HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-11, Page 5Thursday, May .11th, 1922 BUSINESS CARDS Proudfoot, Killoran HOLNIES. Barrieters, Solicitors, .NoLarlea, Pub lie, Etc, Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St, God- eriele Private funds to loan at lowest rates, W Proudfoot, K.O. J. •L. Kalman D. E. Holmes. Ur. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each 'week. MANIANAmmommenmommmommommommommAmmomAN. Andrew P. Hess, Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses, Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- °mobile Insurance, Representing! aurora. and Erie Mortgage Corpora- • ton, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, "Ontario. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, F'ound, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE ii I he vre a quantity of Fertilizer on hand, Everybody should use Fertilizer on corn land and buck- wheat land. 3. Hey Jr. -41-3 Dr E. Si -Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY WAIN OFFICR - HENQA LL. Ammimm.a...mmomlamo OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate et Davenport Auctioneering School 'Try me for real estate, merchandise, jewellery pedigreed stock, farm sales Rates alwaysreasonable, my territory the world. Choice farms for sale. ?hone 18-93 Zurich Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' Lieense for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give tiea trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc ,Higheet Cash Price for WooJ 1 CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungbilit 8ziA Beichert ZURICH LIVERY et.,. I am; in.. a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 51 Zurich. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oeloek p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Insurance Co. Seed Office; - London,Canada SCALE OF PROFIS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During' War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period An unparelled Reward. .C. A. Hoffman Anent COAL Spring and Summer DELIVERIES SEASON 1922 • Owing to the strike of .theMin- ,ers now prevailing in the Pennsyl- vania Anthracite noel fields, wo are unable to guarantee delivery nr prige and until conditions be - Cone more settled orders Will be taken subject to our being able to eabtain supplies and at prevailing *Adel time of delivery. caratelOri, COAL & PRODUCE MERCHANi TERMS; -CASH boo Office 10w. Pknuse 1.0j. t',1'2 -ALL ONT. FOUND A. ladies' high shoe near the fair grounds on Saturday evening. Ow- ner cah, have same at Herald Of- fice by paying for this adv. _Le-Lee...ea= NOTICE We have the following varieties of Seed Corn for sale. White Cap Yellow •Dent, Wisconsin No. 7, Imp. Learning, Bailey and Cain- ptons early. Government tested seed, also rnangold and turnip seed. and a small quantity of Milllett seed -Prices Right. -J. Gascho & Son, Zurich. -40 WANTED KEEPER AND MATRON -Man and wife to have charge of the Huron County Home near Clinton, and the farm in connection therewith. Ap plications, personal prefered, to be made to the undersigned, (the ap- pointment to be made at ithenext meeting of the County Council, which meets on June 6th. JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector, Clinton, Ont. Clinton, May 2nd, 1922. NOTICE. We, the undersigned hereby agree to close our respective pl- aces of business at 12 o'clock noon each Thursday during the months of May, June, July and August, 1922. T. L. Wurm. J. Gascho & Son E. Oesch C. Fritz & Son Stade & Weido M. E. Routledge Fred. Thiel John. Kipper • Denomy Bros. Andrew F. Hess T. L. Williams C. L. Smith W. G. Hess Melick & Braun W. H. ',file Jacob Deichert IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our de- parted father, the late Frederick Baker, who departed this life one year ago, 1Vtay 9th, 1921 at Dashwood. We mourn him, who has gone to rest. We shall forget him never. And in that land of joy and. song, He rests in Christ forever. From Wife. and Family. WANTED A limited number of cattlewill be taken to pasture for the com- ing season. Apply to George Brisson, St. Joseph. 36-3 FOR SALE Noxon and Massey -Harris eulti r ator teeth Cheap. Louis Prang. NOTICE ham taken out License f3r Auctioneer for thetounty of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James Denorney, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 -BABY CHICKS_. Itis cheaper and more satisfac- tory to bu yready hatched chicks. We guarantee safe delivery of vig- orous, pure bred, husky chicks of all breeds. Write for free book- let and prCes. THE CCANAIHAN CHICK HATCHERY, Ltd, Dept.,. N., Hamilton, Ontario. G. S. ATICINSON, L.D.S., DENTIST Graduate of the Royal Coll ege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday •and Friday from 10.00 a tn. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial House, (Upstairs). Main 01 - fife at Bayfiekl, Ont. Starting on Thutsclay,. May 2nd. Zurich studio and Book Room Printing and Developing, Photos on Post Cards, Etc, Etc. Also sell Cameras Pi! nas, Albuna and all anaetuer's Supplies. A full Line of School books and Stationery always em hand tf21 ORRIEre& KALBFLEISCH Hartleth Block z R I ft ERAE 10 LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. 3. Hey, Jr., Were day, on buainess to Exeter on ;Satur- use in Canada. There are now 403,4144 autos 1111 Rev. Gingerich of Ebrira oon_J and Mrs. A. Nfelick Were ducted devine services in the, visitors to Walton and Seaforth on Mennonite church on Sunday, Mrssrs. j. Kipper ,C. Eilber, 0. ton Telephone system from the London last Thursday. Denomy and F. Thiel were thousand dollars. at two storms is estimated at twenty Mr. Hebert Bloch of Egmond- Mr. Harry Weaver Of Galt has vdile, son of Mr. Julius Bloch of taken a • position with Mr. W. H. the '%rillage, has rented the farm Hoffman ast ailor, ' on the 2nd con. Hay, from Sunday, • • The damage done to the Kirk - Mr. and • Mrs, Emery Stebbineof Guy Ross for a ,terrn, of years. Grand Bend were Sunday visitors Miss Elizabeth Rennie was at at the home of the latter's parents Hensel]. on Friday evening taking Mr. and Mrs. S,, Deitz. , ' prominent part as soloist in the Mr. and Mrs. Snyder of Elmira entertainment given in Carmel were Sunday visitors at the In:nne Presbyterian church, by thlieSo- of Mr. and Mrs: A. A.Weber, Br- uth Huron Choral Society, onson Line. It was thought that the Dom - A. number of our ball players inion Government's new loan nee - attended the big celebrationa'.! essary to take care of the matur- L'ondon on Friday, it being the 1ne. War loan due in December ° ' would be floated within the Dona- openingg ame of, the M. O. League at that city. inion, but Hon. W. S. Fielding, min ister of finance, has gone to the Mrssrs. W. Lamont, J. Pfaff, United States for the money, and and J. P. Rau, attended the meet- a loan of $1.00,00400o has been made ing of the Hay TownshipFire In- by a firm in. New York. Thir- suirance Co., held at Dashwood on ty years is the term, and the int- Satverday. eras!: rate is five cents. Messrs. W. H. Doerr and &Da- The editor of the Brussels Post vis of the Hydro staff, Exeter„ is finding fault with the newspap- were in Zurich on ,Saturday, mak-. ers that ctiticise the short skirt. ing some repairs talo the hydro Notwithstanding the mature ye - wires. • ars of our veteran comtemporarn he evidently still enjoys a peep Rev. F. B. Meyer left on Satur- at a pair of shapely understand- dee,- morning for Gorrie to spend ings even though they are ex - the week -end. while Mrs. Meyer posed above the modest line. -Ex and family left on Friday by train eter Advocate. for that place. Mr and Mrs. Roland Geiger and family of the Bronson Line and Miss Pearl Pfile of the 14th Con. were Sunday visitors at the borne of Mr. and 1VIra. W. B. Baetler, iiabe Ion Line. The town council of Hensall has made a grant of $10.00 to. the Hen- sa.II junior baseball Ciula, while the Crediton Seniors are receiving a grant of $50.00 from the Stephen Ul thoee parties who have cently so generously subscribe the baseball fund, will kindly le the amount of their subscription with the Sec.-Treas., Mr. W. B. Colles, at the Moisons Bank. re-, d to Mrs. Geo. Schroeder, Sr., has ave returned to Detroit after visiting relatives. Miss Ida Routledge of Zurich,. vieited with MiS3 Ada Fas4old �n Sunday, DASHWOOD Mrs. Fas7o:d and children Nisit- rad in Highgate over the week- end. Mrs. Stacey spent Sunday in Zurich. Mr. Ira Tieman of the Bank of Commerce Guelph, and Mr. Orl- ande Ireland of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of E. Tiemait Mr. C. P. But'er, Pres:dent of Ule Standerd lVfacKintosh Co., of LOD-- don, Ont., has presented a $25.00' Gabardeen Coat to the Zurich player hiaving the hhighest bat- ting average for 1922. This coat will be shipped direct from Eng- land to the winner. Standard MacKintosli coats are sold bye all reliable dealers. , Mr. Casper Walper offers a box of cigars to the player that makes thhe firt homerun". • Mr. C. Eilber, Inspector of the - local Board el Health wishes to advise the eu5lic that on ,May 15, he will eenance his annual round of inenee nil to all stables, pi, se.- • :lenses, and any such p1 ...at are unsanitary. Peopl shou,d make it a point and have every corner on their property clean and respeetab'.e, it is for the benefit of your own health as' well as others. Don't wait untit yon are told to clean. up, have some taste about yourself and your surroundings and make Zur- ich the cleanest village in Ont- ario,. STANLEY TOWNSHIP .•••••••••••• Mr. Ralph Stephenson and his daughter, Mrs. Turner left last we- ek fur Filot Mound, Man., to see Mr. Stephenson's daughter,' Flo se who is serioudy ill. The Doctor gives, no hope. for her recovry. She was married over a year ago to 11t. Morrow and has since resided at Pilot Mound. Much sympathy is felt for the fainily in their tro- uble. Mr. Wilbert Johnston, our g i black fox farmer is to be congrat- - Mated on his success in fox raieing, 1 e he has two pairs of foxes this year which have eight young ones, they are doing well and in a few month3 will be 1‘7011,11 a nice sum of money We wish Wilbert success in hi% venture. Mrs. Clifford Keys and child are visiting at the home of her moth- er, Mrs. Tiplady, of Caton. Sunday will be observed as Mother's Day in the Evangelical church. Special arrangements here been nude to furnish a good programme. This will also he the first Sabbath that Rev. J. G. Litt, the newly stanioned pasfor will be present, and the services he both morning and evening will be conducted in the English Ian- geage. Mr. Litt is however no stranger in our midst, having ser- ved for several years at Zurich as Presiding Elder, and was a form- er pastor at the Crediton Evangel ictal church; in fact, everybody that attends the Evangereal church, knows him, and with his sociable friendly- ways. he has also many other friends in Zurich. And we welcome Rev. and Mrs. Litt to our village& According to the market re - per's, butter and eggs havetaken a decided drop this spring, much to the chargrin of farmers' wives whose chief source of revenue is in these commodites. Most con- sumers of these food products are apt to have little sympathy for the aforementioned wives if they o an curtail the cost of living, ,but the point lies in the fact that if we attributed the advance in the cost of living to the rise. in nom- inal value of food products why then, with their decline do not also other things fall in the same ratio; The farmer is now obliged to sell his produce on a rapidly falling market, yet many of his requirem- ents have not yet gone on the de- cline. Labor continues high, freight rates are nearly doubling 'the cost Of many bios which are absolutely necessary in the build- ing industry, and in this way even though there is plenty of money in the country, investors are not going to take a chance. It is entirely a. case of safety first with them, Things appear to be sad- ly out of joint and it 'seems a dif- ficult problem to determine how to tome prieee to a level- tomake STEPHEN C-OUNCIL • The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton on Monday, May 1. All members being present. The pr ,einutes of theprevious meeting were read and adopted. Whereas the report of Geo. A. INIcCubbin, 0.. S. .M.E.I.C, in refer- ence to what is known as The Can- ada Co., Drain of the Township of Bosanquet was filed with Alex. Neeb, Reeve of the Township' on the 20th day of A.pril, 1922. And whereas the clerk has notified all parties interested pursuant to the Drainage Act and the said report was this day read ands considered. rhit the said report be received and instead of .pub'ishing the By- :aw in a newspaper, a copy of he une, including notices of the itting of the Court of Revision nd the proceedings to quash, etc. o printed and served, on the as eased parties as provided by lie 'Municipal Drainage .Act. That the Court of Revision to onsider appeals against the as- essment Roll for 1922 be held in le Town Hall, Crediton on Fri lay fay 26th, at 1 pan. A. grant of Fifty dollars was ade to The Athletic Field .Associ- ion in Crediton for improving le grounds. The council decided to let gra-: el contracts on the 26th of May 2 p.m. The following orders ere passed. Alf. Holtzman, grading 3rd S.R. .50, H. Shen k2.50, J. J.. Williams, arity re; Williams, 19.50,W, White ading lst S.Pd. 3.00; A. Hodgins , Gas, 6.00; D. Mahony labor c. 10.50; E. Webb hauling tile and or con,18 7.50; Wilds & Regier egging 10.00, Henhofer and oth- washout on 111,5.1. 15,00; M. 000.einer and others grading cO. 18.00; Fred Rawlings rd. drags d tax 257,50. The council adjourned for gen- eral business on the 26th inst at b c s ti a t 11 tat $2 eh gr Co 10 lab dr PI'S la, all o'clock, p. n. 1t tair for all clesses. Time alom‘l will do this., -Ex. *Henry Either, Merle enirVal11 ' 4,4 ' •',;;-;8:;481;1. (Saw I e„,ere. erreie, Page . , I -2;14 ....i ,',...4 maginitgannumn N° 4070 'IltePtapristantorPatentIlediendegi 1 AVetetabiePreparatiattiesP :,simi1atingtheFoodiorRegula..4 ,• ItingtheStomaelisandBolvelgot'ij • TherebyPromotingDigesliod CheerfulneSsatiRCStkeataini neither Opituri,llorphine not' :• Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC !I .p ifecipeofOldl&INSPITRIO Ptantain SaY0 Senna Addle &des Anise Send :11VrtgeSado Jan Seed Clarifiaapte• ilfhtevroaell'efror IT AhelpfuIRemedyfor k!tionstipalionand'Diarrhon• and Feverishness and , Loss or SLEEP !I PSUltingiherefronkininfanq' Tac-SimiieiCa7t -tired 0 1i...1.11.11 For Infants and Children. ft/lathers now That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years 1 THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW TOPIC CWT. •.? T t _Li umber Laths 4- 44. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. - Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order T. Lumber and Building Mate! led Custom Worlc;our Specialty Always in the market for saw logs 3 : F. C. KALBFLEIS ÷ ft 4. il:. 4- 4. 4. PHONE 69 . . ZURICH .1. .2. + + AlliMIONAWANAZIA 4. • LL - --, t.+- '+++++++++++ New I1.! ..,' veriand L THE OVERLAND FOUR IS RIGHT THE PRICE IS RIG -HT, SO WHY WORRY? 12 1 Rubber Tire Buggy open ... 1 Top Buggy, steel tire, painted ... CI 1919 Gray Dort, best o Her take it Chalmers Six „. ...... (1) McLaughlin Truck . $65.00 $45.00 ...$800.00 $375.00 C F. M. HESS &CO. - ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars IninnWMIMMINIIMMONINMEMMIMMININIMMNISNMONINIMINIOMINININOMON 1921 Banner Year 1921 Huron & Erie _ortgage Corporation The Canada Trust Company Combined Assets now Exceed 34 Million Dollars The Interest Rate upon Debeutures of $100 or more is 5 1-2 per oent per annuni, payable half -yearly, Every Debenture is backed by the entire assets of the companies. Have You MADE YOUR:WI LL? FOR PULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO r Andrew F. Hess, Zurich