HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-05-04, Page 1Vj 4 �v vol. -XX I I Id o lon a rum itopp wpm Nom woo pm ZURICH, THURSDAY, 4 1922. These dre the -three" outsta.ndingfcatures of our line{ Eeferd 13r}lying sonr. Spring shoes: be 'sure to inspect our ne lines jut .arrived, We hate the lal est styles in � Tomens' Oxford3, pumps, one and twostrap pump with imitation saddle 'strap` Also a complete line for misses and children. For men afine stylish high shoe in plain or Saddle strap. Watchour window and get 3 ur -prices. PFILE, ZURICH' THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES., U. and Mrs. .A.. Melick were ry;, to Ilensall on Sunday. s. Jacob Brownof the Goshen south is -`seriously ill, 'Calvin: Williams of 73r f'falo' . Visiting his brothers and s, here. r. Jacob Deichert has exeh- ci his old Ford for a new touring. and Mrs. Gordon Bissett `of tterieh were visitors at the home Tr.' Fer'dindand Hees on Friday ing last. vir. Garfield Brown of Elmira, nt a few dayswith his parents and Mrs. Jacob Brown, Goshen z e, the past week: large congregation was ares - n Ladies' Spring Coats and Suits In order to clear out -the balance of our Ladie Suits and Coats we die giving the follovving bi reductions in prices. Any one wanting anythin in this line will do well to take advantage of these rices as the goods cannot be replaced at the pric e are quoting. Ir. Robert Eisenbach, who been employed for the past years int ,he planing mill of leftlast week. • UITS 1 only Girls Tricotine Suit, Size 20, 'Reg. _Price $45, Sale price $50.00 only Girls Tricotine Suite size 18, Regular $35; Sale -price $25.00 2, only' Ladies' fine Botany size 1.8and 20, Reg,, $35, Sala $25.00 COATS • 1, only Girls Velour Coat size 14, Regular $16.50, Sale $12.50; Men's Spripg. Stijl* • THE TtEpiirrATIoN: op THIS STORE AS BEING THE, HOME . THE EIGI-IEST "GRADE CLOTHING DEMONSTRATED IN THE NEW. ,W-F•40,i1A.vp AGAIN' RECEIVED A NEW ASSORTMENT AND A SPLENDID ,RANGE- OF BLUE SERGES; ENGLISH WOESTEbS, SCOTCHSERGES; AS WE. ARE SHOWING NOW. . BB' SURE AND LOOK THESE pvER: FIT --U- CAPS " A NEW LINE OF PIT-U-CApS HAVE JUST ARRIVED: GET, YOURSBEFORE IT IS TOO LATE H AT S TrIE NEW S'YYLE HATS FOR SPRING ARE JUST IN, RANGIN., 49 Phone .59 Produce Wanted WE ARE IN TEE MARKET FOR AIME AND CLOVER SEED • • • cP At a meeting ot the Village Fathers on .Tuesdar-e-Vening, it was 'decided to oil the rnain streets to keep the dust settled. Mr. Alex. Foster was also given the, con- tract to repair the cement water) supply tank by putting a cement wall inside of 'the present one. Mr. H. H. Happel who has been: at' Detroit for some ,time, is this wee kretuirning to Kitchener, Where] he has been the past few years'.1 Mrs, Happel ,who has been visit-; ing with her 'mother, Mrs. R 'Ilei -1 denian, for some time, also left' ler Kitchener On Wednesday morn - The, monthly meeting of the Zur-- Womens' Institute will beheld hi the Ladies' Hall next Wednes- day evening. The program will be furnished by Mrs. J. Douglas tend Mrs. M. Weber. This is the annual Meeting when election of officers,' etc., will take place for the ensuing year.' All ladies are requested to be present. • .1The fine warm weather the past fe* evenings have :been put ' to good 11,se by our ball. players, by laving good hard 'Workouts, and by the outaid appearance, a few Of our boys need this exercise, The fans are, also accompanying the the team 'in large numbers, to the fol keen %interest, The 1922 senior team is practically the same line-up that won the N.W.B.A., Champion- ship laat suriamer., We feel we need no new line-up, as this ola army of play -ere were just a little better than .the oppoaing teams the past season, hut by every oth-. er team being strengthened with iimported. /)layera, we hope they can give onr boys a better argil- ement this summer. Let us all show lour loyalty and again sup- port the Zurich, teeth; and they will play their very best they can the coming season. We are safe perinece has enabled them to, play the game considerable fast- er this: year, and the little outside .help we have seemed thhis year promise§ it anything, to be just a littlp better than last year's,•• So He3,01 to Good Look to our 1922 'ClUb, and may- they hold what they have gained last year. Some have :dready this year's pennant cinched. We a.f., not...wish to make any such bold statements, but ex- pect to be there arid win the last game, as we". did the past sensory, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30Years the 4.4 Save the Pieces -..1' 0---- Chester L Sxnxt i, Publisher, $1,25 a Year In 4dvaece. : 4 iA1AY 134 u.KARGri/) .36 HOUR SERVICE On Duplicating Your Broken Len- _ —se8 from the Sinallest Chip. W G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 flieLSONSH.BANK Ineorperated 1855 Capital Paid Up 64,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 ver 125 Erariehes OPPORTTJNITIES TO RUT antiy turning up.. The farraer with. money saved is the one who gets these snaps. Place your crop earnings in al Savings Account With the near est branch of The Molsona Bank where, while earning in- terest and he,:ng absolutely safe your money is available at any minute. Deposits can he made by mail. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch I Great Bargain Sale *. HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS TONED BELOW i DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT '41' • PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE + GOOD ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY,L • Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain: * o 20% off On Whips valued at, 75e. and up. 4° ..;› A number sets of Single Harness, a $25.00 each. . • 3, ▪ -.PHONE 102 - ' REPAIRING A SPECIALTY I* 0,, 2 dozen, all -wool Horse blankete, si2.e 72x84, at each .... ,4 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain • A Big Assortmentof Halters at 25% Reduction. 3 10 Robes, size 54x62 at from $12.50 upwards. * A. number of real English Plush Rugs, prices from' $6.00to $9.5 FRED THIEL - ZURICH * Spring Showings of CHOICE FOOTWEAR Our Spring Showing of Choice Footwear is nolv complete 4, * and. we must say without the shadow of a doubt; that we have never had in Stock such ^a good assortment of . the $ niftiest styles, made over -the latest lasts,rand they also assure • comfort and ease when walking. The leathers this Spring -al- t. so promiSe to be considerable sup- erior in quality to former years. + See our Stock of Ladies' Fine + • One, Two and iTilree Strap Slip - a. pers. Oxfords are worn extens- * just what you' want in this iine of • Also an exceptionally fineshow t • ing of Men's fine Shoes Oxfords, Ft You` will save cl'ollars, and c. + have the beat of satisfaction by + • buying at our Stores. 4. SHOE MERCHANTS DASHWOOD + ZURICH We- invite you to come and see our new Spring and ,Sumnier goods in Volts, Ginghams„. Ot,klateas, Prints ete. We also have a good assortment of Staples in.hardware and oils harness and repairs' sweat + pads, bridles, lines, waterproof rugs etc. We have on hand ciifferent varieties of se e d corn at right prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 971 SLAKE itIgfl+P41.+1,