HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-18, Page 1Vol. ,XX II No 42 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 18, C922, TAR. I' ONOGRAPH We have taken over the Agency of the Star Phono- graph in connection with our other lines and are pre- pared•=to. sliow you all the different styles. WE ALSOHAVE THE STA B RECORDS: POOR SALE. COME AND HEAR THE THE PRICE FOR -THESE RECORDS IS THE CHEAPEST .-ON THE MARKET, SIDE AT 65c: . H. PFILE ZURICH THE HOME OF u.00D SHOES. LATEST MUSIC ,A DOUBLE OQc•0c0c•lJ-r�o.l!o•oGAO:c•lo!y• oc�/c• KZtoOo•G7odc•cE�7o••o!>a•0o0oa.o0oc.0zo•0oo0o :o•v.o;O gee• 0•'T .•rao.4.0•O� .6' 8 e, 4o SUITS f%, A ` 1 , only,; Girls Tricotine Suit, Size 20, Reg. Price $45, Sale price $30:00 vn • 1, only Girls Tricotine Suite size 18, Regular $35, Sale price ... $25.00 1, only Girls Tricotine Suite size 16, Regular $30.00, Sale ._ .__22.00 .61 4' - 2, only Ladies' Hue Botany size 18and 20, Reg. $35, -Sale _..t ... $25.00_ 2 only Lathes fine Serge 18 and 20, Reg. $25.00, Sale Price .......$19.00 ID' 1, only Ladies fine Serge, size 18, Reg. $25.00Sale Price_ $17.50 In nits 4Q0 4U0 order to clear -out the balance of. our Ladies Qd� operations have commenced for Chester L. Sxn tl , Paliliahat $1.25 a Year In Advance bG FI`T ARB1,A:its, MAY l j 'UIHA:RGJ P MI. Ward Fritz has purheased a rcrd Runabout. Mars. Mary Stelek has been .on, the .Sick list "the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Braun were t=ieitors to Crediton on Sunday. Messrs Ed. Kraft and G. Merner, of Dashwood were in thevillage on Tuesday. Mr. Peter Beaver of Michigan,. visited with his brother, Mr. PhilipBeaver, the past week. if the housecleaning season de- vended on man for its being, it wouldnever have been. Mr. Alex. Foster is making pre- parations to commence repairing the concrete water supply tank. .0h Boys! Let us meet you to- night at the Zurich Diamond, for that opening game with Wingham. Mr. Frank Siebert, who had been for some months at his home here, on -,account of a sore knee, left, for Detroit on Thursday morning. 'Suits aid Coats we are givingfollowing the . . bi g.0�b reductions in .prices. Any one wanting anything 00' 400 .in this line will do well to take advantage of these o� cry m= `'and pie in the Ladies' Hall• rice.s_as the goods cannot be replaced at the" prices .. -on Tliisrsday• evening, .May 18111,. oiling our streets, and as soon as the 'oil arrives;- it will be put or(, which will be a great pleasure of. having no dust flying on our main streets. . The Young Ladies' Bible Class and the Live Wire Class of the Evangelical church, will serve ice • we are quoting. COATS 3, only Ladies Coats 'size 16, 18, 20 Reg. $27.50, Sale Price $20.00 1, only Ladies Coat size 16, Regular $20:00, Sale Price ... .._ ... $15.00 2, only Girls Sport Coats 18-20 Regular 18.50, Sale _:.' .._ ._. ._. $14.00 1, only Girls Velour Coat size 14, Regular $16:50, Sale .: $12,50' 1, only Girls Homespun size 12, Regular $11.00, Sale ... ._. ...$8.50 Phone 59 WE ARE. IN THE MARKET FOR ALSII E AND CLOVER SEED yy �.y ��j y. ��j ,ry yy. ,y ,y+ .c✓ .c�..�'.:�..r�t r, .,.�.:�• ,r .,� ,�,G-• .:..; ,.�0 i( Y i+ � L .iG%!� •Y �.(�' fC�. �.� ir� A r^w. �7 .Lu"}_• +�.y, '<:✓ '> a.-•c'a<a';Sc^-V�',�"a�G.'SJ'�.4\,� �'.:7.���•.� �`�aj�'�w.. �ti .��'�.:'�rv.`n'�]a' ..��.,i���i''. Men's Spring Suits THE REPUTATION OF: THIS STORE AS BEING THE HOME OF READY-MADE CLOTHING IS AGAIN FORCIBLY SHOWING THE HIGHEST GRADE CLOTHING DEMONSTRATED IN THE NEW ''40 EST SPRING STYLES. WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED A NEW ASSORTMENT AND CAN LOUDLY SAY THAT NEVER BEFORE HAVE WEHAD SUCH-;IQ A SPLENDID RANGE OF BLUE SERGES, ENGLISH WORSTEDS, Q Q SCOTCH SERGES, AS WE ARE SHOWING NOW. BE SURE AND '1?) LOOK THESE :OVER.0 40 0�0 FIT--U--CAPS. A NEW LINE .017 FIT -U -CAPS YOURS' BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE cc ip ncncing at 8 o'clock. his „the time, to swat the ray, re 4'dronto Medical Dimer says He says' Rahe swatting of one fly now is the same as swat- ting watting a million flies in July. Ev- en withered flies that appear to he dead should be swatted:. They nay, b,e only hibernating. Rev. and Mrs. J. G.. Litt • and. daughter, arrived from Tororrto on Saturday. Their living effects were transported from Hensal1 st- ation( on Monday, by the congreg- ation, • and they are getting nicely settled, and we wish to have them feel comfortable with the Zurich people. By an adv. elsewhere it will be Phonograph Repair- ing a Specialty PROMPT SERVICE ON DUPLICATErG BROKEN MAIN SPRINGS G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN " PHONE No. 74 T H E MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital .Paid -.Up $4,000,00% Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches OPPORTUNITIES TO BTIY` CATTLE, horses, farm implem• encs, etc., cheaply are const antly turning up. The farmer with money saved is the one who gets these snaps. Place your crop earnings in a Savings Account with the neap est branch of The Molsons Bank where,, while earning in- terest and being absolutely safe your money is available at any minute. Deposits can be made by mail. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch .4,00..04.00.040-470a.a a a4., 40**000440ms00o**s****** rt ti n 44, • . • HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS MENT- • IONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT a PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE" PRICES WILL BE 4, GOOD ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, 4- a 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets, gine 72x84, at each .... ... .__ $5,00 4 2 dozen Jute Blankets; at a Real. Bargain 0. a A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. 0 10 Robes, size 54x62 at from $12.50 upwards, O A number of real English Plush Rugs, prices from $6.00 to $9.50 •0 Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse hide Mitts at, a Bargain. . . 4 h0°/, off on Whips valued at 75'•c, and up. 4... 4 A number sets of Single Harness; at $25.00 each. e. 9 PEONS . in 'REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 0, 3 FRED THIEL *, or '.36• '. „,,,, 'r „ .:a:.J, „:` '•.,.,•A04.4,..0A.„.0.0` °3> ,,i,Q; ...1,00'C+!''....b....44•' . 4444+4++++++444++++++++01444++++++++++++++++++++++++4, F4+4 +•1••F••F•++44£••3•++3+fi•++0f•3•4»F++++• •••tra:-+•1••F••d•+•D••E••3••E•-F•.1^.i••,� •++4 • 4, Spring Showings' of CHOICE FOOTWEAR Om- Footwear is now complete Spring • Showing of Choice • and we must say without theshadow of a doubt, that we„ + have never had in Stock such a good assortment of the ' •€ niftiest styles, made over the latest lasts. --and they also assure 41, comfort and ease when walking,. The leathers this Spring al-, . ,. • so promise to be considerable sup - seen' seen' that a new Keeper and Mat- . erior in qualityto•former years. ron are required at the 'County Hoare, as Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reyn- olds, who have held the position as Beeper and Matron for the past four years are retiring. theyhave made a great success of the Horne and both County Officials and in- mates are sorry to see them leave. NOTICE A meeting og. the - rate pavers of R. S. No. 7, _Hay will be held in the school on Tuesday May 23••d. at 3 pan. , for the purpose of disco sing the inetalla'tion of a new lavatory system... LATE MRS. LOUIS WURM Elizabeth. Rupp, beloved wife of Mr Louis Wurm, just south of the village, ' passed away on Friday, May 12th at her home hem. after only a. few weeks illness with Well's 'disease, at the age of 52 years and 6 months. Deceatd was born at St. ,'Jacobs .(pt., and spent nearly all her life in these parts and thereby having made many intimate friends. She- is survived by her husband, Mr. Louis Wurm. and 'six children ;they are -Leonard Wurm of Alberta; • Arnold Wurm of Detroit Alvin Wurm of Hensel' and Herbert Wuarn at home, also Mrs. Chas. Gossman of Alberta, Mrs. Hy. iSehilbe' of the 14th con. Hay; her mother, Mrs. Hy. Rupp of the vil- lage; five brother, Wm. Elsner, Norman and Edward Rupp ,all of. Detroit, and Christ Rupp of Wood- stock; three sisters, Mrs. Hy. Sch- lueter and Mrs.' J. Taylor of De- troit and Mrs. P Rinker of Thed- ford, survive to mourn.her los'.The funeral 'was.1targely' attended on Monday, it taking plate to the t,t';heran cemetery, for intermert, Rev. H. Retake, the local pastor officiating. HAVE JUST ..ARRIVED. GET. V' DUE' 40 �Q 4 N, RANGIN.a '‘f, .Q• V 0 Co A i S THE NEW STYLE FIATS FOR SP RING ARE JUST IN PRICES FROM $3.25; to $5.00. J. P.EETER. Produce Wanted oFor Infants and ClxildreA a (1 O 1 ha U se For Over 3O Ye re .Always nears era 1 • Si natur -a' • See our Stock of Ladies' Fine One, Two and Three Strap Slip • - • pers. Oxfords are worn extens- t ively tans. Summer, and we have * just what you want in this line of .4tt • Footweait. • Also an exceptionally fineshow ing of Men's. fine Shoes, Oxfords, 4. Etc. You will save dollars, and • have the beat of satisfaction by * buying at our Stores. . •3• 0. FRITZ & SON 1 SHOE MERCHANTS • ZURICH ®ASHW00 � ++++++++++++++++++++++44441.++++++++++++++++++4..+++.1.41,14 We invite you to come and see our new Spring and Summer goods. in Voils, C-iilghams, G ela.teas, Prints ete. We also have a good assortment of Staples ii hardware and oils harness and relaans' sweat pads, bridles, luxes, watelTrool rugs etc, We have on harmit diff rout varieties ofseedcorn a•trigl t 'prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST ?RICCES PAID FOR AGS AND; DRIED .FV,PI'LR R. N.. .. 1'4- .` PHONE 11 - 97 ' z-euliae�k•'•'•'"�•"`^'° .Fro .,.»' • arC:r3Y•a+�Xtee 4