HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-18, Page 25
itfULTIPLifa ,4k
nes row: by
• e„
The $185 Tractor (1F.O.B. Toronto).
Pays for Itself in Labor. Saved
Spryvvheel enables one man to do five times
as much cultivating as with a wheel hoe,
Before the grovVing season is far along,
Sprywheel will have more than paid for
itself by the labor expense saved,
Agencies open in some loc alities.
e late seine • eneea
About the House
r the Hope Chest. .
First let us consider just what is
expected of the bride in the way of ,
hous hi Circumstances
will always alter eases and the mode,
of life to be followed by and the ,
probable income of the newly formed
household should guide the bride.elect
in her selection of materials, styles
and amounts.
The following list is suggestive of
the supplies usually provided by the
bride and furnishes an adequate quan-
tity of the essentials for the new home
though more may be desirable in
Every M4ti For Himself
(copyright ny Allmon company)
------------- ---.....-e-on.---°.--0
The little sweet -toned Freed. clock go'slo'n'ill. s:LVilh(Yrithlr19;4e11°10213:AlilegnTS &eery
that stood on the mantel above the are a present, it eaglet to go, Milt."
fireplace in the library chimed the "It looks good to me," was the Hon -
decanter and pried the cap from a "The proposition is certainly an ex -
Milton Waring's, reedy re-
hozaaltheolviuriirsnterwmaiddinngigatpaiesnitsiihesdHotinle- ospralee,
fresh. bottle of plain soda, coltional one/' went an Nickleby.
id.eissinsoilsisewdbfyorwteheesiaiii, t, a
t have another , ld etreek on top of his hend. "So
isauson, t1 51 hls hand up along the
'Veey exceptional," grinned Fel'-"Even if all the eervants have been
little chink, ,gentlemen. 3. C; old much so, J. 0„ that you've got to eon -
man, say 'when.' Help yourself to ohm us that this 'eantror of the
another cigar Blatch." Interprovincial you are to hand over
4eotiitlletiyete t'sntheato us hi bona fide beyond: question.
es,Leinwfaosr little
esinrioisorn 21j.b. alleyeTanpla9,114 Wat elbaenitnnaal me
fe nodded Waring. "You might just go
into that end of it a little more fully.
11/Lilt's 'special brand"Yea, that ts important, J. O"
with four glasses of the II ., 431
Bourbon. 3. Cuthbert NeK°e117rilbackY
manner was one of open enthiciicseeesYma, tWellilyuretxab.egetlyin haotwthyeoublintnYinegursaeliltif
Elation posseeseci him. His laugh as elected President and how you pro -
frequent and boisterous. Any, doubts Pose to cover
he may .have entertained at midnight And With an easy laugh, Mr. Nickle-
that the deal was going through had by did so. Because when one is talking
been dispelled within the half- hour to "friends" whom one has under
during which the meeting had heen thumb and who are about to shoelder
in progress. Brazen as the 'Whole heavy responsibilities one can afford
thing was, it very boldness elver- to talk 'freely; because, also, whisky
en'tly had captured the imagination of loosens the toogue and enables one
Waring and Ferguson. Nickleby,felt to visualize a. !look of poultry out of
a huge satisfaction in his own per- a basket of eggs! Then, too, there is
Itie t , tl insrat in mods ,of ,approval and
spdcaciity; he had, not eu a ed iese
follow out the color 'scheme of the two men during the past few months expressions of admiration, and both
for nnthima. He knew them and he Honorable Milton Warrin,g, and Mr.
Blatchford Ferguson, were prodigal of
these as the recital progressed.
Certainly it was an amazing con-
fession. With oonelderable gusto did
J. Cuthbert -Nickleby explain the
various moves by which he had de-
throned the Rawson interests and
bedding and towels if one has put a
note of color in them. The unbleached.
muslin with applique motifs in sateen
was about to, convert that knowledge
into cash and bid them farewells*
It was a good time to be moving
work up nicely here and are more
along. Nickleby had made meneY
practical than, in the dining -room as' cotaninrg the past year. His temporery
the laundering is less frequent The t al of the Interprovincial Loan &
' tiny figured percales that have just! Savings Company had enabled him to
come into the market are a little manipulate to considerable personal usurped control of the Interprovincial
newer and are very pretty for val- advantage; but he was quite aware of & seven 0 y. The quiet
es of black help wonderfelly to set to be questioned sooner or later, and gathering together°Tparonxies, the ap-
pointment of dummy directors, the
ances, side drapes and spreads. Touch- the fact that his methods were liable
1 them off. Dotted Swiss with pique the next annual meeting of the share- "purchase" of °there, the "personal
1 borders is extremely dainty if one Criers was not -far away. Besides, leans" which silenced others still, the
ene and his very evil- failure of "Old Nat" to produce ids
wishes to emphasize daintiness. Bas- Rievensnen exisgted arrival of Harrington
ket cloth combines very well with the dent ' tie ee
in en ou of getting on his feet meek of stock—all of these factors
authority for voting the Bradford
spread, having a nice weight and at- Mr. Nickleby set foeth with a lucidity
' • s
many instances. colored ging-hams and • percales for a by hanging on to Mr. Nickleb 's coat -
tractive weave. '
Do not slight the house dresses and
work aprons for the trousseau. These
are indeed the most important feature
of the chest, for it is in these that
probably two-thirde of your future
thne will -be spent
6 sheets if only one bed. This allows
for a makeshift bed in cases of
4 sheets for each bed if more than
one bed but all of the same size.
2 pillows for each bed.
8 pillow cases for each pillow.
1 mattress pad for each bed.
1. pair of blankets, for each bed. If
only one bed, an extra pair should be
provided for emergencies.
1 spread for each bed..
-1 comforter for each bed.
6 face towels per person.
6 bath towels per person.
2 washable bathroom rugs.
8 washcloths per person.
2 scarfs for each dreseer or chit-
Curtains and rugs for bedrooms.
3 &lenges for the dining -room table.
3 changes of napkins per week per
person. •
2 -runners for buffet,
6 glass and skiver towels, linen
crash preferred.
6 tea towels. Hemmed flour seeks
are excellent.
6 kitchen lavatory hand towels.
6 dish cloths and morp rags.
3 kettle holden, large and soft
1. laundry bag.
1 ironing -board pad and two cover
Additional items which are not ab-
solutely essential but are very nice to
haw and make elm gifts for the
chest, are:
Hot dish pade, traor cloths, luncheon
clothe, luncheon sets, tea napkins,
centrepieces, guest towels, silverware
cases, toast, muffin and hot roll eov-
ers, dust protection eases for napkins,
doilies, centrepieces and. tablecloths,
dust protectors for suits and dresses,
cushions of various shapes and sizes
and table runners for living room or
The 'bride should be provided with
a good street costume and outfit suit:
able for travel, church, shopping and
'Selling; one outfit appropriate MT
Informal home entertaining; three
house dreases; plenty of aprons; such
amount of lingerie and hosiery as she
is accustomed to use dining a eeason.
The -oblong plate doilies with square
centrepieces or central runners have
superseded the round. doily sets in
popularity for the time being. These,
made in natural colored, linen with
buffet ecarf to match, are very effec-
,gye and can be developed in either
the Italian drawnwork, eresseetitch
design and roiled hems or in the ap-
pliqued motifs. Unbleached intislin Is
often used for these but for table put -
poses A is an unwise selection of ma-
terial, for its close Weave niakea ft
extremely diffioult to remove the
*tains eo apt to appear at thealls. A
more loosely woven cotton material
such as shrunk cotton or Indianhead
should be need. if linen is imoossible.
Linen Is also best for toweli, if one
can afford it, as it is soft, and very
absorbent it the looser weaves. A
cheaper linen. is preferable to a filler
oottora for towels, cif one is looking
for Service rather than appeaeance.
The maxking of the household lin-
me is usually done ley the bride be-
fore mar -144,4s and with her own
/f she should dewire to have
'the initials of her future husband wed
the linen is left unmarked until otter
the wedding teremorey has been per-
If the fiver home hat already been
selected, 86 that the Size of the roome
end the number of window* and, their
sizez can be determined, it le uetteller
A Home -Made Shower Bath.
A shower bath that coats us less
than a dollar is a luxury that every-
one on this farm, from the hired man
up, enjoyed last summer. We had been
farming a year and doing without
modern comforts, missing them sore-
ly. Our problem, how to get them, Is
the same as that of many a tenant.
The "handy man" attacked it, with the
result that showers were on tap when-
ever needed. He bought a large
wooden lard pail and bored a hole in
the bottom, through which he coakt
slip,a quarter -inch -pipe. This pipe he
fitted with a pair of lock -nuts, and a
short pipe with a cut-off to control the
flow of water. A short piece of rub -
tails 'compelled a change of p, ns and and frankness which same
d to co
the seeking of pastures new. Friend vince his two auditors that whenthey
too well knovvn to be a safe comPan- and their associates assumed "con, -
Rives knew too mueh and was himself
ion in their present location. Rives ptrec'elei"billtity.mouflafabiluereaisnoluswitengwiintgh thrge
and he could work together to mutual annual meet -keg to suit themselves.
advantage, beyond doubt; but it would "By
have to be in some new territory wimardle erted
'heaven,Nickleby, you're a
where the lim•elight had never played ' Ferguson at last, un -
upon either of them in the past.able longer to restrain his enthusiasm.
Accordingly when Nicklebyciscov- "You've got the situation tied up in
ered that Rives had some valuable ahep, remtitg ? knratkeaniat nfroommisitmaek:ei.licar &I
mining concessions in Meinco, it had the high seas in
seemed very desirable for them to b!- iced been cruasing
come partners and try their fortunes the days of Captain Kidd, you'd have
in a country Where wealth awaited a given hire a mm for his money! Some
pair of up -to -data filiteisterslike them ' r believe he!" and he, went
and where political diatur tlit‘nees ' eot.
off into a peal, of laughter born of
ber hose) connected: this. pipe with the
shower -head. The shower -head ,we had succeeded in gettang the Honor
had en hand. able Milt pretty well entangled in
Accordingly, the total cash outlay speculative investments and under his
for our sheveer bath was:
Lard Bucket • $0.40
Lock -nuts for 34 -inch pipe .4—, .02
2 1/4-ineh long nipples .04
Ve-inch cut-off , . , . . .60
Total $0.96- his portfolio with the Government if
A shower -head Call be purchased eitverb:04.11 known. So that, taking
into consideration, Mr.
tinsraith can make one for less than
a Niclereby felt quite confident that he
for about seventyefive cents,
could persuade the Honorable Milton
that. A smaller bucket can be used, Waring and Blatchford Ferguson to
as two gallons, is plenty of water for fall in, with the somewhat ambitious
one shower. Ours contains eight gal- plans 'Which President Nickleby had
lone, which is unnecessarily large, conceived for disposing of his stock
Still, on a hot day, after field work—!
Our shower bath is located in the
washhouse, which has a good cement
floor with a drain, The bucloet was
set on a couple of cresspieces directly
over -the drain; or it could be hung
froni a hook in the Ceilleig,
The drawback to our bath is that
wo have to lift the water up to the
bucket and pour it in, cold or warm,
as desired. The "bendy mai" intends,
to rig it up this summer with a pulley
arrangement whereby it can be keret-
ed fey filling and easily pulled back
into place, But etude as it is, it made
possible refreshing baths for - the
whole family,
Farm people need not go without
aiil conveniences!—D. S.
peculiar abilities. To cariy.out their "9fA your icidding, Blatch," grin -
forth untold opportunities "or
plane they needed all the 'capital they 'nerU' Mr.-- Nickleby modestly as he
edfo_r thedecanter, quite uncoil -
could scrape together. Hence the reach.
peetent proposal to united all the scions of Vile pun. "But 'I' hops Y.'c'elle
Nickleby Interests as quickly as pos- 110W.convinced that this proposition is
Bible for as much ready cash as might feasible and quite in order.'
"I don't know about that," objected
e logical victim was the Honor- H abl Milton' slowly. "It's
able Milton Waring. Already Nicee 6 ear enough that you've got things in
e Amer e
by felt that his cultivation of the hon- your own hand's jest now, J. C., and
orable gentleman had proceeded far 11 shove through this deal O.K. But
enough to justify some boldness. He your whole control rests upon the fact
'due"' that the Bradford stock is side-track-
ed. Suprposing Nat Lawson locates
that missing "power-of-attorney?
Wha"Itgriveemy7osu my word that he can't
do it,' chuckled Nickleby.
"That's all very well. But suppos-
ing he does? How do you know he
"Because I do." Nickleby set down
his ,glass triumphantly. "I don't mind
letting you into a secret, gentle -
Men. That power-of-attorney has
been destroyed."
"Are you sure?" gasped Ferguson..
"I ought to he. I burned it myseltE!"
"No! You're stuffing us, J. C. You
may be clever; but you're net as clever
as that! Say, wiE you, swear to that?"
"Here's a Bible Blotch. Make him
in the Interprovincial Loan & Savings swear to it and the deal's on."The
acro ss the desk as he spoke. t a 's
the situation, I guess We safe to go
thumb by way of certain personal
loans, protected by personal notes, 'In
addition, there was the little flyer in,
real-estate which the Honorable
andton - his satellite, Blatchford Fer-
guson, had put through with Nickle-
by's aseistance. That little transaction
would cost the honorable gentleman
Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and
Spearmint certainly make
three delightful flavors to
choose from.
And the new NIPS—the
candy -coated peppermint
gum, is also a great -treat for
your sweet tooth.
All from the Wrigley fac-
tories where practice has
made perfection,
Company at a satisfactory figure.
These plans. amounted practically to
theft; but this was something Which
Nickleby would not admit, even to •
himself, He preferred to can it "high "You s,oneof-a-gun!" ,cried Margin
finance," "clever dealing," "sharp son, when Nickleby had duly taken
practice" perhaps. But he had no, his oath. "I don't mind admitting
intention of overstepping the law, If, that when I first heard, your 'proven -
after he was safele away trouble de- tion I thought it was ilinsosAstble to
veloped .as a result of the situation get 'away with it. You buy a farm,
-which he left behind him, that would "turn it into a subdivision, hand it over
be the least of hie worries. The "nets. to us; then we hand it back to you as
management" of his saocessors In the colaateml for a loan of $250,000, with
control of the loan comPany would be which we purchaee from you the sub -
responsible, not J. Cuthbert Nickleber division and all your stock in the
The' old Abercrombie farm, outsi e 'company, which gives us control of
the city limits, had been a happy ells_ the transaction—Phew! .give me air!"
covery. The property really was a "You understand, Neckleby, that
valuable one and before inanY years we've got to be mighty careful how
went by it Nowa, des -time to eke in this, thing is handled," said: Waring
valise rapidly as the city grew. The ,gravely. "it's taking chances."
place heel dropped into neglect of late 'Nothing venture, nothlog wit,'
and- the old' lady who had fallen heir quoted Nickleby. "But I'll cover A
to the estate was a non-resident Rives 1111. Leave that to me."
had discovered that this spinster, "Lawson has a lot of friends, re -
Miss Patience Hollinserorth, vete in member. There's Ben Wade, for it -
her dotage and for a man of Rives' I steam' "
ability the :met had been easy. fte "You needn't worry about him, Milt.
trble to get together
had secured an option on the fann at He hasn't been
a ridiculous price. Nickleby thereupon; mote than thirty per cent. of the
had bad; it sub-dividect into blocks and 1 Vo,
and building Iota, and the' "And there's Timothy Drexel—He's
beautiful 'new residential suburb of , a director, isn't he ? "
"filvsr Glen" had appeared; in bine hut
"That old; fool! Yes he's a director;
print. - I but he's putty! Hand him smile taffy
At the moment these very blue- I
printS, mounted on beaver -hoard, were
propped he convenient position about
the library. On thee vonorable WI -
ton's desk repOsecl Sundry legal docu-
ments pertaining to the transfer of
the Abererombie property arid certain
other papers awaiting signature.
"I've seen rawkner, of Suburban
Trolleys Ltd; and it wilt be a simple
matter for thorn to extend, theirline
as son es you're ready to put 'Meer
Glen' on the market/' remarked
Nicloleby, "Properly advertised,
gentlemen, that eubdivision will net a
clean half million, Vin getting ,quito
eaelted about ft myself and I only
wish X was gedieg to be on hand to
handle it perfronally." . r•
Honorable Milton heeded, a small Bible
d )7
and you can pat him into any shape
you like. You shateld have heard his
epeeeh when he nominated. me for
president last year," and Nickleby
laughed: heartily at the recollection.
The Honorable Milton Waring got
up and began to pace the room. It
was evident that there were certain
aspects of the deal which disturbed
"If my connection with this thing
ever got 'out, Match," he said, paus-
ing in front of the la.wyer, "it would
mean—the finish!"
"Oh, hang the political end of 11,
,Milt!" exclaimed Ferguson impatient-
ly. "Between us, J. C. and I will see
that you are protected: legally. And
anyway, what's the 11a8 of being in
politics, if you don't get a share of the
loaves and fishes while you've got the
chance? All politicians are supposed
by the pobItc to be feathering their
own nests, and you might as well
feather yours when you've got to come
under the accusation anyway. It's all
in the game. If you've got the spon-
alike you can do anything these
Dye Old Wrap, Skirt,
Sweater, Curtains
In Diamond Dyes
Each package of "Diamotd Dyes"
contains directions so simple aety wo-
man tan dye or tint her old worn,
faded things new. Even if ohs has
never dyed before, she can put a xich,
fadeless color into shabby skirts,
dresses, walatse eoats, eteelsings,
sweaters, coverin,ge, draperies, hang
Jugs, everything! Buy Diamond Dyes
other kind—then perfeet home
dyeing guarantead. just tell year
druggist whether the rn,aterial you
with to dye id Wool or silk, or whether
le linen, oetton, Or mixed goode,
Mammal, Dyee never streak, spot,
fade, or rue.
Cheese .Century Old.
Some of the wealthy families in
Switzerland peeseitt oliteatea' more
than a century are served
nonsicired e.tif.:tarnary for the brlife tlttillf an the Ihit/at itoiPOrtalot
fur° .4F.1h the curtailtrl fie3, the bedrooina,
" ^.!;;,1n. and iciteherk, ThCise 11$1,1411,y tYff flora's LifiltrOnt fgr, Om
As a Labor -Saver Alone
You will find the
5eiDitie FURNITURB 51•10:
a most profitable investment,
You can move your furniture easily
and !Smoothly over any carnet or
floor with little effort. The "Onward"
saves rugs from wear and tear.
Simply and quickly put on without
screws or sockets
Tell your dealer all furniture you bur
must be equipped with glum hose
Onward Sliding Furniture Shoes.
Ail stzes atui styles, both glass base
and ,smeoth metal base
Made in Canada by
ONWARD MFG. CO., Kitchener, On.
days. It's every man for himself and
the devil take the hindmost!"
"There's 4 kb of truth in -what you
say, Bleach. Well, let's get down to
business and get it over with," sighed
the Honorable Milton Waring.
Abrupttly he sat down at his desk
and reaehed for the papers.
(To be continued.)
Minard'a Liniment for Dandruff.
A single grain a indigo dye -will
tint one ton ofwater.
Nine fires in ten are caused by hu-
man hands. The causes look trifling,
but the 'consequences are a national,
disaster. We have lost thousands of
square miles of timber from fire alone,'
ten tiniest as much as has been turned
to use.
A VERY efficient
antiseptic when
used as a first-aid
dressing for cuts,
scratches, bruises, in-
sect bites, etc. Keep
a tube in the house
for etn.ergencies,
• (Consolidated)
1550 Chabot Ave. • 110/theal
Lift Off with Fingers
aoseeseere ee eateezeearaleteett le Mat eel
r'i}IE postman and expressman will
bring Parker service right to your
home. We pay carriage one way,
Whatever you send -- whether it be
household draperies or the most deli-
cate fabxies—ovili 'be speedily returned
to their fteshnese 'MIL you
think of cleaning or dyeing
think of PARKER'S*
Parka's ,
Dye Works
Cleaners and Dyers
791 vonge St.
Toronto • 03
lemoralgoomatentwoo ,
Deesht hart a WL Drop .a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, inetant.,
ly that corn steps hurting, that shortly
you lilt it right Off with linen, TailY1,
Your druggist sale a tiny bottlet
"Preasone" for a tow touts, sentient
to ITATIOV(i every hard corn, eon earn,
OZ' eOrii betweefl the toe, and the cal
141008, without soreness