HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-04-06, Page 1Voi XX I i NO 36 • SB1WIOE VALTIB IIALITY THURSDAY Lr J I L7I ,HUSDAY MRNI�N� APR 9Lr._.._6, .......y92.._._2.__.. These are the three outptandingfcatures of our line shoes be sure to inspect our DC lines jt'.st arrived. We have the let Beford 'ky�Ying your Spsin g _with imitation saddle strap est styles in ri'omens' Oxfords, pumps, one and two strap pump so a complete line for misses. and children. For men afiie !stylish high shoe or Oxford. Al in plain or saddle strap. Watchour window and get our Prices.. W. H. PFILEZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. .v. rD .Oo,O��o•O•o�OdO.Od�4�44d07�04�044���40� New Spring -Artivals • DO d,Q Boa (Phone 9 Misses and Ladies' New Spring . Coats It is a real pleasure to show the new Spring coats. The styles are snappy;the clothe greatly imp -roved over last season's and are ces are much lower. Misses and Ladies' Suits .Are now being shown at very nxod erate prices. ge before buying elesEwhere•- Just.. Arrived Just arrived a .nice range of. most, . fashionable Dfess Mat- erial for the Spring' spans are the much talked of goods. We have theme in the new- est shades, 54 in. wide at $225 a yd. call and 'see them. 36 in. 'black Silk Tele beautiful Black Duchess Silk is 3E in. wide and of splendid weig- ht Has fine even weave and as guarnteed to give satisfaction to the wearer. Our. Special price is $2.95 per yd. New Wall Paper Our new wall papers have arrll- ived and are now ready for your spection with beautiful designs for Bedroom Kitchen and Dining Room at much lower prices than 'lost. season. See ou" large ran - DRESS GOODS All Wool serges and Tricotine .in all the newest shades Very suit Silk aieorgette' Tricolette Waists In many different designs, all the recent goods moderately priced. New �Ginghams .Of •ema11 patterns, pretty color coiwbinaticne; also plain checks. We hjav ea wonderful assortment of ginghamis. All that is shown in new effect*. All Wool Flannels Superior quality, the ideal goods, for the one-piece dress and mid- dies; colors of navy, saxe blue, cardinal and paddy green, 30 in. wide at $1.251 a yd - SPR:IN.G- -SUITS For Young and OId spring is here and we are now ready to show our NEW Plaids NEW Stripes—NEW Fabrics made up in the NEWEST of NEW Models. Do not fail to see these Suits. _BIG. VAL UES $12.25, $14.95, $19.75: $23.95, $27.50 See our Special in blue Cheviot at $35 New Spring °. Shirts, Hats & Caps arriving daily. Headquarters ;,for • Carharrt Overalls Fresh Groceries always on hand '416, PREETER Of Chester L. Smith, Publisher. $1,25 a Year In ;Advance 91.50 IN ARiL1..L,s.ri, m's D1ri x Jan CHAIM 1 3. oY,.. ._ ... • Mr. 11Xichael Hoffman IS visiting relatives at Kitchener. Mrs, T. L. Williams was a vis- itor, to ondonl on Wednesday. Mr. W. H. Doerr, Hydro Super- intendent, made his monthly vis- it to Zurich on Wednesday. Rev, Cressnaan of New Hamb- urg -conducted devise services in the Mennonite church, over Sun, day. Mr , and Mrs. Syl. Witmer ' and daughters 'Olive and Ruth were visiti4 at the home of,, Mr. and Mrs-.Msiah Witmer at Dashwood on` Sunday. Mr. Hy.,Howald, mason. contr- actor -of the village has received the contract of doing the mason work of the ,New Methodist Ch- • urch, Crediton. The . annual Clearing Sale held by T. L. Wurm, General Merchant, has been a decided success. Large 'rnuttidutes of people have visited this -store daily nad partaken of the great. bargain The next regular meeting of the Women's Institute Will be held in • the Ladies' Hall next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Heyrock, Mrs. J. Douglas and Miss Irene Lipphardt are in charge of the program. All ladies are cordially invited. The Zurich, Road to Hensall was in rather a bad condition at places last week and as a consequence Mr. ��*,••was 11fas . obliged to set g niotoi,bus, and go back 1yell6ltembered old horse The past; winter are; 'exerepti()n ,'tor little d good `motor rorad' . There passed away at her home, west. of Dashwood on the South Boundary of Hay on March' 21st, Catherine Bowman, aged 72 years, 1 month and 14 days. Deceased had beensek only a short . , time and was born at Brantford, but had been a resident of Hay Town- ship ;for many years, and was un- married. ' The Zurich Baseball Executice and players held a meeting in the Waiper House, on Monday even- ing. Matters of great importance were- discussed, and several new faces' are expected to be seen on the 1922 line-up. The officers for the team were elected which result ed as follows;—Captain, L. W. Hoffman; Managing Committee, C A. Hoffman, T. L. Wurm and W. F. Braun; Trainer, E. Oesch ; Scorer Liyod O'Brien, Assist -scorer, R. Preeter. LATE ALBERT ROSA •— Al caster V2jt Supcmc vII (NOME in and try -on v one of these lovely La Tausca necklaces of French made pearls. Produce ''anted WE ARE Ili THE MARKET FOR ALSIKB AN CLOVER, SEED ' a i lam. .! !'-�.ti •;, `,00 a �' .:,v 4..• .' . .;;;;lv�, ru Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000. Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONSF BAND. There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing Ain a savings account with The Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch • Great Bargain Sale• P 4 0 i HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS MENET-- o TONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A. SALE AT PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE sis• GOOD ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY4 P •P 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets, size 72x84, at each ......... 5,0Bi • 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain o A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. O 10 Robes, size 54x62 at from $12.50 upwards. from $6.00 to $9.50.j A. number of real English Plush Rugs, prices P Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain. • 20% off on Whips valued at 75c. and up. 4 A number sets of Single Harness, at $25,00 each. • PHONE 102 - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 4 4h 4 4P A 4 4r ZURICH FRED TI -I IEL • 4,44•4444++++++++++++4•444++++++++++++++++44444444+4•444% ,44•4444++ •++++++++ 444+++++++ ++++++ 444tt+ 44% There passed away at his home in Zurich on Saturday morning April 1st Albert Rosa at the age Style! # Quality! Comfort! .g.44, TIP; ABOVE SERVICE IS OUR SLOGAN ADOPTED FOR 1922, * AND WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR STORES AND SEE '¢y. FOR YOURSELF IF THIS IS NOT CORRECT.. WE HAVE A FULL' LINE OR FELT GOODS FOR THE4. g� COLD WEATHER OF WHICH PRICES ARE REDUCED CON-, •i' SIDERABLY, RUBBERS FOR THE COMING BLUSH rTHISSP- : RING, AND OUR WINDOWS ARE SHOWING SOME OF THE 4 $ • REAL STYLE ACT, WE' HAVEND R EVERYTABLE OTHINGIIN THE FOOT- t .t• ETC., + • WEAR LINE. .�► monthsd to days i• Logan Township; until about . 44.•,.. when he t t de until several same and moved dl fall that th of Tubercul- Much sympathy is epi r�nded C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS .4 of 50 years, .9 an D Ag H W 000 Deceased was born in Germany an's came to Canada with his parents cZURICH when quite young, settling in , .q. +++++4+++44•44.14+++++++++++++++++* f••II• •• •g,3•�i•++44.44.1 •!•3• .• +++ twenty-five years ago canme to Zurich, where he worked a the season trade - i years ago when he purchased a farm on the 14th cons., Hay, and two years ago when he disposed of to Zurich. He had been ailing in health the past year, having spent several weeks last` summer at Buffalo, taking tre- atments, andregardless less o could be done for him, the end came peacefully on Saturday morn ing' from e, effects osis of the bladder. He was of a very pleasing and kind dispos- ition and had many friends in these parte. Is survived besides his widow, onek son, Harry Rosa and one daughter Lylian Rosa athome. The last remains were laid to rest -this Tuesday afternoon ilterm- •ent being made to the Lutheran cemetery, Rev. H. Rembe, pastor, officiating., The funeral was largely attended which shows the high esteem the departed wasbeld in. . syrn . to the bereaved family at the joss of a' kinld and loving father, still is a prime age. CASTO R i �. For Infants and. Children In Use ForOver3OYa arl . latotys beats the y, EDUCTIONS We are making a special reduct- ion in prices on the followinglines of Merchandise (`goods: All Heavy Underwear, Sweaters, Flannelettes, Flannelette Blankets To Shirts, Stockings, Socks, Yarn �� Paint, Tili.and Granitewear, Halt- ers, Sweat Pads, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST PRICCES PAID FOR EGGS AND DRIED APPLES. R. N. DOUGLAS L PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE