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Zurich Herald, 1922-05-18, Page 7
HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. ,1,- WIIDDLETONV provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. will b • glad t answer questions on Public Health mat. that particular latitude, whish would l� t7iz'tb ,t WAS produced on a large scale mean that there is an excess of losses r incidefitally to, the distillation of coal aetini; ..on• the pendulum. Such are- for. toluol during the war -the teluol salt would absolutely preclude the . being required for the manufacture of, presence of oil or gas in the rook for -1 High explosives -and. since then the nation. Thi;s•-is surely something output of benzol has been continued: worth kziowiii to the prospector. er `. ; "In.Braxil trials have been made of ,.eonnpany about l dril!1 foe oil' oe Sae nixtua'es containing alcohol, kerosene, J.T.s�eerns a far story that the Benda-, sulphuric acid and even pastor oil; AIME Claosil�lcd Advertlfeirineta�s4• ilJ4 A�� Amer f 1.Q 00 'CO ,$60.90 FPJit .k�/1 recent:ap Tdt3 independent LIVED■ j� " tesuh you. 'tvx�te for yarticulare, �;iis* 9 O� � ruetor, Canada vulcanizer. London, AND MILK DIET ° ! .�44. . second 'mortgage investment o a o . d seeµrity? Write 19. Norman Middleton wi g Ad resa him at ters through h this column, d Spadini House; Spadini loin, quietly anis • almostinviselrUlY I but they have not been sti•ceess'du1. But N®�'J' Montreal Woman a c' U pug. Toronto O' XOTI WAN'i', A. PIRse.' fg Art a e 73anit eYpx 18 eichx enc 8t. „ Crescent, Torento. • swinging with small', anlplit use in a Official reports on results obtained Fats Anything Rid Feels """4 Time—Gives rel- a nada •ion, 11 whether oil or 11 d diminished er with that bran lens becomes one of mo a zr ler ail or gas steep 8 aC Yt; i axe morale is - _ �- a ou a Y P • ' raise's, Y n great p 11 Public By increasing how can this be •don J not be oil or gas .i.n- any quantities fourth; dissolvennt .effect en tanks, vichy water alone," rials Mms. • Louisa file moral strength and decreasing tells Broohu. X366 Amity 15t., Mont 1, Que resent,. so that the pendulum etc With ea rse uent clogging small exhausted iron caste, should tell tlaierwledge, first, fewer miles to' the Fine All the 'I'iime-- so surely and sec we w e d t• • gather); Second, pow , . T 1 FuIlC alt The causes or influences g t are to be ga., fire below it, for where consequent difficulty on st p grades b t 1 t f 15 one of the 9f standards of morih y are the s�1me space cannot be occtt or with heavy latids third, trouble in , RELTI#tra FOR SALO Purification of the mind and ides b cense rocks, and if dense- startingthe motor' in te morning "For nearly five meatbs helm tek: reit roblems facing a HTealth, officials and workers for so- cial betterment at the present time. body of society is what is needed, but i after several hours' Idleness; and, rocks ams preseent to exeesrs there can- ing Tatilac I had to live on milk and pieta, , n groe moral weakness. Apart from • the us positvely O. the absence of pit or of the carburetor. "I suffered so much the past two hereditary tendencies of the aide- gas "2'he way out? It to hard to say years I was almost . a wreck. My in- victual, there are' inane influences If on the other 1i!and, we lend Chat -what it will be but it is sure to be digestion wee so bad I was almost that undoubtedly bring about a.lower ilio ' iendulum is swinging too slowly; found. Most Rimier it •seems that we afraid to eat for everything disagreed ing of morals. These influences are 1 Y w�lren its period is too long, this .would shall learn how to make use of lower - well known and cainmonplace; but mean that there is present a defect fuel with a rhigher boiling point none the less dangerous. They include of unass, the reason for.which may perhaps even kerosene though in Professor -J•. A. Dale of Toronto Uni- versity in referring to the campaign now being waged against venereal disease in :this -province cites several influences• that may tend towards a lowered standard of morality. While admitting that environment is a With me. My liver got to troubling me too; and panne in my eidc nearly run s vire wild -Nearly every night my sleep. order? to accomplish that we must was- broken by terrible headno'nes. workout the ° roblem of engine con- "I took the first"bot tle ot. Taniac to p reed over h r struetioin on new lines:' ricers my husband, who worried my ease, but my second bottle I tools Three Prayers byStevenson. of mY own accord Oar I was beginning tie a e t net I h.a e a trod pP tofeelsofi v g In aTions Stevenson's journal ,note, eat anything, and have no more of his famous Travels with a Donkey' or trouble from patois, or sleeplessness. appears a beautiful passage that r I think Tanlac is wonderful. some reason was left out of the book TahhlaG is scald by all good druggists. when it was pablisehed, The Ertglisbe man, Mr. William Harris Arnold, who 'London's S iliac t0 be owns many of Stevenson's original Sky lin bas given it to the public Raised Twenty Feet. along with some other choice bits. We Opposition to the city authorities of quote: London to the erection of tall buiid- I .find spine prayers amongthe Ings now seems to have ended," or powerful factor in the development of 'poverty, had housing accommodation, character, Professor Dale emphasizesthe fact that human beings inherit certain tendencies .for good or evil be oil, gas or rock of small density, drink, lack of ;exereise, delayed. mar so that while the pendulum is able to riage, weary monotonous work, idlele predict definitely the absence' of 41 boredom and, of course, the .aetivit es . and gas, which may mean the savings thatn lay a large part in their atti- of brother keepers, and moral ' gegen-e: of thousands of dollars uselessly ex- tude towards Life in general, and their crates: ' 1 'Derided'Deridedd'Deridedin the srean'ch for these dr- es'i mental moral and physical make-up: At once ;the• magnitude of this .task: possibility of the presence of oil or The original instincts of every hu- towards moral and social betterment, able commodities, 'it only forecasts the man being,he sold, determine to some becomes apparent. Knowledge, ken-, gas. extent his daily' acts, the things he ing influences and healthful activity .activityl �__ , notices and his attitude towards these are badly needed everywhere inpress- �� NERVES 1 �� �y NOW things. There is in.s!omre ti,1u4VJull.a a �„�,. ,, ......, »_ seerns ��� tv>Lariil 3.SC9 iVPy Y9 an inmate tendency to wrong doing as if radical changes will have to be . due to faulty heredity, but these ten- made . in our whole social and-indus- deencies can be .in great part .erase- trial system, if the urtierworld of vice, tatted or lessened by the exercise% of and the tendencies thereto area . be will control through the choice of lines of action and conduct. Sex instincts, . Professor Dale' explains, go deep and far, much beyond the mere matter of reproduction of .the species. These instincts are intricately woven into the 'whole human framework. In dealing with such a matter, the prob- cleared away. Intelligent men an wo- I noblest reading in the world;: often' men in all progressive countries are iHow An Ontario Teacher Re-! when I am alone I find a pleasure in trying to find a common. plan or I gained Good Health. making them for myself, as one would round work' for carrying on con- aki a sonnet._ As I walked beside certed action towards a rinsing o e "I am a school teacher • y Pr es_ donkey I made a prayer or "two my - STRONG 1 f both d woM James itThomson STRONG AS EVER g f th I h b efes m 1 moral'stan arc e o men an - snon' says r. men. At resent, the work has hardly self which I here offer to. the reader, p Y R.R: No. 1, Centralia, :Ont., "yet when � as I offer him any other though t that begun. I started school teaching I was in very springs up in me by the way: poor health. I suffered a nervous „O God, who givest us day by day breakdown, Drought on by overwork the support of thy kindly countenance and no relaxation. I was unable to and hopeful spirit among the manifold think, to ret, or oven to eat properly. temptations and adventures of this Queer little prickly sensations were ' life, having brought us thus far, do continually running up and down my not, 0 -God, desert us, but with thy back, my” arms and my legs, like so.'continued favors follow us in our path. many needles, seeming at .times Keep us, upright an•d humble, and, 0 fairly paralyze me, and often my heart Thou who equally guidest all mankind was thumping like a trip-hammer. I through sun and rain, give'us thy determined to consult our ;family doe- spirit of great mercy.". tor; and he immediately put me under . A Prayer for Mind and Body: orders. I had to give up my school "Give us peace of. mind in "our day, and return horne..in order to recuper- 0 Lord, and a sufficiency of bodily ate my last health. Milk was his chief comfort that we be not tortured with remedy, and I drank quarts of it; yet, changing friendships or opinions, nor though it helped me, it did not build crucified by disease, but ever in me up to my normal. condition --ranee strength, constancy and pleasantness thing was missing; something my syr- walk in a fairway before thy face and tem was calling for, better blood. One in the sight of men; and if it pleases day, when I picked up a newspaper, I ,.thee,. 0 Lord, take us soon in health came: across an advertisement of Dr. -of mind and honor of body into thy Williams' Pink 'Pills suggesting just - eternal rest what was needed in my case -new, A Prayer•for Friends: c, rich, 'red blood. I immediately sent , "God, who,hrasrt given us the. love. of for a box, and When 2d ? men' and ;the W friendship of men, me, I told him I had decided to try Dr.e sip alive in our hearts the sense of Williams' Pink Pills and he seemed old fellowship and'' tenderness; make satisfied. By the time my box was offenses' to be forgotten and services nearly done, and I determined to get :,remembered; protect those whom we another, by the time .I. had finished ,love 'in all things and follow them this I was gradually coming back to with kindnesses, so that they may lead normal. My strength was returning, simple. and unsuffering lives and in I could spit and walk without strain. the end die easily with quiet minds." For the -next few weeks I continued to - take the; pills, and they were working Comfort for the Scrub` Lady. wonders with me. My head was be- Scrubbing is hard labor. This is a coming dearer, my memory better, fact so manifest that a New York and my nerves were becoming stead inventor, George A. Blank, has .been ler. l: began to go out frequently, en- inspired to originate a contrivance joyirig' myself. - My appetite improved that will render, it less arduous. It is a Tittle platform that runs on cas- ters, .and is upholstered for the great- er ease of the scrubber kneeling upon it. While thus kneeling she tan easily propel herself from place to place over the floor by her hands.' In the middle of the front of"the platform is a circular receptacle for soapy water or 'other cleansing fluid, which is pre- vented from splashing out by a down- ward -bent ring around the interior edge. .Thus the scrubber needs no pail, and for brush and cake of soap, the platform is provided with a couple of shelves, one at each end. OIL OR GAS LOCATED THE PENDULUM �. � EARTH'S DENSITY AF- FECTS OSCILLATIONS. Pendulum Definitely Predicts Al Bence of Oil and Possi- bility of its Presence. - We have all stopped before a clock actual linear measurements which, is due to no fault of the scale what- ever, but simply that gravity is less at Ottawa than at places further north. This is owe reason why spring balances are illegal as appliances for weighing. The greatest difference in gravity upon the earth is between the poles and the equator, where the dif- ference amounts , to fully one two - hundredths. With the great manypendulum ob- servations, or gravity .observations, as otherwise called - because by means of the pendulum we determine the gravity of the eartle-distributed over many parts of the earth, besides end watched -the pendulum go' to and have' been made, the figure of the fro, and tick off the seconds of time. in its ceaseless work. .Why it ticks off seconds we probably do not know, and furthermore do not care -we theoretical value of gravity should be simply lenow that it •is its business or, ;:which .is the seine thing, we know accurately the length that the . pe ndu lurn:must have.in order to swing seconds there. Rock Formations and Other Minerals earth is determined with a high. de- gree of accuracy,. so that at any given latitude we know in advanoe what the to do so. However, there is a reaslon; it is .dependent upon the -length. of the pendulum and upon the ftoa'ee or pull that causes it to oscillate. If we chenrge its length the period will be different, or if we change the force or pull, retaining the same length, the period will again be different. Attraction of the Earth.' • The pull or force is essentially the attraction of the earth upon the dis- placed isplaced bob of the pendulum, so thrat. if we allow a pendulum cif invariable Ieength to swing in different parts of the earth and note the number of ewings it makes', say in an hour or in a day, it will give us a measure for determining the difference of pull or attraction of the earth,- which . would mean that it would tell us the rela- tive distance that we are from the centre of the earth at the various ste- •biorss of observation. From this • it is obvious that the figure or ellipticity of the earth may be foundby means of the Pendulum.. The figure and rotation of the earth affect the pendulum in two disetinet ways. In the northern hemisphere go- ing southward, say from Ottawa to Washington, we get a little farther away from the centre of the earth on account of the equatorial bulge. Then, furthermore; at • Washington. the cen- trifugal force is *greater, there is a greater tendency to fly off; so that altogether thepull at Ottawa is great- er than it is at Washington. Effects on Spring Balance. It may' bo observed that a miner, weighing his gold in the Yukon by means of a spring balance and be- lieving it to represent so many pounds and ounces, would natnurally be sur- prised urprised if the weighed the same gold with the same spring balanoe in (A- lava, tt wa, befere turning his gold aver to the Mint, to find' that it weighed less Mere by something like the 560111 part of what it we4•g,'ted in the Yukon. This the of- The mean denseearth, density which is a little over five and a ;half times that of watt-, has been weil'de- terinined and more so the densities 'of the many different kinds of rock formations and other minerals that constitute the crust of the earth, up- on which the oscillations are depend- ent. Any change in the distribution. cif them will, therefore, affect the time of the oscillations of the pendulum. It is obvious that the nearer matter Is more effective than matter More remote in its attraction on the pendu- lum. > All the preceding is to explain and emphasize that. the oseeillation of a pendulum is dependent upon the dis- tribution of matter around it..and be- low it. We are just now at the point pf re- vealing what tele pendulum shows and the work carried on by the Dominion Observ'atory. Let us here say a few words of the pendulums used for gravity observations.' These pendu- lums have no clockworrk. They swing on an agate plane sepported by . an agate knife-edge. The time of oscil- lation, of a single swing is determdned: to an extraordinary degree of ac- ouracy to the one ten -millionth of a second of time -the time being de- rived from the .stars. - Tell Whether Oil or Gas is Present. Hence, if we set up our apparatus, at a place whose latitude is accurate- ly known, and determine the time:. of oaiciiilatioun of the pendulum, whose period is known at a given place, like Ottawa and Washington, we will find. :whether there is an excess or' defect of mass about the station or place. In another ,,word, and the revelation is made. We find, tor instance, that the pendulum swings too „quickly for An 0.;11..100 *Ip olkem$0...101111NAI.I.J.0or• .Et from � Nat f .. Storehouse . The delicious, crisp Ora rules of the wheat and. barey Ford. cooiaf 1 all the natural 11p-�31ta ld." in Wilier of the trahis,incl •ial salts s© essential to limit ' A Fooa es ll�r wetl suited to the k of YOling i �t, .w� a ea oJLR » Grapeillts Sold by rocaea?a everywhere „ and was even better than before I had my break -down. I was myself again. I got back my school; and to this day I have had no return of the trouble, and now when anyone comes to nee with nervous trouble, I instantly sug- gest Dr. Williams', Pink Pills' as a remedy, as I believe that what they did in my case they will do for others." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- ts,iined from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 tents a 'box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. Chemists Seek New Auto Fuel "Alc1011o1 can never be anything more than a help where motor fuels rather is rapidly passing. Convinced that tall buildings are sate and a com- mercial advantage, the London County Council, which holds the power to re• gelate things ` in the English capital, has decided to•allow structures of large area tb be built 80 feet high. This is twenty feet higher than the maximum height now permitted. The decision is the result of a report inado by a commiseian appointed by the Council to study the question of taller buildings in Loudon. The commission reported in favor of greater height. Every progrealsive city .in the world , has skyscrapers.' They are the out- ward mark of progress. ,.. HEALTHY ------ _ R.. the are concerned," an official cif tithe U.S.Ael �' Bureau of Mines said y Al able,, to produce alcohol we are a e., The healthy child sleeps, wall and can be profitably used in the malting of fuel mixtures, but, for all that has been said to the contrary, the quantity obtainable is relatively small. "Much has been said about the uti- lization of cornstalks for making al- cohol on en enormous scale, but there is nothing in the idea. Cornstalks are bulky; it would not pay:to trams - port thein in great quantities,are a nnild but thorough laxative to big central plaints for distillation. To which regulate the bowels, swce:•eu the gstomach, banish constipation, coli • and indigestion, and promote healtif,:'. sleep. They are absolutely guarantee. free from opiates and may be given t' the new-born babe with perfect safety ,They are sold by medicine dealers c: by -mail at 25 cents a box from Tile Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly 'child that- is erase and. peevish. Mother, if your children do not sleep .well; if they are cross and cry a great 'deal, give thein Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets A;i:J Ki.i P8 OI+' S.1sW AND uigl peliixirr. ,putters. assys,,eaNe,huwet,p►a fl - *to., shipi.edsubject to arrears l leers s Wires In Mende YORE l3'el?a )si 7nBlc. _TRni T, nORO> O ' do yourbit in forest fire pre- vention !'P b P1' velttion puts you Pit the Bide of order. ly • government, Anything else is a'nahy. Minardar's Liniment Relieves Neuratpla 4a4 OOO?OODa..."�OOD O:OOC.,:.4 • Although the 'commission reported favorably and the council thought that London srhomld be allowed more than { 60 feet bunlding height, the fire bri- gade was consulted. The head of the fire -fighting force said that the extra height would not interfere with the efficiency of kris force. • With, everyone favorable to taller buildings, it now seame certain that London's skyline will' be lifted higher than it has ever been before. MONEY ORDERS. It is always, safe to send a Dominion Express Money• Order.' Five Dollars costs three cents. - A mien has no right to be satisfied unless he has done his best. We get no higher work until we put the higher motives into that we have, Fulness After Eatmg If you have fulness after meals, a bad taste in your mouth In the , morning, fur on the . tongue, flat - silence after meals and no apps. Cite, take Hotlsor Seigel's Syrup. It a will clean your tongue, renew you appetite, give you relish for food and the power to digest it thoroughly and easily. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. 4-921 00<=a000 000s=>00Oe .00O 0% 0. McPherson, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Armstrong, B.C. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, N.S, Dear Sirs, -Since the start of the baseball season we have been hindered with sore muscles, sprained ankles, etc., but just as soon as we started using MINARD'S LINIMENT our troubles ended. Every baseball' player should keep a bottle of your liniment handy. Yours truly, W. E. McPHERSON, Sec. Armstrong H., S. Baseball Team. ! make such use practicable there should be a plant for every five square miles, run perhaps on a co-operative. plan by farmers. Buthow many' hil lions of dollars a ,year would it cost to watch 'the farmers and see that, the alcohol was not sold for beverage purposes'? tiIn the year 1921 we consumed. in this •country 7,080,000,000 gallons of gasoline. During the .same period we exported 1,954,000,000 gallons. Our production of alcohol in the twelve- month was about 100,000,000 gallons, So you see how small a figure rela- tively the alcohol cut, ".A1eoholean never take the place of gasoline as a motor fuel. There would. have to be a •special carburetor to vaporize it, and the power generated by it is not nearly so great as that obtainable from gasoline or a mix - thee., "The so-called 'auxiliai`y' , motor fuels are eotfli ea ed either of gasoline and benzol or of those two with gco- hol added. Benzol, as you doubtless know, is a 'by-product of Joel distiila•. Couldn't Carry It. An Irish -comedian once met, on 0 summer's day All Galway, a' roan driv- ing r iv•ing a horse so thin that it setaggere 1 as it walked. "Why don't you put more fiesil• oil that nag?" he ercllained indignantly. "More, is it?" the Irishman answer ed, "why, by the powers, don't you see that the, poor creature can hardly car- ry What little there le on him now?" Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere The average life sof an oyster is a ten years,' .4anorica's rionoor Dog i>3romedsea Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H. Clay Glover Co., Sao. 139 West 24th Street New York, U.S.A. w��.^„:o..xc-�n,aascTcas.-r�marrasr:•R,. COARSE SALT LAN D'SALT Bulli Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF TORONTO Cutieura Toilet Trio Satisfies everywant of the most critical in cleansing, the skin and compleand �ti Nothing purer•,' sweeter or more effective for every -day toilet purposes., Saap2Sc. Oiatment2s and50e. Talcum2Sc. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: L ani, Limited, 344 St. PaulSt., W., Montreal. Cutieura Soap shaves without mug. ILL ANSWER ANY WOMAN. WHO RIFFS Montreal Woman Finds Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Montreal, Quebec. -"I was a suf- ferer for three years, not able to do my housework. 112y husband was discouraged, for I was no better and had had the doctor all this time and nothing helped me. I was always sleepy, had'"no appetite and suffered with my left side. My mother in England recommended Lydia I7.• Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be- cause it had helped my sister, so I have been taking it. I am now able to do my housework and I. can not praise your medicine too highly as I have great hopes for the future. I will tell anyone who writes to me 'what good it has done me." -Mas. r7. Masson, St. Henry P. 0., Montreal. For nearly fifty years • Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been helping women just as it helped Mrs. Masson; oftentimes after doctors and other medicines failed. If you are suffering from disagree- able symptoms caused by some female weakness, try this s lendid medicine. It is a woman's medicine for women's ailments, and can be taken in safety, by any woman. WARNING!• Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the naive "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. -Accept only an "unbroken package" of "'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 2'2 years and proved safe by millions for Colds 1-'leadache Rheuinatisni Toothache Neuralgia ' Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain,' Pahl Pandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of 24 and 100. -Druggists. ;Aspirin is tine trade mark (registered in Canada) of )!layer '1tfe1nufacturo of 114ono- acetica.eideater of Sailcedeeeiia while it is web known that Aspirin innone Bayer' rnantt5acture, CO asslst the ipu'bnc neainst imitations, the ieal,leta of 'sayer C.empany 'li lit 110 5tanitied �vlth th r gen $ ate a , lib AyCr cr0eas. tor i tr a to rk t' " iSS E No. 19=-'22.