Zurich Herald, 1922-04-27, Page 1ler on ALL S. Ills ",ards, reIop I Vol. XX I I No 39 ZURICH, THURSDAYMORNING, APR L 27, I922,, visimmonsgmminismilmmmor QUALITY SERVICE These are the three outetandingteatures of our linieti Befor4 'I:spying your Spring shoes be .sure est styles in rTomiens4 Oxford3•, pumps, to inspect ournc Lines just arrived. We havethe lat:. one and -two strap .pump with imitation saddle strap Also a complete, line for misses and children. For men afine stylish high in plain or .•saddle strap: Watchour windowand get our prices. ra W. H. PFILE ••ZURICH . THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. shoe or Oxford o•O O000'cc4aoaocesoo�a�� e �� o�oo aoco'dol..e• •<:7.O G7`.J cT•o•O JO•lJ 0.O•J:�'•40.0^O Q• •Q•�•O•G7 •lTGT•6.O.0•O•J 4•d 4'cow 1 _;�`.-SON BRIE SUGGESTION : A wonderful Array :of New Wash Goods of ft Striking beauty of paternand surpassing excel- lence of Qua1ity. 1100 100 4 Qes, 1. • •--$1.Q4c ATS' $5.04 .., 2Se d, 2ee 75e, BOAT $14.00 $19.51 $1.6 ,., 35e a lb. 25e ?R:O.. TIS FANCY VOILES Including New Paisley Patterns and .Metallic Designs at per. Yard `90c, to $1.50. ORGANDIES A beautiful range of Fancy Organdies in the newest designs and all colors„ also ail shades in plain Organdies. New Braids For trimming ,Silk and Gingham dresses -in' all colors. • Also Girldes to match every shade ,,, Silk Georgette Waist A large range of Ladies' Waists to clear at 13.00 and $3.75 Ladies' New Spring Suits and Coats We still have a few Ladies' Suits and Coats left which we are clearing at a big Reduction: NEW FANCY SUIT LININGS' In beautiful patterns at yd. $1.00 CURTAIN SCRIMMS We have a large range of curtain Scrims. All new patterns from 15c. to. $1.00' per Yard. LADIES' •SILK HOSE—We have just received another Shpiment of the celebrated Venus Thread Silk Hose for Women. There are many different makes of Silk hose onf the market at all prices, but if you once wear Venus You will have -no other. Try a pair and be convinced. We have them in plain colors and with embroidered clocks, Elastic knit tops in colors -Black, lirown,Navy and white. BARONETT. AND SPORT SATINS-4The popular material for Skirts. We have them in plain and .fancy Colors, White, Black, Navy, Sand and Blue. Wee are also showing canton Crepesin a good quality at $3.75 a -yard. Phone 59 Men's Spring ., Suits THE REPUTATION" OF THIS STORE AS BEING (THE HOME OF READY-MADE CLOTHING ISS( AGAIN FORCIBLY SHOWING .Q THE HIGHEST GRADE CLOTHING DEMONSTRATED IN THE NEW 4' EST SPRING STYLES. WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED •A 'NEW ASSORTMENT AND a` CAN LOUDLY SAY THAT ' NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE HAD SUCH 0� A SPLENDID RANGE OF BLUE SERGES, ENGLISH WORSTEDS, SCOTCH SERGES, AS WE ARE SHOWING NOW. BE SURE AND Q LOOK THESE OVER. FIT—U--CAPS Chester L. Snail, Publisher, $1.25 a Year Iu dldvanee :,f. IN;ARRI7Ait8, :ls MAY 131 OJTA103tglIr Mr. G. Gundel of London, was in the village on Wednesday: Mr. Wm. Koehler visited at Blyth over Sunday. Miss Brown of Stratford spent the past weep at the home of Mr. Ferd. Hess. Mr. W. H. Pfile has exchanged .his ford car for a new Overland touring ear. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hudson and family of Seaforth, were in the vil- lage on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kalbfleisch spent a few weeks visiting relat- ives at Detroit. . i The various,. public schools op- ened up on . Monday morning after the .Easter holidays. Mr. Oliver Johnston of Goderich • spent a few days with his broth- er, Mr. Thomas Johnson. • Miss Lilian Weseloh, who is at- . tending Normal at ,London, was home here over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seim and dau- ghter Freida, of New Hamburg, called on friends here last week. Mr. J. Hey Jr.. has a limited qui- antity of seed barley. and buck- wheat that he wishes to dispose of. Mr. and Mrs. G. Freckleton, of Exeter were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Weido Silage reduces the cost of beef production, is economical for main- taining breeding animals and keeps young stockthrifty and growing all winter. Messrs. L. W. Hoffman, W. B. Cones, T. L. Wurm and W. F. 'Braun' were at Clinton an Friday evening attending the meeting of the "Big Four Leeague" baseball committee. gyp. • A NEW LINE OF FIT -U -CAPS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. GFT, Q • � oa le0 448* 000 Produce Wanted 00 D • YOURS' BEFORE IT. IS TOO LATE I-�ATS THE NEW STYLE HATS FOR SPRING ARE JUST IN, EANGI.Nel Ili PRICES FROM $3.25 to $5,00. J. PREETER • vVE ARE IN THE I1IARKET FOR ALMS AND CLOVER SEED Save the Pieces 36 HOUR SERVICE On Duplicating Your Broken Len- ses from the Smallest` Chip. W. G1.IIEBS - JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1855 f. i. Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branchem ti THE. lid O LSO NS BANK There is no safer "or surer way of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsoes Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch • • ▪ Great Bargain Sale • • HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS MEN,T- • TONED BELOW, 1 DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT • PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE 0 GOOD ONLY FOR A.' LIMITED TIME ONLY 4 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets, size 72x84, at each ___ _._ $5,04 4 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain• • • A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. • .4 •10 Robes, size 54x62 at from $12.50 upwards. • 4 • .A. number of real English PIush Rugs, prices from $6.00 to $3.54 4e a Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain, .ae •. • 20% off on Whips valued at 75c. and up. `w'' • A. number sets of Single Harness, at $25.00 each. • PHONE 102REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. , si> F FRED THIEL - Z•URIC + j >oeeeee•eeee ee•toeoe A9o+rso sea >8e ee•e bseee•oe••••••••••••••• 4 4 4 4 •' 4 4 4 P Capt. MacGillivray and Cadet MaeGii'ieray of the $al:ration Army 'x'+444+ •^II••1••1• ••1• ••1• ••1••1.+++ ••i•3• • •3• •+•3••i•:•&aF•D••€••I••F•f•I•+•II•o3•+•Sr•3••e •4 at Exeter, were in Zurich on Mon-. .1• day. They are putting on a '1' Spring Showings of CHOICE FOOTWEAR Self-denial campaign in the ver-• .'11.�a. * and the must sa without' the, shadow of a doubt, that we .g„; 4* • have never had in Stock' sutch a good assortment of the 'F"' • niftiest styles, made over th e latest lasts. and they also assure 4, .1. comfort and ease when walking..• The leathers this Spring, ales recently purchased at the west end * erior in quality to former years.. of town, while Mr. andMrs. J. Kip- .1. so promise to be considerablesup- fer, who have vacating same, have taken up rooms in the house oc- cupied by Mr. D. Gascho. Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Mousseau have moved into the, house recently vac- ated by Mr. and Mrs. A. Mousseau ious towns for a week, and expect + Our_Spring Showing of Choice Foote eaz is now complete 4 the people to respond liherallyi. ,� y Zurich's opportionment is $100. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mousseau have moved into the residence they At Fort .William, (the head of the Great Lakes, awaiting the op- ening of navigation is stored en- ough grain to feed the whole of iCanada for a year and leave a surplus to plant the -next year's crop.. Elevators are filled to cap- acity and thousands of cars are standing in the railway yards waiting for room to unload. The quantity of graid stored at Fort William and Port Arthur is estim- ate (let 52,360,000 bushels, of which 49,000,000 are in the elevators and 3,360,000 standing in the yards. LATE H. C. DOAK PESSES eDe .Sots' News, Kansas, Apr.13) Henry Clay Doan was born near St. Thom,as,Ont, January lst; 1816, and died at Do Sota, Kansas, April 5th 1922, aged 766 years, 3 months and 4 days. He carne to the United States in 1876 locating in Fairfield, Iowa. Deceased was united in marriage to Laura Moore Jnly 17, 1877, Besides his widow he leaves to mourn his loss, two daughter, viz; Mrs. H. C. Martin of Oklahoma City, Okla., Miss Mina Doan of Winnipeg, ..Man(, two grandchildren and one sister Mrs. John. Willis of .Barwick, Ont. Funeral servicea were held at the home on Saturday afternoon, Rev. Shuler officiating and the remar inns Were laid to rest -in our Silent City, west of town.. The late Mr. Doan and family are well and favourably known to m n r 'rn 7u icln and t'ien ty, havin ; resided in the village for a num- ber of years, where Mr, Doan prac- tised in the Veterinery Surgeom prereasi'oric • See our Stock of Ladies" Fine • * One, Two and Three Strap Slip- + pers. Oxfords are worn extens- ively this Summer, and w.e have just what you' want .iin this line of * Footwear,. • Also an exceptionally fhieshow • ing of Men's fine Shoes, Oxfords, .'1. Etc. You will save dollars; and • have the hest of satisfaction by •1' .1. buying at our ,Stores:. • 4. • • 4 • .p 4 4 • C.. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS - +. ZURICH ®14,SHWOO ++ x.44-1.•1.4 i••1• t k!4144t h•r•€••1•++4+41.,'p.•:.•1•.p.•F••g••l:•y..F•ae..l•*•i••&•+•A++•2^+.&.++++ We -invite you -to coma and see our new Spring and Siimi 'r goods in Foils, " G-inghams, 7 x. i at• a Prints etc. "e also ha good 4tl e assortment of Staples th in'.•dware'. and oils harness and repairs' sweat pads, bridles, limes, -waterproof rugs etc. We have on hard different varieties ofseedcorn atri:lit prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIG1 'ST PRIMES DRIED APPLES. CASTOR R I A S PAID FOR EGGS AND R DOUGLAS For Wants and Children. w Mi Usefor over30Years PHONE 11 - 9 BLAKE Allways beats the Si . aaturt zf