HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-18, Page 5Tli,iarsday, May* 1i3t BUSINESS CARDS h, .1.•92:2 'P.roud;taot, Killoran & OLME`S. Barristers, Solicitors, Nuta.xies, Pub U , Etc. Office ono the Square, 2nd door lrom Hamilton St. God res•ieh, Private funds to loam at., lowest rates. • a W, Proucir00 t, K C J L Killoran D. E. Holmes. Mr. Holmes will be in eleneall, on.. Fridayideach week, Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk ;; ;' 444.11A,L0 IN 'i'. SIRES PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR' SALE I have a quantity of Fertilizer (en hand. Everybody should use Fertilizer on corn land and buck - Wheat land. 3. Hey Jr. -11-3 "Issuer of marriage licenses, Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- •omobile Insurance, ,Representing, Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Teust Co. Zurich, Ontario, - Dr.E. S. I arale DENTIST, At T AY ZURICHH.. EVERY Vi .EDNESD DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICT. = • — HEN4.kLL. ,- • OSCAR K _LOFT ' r Professional Auc-Cioneer, ,g ate rad u of Davenport Auctioneering School Try me for real estate, merchandise, jewellery pedigreed stock, farm sales Rates alwaysreasonable, •my territory the world., Choice farms for sale. Iphone 18-3 Zurich Licensed' Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. i me a trial and I will assure '`you aatisfaetion. or make no charge. Arthur Weber, -- Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13!. Zuricf , Wiee# MARKET Fresh and - Salt• Meats Bologna Sausages, etc •Highest Cash Price for Woulfe. CASH FOR SKINS & BIDES Tu gibli1t isz'i Beichert ZURICH LIVERY tel, LOST An auto mai•ker 10-297. Finder 'kindly leave at herald Office. FOR SALE A. good second hand all steel liay rake . for: sale, L. Prang.. -442 NOTICE We have the following varieties of Seed Corn for sale. White Cap 'Yellow Dent, Wisconsin No. 7, reap. Learning, Bailey and Camp ptoxis early. • Government tested seed,a iso marigold and turnip p seed; and -a small quentity of Millett seed'.`Prices Right.—J.' Gascho &. Son, Zurich. -10 I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL phone 58 Zurich, • WANTED KEEPER AND.MATRON—Man and wife to have charge of the Huron County Home. near :Clinton, and the farm in' connection -therewith. Ap plications, personal prefered, to be. Made to , the undersigned, (the• ap- pointment to• be- made at ith,e next meeting of the County Council, which meets .ore June, 6th.• JOHN TORRANCE, Iiiepector, Clinton, Ont. Clinton, May . 2nd, 1922. LIVE POU LT RV' WANTED Taken ,every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning Vhen • brought in. Cash Csh Prices -C9°SH FOR --- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien phone 94, Zurich LOCAL NE Mr. 3, Hey, Jr., was to Exeter on business on Saturday. MI•, Chas, Either and sister, Mrs, W. Frank were at Crediton on 1+'ridayt' Mrs. John C'harrette of the Sa-• able left for Toronto, on Wednes- day .morning. NOTICE. We, the undersignedhereby agree to close our respective pi- 1Vlessrs.• C. Fritz, W. L. Siebert and T. L. W urin were away on a Fishing outing on Wednesday. Mrs. 3. T -i. Schnell, who 'spent the winter . at Fielding, Sisk„ re- turned recently to Zurich. Mr. Wni. Frank of Waterloo;' spent the week -end at the home of Mr. C. Eilber. Oh Boys! Let us meet you to- night at the Zurich Diamond, for, thatopening• game with Winghanl, Boys, . don't forget to treat your lady. to; pie and ice, cream, ` after the concert' on Thursday evening. Mr.. • J. Reynolds of the' Huron. �r n e f Mr,T oras , o e County Home, and Clinton were in the village , on Tuesday. Our lccal merchants • reported an unsupplyably demand for lemons and- oranges the past week. The dendelions are. in •bloom. Mr. and Mrs. A. oMelte and fain:- ily of Guelph, Mrs. J Wing and daughter, Miss Florence, of Kit- chener, visited relatives here . over Sunday. Reeve E. F. Klapp, Clerk A. F. Hess, and Councillor S. Deitz,made an inspection of the Flay Toevn- ship Telephone- System at Dash wood and Grand Bend, on Monday We ' quote the following from the Hensel' Observer of the ac- count of the recent concert heed at that place.—"Miss E. Rennie4f Zurich sustained her high reputat- ion as a soprano soloist and ie.al- P lb�icity Methods Used is roe warding the Cau ra'gh. a^es of business at 12 o'clock now ways a favorite, her articulation each Thursday during the months being clear and. distinct with soft of May, June, July and August 1922. ' T. L. Werra. J. Gascho & Son E. Oesch C. Fritz & Son Stade & Weido • M. E. Routledge ' Fred. Thiel John Kipper Denomy Bros. Andrew F. Hess T. L.• Williams C. L. Smith W. G. Hess _ Melick & Braun W. H. Pfile - Jacob Deichert ' WANTED A limited number of cattlewill be taken to pasture for the com- ing season. Apply to George Brisson, 'St. Joseph. 132E A Year Of NOTABLE. ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Ineurance Co. 'Mad Office; London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholde • is was Increased During,.. War 'Period .'Maintained , through Epidemic Period period Continued in high cost: p An unparelled Reward. 4.. A. Hoffman, Agent COAL SPring and Be _ d Summer � RI !S �ELIV SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike of the Min - Feta DOW prevailing in the Pennsyle fields we the ac i t e coal + 'Arabia -An etre ttnable to guarantee detiV'ery r price and until conditions be - tenet more Settled orders Will ;taper subjeot to our being able to aabtain supplies and at prevailing Ii1icet title of, delivery. - e•iahe- c 'slitiateltitt. "iO.l :r & PRODUCE 1VIERClANT' TERMS ;-CASH 1rbonel Officers 10w. House '1¢j. ONTil 36-3 NOTICE I - have taken out License fear Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and aur in a position to con- duct, sales by auction. Give me a. trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. . tf-29 James I:enam•ey, R,• R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 and mellow tones." The Bayfield Dramatic Associ- ation are putting- on a show en- titled "Nothing But The Truth" „ in the Town Hall, Zurich on Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Zurich Baseball Club. This play comes highly recommended as a barrel of fun. It was given at Bayfield last week, and met with much applause and admirat- ion. dmiration. Get you'` seat from the -Mol- sons Bank, before you are too late. , !;lotion Piotnres, the "Reel Thin , ...". Lantern Slides Also Useful—Tito Use of Plato Signs ;I;s Secoming Popular With Breeder's -- Can't Have Eggs and Mites, too. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture,. Toronto.) - 'rile ttltirnate object of the co,rr.:m paign for Netter sires is to • iriiproVe the quality of the beef arid dairy 'ierds of the ,country. TO achieve the object it is necessary, first, to create mint's of farmers an interest a desire for a better class of This cannot be done by writ - d talking alone. • The°ideal *ay in the in and cattle. lug an to create this interest would be to have the people see numbers of 'geed cattle. li.s this is seldom practicable, the next best thing is the urea o£ good pictures. it' is in this direection. that we have found motion pictures eaetili f1y.ou can show an•audience :i number of reels of high class cattle, • , you secure' their interest immediate- ly, and when spawn in pastures sink- lar' to the .pastures in their' own 'fields ' the appeal . is very strong., Wherever such Pictures have been shown,.• it has resulted in. a number of the audience making enquiry, about bret;ding,.feeding and methods of caring for cattle. to obtain the best results. • —BABY CHICKS— It' is cheaper and more satisfac- tory to bu yready hatched chicks. We guarantee safe delivery ofvig- orous, pure bred, husky chicks of all breeds. Write for free book- let. and ook-let..and pr•ces. 1HE CCAvNADIAN CHICK HATCHERY, Ltd., Dept.,C: Hamilton, Ontario. Motion Pictures Have Their Limita- tions. Motion pictures are not well adapt- ed for making studies of type. It is in this connection that we have foiled lantern slides valuable. The' slides we have used have included close-up . pictures of ideal representatives of all breeds contrasted with slides of undesirable and unprofitable types.. One of the most interesting is a series' showing a number of- scrub cows, the good bulls to which they were bred and the resultliig calves. This is the next best thing to hav- ing the animals actually there. In brief, motion pictures . secure the attention of the audience and create a desire for more information lan- tern slides illustrate types and . methods. Motion pictures made on Ontario farms have been usedto ilustrate the leading beef and dairy breeds. Wherever possible, groups of . animals by one sire are included to show uniformity and high standard of breed type. It is proposed to prepare a picture of market animals showing different grades. Some examples of grade cows of poor to fair quality with their calves by high class bulls, showing marked improvement in' one gener- ation by the use of a good sire, have been secured. It is hoped. to secure more -of these 'as they are the very hest of object lessons. Some years have eased since so much blossom was seen -on the fruit trees ' as this Season The peach trees possibly"', lookertie more picturequsst as they show s several different bright hues of lusty colors. If the crop will be anything in proportion to the blossom, we can anticipate a bumper er- -% The field crops are also :taming along fine, a nice shower of ran would be ;ahelping Leo -,q '. hope that 1922 will be or• ho best years in our history and aring us everything bounti- ful. The parlor meeting under the auspices ,of the W. C, •T: U. which which was held in the .Evangelical church on Monday evening was a grand su.ceess. A hearty welcome was tendered the new : pastor,Rev. J: G. Litt and family, also the vis- iting union, by Mr. Preeter and Mn Melick. The Hensall union - with their president, Mrs. F. J. Wick- wire in the chair furnished a very interesting programme consisting of reading's. -.addresses, violin duets and songs,- after which Rev. Litt made a few remarks, .and• closed the meeting. with prayer. A light lunch Was . then served- in the base- ment, where a pleasant social hour was spent. . • • ' Mr.' -C. Either, Inspector of the. local Board of Health wishes to advise the public that on May • 15, he will commence his ,annual round of inspection to all ,stables, pig stys, outhouses, = and any such pl- • aces that are unsanitary. People should make it -a point and have every corner on their propertye it y clean and respectable, it is for the• benefit of your own health as well as others. • Dont waituntil you;, are told' to clean• up, have some taste about .yourself and your surroundings and make Zur- ich the.. cleanest Village in Ont- ario; G. S. ATKINSON, 'L.D.S., D.D:S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, M1- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at "Zurich . every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a in. until 5.00 • p.m., at the Commerc- ial s House, ( Pt•tirs ) . Main_01- a fife at Bayfield; Ont. -19` Starting on Thursday, May 2nd,. Zurich Studio an Book Room Printing and Developing, Photos on Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Alsosell "Cameras Films, Albums',. And all ametuer's Supplies. . A full Line. of School books and Stationery always on hand • tf21 OBRIEN' & KALBFLEISCH Bartle -Ili Blick Zurich The Use of Gate Signs. In an educational campaign there are a number • of essentials, one of which is to create an interest in the mind's of those you wish to influence. It is not an easy matter to reach fhe man who most requires instruc- tion, Bulletins and other literature sent to him often find their way into the waste basket unread. 'Ile is not easy to get out to . meetings where the matter is to he discussed. The main object in using these signs is to reach the man who does not read bulletins or attend meetings. When lie sees a sign on his neighbor's gate announcing the fact that a pure- bred bull is kept on that farm, it starts him thinking. If every farm where, a pure-bred bull is kept is indicated In tis way, natural curios- ity will as a rule lead a man to make inquiries. Such an individual will probably have been claiming that his' grade bull is just as good as the pure - »bred;° but he soon realizes that if he keeps a bull and has no sign up stat- ing that it is pure-bred, the inference isthat it inferior- The • spirit of- "Keeping up with .the Joneses," .while it may in ,scone easescause discomfort, is a real fac- tor in human progress. When you get a man in a receptive frame of mind, you have accomplished con- siderable; in other words, you have 'fertile soil. The mission of the gate sign is to create interest, and in this it is succeeding in a great measure. E, Retire, Assist. Live Stock Director, Toronto Can't Have Eggs and Mites, Trio. Blot weather brings the roost mites.. They multiply so fast that the with tli cin is - swarming hen -house and the egg yield has dropped to al- most nothing, perhaps; before you realize what is the eause. Therefore, don't wait for thein. Make the house disagreeable to these pests before they show themselves. The process of keeping out the mites is one of the simplest , in poultry culture, Kerose''newill ,do it. It is easily ap- plied, either -by a, broad flat' paint brush or a spray. The paint brush will 'save • kerosene, but takes time. The spray will save time and use p Y kerosene. Take your choice, but paint or»spray.the roost -and supports with kerosene before the . mite,. pet in an, appearance. The morning is the best time, as the roosts will be dry ind Much of°'the odor' from the foil will have disappeared before the hens return at night. Spray or paint every two weeks during warm weath- er. A good-sized egg check every • - D rolling. Don't month keeps the ball len let the mites get .it. GRAND BEND Mr,.Frank Allister moved , With his family to St. Marys, and will make his future hone in, that'town. Mr. R. Canning has had his house moved which . he bought troin Mr. S. Webb recently. Miss llstlser Green has taken a position in -Mr. Nelson Ravelle's store to 'learn clerking. Gratton is not recovering in health its rapidly as his friends wottlsl 1ilez --YOU CAN HELP N�1 Page 75 uinnoimummuiuwwmnwsuuuow. It iG? iimnuwmlw - - 4ji"��f' �fTTGAlhiYeeegrfeu#lanbele5sI repu d.�tr'St1ny5l;iTaoe obiegnoeei. tar�� tin¢ttie5tamachsa1GfleanP%epprietalloat0n9IJPI�eaiciure� hbPronoll'in�eeAsn!n» FlAeitherQ ium' rai- Cg 1c uuI ii Xeppeof01d17r.Sii11 p,mtpkin Steil. Senna l ee : S : se yin 4E m I'� ,r rbeSer/�w m of Cam»•edSuP'' el :Rock& Oar 10; AAeip�uiF.ad Dia °roes; G Ga add. never simes5 and and. o'•s e �P "resaltifl$thereffo `atA1 yt FacSi�° signs 0t x eimmoCrj nnC igAt 1' CortrQ Y• Ij For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria .Always Beam the ignature of �n Use For vr Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CM'. • .r..,r+ �.�3 4.+ i•�•�F•�ir+•€�3�•�••e ++ 5 3 �r •€• ✓r�i' �i• �•F�F•1~II•���4a Lumber Laths Shingles I Everything in 4. Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and Building Ma1era1 'rout t p Just � ' o's end the Sabbath at h day may be • to some 'persons a difficult problem, but to the per - sole wheeeleaires to live up to the fourth conimandnient,'' 4Remen:leer. the Sabbath day to keep it holy" there should be no difficulty: When people get into their motor car Sunday morning, go to the gara,.e for gas and oil, :drive to a glimmer resort•for. dinner, and, also eXpect the Vendors of ice cream and can- dies to supply them -with other refreehmeiits, they are not only violating the Sabbath but also t1e.Locd's Day Act which Was fra- med lo assure for all employees a day of rest. The Heron County Seced Service Council are asking the •pu'b'ic, through It he press, to assist in a b etter observance of the Sabbath Day, and, the hotels, garages and restttrants are co-oper erating. Poster's tray now be sown in the garages, "We „ Want Our Sund 7ys" and ".Buy Sunday's 0asoline on Saturday.." Custom Work our Specialty % 4. Always in the market for saw logs .i. F e EALBFL1ISC1 tPHONE 69i. .. _ ZURICH w®teris II+++g•+•F+•l++i+++s'riroi+.H ++++++++'r+++++++•I• •+•h++++++++4'+1.3.++ +e»s••a. ss► The New Parra House and, Trees. When planning to build a farm house it is well to select a location near good trees, so that their shade may be used and enjoyed by the fam- ily every day during the summer. It takes .so long to grow good trees that eki.sting ones should be cherish- ed and. utilised to the fullest extent. If trees trust be planted they should not be placed directly in front of the farm hoose, but should be put some- what to each Side so as to make a, err me t!ivoine i t'4 'Th tl view of 'a 'ROAou 0* rrp+l 094 iii k'I!ta?aedr ... a New Overland 4 Int THE OVERLAND FOUR IS RIGHT THE PRICE IS RIGHT. SO WHY WORRY? ^a 1 Rubber Tire Buggy open C 1 Top Buggy, steel tir es, painted a't 1919 Gray Dort, best offer take it ... :Chalmers Six ' • • - , ' . McLaughlin Truck . •- F. M. HESS Edi, CO: - $65.00 $45.00 .. .., °.. ...$800.00 $375,00 a, ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN I) SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overlord Cars . -Automobile Insurance Are .You Protected? .. ''Yesterday Arthur Eiridge of this city, had a car. Today nothing remains of it but the charred fraise work. Shortly after running it into the Garage, the neighbors detected thanes shooting out 61 the roof. The brigade ayes on ,the scene promptly, butt the CSC was a complete loss before the firemen could get to it. Ace' oording to the fire chief the fire was started by a short circtiitj. The e motorist's logs ire .about $1,000.0", --Woodstock news Item --t Saturday, Free Press,• Londonn, LET ME GIVIII YOU RATES ON FIRE AND: TRANSIT, THEFT, ]Mill LIC LIABILITY,; COLLISION AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. VICTORY BONDS SOLI) AND BOUGHT. l YOUR WILL? Have You MADE FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY T0;,.••.•-. drew F Hessn Zurich