HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-04-27, Page 8We are ready to show you a complete range of Spring and Summer- Goods at prices greatly reduced from former years. Below are only a -few of the many lines we are offering: Heavy Weight Tricotine In Navy and black 54=in at $4.50 Fine Botany serges 54 -in wide in leading colors per y'd. $2.35. Serges in black and navy only 54 -in, wide at per yd. $1.50 Special 40 -in serges all colors at per yard ... ... 85c New Silks Fine quality, Duchess silk, in navy( blk, brown 36 -in. at $2.50 Good quality shantung at __. $1.00 New tricollette Blouses all col- ors at each _.. $3.00 New Stock of window shades, Curtain Rods and .Scrimms, Marquesettes from 20e. yd. to $1.75. Men's Wear New lot of mens' and Boys' .,Fine Shirts, Caps, Ties, Belts, Etc. Aluminum Kettles ONLY A FEW LEFT. 20 -YEAR GUARANTEED KETTLE WITH $105 WORTH GROCERIES FOR ONLY $2.99. J. GASCHO SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage We are appointed. authorized. Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts Dor& on and Dunlop Tires and Tubes Ready -to -Weak DRNOMY. BROS. Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS. ALSO BATTERY ,CHARG'ING. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW' AND HAVE THEM REP- AIRED READY FOR SPRING. WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS AND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILL COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS. IP NOT, WHY TELL US. l H. Mousseau Zurich Ordered Clothing • Start Right NOW Hobbirlin made! to measure clouting is right in every part- icular and will sat- isfg particular nen. In every community there are menwho prefer to wear clothes that are specia.liytail- oreci to meet their individual tastes. Hobberlin Made .To-Measu re System makes it easy to give every man the sort of: style and fit he requires. DENOIVI7 BROS. Produce taken is exchaage for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST The best care to give a setting hen is to leave her alone-shhe kn- ows her business better than most people know it. The unrest in India has caused more or less serious labor troubles on the tea plantations and has re- sulted in the price of tea rising on the tea plantations and has result- ed in the price 'to -day costs, have advanced between 12 and. 15 , cents a pound. As the crop is much less than estimated consumption this year it is probable that the price will go still higher. - t 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. + 4. 4, • • springs, Beds, and aftress in� Springs; We have just added to our stock a complete line of Bothwell' Beds, Springs and Mattress,the line we CARRY CANNOT FAIL TO FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT REASONABLE PRICES, THE PAINTING BOOM HAS STARTED, AND WE AL-, WAYS CARRY A FULL LIVE OF THE OLD RELIABLE SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, VARNISHES, SI-TERWILLAC, AUTO PAINT, FLOOR PAINT, `WAGON AND IMPLEMENTPAINT, ETC. FENCING --Parties requiring fencing should see us befo r e buy- ing. We handle genuine Prost Light Lock Fences. Also a full line of hog and poultryfences, coiled, barb, brace and black wire and steeples, Etc, Car and Tractor owners should see us about Polarine and Tractor Oils, Gasoline, Tires Tubes and accessories. New _ Perfection Coal Oil Stoves a nd Ovens. f WE AIM TO SATISFY -HYMENIAL-- A quiet wedding look place at the Trinity Lutheran parsonage, London, on Thursday, April 20th, at 3 o'clock, wl en,:Alberta Sophia;: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Koch of Dashwood was married to Mr. Charles Russell Pitt, son . of Mr. and Mrs: George Pitt, London. Rev. M. Bruer officiating. The bride wore a smart suit of navy. blue tricotine, blue mohair hat, with henna trimming, and a- cor- sage of American Beauty. Roses _ and Lily of the Valleys. Mrs. • friends of the happy couple join John M. Dale was her sisters' br- in hearty good wishes to them.- idesmaid, wearing a gown of navy They will reside on the groom's canton crepe richly embroidered fine farm, south of Dashwood. and a black milan hat. Mr. John M. Dale was best man. The - groom's gift to lt,he bride was a cabinet of Community Silver, to. the brides maid, a bar pin set with pearls •and brilliants and to the best man, a gold pen knife..; Following the ceremony Mr. and h 4, 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. M 4. 4, LOCAL MARKETS Wednesday) 26 750. 75c. (Corrected every Eggs •-- Buckwheat Barley Wheat ....$1.37' Oats - 60-75c. Flour per cwt. $4.00-$4.75 Bran $35.00- $35.00. $12.50 Shorts Live hogs cwt Ho"use cleaning season is here. So is yard cleaning and garden making time: Now is the time to get your lawn mower and gar- den tools in shape. l+" STADE,WEIDO PR ET R BLOCK - ZURICH •r•a��•1+> +i. ',""1,4'.4+4; .r.,++✓,.+{1..�''4..li'!•'i++°�'1.++.1= .1^ S.:fr.'.• ++.t.'i,y"'�.+d"i.ti4'+ SPORT NEWS. • Teeswater Base 13a11 team is are ranging. for a Celebration on May 24th. t 4•--, Mr. .W W. Barlow, the -efficient Thursdays, April 2+th1, 1922 r The stere with the Wad C3311' DisPoi sit LOOKI LOOK! Big Spring FURNITURE SAL' For Four Weeks Only $HOOD $tOCW Of -Furniture lust goat prices never heard ofbefore. Price Reduction from 30 to 50 per cent. A CASH.OR NOTE SETTLEMENT IS EXPECTED ON ALL GOODS SOLD DURING THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. Don't fail to take advantage of this while the assortment is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS MELIK&BR7a0N PHONE 63 e ; JobD�partsent Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statementsr.Envelop- 3 s, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. V 1� . Big. Stock Deduction Sale Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, . Men's Clothing; -Crockery, etc. PILCHARD 11b. tins, 7" tins for .. ..:$1.00 FMrs. Pitt left on a. oneymoommBROOMS trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. secretary°of Purity •Flour Baseball , Upon their return will reside , in Club, has been appointed coach of Extra quality , each London. On Tuesday previous to the team for the coming 'season the wedding the staff and employ- The captain is to be appointed by t BRAZIL COFFEE es of the ;Canada Rug Co,, held a the players. Just as soon as the Ground 3 lbs. for miscellaneous shower in honor•: OA grounds are in shape at Victoria the bride. Park, workou's will be staged eV- BAKING POWDER ,, 45c KRAFT-RADER NUPTIALS A pretty spring wedding was witnessed at the home of Mrs, Jacob Rader, ,Dashwood, April 20. at four o'clock, when her youngest daughter, Adeline E. and Louis L. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Hy. L. Kraft of Stephen Townahip were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Rev. P. Graiipner of drawing room withher mother, ,. who gave her •in marriage. under- neath an arch .of evergre?ns And white bels, to the strains of Loh- engrins March played by Mrs. Fred. Pree.er, Jr. The bride look ed charming in her gown of, ivory •satin-de-chene, and wearing the eustoraryt U riday veil, and in crown style wreathed with orange. blossoms and carrying a shower boquet of bridal roses. Iter only ornament was a pearl pend ant, the groom's gift. The bride was attended by Miss Pearl' Kraft. sister of the, groom, and -who Wore a gown of palest yellow organdie and carried a lovely spray oP yellowd •affodills, her gift from the groom beim?: a lovely silver bar pin, set with brilliantsM• Little Alice Decher, niece of 'the bride, made a dainty little ring bearer. The groom was assisted by Mr. Fred Rader, brtheor et the Pride and worea gold i.nital tie pin, a grit from the groom., After. the ceremony and congratulations) the guests repaired to the dining room, where they partook: of la bottntous repast. They weje ery evening. In fact, from the performance of the players who turne dout last Saturday afternoon for practice, both the new coach and Manager Hays believe that the pennant for the season is "cinched" already. , i ° BIG FOUR BASE ALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE Representatives of the Big Four eagLue met at Clinton last Friday evening. and •allotted dates for the baseball *tournaments and adopted a schedule.. to begin on May 17 and end on August 27. The tourney dates are; -June 3, Zurich; June 14, Wingham; July 5, Goder- ich; Judy 19, Teeswater. Following is the schedule.- May 17-Teeswater' at Goderich May 18-Wingham at Zurich May 29 -Zurich at Teeswater May 31-Goderich at Wingham. Junel-Wingham at Goderich. June 9-Teeswater at Zurich. June 12--Winghant at Teeswater June 16 -Zurich at Goderich • jun e 19-Teeswater at Winghatn. June 23-Goderich at Zurich June 26°--Goderich at. Teeswater June 27 --Zurich at Winghai t July 11Teeswater at Goderich. Doily 14-WingheIn at Zurich July 26..... Goderich at Winghs-r . July 27 -Zurich at Teeswater. July31+--Teeswater at Zurich. Aug. 2-Wingliam gat Goderich. Aug.10-Zurich at Goderich. Aug, 11-Wingham at Teeawaterc, A.ug.16 Teeswater at Winghta A.ug.1.S-Goderich at Zurich. the rwcipient of nm1n y-Wttsieful and. Ati .21 :Goderich al `.Cees��ntcrt ts, n tally +pug 21" ZtrricA at tVix gh. 1 quart can at ...... ARROW COLLARS 4 for ••. ............ 41.00 CHEESE per pound ... ...... 25e $1.00 35c VOILES All color, short lengths yard 85c TABLE SYRTJUP 5 pound tin 445c SARDINES 2 .large boxes reg.25c. Sale 2-25e, SODA BISCUITS Loose, 2 lbs. for 35e. CONGOLEUM RUGS Size ,2 -yds by ' 3 yds Sale •$5.00 ROLLER TOWELLING 183 inches wide on Sale, yd. 15c BOYS' JERSEY Suit, one and two piece ,. ",.. $1.75 SIDE CURTAINS Reg. $1.00 a yard, Sale price 50e. Allgo at $15.00 CA SII OR PRODV'CE ,SILKS Reg,, $2, 2.50, Sale price ....-- ...$1.013. LADIES "SWEATER COATS 1 only, Reg. $10.00 for Sale ... $5,00 1 PIECE APRON Gingham, Reg. 40c, for , ... 25e SNAPS in Dress Goods, a yd. 25e ALL WOOL SERGE 40 inch, Sale price yard ... ...90e.. UNDERWEAR Mens' Fleeced, a. garment ... 75c. MENS' WATERPROOF COAT" A Snap $2.75,, $3.75, and $2.00 TAPESTRY RUUGS.. ' Size 21ix3 yards,; Sale price ...:$14.011 Size 3a3)6 yards,, sale price ... $19.50 SILK CREPE DE•.CHENE .M1 colors, Sale Price..... $1.601. Georgette Crepe, . Sale Price _..1.611 MATCHES • 3 boxes for ._. 35e FEED MOLASSES Try our reed Molases at 3c. a lb. DATES 2 pounds for MEN'S' DRESS W ATERPRO- OF COATS Produce Wanted. Buterickrashins Pllione P7 L. WLJRM