HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-04-13, Page 3GOOD MEDICINE.
DO Not Use Harsh Purgatives--
A Tonic is All You Need.
Not seeks--butnot feeling quite' well,
That is the way most people feel in
the spring, Easily' tired, appetite
fickle, scinetimes headaches and a feel -
tug of
eelung-of depression. Pimples or erup-
tions may appear ea the shin, or there
may be . twinges of rheumatism or
neuralgia. Any of these indicate that
the blood is out of order—that the in-
door life of winter -has left its mark
upon you and, may easily develop into
more serious t trouble.
S t OU nil@.
Do not dose yourself with purga-
tivee, as so malty people • do, in the
hope that you can put your blood
right. Purgative'st gallop through the
system and weaken instead of giving
strength. Any doctor will tell you this
is true: What you need in the spring
Did He Take it as: a Compliment?
Reggie Liteweigilt--"Can you truly
tell me a that you've never loved be-
Belem - `"Truly, Reggie, I can.
I've often . admitted men fpr their.
'strength, good looks, courage, or in-
teliectuai'ity, or something like that;
but for you, Reggie, dearest,':'it's all
love—nothing else."
A Canny Answer.
While making a visit totown a
Scotchman was knocked down in the
street by a motor.'
"Are feu butt, my friend?" kindly
asked 'a • gentleman who was first
among the rescuers, as to helped the
stranger to M$ feet and brushed the
man anus
the baby Made her run again to the
"Why Dilly," the cried, "what is the
Mattes' with, baby?"
"Nothing, muzs.er," said Billy calm -
"Only now he knows,"
_ P
The Image,
The children were suffering their
penindica:l written examination, and all
the morning their pens s'p'luttered and
„Bring me your papers when you
have finished,'.' said the teacher.
Little Mary came first and handed
in her work with a bright smile.
And teacher smiled, too, when she
"An image is an idle maid, with
His Better Half.
As Tompkins was on his 'Way home
after nightfall he collided with Jen-
kins, who was running as fast as his
bulk would allow him.
"Why this hurry, Jenkins?" he in-
. quired.
dust flow his clothes. "I'm—going—for—ttie--police," said
is a tonic that will enrich the blood, "Well," came the cautious reply, "it
and buildup the nerves. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills do this speedily,
safelyof this
and surely. Every dose
medicine helps to enrich the blood,
which.,cle'ars the skin, strengthens the
appetite, and- makes.. tired, depressed
men, women and children bright,
active and strong. Miss S. L. Mc-
Eachron, Naiirn P.O., N.B.; says.: "I
have been in the habit of taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills in the spring, and
they keep me in the best of health.
I think it is entirely due to the use of
these pills that I always have such
good health."
Sold by all medicine 'dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Every man is a fool at least ten
mineetes a day. Don't exceed the limit.
Minard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu
ain't done rile no good."
Another Matter. d3
A minister; on the occasion of a mar-
riage, was at a loss in trying to dis-
cover the bridegroom among the com-
pany of young men present.
Fixing on a young man with a large
flower, in his buttonhole, he asked him,
quietly: "Are you the happy man?"
"That remains to be seen.," was the
•solemn answer. •
"But are you the man who is to be
"Oh, that's another matter."
Forcing Baby's Education.
Yells from the nursery brought
mother, who found the baby gleefully
puhllinrg -small Billy's curls.
"Never mind, darling,," she comfort-
ed. "Baby doesn't know how it
Half an hour later wild shrieks from
Surnames and
Racial Origin—Angtc-Saxon.
Source—A locality.
Their Origin
Lippincott is a family name that is
peculiar in that it has many more past
than present forms.
It is not mere surmise that it oanie
from the name of a place in Devon-
shire. T e,old records prove it to be
derived from that place, which is now
called Lufingcot. •
To begin at the beginning, "Leat"
was a given name among the Angle -
Saxons:. It meant "beloved," and came
in fact the same word root as our
modern word "love" end. its German
equivalent "Vela" The following varia-
tions' of the name, acme of which sug-
gest more strongly the modern words;
were in common use: "Lef," "Lefa,"
"Lief," "Lib," "Lip," "Liob," "hub"
and "Luf."
Though it disappeared later, the
first.- Teutonic invaders of England
had tribal systems and tribal names.
The latter were formed by the addi-
tion of "lug" or Inge to the given
name of the chief. Thus the followers
of "Leaf" were the "Leofings." This
period di invasion and colonization,
the period when the tribal names were
in more general use than later, was the
period in which the Teutonic settlers
gave their names to the places they
occupied. Thus "Leoiingcote" became
a place name.
The old documents show that at
various periods the name of this same
place, from which the. family name
has tome, was spelled it no lees than
the following number of ways: "Log-
lyneite," "Loffyncote;" Logynbetot,"
"Lughencot," Leffyncote," "Lou'ghwyn-
cote," "Loyhincote," "Luf ingcott,"
"Luffyngoote" and "Lippingcote." In
1296 the family name was "de Lywens-
Variations—Hodson, Hodges, Hodge -
Racial Origin -English, Dutch, Ger-
Source—A given name.
While far the most part the fainily
names of Hodson, Hodges and Hodge-
sron' take their origin from °another•
source, there Is little doubt that in a
limited number of cases they have
been derived from the same given
name which has developed into Hud*
son. •
nit given name is still to be found
as Such in Germany, and in one of its
ancient forms, "Ud.o." It was one of
the basic Teutonic names, apparently,
fqrthe still more ancient form of
"Ude is found, the meaning of which
is 'son of the night."
Freakish and Gothic forms of the
name, in the days preceding the Nor-
man rise to domination, were "Ueda"
and "Ude," while among the Teutonic
races along the •shales of Flanders it
became "Udell."
Although the name was not alto-
gether unknown among the Anglo-
Saxons of England, it was not so wide-
spread as on the continent, and there
is good reason to believe that as a
family name its principal developmat
was in that section of northern Europe
mostly included in what is now Ilol-
The name became a patronymic
quite regularly, by the addition of
"son, "see" and sometimes "syn,"
Jenkins, between pants'. "We've got
a burglar in our house."
"But,, Surely, you haven't left your
wife alone?"
"Oh, no! She's holding the burg-
' 'The Canadian spring weather -one
day mild and bright; the neXt raw
and blustery, is extremely hard on the
baby. Conditions are such that the
mother cannot take the little one out
%for the fresh air so much to be de-
sired. He Is confined to the house
which is so. often overheated and bad-
ly ventilated. He catches cold; his
little stomach and bowels become dis-
ordered and the mothee noon has a
sick baby to look after. To prevent
this an occasional dose of Baby's Own.
Tablets should be given. They regu-
late the stomach and bowels, thus pre-
venting or banishing bolds, simple
fevers, colic or any other of the many
minor ailments of ehildlhood. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont. • •e
To Have an Ordered Brain.
An eminent gentleman, who in addi-
tiara to lids regular business engage-
ments was also distinguished as an
essayist and a speaker, when asked
the secret of his acconlplieaing so
much work gave an interesting leaf
out of. hiis early experience. He said
that as -a lad he was very careless
i- about the 'order of his room and in lilis,
1 belongings generally. But when he
began to study, his teacher observing,
the. habit into which he was allill ,`
said- to him: "If you want facts, and
ideas . arranged 'in. your head op as to
find them, put 'your hat, shoes., and
books in, some sort of order, around
you." Thusearly he learned that or-
derly habits cultivate orderly braille.
And to that one thing he attributed
much of his succeee.
Fairy Orchid.
In Java there is an orchid, the gram
matophylllum, all the flowers of which
open at once, as if by the stroke of a
fairy wand, and they all wither to.
Every man throws a rock now ,and
then that she would like to have back
in his hand.
It is claimed that workers in the
radium mines of Colorado enjoy er-
traordim ry health, thanks to drink-
ing 4a'ter charged with radium. The
weakens, it is said, are immune to ,in-
fiuenza and laugh at rheumatism,
gout and neuritis.
William fug`'
But the string j., I'ked it Back
It looked like a happy discovery as it lay, there
bn the sidewalk—until the discoverer reached
to pick it up. Then the hidden string jerked it
away. All William got was disappointment.
That's the way a 'good many
people have found it to be with the
comfort and cheer they thought
they had secured in tea and coffee.
When they came to depend on it—
there was a, hidden string, and
nothing left but disappointment.
The drug, caffeine, its tea and
coffee, is a nerve stimulant. Con-
stant stimulation of the nerves often'
Produces rebellion that takes the
form of sleeplessness,. headaches,
irritability, high blood pressure».
That's the string to tea and coffee.
Healthostum or
Postufn, • that' wholesome and
delightful cereal beverage, is com-
pletely satisfying and there's no
harmful quality whatsoever, to jerk
away the comfort which you End
in this splendid ,table drink. Any
member of the family may enjoy
Postum with any meal—and there
will be no after -regrets.
Postum comes in two fortes: '!natant Postrnn
(in tins) made instantly in the cup•by the addition
of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of
larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink
while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling
for 20 minutes. Sold by grocers.
"There's 1.01 'C' S a Reason"
Made by Canadian, Postural Cereal Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont.
Gives Details of Recovery for
Benefit of Others Who Suf-
fer As . She Did.
"Tanlac has been a wonderful bless-
ing to me and I :will praise it the long-
est day I live," said Miss Aline Desau-
tels, St. Laurent, true.
My only iegret about • Tanlac
is that I didnt learn about it
sooner, as I know I would have
been saved many hours of Misery
and suffering. This grand niedi-
dine has brought me the wonder-
ful blessing of health and I feel that I
am simply doing my duty in helping to
let people know that no matter how
much they may stiffer from stomach
trouble, there is hope for them if they
take Tanlac:
"I am no more like the same person
now that I was before I took this
grand medicine than day is like
Tht.anlac is sold by all good druggists.
Bank of England's "Great
The "great' balance" stands in the
bullion room of the Bank cf England.
It is a machine that .was constructed,
primarily, foe testing light gold coins,
Standing approximately seven feet
high and weighing nearly two tons,
this wonderful piece' of mechanism
can weigh a piece of thistledown or a
400 pound gold bar *with equal no -
,curacy. '
Before it can.be used it must always
be carefully dusted, for otherwise the
dust that has settled upon, it, even in
the course of a few minutes, although
invisible to the naked eye, would
cause it to register inaccurately. So
responsive is the machinery that a'
postage stamp placed on one of the
two weighing portions moves the in-
dex six inches,
When the new English currency
notes were issued the grand balance
waskept busy virtually day and might
weighing the gold coinage that was
called in and replaced by notes. It
has now been found that the total loss
of gold, owing to the abrasion of the
coins as they passed from hand to
hand in the course of circulation,'
amounts to nearly 5;000,0410.
• That, however, is, not quite so alarm-
ingas it sounds; for the loss is spread
•' pried; of twenty-five years
Twenty-five year's is reckoned in Eng-
land to be the legal "life" of a cove-
reigai at its full face weight.
A Dominion Express Money Order
foe five • dollars ,costs three cents.
Sixty Million Trees Planted.
The shipments of tree seedlings and
cuttings going out this spring from the
Dominion Forest Nursery Station at
Indian Head, Saskatchewan, will be
among the largest in the past five
years. The kinds sent out are chiefly
Manitoba maple, green ash, Russian
poplar, willow, and caragana. They
are used solely for planting shel'ter-
belte on prairie farms. Since the
nursery station was established about
sixty Million seedlings and cuttings
have been distributed to prairie farm-
ers. •
Minard's Liniment for Coughs and Colds
To. the Victors Belong the
During the Allied occupation of Ger-
many; an amusing encounter took
place between a British soldier and a
German baroness.
The baroness, writes Mise Violet R.
Markham in Watching on the Rhine,
told' a British officer that one of his
men -insulted her. indeed, she Ce -
dared, she had never been so insulted
in her life. The officer at once began
inquiries: and finally learned that the
lady had found two British soldiers
whistling and sliding down the banis-
ters of her back ,stairs.- She had told
them sharply t svt whistling and slid-
ing' on the • banisters were forbidden,
Whereupon Thomas Atkins, genial and
undefeated, had turned to her and re-
marked pleasantly, "Aye, inissus, but
yer should have won the war, and
then yer could have conte and slid
davit our back stairs and whistled."
A Tree for a Tree.
When a forest admin etrator says
that: he hopes to see the time when a
tree will be planted for every tree cut
down on. non -agricultural -land he does
not ineti l this'. literally. What he
means is thtat when an acre of forest
litnd is out over that ' acre should. be
planted or seeded apt once to bring on
another crop. If this is done by plant-
ing it will mean that five ee six times,
as manly, trees will be planted as ere
cut dowvn, because . to induce high-
growth 'forest trees are planted much
closer together tan the nature trees.
StKannd Mien cut don. The trees that
do not reach maturity are either. thin.
lied out and us'ta for. rails or fuel, or
die off because tile tress that. have
forged ahead have shut off their sup.
ply of sunlight.
lSCUE No. 14a-122.'
The Advantages of Thrift
"If :a man bad put a hundred doliate
in a savings . hank twenty Tees• ago,"
said the statistician after dinner, "it
would amount to over two hundred
dollars now, -and to could buy almost
as much for it now as' he could Kaye
g'ot for the original hundred at the
time he ,?).egani to save,"
"Re who hates is ass aseassizl,"--and
he is also a suicide.
Nerve us with. incessanit:affinvatives.
Don't bark' against the bud, but chant
the beauties of •the good,
Ke ¥our Health
aWn y a
(. �, `,eiJ
1 gent
for that cold and tired feeling.
Get Well—Keep Well.
by using the OLD ' RELIABLE!
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
Yarmouth, N.B.
Festered and Scaled Over, Face
Disfigured. Cuticura Heals,
"My face was almost covered with
pimples which festered and scaled
over. They itched and burned so
that I. could hardly stand them, and
my face was so disfigured I was
unable to go anywhere. I ,lost so
much sleep that I was about crazy.
"The trouble lasted two months.
I started using Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and after I had used two
cakes of Cuticura Soap and two
boxes of Cuticura Ointment for three
weeks I was completely healed."
(Signed) Miss Dorothy Danielson,
Jackson, Calif.
Cuticura Soap daily, with. Cuticura
Ointment occasionally, prevents
pimples or other eruptions. They are
a pleasure to use, as is also Cuticula
Talcum for perfuming the skin.
BmmploEath5reebyM,i5. Addrees:"Lgm ana,Lim.
!Led, 344 St. Paul St., w., Montreal." gold every-
where. Soap 2.5e. Ointment Si and ECc. 2t 'alemn' c.
jE `Cuticura Soap suave, without mug.
t pt re Kills
7,000 Annually
Seven thousand persons each year
are laid away—the burial certificate
being marked "Rupture." Why? Be-
cause the unfortunate ones had neg-
lected themselves or bad been merely
taking care of the sign (swelling) of
the affliction and paying no attention
to the cause. What are you doing?
Are you neglecting yourself by wear-
ing a -truss, appliance, or whatever
name you choose to call it? At best,
the truss is only a make-shift—a false
prop against a collapsing wall—and
cannot be expected to act as more
than a mere mechanical support. The
binding pressure retards blob& circu-
lation, thus rubbing the weakened
muscles of that which they need most
But science has found a way, and
every truss sufferer in the land is in-
vited to make a tent right in the
privacy of their own home. The
PLAPAO method is unquestionably
the most scientific, logical and success-
ful ' self -treatment for rupture the
world has ever known,
Classified Advertisements.
AN.8PT.ATtl' AzAwaxmOI' IAL PAPliata,
360. No other tee, A. jsicCreeyY.,
Chatham, Ont.
T TItEXUS A V'p ,,d .rfizsn IN YOatak
.R, town? You cap earn 1;2l.00 daily, We
teach you, Write Chief Ins•truetorr.
Canada Vulcanizer, London, Ont.
reasonable Prices, Yarns. Pure
wool, chiefly grey seconds, fifty cents per
pound. Postage extra, Sweater yarns,
six beautiful colors, seventy-five cents,
Samples free. Georgetown Woollen .•Mills, Georgetown, Ontario.
.a.e' ICx:gnl5 POE SALM
�p kssnci:kdPthll b' S [JI'PLILS•---LANG
STROTki. and Jumbo hives and
rurniskiings, honey' extraotora purmDe,
engines and storage tanks; a complete
stock of beekeeping requirements• send
for our catalogue. Ham Brothers Corn-
pany, Ltd., Manufacturers, Brantford,
mettitg, pulleys, saws cable hose ac !
et,, shipped subject to approval at lowea9
prices aC04026 TORN.STREET. TORONTO.
Pioneer Dog aeniedien
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author,
May Glover Co., Inc.
129 West 24th Street
New York, 'C7 a.A•,
Bulk Carlots
OR forty years Sloan's Liniment
has been they quickest relief for
neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma-
tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains
and strains, aches and pains.
Keep Sloan's handy and apply freely,
without rubbing, at the first twinge.
It eases and brings comfort surely
and readily. You'll find it clean and
non -skin -staining.
Sloan's Liniment is pain's enemy.
Ask your neighbor.
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
Made in Canada.
Women Should Know How Lydia
Piukhana's Vegetable Compound
Helps at This Trying Period
Sheboygan, Wisconsin.—"I was run
down, tired and nervous. I could not
even do my own
housework, could not
sleep at night and
all kinds of queer
thoughts would come
to me. Finally I
gave up going to the
doctor and a friend
told me of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound.
After the firstbottle
I could sleep better
and I have kept on
improving ever since. I have taken
The PLAPAO PAD when adhering
seven bottlesnow and am so happy that
I am all over these bad feelings.' '—Mrs.
closely to the body cannot possibly B, LANSER, 1639 N. 8rdSt., Sheboygan,
slip or shift out of place, therefore Wisconsin.
cannot chafe or pinch, Soft as velvet
—easy to apply—inexpensive. To be
used whilst you work and whilst you
sleep. No straps, buckles or springs
Learn how to close the hernial open-
ing as nature intended so the rupture
CAN'T come down. Send your name
and ten cents, coin or stamps, to -day,
to PLAPAO COI, 765 Stuart Bldg., St.
For the woman entering middle age
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound can be of much benefit. During
this time of life certain changes take
place which son'tetime's develop into
serious trouble.
Melancholia, nervousness. irritability,
headache and dizziness are some of the
symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound is a natural restora-
tive, especially adapted to assist nature
Louis, Mo., for FREE trial Plapao and in carrying you safely last this time.
the information necessary, Why not give 1t a fair trial?
„lt m
i ''•F
„f uii
"Bayer" when you buy lAsi',irAit " mo
Unless you see the .name "Bayer" on tab '&1s
not getting Aspirin at all. Why take •ehancee?i,•ir
It ft, ilt:I
Accept only an "unbroken package",. ot;, $oyer,," 4b14ts,,t i+1r,
Aspirin," which contains directions triti dash Int i tedrk isttgt 1:07,!-,:v4,
physicians during 2 years and, puri t'ct1'r ;fe 'h ,
Head ch ;.. R.I7 tfhWi ar 1 t tt
Neuralgia. :. e.Neu1itis;•:[
Earache 1.•iml' , •i i :ll l''tf l 1 ' h r •1,.1 + " ";,
Brady "Bayer" boxers of li' t-rtbltl:s-'L;alae'•l1,ti'itibs'tif derhll la(f=iJrltGnisla. `
.A 5Irin is lir;• tra+Ie tar"1; (I r'Cistcrc,l in (.4tnada) of ilnyer llnanfaeinrn of Mono-
iieeticarklegter at sal it.v1 ltl, \Vlriltr It is well ltnotvir that. Aspirin means 'Bayer
rea.nufsrrtnre. I' irrelci 111,, t+,l'1r'• against ini,lt:virne, the Tablets Ilayet Company
VW be stamped with their c•aueral trade mark, the "Bayer Crags"