HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-04-13, Page 5Thursday, April 13th, 1921. BUSINEV CARDS • PrOudfoot, - Killeran „St HOLMES,,, Barriotexe, Selicitoe?,NoLaris Pn'a btea'Offiee on the Square, 2nd door troll). Hamilton St, God- eVich. P„rivate Ueda to ' loan :at • rawest rates. " W, Proudfoot, K.C, T. L. Killoran D. E. Holmes.. , Aar. Holmes will be in geesall on 'Friday o eachweek. .11••••••••••••••••=aa.a.aleareaamearamanymeamtarafammalaawa•M•aranaammapokeran Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses, Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- 4anaebile Insurance, _Representing Muron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- " Uwe The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. . Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE -- HENQ VIAL OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate Cot Davenport Auctioneering School 'Try me for real estate, merchandise, jewellery pedigreed stook, farm sales Rates alwaysreasonable, 'ray territorY the world. Choice 'farms for sale. Phone 18-93 Zurich .11111 , Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron A.nd am in a position to conduct - any kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure .you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meet MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc ',Highest Cash Price for Wooll CASH FOR SKINS & RIDES Taughlut Doichert • ZURICH LIVERY • ---14667s'a I am in a position to accomo- • date all requirements in the Livery - Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done, in the teaming line.•' — GEORGE J. THIEL IPhont 53 Zurich, • L I VE. POU LT RV WANTED taken every day till 3 °clock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning Whert.: 'brought in. Highest Cash Prices_ --CASH FOR-- Cre.4m and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. • Zurich 1920 IA Year Of NOTABLE) ACHIEVEMENT • for the • London LifeInattrance Co. Read Office; — London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders • was increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period • COntinued elm high cost period -- .o unparelled Reward. • C. A. Hoffman, Agent NanamosnIMMama • Fall and Winter, ])LIVERIES Season 1921 1922 vuERE IS A COLD DAY COM- ' 'MG. LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY INIOW WI'llEf OUR CELEBRATED • bELEWAIE AND HUDSON CO'S. ii.A.UKAWANA'S COAL. eiaLte-' Carlteio±a. tYOAL & PRODUCE 1VIERCVANT • TERMS ;—cAstt Phone! Office 10w. House 10). I-IENSALL ON 1.1,1.•••••,Matteto,..... PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Foundsitc Ads IN THIS COLU1VIN IN NIEMIRIAIVI` In loving memory of our depart- ed mother, Mrs, J. Lehman, who d departed thIsl ire one year ago, April, llth, 192L God ealled her home, it was his will But,in -our hearts she lingers till, ger raemory is as dear to -day As in the hour she passed away. Her Family. NOTICE A limited number of cattlewill be taken for pasture for these - son. Apply to Garnet Jacobe, Parr Line, phone 11-88. WANTED A' limited number of cattlewill be taken to pasture for the com- ing season. Apply to George Brisson, St. Joseph. 36-3 EGGS FOR HATCHING Ancona eggs for hatching. $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. F. B. Meyer, Zurich. FOR SALE Residence property in Zurich. On premises is a fine nine roomed dwell- ing -with basement and summer kitch en. • Good hard and soft water wells also large brick stable on preraises. Everything is in excellent repair. For particulars apply to owner, Mr. Ern- est Gies, Zurich Ontario. NOTICE I. ha ve taken out License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction, Give me a trial and I will assure"you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, hone No. 10-93 WANTED MEN and WOMEN to sell to women in homes rubber -lined, waterproof Gingham Aprons for use in the kitchen.' Can easily earn $14.00 daily and more. Rapid Seller and ready demand. Send 75 cents for sample apron and fulls parliculara. - Money refunded' if sample returned, BRITISH RUBBER COMPANY, 232 McGill Street, Montreal, • Can. • • NOTICE thank may many customers for the past favours., Anybody wish- ing to get fertilizer for the Spring can purchase it at ear lot priees. Put in your order as soon as poss- ible, John Hey Jr. Zurich CHICKS— It is cheaper and more aatisfac- tory to bu yready hatched chipks. We guarantee safe delivery of vig- orous, pure bred, husky chicks of all breeds. Write for free book- let and peces. THE CCANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY, Ltd., Dept.,C. N., Hamilton, Ontario. • G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the :University *of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. On% London,Ont Office hours at BAYFIELD, Ont. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from one to five -thirty p. m. 19-25 Zurich Studio and Book Room Printing and Developing, Photos • on Post Carda Etc., Etc. Also aell Cameras Films, Albums!, and all arnetuer's Supplies. A full Line of School books and Stationery always on hand tf21 OBRIEN4E KALBFLEISCH Hartleib Block — Zurich • . SCHOOL REPORT The foltowinig is the report of Ne. 5, Stailby for the month Much, ,Those marked x: were absent on account of Sr. McClinehey 76% Clara Stephenson '75. Sr, III --Margaret McKinley 75, Irene 14cClinchey 71, Walter M6.- Vride 69, Wes, Hayter 65, Edgar Smith x. Jr. Ira—Helen Diunnielt, 73; Eintna McBride 70, Elgin Hayter 68 Edgan McClinchey • First—Elmore Stephenson 65; Morgaret Robinson x, Primer—i-ennie Dimmick 61, Elmore McBride 80, Grace RobinSOn and Bert McBride x. Anna WIePplualcl,„ tet.wherj LOCAL a a t4 la A la, L.) EW01? SUCH IS THE KINGDOM The miliions of children who ai ra ClilitOWtaxe ids fighting for their lives in the fu - S , t's 4ty . . same ,josh and hone as thelittle is visiting here, • ' • ones who 'play about our etreets under the protection of humane lama and p'recepte which decree that non shall be permitted to perish 'from neglect, • Foildwing Scriptural precedent the Christian world has ever reg- arded it as a solearakluty to guard the welfare of beings who are nn - able to look after thexaselves. Our children are our first thought. "Women and chilcired first" is 4he rule of the sea when a vessel is to • be abonded. What would be thought of the man who would crowd the Lifeboat to the ekalus- ion of some helpless tot on the einking ship? Is it not then the solemn duty of every Canadianto leave no ,stone unturned, no'oblig- ation -unfulfilled to .rescue as many of the children of Bessie from de- ath by starving as it is within their means to do? Can we afford to do less for the children of RuneLt becauze they are Russians than we would do Lor children elsewhere? Send your subscription to Sir George Burn, Treasurer of the Can adian Committee of the Save the Children Fund, Ottawa, or hand it to your church, bank, or local or- ganization. -• DASHWOOD • Confirmation services were held in the Lutheran' church on Sunday, Mrs. A. Birk spent Thursday in London., Miss Edmeston and her mother have returned to their former home in Blyth. Miss Ada Fassold of Hensall p- ent the week -end With her par- ents here. Mx.. and Mrs. R. Stade of Zur- ich were Blandly visitors with Mr. and Aire. C. Stade. (Clara of Fort Wayne, Ind., Carl "ne districte of RosAia• are Of the Mr. Eldoe Howald of Stratford • Mister Miltor; Hey was a visit- or to London) over the weelceencl, Mrs. A. Willert has been a visitor at London •the past week. Mr. J. Hey, jr is confined to his bed with en attack ,of Mr, Gordon Turnbull of Park- hill„ was ini the village on Tues- day. • Mr. C, Eilber and daughter, Mias Boxie, were visitors to Creditoni on Sunday. Mr, Ed. Deichert of Detroit, spent a few days with his mother, Mr. J. Deichert. • Merchants are warned to be on the lookout for lead coiris• being passed for 25 cent pieces. Mr, and, Mrs, Hilton Truemner of. the 14th con, spent the past week visiting at Kitchener. Prof. Alvin Surerus of Oakville, is spending the Easter vacation at his home here. Stade &. Weido have added to their Hardware store a complete liue of beds,- Springs and =tress. Gentlemenl don't miss the oppor tu,nity of getting a hOx of honie- made candy at the sale in the Lad- ies' Hall on Saturday, evening, To Easter—The newest styles in Hats and Caps, at Preeter's. Master Harry Hoffman of Dash- wood, is visiting at the home of. • Preeter. • Messrs. Alloyd Kalbfleisch and Theo. Wagner, who are attending the Waterloo Seminary, are spen- ding their holidays at their homes her.we.e notice at the irecent ' Spring Show at Seaforth the followink;- Agr. Filly;"W. McAllister & • Son 1st; General Purpose team, Wm. Decher, Zurich, lst. • Mr. Art Graupner and sister of • of Toronto, of Londoe, Don't forget to •come to the and Louis Ladies Hall early on Saturday 'alt- lare this week visitine their ra-ente ernoon and get your choice of at the Lutheran parsonage, homemade pies, cakes, tarts,bread Mr. and Mrs. E. :Heist and Mr. buns, coffee cakes, and doughnuts. and Mrs. C. Either of Crediton vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. G. IVIerner With the fine weather prevailing. over the week -end, some of the on Sunday. Miss Lu.alla Kuntz has returned rareness on the high, light soil from a visit with relatives in have commenced ploughing oper- Detroit. . ations. But the recent heavy rains Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred. Rinker of have prevented this work for some Thedford were week -end visitors tirae, •in town. Miss Della Baker has accepted A. man in Indianapolis who had married thirteen wives says he -got a position as ererk at Shenk's con- fectionery. • acquainted with moat of them, at • cherch, and he now wants to be an evangelist to warn others of -the dangers of matrimony. Well, he -ought to know his subject., There are now but 599 news- papers and ...periodicals of ses published 'in the Province of Ontario, as against 745 beforethe 'aver. This means that thereha been a de -anise of 146 papers in the last six years. • e.'ar"fice Department is advis in-' -13 public to cut out Yehe use of o aall cards or envelopes at Easter. Reasons are—The cancel lation stamp often makes addres- unreadable., They bother the speedy sortation of mail. . Liable to fall out of bundles and get mislaid. The time is again here for the annual Clean -Up spirit to prevail in ourb urg. Let us all do *tir peat and make Zurich.a even finer, cleaner village than ever. Clean up your front yard, your back yard, and shut up your chickens, and not let them mess up your nei- ghbor's premises. The monthly meeting of the W. P. T. U. was held in -the Ladies Hall, on Wednesday evening, April 5th, a good attendance was pres- ent. Mrs. C. Fritz led the devot- ional exercises, after which Mes. C. Heyrock, the Presidnet, took charge of the business end of the raeeting. $3.00 was forwarded to the Sailor's Aid Society, Goderich, $10,00 to the Frances Willert Hall, Toronto. The next meeting of the society will be held on Wed- nesday evening, April 26th, in the Ladies' Hall, This will be the an- nual meeting 'when election of FROM NEW DUNDEE Spring has- been -powerful en- on•gla to drive away the dread of Ai,91,3K. at -leaat it has „arrou.sed a sprieg clean-up feeling, as numer- 'oda refuse fires have been lit in the past few days. • Dr. A. Bock, V S. who suffered from, a stroke last year, is able to•be about again with the aid of a cane. Our town, as -well as scores of • others, has suffered from the rec- ent sleet storms. A number of flab maple -trees' on main street, ha.ve suffered much damage,while 'some have been totally ruined. . The Confirmation class of the Lutheran church presented its pas- tor' ,Rev. P. L. Howald, with ause- ful and handsome "Coleman" gas reading lamp. On Easter Sunday evening this class of six boys and five girls will be confirmed in English. It is the first English class in the history of the • con- gregation. Daily Telegraph, Kitchener.' — The Dundee Brass Band has now a Membership of 17, practice nights, Monday and Friday nights. Mrs. Meyers is offering her hall for apiece of practice, they wish to than• kthose who contributed to the funds of the Band. • All such funds will be used for music and equipment. Up to t he preaent the members have purchased their own music and many their own instruments. The leader, R. D. Schmidt is untiring in his efforts to instruct beginners at home and in the band room ,with hard work on the part of the hand and hearty cc -operation on the part of the public, New Dundee may be as - officers will take place. All mem- sured of a mus,ell organization of bees should attend this meeting. which they need not be ashamed BAYFIELD • GARAGE Aa' OL T) STAND TINDER NW lyIANAGE/i1BNT • OPEN FIRST APRIL FIRST CLASS WORK BY A COMprellaINT .1VIECHA,\;IC--GASO.../a7E • OILS AND ACCESSORIES. COMPLETE STOCK", OF; GENUINE FORD PARTS BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED YOUR 16A.TRONAGE SOLICITED, • A. J. CARVER NIiIAR THE tHinall, 13Ay,14`1.ELD, ONTARIO • Open Iveningt4., Page PITO Children .Cry for Fletcher s 411.1..004.•4•Cla i.',011.,104.,..4.,10,1 AN.% it. 0 %Oil, ',h.., L., • •• ...LW,. mon a a aaae,•;5,1,iaat V." •{',I•ttr, • Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. , • Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential or Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common. ailments of Intants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, • - and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is CAST IA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation Flatulency, Wind Colie and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising • therefrom, ad by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; -giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. • GENURINE CAT RIA Bears the Signature o MAYS In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY a'• aa " •• ',VLS.''''.-k-Slit4la,01.1V:jgghtli, L -e ••• ..„4.+++++++++.+++++++.: Lumber- Laths Shingles +++ Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order 3: Lumber and Building Material I Custom Work our Specialty • • F t Always in the market for saw logs + • .JAL0. 1-0 ljtiSe I1 e )it r 4. .i. + I PHONE 60• . . ZURICH ++ • , ......... , , : + 4.++++++++.i.4+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++44*4 New Overland 4 THE OVERLAND FOUR IS RIGHT t....10 THE PRICE IS RIGHT. SO WHY WORRY? 1:5 1 Rubber Tire Buggy- open C 1 Top Buggy, steel tires, painted Ct 1919 Gray Dort, best o ffer take it ... Chalmers Six Q./ > McLaughlin Truck ..... .. (1) "1 $65.00 $45.00 tat $800.00 • $375.00 CA C) F. M. HESS &CO. - ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overlard Cars' 1 1921 Banner Year 1921 Huron_ & Erie Mortgage 0 irporation The Canada Trust Company Combined Assets now Exceed 34 Million Dollars The Interest Rte upon Debentures of $100 or more is 5 1-2 per cent per annum, payable half -yearly. Every Debenture is backed by the entire asst of the companies. Have You' MADE YOUR;WILL? FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO ;-- , Andrew -F. Hess, Zurich