HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-03-28, Page 61wfs i 1 T.',T AN INVIGORATING I I� I31�. Every For H By I-IOPKINS B OORUOLJSB mostasomaa (Copyright by Musson Company) CHAPTER XV,—(Cont'cl.) At her request he began at the be- ginning and related the happenings of a e: that we really were bele followed thepast three weeks—at least, he be- "Then I've got a bone- to pick withg int" said Phil. "Why in the dickens and when we found :that the man: we more, Jimmy knew he had guesse gore with vis surveying exp heeetold , him," sus track Then told! didn't he tell me about you being h' mypwas a badlyll s'eareour astiaavllas lin- right. torlehange thest how odmere was satchels worried along this deny uri ow he had encountered Podmore and � Fergnson's office when we were bot "While- zvo were wondering what Jammy quite a bit l g pthe same ro- how the railroad president and about on„It's just like him not to, Mr. Ken=i we'd better do I suddenelyspied. Presi- Wade's ,plan of discovering certain' dent Wade standin facts concerning Podmore and Nickle- i drick. Probably he thouht your pat all” the Uig rotunda waiting- oonid and oI by. He realized how impossibie it was! and any own' would nothad Bard work to aiti .from calling for hila to make first mention of what j and the less either of us knew about. out. I said good-bye to Jimmy, andi had happened on that foggy night that • the other the safer it would be. Why, I out. walked over to d- ye t the rh tease, in the hotel rotunda. Then when Clay he had paddled her aerosis the bay; he 1 he evenrefusedtoadlto o 'withll me that blessing niy stars 'for the good '.for- ton turned up quite casually at All was not supposed to know that she •." tune. His private ear was : standing _'Saints' Mission—the church Jimmy was the girl and the bare thought of ' 'money—the envelope—that is— f down 011 the track and as `'soon as; he :attends, ,you know—and began to ni- 1 Hesaw saw that I was in trouble of sortie gratiate himself, Stiles thought he filled pini with trepidation, so that he .had said too much. I kind he took me down to the- car saw daylight. It turned out that he was careful to give it a wide berth, I "You mean the fifty thousand doss; and 1 told him the whole story,There was right,too, in .suspecting that tothe pleasant evening he' lars, stolen from the. Alderson con- , was nobody around except u�•sehere Clayton ws Podmore's ai:compliee. had referred cern?"asked Phil quield I was. „ + ' spent with her father and the !y' I at the moment and he was not onil * It fitted in fine with Jimmy's own wayin which he had found out that going to ask you about that. You.3 , mean that Mr. Wade really has that' greatly interested, but agreed to lido plan. When be came out of the office she was both Miss Cristy Lawson and re you can trust ole, Miss Law me. We lifted' out 'the envelope; of with that tan satchel, evhich contained the money, his kid brother--Bertie— was sitting" on the bottom step of the stairway on the salve floor, watching ppintment at the i,Inion. Station one night I asked: him at once to make rte attempt to .obtain possession, of the money, even for a short time, "But I was too late. He was carry- ing p. suitcase and calmly informed, • , me t zap the money was inside. I was own office and Ferguson s. IIe knew badly frightened, If we were e1aught, that the chances were he would be with that money in our possession we would be arrested at once as a pair of ordinary thieves. Ih had jeopardized my editor's plans that we had been working out so secretly and regretted the foolishness a thousand times.. Stiles wanted me to take the etiit- ease then and there -take it home and do the photographing, then have a messenger deliver it to Fergesozi's office; or, 'if I preferred to give it back to him, he'd 'arrange to get the money to its destination somehow without anybody being able to trace 9 "But I was too frightened to de Cristy, "but like most clever things of that kind, it was as simple as A, B,C. Jimmy laid his plans carefully and the chief danger to threaten his success wee that he would not be ,se- leeted as the messenger between his he'd put his foot down on the whole cide;and it was not long -'before I felt. an of Mr, that we were being watched. We thing; so I made a eonfida strolled around a hit to. make sure W watched all the way by a.d�eteetive; so he planned to make his substitution before leaving the building ie which office. the Alderson company has its offs "He had been keeping a close watch cinPodinore for some days, for he did not trust him and felt sure that he would not hesitate to play false to Niekleby and Alderson whom he had been eultivatieg so carefully of late, Jimmy is s'hrewe, His patience was rewarded one day by the sight of Podmore in a. leather -goods store around the corner, purchasing two satchels which were identical in size, shape and coior. Stiles had the clerk lay inside a third satchel which was tbe. mate of the two Podenore had just bought. When one of the'satchels was delivered at the office froni Pod - Jimmy until he began to suspect a' new arrival in town by the name of Clayton.: He found,out that Podmore and Clayton werenieeting in Podnaore's room at different times,.but ignoring each other as utter strangers Miss Margaret Williams and how he money money and he ptaced in his had backed Stiles into a corner and :son, Surely waailpie ing'togethurged.' a j aboard the ear. He tine uld not Stell questioned hmi hien hove she puzzle of some kind and would tell, me• what he intended to do r�itli if., wok hi' all about it soon, , In her turn he told e How' did 'he' ehcept that be promised it -should be be the door,' As soon as he saw Jimmy h vvs a er id ran. ups photographed for me and that it would come out, the 1: the hope f unearthing. punder the' come to have that money?" • guidance of her editor, evidence that'' spoke. his place at the head of the Inter -She ke. studied him, keenly before she would help to restore her father to "I gave it to him'to take care of;": provincial Loan & Savings Company, she said slowly. McAllister, editor of The Recorder, 1 "Yon! And where did you get it?" suspected a political deal in regard "Frons Jimmy Stiles," to some government bids and thought "Jim—my Stiles? Great Scott! that Nickleb • and—and some others And where did he get it?" i were mixed up in a bold attempt at "He—stole it." graft. • If The Recorder's plans did CHAPTER XVI. not misearry there woukl be a sensa- tional exposure one of these days The Tan Satchel Once More. which would shock the whole country.1 She told him about it. He was much She went on to speak of President' cleverer than most people thought, Wade, of the Canadian Lake Shores i young Jimmy Stiles, and he was over - Railway in the warmest terms. •She; poweringiy anxious to help the Law - had known him all her life as a close friend of her father and he was a frequent visitor at the Lawson home, sons. There was no length to which his loyalty to them would not carry him Kendrick nodded, recalling the She stumbled on a cross -tie and boy's story es he had heard it from. e tains to the be taken care of. He told;ine to ask next floor, ,picked.'up.the satchel Jim- no questions, but just leave every= niy • had bought and in which he had thing to him and forget all about it. placed some olcl newspapers, and took The Less I knew about it the better, the elevator down. Jimmy got into in case I was questioned•;: rthe same elevator and they transfer "He had asked me a short tame be- red the satchels going down to the fore if I thought I could obtain a place street, So, you see, when Stiles walk= as a stenographer or oMee cleric of ed out onto the street he was early some kind in Ferguson's office .;for ing the :satchel that had the old news- a few weeks and it had been agreedipa'pes inside, while young Bertie just that I would try and, if I succeeded; f stayed in the elevator, went up a few. was to sit tight and open. 1 have' wondered eyes floors calmly and stai s and s. onal walked theown where andhe much of what happened he was hag. chucked thesatchel, fifty thbusand anticipating; he was so reattei'-off dollars and all, under Jimmy's bed." fact. He escorted me out to a taki " (To be'eontinued',)- and I went home while he -sent all porter dowh to the pareel-roomto i Dye • Old Curtains, check the empty suitcase. It may be Sweater or Skirt there yet for all I lcnov�*. You see now why I was so worriedri Diamond Dyes would have fallen but for the strength her father. to learn- that an envelope had been r Private . Diamond Dyes" add years of wear tie my into my confidence ,by Podmore andhidden Up here a "Here, Miss Lawson, try putting said Cristy, `'and it has been a big Thorlakson. I naturally jumped to to worn, faded skirts,'waists, coats, your arm across my back and your help to have someone watching the' conclusion that: it was the actual stocleings, sweaters, coveriwgs,,'hang• n myleft shoulder for a while.Nickleby from the inside. He is a money that had•. been •etolen,.I .should in'gs, draperies, everything.'Every ?rand o `That's it." great little actor, that boy, and has llavre known better bscautie 1Tr'Wade pa.clvage contains directions so simple With a thrill he slipped his arra 'succeeded in fooling our friend, W f his t" arm,She winced a "I had no hesitation in taking Jim- stolen from Mr. Wrade's pli 'e o its supper ing lit t fid< from the first'' P d hila i D• i' about her ° waist, but she smiled, up at -'him ••without protest. They made has to do is to snap his fingers and better progress after that. The'steel the frightened Jimmy will perforin rails streaked -away in the moonlight his bidding without question. Daddy endlessly before thein, endlessly be- told you about Stiles'early indiscre- has been ellJimmy ,e SS. Said. hind with uncompromising sameness. tip, you, '' suppose I deserve a good scold- pretending: right along that he is ingin • off. the train s'o far afraid. of exposure for. that, and ,,. for jumping from this Thorlakson place; but- the Nickleby has felt so slue, of him ::that sleeping -car conductor told'- me the there have +beenoccasions when he has train wooled not stop on any account, permitted Jimmy= to see behind the short of a damaged track, until it scenes and get a peek at sox-ne methods reached --Indian Creek, I think he' of doing business that would not stand said . it was; My 'best plan, he said, ! analysis." diad asked idle to have Stiles secure any woman Can put new, rich, fadeless Nicleleby, into the belief that all he for him,,an :envelope from the con -.colon into her worn garments or the one containing the 'arioi1ey fia'4e:11 f' ,e j i i• buy Diamond Dyes—no: you the truth, I had foz ;.ottePe all t be tai s ern nia�teiyia;l will. abCrut .this aant it; did .edit p.m/2:41: 'oilier -.melttheir •s . _tlr ocl'rtae our, Y'ig�ht; baeause D;iainondlDy+es• that the envelope in the st � � ,, . .. , .. � , , •. �. � . "��iPt?fl. t 9ti£s'i1[ 91p'0`L> :. . liatl ti .. . , See ovv, a t a deco I 1 Y• (r Strt1Ct10n COiitl any's Office sinilar''t0. reYlB� :eve11.if S'iie has never dyed p tt l ner as when sandpapering, to produce polished surface on the; felt. If felt hats ere too badly soiled to be cleaned by the method just de- scribed,. e-scribed, .:brat'thoroughly to remove all •th.e dust; then. soak for a"few min, ares in a 'para of gasoline or benzine, INVENTIONS e•rid,. Ror bet of t�,MnUotr *sated br &feputsc- iutire. FurSuner,Mrv* been rimae /ron1 mpie }dere. "'i'eFtent Protection"booklet on request. HARE OLO O. SHIiPM$N $ Co PATENT ATTORNEYS ozrtaf' �A4ira and scrub with e stiff brush dippedl in giengeemesommeemsumaieseagiegool a soap solution. Rinse. in clean gas- oline or 'benzine and li'ang tip to dry,, ereased badly or dented,, If the felt, is k a y hold over dry eteaxn and rub into shape. Minard's };Iniment tet Colas, ete. Be polite, but don't make it'a sub-, stitute foe charity. SENDS calla !FREE, BOOK fOR THIS bas eo WRITE FOR PRICES ON BUILDING MATERIALS. PRICES ARE DOWN-, LET HALLIDAY SHOW YOU. nit HALLI1DAY CO PANy mom HAMILTON, Dept W PANAD . AYER. Every hen should lay. Make yours pay; in eggs for the feed you give them. Tone them up. Keep them healthy and vig- orous, Get' eggs by adding to their feed Nature's egg -making tonic found in Pratte Poultry Regulator ADWCI; FREE. Tell 'us. your trouble, PRATT FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LIMITED, TORONTO Wade "read plai9:� of iris 't vire .ai Yya aci ,� tai ,.inn, . Pell . y o.11r t1iruggis time. .. Tw.lietlaea the inaite,tal you Wish to• dye " il' oa whether it is linen,` You're' right as to that, 14fi.,s L.aav ,; �ool�.Qi s k son. This game is bigger than ,o -e to##on or_.tnixed goods. think," said 1 endaick thought£uiiy. '• "One thing we may be sure of: "Bear. Misnamed, Wade can be trueted to act wisely: was to get off there and ride back to! "Have tried. to.get:aline on Wliat youeve just' told iiia has infer She---"1bear you skated into anair- Thorlakson on a handcar. I was warn-,Niekieby's past, Miss'Lawson. asked ested me tremendously. Will you tell b ie the other day." ed not to try any moving -picture Phil with interest. "I understand that ane something more? Iiow under the.. Hc "That's what they' call. it, blrt:T stunts; but when I found out we'd he was less than nobody when yOU1' sun 'd'id. Stiles manage -to turn: the round. it,full of water." have to slow up on the grade near the father befriended him, and he may trick—get possession of •:that fifty,• _ siding, I made up icy mind to risk have drifted up here from the States thousand without getthig caught?,", ------v----• — it, So when we slowed up back there, !and have a police record a yard long." eIt was cleverly' done," laughed c:'iYllnard's tinlment,Used by Veterinarlsa I thought it was the place, and sneak- "We've thought of that. There is • ad to the back platform without be-. nothing in the local police records,• but ing seen by anyone but you." II believe Mr. Wade is making some f Kendrick shook his head at her quiet investigations in the State's.., marvelling at her nerve and the fool-; • "Well, anyway, to make a long story • ishness of the whole thing. Not many short, Stiles knew the Alderson Con- girls ongirls would have dared it. Lucky for • struction Company was planning to her he had seen her or she might; make a substantial contribution to the have been in a pretty bad plight along Government campaign-fund—•J. C. +J these lonely reaches of track before Nickleby, that is; for he really is the --y any section lianas; c lancet tofindher.' Alderson About the.House 1 1 1 e y reported t ompany Making New Hats Out of Old, ' be done out of doors 'or in a room He studied her anxiously and decided When Jimmy aepoltetl this to me 1 ivliidois ne,well ventilated, a.s the room that it was best to keep her talking thought I saw a good •chance to get Nothing makes us more discouraged.,.. Mali „Produced rapid leate,, xis th fumesas nil= they trudged alcor. some sensational illustrations for the with our wardrobe than to have mt ' "Will you tell nae how you carn'e1 exposure story The Recorder was of.thes'e eieanilrg compounds are over- toi,.s masquerading uerading as Miss Wil- after if only we copld get 77old of the' ehabby looking bat. Many'hats which powering. Care should be taken not'a'" he tasked. "Or is that some- 'money long enough to photograph it .+, .. a bit din° looking and siighltly to -work near a stove,' or flame on a .c- liars... Y thing you'd rather not- -- . ! Jimmy was enthusiastic over •the idea! sae covet bf the lliglt ili#iaaaialaability of. "Oh, r1o," she laughed. "That was' and told me to leave it to him. On; worn can be made to 1aet a iol,;; i'inae eltanizlg fluids. Mr. VS'ade's bright suggestion. You thinking it over more carefully) by exire and renovatloii, f. a When the hat is thoroughly dry, it know, he's been helping lire. in nay though, I saw risks attached to the Nothing prolongs the lifetime o work quite a o 1 t. 1 have had to keep stunt vvliith made ft very unwise; oriel' hat more than good care. Hats should shank' be steamed by moving it back . Daddy in the Bari, about it for ficin when I met jimmy by his "in apt: be brushed after enob wearing, a>7,d .if anti 1 ortla fit the steam from the spout J friJ i r. 1. ,i. Buy Diamond Ware or Pearl Ware kitchen -ten- ails and save work. They are so clean, with a flint - ,hard, smooth surface that wipes clean like china. No scouring, no scraping or polishing Just use soap and water. Every coalceivahle pot, and pair is inade in either Pearl or Diamond Ware, the two splendid quality SMPEno reeled 'Wares. Diamond Ware is a three -coated enameled ;steel, 'sky blue attcl white outside, snowy white inside, Pearl Ware is enameled steel with two coats of grey and white enamel inside and otat. .Either ware will give Ion service. Ask for Tit earl,, Jou - d O Olta Ware /dw Br" tif' CA SHEET 'ME 'AL Pi"C+ t3ISUfIi Co. twANireaAD at0NTRSAL TORONTO WINNI;Pe0 r, sum ON'TON vANcouvER cA.LGARY ' sreasseenta t worn at irregular intervals, should be covered with trestle papier Mind kept in boxes away from crust, dampness, and of a teakettle. Steam used for reno- vating purposes •is what is known as dry- steam, that is, there is consider- ' strong light. In traveling, they shotild able heat, and very little moisture. . be protected by paper bags. Por brush •.,Black or dark -colored beaver hats ing velvet hats, use a fine bristle doth may be` cleaned by the ,same methods brush. or piece of velvet, as a whisk used for ,eleaning velvet ones. White . Or light; colored plush or beaver may he cleaned with a mixture of gasoline or cornstarch. Mix: two tablespoons of. cornstarch with one pint of- gaso- line in a bowl, set bowl in a pan of warm water, at warm gasoline •cleans more readily than cold. Ilub . beaver ,with mixture, and when dry, brush out broom leaves marks on the volve t Always betish- velvet• in the di, t ction of the nap, Wipe dust from satin,, tai - feta, or. georgette hats with <c ''clean 1 cloth, • and brush milans, leghgrns nevi 1 stiffer straws with a whisk broom. A ! velvet or silk hat wet by a slower, should he hong over 0 stove or rads.- iter to dry, care being 'taken to decor the flaux,: To raise the nap on i plush. the hat in shape. If a velvet hat bar or beaver, steam quickly with dry become badly spotted :from the >rain, steam, and beat with a small stick; ''hold for a l'ew minutes -in the Steam beaver iris a certain amount of glue. from the spout of a teakettle, let dry or sizing which causes the nap to mat. and brush thoroughly. Remove stains when wet; therefore this protess is from satin, taffeta and georgette' While used to looion the nap and tense it ! fresh, with sono' suitable , cleaning to stand 'erect. agent. Trimmings which have become Volt hate, which are practical for all loosened by the wind or Svc tr Ourold :reasons, may ba cleaned it a ei.unihex lie :Welted into .place at once o:l wajjrs. Art guru removes spots 1. Most nI tie own a velvet hat which which are not of long stanching, To has become shabby looking before the clean stiff felt hats which are badly material is badly Worn. It should first soiled, rttb with a small block of wood. be thoroughly brushed; if black or wrapped with 'sandpaper, beginning' at dark 'colored. 11 can be cleaned by the •centre of the top of tlie crown, and pontrinf;` with chloroform, ether, or moving: always in the sante direction. benzine, the former two being pro- When the hat has been cleaned, stretch. l 'ferable, because they evaporate rapid- a piece of old velvet over the block, ly; Pour a few drops cf the deicing rub with n hot flat iron, and then over i fluid on a sponge.: and rub dare:[ully a cake of perafi'ila wax, The wax will ovev the velvet, going in the r1lt ction molt and adhere to the pile of the 1 of the mip. As soon .rs, the sponte velvet, Tib the hat In the sante fnan- becomes dry, pour nn y i few drop and ISSUE No. '2?. !premed as before.Tbis work ehottld s Owri r So Best for aby Besf for You : 21G2. `' �tand5 f ``^a•� � bogy lather 41 -tern 'Freely with Baby's Own Soap ed0-21 n, h y v.mo-wn w ,.y,.. Lift Off with Fingersers CO4 o.— e• Price 25c Box TIPAT9O Take Or. Ross' Kidney and Liver Pills Price 25c Box The aniell p111 for. the small .price, The best pill.at iPrice. A prominent Toronto physician once'` said: "For Indigestion x Ran find nothing to equal 'Dr. Ross' Pills' A Presbyterian minister's wife says she finds Doctor Ross' Pills the .nicest axed" - vine she can. take. Sold by all druggists, or by mail; on. receipt of price, from TIE ROSS tiLMDICINE COMIEVANt 76 Jarvis Street, - Toronto r Vse11ne-. 1 Trade -Mark CA PNOR ICE • • • Going from the warm,. steamy kitchen to the cold, windy yard is sure to chap your face and hands. "Vaseline" ' Camphor Ice keeps them smooth and soft. It's invaluable for housekeepers. CIIESEBROUGI•I MFG. CO. (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Ave. Montreal AXLE GREASEa An old standby with far - mars and teamsters. Even if it contained no mica it. would still bo a good axle: grease—but' the mica makes • it better,because it fells in and smooths up the micro- scopic roughness of spindle and hub, enabling the grease to wear longer- and do it`s work better. Use only half. as much as bfyordenary grease. • Comes in sizes from 1-1b: tins to bards ,Doesn't hurt a bit! prop a fila% "Freezone" on an aching cora,n short- lythat corn stops hurting, you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! 'four druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" tor a few cents,. sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal' limiest without soreness or Irritation. Equally well known and a great favorite. Puts new life in old harness and doubles the life of new harness. Fills . the pores of leather, pro- tecting it -frons the effects of ,1ust, sweaty, moisture and heat, Keeps hotness strong, flexible, and new looking. Prevents snacking, breaking of stitches, and seduces re- pair bills. Sold inconvenient Sixes by dealers-everywitere. IMP"ERIAL OIL LIMITED Canadian Company Canadian Capital Canadian Worinuci 250,000 FARMERS , Receive. "Seasonable Hint ,r' Free! Are you one of them? If not, eut this 'ottt, fill In atld moil in an enveliiee addreesecd:-•w l'ublicatio ,s Broach, ,Dominion 'Department of ,Agr'iealturei Ottawa. (No stamp required.) Fluter stay name for "8131 NONAZI E 1liNT5" a frail pnlaication oontaiiiiiilp Useful Foote tor razvloxc_,-aaitl, aaao nodi. me yet.., Hot of othvr free farm vaccaphlets Issued by the Dominion ;,el,artntent .ot xalaon1tnae. ° Post OMCe... . ..... . , .... ... .... , . ... . u.rs. 1ii`o, • ... , , . • . , . • . , . . P:rorii'O • . . I ret CAg . i.ON ATLANT C CTse, NJ, THE NEWEST ,HOTEL AT THE WORLD'S .MOST FAMOUS J SSCRT European phi, Novel Ritz ineot•atiwi; unique color scheme throughout', Restaurant overlooking l','etich' and Ocean. Dancing in 'Trellis Rooni Aird R.itzGrill. Single Rooms - i.a0 up bouble ltoortis {S.00 up All sera;, with Pfivr to guilt crrtl•ftrliOaeurr Vico Ai.fiEnti' KEt1LFt1E etrsiAra roil' may, Flossuingl)ireetot lRoiWelCManager rH+w�NlBrin�MM`M.M�W�.+.",^ori