HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-04, Page 5• Thursday, ,May 4th, 1922 BUSINESS CARDS Proudfoot, Killoran & HOLMES1, Barristers, Solic;tors, .Notaries, t'ubli , Etc, Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. God- Feeich, .NriVate funds to loan at lowest rates, "- W, kroudfoot, K.C. J. L, Killoran D.. E. Holmes. Mr. Holmes will be in Hensel! on Friday of each week, Andrew F. Hese, TownshipCle k 1 a uer of marriage licenses, Notary I'ubiic, Commissioner, Fire and Alit-, ....*mobile Insurance, "Representing' Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora.` then, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario, Dr.E. S. Har'�,�,e DENTIST, fit, r, ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY OASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MIN OF'FIC79 HEN°ALL, OSCAR KLOPP "...Professional Auctioneer, graduate ref Davenport Auctioneering School Try me for real estate, merchandise, Jewellery pedigreed stock., farm sales Mates alwaysreasonable. my territory the world. Choice • farms for ` sale. Phone 1.8-9 $ Zurich Licensed 'Auctwneer. I havetaken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct xnv kind of Auction 8ale, Give I,vue a teaZt and I will: assure you satisfaction or make .no charge. Arthur Weber, '` - Dashwood. Phone 31r19, �uagbiut �" �eicherti a Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh` and `Salt =�:M�e B �u�gb�ut �.i l�eichert ata Bologna. Sausages; .etc' Highest Cash Price'for ,Wenn1 CASH FQR SKINS la, HIDES Z:URICI -m LIVERY TYOUI;- Wants, For Sale, L Found, Notice, Etc. TN THIS COLUMN ' NOTICE We have the following Va Of Seed Corn for 'sale. Cap *Yellow Dent, Wiseonsir 7, Imp, .Learning, .Bailey and pions early, Government seed, also marigold. and turn: and a small quantity of seed -prices :Right. --J, Gase Son, Zurich. est, h1/1r, A d S Mr. .Albert Gies o4 •l 'iitelaenie}; is visiting his `father, fr,. W a.,, Fee of Hailes!! 'e lie on friends here on Friday rietie?s Miss I{wpp of Fore8t ra the White guest of her aunt, Mrs. I -I ' Noy y. Kupp, Cam- Mr.Bmlery Rulby of Iiitcizenez', tested is spending the week at his"hirine . p seed. here Milne. tt 1V1:r. Harry Weaver of; Galt rens ho & ewed old aequaintanees ; in Zurich -40 the past week, Mr. . and Mrs. Sol,Zimznerrt az were. visitors to ' t3ebringvzlle,. '" a+ few days .cast week Master Claire Mellish was Sunday visitor with his friend Ora ville Witmer, Babylon Line. ,: Miss Louise Howald' q'f London, ..Visited her parents, Mr.' and Mrs, Job Rowald, the past week.' Miss Belle Kyle 0,1' the • Parr. Line was the guest of Alias , Adel. Witmer Babylon, Line over the WP_hk�onAi . 'WANTED KEEPER AND MATRON -Ma wife to have charge of the County Home near .Clinton, an farm in connection :therewith, plications, personal prefered made to the undensigned,,fthe ipointment to be made'at' ith)e meeting of , the which meets on . Jerre County Colin JOHN "TORRANCE, Inspector, Clinton, Clinton, May 2nd, 1922. NOTICE. I • We, the undersigned hereby agree to close, our respective p1- aces of business at 12' o'clock noon each Thursday during the months of May, June, July and August, 1922. L. T. L. Wurm. .T.Gascho &: Son E. Oesch C. Fritz' Sr; 'Son Stade & Weido M. .E: Routledge Fred. Thiel Johns Kipper. Denomy Bros Andrew F. Hess T. L. Williams , _ C. L. Smith W. G. Hess Meliek" At' Braun W. H. Pfile - Jacob Deichert`a Owing to Messrs. J: Prater and F. M. Hess being out of town; they did. not sign, the petition. The business men of Dashwood ,have :also introduced_ :the above half -holiday . for the said months. MATRON—Mara and Enron d the Ap to be a11 - next el;1 Ont. NOTICE. Fanning mill 'screens and sieves for the old reliable .Clinton mill or any make at hand. ' Any farmer` in need of same can get `them at my shop Zurich. John Hey,jr`-36 :WANTED A. limited number of cattle will be taken to pasture for theecom- Ing season: a Apply to George Brisson, St. Joseph. 36-3 _ EGGS FOR HATCHING ck eggs for hatching. AP - 11y. Clausius, Zurich, Phone, it Du t ant in a position to accemo- Ply to date all q ' ' he Lavery re inrem,ents int 6 94 Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich. LIVE POU U L T. R Y VWANTED' 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices ---CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone N. Zurich 1 V 2 0 A Year Of • NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the • London Life Incuranee Co..' Mead Office. -- London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders `was Increased During: War ` Period Maintained through Epidemic on Continued hi high cost period An-wunparelled Reward., C,: •> .J Hoffman, Agent UOAL .Fall and. Winter DELIVERIES season1921 1�2, 2222. 2 „,, 141E101 11S A COLD DAY X112 IIaTG LAY IN YOITR SUPPLY NOW , WITH OUR ' CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND ;RIIDSON CO's. cLA,CKAWANA.'S COAL. it4,04 & PRODUCE MERCHANT . • 4, TBR s;-: Sass hon Oittlee .10V4 House 10j. ,' ,, '. L i ONT Noxon and Massey -Harris culti v ator teeth Cheap. Louis Prang FOR SALE FOR SALE Residence property in Zurich. On premises isa fine nine roomed dwell- ing with basement and summer knell en. Good hard and soft water wells also large brick stable on premises. Everything is in excellent repair. For particulars apply to owner, „Mr. Ern- est Gies, Zurich Ontario. NOTICE I ha ve taken out License Or Auctioneer for the County ofFlux.- on, and am in a position to' con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and'I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No.' 10-93' --BABY CHICKS— It is cheaper and more; satisfac- tory to bu yready hatched chicks: We guarantee safe delivery of vig- orous, pure bred, husky chicks of all breeds. Write for "tree ;book- let and pr.ees. Z'$E ,C`C�iNADIAN, t"Ii1CK0 HATCHER Y, Ltd.,.Jept ,(.`. N., ,Hamilton, Ontario. G. S. ATKIN N '•--2222-. =-_ , L.D.S., DENTIST Graduate ,of the .Royal College of Dental` Surgeons of Ontario and of theUniversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District Nc.One, London,Orit Office ;'hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a, 1n until 5.00 p.nt a at the Comrnerc-• hal Rouse, (Upstairs).Main Of fife at hayfield, Out. Starting on Thury •. sda-19 May 2nd. Zurich Stu a ,, ala untied. Room Printing' and, • DeVelo i • . ping, Photos on Post Cards, Etc., "Etc. Also aell,.Cameras Films, Albumin, and • all ametuer's• SuPpliem, A tuff Line. of +Sebool books' and Stationery always on hand tf21 O13l IEN':& KALPFLEISCI-I 11ulief!; ,fllmeiI -- Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Adan; Burk of'Uash wood, were Sunday ,visitors' at th home of Mr, and Mrs. Hy,• Truuo•;e inner,. , i.. .._Mr. and, "Mrs: S',' E.Faust and sons, Harold and Carl, of Goder- ieh were visitors at the hone ..a of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ,Hoffman,,.;ov- er the week -ends Mr,: and Mrs. • Win. Lehman ;;of Caledonia, :Mich., are visiting _at the the -home of Mr.. and-Mra Rj Zapfe,, Brucefield, and other fri ends in' the vicinity; ,Ii►fi J Hey, jr., and Sore Milton,; -delivered- on Friday to Forest 'twelve, of the famous •Areo Cueliaon tires. Mr, 'Hey advisee .us' that these tires are 'even better,: this year than ever, and prospects are bright for a large season°s bus- iness.' The fine warm weatherthe past few days has indeed(". '.,been welcoms, a little rain would .also do much good. Seeding operat- ions .are . practically over, and far - 'awes claim Cher soil has worked' up as good this spring as for '' smoe time. On account of the cold, dry weather, recently, some fields r of fall wheat are being: worked: , stip for. summer crops.. 'An attempt .was made to wreck the L. H. and: Brulee train on Mon- day evening, near L-ucan Crossing. by placing 40 -pounds, of, .iron •won the track. •A -section man' disco',: ered the , obstacle ,which was Pl- aced . n •such. 'a. position that, ,tire afternoon train which, carries a large number- of passengers,'; wo id have ' been thron frorhO" tracks. w, r 2 fi ti re kr m we Th Wi th pa ye Sas up, yo ash van whi nex Our 'mailing List has been core ected up. to and 'including May nd. We are. sorry this is the rst correction we were able to •ale since New Year, And if oui have • :,.wed your subscri on to tae Herald, and have nq ceiv d ;credit, kindly let us once and we will do so: indeed ' grateful to our a::,>' subscribers that have sho- d their good will by renewing. ose that have not renewed, we Ieh to draw your attention to e fact that we cannot publish a per with your subscription a ar or twd in arrears, and a few es considerably more. Pay so when your friends look at ur label, that you need not be alned. If you are paid in ad- ce, your label will read Jan.23 eh means that you) are paid till t January. PRESENTATION The members of the W'omens' Institute assembled at the home of Mrs. F. B. Meyer on Saturday err ening 'and presented her with an address •and a half dozen of silver teaspoons La ,France design,. The address was read by Mrs, .. J. Hey, jr., and, the presentation made by Mrs. W. Siebert, President and Vice -President respectively. Mr's Moyer replyed very ably;• with fine well chosen words. • A •large' att- endance was present arid :a fine lunch was also served by the lad- ies: :Folling is ;the address;— bear Mrs: Merger Wie, the members of the Womens' :Institute have heard With deep regret that pool ^are a- bout to sever you connection with our Society. •We feel we are not nefficient nl lo`'highly y sin a gel I ben, but also a deeply cbeloved i friend`. It seems but a shoat • six years • that . you, have been in our community and since you have been connected 'w4tli - our work, you.have always taken a. deep in- terest in the various departments not only effecting the Weilare of the society, but also the jaclvance- meat and social• progress of the whole community. We ask you td accept this slight token` as a sign of appreciation of your, service. Aecept it notmer- ely at 'its 'small value, but as a remembrance of tt'h)e many '",meas_' Kant hours spent in your company We feel that ''yonr.assistance avid adviee will be of + great benefit to any work you may be connected withi'in young new field oft abor. That your ftittire yeas:• may glide happily away without Care or'sor- row is the sincerest wishes of our inemberti. Signed on behalf of the ,Wort ens' institute Society, • Zurich, Zurich, April 229th, 1922, t$ ItALu BENEFITS OF 611ADING Standardizing of Farm Products Necessary for Best Market. Instances of the lolly of Not Geed- Mg—Selling by Description vs, I'fspecticr — i3utter Exportation In New Zealand. Contributed by Ontario Depax.tznent of Agriculture, Toronto.) Grading of farm products is ne- cessary for the enlargement of mar- kets; It is based upon knowledge of what the consumer wants. It gives the consumer of farm products the kind, shape, size and quality of pro- ducts desired: It brings increased returns to 'farmers .and effect pings to the middlemen, s saw In the production of farm pro- ducts, unavoidably widely varying shapes, .sizes and qualities of pro- ducts are brought into existence These must be sorted out so that the Product'sent to a certain market will meet with the approval of the pun. chaser. Standardizing means that a grade of product • will be the• same Year in and year out, in • this way confidence in grades may be,built up. The Folly of Not Grading Instanced. It must be remembered that con= , sonars, like farmers, are engaged In business. They are not able to sort products. Therefore, when they pur- chase ungraded products they have to buy things they don't want, and this results in waste. Grading of ts,rtn products would mean a recluc-. tion in the cost ofinarketing. For example, out of 2,600 cars of apples appearinon a Chibago market with- in a period of three months in the fall of 1914, it was found that 419 care were unfit for sale; and not only' :was this true, but they also depressed the" Price of apples.• The freight cartage' and la>zor of handling ha been paid for the purpose of start- ing 410 care of apples oil the way to market, which nobody would accept, did not want, and could not use. lir to take butter:' Investigations have demonstrated that lack of grad- ing has resulted in serious loss to middlemen. In the state of Kansas for -instance, one-fifth of the butter received was paid .for at the rate of 27.1, cents. pe :peon) i,=the ruling price for butter—though this 20- per cent. had to be could be reworked used by consumers. For this buttejr renovators paid 20 cents per pound, .so that there eras a loss of 7 cents per pound. .No middleman can long stand this. The problem. of 'financing the sale of farm' products is important: By grading farm products finance is facilitated. Suppose a farmer has a carload of, a certain grade of pro- duct. He may go to the bank and say: "I have a carload of No. 1 apples, .I want , to borrow ' some, •LYroney..'+? The b'an15'tnanager under- istands what; ' this means and is pre- Pared` to advance money. But if the Garnier gogs to the bank with un- gr ads d products the banker immedi- ately asks, "What kind? Who grew them? Are they good or bad?" He may even require that they be in- 'spected, and in the end the farmer will not get as satisfactory advances as: •though the products was graded. Description vs. Inspection. Grading reduces the selling cost by enabling sale by description rather than 'sale by inspection or by sample. Sale .by inspection requires that pro- ducts be sent to some central point and that people go to see those pro- ducts. It is 'easily seen that this is an expensive way of selling. And not only h this true, but it is easy to over-estimate the requirements of 'buyers on a certain day, which re- sults in flooding of the market, with consequent lowering of price. Sale -by description is made possible through advertising, but before ad- vertising can be successful products _,must be graded. Not all advertising is economical, but it has its place in etteetingmore efficient methods of selling. Grraded products always bring bet- ter: prices to farmers: Agriculture is still the main industry in Ontario, and this means that we must export the surplus of farm products. In finding markets for this surplus we 'dome into competition with New -Zea- land, Denmark; Holland, Australia, 'and United States. Most of these 'countries, cel tainly.,,; the first • four •'famed • •enforce rigid 'Inspection 'of produets for expo, 1t. Why,I .Because grading is the basis' of enlsireement of markets. Consumers demand the •err "best osis all ,products;; their likee. and dislfke$'arP?µaried, and we must meet'theee demaiids: Fore many years we" liars tried to Make the, English-. man, cat the Bort of bacon .ire tiiotight•• he dt}qutd eat, but: he 'won't•Hp; prhioritDani h .bacon i because the' bone ;'sglls Ta'tm the sorra .lie w4.n,. t/ liirope Iy cr�ided ;to' meet alk bis.: rye_ qu1re dlten Ys . .(5rt ,timeagb •ake�apples'•'A short: p 'certain gentietnarZ fron l►rtP ends.;wowed to establish 1*. or :Ontario •applefr: throng Mei Qwried • COFoperatire, Great Britain . What' 'Wats rt.. "Jurst as soba ae y.o t Ran nation 'trope • lwiligti: *.e 10,.009• booeu of No, 1's or iced, and packed, in such that we eat. depeYid .tipot(' Year ht and 'year OEit; we 4siness, but until then w tr it." fund`s Experience. .Ont nnatket. f the"t e�onsu ' iitores•, ,ln, "the answp get an or can order No. 2's, grx a manner, the quality will"talk b cannot rib -ifs Zeal . In Ngsr .Zealand, farmers satisfied tha berme niarttet for butter a long time they had to Carport the the Governme,i•t• offered for the first shipment of. Itwalii..ldWhatt waConsumers 'the re- neutr,people,stole brandii educts and,ehippod in- r under these brands. bad effect. It was then try to here Government Melt would extend right Producer, so that Infer- nuld be traced to its the Cause removed.---� �1tt. 1P1,rni Econloniics, e, GCiclpii. e eke. T surP11110; and a premium butter which in treat lir Suitt Dish° of quality Pr ferior, butte Tide had a found ne'cess inspection av Wok to the lor butter c Sena's arid. 3. t;9 �, 17 0, A, Calle le Children Cry for Fletclier°'s Tletcher's Castoria 15 stricily a remedy for Infa .Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies Infants and. medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies p baby's prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. es° primarily pneedrof a remedy for the common ailments ofIt was the need o chum. that brought Castoria before the publicafter ter yearsnts and research, and no 'claim has been made for it that itsof research, years has not proven.What 11' for over 30 CAST... Castor' r a is a harmless substitutefor Soothing Syrups It , Paregoric, ' Drops and Castor Oil neither Opium, Morphine nor others .. pleasant. contains age is itsnarcotic substance. Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea:; allaying Feverishness therefrom, a�;d by regulating the Stomach and - Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy' and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort --The Mother's Friend. GENUINE .CAS TO T'O R IA „ALWAYS Bears the • Signature of In Use »For Over 30 Years T►!■ CCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY • --2'222_ _........4 fig++++++++++++'i" 1"1":'4'+++++++4� — i•, t-1•44-1444++.14-1-./44-44�!k•i! °a' •z Lumber Laths„. Shingies I Everything in 4, I. Combination storm and screen doors made to order i. Lumber and i.I.+ Custom Work our Specialty 4, Always in the market for saw logs � !F• COK I Eis PHONE ZURICH ra ++++++i�+4..p.411. FBF+++44+41++++++e•� ++++++++4++4�4•-t 4 4•+.p..1T••1•4.4•Pit New Overland 4 i. THE OVERLAND FOUR IS RIGHT THE PRICE IS RIGHT. SO WHY WORRY? s0 1 Rubber Tire Buggy open _ • 1 Top Buggy, steel tires, painted ., CI 1919 Gray Dort, best o ffer take it ... Chalmers Six ... .......... ... ... ...$800.00 0 CD set 365.00 345.00 �r >. McLaughlin Truck •• 3375.00 mit F. M. HESS & CO. - U RIGH eei OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! UVei Iar. d Cars Banner Year 1921 lin e e. ga._ aCor v�� gi. � �,. iO The Canada Trust CompanyCombined • Assets now Exceed 34 Million Dollars The Interest Rate upon Debentures tures of $100 or more is 5 1'2 per cent per annum, payable half -yearly. y yb Ev'ery Debenture is backed by the entire assets of the companies. Have You MADE YOUR LL? AOR PULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO;-.... ndrew F. Hess, Zurich