Zurich Herald, 1922-04-20, Page 1H V0L XX I I No 38 ZURICH, THURSDAY ,MORNING, APRIL. 20, 1922, INNANSWWWWWWWINNNMONNWINANW II . .,_ .. QUALITY SERVICE These - are the three outstandingfeatures of our li't eio Befor4 `ie,pying your Spring shoes he sure to inspect our nc lines just arrived. We have the lat . st styles in Womens' Gxforday pumps, one and two strap purntp with imitation saddle strap Also a complete line for misses and children. For men afine stylish high shoe or Oxford in plain or saddle strap. Watchour window and get our prices. Wo H. PIFILi�sj ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. 000cdo400cgooc��o-�� oa' o�o�ooQo�ooaoaoo nam•4.0.0•d•4.0.O.•O•t7�•0•0••4.0.0•O.4 0•'•4.00".� 000 •4D + Co 9 Wash Goods ofo 40D and surpassing excel -8 • 000 4U0 40 9D 4VD 40D 9 Silk Georgette Waist a 000 40 ' .o O0Wn 1•1 \ I\ o$o A wonderful Array, of New lot Striking beauty of patern 0.0 BUD 0.0 0.�4. .�4 E SABLE SUGGESTION lence of Quaity. FANCY VOILES Including New Paisley Patterns and Metallic Designs Yard 90e. to $1.50. ORGANDIES A beautiful range of Fancy Organdies in the newest and all colors„ also all shades in plain Organdies. New Braids For trimming Silk and Ginglikm dresses itetill-colo Girldes to match every shade designs Also A. large range of Ladies' Waists to clear at $3.00 and Ladies' New Spring Suits and Coats $3.75 We still have a few Ladies' Suits and Coats left which we are clearing at a big Reductions. NEW FANCY SUIT LININGS In beautiful patterns at yd. $1.00 .CURTAIN SCRIMMS We have a large range of curtain Scrims. All new patterns from 15c. to $1.00 per Yard. LADIES' SILK HOSE -We have just received another Shpiment of the celebrated Venus Thread Silk Hose for Women. There are many different makes of Silk hose on( the market at all prices, but if you once wear Venus You will have no other. Try a pair and be convinced. We have 0 them in plain colors and with embroidered clocks, Elastic knit tops in colors Black, Brown,Navy and white. BARONETT AND SPORT SATINS -The popular material for Skirts. We have them in plain and fancy Colors, White, Black, Navy, Sand and Blue. • We are also showing canton Crepes in a good quality .at $3,75, a yard. Q 2 D > 0 �00 1 l n a. '411' SOD D$. Phone 59 Men's Spring Suits THE REPUTATION OF THIS STORE AS BEING THE HOME OF READY-MADE CLOTHING IS AGAIN FORCIBLY SHOWING TIIE HIGHEST GRADE CLOTHING DEMONSTRATED IN THE NEW EST SPRING STYLES. WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED A NEW ASSORTMENT AND CAN LOUDLY SAY THAT NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE HAD SUM. A SPLENDID RANGE OF BLUE SERGES, ENGLISH WORSTEDS, SCOTCH SERGES, AS WE ARE SHOWING NOW. BE SURE AND LOOK THESE OVER. FIT--U--CAPS A NEW LINE OF FIT -U -CAPS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. GFT, YOURS' BEFORE IT IS (TOO LATE ATS THE NEW STYLE HATS FOR SPRING ARE JUST IN, RANGIN•, IN PRICES FROM` $3.25 to $5.00. J. PREETER Produce Wanted WE ARE IN THE 1VIARKET FOR ALSIKE AND CLOVER SEED �'Sc'�-�'-'��.`'dK..-'g`C`�'�'cs-'`4"��.J-'+��".'�;�4"�': �3da`%'�C„�7`� ���"•'�e..�.*-`�'�' `'�'C..'. -�-, t.. Chester L. Smith, Publisher' $1.25 a Year In Advance IN Anitl.:kMA. Y 131J UHARGFE37+. • Mr. W. B. Colles, spent the week -end at Chatham. Mr. John Siemon of Kitchener, visited here over the holiday. Mr. George Lilley of Seaforth, called in the village on Wednesday Mr. Simon Greb of the Baby- lon spent a few days at London last week. Mr. Aaron. Meyers of the Police Force, London, visited his mother Mrs. Chas. Meyers, Blake, o ve r the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Koehler, Mr. P. Kropf and J. Regier were to Kitchener last week. Mrs. Koeh- ler is spending the week in that city,. The sale of Easter eggs and baking in ;the Ladies' Hall, on Saturday we's a fine success, and a good display was shown which was soon picked up by the hungry buyers. All those parties who have re- cently so generously subscribed to the baseball fund, will kindly leave the amount of their subscription with the Sec.-Treas., Mr. W. B. Colles, at the Molsons Bank. Rev. F. B. Meyer left on Tues- day morning to attend the Evan- gelical Conference which is in session' this week at Kitchener. As a consequence there will be no preaching services in the Evan- gelical church next Sunday. Easter holidays passed off rather quietly this year, some spent Fri- day fishing, while `others just en- jprYed.tiim day in. the beautiful sun- shine. The weather was very un-, usually fine, as we generally ex- perience rough, blustry weather 'over this annual event. Services were held in all the churches in the morning.. Dr. Atkinson, Dentist of Bay- field was in the village on Thurs- day, and while here made arrange- ments to open up an office in the; Commercial hotel, two days of the week, Tuesday and Friday. Dr. Atkinson conies highly recommend ed as a dentist, having worked at his profession for six years over- seas, and is late of the city of Lon- don, and has all the latest methods in dentistry. At the Clinton Spring Fair 911, heldl ast Thursday, April 6th, at Clinton, we notice the following prize winners; -General purpose class, filly or gelding, three years and over -1, 2nd and 3rd, W. De - cher, Zurich; Team in harness - W. Decher, Zurich 1st.; Sweepst- akes, W. Decher, Zurich; Carriage team in harness -Thos. Flynn C in - ton, J. A. Manson & Son, Zurich; Roy Cantelon, Clinton; Roadster team in harness, W. Decker, Zurich. Best matched team of greys, Wm. Decher, Zurich. HYMENIAL- FRANK-EILBER. A quiet Easter wedding took place at the Evangelical parson- age, Zurich, on Saturday, April15, at 11.30 a. m., when Miss Roxie B. youngest daughter of Mr. C. .Eilber, was united in marriage to Mr. Wiliam P. Frank, of Water- loo. The bride wore her travel- ling suit of navy tricotine, with black hat and neck piece of grey squirrel and wore a coursage ho- quet of roses. Her only ornam- ent was the groom's gift, a pen- dant of white gold, set with diam- onds. Miss M. Routledge and Mr. Chas. Either witnessed the cer- emony, the groom presenting the former with a string of pearls and the latter' with a tie pin set with pearls. A dainty wedding din- ner was served' at the bride's home by four of her girl friends, the dining room decorations beim; e'uried out in white and g.,/.1. Early in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs,. Frank left amid showers of good wishes and confetti, on a honey- moon trip to Buffalo, N. Y., and Oil Ci:y, Pa. On their return they :vill r Beide in Waterloo whore they have the best of wishes by a tare circle of friends. AST IA For Infants and Children 1n Use For Over 30 Years Always beats theSign tune o h d . fj. IFINP.,ty No7a41,,1 c zqisca. �E�c�lQC2S make die d&St r Gift_ COME in and try on , one of these lovely La Tauaca necklaces of French made pearls. tiI Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK There is no safer or surer: way of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch 166•• 60.04•'2 4.%=;1e0 340.0 *4f ®OG e ©6*406044009*O*i0******** Great Bargain Sale HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS MENT- IONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE GOOD ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY dozen, ail -wool Horse Blankets, size 72xS4, at each ......... $5,00 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. 10 Robes, size 54x62 at froth $12.50 upwards. A number of real English Plush Rugs, prices from $6.00 to $9.50 Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain. 20°J, off on Whips valued at 75c. and up. A number sets of Single Harness, at $25.00 each. 5. la 4' ilk. • • 4r 8 4 s- 4. a O. s PHONE 102 REPAIRING A SPECIALTY f FRED THIEL -• ZURICH -- e -'-ti. ? ,ea^rti n`a•.'u. ',:•.;,.r.• •?% •• c>df4*4.0* 04.0 44,00040000.44.44 •; 4:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++% Style! .q+ +g+ 6• 0 .p. Comfort! uality! TIlE ABOVE SERVICE IS O Gi. SLOGAN ADOPTED FOR 1922, AND WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR STORES AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Il+ THIS IS NOT CORRECT. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF FELT GOODS FOR THE COLD WEATHER OF WHICH PRICES ARE REDUCED CON - q. SIDERABLY, RUBBERS FOR THE COMING BLUSH THIS SP- RING, AND OUR WINDOWS ARE SHOWING SOME OF THE REAL STYLE AND COMFORT ABLE OXFORDS, HIGH SHOES ETC., IN FACT, WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN TU1l FOOT- WEAR LINE. 0. FRITZ & SON •II• SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICHDABKWOO it 1...t..:44-1.4.,.+4..i.4..II ++.II••p••3•.i..II.;•.II•+4.i`.t+.;.4.44.o°.3r.F.00.,R..3•.II.•3..Q.•g•.II .H.•g+.ir +.1.4, t*.e4 414111'114, il+4•114tt,114.4,14ipisipti,p 4' 8 MTe', invite you to come and see our new Sprig and Summer goods Y in Voris, Gnghams, tl elate*visa, 't, Prints cte. We also have a good assortment of ShpT€s in hardware and oils i orness and repairs' sweat pi} d1,br•idles, lines, waterproof rugs tc.We have on hand different t v8riet es ofse'ed corn atright prices. r FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST PRICCES PAID FOR EGGS AND DRIED APPLF . R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 7 BLAKE 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4