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Zurich Herald, 1922-05-11, Page 1
ICH RAL Vol. XX I 1 No 41 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1922 Chester L. Smith, Publisher. $1.25 a Year In Advance :,c IN ARTGEArG8,t14 I11AY 134: Ux4RG rD! QUALITY SERVICE VALUE These are the three outstandingfeatures of our line Beford 'levying your Spring shoes be sure to inspect our nc lines just arrived. We have the lat est styles in Womens' Oxfords., pumps, one and two strap pump with imitation saddle strap (' Also a complete line for misses and children. For men aline stylish in plain or saddle strap. Watchour window and get aur prices. W. H. PFILEJ ZURICH THE HOME high shoe or Oxford o.t1.eeOce0•e•eeeep. O\1di�aPOO�iaoo oee c�voc� oo •� �o c,�.0.0,p,�y�,� 0 D O O.p 0•O.4 d Go•0•4.4 00;x\ I ,CLEAIIIIIIG :oLadies'Coats andOn �o d 0 I order to clear out the balance of our Ladies a 'Suits and Coats we are giving the following big IP reductions in prices. Any one wanting anything VP �o in this line will do well to take advantage of these Prices as the goods cannot be replaced at the prices .� 0 we are quoting: d4h0 0.t SNITS 1 only Girls Tricotine Stilt, Size 20, Reg. 'Price $45, Sale price $30.00 1, only Girls Tricotine Suite size 18, Regular $35, Sale price $25.00 .00 1, only Girls Tricotine Suite size 16, Regular $30.00, Sale .. 2, only Ladies' fine Botany size 18and 20, Reg. $35, Sala ...- .....- $25.00 2 only Ladies fine Serge 18 and 20, Reg. $25.00, Sale Price ... ... $19.00 1, only Ladies fine Serge, size 18, Reg. $25.00 Sale Price ...... $17.50 COATS 3, only Ladies Coats size 16, 18, 20 Reg. $27.50, Sale Price --- --- $20.00 25 00 1, only Ladies Coat size 16, Regular $20.00, Sale Price .-• -- _ $15.00 2, only Girls Sport Coats 18-20 Regular 18.50, Sale -- 14.00 1, only Girls Velour Coat size 14; Regular $16.50, Sale .- _ - $12 50 1, only Girls Homespun size 12, Regular $11.00, Sale .. Men's Spring Suits 8 Miss Ida Routledge: spent Sun- day at Dashwood. Mr. d J. Merner of Seafrtoh was in the tillage on Tuesday. Mr. J. Hey, Jr. was a few days at Vingham last week. Special Missionary Services are being held in St. Boniface R. C. Church thhis week. Phe council of Clinton will erect' a watering trough for use for thirsty horses. The pupils and Principal of IV, Z. P. S., took ina nature st- udy trip to the pinery on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Geiser of Crede iton were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Oliver and family of Delhi were week -end vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. THE REPUTATION OF THIS STORE AS BEING ;THE HOME OF READY-MADE CLOTHING ISi AGAIN FORCIBLY SHOWING THE HIGHEST GRADE CLOTHING DEMONSTRATED IN THE NEW EST SPRING STYLES. WE HAVE AGAIN REC''IVED A NEW ASSORTMENT AND CAN LOUDLY SAY THAT NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE HAD SUCH A SPLENDID RANGE OF BLUE SERGES, ENGLISH WORSTEDS, SCOTCH SERGES, AS WE A.R:E SHOWING NOW. BE SURE AND LOOK THESE OVER. 59 WE ARE IN THE MARKET P011 ALSIIZE AND CLOVER SEED FIT--i,,1--CAPS A NEW LINE OF FIT -U -CAPS HAVE JUST. ARRIVED. YOURS' BEFORE IT IS ,TOO LATE I-IATS THE NEW STYLE HATS FQR SP RING ARE JUST IN PRICES PROM $3.25 to $5,00. 3. PREETER 400 GET. IN, RANGINe, Produce Wanted 8 Phonograph Repair- ing a Specialty PROMPT SERVICE ON DUPLICATING BROKEN MAIN SPRINGS W. G. IIESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 THE MRI,SONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,00� Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches OPPORTUNITIES TO BU CATTLE, horses, farm implem- ents, etc., cheaply are const- antly turning up. The farmer with money saved is the one who gets these snaps., Place your crop earnings in al Savings Account with the near est branch of The Molsone Bank where, while earning in- terest and being absolutely safe your money is available at am, minute. Deposits can be made by mail. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch Mr. Jos. Geiger moved his house hold effects last week, into the house owned by Mr. M. G. Deitzf at the north end of thhe village. Mr and Mrs. Jos. Wickens of Ingersoll and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amos of London, were Sunday vis-, iters' at the home of Mr. and Mrs; J. Hey, Sr. Mr. Wm. O'Brien is erecting a very handsome verandah at the front fo his residence, and when completed will be an artistic ad- dition to Ms property. Mr. Peter Revelle has purchased the property owned by Mr. D. Koehler, and recently vacated by Mr. Jos. Geiger, and we underst- and intends to run a resturant and ice cream parlors. The fishing season has now opened at St Joseph. Mr. Bris- shn, t11e proprietor, has made yeti ��al 'good.slifts .8 of , his pound nets, and is rapidly;:getting into shape'' for 'the season's •catch. The, Young Ladies' Bible Class and the Live Wire Class of the Evangelical church, will serve ire cream and pie in they Ladies' Hall on Thursday evening, May 18th, commencing at 8 o'clock. PRESENTAITION •4oao4>oee>.eoeooaa0000rooe4oaoeooe••ooe`•e•••N•N '- • • Great Bargain Sale • HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS MENT- e IONED BELOW I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE • • GOOD ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLYf • 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets, size 72184, at each ......... $5,00 t, 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain • A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. • 10 Robes, size 54x62 at from $12.50 upwards. from • A number of real English Plush Rugs, prices • Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a a 20% off on Whips valued at 75c. and up. A number sets of Single Harness, at $25.00 each. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY $6.00 to $9.50 Bargain. PHONE 102 FRED THIEL - ZURICH 0>e4104- 40eaveoo0.>oaaeaaoaoo..o+oeeeeoe aflaoaeaaeaaY.e 4 0 4 4 4 4 • • 4 0 • 4 4 4 4 4 etelefee44+++++++.1.44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++041 4. 4* •1' and we must say without the shadow of a doubt, t a '1' ood assortment of the •1• have never had in Stock such. a g d over the fates Spring Showings of CHOICE FOOTWEAR I Our Spring Showing of Choice Footwear is now complete 4 4 4 •is 4 , 8 4 4 4 4 + is •II niftiest styles, made t lasts, and they also assure comfort and eas., when walking. The leathers this Spring al -- Last Thursday evening a 'eery '11, e 'anusual event took place in the •1• so promise to be considerable sup - Evangelical church, thhe occasion erior in quality to former years. being the farewell bidding to Rev. .1. and Mrs. F. 13. Meyer and family. 4* See our Stock of Ladies Fine A. large attendance was present, ,o One, Two and Three Strap Slip - which showed the high esteem t},e 4• pegs, Oxfords are worn eetens- leaving ones were held in Zurich y, P. this Summer, and we have and community. A programme of * just what you want in this line of songs and addresses by various � Footwear,. speakers of the Congregation, a presentation to the pastor and F Also an exceptionally fineshow family of a handsome purse of if, ing of Men's fine Shoes, Oxfords, money and an address given by •• Etc, You will save dollars, and Mr. A. Meliek, to which thhe Re'.. 4- have the best of satisfaction by and Mrs. Meyer replied very ably. •1• buying at our Stores, Afters whish a well prepared lunch ,'11, was' served by the ladies. This .,o was followed by the parting hand ; ,'11, shake and here the friendship ties •1. that. have developed these pad . • �a IITC the good work ') the pastor an f mile will go down u the churcTr's ,`q .y-'r�.., •F•� €•..'g.•1••g ..1.1II'• '•l••p. II.�• f• • 1 4• : 0�•4 : •F'+ i II•� •F' 1••g •Fo4if••d•�••rn E•�• history,. C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS r. d ZURICH 1)ABHWOOD • six years were distinctly tly shown an * Following is the address. Dear Mr. andMrs. n embers and friends of the Evangelical church Zurich, have met this evening to spend a few hours together spir- itually, as well as socially, prior to youe departure for your new -field of ,labor. During your stay among us we as a congregat ion., have grown to love your, It seems but a short six years that you, have been in our midst. You have always taken a deep interest in the various organizations and departments of work, not only ef- fecting the welfare of our church, but also the advancement and betterment of the whole commune ity. Kindly accept this purse of ateney as a slight token of our love and esteem, and with it we extend our best wishes for your success in your future work. Signed on behalf of the Con- , regltion, incluldine S. Schoo'., Lal las Aid, Choir, Y. P. A. and W. C. T. U. Zurich May 4, 1922. �QD 9‘ 00 A. ST y -I k 0 � For Infants anal Cbaldteu ler Use FRS r ve °3 '' : i Always bears then •% YY . e:ON y Y 'r' l/ F...' tF✓,„! , .. �1 �.7'i✓."j ` ..?' Cti^.5...•�ut L . -Cir.. �'YO r����„dr.�ac".,�^'-�,.`v^.C�,_w..'�. �,' �-•�,S;l .. ..,'may p ,� ©�'•0 .� .=•�� .� .� .. .;y w may' '. . 1 Voigi7:i.Gt s 01 E' J 4* We invite you to Cole ° an d see our new Spring and Su l:d in er goods in Voils, Ginghanas, Gelates, Prints etc. We also have a good. assortment of Staples ill hardware and oils harness and repairs' sweat pads, bridles, lines, wa.te)'proof rugs etc. We have on hand different varieties ofseedcorna 1,� �:i � prices. • FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS 0 HAND IIIGHEST PRICCES PAID FOR EGGS AND DRIED APPI..7S. -: PHONE 11 -97 SLAKE a.14,1a. .64,141 1.0444.1. li1.1.w...w...+4U4Y.vwYH,YM%'�r.