HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-18, Page 8We are ready to show you a complete range of Spring and Summer Goods at prices greatly reduced from former years. Below are on i y a few of the many lines we are off t+f. ' : b y.,m+�rSe93� 1 kileight Tricot n In 'Navy and black 5.4 -in at $4.50 Fine Botany serges 54 -in wide in leading colors per yd. $2.35 Serges in black and navy only 54 -in wide at per yd. $1.50 Special 10 -in aerges all colors at per 'yard 850 v Silks Fine quality, Duchess silk in navy' bik, brown 36 -in. at $2.50 Good quality shantung at _.. $1.00 New tricollette Blouses all col- ors at each __.-.«i -: ....... $3.00 New Stockof window shades, Curtain Rods and Scrimms, IIarquesettes from 20c, yd. to $1.75. Men's Wear Ne14' lot of mens' and Boys' Fine Shirts, Caps, Ties, Belts, Etc. Aluminum, Kettles ONLY A FEW LEFT. 20 -YEAR GUARANTEED KETTLE WITH $105 WORTH GROCERIES FOR ONLY $2.99. J.r iCHO Itz SON 67 Produce Wanted Phone Zurich's Garage We are appointed authorized Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stack of Genuine Ohevrolet Parts Also stock a complete line of Genuine ,.y Ford Parts Domini on and Dunlop Tires and Tubes BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS: ALSO BATTERY CHARGING. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE TIIEA REP- AIRED READY FOR SPRING. WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS AND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILL COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS. IF NOT, WHY TELL US. H, Mousseau Zurich 4.+÷.1•4.3^�+ 4.4.+44+++4+.i4++ ,+++3++++,:•+++++3 HH•++4± ++++ i s =ry ds and44. 8 tress inn fit e have Fust added to our stock a 6'+ complete line of Bothwell Beds Springs. and ,Mattress, the. •line we '1' 1; 4 ON LL" PRICES. ';' THE '� * CARRY CANNOT FAIL TO PILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT Ri. S AB PR t • T E PAINTINGBOOM HAS STARTED, AND WE AL - .3, WAYS CARRY A FULL LINE 0,P THE'.' OLD R.ELIA.BLE + SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, VARNISHES, SHERWILLAC, AUTO. PAINT, FLOOR PAIxNT, WAGON AND IMPLEMENTT. PAINT, ETC. .j. FENCING ---Parties requiring fencing should see us before buy- ing. We handle genuine Frost Light Lock Fences. Also a 4. full line of hog and poultryfences, coiled, barb,brace and + black wire and steeples, Etc. r Car and Tractor owners .>F should see jis about Polarine and .tractor Oils, Gasoline, mires Tribes and a+ecessories.. New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves a • nd Ovens./ i 1 , WE AIM TO SATISFY STADE • • PRkETER BLOCK '744t4,444,+++++0,4+4.+++++++4-4"j++++++++++++++++++++e-3,44-et 4. +a. • 4r EIDO4. �. •URIC(. 1 Ready -to -Wear Clothing Start X10 r r, r`r ti TIF A. [ n Tlaursd: y, May 18th, 192 DENOIVI BROS. Ordered ♦ emeweleseeneremalaaaamaameanadaneemeeemaiamiame GENTS FURNISHINGS Clothing The stare wah the Liberal Cull Dis30ant Iobirii Maes '0 ro sure clothing is right in everypart- icular articul r and will sat isf g particular men.,. In every community there are amen who prefer to wear clothes that„are speciafytail- ored to meet their individual tastes. Hobberlin Made -To-Measure System makes t easyto give eery man the sort of style and fit he requires. ENI.:M7- BRO$. Produce taken in exchange for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Hy. Eckstein left last week for the hest where she . intends to visit for some time. Mcg. 'Thomas Meyers of Stanley left for Roblin, Man., on Tuesday' of la, c week. Mr. Meyers has been there for some time. • Oh Boys! Let us meet .you to- night at the Zurich Diamond, for that opening game withWingham. Nt.atly 150,000 horses and 5,1,00 d kgs e r„ killed in Germany dur- ing '1.9.11.. 'ind • their meat eaten by the l,ec i,le: The young men who, will act as waiters in the Ladies Hall on Thursday evening will be glad to serve you a second .piece of pie and ice- creaiie. iU thoee parties who have .re- cently so generously subscribedto the baseball fund, will kindly i•eave the amount of their subscription with the Sec.-Treas., --Mr. W. B. Colles, at the Molsons Bank. Mothers' Day was observed in the Evangelical church on Sunday, Rev. Litt, the new pastor, gave a very inspiring discourse in the morning, as this was his • ` fleet sermon there as pastor. The evening. service consisted of a scripture reading by Mrs. Fritz, Mrs. Hey gave an interesting read- ing, a few exercises by the jun- iors and Mev, Mr, Lift also had a very appropriate address for the occasion. Miss L. Faust acted as chairman. . Both services were largely attended. J. `M. Lillow, of Stratford, is making pians for the inauguration of a motor bus service between Stratford and Goderich, and ex- pects very shortly to be able to announce a schediiule and rates of fare for his service. For the time being he will operate only two cars making two trips a day •each way, cars leaving Goderich for Stratford at the same time cars leave Stratord for Goderieht Eventually should the service pr ove a` paying. proposition, Mr; Lilloty mey extend the service to. take in other centres. It has been estimated that if all the cars that were registered in .Canada up to the end of 1021 were placed end to end they woeld,fornt ai procession 1 760 miles long. In other words, the. first car would be entering Winnipeg when the last one eves just leaving Halifax. A. conservative estimate of the an- nuli gas consuming possibilitie4 of these : four 'hundred and sixty-nine thousand or more vehicles placed the figure at nine inittion gallons, which represents an annual gaso- line expenditure of approximately two and a itaif million dollars. r"NOTTING BUT THE TRUTH" If you never cracked a smile, don't under any circumstances read: this or come to see "Nothing But The Truth" to be presented in the ZURICH TOWN HALL On the Evening of Thursday, May 18th at 8,16, ° If you belong to the cheerful sort, strap up your ribs to prev- ent undue aching, We want no one to mistake this for air adver- tisement. It is a Warning to cdma LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs- - 44,4 26 Buckwheat 444.44444..+. 75c. Barley Wheat Oats Flour per cwt. $4.00-$4.75 Bran $35.00 Shorts ..... $35.00 Hogs, cwt. 13.00 75c. ....$1.3 7 50-75c. ,. When some people aspire .to be a second George Washington if is rather uphill work, but it pays in they end (isometimes.) •At least. 4.30,144/hat- Bob Bennett found He didn't tell a lie, bit it wasn't' his . fault nor -the fault of any of the rest of the firm, "Nothing But The (Truth" will teR pea why. If, your are no •tcurious you will miss a lot• The cast is presented by the Messrs. Wm. Parker, Geo. •Castle, Wm. Metcalf, Ti. Baker, H. Rath - well and Chas. Geminhadt, and the Misses nnAa Woods, GracePin- der, Ploy Edwards, Jean Woods and Ethel Jewett, under the dir- ection of 1'Irs. G. Gillies. , - Get out your car and coarse .for an enjoyable May evening at Zurich. Write or call for your seat reservations at the Molsons Bank, Zurich. Tickets for the play are 35e. and 20e. Programme at the door. All reservations held until the close of thhe first act. , ,. SPORZr NEWS Wingham defeated. Stratford in. the opening game, at Winghamlast Wednesday, score. 4-5. Don't forget the date of the tourneys of the Big Four League June 3rd, Zurich; June 14th Wing - ham; July 5th, Goderich; July 19th, Teeswater. The much talked of openingball game will be p•- layed to -night, Thursday, at 5:30 o'clock. Much' enthuisiasm is shown by all in the. village and coininunity, and as to who will win, 'still remains to be seen, as these two teams were of about ` equal strength last season', and a good: `. fight is being look- ed for. Following is the lineups, as they will appear in the1batting order;= Wingham Meson. 1-b. Geddes . s:s. Telfer 2-b. Arnott 3-b. Garner r.f, Hodgins c. Walker e -f. Aitcheson 1-f, Morden p. Zurich Clar, Hoffman 3-b, Siebert 1-1. L,. Hoffman s.s. Churry d. W.F. Braun r -f Haines, 11, C. A. Hoffman 1-.b Warm 2-b Callfas c. -f. BIG FOUR LEAGUE GAMES AT HOME May 1:8-Wingham at. Zurich Jule 0-Teeswater at Zurich. Julie 23 ....Goderich at Zurich ruly11-Wingham at Zurich July 31.-Teeswater at Zerich. Aug+ 18 _-Goderieh at Zurich GAMES' AWAY FROM HOME, Mar29-Zurich at Teeswater - Ju n e 16- •-•Zuri ch at Goderich June27-Zurich at Wingliam 'ch 27-Zu at TEesly to July xr a rr '-rid to enjoy an evening of Aug 10-Znrich at Goclerich. 1460.1•1tj. ,"i •i!�•�i1.`,C'i a W1.1ginut. LOIK! S rin P[1RNITURE SALE For Four Weeks Only $8000 Stock Of Furnituremust goat prices never heard of before. Pace Reduction from 30 to 50 per cent. A CASH OR NOTE SETTLEMENT IS EXPECTED ON ALL. GOODS SOLD DURING THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND MA7.ITRESSES. Don't fail to _take advantage of this while the assortment is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS MELIeK&B!':N PHONE 63 er -s �. d job Department Is al ways. at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards,. Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- 8)3'_• 3, Po3tino Bills a spaeialty, V Big Shock Reduction Sale - Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Men's Clothing, Crockery, etc. PILCHARD 1;lb. tins, 7 tins for . .....$1,00 BROOMS Extra 'quality each 45e BRAZIL COFFEE Ground 3 lbs. for $1.00 BAPING POWDER 1 quart can at 35e ARROW COLLARS 4 for ... ... 4$1.00 CHEESE per, pound _,_ 25c VOILES All colors, short lengths yard 35e TABLE SYRUUP 5 pound' 'tin ,. 4450 -SARDINES 2 large boxes reg.25e. Sale 2-e5c. SODA I3ISCUITS Loose, 2 tbs. for CONGOLEUM RUGS Size 2 -yds by 3 yds Sale -.$5.00 35e. ROLLER TOWELLING 188 inches Wide ' on Sale, yd, ..; 15c BOYS' JERSEY Suit, one and two piece ,_: $1,75 SIDE Ct7RTAINS Reg. $L00 a yard, Sale price 500. CASH OE,' Produce Wanted. SILKS Reg. $2, 2.50, Sale price .........$1.0 LADIES SWEATER ,COAT'S 1 only, Reg, $10.00 for Sale $5,00. 1 PIECE. APRON Gingham, Reg, 40c. for _,. _ - 25c SNAPS in Dress Goods, a yd. 25e ALL WOOL SERGE 40 inch, Sale price yard'... UNDERWEAR Mens' Fleeced, a ' garment :.. 45C, MENS' WATERPROOF COAT' A Snap $2.75, $3.75, and $.2.00 ' TAPESTRY RUUGS Size 23x3 yards, Sale price $14.0t Size 3x3.1, •yards,. sale price ,__ $19..50 SILK CREPE DE CHINE. All colors, Sale 'Price :..._. $1.,606 Georgette Crepe, Sale Price ...1.60 MATCHES 3 boxes for -.W 35c PEED MOLASSES Try our Feed Molases at 3c. a lib,.. DATES . 2 pounds for 25e MEN'S DRESS WATERPRG- OF COATS All go at $15.00 y i'RODUCE ButeriekVashions ph L. WTJRN:1 fi: