HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-11, Page 6I Vii. __..__.. »._..+-... «..... ,. . •r ...--....11.11---,«--•--_......,-.-.-�-.- :=::=...,,.,:..--•--•------_-_ .......».._.... ........_� .,.-,.-�...-.�.:�.-. ... .. ,ate,—.• `T1fze Experimental Farm Experimer tal Farre facts.rc ,A , .- A brief study of the reports of the �« - Tlie seeosLd of the seml,es of artic+lea' vaxiaue Dominion expezimgntal farm " Y r. 'U . '• ` the superin•tenid'ents muikes evndeTA the i. Cicrlcilren to Appreciate i�lessillos 'each"x1►8 ting I K� ` f r'� „• 1 describing the �voal: married on by act that they contain much that is _ rime»etal Farm System f Ed. { ,,, rest �' Da1YL1PQn1 2arroh-April numUer .oF , of value to the faminem, . By that T?e By - ,and ,"' ''.-fir ,/�. �s g e a to tive.I'wbl'icaMane I3raTuoh aP rt'Loc�ixteec� • Tho AgricuPtuxal Gazette of Canal' r m'eivt of Agmiibtwxa, Qttawa, a Motiv�is bef'besn get drns•cauTilged be- because she has done a favo1, . _ _ s' y weDlr_ma unerec1 ohild, . - It is the story* of the Prince Edward cQ t -r oi�onto ' • t Char- copy of flue �pott of the mdaa+esk farm cav�se �Ghe mhild'rcun s'aezn thamlel'ess' aavd neaml atlways a » for somc��tlt'steg to A ronomist, 73 Adelaide St West, T Island Station established a station fax the distinct can `be ob- unappxeclativ'e, of their blesstinigs, w111 say "Tiwunl, you Address communications 9 . that ie .lottetown in 1309• �!h'e laiix occupied tainecl• Numei^mire experiments are when 'with a litklre 'throuigitut and flff!ar,t w'hi'ch ho ewe, as lvas re wereed: Dont . Feeding of a hanger pig diol dorm dies covers -am area of 29 acres, is con- ase farms and they are on the, mother's part she c'arUlki trafin feat, moiih'ems, as if You werek1s ou Nog Rations and Methods of e g aced about a mf'1e earth-; conducted at til ria The Affect the Finished lee's heavvly fl leniently s?rtu : frequently so designed cis to deal vwith theTTe to a 'betted sen�sua of appxe- your dJiiby you make Mary Y to sew on a button or mend the PO'ekeat Product, pelf -fled hags in the Team make east of the b'usines�s 'section. of 'Chan:-,. q Alt ciatioan. hen +i ,,,gh or bani(l4e�d lottetowtu and 'is i'n•tors'ected: by the i'0Ca1 pmaknlems: At $save ,l gal ex- I ih-no'it some l Pencils when of her sweatm• She a'i'12' be impressed. Pcad supply as well as heredity greater gaups t Te uently e05t a d Rail'wa Re Berta, for izie�tance, sem p " influence on the hoigs, but these gains f q t Prance Edward Isl n y perimenta with alfavlfa deed inoeuba- I was downtown to ilei, sa they wacrld with wlvak fila littbe task means if ' exercises a control -ling "" development of the more to produce- The 'trough feeding 1 seam work, experiments and demon- tion have been condlucted. At Brandon, be an lentis, and I ':Nape I w°n'�t 'hear has •to 'w`a�it f�oa• you to get ,your character dere Prn is ins atLan's are carried on in every nawpm animal. In order to atttaiia method, on the Other hand, because y about 1'ead pencil's when you thimble and thread and button oc • .Man., we beam that recleaned sci^een- an more >l g duce hracan hogs b I branch of agriauliture, with special re maximum devalopmezit, the normal suited to pro flee , feed to flue ellimakie died soil condi- Ings ' bLve been fed to 'horses with ars starting tixug to school at the 7!ast byh'aTnt- minutes that she sits amid �th'iseduty ne h individual. requires certain specific the feeder taxi reguUte keep them g to succ'es's to replace part of the oats minute," in well defined the needs of the hog irons of thin Island. One result has previously fedi, and that the screen- Wil!], Jolinmy appreciate ante o!f Choose clwimas clothes es say "Thank you.t But foal ,constituents should be mitred with trait. Far enciiis when he takes it from the if the el'othes axe mended droll tucked quani,ities. A failure to supeply these growing without their a cession been till origination orf CliarPattetownl Ings � - , `p Of ozue oT more gorged, as as frequently the No. 80 barley which ilius 'been found toI will ,ativa lin 'hex bureau ,Or ,elbs�ek - or -an abnormal supply re or less ,sepread over two years, while flys mixture was not.f, do winx fluent . He d off w Yof iwill resnvlt hr3 feeder. While more average eight bushel's per acre more fed, there were no digestive troubles not. He win grab One and off with it WAYS, she will take the �blles atter of coo e. t : of the required elementsand nest be and is allowed in the feeding than spy other barley, in more or less alstexed character m ons can number of 'and the horses appeared to keep in wi$liouk even'a, thowgh�t of thanks, a Nal;u Q to mended twesareas aact gti atef'ulol;osa development. of .swine, the following• deducts In co-operation with a n b .'n. dote ,sstisfactorY underIfanners, experimental investigation better condition than before. At Scott, say zuoilvfng of voncier� his aPlx - marked degree for things that we get The animal body is cotistru be Deis for rearing Young ti Sack„ we learn that when barley was cia,Her g go wanio"go from fourteen chemical elements and ordinary candid Las been carried on to ddtermine the a little higher in price, e reening were '�Heiie''s your colleetbotn money all on at ile electric But Lek things because these are ihok all available in pigs. weaning variety of oats best ,suited to Prinee profitab�liy fed to lambs. From the rwdy far you," says Mother when the about casing can�dlds ght paned � cl'ai'm `�I'm an one food ik is necessary to iesart About three weeks before the Edward Island conditions. In two farm. at Narppan, N.S., we are infeTin- dhildhcem are 'scumiy'invg off to Sunday g Y lied whet I i�et of feeds in order that the a creep should be supplied d tests, the first covering five years, tom, experiments in feedinug ste'enrs have Scilvaol. Naw xuo�t far anyGhang•e�'fnd fixed,"�whennoai'ce kful they ,ome oil's the .,��iree to a vaT y tive second one year, Banner oats have body tissues may be permitted to young pigs learn to consume moat an oven that dheaper gains can be made the tats go wibluouk +;heir pennies, all:. The fact that some milk. In order to realize the best re- I proved the leading variety, Yielding by feeding a oheap grade of hay along the collection is an event in the prim- Teetered. _ function normally. of the elements sults mills by are almost a more than Old Island Black Ligowo feeds contain certain this stage diol far with ensilage corn, and that ensllag+e ami, classes. But 1v'hern mother bands go if You feiel that the ch'Pltdrreti fixe in eater proportions than affier necessity both at same and Victory. 1Every pTomisunhva>r�aetnt corn lois a 'higher value in feeding it out�,lvis way they -eit one of ,tile tha mat- �;-400ng krfoar�th�e to Oub1•e Int' the of oev�eal originated through p iasis ilea been utilized as the basis some eonsiderabi'e time after weaning. steers than have roosts. At Kapukas- ter of course and training� ski. 'P�v �e Power� iron which the roper computing of Mdddlangs, and finely g- Cher breeding at the Central Experimental izug, Ont., testa have shown than on blessings for, which they shawld say And let ether use candles, and you'll p or toga rations far the need's of the p'aTdcu- oats either fed separately v Farm, Otllawa; is tried out at Ch dry knolls or uny- soils "Packing in "Thank You. tezidid discipline be surprised'how thankful they'll' be lar individual has been' derived,. ' Ik in vary-mig .proportions, make a iu� 1'otbetown. Iii tests with atflalfa anbdd monstuxe, 'better ,results +nay be ex= Now .it would be s,vl p 1 demonstrated sakisrfaetory meal to feed i>tie Yo g red clever the lakten' has proved to , peested.from seeding ,alfalfa vvikhatit a to let the children ask for a few for bllessyngs that they aro in the " has been 'convincing y wheal is: done -. flak different animals and also the pigs. After weaning, + weeks the better forage 'crop for the Island., nurse crop than with one. Regarding things oncein in a while. This gives I habit is receiving with iuo show of . that iffeeanimal at malsdiffea stages of to bask advantage at about six Timothy ,stands in the .first plume for sunflowers, the .swperintez}denrt at Inns them a senas� of obbig2.tiOni too mother apepreci'atioan. disvellopm+ent require the various ele- of age, feed a dally ration of about hay Testis in soil cultivation have vermere, B.C.,.repoi.ts 'that Clue one ments in different proportions. one pound. of the following mixtures,: shown that rolling "juset before seed -- Obtained- oompa2e goitre favorably with, Tha+oaughouk the earlier stages of an oats, shorts and linseed meal or flax ing with a drill gave +better results ,field coa„n These extracted state Stock Feed InVestlgaiions. animall's life; while the body t'issue's sled meal mixdd in the ratio of equal than rolling after seeding, that'fairi'y A matter of vi'tall importance to THE CHILDREN'S are growing• and developing, there is arts of oasts and shorts with the lin - mezits by no mealUs convey a fitting HOUR p• s, p deep ng, ang was ;batter Cham shalbow idea of the latng'e amount of informs- farmers, dairymen and, stock raisers y a proportionally ;greater mineral and seed composing .about 5 per cent. � Plowing, and that early acetone phew- tion to be obtained in the reports of the .:character of the feeds that they protein requirement, these being utiles the total mixture with also an addle- Eng of sod resulted in much better the superintendents, but they illlus- have to supply to live stock. So many 9rot in the formation of bone and teen to films ration of five pounds of crops than spring plowing. Inveskiga trate in a very limited way the facts complaints were received regarding The Flag They Do Not Carry. the meal the unsi:uitabnlity of much of the mi'll'- mwsel'e, enol a rebatively smaller am- milk by-products. Soaking tions in live stock breeding and feed .that ,are forthcoming. Even an eye bass keen than Mr. mune 01f energy producing food m in the milk for tvPeaty-fauT hours pre'- ing have proved a source of rel'iaablb iivg \by-products 'of wheatb- bTaxl, quiremOf such as is obtained from viscus to feeding improves the Pal'at- in;fornnation for the Island farmers, shorts m'iddlinip and feed flour—that James Preston's would have -been able the fatty portion of the feed. ability, and at an anneal auction sale informa- A ��� Early Corn. -the Dominion Minister of Agriculture to reaxl ,at v glance bile clisrta es,s sigahals tio¢L is even of the feeds supplied,, concluded to make an investigation that his Ne hew Phil was flying ars For the production of pock, par- Pau fed hogs makke the most rapid g of titularly doming the early part of a and economical gains and generallq the methods of feeding, and the Edify Malcolm table corn originat- with a view of ascerbainin howl far he entered. p The d>ioop'irvg mouth, flee pig's life, feeds with a high content this method as Preferred for the Pro- weights and gains of the animals. An ed at the Central! Experimental Palm, the present standards for these feed'- sagging showldems, the frown on his of Protein axed m'inemal matter should duation of market hogs. Alfalfa or evidence of the advance In dairying Ottawa, has given excellent 'sablefac- i g scours in respect to percentages forehead., were there for anyone to of 'stem In this connection,lmaters o is clover fed in racks is the most snit- is furnished by the fact that an Ayr- tion and is well worbhy of a wide dis- of protean Bart and fibre, as set forth read. be supplied, that flys oeds whicare abbe Erma hogs fedi an Pans• Whale dry shilre cow ,at the farm has given 16,444 tribution. It seems to ,be about ten in the regul,ations of the Feeding "Why, how -die -do, Phar?" lie began rich in Protein are also usually high grain such as cosh or mates scattered pounds of milli and 662 pounder, of days or two weeks earlier than the Stubs' Act, are today strictly applic- quite as usual. `� Which one of the in mineral mutter or ash, while flys through the litter tends to make the fat, a percentage of 4.02, in 865 days. (,olden, Banitram and -has good quality. able. Also to determine the ,cause or jobs find you get? feeds which sae high in fat ass re- pigs take exercise. The meal ration All the cows kept are registe're'd in The Dominion; Horticulturist, Mr. W. causes of the complaints, particularly Phil sllumped into a elvair. "Nome," aid increased until at bile Live Stock Branch's Record of. T, 31scoun, reports on it as follows: as the rel'ate'd to the effect of feeding he answered D,iefly. "I knew there l'atively deficient in mineral matter. should be ,gradually As the pig develops and matures, the six moms of age three or more Performance. However, it is poultry «The Eamly Malcolm corn was Obtaici,-. such products to swine and you Older wasn't any use in going. Saunders pTopoxtrion of the protein and mineral pounds of meal are being fed. Cora activities that the station chiefly ed by 'selection from the Early Mala= stock generally. Preliminary to the warted a fellow that was abler and matter is decreased and the fat or or barley meal should eradtall.)r be prides itself on, for it was, there that laoff, which variety was introduced investigation, joint meetings. were had more experience." energy -producing part d this at or added to the ration until these feeds the Dominion egg-ba',ving contest from Russia by Prof. Hansen, of held of representatives of the millewfV ,,They didi t say anYblring about is increased to satisfy the body re- compose 6 parts, with the remainder started in 1918. From this beginning South Dakota. The selection was be- associations, live stock associations, age in their advertisement, did they? quiramease Should sat the yaiiriig grow- of the radion camtposed of three parts came about the Record & Performance gun in the Horticultural Division at anal of the Federal Department of And that work ytdu did for Judge dxbg gig be reared an s ratio mater- of •shorts and 5 per cent. of linseed 011:1 and Regiistimtion of Poultry which in, Ottawa in 1909, and by 1913 the Agriculture and as a result triad M,arivs was quite k line vwih what ially deficient in the betsve and muscle meal or else flax. these respects has priced . Canals in , Variety was so -changed; that it was samples of � feeding stuffs from all they wwnild be looking for, Didn't ial the ndividraal thus The paddock or pasture lot is most the foremost position. The Expeiii- � net:ided to name it the Early Malicol�in. parts -of the country were gathered in they see tlhat?" farmling mater , un Deeding , �i will be undersized fine boned, desirable for xesavng young mental Pram System haus adopted 150 Since that time it has been steadily dill tested by the Dominion, Chemist. "Ole, 'hem say a s the u about ted , lzucki in .inusclang and wi11 mature stock as soon after weaning as coni- eggs as tile minimum of pxadni'cion in selected fox. bitter ears and earliness. The evidence secured and the re- that to k em. W'liat was the wss? As earlidr than would a aired individual stocitiks permit. Ald'alfa and clover the pullet year.. This vari'erty has became very papular; commendations reached, are .given in so'an as elle., asked about my age I fed a owing ration high in occupy first place as pasture crops _ _- ;,=_ and seed farms both in the lintel detain in a bud:tin just issued by the lenew chat they wouldn't -take ins." good growing "All settl'ad eh? What about protein 'azul mineral matter content. 'with oafs; bandy and rape ranking Eciu'c&tion ins• the heavy aztillexy an States and Canada. ase now offering Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, , Young breeding neralstocwhich has been second, Similar rations shaaild be our national defense. it for sale and pare eager to get seed. entitled `Bran, Shorts, Middlin"s, a'nd Henry. Riker?". reared axe a highly fattening ration given these pegs as those given Marr- The average length otf ears is six Feed Fleur." It is dl�closed that much "Oh, I dudn't go to Henry Riker'�s. such as Darn frequently suffer from ket hogs, except than the ground corn Small birds build small but coin_ inches and number of rows to the ear of the :bran and shorts ruo�v milled do Just as I got to oho corner of Centre impaired fecundity. It will, therefore, should be wholly or partially saubsiti- lets nests. twelve." not conform to the present standards. Street I met Thomas Haynes coming be observed that while a hag destined muted with 'ground Oats or barley. Un P �_ �"-_...-� The causes for this are, first, flue from flame, and lie said there was a for the vel at the earliest passible doubbedly file most satisfactory me- �� marked, changes in modern milling lime of at least fifty fellows wasting diate may be forced with such a feed thod of Tearing young breeding 'stock D®� } W.��e the y psacti�cas, whereby a larger Proportion there, and one of them would' be sure as corn ar its by-products, swine that is on paddock, because the growth of ! than heretofore of flour particles are to .got it. I did' go to the Obis Com, are destined for bacon production "omnia and muscle and ythe constitutional removed from the by-products, and, parry, and. that's all thee gotod it did, must he fed a higher Prate,ixi ration vigor thereby epcauraged cannot be the m which is fed a chi to the Protein production realized under other conditions. His Entire .Future Health Depends Upon , l3undanCe of mills of grixndnznpractice� adopted by 'withethe me T�`Aava li wbmah T othera?" _ ' Sleep Now. shorbs the xnll'1 zRin s�creeniiigs, which "Nobody ek,e." grreen onions, cabbage, and often a at best must be regarded as adulter-I "And Tom got it?" large raw potato. I lake to keep gram By dater A. Loops, M.D. ants, The standards recommended as 1 Phiil nodided$ and the flush on his r :elated charcoal in a feeder from the roan beings have been defined -as a baby because the majority of people a result of the < a cibeCthT cemt.for 1 of t,eek T7nebe J nom,'' he said. I so'ITorn saiheld uch -of it and it is Hu "the asacciate the word with Indian clniibs, l bran, not less P r e t m as I'm scant. They a "bundles of habit, and habit 14 as at Feeding the Young Chicks. a guard against disease. Their sand d nein saxvd result of repeated action." It is of nest fi s'ts or "buinfant aw."getsur-i protein sshtluan 3.bead nstfof fat instead oft3bgang toegetethisnjob. I just feel in When the chicks are taken from floor must be cleaned an vital importance then' that acbiops be g Yd the incubator, they are put around the and gravel added to keep them sup directed so that both habits exercise byperyin'g and thrashing his per ,cent., and not more than 11:5 per in my bones' The inane teak us both hard coal broader stove. The floor is plied with aril• I throw their feed properly flee ars six weeks old. and individual may be what they arhaxi pe ed with mprnpexovidc per o hung ed he is {(Far shai~tis not instead Pe�ws than 16 per ceixt. tions aaidther nwhen { hujed wgot lot of he covered with sand and fine gravel; to them until y should• also some crushed burned bone. They After that both mash and grains a normal, xiew�born infant wall Ile should ,Be permitted' to cry from I of protein instead of ib not less than llaubhed and said, `Weill, tivhicli 'of you begin almost at once to eat of both. axe Punt into a self feeder from which Th nearly all the time, twenty to fifteen minutes to a half hour or more': 5 per cent. of fat instead of 4, azul tesla am I going ,to me, this job bo?' Then when they are forty-eight hours they may help themselves: A barrel sheep ne ly each day. No, this is not cruel t or; no cha';ige in fibre, the pereeaitage of And Torn said, `To me, of course. I may have sour milk, in of water with a spigot, placed under a twenty-two hours out of the twenty-. old, they y �, -t should wake only when las- inhuman' 'advice. Baby actuaPly needs which stands at not more than 8 per told Phil so just before I stepped into partly covered dashes so they cannot tree makes an ideal .,waterer that does fo bun er, pain or other cause, this amount of gymnastics to develop : cent. For maddling�s, the standards for , the store, didn't I Phil?' And o3 drown in it" riot need to be filled often. With a tiurbed by g,sleep properly. The habit of picking the I which ak present are the same as for course I had to say he did. And when available, Ido not shallow trough under the tap, a As age adevancea,At sianloulx'man habawt tasty up every time he cries is, afters shorts, not less than 16.5 per cent. the man asikedl me n8 I didn't feel that If sour milk is e, ir all, more often fax the relief of same protein; n'at less than 3.5 per carat. way, too, I said I didn't expect to give water until the chicks are florae slight turn keeps the water dripping sub hours;gat one year, abaut.four- adult's distressed nerves than for do- l fat, and not more than 4.5 per cent. get it." weeks old. My expedience is fleet just eivowgiti to keep a grad supply at two .,ears, at least drink fora the cheeks at all times. After been hours; naps s s least in'g the best for the baby. I fibre. Tabular statistics are given in "And then did he'"adva,se you to go chucks 'around artificial heat will drn vi,?" asked Uncle Jim o sick. If the chicks get 'old enough to take all twelvo hours. Dai' time gap possible. i Cbdl'drrenirs sleep should be naturally the bulletin of the result of the ex and join the iia so much water they become from the self -feeders they be 'contin'u'ed as log P sound and unbroken. When as a rule amination of twenty samples of feed in his surprising way. water is given it should not be cold their feed ort. School chi'l'dren need—azul should have : removed atter a few are but littln3 additional w amounts of .slee'p; it is not so, an+ investigationshould be, flours and thipty samples of screen- "The navy? Why, no. Why should and should be -,the fol4rowing moments of drinking, After three institnited. The diet may be at fault! ings. The scrapings were found to he send me. to the navy?" Hours Earl suppers of easily digested foods be very 'variable, while a fair average Uncle Jim smi'ldd'. "Well., not really weeks they may have it all the time. d . Years Y �' n be fid until est =. >. 4 . • ..., ... • ..' ' . "'12 are good rules for young c�h ldn en. l far a gaol quality of the fend flours to the navy;" he said whimsically; thy; Chir ks should at P FAT • " .. . ilk lemons old. Then the first Ccs_ 5 to 7 .. • . 11 They should not bs Permitted to come would be 18 per can, preteen, 3.5 per "just to khre navy yard `where they forty -mg' .... , ... .. ..,..:1a fled eggs with powdered In changing the herd from dry feed 8 to 11 . ...... ....... ... to the table fox the evening meal, cent. fat, and 3.5 per oezut. fibre. matted flags for the navyresome a feed is hard' -bo t;g P be used convskantly, Delvers frequently, charcoal and pulverized burned bane to pasture it is advisable to make 12 to 14 . • • • . .. • ...... . • . ' 9 especially if, meat and freed food's are ; --*-- charcoal others sometimes, and others only well mixed, with it, one egg 'to about the change rather slow, especially ,beat prOmrabl`s sleeping me- served. It is not wise to tempt and j The Live Stock Markets. passiblly in case of going ` to some hundred chicks. I only feed two with heavy -milking cows. Early pad- Thedeny them. To indulge them is wrong.I ° g i, r cent. coxnxteod'abions Should be provided. Ties es the first of feeding tore always contains a high per tE y e Live remote foreign port. But among all r or tbsee tin 'day child should 'sleep by himself and Poor ventilation, overheating or in-! The weekly of the s' of the those hundreds of differenft flags . as 'there is so much danger of over- of water and a low amount of dry asslble in his own room;I sufficient bedding may 'cause disturb -1 Sbock Branch of Cho showDominon De- there is not one flag of truce. If evetr so young. matter. .It is nett to impossible for wherever p lye permitted in the ed sleep; as m'ay also a inisplaeed pin,. partment of Agniculkure show an im- feedntig when y zvg neves should he Pe an emer oiiic amuses that calor for one, g y' hoavy:mnlltkiivg mows to coiisuxne en- g, cramped' p Ps' k of prices of ,leve Stock and somebody hunts up a towel or an old The second da,Y use egg, rllvai�ooal, � same .bed with a parson who has a� wrinkled bad or �olabhhp cra edi o-� avemeti oats may be owgh of such feed to supply the nees coo in or in fact any sition oar thirst. Much ,of the rest-�a better state of trade than has re shirt, and ties it to a ,stick, and hoists 9znrnecl bane and rolled oa Y' , s'a amount of nutrients maintain cold o' as ch g lessnese with which many children 1. cenkPy been the car's. In the fink added or a small, amount of rh3ck feed ry" Physical ailment. I that. But the, navy is never Cerate, Thee thnrT+d maximum milk production ld be k affected may leo due d the presence, toast of April primes for cattle at all prepaved to run up a white flag" Feed flour ar flve attics when The sleeping room 'shoo � biiuiued I find it a splendid.pr. maithe adenoids or diseased tensile Too the 'p> incip�ul markets 01f the. country Phmlfs face glowed. "Fine!" he cried. 1. Y I use e.$> charcoal,• the rip to cool. DuTnng the first three u,dh exeitement-either play or des vwere up comtpared with the quotations `kh other mixed ui We turning to pasture in spring g sliauid be about 66 m _ : w alias sit. Toxoaito showerd Then suddenly he caught a glimpse of wi continue feeding the winter ration in the temperature cmaelcea Dorn and rollled fly be in Marsh. G havI used cipinmte--rata peciably shax as the cows wild readily degrees. After .that_ time tho .room fore bed!timo may Produce a ,like an upward bende cy, but elsewhere the 'twinkle that was beginning to oath or steel �u� nabs manmliy for two << "Oh." lie d consumel m If the hard is allowed to my be kept at 55 degrees or bower. rpt they. were ,stationary except at Eo1- � dance in Uncle Jim's eyes. , years though 1 rea0(ly think a good y stammered. "Oh—I see. You mean hes them pasture onily' a half-day at a time for Babies --as well as adnnot a cern Quieting medicines or soothing mouton, where there was all tucrease, acvmmemda►1 cheek feed rue week or two most of the cows sleep wall in a good bed, not at Toronto were uneh'angecl, but —illi hat the the firsrt to churl- Hogs That the next time I sailed milt of elm fC ter• clean suitable 'coverings, in a' syrups should he never specific given other markets diisplayed a weakness, ' corn is the maize feed' I balrs will. continue to eek a good ration of with darkened, quWt dren without the sepecific dire�tnon of �'� ou ha and, am at ht amid cool, well -ventilated, part, I sluouldn t have my flag of tru'co the chgc w arra three both r g � _ . b'x nag � supplies, Sheep 'broad, vxutl'1 _." tion' from, hies, mosquz- a competent, physician. Most,of thane at to the mush of quite so much in evidence, Cheek's all.,,, MM in the morning. For the first day or room= Protection oil one preparations canteen inorpliine or; at W1nm�iPeg and Calgary were quoted four weeks obi; giving ytoo sudden tetnpeiatwre som said Lingle Jirn„ "People aro likely � two 'bevzu tiaxzi�acl to Pasture the tilve toes and - cam, Never feed two g pxovi'd�ed. some other form of opium. If a child' eat only higher than m March but $2+ to misunderstand those signal•s,,"-• toed a day of raw 1 feed cows may not talo well to the rough- changes sltiowbd always be I� _ will is restless there must be some cause bitter them last year. Toronto was i � coTit6 bme�a,d hot or soured. Never Bred he Ytufanvt Y•outli's Companion. kind of m• feed. a feed but in a very short time the The .average ► :. this ,chiicks any musty P � et hungry eaiough to wake for it azul flee only treatment worthy $1.50 asleep of the periods quoted r, �--�`—M salt well gradushl'y Dome back to their reig- usually a.s of the iharne is the removal of thea the comrespond'ing period last year; i When the little felio,ws ars a w eve thxee hours• If he Another reason vwh the about every bi the child with sed�a but Montreal was down and Edmon- win few friends, . have a little wheat brass ular oration. y I Arguments old the fila., re filar ,.nursing time h'e, cause. brwggn g • tfonar '. The total receipts of Let tho male do 'the kicking, t %rom dry feed bo pasture aslfeep at gu : a week. Theta larger rhe zted. On the, fives oily conceals Cho symptoms, of ton eta y P ti dusty clay, far old be ,entry wake , , " - i livestock at Toronto, Moat'reial, Wit+_ The nlati who borrows plows sobs " it uintil three Weeks old, >shouNd, hd done graclitalljt, is that bile s� akes before it as the underlying ,condition, Then the feeds of other hand, cf he s t vercome iho n'u dg t sdgaty, a>hd Vnionrton. in ,the late. t e a ;ho, sudden cluange produced a marked should not be child`9 system ha, o o P � l Bichos ate rizaasured 'shy content.. l�%w it is vwell ko give h m PPS icIi if supplied time to mirse hem, he s bran amid mid Ceske in tlLa mills wile 1rp. nils of the •poisons. Nlatheis an'd nurses who do first tired m;orilhs of Cho ,year. wetrc nt with equal parts of b n his ford until t�ho la I and trade is like to caunse give know the effdets of sedatives may li8,6i-4. cattle, 87,608 calves, 199,406 mor it n And if any to, peeking takes to ret "y S' around to the appointed not 57 she com ared with Medium weligYht lens of any ', riety, c In t?• In e, feeder, some dissatlsfacytion. clock Como ax excRed the dose prescribed And thus hogs., and Gi,7 cP p place, give ttieat scraps 6_ _ _ r,re usually most lirofitabla sod's, are availeable dig .end r pi�ace, e' little liife into danger of the 13l✓i,797 cattle, 30,1011 calves, .,.59,907 a If ,. sent •am`u'ftt of exer'cese well pat the r 111609 rheas in; the first Ilse who listen�a not if -Id Tiix sn�tiva c7l inn c7iiclt5 .lir mi%turo of ointment and half A suffice feed a little every" day. Tho It may sleep from vwliich there is no avrarx• hags and , 1 ,., a dio+tor, I 11lxl;a tlieni deed +vat+kiivg in flee soil Iire- lard ot, tallow ms+k,68 a t9'od 'louse help xivdetco refreshing", k of e�xexciss far iniotbr "ho lag weakrtoss� I a+Ilso &O thew 'kil(tet s�o19W rldruc�a three nsontls of 13.2x. will miiul til k,,5:,­� .. .ti'. , .:..:.._,. ...:•-env. �..