HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-18, Page 4•ee
Tien "Red Bird" . Agent Zurich
Alk 1
NOW is the Time to get out
Jour lawn mower, laaVe it well
:sharpened, oiled and all tighten-
ed up and then notice how nice
it will rum, and also keep it runn
lug, remove • all stones, sticks and
trans from % he grass your intend to
cuts t f
Seed With Strong aVitality Is an
Absolute Necessity.
Give Your Seed, a Careful Germina-
tion Test—It Should Itun 95 1'er
Cent—The Mulberry In Ontario—
Home-made Spray for Flies.
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Toronto,)
Two ears of corn may be used to
plant two rows side by side. The
seed may weigh the same and look
the same, but " the results in plant
development and yieldis frequently
vastly different. Two stalks may
stand together in the same hill, en-
joying similar conditions for growth
and development. One may produce.
a good ear while the other, produces
an inferior nubbin.
Seed With Good Vitality a Necessity.
The difference is traceable to the
seed. Good vital seed from select
Miss Clara Kraft is visiting in
'Xi -Ledford this week,
Mr, Homer Guenther of Water-
loo . spent Sunday at his hoine
Mr. George Merrier is erecting a
n.ew addition to his house-.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott of Tiled
ford called 'eel friends In toa,ee 01
` Mr. and Mrs. A• Oestreicher and
Miss Lane were oust of town visit-
ors' over. the• week -end. •
The cement foundation has
been completed for Wein's Garage
which is being built on Main.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Fenn of Park-
hill spent Sunday at the home, of
J. Kellerman,
Mrs: Goo's, ,Kellerman •spent the
week -end in ,Blyth.
Mr. H. L. Draft is this week
moving to their new home in
towns -,..-v-,'''
Mr. Leonard of the bank staff
spent Sunday at his borne; in•_For-
In the estare of Charles Brill,
Notice is hereby given that all
asersons having claims against the
*estate of Charles Brill, late of the
Village of • Zurich in the County
:let Huron, Gentleman, .deceased,
seho died on or about. the 19th of
• . it/erch, 1922, are required to deliv-
xr to Christian Eilber and Samuel
ehoch, thhe executors, on or be-
$ore the 20th day of May, A.D. 1922,.
•'e. lull statement of their claims,
Lloyd England, our postmaster,
is showing a freak chick.which,bas
five" natural toes on each foot.
Ezra Oestreicher Was in Win-
dsor last week.- on business: ..
The Croner Stone of the Meth-
edist Church, Crediton), is to be
laid on May 18th. :
The Hydro, Commission has noti
fied the Township Clerk that they
intend starting on the construst-
ion of the Exeter Rural District
line at once and ask, it hat'he not-
ify the different people who have
signed for service to, have their
homes wired. •
While returning home with hrseo
and buggy one night (east weeks.
Mr.. and Mrs. henry _Pfaff, sr.,
were run into by an automobiles
the occnrpants of ther ig were thr-
own out on the road, Mrs. Pfaff
breaking her wrist. " The driver
of ,the car claimed he was unable
to see the rig en account of the
blinding headlights of an appro-
/aching car.
Our senior baseball team has
entered in group 7, consisting of
seven teams.„,,,
Crediton will celebrate •'June.
3rd. It is expected the Band
will be re -organized by that time.
stock will generally give strong
plants and full ears. -Unselected seed
will give a few good plants and
many medium or barren plants.
Enormous loss and waste would bs
prevented each year if care were ex-
ereised by'all purchasers of seed, corn.
A few hills missed in each row, a few:
weak or barren plants distributed
over the corn field, reduces or elim-
inates all opportunity for profit. The
interest, -taxes and wages have to be
paid in full no matter what the crop
is, and the more frequent the missed
spaces, . barren stalks, and weak
stalks in thecorn field the less there
is to pay with.
Give the -Seed a Germanation Test.
together .with particulars thereof, All seed corn should be given a
.Zrrd the nature of the securities, if germination test before planting. One
i,+; held by them. all duly verified
Say affidavit.
And take notice that after the
:4sald last mentioned datethe said
-executors will proceed to distrib
ate the estate of the said deceased
Among the persons entitled there-
to, 'having regard to such claims
es he shall have received due not-
iaee and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Zurich this 2nd day of
May, A. D. 1922.
k`.hristian Eilber, Samuel Schoch,
:South Huron Orangemen will
stelebrate at Seaforth this year.
For a good piece of pie :with
• vee cream, come to the Ladies'Hall
t Thursday evening.
Mr. Peter Ravelle, who recent
.purchased the property next to
;, Fritz's shoe store: is having a
view roof put thereon, is also re-
-elevating . and changing the entire
anterior thereof. We. understand
;drat Mr: and Mrs. Ravelle intend
psi; run an up -ti -date resturant and
lee 'cream parlors when competed.
It i� stated' a .timber of changes
eye color of Canadian post stamps
etre bean r made to conform with
Ishe neer international regulation. A
..straw ct.lored onecent stamp' is
'being is ueu to replace the old
;Freen nue-cent stalnp, which has
'lkieels in use for many years ; and probably all any one farm can af-
a ijie various offices exhaust their ford: As for the. development of mut-
euslply of green stamps, they will berry plantations for silk culture,
Vice replaced with the new issue. such hardly seems profitably possible
The red two -cent stamp is being under the climatic and labor condi-
i ep1aeed with a green stamp,and tions of Ontario—L. Stevenson, Sec-
;iehotild a six -cent stamp, ever be retary,• Department of ' Agriculture,
tissued it will take' the red color Toronto,
ixtherto distinguishing the twos. .
"The five'cent stamp is of a violet
eihade, while the ten -cent stamp
is blue.
poor seed ear going into the piantei
means a waste inland, and labor that
isbest expressed by one thousand
weak or _worthless stalks. The corn
grower can't afford to . neglect the
quality of the seed he sows.
Plant one hundred seeds two or
three weeks in advance of the regu-
lar corn planting date, using a box
of moist sand placed in a warm win-
dow as a germinator. Count the
strong plants at the end of ten days;
there should be at least 95 of them.
If the test shows any weakness dis-
card all the seed and secure another
supply with a guaranteed germination
test.: L. Stevenson, Secretary, On-
tario Department • of Agriculture,
The Mulberry.
The old-time fruit -bearing mul-
berry has lost its place in the gar-
dens of southern Ontario. Better
fruits have: crowded it out, until '}
is rarely seen in the modern gardee
'or- fruit plantation. Sometimes.plant-
ed as a food tree for birds"by bird"
enthusiasts or by those desiring to
play with silk worm culture` in this
northern climate. During ' the past.
year, through southwestern Ontario
mulberry trees have been offered to
the public by traveling agents. The
experiences •of the past with the mul-
berry as a fruit producing tree and
as a food producing tree for silk
worms in Ontario and the United
States would indicate that nothing
very great by way of achievement or
profit is likely to follow the plant-
ing of any of the mulberry varieties
in Ontario, One tree for the birds is
Thursday, May istb, 1922
Titan 10-20 now $825.00. Internationl 8-16 now $775.00. A three bottom plow' will. be _.
given free with the Titan and a two bottom plow will be given free with the International
Note the following low place;- gine le working order at a read
Chevrolet bumper now ... $4.00 11 'blacksmith blower at .. ...$12
Ford leas axles a pair :- --- $1.00 1 pair hoof clippers at ,_ ...$1.00 bargain;
i each --• -.: _.. $2.00 1 hack sew at `$1.00 1 1� ilge . size horse cllippei'; Fare
3o c3,6 tubes, etc. l
Ford front .springs each _.. $2.25. 2 Vulcanizers, at each ._ ._.$1.25 - implements, pumps,
2 only bolt clippers. at _..$3.00 Also ire . -,nine 'II. P. gasoiinp..en -'Darts for sale,
Dr. Bengston is - attending the
'Dental Convention at Toronto,
this week. r e..
0. C. Ward has accepted the
position of booit-keeper. with the
Exeter Canning Company.
There died in Lbnden on Friday
May 5, James Baxter, a .former
well-known, citizen of Exeter North
aged 70 years.
Exeter had in 1921 a population
of 1458; an assessed area of 1071
acres; an assessment value of
W. D. Sanders has 'purchased
the residence of Thos. Newell on
William street and getspossession
shortly. Mr. Sanders returned
home last week from London 'hos-
pital much improved in• health.
The old dwelling house on the
corner of Huron and Carling stre-
ets, : one of the oldest buildings in
town, haying been standing there
for over sixty years, is being mov
ed' to Ann st. where) it will ,be .re-
be remodelled. --
John T. Stewart of • the North
Boundary of sUborne Tp. has
purchased the dwelling . property
of Mr. C. F. Hooper one the corner
of Union and John sts.; paying
therefor $4,0.00.00:
A quiet wedding took place) in
the Trivitt Memorial ,Church on
Saturday, May 6th, when The Rec-
tor, Rev. A. A. Truinper united in
mattiage, Miss Francis H. F',
Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Davis, of town, and Mr.• Isaac
Statham, of Wingham, a former
resident of Exeter. The cerem-
ony was performed at one o'clock
The bride has been living in Tor-
onto for some time but for sev-
eral years was a resident of Win-
L. A. Prang Zurich
Rupp—At Zurich, on May 12th, Eliz
abeth Rupp, beloved wife of
of Mr. Louis Wurm, aged, 52
years and 6 months.
'Married Miller --- Miller --In
the Lllthern church, Dashwood by IN • MEMORIAM
afe.c. "P, +K. rau.pner care May 10, Miss
melia'illi.iIlet, daughter. of Mr. and "In loving memory of our dear
Airs. Sam M'ilaer to Mr. Rhei:nold. Laurine Sietnon who passed.•away
Gillen° of the 1.4tia Concession, Hay year ago to -day, May 19th,
•'ie has passed since that ,sad
i day.
When otsr darling taurine passed
Hay Township, on,' away,
1Vf iv 13th, to 1.1r, and Mrs. Erin: tri m: rniax her, yes we always will,
"Wiilert, a son:. As yc ars roll on we love heri
'acob- In Hay Township oin`April ' V watched her suffer day by day,
20th to Mrs and Ml's, Hy- Jacob, Tc c iii. ed us bitter grief
11, son. ',To sea her slowly pine away
ooper- 1t1 Hay Township, "hip, on Apr And +'cure) not give relief.rneeti
1l 99th to Tr, and Mrs. William: 111V: tiniin.. .;we'et day well
Hooper, a 6011again,
1 Beyond ns toil end .strife,
. t' ash�v acrd: on May 12,. Ty .vont t
iksiter At Tl
to At'. and Mrs. Jacob Puller; I Ind cl e.p each others hand mimic
The Big Four Baseball Schedule
At Zurich
June 3rd
June, 23
Aug. 18
June '16th
Aug. 10
At Goderich
July 5th
May 18
July 14
June 7
Aug. 2
�Lr'.i�.��/ �vi::.r:. esi �'�'�_vf:.' : '��i'�.�7�%1?x'°l••r�y_��
IIININ!I!IIIN!IIIIII!iV1aIIIIillllllil11111111111IIIIIIII1llll l!iIIIIIIIIIIIIlIaIii:11i.,,!::.��•�,•III�II Iililllllllllllllll1llIllllllIIIIIII6I111II1IIIIIIIIIIItI!IIIIIIIIIIIN1„l1111111111111IIIIllll!111111!111111IIIIIIIIII!1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN
June 9 May 17
July 31 July 11
June 27
Aug. 2j
May 31
July 26
At Wingham
June 14th:.
May 29
July 27
June 26
Aug. 21
June 12
Awg. 11.
2"13.. 16 July19th ..c
Schedule of Group No. 6, N. W. B. A.
For the Season 1922
These Games
Will be
May 24
June 20
July 17
June 6
July 3
July 25
June 12
June 30
July 21
Well Worth
May 29
June 21
July 12
June 1
June 19
July 7
1 I"
) II i IIIIIillllllllllllllllllllll 11
it � II I III Illillllllllillll IIII INIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IlIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllll III p
.�`� 11 I(IIIIIIIIInUlllllili,�IlillldllllillllliliBl!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIII!Iillliliilitnllilllllllllillillllllllllllilllllllllllllll1. 111 II I N 1
June 9
June 27
July 27
and right leg, a number . of ribs,
and otherwise inflicting several
of bodily wounds. He was later
-found in the stall by his son in a
of helpless condition and almostlife-
a- less,
Theo Hall, formerly editor
the Wingham Advance, .but for
the past nine years a resident;
Faaadena, Cal., died last week;
gad 77 years.
Mitchell has -several eases of
seamier'• fever.
St. Marys does not allow dogs
to. run at large. The town is col-
lectin. no dog tax this year.
The Goclerich public school ter
echo's have petitioned the sch000l
board to increase the salaries
all teachers w410 are receiving less
than $1,000.
The Lutheran' church establish-
ed at Cranbrook thirty-five years
ago is being offered for sale, the
congregation having dwindled to
four, one of Willem, Mr. Conrad
Michel, being one of the thirty
members who founded the eon-
Richard Davey of the 4th; con-
cession of Stephen had a narrow
escape with his life on Tuesday of
last week. He was in the barn'
attending the horses and while lb
the stall With a four-year-old, colt,
l daughter, mere'.
€; life. Ulf; auroral became unmanageable
-.At Dashwood, on May In Ilca vt.. that barley i a- Mr... Dave down . , n su.ffereing °from
+tl'rnentlner , theme i' F•+, it • nnourn;�ri by M�otheir� :Pa and throwing y 'hospital it I,ondo
M 1 Mies. iwxil > 1 y
Mr. and Mrs. AL. Case spent
a few days at Detroit.
T. Murdoch has the painters at
work at his' :dwelling which will ad
to its appearance.
A. ,W E. Hemphill was in Tor-
I or-
onto last week..,
Our Main' Street is. being sure
v'eyed for the new pavement, sed
we hope in .the near future, to
something good and substantial.
Mr: Joynt was confined to Ms
room the past week owing- to ill-
nese, but is now able to be a-
round again'.
Mrs. A,, 11, Ding and two chil-
dren after an extended visit with.
her parents Mr, and Mrs, T. Neel -
ands, left Saturday for her home
at Chicago: n'.tlYe
Dr. Moir, who has bean
jatliriri i• slur k, v .ss
ci:'i lens. bn e Oen MS 11111 *x- » It r tci: ki el to
a..1 %AA
Battery and Radiator
No matter what 'shape your Batt fry or Radiator is in we care
repair it as good as ne'W by our unproved method.
Bring in your leaky Radiators. All ,cartage charges paid on way
All work bears the well known
UARE DEAL Guarantee,
Exchange your old Storage Batt ery on one of our new 18 months..
' guaranteed Epps Battery, Ournew 3 -ton International. Truck wiaf,
take care of your hauling problem:
E.H.s as Son
Phone Clinton 626 r 14
his home, and .is at the fame con-
Valesciing for a short time.
Mr, Frank Peart, who quite seve
rely strained ligaments in his
anew frnr �eis while
engaged in his duties with Me, D
:A, "C'antelon, coal aitd produce mer.
chant, is snow able to ;be out a'-.
gain 'and will shortly be able tai.
residue his duties,