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'Your contribution will help the' Salvation Army to deal with its
'World Problems and ;meet the needs of the Destitute, The Fallen,
The Fanzine Stricken', The Heathen..
till The maintenance of•Social Institutions for women, and Children in
• Canada East.
3, The assistance of Officers in sparcely populated districts and in
the poorer sections of cities.'
'13. The erection of suitable properties for Social, E' angelical, and
Children's work.
i. Canada's allocation to the • Miss ionary Field. ,Forty Canadian Of-
ficers are now in India, China, Japan, Koerea, Africa and Java.
V NADA—The Salvation Army's operations in Canada' include ;-
'Rescue- homes, maternity .Hospitals, Dispensaries, Prison Work,
Police Court Work, So1116ns' Industrial Homes, Summer Camps for
laildren, Labor Bureaux, Gener al Hospitals, and General Relief,
`TEIE MISSIONARY WORK of the Army embraces the feline -Mg
ivities;—Colonies for Lepers in Java, 'Colonies for Criminal Tribes •
• an India Begger's Homes in Cey lon, Rescue Homes, Inebriates'
;Homes, Children's Homes, Day Schools, Industrial tomes for Alen.
Voter contribution is money wisely invested in sane and practicalY
World Betterment Efforts. ,The greater part of the activities of
'The Salvation Army are =denominational. They help elle,-
Send Your donations NOW to 'Mr.C. L. Smith, HERALD OFFICE
be' direct to the district Campaign headquarters, Exeter—Capt. G.
MacGillivraye Officer in charge.
'Brix "Nod rd
Mr. F. J. Wickwire of Hensell
;exalted in _the village on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, W.. Pfaff of near
!ashwood, spent Sunday at the
:home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sch-
Mr. E. ,Desch, barber, is con=
tined to the house with an attack
eal flu, while Mr. Eldon Howald is
Itaking charge of his barber shop
The Evangelical Conference held
*lett Sitchener and which closed oe
" 'erlesday was one of the most suc-
'eessful events ever held. We
;sire not as yet in receipt
of a
Tall account of the doings, but
•can only give the few stations that
etave been changed. As will be
ween Rev. F. B. Meyer, who has be -
;n at Zurich for six years, has been
eseoved to Normandy, this is in-
deed regretable to the Zurich
congregation, as there was a pos-
' .ibility for him staying for an-
'Other year. Rev. J. G. Litt, his
iauceessor, is well known in Zurich
-end no stranger, having served
':mere as Presiding Elder for anum-
'er of years.
Following are the changes that
:leave been made in Ontario;—
Zurich—J. G. Litt.
'Toronto—H. E. Roppel
South Cayuga—O. G. Hallman
Willoughby -N. H. R eibling
lt7ormanby—F. 13. Meyer.
Kitchener, Calvary church -- J.
Hauch, Zion Church. M. F.
aTelville. Sask.-E. N. Mohr.
Rev. L. E. T agner has been.
lee e i Peeeding El'kr for the
Werth West districts for another
Teter years.
OfHey and Pas-ure ',n Zurich
:Fair Grounds. Sale. at Walper
"House, Zurich, on .Seturday eve-
ning, May 6th at 7;30, Terms
and conditions made known at
'die of sale,
Klopp, Auctioneer;
A F. Hess, Sec.-Treas.
-Sophia--At Seithlc' Line Hay Tow
inehip, on April 26th, to Mr. and
ter. Adoiphine Shia a dough-,
Y.erw -
li)o .n—At Ter; Soto. Kensae, on
f4.nril 5th. Mr. Henry Clay Do'Ln,
nye d76 yearn, 3 reeentlui and 4
lereet1ser-y•In Detroit. on April
3' 1811,
. Preeter', sed 47' years.
itr. }a ;1.4
Kraft—Rader—In Dashwood
April 20th, Adeline Rader
Louis Kraft.
Pitt—Koch—At London on April
Alberta S. Koch to - Charles
Following is the general- stand-
ing of the pupils of S. S. oN. '3,Hay
for the Easter Examination.
Sr. IV Florence Armstrong 65%
Greta Blackwell 60, Glenn Love 55.
Sr., III—Cooper. Forrest .62.
Orland Siemon 60.
Jr. II—Stewart Blackweil 68, '
Russell Blackwell 60, Annie Jar-
rott 56.
Sr. II—Harold Reichert 75, Are'
time Broderick '73, Wilfred Mouss-
eau 71, Minerva Reichert 70, Roy
Kyle 68, Ross Richardson 66.
Jr. II—Dorthoy Kyle 64, Willie
Armstrong 62, Margaret Mousseau
60, Russell Kyle 60.
Part II—Torn Armstrong 62,
Debra Armstrong 53, Elda Steph-
an, .absent.
Primer—Ross Richardson 62,
Byron Kyle 62.
C. A. Hoffman, Teacher.
Thomas Murdock intends short-
ly erecting a neat, stable on Qu-
een St., near Brock's shop.
Miss Grace Hardie was home
from Toronto spending Easter
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs,
Irving Deedles of Kitchener,
spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs, Ed. Deters.
Mr. Robert Higgins has rented
frtsm Mild Rennie, the dwelling'
formerly occupied for many years
by Mr. Owen Geiger.
Mr. and .Mrs, Edmund Geiger
and children of London, and Mr.
and Mrs, Oliver. Geiger of :Bridge-
port, spent the Dieter vacation
with Mr, and. Mrs, Owen Geiger.
Mr. Mark Drysdale is hating the
excavation made for a neat ad-
dition to the dwelling which be
recently purchased from Mr. W.
Shepherd. He has ,taken down the
sr eble on the int and intends er-
ecting a garage.
:VIr. J. W. Ortwein: intends mak•
ling a number of improvements he
interior o th • dwelling hepur-
r ix °:i ';1 iiri `, 2 r eV 1 i raY 13e/e' an/an
L. lr K:
Mrs, H. Zimmer of Stratford is
visiting, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hy. Willert. .
Mrs. ' Ezra Ti.einan and son Eu;
gene, 'spent the week -end in Ste,
Mrs, Miller has retui;ned to her'
home here after' spending the wvia-
ter in Woodbridge.
Mr, and Mrs: Shenk and family
visited in Stratford over Stuff.:,
Miss 'Hazel Snell has returned
from London. •
Miss Adeline Rader and Mr.
Louis Kraft' were quietly married
at the bride's home on. Thursday
last. ` We extend congratulations.
Among those from a distance
who attended .the funeral of the
late Louis Preeter were Misses
Maude and Mania ` Eidt of Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt of
Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eidt of
Ailsa Craig, Mr. =Chas. Eidt and
daughter of Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs
Albert Ruthig' and Mr. and Mrs;.
H. Zimmer of Stratford and Mrs.
S. J. Adams of London.
Dr. R. H. Taylor has purchased',
a new Studebaker coupe.
On April the 12th the Ladies',
Aid of -the Evangelical Church met.
at the home of Mrs. J. Schrader
to celebrate her 81st birthday and
presented her with a beautiful
Ladies Satchel' plant, Rev. Yager
conducted a short devotional 'der
vice after whish the members sp-
ent a • short socail time. Mrs.
Schroeder is hte oldest member of
the Society and is still a regular'
attendant at the meeting.
Word was received here fo the
death of Louis T. Preeter in ••De-
troit on Tuesday, April 19th; • a
former resident of this place. The'
deceased had been ill only five
'days with pluro-pneumonia. He
was a man in f.e prime of life
being 47 years of age. About
ten years ago he left here with
his family for Stratford, latex -
moving 'to Detroit where he has
since resided. He was a member
of the Vestry Board of the Luther
an church and an active meinber
in church work. He is survived:
by his .sorrowing widow, one son
Lorne and one daughter, Elda,,
one brother John of Zurich' and
threw sisters; Mrs.. -FL Willert,Mrs.
B. Stacey and Miss Fanny Preeter.
of Dashwood: The remainslvene
brought to Dashwood for burial
on Thursday.,. The funeral 'took
place from the home of Mr. H.
Willert to the Lutheran cemetery
on Friday afternoon, Rev. P.
Graupner officiating. The floral
tributes were very numerous sho-
wing the esteem in whibh the de-
ceased was held by his many fri-
(Intended for last week.)
Me and Mrs. A. Edighoffer, of
Zuri:h, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ce Edighoffer.
.R. Goetz is attending asch-
ool convention in Toronto this
Miss Lane, of Dorchester, has
been engaged to leach for room
No. 1,I
Miss Mina Ehlers is visiting in
Miss Myrta Hoffman is -spending
her holidays in Detroit.
Mis sLuell Merrier; of London
and Verde, of Parkhill, visited
their parents over Easter.
Rev. Yager is attending Con-
Terence„ in Kitchener this week.
Mr. Rutherford spent Monday
in London.
Raymond Callas, of Thedford,
visited his father over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rinker, of
Sarnia visited in . town on Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Hartleib, of London
spent Easter with her parents.
Miss .Coats' of Exeter, is the gu-
est of Miss Freda Schroeder.
Miss E. Guenther is attending
the Conference held in Kitchener.
The Misses Sherholtz of Elmira
visited at the Lutheran parsonage
last week,
Miss E. 'Voelzing is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Dahms.
Ira Tiernan, of Guelph', spent
Easter at his home here.
The death of John Neeb took
place on. Sunday, April 16th at the
home of his son Alex. of Stephen.
Mr. Neeb reached the age of 88
years. The remains were laid
to rest its the Bronson Line cemet-
ery on Tuesday afternoon. Rev.
Graupner officiating.
William Robert, the infant son
of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Willert, pas-
sed away on Sunday at the age
of 9 months, We extend our
sincere sympathy to the bereaved
parents and friends.
Dr. A. E, Tennant has been con-
fined to his bed for several days
suffering from an acute attack of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J', Gearing, of
Gue'phwere relent vIsi'ors with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Witwer.
Mrs. .I'. Wanless of. Duluth,
Minn., arrived dere to spend some
'tele with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. J. Hardy.
W. J, Beer has installed anup-
to-date radiophone in his store(,
and now ,hears the concerts sent
rut frein the 'various distributing
Mrs. Elizabeth Tierney, Mein
St„ is confined to her room:, suffer-
ing from bruises and a shaking
ire Leben elsefell at her home, she
is in agnd lady
Toronto, h^':e ;a^ %ed to Exeter,
y: A.Ilril 27th, 1922
e av, . jut purchased
a big assortment of 'acre's
Coats, and Dresses of the very
latest styles and fabrics at"un-
usally attractive prices.
Specially priced f tr quick
Sale at $12.5O,$15.00,$1&50
d. $25. 0
Titan 10-20 r OV:' $825.00.Intexnat onl 8-16 now $775.60, A three bottom plow will bop
given tree with 6...e Titan and a two bottom plow will be given free with the Jnternational. _
Note t1► 'f1i1own g low prices,-
Chst•rolet bumper now .._ i:1.00� 1 binchemith blower at
.$12 gine iii working aider at a reale
Ford rear axles a pair .... $1:70 1 pair hc,of clippers at ......$L00 bargain;
30.' 3' tubes, eec'a. ^ .-. ... $2.00 1 hick sew at $1..00 1 1 ulge size horse ellipper e Ferret
Feed front ser 7;; ich ... $2.25 2 Vuleeniz rs at each .. ,$1.25 implements. pumps, etc." Ford
2 only belt clippe e at .__ _..$3;00 Also c'r.,e nine H. P. .gasoline, en- parts fox sale.
L. A. Prang, Zurich
into the residence rezently purch-
ased from the Rameey estate. Mr.
W.H. Kay, wh ) lets been occupy-
ing the hous3 his moved into a
house on Station st.
This section was visited by a
hail storm last Monday morning,
accompanied by, a heavy down- -
pour of rain It was one of the
heaviest hal! storms in years and
for as wh'le it :cooked as though con-
siderable damage night be
Mr.,Henry, Reynolds received
quite seveee gash gash in his
hand on Saturday Dist .evhile as-
sisting his :ion, Luther, ox Usborne
in cutting feed with a straw ctt-
ter, his hand coming in contact
with the knives oe the machine,
W. D. Sanders, who has been
confined to : '4 i _toric Hoep't tl,Lo n-
don, for the past week; is now on
a fair way •to recovery.
Regret to state that Mrs. Free-
men-Morlock's condition is not at
all. favorable.
John Geiser and Garnet Sweit-
zer left for Cisco, Texas last Sat-
urday on business.
Mee. C. Zwicker and Master
Gerald, :. are visiting relatives in
New Hamburg and Toronto.
14 rill Yearley has bought • the
house and lot from Edward Fah -
net, which he recently purchased
from the estate of the (ate. Math.
Fiu beiner.
Mrs. John Minncik find Miss Leda
of Lockport, N.Y. are visiting at
the home of Mrs, Stahls,
Rev. S. M. Melee of the lilven,g-
,ytVell (.".'huieb iq attending . onfr?i'w
Batter; -nd
No matter what shape your Batt cry or Radiator is in we eats,
repair it as good as .new by our. improved method.
Bring in your leaky Radiators. All, cart lge rJiarges paid on way. -
All work bears the wellknown
E 's SQUARE DE L R „min
Exchange your old Storage lia..t ery on on of our new 18 months
guaranteed Epps Battery. Ournew 3 -ton International Truck wile
take care of yotu hauling problem.
Phone Clinton 626 r 14
ps n
The Choral Society under the
leadernhip' oe Prof: Anderton, ren-
dered Stainer's Cruciliction in the
Evangelic ti church, on Good. Fieday
evening. Tot he meei'.a 'o',e:s this
wase a treat., and was exceptionally
well rendered...
:Pleased to see Win. Rate around
again after having met with an ac
ardent in :the bush, some weeks
During the storm last Monday
morning, ab olt of lightning' de -
lashed a elven e -r on Wni, T3ow-
Mr Greet-, le '.3nrfast, Irelaner,
• is. the gull's! n? 3'111193 Surgeon; Bair
;laid. He fi ill'c ifs wrench moree
pleasant herr than in Ireland:
Blyth is "aced eitih the necese.
of en) ,i' el ie: its Pudic schie
nol . 1 uii'ding,
The '.Ili -v, 11.;rtin Wilson,who is:
crplc.ling file fourth yer a09:
T r i s w', c e 'rid ~t chic- eh, Eltee
titer, had been invited to Landow
den's house and. knocked off Borrie --Si' ch„ilii,, vV,ltdsoi, of which lid.
plaster in the living room,. Mrs, i liar rei,usecl.
Bowden was he the room at' the Henri', n,,,;, Mb have decide..,,
tinge and was somewhat tlazedefor to 'el,e, itr I'hreeelay as a weeitig,