HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-11, Page 7BEA TH EDUCATION
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat -
tors through this column.., Address him at Spa.dina House, Spadina
Crescent, `1.'orento,
If the intelligence of the child is to
be determined early, en'd,it's•work ar
schoo•1 is to make satisfactory pro.
geese, there mast be co -operation -be-
tween the parents and school teachers.
In massy cases the parents will have
noticed some, peculiarity about the
child in i:ts early years, about which
the teacher ahoauid be in,f'o'n,ed when
the child starts going to sebo•ol. This
would at once draw attention to traits
of character and bol1i phya.leal end
mental :cenditiuona which would be of
great. value in grncling the child for
SC'iioel 'studies,. There i5 in Toronto
an organization, the Winchester
Home ;and School Aseo'ciation, which
is trying to bring abo!st this much
dee-lead eosoperation botw•ten home
and eeh�ool. At its annual meeting held
reoerutly, this- Aseedetieh decided to
setvcl out a gnlestioncire to parents,
containing nineteen questions suck as
the following, in 'order that the school
authorities. may know that the parents
are taking an active, intelligent in.-
terest in their ctkildren'�s condition
and Carrying out super -vision of the
child's life and habits that will be con-
ducive to its mental and physical bet-
Do you visit the school to inquire
We have ell becomeOA MAN
Physic inti•
AND ,7C th,o i�eni•ist shop
tibn wilco wo retlaiia zne:clicancic of anys that we qui kin�d
Lt forget that our .
Classified ..dvertiselnr ants
F,l„arn TiIltiltl7 A VTT]LCANIZIc.LL IN YOU
town? You can e $25.00 daily. We
teach you. Write Chief Inatruetar,
Canada Vulcanizer, London, Ont
WAS --
pe.i'ents found remedies. for every come OUT k `!F MEALS
mon complaint e •crows says
OUT �1 2S
caused by Starved Nerves Due nplaint in the h d , y
�y 0 YO[T WANT A. FXRk77.' OR
an English writer, �_ �l geoand mnrtgnge investment O
,rood security'? Write B. Norman & Co:.
to Weak, Watery Blood. 1116:ye been reading, an. old: mane -
script bock, written, I think by a DA"" ° " gfj T;at, Stomach a a .,ti.nrT.. ',Mortgage
People think of neuralgia as a pain
-""'"""-.-.=�-.••-.=� l fere head or face but ncumalgi�,
aunt neatlya hundred yeas.% a
Fie Took
N. Gagnon .oinSt
Hill dl Until Assn 11ND8 Orr Zang/ USE],"
roping. pulleys. cane, cable, hoae,pee klam,
etc„ rahlpped subjeot to approve] at lowest
1 6r Tante STR- '! TORONTO Q
b d Different ago, which tells.of many of these elm-, Down i Rapidly
about your child's progress and de -1
� effect any retro of the 0 y. remedies.
pertinent and to see if you can help naives are given to it when it aifeets P-113 For tonics t
or spring use she reGonu-', ___ ._ CYC a 1�t0'FR7'
the tvachai' to help the child? certain nervee. Thus nearaigia of the mends ni .lees pr of the common Man Now.
Do you encourage your •ehi1tl in re -1 sciatic nerve is called sciatica, but the cainds„a Of wird mint she made on
sped for teachers and other's in auth- character of the paha and infusion which was a useful stomacan
the nature , h, "I was cheated out of a go'o'd many
v9 of the disease is the same. ,rhe genre and le F1ae ryay in cane of meals while I had stomach teoublf,
Do you send your child to bed in; is the sane, and the remedy to be cake. Sage tea she reyommencls as • but I'm making tip for later time narnv,"
The Sala -
time, so that h,e will be rested and fit' affective, roust be the same. takes
pain a stomach medicine, bait adds that the said L. Napoleon Gagman, 581; Sala
for study a of neuralgia, whether it takethe plant should come from chalky sail. berry St., Quebec, a well-known Cana -
Do you provide plain Tiontishing, form of sciatica, or whether it alfa ors plant re- lien Pacific Railroad morn.
feed and see that your child is up in; the face and head, is caused by rune ors,. another
hthe �tonzenpraper fes "Fee a long time I hadabeen unable
starved nerves, . The blood, which nor to get any s'atisfaetiabout eating
timeDo yout a good teachse n eh ld:sto read the. ma•1'ly carries nourishment to the' of its rc•ats• rt axed felt tired and word gull so I culcl
y 1 e• Instead of pills, she mane an in • -
papers and And out the best in theles! nUves, for some ie�asoa. no longer c o s fusion of the inner bark of the eons.-
work I ryas very discouraged,
' s,o anal the excruciating pain you feel. toga, because 1 could see I was gain;
and do you encourage an interest in i, is th'e cry of the nerves for faoat. 'The r mozi ez.3:er. She says that this must down hill every dray and there wan no
public affairs? 1 reason why the blood fails to properly nvt be usocl too strong. The yellow relief in sight.
Do you avoid gossip and the telling izaurish tiro nerves fit usually because; innier'bark of the Meek elder is as "It certainly was remarkable the
toincidents which they may rnisin- the blood itself is weak and thin• i a purge'
tezpaet before your cliildmen? When you build up the thin bleed ! One ounce was boiled in a quart c'f way TanQac ealue to my aid. I am
Do you encourage helpful convex- - , I water, and to this was added a small feeling like a new man now, here the
rvitli Dr. Williams pink pins, you are ; appetite of: a woodchopper and every-
sation at table? attacking neuralgia, sciatica and:kin- amount of ginger and same raravvay thing I east agrees with me. 1 certain -
Do you interest yoalrself in your "sired diseases at rho root. The value seeds. Roots f theh iznon
es' a s. oo s o hemp
al x y, ly never intend to miss, a chance to
child's sports aanusements and friend -gathered fresh and boiled. in beer, are
of those pills in cases of this
. kind is io , put in a good ward for Tanlac."
ships? shown by the experience of Muss Bele I equally efficacious. + Tanlao is sold by all good druggists.
One .can reedit see how much 1 For children suff"er:in, from wormed
y lah M, Fairweather, Cumberland Bay, g ,:---Advt.
mutual benefit the co-operation of N S , who says: "A few years. ago, j th•e flowers of the common tangy were,
following an attack oR measles, i was gathered, driedy powdered, and mixed
left inn a badly rundown condition. I with treacle• . Yarrow has always had;
home and school will be in bringing
up children in the right way and pre-
reparing them for useful citizenship.
Mrs. Alfred Trancheniantagne, St.
British Ships Idle.
as weak incl very nervous, and had , a great reputation with herbalists. An estimate of the British ton -
M• y the clay soon come when this no appetite, A looter was called in I The freshly -;gathered tops were used' nage laid up at present puts the figure
coy -operation. will be generally adopted and gave tie medicine, but it did not to male a drink which is said' to have' at 2'206 000 gross t6ons while the
all aver tike province. of
hands and my feet were always cold. and ulcers. 1 dition to privately owned ships and
Of the human body shows this. Why Then to add to my misery I was at- Marsh -mallow, rife writes, is excel-, excluding wooden and eoanpcsite ves-
ur loudne s sus ended without tacked with neuralgia, from which I1 feint for poultices, having seething sole, has 7021 :boats idle of about 4,
help me. My blood was thin and. my f been most valuabbe in case of legs United States 'Shipping Rons+dy in ad -
are uroteotion, without any support, in suffered greatly. I was reduoed to a; Properties, and mullein leaves boiled 000,000 gross tons. Other nsarhinia
down she used for a liniment for
countries are in the same position. It
Michel des Saints, Que., writes:- so badly T l' d t I th s is estimated that 30,000 British roar-;
"Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent " -- -- size officers and seamen are unem- {
medicine. They saved nay baby's life P' 1 }''lis It ens a' er �dtFel .,ID played.
and I can highly recommend them to some tree before I could n:otieo any Pays Dividends to Wrigley i
all mothers," Mrs, Tranchemon- benefit from the pills, but before a MOUSY ORDERS. l
Wrigley's chewing gum has started
tagn,e's experience is that of thous- halt a dozen boxes were used there was its fourteenth year of advertising in the Pay your out-af town accounts by
ands af'other mothers who have test- no doubt that they were helping me, Dominion Express Money Order. Five
ed the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. t 1 d Then I got six more boxes, and before Canadian newspapers. When they be- Dollars costs three cents.
The Tablets' are a sure and safe medi-they were done, I was once more en -
very few people used chewing
it gum Today, few people da not get
cine for little ones and never f
a veiti'cal position? Why is the liven mere skeleton, and did not care
fastened? It can be shown whether ive or not. was in �-i
that in the position of quadrupeds all deplorable condition when I began tak-
these organs were naturally protected. ang Dr. Williams'W i iin; Piles. • was
Our organs are those of a quad-
ruped. We, therefore, walked on four
feet. This is all the resemblance we
have with the apes. The latter are not
our direct ancestors; we have evolved
onlyparallel with them. Man does
not descend from the ape, .of which
there are innumerable species, while
with man there has always been but
once species, the Homo sapiens, divided
into different races.
Why Jimmy Giggled.
Jimmy giggled when the teacher
read the story of the man who swam
across the Titer three times before
"You do not doubt that a trained
swimmer could do that, do you?" he
"No, sir," answered Jimmy, "but 1
wonder why he didn't make it four—
and get back to the side where his
clothes were."
-_,......_.- to
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Calor -blindness is usually heredi-
tary, although a form of it may result
from the •over -use oa tobacco.
bruises and sprains.
ail to loyiug goad health and am now strong the pleasure' and benefit of using There is a time to be proud; but
regulate the bowels and stomach, thus and healthy. I shall always feel grate- Wrigley's `after every meal." let somebody else tell you when that
relieving ell the minora ills from which ful for what the pills have done for •
Regular consistent newspaper ad- 10.
children suffer. They are sold by me, and urge all weak people to give
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 them a trial" vertis•ing convinced the good an pub -
cents a box froThe Dr.' Williams' You can get these pills through any tic that Wrigley's is and good
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. dealer in medicine or by mail at -50 for them. It has built the modern
_._ _ cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 sanitary factory at Toronto•—recently
Grazing on Western Forest
Owing to various eau•ses, some per-
enanemt some temporary, a large th
number of stock can be grazedon the
Dominion forest reserves in the West,
not only without injury to, the forest
but with'a positive benefit tothe sense.
Was Always Man. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., doubled in size,
Those persons who de not agree Brockville, Ont.
If newspaper advertising will do
��� this for tile manufacturer of a single
with Darwin's theory of the descent item selling fon the smell cost of five
of maxi might get some comfort freer Pearls of Wisdom.. cents how much more can it do for the I
Profe'ss'or Courtiere,, of the French Those Who waste time waste life. local purveyors- of general merchan-,
Academy of Medicine, who has re- Give us your best, and you'll get the dise who are selling many items, seine !
viewed the recent discoveries of los- beet. of them running into hundreds of dol- I
silo and the various theories of de- The number of .horses, caitble and Talking comes by nature, silence by ears on a single sale?
scent applied,' to man. Is roan "only sheep grazed on the reserves for the wisdom
a religious animal"?
"At all events," said the eminent hundred thousand and this number is is himself,
last few years has averaged about one' The worst flatterer a man can have Canada's Forest Experiment
p'rafes,ser, speaking in the amphi- increasing. In order that each re -1 He who swells in prospersty will Stations.
iheatre of the Faculty of Flearmacy, serve may carry its full complement shrink in adversity. The field work on the Dominion
"man alone is preoccupied with his of stock without being aver -grazed, Promises may get friends, but per. Forestry Branch forest experiment
origin." forage surveys are being mode by formance keeps them. stations is being vigorously pushed
Now trace's of the latter are found grazing experts, with the result that Ike that persists in going the con- this season. There are two perman-
in the geological strata which the sa- it has been found possible to aecom- trans way insist go, over it twice, ent stations, one on the Petawawa
vent studies. Studied in the light of nvodate considerably more stock than . 'Tis strange but true that you must Military Resrve in the white pine re-
lnodern science and the most recent by the grazing meth is formerly in take trouble to avoid trouble. Bion of Ontario, the other at Lake Ed -
discoveries, the olid question, "Does use, " This opportunity to gr'az'e stack It's a great thing to have confidence ward in the pulp lands of Quebec, on
man descend from the ape?" bun no on the reserves is of great benefit to in your own ability, and a greater to the Laurentide Company's holdings.
The main •object of the work is to lis -
longer :any sense. the farmers and ranchers of the differ- have the ability. z 'H NS.
There are, to be snare, anthropoid eat prairie districts.
In thousands of cages
Mother Seigel's Syrup has proved
effective inpermaaently banishing
digestive troubles even
when they have been
of long standing. If you
suffer, put it to the test after your
next meal. 8-sa1
e ®riai>Ia1 alio �Iily Genuine. l
._ .� cover the proper means of securing a
apes 80 near us a "they 0 40ntinUU7rS crop Of timber on out -over Beware of irritation; sold cal the
wanted money" to resemble us, as- lands, and of putting lands at present merits of
Some tune ago the chauffeur of a unproductive on a productive basis.
cording to a witty Parisienne; h Parisian taxicab concei
to that only "American Spoken."
t These olio have been caug t in a , . ived the great The two experiment stations form the MINARD'S �' LINIMENT
"but why did these animals great storm at sea usually describe nucleus of the Dominion forest re -
never know how to make fire? Why the waves as "mountain high." Ex- idea of pastingon his vehicle a hill
side they never learn to speak?" tensive and oarefu•1 observations show with the alletrizug an:scripti•on: "English search organization. This organize.
There is no doubt. that about the that storm waves do sometimes at- spoken." tion embraces work on the Dominion
One of his 'colleagues devised some forest reserves in the West and Simi -
tertiary epoch,• very near to ours, tarn a vertical height of forty feet thin better. ]Ela put on the auto door lar work in various part's of the East -
,there existed three great species, the and "tidal" waves a height of from in royal ter. "American ant n." the latter in co-operation with lumber-'
demurs, the apes and man;. and that sixty to eighty feet. The smashing rrBecause," said the chauffeur when
those species had no resemblance farce of such'stupendous waves can men and pulp companies, who, in cozn-
d d f thefast that seas only asked, "there are now in Paris more mon with provincial foresters and
whatever to one another, However, it be
ju. age roan Americans than English, and they feel many others, are lending their en-
seems well proved that man of that twenty feet high exert a pressure of fiattered when hearing their language thusiastic assistance to the work.
tifne was far from resembling that of two thousand pounds on every square
to -,day. The physical conformation foot opposed to them.
Almost as L sy asWishing
Your breakfast cu.p is ready
without trouble or delay when
is the table beverage.
`ro a teaspoonful of
Instant Postu.rn in the cup,
add hot water, stir, and you
have . a satisryinO,comfort-
ing drink,,delight ul in taste—
and with no harm to nerves or
digestion e As many cups as
you like, without regret.
'There's a Reaso sr
Your grove sells Po eu.m in two Forms,
PoS'1["tm C R.H'.Aa.L (ixr. packa.geia)
made by boiling Fun 20 minutes.
I sl'S".ANT Po $71,14 Ur). ttso)
,ode instantt, in.. rhe cup by adding hat brat
Canadian Poonn Cereal Ltd. Wfnd$or,Ont.
"So you speak ,it?" Economic Value of Paint.
"'Sir, T have been two months in The life and usefulness of practical -
Brazil!" was his ,confident reply,
ly all buildings, farm machinery and
Steering the Ship, implements can be prolonged by the
The profiteer's wife had never been application of suitable Paint or risk. It has been estimated that the Ver=
to sea before. Far a treat, her hue- loss suffered yearly through the decay ,.gin...
Band! took her for a voyage in a big of wooden surfaces le far In excess of
ocean linen of
annual fire lass, The best ex -
day, during her -wanderings ampler o- the value of Paint as a pre -
the ship, she saw far below servative are the many farm buildings
her a mass of people, find was struck still existing throughout the country
by the contrast of their surround- d- which ate over a century old and are
ings with her oven luxurious cabin, still in splendid condition. It is
"Who are those people down actually true that wood will last in -
she asked a sailor, definitely if kept well painted.
"Steerage, mum," he replied. Paint saves by protecting and at
"Fancy that, now," she sand, "and the same time it fostere self respect,
does it take all those people to keep through iiiiproving the appearance of
the ship straight?" our property. Farmers who doubt the
....—n - " value of Paint may gain enlighten -
Some Cosolatioit. rent from the feet that bankers will
Timid, Lady (about to buy a ticket loan from 10 to 50%d more on land
fon Enieope) "Acid. is the boat that where farm buildings are well painted
pails oda Thursday perfectly safe?" and kept in good condition than on
Agent (gravely): "Madam, 1 can land where they are not. The backers'
assilre you that in all the time this action is based not merely on the
ship has been in service, and that is simple idea that the farmer's house
now •a number of years, not *nee has and barns are likely to least longer
rho gone to the bottom:' through the use of a protective coating •
Timid Lady (reassured): "Oh, then but upon th'e truth that the man who
it must be all right, What cabins uses Paint and Varnish gives clear
have you vacant?" evidenoe that be is wise and thrifty
.+ and, therefore, a good risk.
Ascension Island -between Africa ee
and South America, like St. yielena Use of Words.
one of the most isolated spots in the Persons of superior culture ere
world, has a unique government. A familiar with inure than 5,000 worde
British naval captain under the With- fa itzaz•y p'erson's know 2,000 to 3,000
o:rity of the Gibraltar admiralty 'ad- arid Illiterate persons nee about 300.
ministers the affairs, of the island as - -� e,,., -n,_
if it were a ship and the two ora three Mlnard's t-inimcrit Relieves 1Veuralflla
litandred iiihebitants Were menrbeia of
the 'crew,
Bulk Carlots
£martce'a 1toneer bog Eomedie;.
Book on
tied Bow to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
Z Clay Glover Co., Enc,
129 'West 29th Street
New York, U.S.A.
On Face and Hands.
itched and Burned. Face
Disfigured. Lost Hest.
"My trouble came in tiny water
blistets which would break and form
sore eruptions. My face
and hands were affected,
end the skin was soreand
red. The eruptions itched
and burned so that I
scratched them, and my
face was disfigured. Most
rest at night.
"The trouble lasted about three
months. A friend asked me to try
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and
after using three cakes of Soap and
two boxes gfOintesentl vvac
(Signed) Mies Agatha Tyler, R. F.
D. 1, Box 50, West Lubec, Ido.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tel -
cum are ideal for every -day toiletuses.
SentylaEa.cbRraebyMatt. Address:"Lywzns,Lffic•
ite1, :Wept Raul 8:., W., Montreal." Sold every.
where. Soap26e, Ointment26andMMe. Talcum2,5e.
Cuticura Soap shaves without mug,
So Writes Mrs, Lernery of
Brockville, Ontario, Regard'
ing Lydia B. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Brockville, Ontario.—"I took Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
for weakness and
female disorders. I
was so weak at
times that I could
not stand up. I
had been this way
for nearly three
years and the dif-
ferent medicines I
had taken had not
done me any good.
T found one of your
little books in my
door one day and
thought I would give it a trial. I
am now on my fifth bottle and it is
wonderful the way it has helped me.
I am feeling much better, have no
weak spells and can do all my work
now. I am recommending pour
Vegetable Compound to all I know
and you can use my testimonial to
help other women." ----Dirty. CASry
Laaz>:nY, 176 Abbott St, Brockville,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound is a medicine for women's ail-
ments and has a record of nearly fifty,
years behina it.
groW faster between 4 a, in,
en everyhive are bees wbeee -duty and g ane than at any other time due-
their wings.
nig the day.
it is to keep it ventilated by fanning
14SUl No, 9s—'22.
WARNING! Say "Bayer'.' when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the shame "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds H ead ache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggistte
Aspirin is the trade mode (re gletered to Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of dono-
ttecttrarirtrsirr of ;3a•iteyllaacict. Willie it is 'Nell 'known that Aspirin tacanta 339, vor
wilt he taw -aped assist
ttheirgoitre] tradetmerit,
iel t,°tlto "Barer cross."
o & Bayer r;ovtpant?