HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-04-06, Page 8t:. We are ready to show you a complete range of Spring and Slimmer Goods at prices greatly reduced ft's)m former years. Below are only a few of the many lines we are offering: Heavy Weight Tricotine In Navy and black 54 -in at $4.50 Fine Botany Berges 54 -in wide in leading colors per yd. $2.35 Serges in black and navy only 54 -in. wide at per yd. $1.50 Special 40 -in Berges all colors 85e at per yard ... ... New Silks Fine quality, Duchess silk in navy' blk, brown 36 -in. at $2.50 Good quality shantung at $L00 New tricollette Blouses, a19 col -$3:00 ors - at each ... ........ ... New Stock of window shades, Curtain Rods and Scrimms, Marquesettes from 20c.. yd. to $1,75. Men's Wear New lot of mens' and Bo s'EtFins Shirts, Caps, Ties, Belts, Clothing Ready -to -Wear r r. Til'' AI I1 DENOMY BROS. Ordered GENTS FURNISHINGS ,Clothing. Hobbirlin made to measure clothing is right in every part- icular and will sat- isf g. particular men. In e'-ery community there are men who prefer to wear Aluminum Kettles ONLY A FEW LEFT. 20 -YEAR GUARANTEED KETTLE $105 WORTH GROCERIESwITH FO ONLY $2.99. clothes that are special! ytail ored to meet their individual tastes. Hobberlin Made •To -Measure System makes it essyto give every man the sort of style and fit he requites. J. GASCHO & SON Produce -Wanted Phone 67- Zurich's Garage DE110117 BROS. Produce bakes in exchange for Goods ITEMS .OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Frank Arnold, of Seaforth',` ,has sold his pop works to Mr. Ashton of Gorrie. • With the great variety, of wea- ther this spring, the maple season proves a good one. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, B. Battler. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Battler and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bender on the Town Line on -Sunday. We are appointed authorized Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts Domini on and Dunlop Tires and Tubes BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND, REPAIRS. ALSO BATTERY ICHAII kING. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE THEM REP- AIRED, ,READY FOR SPRING. WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS AND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILLCOST SATISFACTION (GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, .TELL OTHERS. IF NOT, WHY TELL US. • H, Mousseau Zurich LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs ''. 24c. Buckwheat 750. Barley 75c. Wheat - .$1.37 Oats ' ' 60-75c. Flour per cwt. $4.0044.75 Bran ,f : $35.00 $35.00 $12,50 The dwelling property inclUd-' ing - the few acres of land, of the estate of the late Abraham Geiger has been sold to Mr..Jacob Regier of the Goshen -Line, South, Pos- session will be given in, the fall,.` Shortsl ; Live hogs cwt NESOME? n, y Women, Girls -Bachelors,Widows, - -Etc. Join;,_ our CorrespondenceClub and make many interea'ing friends. Get acquainted throughout the world.;, through. our medium. Marry COUNTY NEWS Wealth; Happiness. 'Hundreds Iing d Ph t Fee Send John Rankin, financial and in- surance broker, died at his home at Seaforth on Sunday March 26th from heart trouble after a few rich attractive and congenial, will to we . - 'o os r 50 cents for four month's subsc- ription. $1.00 for one year. FLORENCE BELLAIR 200 Montague St. Brookllyn, N. Y. hours illness. His sudden passing 'came as a great shock to the peo- ple of Seaforth, not only on the account of the prominent position DOLLAR DAY SAT EXETER he held in t he business life, but • f ,r his worth and general popul-i Friday, and Saturday," April !A 8 aritye ALL ROADS Will Lead to EXET- William Anderson, a well-kno • wn resident of the 2nd. con. ,of St- I ER on DOLLAR }DAY ephen, who has been seriously ill; fort some time, passed away on It Will be a� DOLLARr-SAVING I Wednesday morning, March 29th, DAY For all who Attend. about 7 o'clock at the'age of 69 years and 8 months'. of the oldest newspaper TIRES! TIRES +4. BIG REDUCTION IN GOOD YEAR AUTO TIRES AND TUBES, AUTO TIRES AND TUBES ARE CHEAPER NOW +d+ THAN PRE-WAR PRICES. +i+ 2 NO ONE SHOULD TAKE A. CHANCE ON BUYING SEC- ONDS OR CHEAPER GRADE TIRES FROM JOBBERS, WHEN j YOU CCAN BUY A FIRST 30x33 GOOD YEAR NOM'-SICLD * FOR $13.25,- OR $16.50 FOR A GOOD YEAR -DIAMOND TREAD ,i+ W e have -just received a White CCap Electric Wash 1Vlachine, 'x' which was formally the Time Saver, with 1'6th H. P. motor and +3+ all latest -Improvements. Call in and let us demonstrate this machine. We always carry a full line of Hand Machines at Reasonable Priees. t OIIR STOCK OF HARDWARE IS ALWAYS CONPLETE. ; . WE INVITR YOUR 1<'A` RONAGE. I + + One a Mary in Canada died on March 27,' Kochems 62, Anna Druiar 62,, when W. R. Davis, who was for Adeline Fleischauer 60, Milverna fift 1 seven years editor of the , Geiger •57, Earl Yungblut 53, Helen Mitchell Advocate, passed away at Thiel 2b:, his home in that town Ile had Sr. Pr. Rolland Grenier 65, Olin been in feeble condition for some Foster 26, . Jr Pr. Francis Kipper,.Rich- hetime. Mad he Davisved ld have the 29 , and Bedard, Lauretta Farwell, `Le- eb and Mrs., Diwould . eel-. , onard Smith, Pearl Sararas, Ant - theird the sistieth anniversary of 1 Dinette Grenier, Albert `Heideman, their wedding: 1 absent. t Thursday, April 6th, 1323 The store with the Liberal Cash Discount Another year has. cad, and -we wish to thank, ALL ho support us and had confidence in our business Dealings - IT IS OUR INTENTIONS THIS COMING YEAR TOO DO EVEN BETTER IN GIVING OUR CUSTOMERS VALUE AT ALL TIMES, AND TO GIVE SATISFACTION, OR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED WITHOUT QUESTION. IN ORDER TO STIMULATE CASH SALES AND KEEP AS MUCH OF OUR COMMUNITY BUYING AT HOMEU, WHICH AT ALL /TIMES GIVES THE MOST SATISFACTION. - WE ARE STARTING A SYSTEM OF DISCOUNT FOR CASH SAL- ES, AND ,DISCOUNT FOR ACCOUNTS WHICH ARE SE.TTL ED WITHIN A CERTAIN PEROID OF TIME. GOODS BOU- GHT AND PAID IN CASH WILL NET ECHE CUSTOMER .8% li ON THE DOLLAR, OR - 27 ON EVERY 25c. PURCHASE 15 to 25% discount on goods marked at high prices ON GOODS BOUGHT AND CHARGED WE WILL GIVE A DISCCOUNT OF 6% IF PAID IN PEROID QF THREE MONTHS AFTER DATE OF FIRST PURCHASE. 4% IF PAID IN PEROID OF SIX MONTHS: - 2% IF PAIN IN PEROID OF NINE MONTHS. ANY GOODS PAID AFTER 9 MONTHS UP TO YEAR WILL COST AS CHARGED. - THIS IS BY NO MEANS A NEW IDEA WITH US, SINCE WE HAVE ALWAYS GIVEN A FAIR DISCOUNT FOR CASH BUT WE WANT TO CONVINCE OUR PATRONS THAT IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH. Make sure you are getting Your discount when paying cash for Goods. The accounts for 1921 are ready and if not called for by Feb'. 10th will be mailed. It is our wish to shave all outstand- ing accounts settled at once;, either by Cash or Note. MELICK&-BRmJN PHONE 63 ld blob ieprtrnent f Is al Nays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. ++ 1,4 Square Deal, Our Motto STARE & Pi BLOCK "- ZURICH. 4444 1•144,!-,144+441414 6 t'4.4:'+ry+.4'•1.'1. 44,j... l:.g.l +.+44 rA;,,.;.,+.;� Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT" Of Room III for the month of March. Jr. IV ;-Mildred Geiger 316; Helen -Foster 306.- Evelina DuclOr- nte 2889; Irene Decher 255, Doro- thy Brenner 226, Kenneth Koehler 223, Luella Reichert 210, Austin Hey 197, Raymond Fisher 195, Cra +ode Meidinger 150, Ethel Hess 140, Leonard Wagner 137, Leonard Prang, absent Sr.' III;—Martha Heideman 270, Wesley Callfas 268, Rosaleen Sar- aras 267, Victoria Deichert 251, Mervyn Schwalm 247 Gladys Mel - lick, 233; Hazel :Bender 194, Alvin Gaselio 184, 111areella Farwell 168, Agnes Deitrich 165, Prances Deit- 2ich 60. Jr, IIx;—Vera Kalbtleiseh 317, Dorothy ' Zettel 295, Stella Callfas 275, Clarenee Farwell 274, Elzar Mousseau 215, Willie Neeb 119 F. Mr Iralbflefach, Teacher: A, :'Claes;—Armond Grenier. E. M. Heyrock, Teacher. SPORE NEWS • N. W. B. The annual No>l:h Wellingto iation' was held i Tuesday March the f'ollowi'ng of Hon. Pres. -r nte'8ton�. . Four Hon'. Vice Presidents 11r. Pritchard, IL P., Harriston; S'. .1. Kemp, Listowel; J." J. Clancy,Carr- gill; Dr. H. B• 'Coleman, Palmer- storPalmer- ston),President-•D. P. McFarlane, Pal- merston!. let. Vice Pres. ---G. H. Linklater, Teeswater' 2ntl. Vice Pres.—B. L. IL Baru - ford, Listowel. 3rd. Vice Pres. --Mr. JGrvis, Ow- en Sound lnelr- Seo'y---R. B. Morning, P.a ig Stock ReductiOi ,?# Sale Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries= Men's Clothing, "Crockery, etc. Commencing Saturday Mar. 25 . Ends Saturday April 8th. 13 days of Big Bargains Special bargains every day of Sale. lst. Day,-, March 25th. 4 Cakes Palm Olive Soap . __.25c 3 Boxes Corn Flakes .__ _._ 25c 2nd. Day, March 27th. 1 dozen cloth pins_._ Yeast Cakes Per. Box __ 10e.. 5c. 3rd. Day, Marsh 28th Bice, 41bs. for __ ... _.. __ . ,..25c A. ORGAN meting ofIZE the lth Day, Wed, March 29th. n Baseball Assoc- n Palmerston on 27th afternoon and. ficers were elected W. A. ,Clarke, Pal- rtoni Report of Room I, for the month Treas.-H. Cr Gray',, Wingham. of March. Sub. 'Committee --W. Barlow, Jr II- Carl Iiaborer 8364 Le- Goderich O. R. Fairless, Lueanl. eland Wille.rt 82; Napoleon Bed- Special. Sulb.. Com. to hear Pro- d 74, Rilith Meyer 73; Al'ce Koeh- tests, etc—D P. 1 '.cFarllan arIo ar 'II C. Gray, ler 68, Nelda Schwalm 06, iCercil 'Iitarnittg, , . Ottley 53, Greta Koehler 43; Grace acid 0, R.Fainlewae rv�il attrtirided phone A � ; "Zettle 33; Rttth Zettle 30. _ 'The Meeting .. ..�" 3. w.,. 1 • nre•yr,' ��. C"la'- "4.ty5w' C,,nwipw y 5.."13:1:4 loo..s etita Stlith 8 , E,i 17011 It S*Cli i+t:':' 1,d bannd't O1tt1 1 abs. Oatmeal .._ 25q 5th Day, Thurs. Marcy. 30th 5.lbs Roasted Coffee .__ ... _,.$L00 7th Day, Sat. pAril 1st, 3 lbs. Green Tea OA i -lb. tin Maple Leaf Salmon •foe 8th Day, Mon. April 3rd. - 5 Bars Laundry Soap __. .. .. 25e 9th Day, Tuesday April 4th. 2- lbs. prunes ,_.•i �.. ,10th Day, Wed April 5th. 2 Cans Corn ... O_.. .., 25e. lith Day, . Thurs. April 6th. Pair Blue Stripe Overalls ... 12th Day, Friday 'April 7th Hand Painted Nippon China at HALF PRICE 6th Day, Friday March 31st. 1311i Day, -,Bat: April 8th. - _- 5 Gallons coal oil at ...Lo01 Last Day of Sale: 231b0. Calf Meal-.$ ... $1,0(1 Above are only a few of the many gains Bar. CASH ott r=R,ODUCE Produce wanted., Buter ckFashtous