HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-04-20, Page 8• Pie molt ?YR(Ct H te A L e are ready to show you a complete range of Spring and Summer Goods at prices greatly reduced from former years. Below are only a few of the many lines we are offering: Heavy Weight Tricotine In Navy and black 54 -in at $4.50 Fine Botany serges 54 -in wide in leading colors per yd. $2.35 Serges in black and navy only • 54 -in. wide at per yd. $1.50 Special 40 -in serges all colors at per yard ... ...... 85c New Silks Fine quality, Duchess, silk in navy' blk, brown 36 -in. at $2.50 Good quality shantung at _ $1.00 New tricollette Blouses all col- ors at each $3.00 New Stock of window shades, Curtain Rods and Scrimnas, Marquesettes from 20c, yd. to $1.75. Men's Wear . New lot of mens' and Boys' Fine Shirts, Caps, Ties, Belts, Etc. Produce Wanted teroammr.,, Aluminum Kettles ONLY A. FEW LEFT. 20 -YEAR GUARANTEED KETTLE WITH $105 WORTH GROCERIES FOR ONLY $2.99. o Phone 67 Zuri ar Ot. ge We are appointed authorized Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts Domini on and Dunlop Tires and 'rubes BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS. ALSO BATTERY CHARGING. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE THEM REP- AIRED READY FOR SPRING. WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS AND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILL COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS. IF NOT, WHY TELL US. ll Mousseau vt: i•• Zurich prin attr ss in, Springs We have just added to our stock a complete line of Bothwell Beds, Sprtngs and Mattress, the line we s eds, OP: CARRY CANNOT FAIL TO FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT + REASONABLE PRICES, THE PAINTING BOOM HAS STARTED, AND WE AL- WAYS CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE OLD RELIABLE + SHERWIN WILLIAMS pAmrs, VAP,NTSIIES, SHERWILLAC, AUTO PAINT, FLOOR PAINT, WAGON AND IMPLEMENT ÷ PAINT, ETC. • FENCING—Parties requiring fencing should see us before Way- ing. We handle genuine PI' >St Light Lock Fences. Also a + full line of hog and poultryfences, coiled, barb, brace and black wire and steeples, Etc. Car and Tractor owners should se. us about Paladin" and Tractor Oils, Gasoline, Tires * Tubes and accessories. New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves a 40 nd Ovens, 1 • 1 1 WE Ant TO SATISFY ST DE E I 0 PREETER BLOCK ZURiCH 444+44 +++++++++4.4446+++++0•444+44444444++++++++++444141: Ready -to -Wear DENOMY BROS. Clothing GENTS FTJRNISHINGS Start Hobbirlin measure clothing is fled in every part- icuiar and wilf sat- isfg particular MON In every community there are men who prefer to wear clothes that are speciallytail- ored to meet their individual tastes. Bobberlin Made 'To -Measure System makes t easy to give every man the sort of style and fit herequires. Ordered Clothing DEN 5 B 03. Produce taken in exchange for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Garfield Witmer was a vis- itor to Dashwood, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Battler spent Sunday at Dashwood. Miss Margaret Hess of Strat- ford is an Easter visitor at her home here. Mr. Bruce Rose of the Babylon Line is spending his vacation with his cousin Garfield Broderick near Hensall. —OBITUARY -- LATE MRS. J. B. FORREST. Annie Lipphardt, beloved 'wife of Mr. John B. Forrest, ParrLizie Hay Township, died at her home on Saturday, A.pril 15th, after an illness of two days duratino with Status Epilepticus, in the prime of life age of 46 years, 11 months and 18 days. Deceased was well and favorably known to many in these parts, having been born in Hay Township and lived there all her life. She is survived besides her husband, by two daughters and tthree sons, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Lipphardt of Zurich, one sister, Miss Irene Lipphardt of Zurich and one brother, Mr. Louis Lipphardt of Saskatchewan. The funeral was held privately. on Monday to the Hensall UUnion cemetery for interment. The services being conducted by Rev. Mr.Lundy, of the Presbyterian circuit Kippen, of which Mrs. For- rest was a devout member. Much sympathy is extended to thel,mour- ners, to this, their sad hour of ber- eavement.- LATE LOUIS ECKSTEIN' (Pigeon Progress) Louis Eckstein was born in Can- ada, near Tavistock, Ont., Decem- er Srd, 1854, and died at his home in Pigeon, Mich., March SOth, 1922 age 67 years, 3 months and, 27 days. At about 14 years of age, he moved to Hay Township, near Dashwood, Ont., where he grew to manhood. On Christmas Day, 1879, he was united in marriage ,to Barbara Geiger, of Zurich, Ont, who preceeded him in death eleven 'years ago. To this union four . four sons and three daughters we- re born, one of the sons dying in infancy. In the year 1898 he Moved to Winsor township and settled on a farm and six years ago retired and moved to this village. Pre- vious to leaving the farm on July. 28h, 1915, he with again un- ited in marriage to Mra. J. C. Wideman, of Twining, who with the three sons, Daniel, of Jack- son, Irvin of Zurich, Ont, Norman of Pigeon, and three daughters, 1VIrs. Levi Schneider, and Mrs. Frank 13eaVer, of Pigeon, and Edna of Chicago; also one beother John tetra ein of Jackson, and one sister, Mrs. Moe s Geiger, of Zur- ich, remain to mourn his sudden departure. In the earlier years of young manhood he was converted to God Ind joined the Evangelical church in which he retained membership through life. As a church worker he held several offices of trust and diatinction. Devoted to his home he lived an exemplary He before his 1 amity winning the respect of his neighbors and friends. It was while reading his churth pap- ers that he suddenl'. °WI Weep th death" LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 'Eggs 26 Buckwheat 75c. Barley 75c. Wheat . Oats 60-75c. Flour per cwt. $4.00-$4.75 Bran $35.O0 Live hogscwt $12.50 Shorts LONESOME? Men, Women, Girls Bachelors, Widows, Etc. Join our Correspondence Club and make many interes'ing fr:ends. riet acquainted throughout the world through our medium. Marry Wealth, Happiness. Hundreds rich attractive and congenial, will ing to wed. .Photos Free. Send 50 cents' for four month's subsc- ription. $1.00 for one year. FLORENCE BELLAIR 200 Montague St. Brookllyn, N. Y SPORT NEWS JUNIORS MEET The Junior Baseball team, bad a most splendid and well attend, ed meeting on Monday night with the following officers being elect- ed for the coining season ;—Man- ager, Milton Hey; Captain, Len- nis O'Brien; Treasurer, Ivan Yung- blut; Secretary, Edwin Gascho. The Juniors of Zurich, Hensall, Dashwood and Chiselhurst made up a league so there will be plenty of both junior and senior baseball this coming season, Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Easter Tests of room II;— Jr. III—Lawrence Howald 83, Norman Fieischauer 81, Dennis Be- dard77, Ka,h.een Wilma 74, Edw- ard Brenner 73, Willie Liebold 64 Russell Ducharme 61, Goldie Ut- tley 46. •Sr. II—Floyd Foster 75, Eleanor Fleischauer 74, Frenzy Kocherns 72 Rose Liebold 66, Grace Koehler 65, Wilfred Ducharme 64, Earl Thiel .4, Bruce :Koehler 63, Beulah Sar- aras 63, Wilfred Uttley 60, Rose Albrecht 60, Laurene Schwalm 57, Claire Melick 55, Floyd Kropf 46, Ervin Dietrich 39. O. M. O'Brien, Teacher NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Joseph Hayter, deceased. Notice is hereby givenIthat all persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Hayter, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, yoeman, deceae- ed, who died on or about • the 18th of May, 1 1921, are required to •deliver to Andrew P. Hess, Zurich, Ont., Agent tor the Executors, on or before the tenth day of May), A. D. 1922, a full statement of their claims, together with partie denial's thereof, and the nature of the Securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said last mentioned datethe said executors will proceed to distrib- ute the estate of the said deceased among the persons entitled there- to, having regard to such elairas as he shall have received due not- ice and in accordance therewith, Dated at Zurich this 17th day of April, A.D. ton. J.Ilenry Itayter, Edward johnston EXECUTORS, Thus1'.prfl ntb, 1972 The store with th3 Libairal Cosh Disnorit EIZAV401111.M.AV ,46011t 3T 1 For Four Weeks Only Of Furniture must goat prices never heard ofbefore. Price Reduction. from 80 to 50 per cent. A CASH OR NOTE SETTLEMENT IS EXPECTED ON ALL GOODS SOLD DURING THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. Don't fail to take advantage of this while the assortment is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEIVIENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS Edell& BRA PH 0 E 63 III.PSM=IMeimew N _rerald Job Departmen. Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop - 3 s, Check Books, Posting Bilis a specialty. g .Peir4r. to eQuiction Sale Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Men's Clothing, Crockery, etc. PILCHARD 11b. tins, 7 tins for ...$1.00, BROOMS Extra quality ab BRAZIL COFFEE Ground 3 lbs. for .., ... $1.00 BAKING POWDER 1 quart can at 35c ARROW COLLARS 4 for .$1.00 CHEESE per pound _ 25c VOILES All colors, short lengths yard 35c TABLE SYRUUP 5 -pound tin 145e SARDINES 2 large boxes reg.25c. Sale 2-25c. SODA BISCUITS Loose, 2 tbs. for 35a. CONGOLEUM RUGS Size 2 -yds by 3 'ds Sale ... ROLLER TOWELLING 188 inches wide on Sale, yd. 15c BOYS' JERSEY Suitt, one and two piece.— $1.75 SIDE CURTAINS Reg. $1.00 a yard, Sale price SILKS Reg, $2, 2.50, Sale price .....$1.0$ LADIES SWEATER COATS 1 only, Reg, $10.00 for Sale ... KO& 1 PIECE APRON Ginghana, Reg. 40e. for SNAPS in Dress Goods, a yd, 25Q ALL WOOL SERGE 40 inch, Sale price yard ... UNDERWEAR 1VIens' Fleeced, a garment ... 75e,,. MENS' WATERPROOF COAT A. Snap $2.754 $3.75, and $2.00 TAPESTRY RIJUGS Size 2Xx3 yards, Sale price ... $1.4.00 Size 3x3Z yards,, sale price ... SILK CREPE DE CHENE All colors, Sale Price .- $1.8% Georgette Crepe, Sale Price ...1.64) MATCHES 3 boxes for . 35Q FEED MOLASSES Try our Peed Molases at 3c. a lb. DATE'S 2 pounds for zse MEN'S DRESS WATERPROa OF COATS 50c. All go at $15.00 CASH OR r Produce Wanted. 'Phone/Tr 87 I6 ,RODUCE Euterickrashions L. NATUR M