Zurich Herald, 1922-05-04, Page 4THE HERALD NOTICE TO CREDIT!UR
owed' Weduesda7 noon froffl the
the, estare of Charles .Brill,
OFFICE Notice is hereby gives that all
eerx'oes having eleints against the
estate of Charles Brill,'late of the
Village of Zurich in the County
or Huron, Gen t'Jemail, deceased.,
',wabout the 19th, of
Effective a$iser Jane, 1st: 1920
"3ti< tisicription %arms; $1.25 per year
advance; $2.00 may be charged
if %int so paid, U, S. subscripti-I la died ort or
Thursday, May . 41;h, ,1,922
b t tl
>r $1.76 ptartetly it gdvance, Na .arele 1922, are required to' delitr-
mar duscontinwed wntil all ax'-� ti to Christian Eilber and Samuel
be -
reeve are paid 'unless at the option Schoch, thhe executors, on or be-
pniblisher.'he date to fora the 20th day of May, A,D, 19220`
tet the a full statementof their elaims,,
°tit"e'very subscriptiou *pejo together with particulars thereof,'
y ; denoted on the label, and the nature of thei seeurities>, if;
ADVERTISIN e RATES piny, held by them all duly ',verified
D'Lrplt y Advertising -Made known by .affidavit.
4Ma, application.
ittrwy Animals -One insertion 50e
Vireo insertions $1.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
+42 for first month, $1 or each sub-
,sequent insertion.
!Professional Cards not exceeding
1 inch, $5 per year.
Auction Sales, $1.50 for one in-
esertion, $2 for two insertions, if not
qtr 5 inches in length.
Local and Legal advertising not-
fatet, reading matter, 1Oc .a line for
17at insertion and 5c Per line for
etas h subsequent insertion..
'Clad of . Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c.
llttacellaneoue artielea of not
*.ogre than five lines, For Sale; To
*aunt, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.;
maselt 'Insertion 25o.
.Address all communications to
Mr. G. Holtzman was a visitor
item Kitchener the past week.
Mr. Jos. Cantin, St. Joseph, left
Sor. Windsor on Tuesday.
The illicit still is causing nearly
.tau iuuch harm as the tongues that
are not still.
Mrs. Louis Jeffrey 1 eft for Ch -
anthems! on Tuesday morning, where
'sane intends being for some time.
1 Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Dahms of
,Dashwood called on friends in
Mterich on Saturyda.
To protect the honor of your
lhore a it is better to marry the
aright kind of a woman than to
tease a gun.
Once they married drinking men
ate reform them; now they marry
winking men to ;find out where
*'hey get it.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffe.ii
Miss Anna Hess, Mr.e A. Price. and
We. •C. Eilber motored to London
Owing tie the change of past-
ors taking place, there will be
o services in the Evangelical
•church on Sunday.
IVdr. and Mrs. W, Frank of Wat-
'erloo were week --end visitors at
Ithe home of the lattter's father, Mr
C. Eilber. Msr, :Frank will re-
:tnain at Zurich for a time.
House cleaning is now the or-
oder of. the day with thhe gentler
sex, and they look supremelyhap-
ney ; whilee > opposite sex bear
4, look of dread and distress on
*heir countenances. -Es.
Rev. and Mrs. Ir, B. Meyer and
Oetlin t4 a i~ir est Prom
l3eauliirull Flower,
raocation and Soil Suggested—Earle
Sewing »esiiaatble _Voocl Snppo*'t
and T+'i'eclieetat Plaine Necessary.
(Contributerl, b Ortterte Department or
Agticti tOla,.'XWr*'onto.)
Location, p Xn open, sunny )Asi-
tiozi in the' gerdele suite them very
well, Close up to,,building or near
to a close 'board' fence facile the
south le atot a, g`$od Place for thein
.•end take notice that after the as the .intense ;' heat of
the sue
said last mentioned, date the said.
executors will proceed to distrib-r
ute the estateof the said deceased
among the persons entitled there-,.
to, having regard to such claims
as he shall have received due not
ice and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Zurich this 2nd day of
May '4 D '1922
Eilber Samuel Schoch,
tires : attacks ct insect pe,ste. An
east, west, or::north, exposere close
to a fence ,1s niat u9: objed>t4onable
except Derhxp*'a direct northern ez-e.
poser°. Near to an open 'wire fence,
or trellis fence; iz not objectionable:
Soil. -A deep„ fainly rich loamy
E" -soil is 'best. - If the ground is
In the estate of Joseph' Hayter,
Notice is hereby given that all
Pr rsons having claims against the
estate of Joseph Hayter, late of
the Township of Stanley in the
County of Huron, yorman, deceas-
ed, who died on or • about the
18th of May, 1921, are requited ,to
deliver to :A.ndrew F. Hess, Zurich,
Ont., Agent for the Executors, on
or before the tenth day of May+
A. ,D. 1922 , a full statement of
their claims,'.' together with partic-
ulars thereof, and, the nature of
the:, securities, if any, h'ed bythem.
all- 'duly. verified • by ,affidait.
And take notice that after the
said last • mentioned datethe, said
exer'utors will proceed to distrib-
ute the estate of the said deceased
among the persons entitled there-
to, having regard tosuch. claim&
as he shall have -received due note
ice and, in accordance ,therewith.
Dated at Zurich' this .17th' day of•
April, A.D. '19.22. '
J.Henry Hayter,Edward -Johnston
Mrs. E. G. .Kraft sis'ited relati-
ves in -London last'week.'' '
:Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rinker, Mr.
D. Hartleib, and Mr. Gossmarir,
were week -end visitors in Port
Mr. A.. Tiernan and sister, Miss
Pearl, spent Sunday in London.
Mr. Carl Graupner of Toronto;
is visiting with his patentee
Mr. and Mrs. N.. Ogden of Ex-
eter were visitors with Mr. and Mrs'
Will Nadiger Sunday.
Mr. Harry Kraft spent the'we-
ek-end at •Sarnia;, i
Miss Dora Kraft of Londono
spent a few days this week with
her ...parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wolf spent,
Sunday in ,.Crediton,
' ..Mr. Ward Fritz made a -busing
ess trip to London on Monday.
hTe Conference of the Evangel -
family are gels week leaving for�'ieal Association closed its 58th ant
their new appointment 'at Norm- nual sess'on at Kitchener on April
earthy. We are srroy to lose
'them as citizens of Zurich, as they
leave many close, warm friends be -
Wind. ; <
At the instance of the'Provincia
' 1oard of Health, Sheriff Reynold
4Goderich has served on the civic
authorities a formal order demand:
`nog the improvement of thetowns
water supply stem. This is the
`latest move in quiet contest which
has 'been going on between the
Inelnicipality and the Provincial •
.body for s, vee �p oaths. cal
5th. The following ministers
were stationed by the committee;
Crediton District -Revs, S.
Hauch, Credi`.on:, Fre=id'ng. Elder;
AldbClemens; as wood
l oz o A Dashwood
W. J. Yager • Zurich J G. Litt;
Maitland, to be supplied.
Hamilton dist.-Rev. W. E.
• Boeze, presiding eider; ,Camden, A
W. Sauer; Gairlsboro, L. H Pietch;
f Hamilton, A. E. Pletch; Parry
Sound, J. G. Don ; Pelham W. E,
Bonze; Rainhazn•, A. F. Stoltz; S.
Cayuga O G :Hallman • T
or gravelly or heat/ ' •clay, dig'va
trench the. length req'eiined• from 12
to 15: inches deep• l'nd about 10
inches wide.'Place about two :inches
do • depth of Well 1 *Oted .barnyard
manure , or cow manatre in the bot-
tom of the trench, thee: All the trench
up with well enrichred<aloaniy :soil.
Deep digging is necesa,ey ;tor sweet
peas even in good eloa�li ,Neter sow
sweet peas tutee in aivaCetisioe in the
same soil; p, pyo or a �Seil••.satlkeaat
should be renewed eater, ,yeas:: Pre-
pare trench, or ;grbund,lar„ewQet /peas
the preylona eael;lf p'odaible. �'.
When to •Severe soave a..esirLr.
the ,spring sea She 8rsiltiRd,1 y §.4•
worked ,The Bead mai°"tbie• ealrntt
lukewarm- water .ikeifae; ,>'iowing
six or eighf coeurs Ito _htt#ItQt>t ,p$r
inatlon. '
How to Soin- Aike ;a • dr411 aho.
two inelees lm dentin' Sow. >lhe;;ae
abotil,.two. inches ;aApwiit-•' Ggvsaar,;9vft
nearly typo.; ayheg f„Alta ,soil 'e
Cr, type. of Sw4' 'iYeRe;:•!le it.
bast kind tefiow.).
Thinning,. -,Thin the pliyptfiRh
about six Inches 'la l ig 'ei t> r
or .tour inches *part. < -
support-,-•e-Wide sped ► . R,liaeke
'wire live feet. i»; height ,birush
wood or coarse tirinai emit -1 a ,;aced
for support. Netting toade oi'° parse
twine makes! an ideal sal” Afteef eater
than wire, as the Pia t�14,!!E ; to
it ,better than to wire, a
Watering: --Water thoroughly le
very dry weather. Draw'; ai drlll a
for inches nf from the ches prow onamid ' each., le.
Pour water into these uutii '-tile.
ground is thoroughly soaked Wate1.'-
ing in this way once every Week' or
ten days !s far more beneficial -than
Titan 19-2p now $825A0. Internationl 8-16 now $775.00,. A three bottom plow will be:
given freewirithe Titan and a two bottom plow will be
'Note thegiven free with the Internatoga�
fol-loWing vlow prices."'
Chevrolet bumpier now _.:"g4.00 . 1 blachsmi'th bio _ •
Ford bum a pair _..: $1.00 1 wer at .-_$12
3or3!d tubes, eaeh . • .. pair hoof clippers at gine ii, working order at. &• res
F - = $2.90`- 1 hack saw' . -..$1.l)0 bargain; ,. .�.
Ford ub'spillage each at... - .;.
2 only bolt C.' , $2.25 .2 Vulcanizers at '$1.00 implements.1 larl;ethorse
lippers •at `--. ._-$3.00 eadi � -_-$1.25 : ats . pumps, chipper; Farmt;'
Also one nine H P. gasoline en_.P Ps,` etc. Ford
AT THE END OF EACH MONTH' 1'^.V;:!Y AGENTcarts fox:� sate.
L. A. Prang, Zurich
�a, Mr. and Mrs' Walter England
,. mind Francis Eafond were recently
n at London. •
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward gird Mr
Fi°itz of London were here recentl
Mr. and Mrs. Green visited
Heesall one day last week.
'Mr.` Gratton, who has been ill
is ;'able to be.,. out again?._ .
t tie less than four: miles of
highway from Stratford . 'to' Seb-
ring-•'ille -cost. Ontario $207,906.
Milton Russell's barn ; ituated osh
the Blind Line, Hay, was totally
wzecke, during the 'wind storm on
Wednesday night last.
The fifty -acre farm owned by
Ri^hard Colbert, on the London
Read south, was :disposed by pub
lac � uctioaa to Mr. George, Godbolt,
tWlio >!,e'sides opposite,.;for tlresuna
The Commercial Hotel at ;Sea• -
forth 'has been re -opened, after;
bring closed two years. - The new
or tier is Claeries Dungey, former
y of the Collison Rouse, Mitchell'.
Charlie Stantake, son of Silas'
tanlake, of the La.', Road, Hay,
ad the nxisrortu` +_o get his fin
frequent light surface - water4ugs,
Sprinkle the foliage with water„ tin-
der pressure from a fine ;sprinkler
every day in hot dry weather to keep
down insects, such as gr•,een nphie
and red spider. Sprinkle: the under,
side of . the 'foliage especially. To
bacco and soap solutions' are :else
good for Insect peke.
Picking Bloom,, -•Keep ••,;all F e
sprays of bloom Picked of'elcirWe
orient day tie prevent seed trent-fein
ing: •xt seed:.is allowed 'to•form, thio
blog{ii;.wi11 be interior'and, the flower.
Ing season of short duration
Fertilizers. A • watering once or
twice with liquid manure solution to,.,
wards :the' end of August .wi11 help to.
keep the plants vigorous and produce
tive late, in the season: ---The late
Wm, •Hunt, O, .A. College' Gue
Battery and R • =
,Y. - :■- ■► r� -111.
at No- matter' what shape you
repair it as good- asnew13tt 'Ery orro Rd method. is in
we care
by our improved method.
( Bring in your leaky Radiators. All cartage charges
All work bears the 'welIl:notirn e' paid on way,.
Epps SQUARE Q DEAL Gaa�ar�#
Exc•har,ge your old Storage .1:a't ery guaranteed .Epp; Batter 5r, Ournew
on one ,of 9ur'nety 18 wont
take care of urnew $-ton. Tnternationat` Truck will
your hauling problem, t_
gets cau'ht ua slrro machinery at
` the sawnrll, and e
bruisi•i;; .lac..
Ii+ilo• Facto,. g e:n ze�1ui:'ir.�• several stit-
In the silo you can store cor
a form in whieh practically
particle can be eaten. •
Silage gives the • effect of pas
age in winter; It is both palet
and succulent, and it: also aids di
tion in the dry -feeding. season
rhes to clos s the \ennui.
n in Miele. is same til`: of an electric
every hue: sea ic•a betwe �u . Goderich.and
K.ararrlieo, Th .,.e round trips
tur- per day would be made and ,the
able busses iv( old ba h^.. ated during
ages cold .meatier,
ore Cc.il,crne town'ihip council de-
cided at a recent ;meeting to join
not with Goucir,h and rialer•..h Town
tos tuberculosis, do fed silage are not 1
their teeth more quickly, and are
shorter -lived than animals fed of
Grace i oronto, common kinds of teed.
R. E. Koppel i Willoughbyi The use of the silo .often makes
N. II, Relbling.
be,. ship, 'in ci cling a n mortal to the
Retke eir dist.-L. ,M 'Wing, pr-
` green' -At Parr Line, Hay Town- esiding elder; 011eoley, H. A.
tship, on April 28th, to Mr. and Kellerman,; Elmwood, H. Cattle.
Mrs. Robert Green, a daughter Abell; Listowel M. L. Wing; Han,
1otlorothy Wilma.) over, W. J. Drier; Mildmay, B. Cf.
sgldidia who tall i c the great
possible to save corn , that would
otherwise be loot by frost.
A good silo should be round, air
tight, water -proof, have walls that
It t"
Gay'county fa rcers during1930
sold e'3,e, hogs valued at $2,94
71! •A large number of theselog
were expc•zted,
stn am...2th inside. P,nd a siront and
Becker;; Normanby$F; :11;-Mey_et;:;'i A al's should be paced where its,
$°fia'►imtLE� TOWNSHIP Port Elgin H. H. I.iebold • w-aj�jxce i will give the greatest convenience in,
'. Meyer» •
Miss Pearl .Stephenson and Miss
`lya Stephenson of Seaforth sp-
^tit Sunday at their homes in
Word has been received of the
'•wlcath of Mr. William Reid of
Bay City. He wa sborn and
raised on Parr Line, but has been
in Bay City for a number of
Jas. Reid and family who have
6:aeen living on Parr Line have
gone to reside in Clinton.
iIr. Ralph Stephenson has re-
jived word of the serious illness
'rat his daughter, Mrs. Morrow, who
la as been living at Pitot Mound'
'Man! I
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lilley of
¢''Saatorth, visited on Goshen Line
n Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lowden of
c,n visited
the latter's mother, Mrs, E Robin-
on this week.
»Tehu Mc.Clinchey has urchasa
tai etal:10 from Orval M'eClinche • d
which he- ,bits moved to Ids farm;
this in additaere to. the barn he
rau.rehased from , tilt, • ,Siebert,
Zurich, will meet his requirement
tar stable and barn and in, a?
Mrd eaaure replaces the barn des -
*revel by fire last :fall.
Owing to Quarterly services be-
held it l .ippen (last Sunda
^thmr1 was no service in (ioshe't
O t tu`a clis�.-E, Burn, presiding
elder; Arnprior, E. Burn; Golden
Lake, C. R. Kauth;. Killaloe, E. H.
Dorsch; Pembroke, Wm. Sippell;
Rockingham, Karl Gretzinger.
Stratford' .dist-W.. J. Zinnner
man, pres. eld. Blenheim, A. T,
Nash; Milverton, W. O. Hehn; N.
Els-hone, W. S. B' nr'ch; •Sebr•ng-
vine, W. J. Zimmerman; S. East -
hope, J. 11. Grenzenbach; Stratford
J. R. Dengis; Tavistock, G, ip.
Waterloo. diet. --.E. H. Bean, pr-
esiding eld. Bridgeport, to be
supplied; Elmira E. H. Bean; Kit-
chener„ Calvary- Mem„ J. P. Hauch;
Kitchener Zion M. F. Geil; Morrie
ion L. Wittich; New RamburgeS,
R., I1neehtel ; St. Jacobs, J. C.
Morlock; Waterloo, E. S. Schro-
Northwest dist,-L,
H'. Wagner,P. E
E. Bruce
• F. E. Martin; Didaliury,
W. B. Dengis,- Edmonton L. Keith;
Hanna, C. S. Finkb-siner; Happy -
Ind, J. 5, Burn; Hild1 It Swift;
leenaston N. R. Ernst; Mediei`nt.,
Illy, E. M. Gishler and F. Vosz`er;
'Melville E. M ; ,Mohr; :Morse to be
supplied; Mauae Jaw H. ,Swi t;
Neudorf and .X.tir`oe to' be supplied;
Paciooweki N. H. Reguerz Pen-.
Pint;,A. S. Caugheli; Regina, W.
I F. lerots; - Rhein and l sk, to be
stt.ipp'ied ; 'Ros'-hern G. A. l3eaerofir
Stebert and rMyayta*n 1. lit Bender;
W leer G. 4'd'., 1R/'Ec •,1Yr":'?•fu,
t, • .1 J . ..i , w..x
regaling and where it will be least
posed to extremely cold winds.
One hundred tons of silage will:
feed 25'stows..40 pounds of silage a
day for 200 ,days.
A silo Iii feet in diameter and 32
feet high M11, hold 100 tonic,
Siloam of more than 100 terns ca-
pacity cont from 32 to j6, per ton, •
according to the; typ,O -find Mater/al
used in construction, ' r
Faroe Motet.
Michigan is the first state to offer a
reward for planting nut trees beside
highways- In Europe the profit (from
roadside nut trees assists in: main-
taining roads. Roadside nut '.trees
abroad are protected from vandalism
by public sentitlnent, and this is, true
of the nut orchards in the principal
centre of production •In America. .
By means of a potato cutter; a PO -
tato Planter, ' and 'a potato digger,
along with other machines• and', ,a
more intelligent nt a
g r!
g ultu
a; '
p ce
bushels of potMi es•witb one average
hour's labor. A half Century ago the
Product was only one-third as much,
says tile United States Department of
Noah Up to Date.
From the tlute . of Noah
dove brought the re when the
green back, hom-
ing pigeons have been of eoustant
serene to nmankind. That well-bred
stock of this breed is desirable is'
shaven by a live -stock owner in Elena•
Flea Crotrniir, Va. Ile lists 22 hoili�-
" fere;° c�i' ;retire breeding atneee
• e, 8tocic eu.z•r,is ytt lea Y, •: t J4•
13 YFIEL.D •
Messrs. Rohwn eon and Will o
- places, '
Lept`lon Were here last week, at.
rangrl}f about ..building, cotta ea --
.The C eFAi:.has ,epee ed 'Must
and a G"'aiage,. and .Mr. Gordon Me
:lay has cpened the garage at thh
, 4Ibi >n barntg.
Building,,'o.perations have st-
arted in goad shape: " Wm. El-
liott has begunework on ,his
:r(t deuce. ,Mr E Mernerts resid-
ent* is nearing.,c+onznletion; F.
Guise' resldnece is being rushed;
Act .Hears leas several eontractsfor`
R. Spackman has completed the
cement worjkj ; at the payitinn, W.
,T:wett's cottage, Wm. Elliott's
lit'ui};s and has foundations to buitd
for-tletee cottages for E. Box.
\V. Weston has been doing ee-
meet -work for' Dr, Woods and has
•rot 4pleted the cement work of
F -tx
lass. and
several contracts for
cc ttages.
E. 1-I.
�� & Son..
Phene , Clinton ` 626 r 14
Lennis O'Brien "Red Bird" d Agent,Zurich
The South Huron 'Choral S°°-
iety will give a grand concert i„
Carmel Presbyter:an Church, Ren -
pall, on Friday May 5th, at 8 o'-
clock. The concert will be given
by a choir of over 150 voices and
1 soloists from Toronto and other
,Mies Ola': -Cook, after her. Baster
- vacation °etruned try St. 'Thomas'
to resumeher studies at • Alma
e College.
Miss Emma Pfaff, Alexandrea
Hospital,' Ingersoll,' is spending
the week:' with her brothers,`Will
v and John,. ;. Pfaff. ,
Miss Redmond of Milverton sp-
ent the .week -end, the guestof herl
brother Wesley, and Mr. and Mrs.
A large acreage of onions will
again be planted' in the 'village and
rural dietriets adjoining.
llirq. W. C. Pearce' spent the
greater part of last week. at -St.
Af1'. 1'. W. Parimer ie having the
second storey of his store on Ding
street fritted up for d.wetlingroores i
,OArpentere and plasterers are
hO&17 enganted, in the D' v s Block -
hitting, up tip new M , , e Ball.
The cement work for the base
neer' of ^the• new Methodist Churc
hass'leen • started, and work. .wi
be c
ontin `' . .
u as
, s pos
Mrs. John Minnick. and Miss Led.
who have been visiting the' form
er's sister, Mrs. Stahls, and othe
relatives, have returned home t
Lockport, New'" York.
Finch Broe. of London Were in
town on 11onday soliciting bus'nes
Nelson Baker, County roc over-
, ov�yi,
seer, has been
on the road throttgh town,Thee
county is supplying hits with are
oiling machine to oil the roads anti.
work will be completed before
` r ,
Word has been received
Rev: Ha vetl' frotm
Rauch that - he. ie stationed
here for •'another. year, We, wel•
conic Mr. Hauch to our midst'
Mrs. Seldon' and Wallace
returned from` a visit :. lihe -'
it with her
daughter in Kingston, t'
Mrs. Gladman and two sons have•
and Peterbero, Mrs. Wyndham*,
- Harper Rivers last week pure,'
h, chased the , butcher premises A
11; business of ' 1vlr. Frank wood' ani.
tingimmediate b
P ssesson.
' Mr, G. S. Howard has been ca
returned: -from a, visit' in Toronto.
of Oakville is visiting Mrs. Glade
L, fined to his_ home, owing to a.6ore,
- knee.. His room et -the school is
r being Naught by Miss Vosperc
W. Madman has purehased;i
a F�:-one on Colborne ,Street:. Lome•.,
don, and we„understand, WiL1,in n ..
s with his family'” to that' cit befo a>
s midsummer. Mees' d r,,
is. Gladman
from our business men, It., ii
Sta tbury have been` conducting me.
their intention to run a daily trite 4
service from London to Gbderich
and handle freight of all kinde,
Roy Golding? of Woodham, who
has taught music to pupils in this
villa e for a few years, has see-
urea the position of organist in
ont of the' 5t. Marys churches, and
itis dliaLontint.w.1 i1,1 :t ,..•. li.?m.
:IoW office in London, for two yearn
Mi and Mre, Blaney, wlao have
been residingin ,Toronto
for a'
uptnber, of years; moved 'back OA,
Ri oteafi into the house near tlxli;i
river vacated by W Ii'. ,tf"a,yOkho
hes movcct into Hy. 'i<esf.l9's hour!