HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-04-27, Page 3U SIG TLY PIMPLES
In the Spring Most People Need
a Tonic Medicine.
One of the surest signs that tlio
blood is out of older is the pimples,
unsightly eruptions and eczema that
come frequently with the change from
winter to spring, These prove that
the long indoor lite,pf winter has had
its effect upon the blood, and that a
tonic medicine its needed 'to put it
right, Indeed, there are few people
-rho do .not need a tonic at this sea-
son. Bad blood does niet merely show
itself in diefiguring eruptions. To this
same condition is due attacks of rheu-
matism ,an.c1
11eumatism,and lumbago; the sharp stab-
bing pains of sciatica and neuralgia;
poor appetite and,a desire to avoid
exertion. You oannot get rid of these
troubles by the use of. purgative medi-
ices --you need a tonic, and a tonic
only, and among all medicines there
is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for theta. tonic, blood -improving,
nerve -restoring powers., ' Every dose
of this medicine helps make new, -riche
blood which drives out impurities,
` stimulates every rgan and brings a
feeling of new health and energy to
weak, tired, ailing hien, women and
children. If you are out of sorts give
this meidicine ',a trial and see how
quickly it will restore. the appetite,'
revive drooping spirits .and fill your
veins with new, health -giving blood.
You 'can, get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a. box or six boxes for $.2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
vll.e, Ont.
An old lady froiii the west' who had
for so many years longed to see' the
ocean, arrived on the Atlantic shore
and gazed long at the vast expanse of
water and said, "Well, I'm glad once
in niy life to see something that
there's enough of for everybody."
Minard's• Liniment for sale everywhere
What a Boy.. Can Po.
These are eeme of the things a boy
can do;
He can shout so loud the air tune
He can make all sounds of beast or
And a thousand more they never
He can crow or cackle, chirp or cluck,
Till 11•e fools the rooster, hen or duck,
lie can mock the dog• or cat or cow,
And the cat herself can't 'beat his.
Ile has sounds that are ruffled,
striped, . or plain,
He can thunder by like a railway
Stop at the stations a breath, and then
APply the steam and be off again.
He has all his powers. In such corn -
He can turn right into a full brass
With all of the instruments ever
And march away as a street parade.
You can tell' tbat a boy is very 111 ,
If he's wide awake and is keeping
' still;
But earth would be—God bless their
e, noises
A dull old place if there were -no boys.
Northern Manitoba Fur.
A total of 350licenseswere issued
to trappers from the game guardian's
office at The Pas, Manitoba, this sea-
son, also, 67 licenses to -fur traders
and 6.7 to travelling agents. An esti-
mate of the value of the fur that will
pass through The. Pas thle season is
apPeoximately two and a half million
Dominioai Express Money Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
Beinmg ignorant is not so much a
shame as being unwilling to learn.
—Benjamin Franklin.
ProvIncial Board of, Health. Ontario
Dr.hiiddietcnwill beglad t
o answer
questions a¢ Public Health mats
tens through this column, Address him at Spadina House, Spadini&
Crescent. Toronto.
To educate the young in health
habits is one of the most important
features of Public Health work to -day.
It is all very well to tell• adults what
to do in matters of personal as well
as community hygiene, but wrong
habits acquired are hard to break. It
is to the child that bur hopes and ac-
tivities are chiefly aimed, because
their young elastic- minds easily re-
ceive impressions which if directed
along right lines make for good
zens in after years.
One of the most effective ways for
disseminatingthis information to the
young is 'by the aid of pictures and
stogies, thus conveying the ixnpres-
scions' both by the eye, the ear and
the mind. The Child Hygiene Section
of the Canadian Public Health Asso-
ciation is tackling this problem of
diffusing useful hints on health by
publishing a series of posters dealing
with two children, Joan and Tom.
These are just ordinary youngsters'
whose parents and teachers are taking
steps to guide them along the road
that leads to health and happiness in
days to come.
Seven o'clock is the hour that Joan
and Tam have arranged to get up at
in the morning. After rising they take
a sponge bath or a good wash. They
use their own towels and their own
wash cloths. They each drink a glass
of water after brushing their teeth.
After washing in their own rooms
they finish dreasing. They each use
a clean brush and comb and an orange
wood stick for their nails. Brea --
fast, they eat slowly. They chew their
food well. They do not eat fried foods
or fresh breads. They do not drink
tea or coffee. After breakfast they
do not use toothpicks. They brush
their teeth anid rinse theirmouths o u •h with
clean water. They wear plain, broad -
toed shoes with low heels. They walk
with their. shoulders 'down and back,
with their heads erect, with their feet
straight ahead. They, protect . their
clothes as completely as possible,,
while out doors. They remove their
rubbers in school. They are weighed
and measured at regular intervals.
They play out-of-doors as much as
possible, in yards, fields or play-
grounds—not streets. In winter they
also spend a good deal of playtime
out-of-doors, wearing warm, light-
weight clothing. They do not wear
tight bands, nor bundle up their
throats with Heavy. scarfs or furs.
They change their stockings at least
every second day. Thy brush and
polish their shoes every night. In
preparing for bed they take a full
warm tub -bath or a 'good wash and
Ones a mother links used Baby's, Own
Tablets for her little ones she always
keeps a supply on hand, for the first
trial convinces her there is nothing
to equal them in keeping children well.
The Tablets are a mild but thorough
laxative which regulate the bowels
and sweeten the stomach, thus driving
out constipation and indigestion, colds
and stinlp1e fevers and malting teetli-
irn easier. Concernina them, Mrs.
Seluste Pelletier, St, Dumais; Que.,
writes:—"I have used Baby's Own.
Tablets for the past ten years and am
never without them in the house. They
have' always given the greatest satis-
faction and I can gladly recommend
them to all mothers of )little 0)105,"
The Tablets are sold by,meddeine deal-
ers or direct by mail at 25 cents o.
boat from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
What's in a Name?
Insetpector (to the little girl in front
row)—"What is your names' '
Little Girl—" roma."
Inspector -"No, your surname."
Little Girl—"Please; sir, I would
rather not tell you."
Inspector—"Come, conte, you need
not be afraid of me."
Little Girl—"Are you sure you won't
Inspector — "Quite. Of course I
wbn't laugh!'
Little Girl --"Please, sir, it's Ford."
Docstor (intent on reprisals)—"Aren't
you one of the boys who play in the
band at the bottom of 'my garden?"
-"Yes, stir." .
"Well, you've blown away one lung
and half' another!".
"Please, stir, I'm a drummer!"
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Those who 'don't lose their tempers
gain no face -lines,
He who begins anid does not finish
has- lost his labor.
• Don't be a fault-finder unless` you
are a fault -mender.
Never leave a camp -fire, even for a
short time, without quenching it with
water and -then covering it with earth.
It was the saying of a great man
that "if we could trace our descents,
we should find all slaves fie come from
princes, and all princes from slaves."
a foot -bath. They get ten hoprs sheep
every night, and sleep with their: win-
dows downfrom the top and up from
the bottom.
Now these are little habits; of health
that Joan. and Toni have formats, and
they will benefit greatly by carrying'
them out. There is no reason why
every .child could not be taught to fol-
low out these rules of life that Joan
n Tom
and T m ar e practicing. Let eves,
mother or father who reads this
article just try out these rules on
their. children and see what the re -
suits are. Do try them anyway,
mother or father, and you inay 'be
sure your •childaen's health physique
and power to study will be the better
for the little trouble it involves. Be-
sides you have a great responsibility
in shaping your child's destiny A
guiding hand in the home during the
early years, is best, for at school age'
the child has reached a stage when
'some of its characteristics, likes and
dislikes, have already been developed
along proper lines even from the
cradle, and that they be kept in, con-
formity with the laws of nature and
right living from the very start.
The Boy Who Started to Town
With a Hundred Dollars
The advice they gave him for getting
on in the world was simple and familiar
. enough : " Keep what you have, and
build on it. Be careful what you do and
it will grow into more."
It's a safe rule—with money or health,
but a good inany overlook the rule with
health, until they have lost what they had.
Then it's hard to get a new • supply.
Postum is a splendid help in sav-
ing health from the very common
losses through the drug elements
of tea and coffee—whose effects on
the nervous system any doctor can
tell you. •
Thousands of people who think
it wise to be as careful of their
health as they are of their dol-
lars are fusers of Postum. They
find this famous cereal beverage
a delightful drink with any meal,
and it's free from any disturbing
You can begin with Postum to -
„day, with an order to your grocery.
The road to health is a good road...
for anybody to follow. "Save what.
you have, and build on it,” is sound
policy for everybody.
Postum conies in two forms: Instant Postuni
(in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition
of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of
larger bulk, for those 'who prefer to snake the
drink while the meal is being prepared) made by
boiling for 20 minutes. Saki by all grocers.
Postum for Health ---"There's a Reason"
Mad' a Canadian Poeturn Cereal Co., Limited, Wiricisor, Onta
gentle wind stirs through the hare
brown bougi ;
A slanting sunbeam sends its gokleii
' ray
Into the garden's heart; another day
Has dawned, the air is waren and
sweet, and now
Marl: how the withered 'winter grass
waves, Chow
Last autumn's loitering leaves,
brown as in play
Scamper' across the lawn and whirl
Soon shall spring's quickening spirit
earth endow,
With passing drays the sunlight shall
The veiling vapors, crocuses unfold;
Peering from
ing goldout, their beds inglow-
Like tiny suns, the daffodils shall tell
The secret of a voice that breathes
broadThe voice of spring which is the.
voice of God. ,
Elizabeth Stallard.
Nova Scotia Crop Reports.
In his :eport on the Noya Scotia
crop returns for 1921, Mr. Cutilming,
Secretary for Agriculture, snakes the
statement that the fruit growers of
that province "have enjoyed one of
the most successful years in the has -
tory of the country." Exceptionally
good crops were the rule, .;the root
crops in most cases being consider
ably above the average, Potatoes
were singularly free from rot, which
greatly increased the net yield. Sev
eral teems reported . turnips of higiie
quality running from 1200 to 1,400
bushels per acre.
"The apple orchards of Nova Scotia
set a new high figure: in 1921, The
bent informed of the fruit growers 'es-
timate the output at 1,800,000 barrels,
as against 1,162,696 barrels and 14,172
'boxes in 1920. The, duality was also
above that of the previous year.
Avoidtndigestion, Sour Acid Stomach,
Heartburn, Gas On Stomach, Etc.
Indigestiian and'praetioally awls forms
of ,stomexeb trouble, say medical auth=
orities, are due nine tarries out of ten
to an excess of hydrochloric acid hi
the stomach. Chromic "acid gtomach"
is exceedingly dangerous and sufferers
should do either one of two thinge.
Either they can go on a limited and
often disagreeable diet, avoiding foods
that disagree with them, that irritate
the stomach and lead to excess acid
secretion or they can eat as they
please in reasosand make it a prac-
tice to counteract' the effect of the
harmful acid and prevent the forma-
tion of gas,sourness or 'premature
Nf,1';rnlentation by the use of a little
:Bisurated :.Magnesia at, their' meals.;
There is probably no better, safer or
morereliable stomach antiacid than
Bisurated Magnesda and it is widely
used for this purpose. It has no direct
action on the stomach and is not a di-
gestent. But a teaspoonful of the
powder or a couple of five grain tab
lets taken in a little water with the
food will n,eutraiize the excess acidity
WhichMay present and prevent its
h y be
further 'formation. This removes the
whole cause of the trouble 'and. the
meal digests naturally and healthfully
wltliout need of pepsin pills or arti-
ficial digestents.
'Get a few ounces of Bisuratecj Mag-
nesia from any reliable druggist, Ask
for either powder.or tablets. It never
comes as a Liquid, milk or citrate and
in the bisurated farm is not a laxative,
Try this plan and eat what you waant.
at your next meal and see if this
isn't the best advice you ever had on
"whgtto eat," -
Characteristics of a Good
'In confection with the effort made
by freight carriers to bring to the at-
tention of shippers the necessity for
improvements in packages the Forest
Precincts Laboratories of Canada, De
pertinent of the Interior, point out that
strength and fleetness are- the two
iniportant chraiacteristice of anef-
fie ent container. In the strength of
a 'container. there • are three main fat-
tois: first, the strength of the ria:
terial used cutouts,' the 'iiailshoiding
power of that material (when flails
are used) ; and, third, the strength due
to the design, of the container.
An efficient barrel, box or other con -
tearer can only be constructed by the
application of aeoura.te information
concerning these three factors."
„With regard to the first, the Forest
Pnodnets Laboratories of Canada are
able to supply valuable data, the re-
sult of 'some forty thousand tests they
have already made on the sitrenge'h of
Canadian woods of eommieroial
por tanee.
To secure information as to the nail..
hirolding' power, a series of tests was
begun at the Laboratories recently,
and will' cower all woods which could
be used in the manufacture of con-
No ooniprelieiustve and syis,tematie
tests on the strength of containers as
affected by design have been made In
Canada. The Forest Products Labora-
tories of Canada have under considers-
then the malting of such tests, and will
be .glad to eo-operate with, ma uifa-
ttirers, and users of wooden and fibre
Fox farming 'an Prince Edward Is-
land last yeast produced an income
nearly as. mat as that from the eon--
biped fish and dairy business of the
island, The inerease in young foxes!
from about 8,000 pairs of adults 'was•
7,600. . Pelts brought about $200 each,
end the ordiltary price for a pass of
breeders Was $600. I
ISSUE No. 16a-420
Digestion Ruined and Nerves
Shattered She Cr uld Find
No �. elief. 'Ta nlac Again
1:2 n g
Proves Merit,
d nerves It certainly proved to be a
`friend in meed' in my case.
Tau1ac 'is sold by all good druggists.
"I have all the faith he the world in
Tanilac fon it has certainly been e joy
and hlessing to nee, declared Mrs:
Robert Dawson, 571 CliurC h St., Toron-
to, Ont,
"The flu a year ago is what broke
my Health down," she stat ed. "I bad
pneumonia following the flu and was
down in ted seven weeks and was left
almost a wreck, For so a time I was
unable to get around as 1 was so Weak"1 Was almost helpless. My appetite
was gone, my nerves weer.e
almost shat-
tered and my whole syaem
seemed to
be disordered. I suffere from head-
aches and dizzy spells, couldn't sleep
well ancl' jusiE'seemed to be troubled
in one way and another a l'ths time.
"But I'm so glad I gave Tanlac a
trial for it was just the thing I needed.
My appetite returned an my
quieted down and by the time ime I finish-
ed my ,sixth dxth bottle t was just mien -
did health, Tanliae is a grand needs-.
�the prevention ofpains
after eating, .flatulence,
headaches,biliousness, con..
stipation and other disagree-
able forms of
no remedy is so justly famed as
Mother Seigel's Syrup, the
'stomach and livertonicwith
50 years' reputation.
5I° s srtuP
Yarmouth, N.S,, March 24, 19'21,
Mr. Joseph LeBlanc, SecretarySeoretary of
the Athletic Association, who were the
Champions for 1920 of the Southt Shore
League and Western Nova Scotia Base
Bali, states that during thecarnes
the boys used MINARD'S LINIMENT
with very beneficial results, for sore
muscles, • bruises and sprains. • It is
considered by the players the best
-wreath liniment on the market. Every
team should be supplied with this
celebrated reined•,.
[Signed] JOSEPH L. LeBLANC,•
Sec'y Y. A. 'A.
Also Eruptions on Face
Very Disfiguring.
"My -trouble began with small
patches of scales upon my scalp
which spread and covered
the top of my head. My
hair became dry and life-
less and fell out. Soon
the trouble appeared in
circles on my face. 'The
eruptions on my face were
very disfiguring.
"A friend advised Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. I sent for a free sam-
ple which helped me, so I bought
more, and after using one box of
Ointment, together with the Soap,
I' was healed." (Signed) George
Brett, Jr., _Pullma i, Wash.
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointmentand
Talcum the care of your skin. •
gampleSeelareeD Men. wAddress; "by ane,Lim-
tied, 344 at. Pant Et. ., /dentresl." sold every-
where. Seep 26a, oinlment26and60c. Talcsm26c.
Cuticura Soap shaves withoutma.
Classified Adv'ertilseal ent3.
a cue. No other leefi A- McCreary,
(leatham, one
reasonable prices. Yarns. Pure
wool, chiefly grey seconds, flf'ty w entser
pound. Postage,. extra, Sweater yarns,
six beautiful.'colors, seventy --five cents.
Samples fres. Georgetown Woollen"
11Zilis., Georgetown, Ontario. •
town? You .can earn $25.00 deidy. We.
teach you. Write Chief Instructor, '
Canada : Vulcanizer, *Sondem Ont.
Aaa�exciZEs it'aa� SALE
.11.1 STROTH and Jumbo hives and
furnishings, honey ex,trantora. ` pampa,,
engines and storage tanks; a complete
stock of beekeeping requirements- send
forp your'
. Ltdcatalo.; Mguanufacte. I-Iaunzrers, BrothersBrantfCoordrn
pelting, pulleys. saws. cable,bose,packing
etc., shipped subject to approval at lowest
Priced In Canada- YORE BELTING CO*
America's Pioneer Dog Peniediea'
Book on
• 'and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any A t.
dress by the Author.
se. Clay &lover Co., Ia,o.
129 Vest 24th Street
New York• U.S.A.
Balk : Carlots
AVOID the misery of racking pain.
Have a bottle of Sloan's Lini-
rent handy and apply when
you first feel the ache or pain.
It quickly eases the pain and sends
a feeling of - warmth through the
aching part. Skates Liniment penetrates
without rubbing.
Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints,
lame back and sore muscles.
For forty years pain's enemy. Ask
your neighbor.
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
Made in Canada.
Fier Iiothe>z°s Faith is 'Lydia E
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Led Her To Try It
Wisconsin. -9. cannot Kenosha, W sa
enough in praise of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound: My mother
had great r a faith in it
as she had taken so
much of it and when
I had trouble after
my baby was born
she gave it to me -
It helped me so mucin
more than anything
else had done that I
advise 'all women
with female trouble
to give it a fair trial
and 1 am sure they will feel as I do
about it.—Mrs. FRED. P. HANsIN, 562
Symmonds St., Kenosha, Wisconsin.
A medicine that has been in use nearly
fifty years and that receives the praise
and commendation of mothers and
grandmothers is worth your considera-
If you are suffering from troubles
that sometimes follow child -birth bear
in mind that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound is a'woman's medicine.
It is especially adapted to correct such
The letters we publish ought to con-
vince you; ask some of your women
friends or neighbors — they knowits
worth. You will, too, if you give it a
fair trial.
WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you ' buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache
Toothache Neuralgia.
Earache Lumbago
Pain, Pain
Baiiay «Bayer" boles of 12 tablets, --Also bottled of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin.' is the trade ''sane (ras'latarerl 1n Canada) at Payer Manufacture of 1ltYinc-
atatleaciciestat er Salieencact,1, White It la well leave that Aapirin rttaal1a 1#t�1 cr,
• ilatttitecttrre, to assist the pumha nsaiest tmttatiOfb, the /ablate of Bayer Company:
am be rtereesd with thetr.general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross."