sunday 4t -,'haps 10raag-.Jeune 22 Jnl 2D aped m file earl, s ren and sro-`a vote on the school by.-lativ for, a tixc ,AeptY 0ommissio,ner oiled I h ( ». y v P g T Lnew public and continuation school' °f our v'1 BAW C1ilitnrr.Fi#t yes .]fpFluced.. - - ti „ p village e - . Uncle Henry rim's 'try t ytaark tliaut At hlnllc�i n a lAllay . 24, , Jr71y 24. se$ such sloughs of despond to on- M:onda June ,5th, The b�� ' daI . Blit w"t g w Mon. of has lb iwMllig as Pq;Ri perjt ,hwInessI..nit +stiittril�iroy=•-•M'ay 29, ,J•illy 6. mwmy motroists, y, $ -law With his oiling machine, , 1a1xe wine, women gv. pl ti11111dh p afp g� calls for an expendltii; of $21,000 During the past. wee baa + was a comiiiisaytiion � more'; r ilio it , ,. q�gxsary,,. At 146bto••�f'rwne t6, ,,June 29, �..--- wM11 �veAr, 0 ;�t,4ht as .sew kms', as as the' estimated cO,,t of •'the*build letic, field has been scraped a �n i etalajectionnble than tihre ;1.At•fa per '-` HENSALL.. iiia and equipment, alrart from rAliedy and the me int flappers, and • aLi r of our AN -4 chinas ,Mi ll able , ®,f no cf�}rther n in char a are y4&tp.• ,the ,�prin are rots C1RAND BEND ----, the site, if a new one is decided • to be congitatulated on PP, , .r� A : the splen- day, Wisdom cotnetlu •av,)tli age. S)Wv1dl lue ApAr ;tpiit in ,pile ,pu We `: � iTRss Fassold ispent Sunday at upon, and perhaps: some other fur- din' manner in xvlii ch it has bee •• ometime9, tlo3ia ;.mil ,rept wil lx �9� .lgAw Muelf acclivity, is seen, about here her 1Imme at Dashwoodc rishings and equipment for the lei'eiled, they, a �ris'i& at,g7.4e A � se at present, eme local cont -•actor hav c ;,.e, hent is bol- interior of the school. Dr, and M g ;cavi Palmer Mrs.' T7lmore 'T.ruer" Wages toz' farm t•alic,,ra• have ,ate `� . �� Oro ed as ixeci ,itatel its ',have they, aro cglptt ,erl,]f x,• !t aRl3 .,f'xeik in, contracts. tO btdld six cottages id:ayYry at lits 'home here. -------�- anti' child of Chesley motore; n ,. PP !• I � from m*aes,. irk tt�,e Bail �iley..��e g , g Mrs, Jas. Sparks, who 0se: prices of .agricultural is'at�dr ts• covered wa th mq.6Aii<11e, e ,4 . ri Miss; Atkinson of Lucan has jayl P , epsnt � . EXETER: and s e. �� mast year $80 s nd $90 pe>? ma ytllr N � ��' i°g � cite Nvintor months in Brant -ford' _-� spent a few days with of r sat completed a Ellie sunatxaer cottage , Mrs. W, B, Gaiser,. dt t second it rt�4;id}itedi• ;lx ,�# ;vitli'lier daughter, Miss. Belle, re= Jason Bedford of r:.an wile, board were norinai w�r�es inr fall a' lake p�>rt ,qf �t4� $rpt Ae.0 ,els whic,.h is a credit to the.resort,Tlre _ � Grand Rapids A number o.f tc`lae West; at the resent. xiifl� tii4ey taken up leaving ,s��,y,l�,ut t9,re la, t, flew �*erandabs etnd an eattra story turnetl.laeie during the past neck. Mich.,.., •is here owing to cumin the , v;' p. R , -Mrs.-AV. Stone left Wednesday g hrs commenced wiring the v ;ire $40 and $50, another bed. tho qe..t ;0�xt>tg. T;ipe ht><s ad'cled mucin to the apiperance - P r; father sa illness: Pating for li dr for Vancouver where she will tis' y o se As, trpots are taken tip tho laot JtWg ,tn nit he .L%kej.V. i6w Hquse. : C'emezlt Miss Susan' McDonald who -Mrs.. 4 The United States market f alae fall. before the, k►ivvir. fpee bYoeks a'xe belrtg trade' for lin or-, incl arste�, Mrs, Croft, who was a _ e i o has W.H. lVenzF alba reallyas good as one would ben visiting with her sister home from Detro' _ g tveher comep �1xd ars p�acgyl Ill► natnntal fence along Lake View former resident of Hensall, A, E, Bennet 'Mrs. Cv>i fined •iraa• inie, In the: state of Iowya 5!Mqr1i%X1t1r shed whero they Ogg easily areaddition T, Murdock has ,purchased "frotn' tat Saskatoon, ,5as1�; was attending h �4 1 s, retxt eggs are now 2Oc. butter 30c., and during tha wintsr' b�,t waitPari:. A l g and otli the wardens of St, Pauls Churl y has tetuined. to Exeter, Jacz McDonald " .wlkeielig' er rmrovemnents are. being made 1 , ir4eaa 7c, Conxpare these with ozen. AbouteQfl145i� thestable at' lite rear of tliE{i Jas. Jacliell has conymenced the nUu' unproved a'alta>zm Mr. 1Jblacker s cottage. The the resent market rices here Mr. take ill X sufficient nuaiber pit rpA�, � shed and will move it to his •erection) of a' house on Andrew Rev. S. M home iteaith ting p P Imperial Rotel has : added a very own at, ills, attend', li4rodu;clrl,,: and it will be noticed place tbao bud -side up on she A,Ohr a -e addattiion►. and will be ablei o PrOP6fty?.- , an,d Mx', Well Horn a .hQuss• on .Car-,. ithat we do •not need, the United of a 'ri'.Orog cellar -about; 68 or 700 l !fg 'Wm. Craig and MISS Ha in street.. � �le� ig;'at I�Tapervll& oft he N Board --noel e9yelr with an mGli of gafld, aceomodatE many mote summer vis. g ntialx Thea States mai as touch as they itcrr(. Dr. lllitton cif Granton is Craig are leaving for MooseJaxv demonstration• of McOlar The :{n : the 'Tnxist�ee ; .: vivo lel lac to. malt us believe': Be sure to illi in all lni(jiapAeam,. �vliere the expect. Electric ranges y started j rtern College- '� y Efeep this gltitd niois.t. About a Axaelr starting ,to Isti<ld a -Very `ire sum- . y p to spend the ng s at.. the Hydro Shop Fred ' orth - Ya Both have? _ Later the bt(ds will ,begin to awsil mer cotta e. Mr, E. Broderick of slift'ner months. , last wee kattracted many pros' prielt and tile y Both l'V`e reci''et to record the ective Purchasers on's, vvorl:, . Next yasx, 1923, will,soa' the re g !� Therew'.il.l and in from four to six weeitg, d9 Exeter has a fine cto Y Di: P wh'o vvexe del b0u the seas ha4e1 wastoiy of tltie 13anlz Act. Kx>hn he -Beat of the room tae that hag t1st recently been P, y ill with anted With the worl in Of these . 1 Peck is' at resent ,Ver i _ . , •� `ayes doubt, be many changes {n It, pending uyoti,t •..�.. I g j y g i�ei�r and H'ar'ry' reumoma... ranges, which save so much time ht now sirtolce stall>s, the coxa+ ' $lotae that wei,>,,tld be of interest' f;° lire cooler the -place the slower t built. ' During the excavation for PA ._ • g i growth stats--�-yoU should, have rbu,,. . Cannin .'s Cottage, bones were , Dr Bell of.'Pittsburg,iPen, is labor and unnecessary heat, g .ire 91 of lay'n�, est +tlfae public would bo ,a clause ma i R. g g r The c. new Method. - barb ready for market. After these unearthed and thought to betltose renewing acquaintances in Hen John a for Zeas Purchased f es Of the tr.oy4 y l roots are ezhaLrsted throw them awn ball, ver Ston ce the One cies fixing it compulsory to publish c u - g Y 1? ase *Tterl a staterax nt of total sax" y of an Indian bUried. there in the - lot on the Coiner of Main and clxurch, to repla tOokPlace S' :end put In more. If a constant sop,., Mr. ,and Mrs'. Walker who motor sts, from I:R. arIi , e hast January, alias and credit deposits and loans 1 is required make a new early days. Mr. Geo, ,Neaman of C ng ands'; fir apitu ply 9 w lied ed from Toronto ed by . May istli, in for each branchh, This would, be e ? . , three eP • London has had big' improvements laid a short visit ds erecting. ai garage and 1" Thursday, ei very two it w "ks driving tli�r to Mr: and Tubs. R. Cudaiore, he on we.ath miaxi le brnadmir.,ded• ryexsui•i boliIn.er. Ile sure to Ices al 1 made to his cottage. the threatening' EiaA*.. Lei- block thereon P , p 1 fight The marrla a tools lace xnLon- Tion, W. M, Mirtitt ." Anti of unxber Of people fiortitithe isitld no 'doubt be oupportedrby i1nimed, Put burlap or brown Pallet . chliteic of London is to at, open _g en- large n . Were pLesefi:tl dolt on Wedettsday Of ase week, of Old Tao formerly ,tit g. district, t nsa11 aha: T3aniters` AssO,wiati in tlyem e"- v,^r the xvlrltlows "ta get the ori ht nitons On his cottage soon. Mr: y, y Prier - a surrouiydrxrg' y of lite •, n L : t'.; c.71cr as alul li rleOved.--A, reb of Kitchener is u.ttin Dr. Willialn Geiger, of Waterlo' of, Saskatchewan is t~ >usines George W, gtveis d live r art tile.. l�xtlidrn till of riiial ,.. .. •• .,., , il, (1 p,.. : Qyli, son of Mr. arid. •9.VIx•s. Ox • 'University ,' I eve . an coxti�>Yeirc a � -,�' X.i,.. "0 , , t.,:_le s9e. t 1, i n8ditlon to his oowta�'..,.. r Vr n by tile,. tlnrversity Ot titer district chatCxriI � and try his ad (1 -gree nY ]7nr n ]�7c ,le NJonist'er aerviees at 2 0 oloc c i be liio the on � - dregatiori hat*evdl sustair swhoti thole w `Toa onto v g roar of lea .vs,. nlxuyYrsh vvas destroys