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Zurich Herald, 1922-03-28, Page 3
�'�'T''� -•,gym.-�«�., K.,.D. �HE E � REALTHY WOMEN Know the Full Value . of Rich, Red Blood. Robust; healthy, red-dheeked women seldom worry. Their condition of mind and body Is suoll that they can nese above the causes °that bring mel- ancholy and brooding. It is the wo-, man' with, weak, watery blood :who is thrown into .nervous 'unrest by little annoyances that=grow so great in the imagination : that it .seems a,s • if be must scream g to, relieve: her feelings. A woman's health quietly fails' her when her blood. ••becomes• this}, and weak. The stoxnaeli is'disordered' and all appetite vanishes, , The nerves lose their strength and so sleep isnot re- gular and aloes, not ,refresh the body. • A• state of weakness arises that ins creases gradually and gives further; cause for worry, 'Good blood is neces- sary to every woman wile has grown pale and weak, and in this condition Dr. Williams? Pink Pills will lie found of great benefit, because they enrich and purify the blood. Women who. are anaemic, suffer from indigestion, pal- pitation, hea4aches and nervous at- tacks will ,find new strength through a fair -use of these pills. Among the women who have proved the value of • ,this medicine is Mrs. Enos. Levy, Hae- -kett's`. Cove, N.S., who says.. "About two years ago I began to faifin health and was very weak. My constitution was all run down, and my blood was weak and watery; as was manifest every month. I had heard of Dr. Wil- liams? Pink Pills and What they would do for the blood, and being in such a kw condition I decided to try them, By the time I had finished' the fourth box I found to my great delight that I was a great deal stronger, and my blood a deep red color. I have a lot of work to do besides. taking care of my little one, and with my goad health I enjoy its and T can truthfully say 'I owe this ;condition to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." • ' Dr. WiIliams' Pink Pills can be ob- tained through any medicine dealer, or :may be had by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 0.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. .Avenging Kitchener. The ><.oildon Times tells in a recent lasue }low the'British steitutsh'ip •Paine bra•'nch-^-neaen most leconsietently for her eanle, with enueunitiens; poison• gas, ui<t high ex$ sives•e-destroyed in the Arctic' Oeea•n the Submarine which 'sunk She cruiser bearing teed Kitclreuer. It was a .quarter to four'of,,a edea?, sunny a,f.,ternoon•. Land bad al,readY been eil;;hted abottt •fifteen miles diea tent..Captain. Mailing, the master, 'head received no warning ' that aubm,as'ines. were about. ; But ;fie was an alert of- ficer Wile:lea •nothing to chance, and had bits° slip and,oreorganized to a maneet-war's ,piteh, The gun's crew were •standing, by the gun,, an Anieri- ;can 134ound'er,• •with, a cartridge in- eerted• but the breech .open, and they • wore ready for anything. Suddenly•one of the edas crew ;sew a stationary periscope sixty yards dis- tant on he port beam. „ At the seine moment a.',weite track of bubbles' re- vealing- a torpedo''s course raced to- wards the ship. The t'naok passed two or three feet from, her eteim; the tor- pedo had gone under the ship, running too deep to strike her. . The men at the Pallmbranch's gun slammed to the breech and laid their sights to zero. As they did so, the conning -tower of a submarine rose on the port quarter, barely forty yards away.: Then the deck itself emerged from the water. Naval gunners are rarely gifted with such a target at pointblank range. They accepted it with due thanksgiv- ing. A. flash, ,a roam; the Palnbranch's first shell struck the 1I -boat at the base of the conning -tower, just where it joined the deck, and tore great gaps and rents'. Five seconds latter a second shell burst against the waterline fon ward. Two rounds with a small gun. They -sufficed'. The submarine, which appeared to be stopped, rolled slightly. Then, taking aheavy list, and tilting on end with stern high out of the water, she sank vertically out of sight. Point. Teacher—"William; what is income tax?" ' • Willie—"It is when you sit on a tack," Teacher="No, I'm' afraid you don't see the point." ' Willie—"You don't Asir, you feel it." Surname and' Their Origin MacCAUSLAND Variations=MacCaslon, Caston, Mac - Asian, MacAnselan. Racial Origin -Scottish:• Eloursee—A given name. Yon would not th-lnl,• perhaps, that the -family name of MacCausland bad roots. Ln. other canes, however, given names • have been. imported from one language into another; and subse- quently have developed into different forms, The family manse of MacCauslaaid or ".11IacAnselan.," which is , the Gaelic t • lee Crap TNQw Be Campreased.. Experiments recently' pleas With` enori ously high preaeurea-up to '200; 000 atanaspheres•, or the equiveltant . 30Q,000 pounds per square inch—ha t% devei;Qped results ''as reznarkable they were unexpected. '(Sp to tow 3,000 atnesepheres was the ;maXlmtiro, tried. Under a pressure of 6,000'at lnospheres mercury passed through: walls of massive steel. Hitherto water has been seaweed to be nil jncompressible eubstanee, bis under 12,000 atmospheres , i 'WAS Pe':'. duced 20 per cent. in volume., Lewes. It it iroisly knewn that liqi4 •. be . made to freeze by 'mere' ere a'r'ea sion." Water, when the pressureris pushed high enough, throe to foe, iif? matter how highthe: teinperaturer• Water at 180 degrees Fahrenheit will freeze under a pressure of.20,000 atriro9- pherea. Ice, under a presure of •,,o'n1y: 2,000 atmospheres, collapses 18 ; per cent in volume, assuming a different. appearance and new physical proper iof it willsink e water., t �es. A pieces 1 If more pressure be applied another, kind of ice is produced. Phosphorus under 12,000 atmospheres turne .black and assumes. an appearance resenp- lieg graphite. Under the same pieta SUM soft rubber becomes 'herder than mild steel. Inasmuch as all materials far down toward the centre of the earth are.stlb jected to tremendous pressures, .trio laboeatory observations above quoted must be particularly interesting;'tc geologists. in towith iven,name of form; appears to, have deveiioped in. the. 5 ,yth gdaa h theg Cleo Buchanan of the-Scottisli.:iiigh. :Anselm.' But it has: ,•• :-.. ,u , ... , The `tei:na ' •D2aeCausland M aitd ac e ay r:to, e. the moi re slaw _ ea•. .. , 'odes,... , twi; ; .,. .r,j x ,i en.l o t m a a t t .wi g. �. r 1G ' . •. iii' a ` o's•:t e.otltdra..Tkas:e Ua.�ia�kiart—I�rtor ; , •. sin+ill �fteu I'u •, �['' s �! ,.. �.. • . Rac'i.al;,Origin—Englfah. iames�`are old .d,�•avatives of fuse Gaelic iveu''liame ;af ' " Auselan ' which is.:*1•0,0--7-A, title, or a nickname. equivalent to ?'Anselm," thelatter be. Mere is another of the type of family inethey-Teutonic -form, :with ".Ansel nameswiiieh- cause the evil-minded oP gape Horn was iso named. by, she. KEEP LITTLE ON WELL IN WINT' BACK 1 EVERYD DAY fllivilpfxru CITIZEN OLs YOUNG AND ' CIICT VE' ASA BOY. VE Mitch Thine From `'Eecaause of Stomach pct Idle But Eats ' Ani- ing on Table Now, ipli .of it, a short time ago I eotuT hardly push a plane Or use a bn"'s wand to -day I 'feel' as young iyer:and vigorous` as I eves' did rife,," said Harry J. Blunden, e11 1[s>fawaa, carpenter of Hester St., a{rtsiputh,- N,S. Por three years before I started ta'hi Tai lac. I didn't know what it woo " to, have a "single day's good he t Il;sand for the` last two years` my lzes been n such a disordered- ri fhla T vias just in misery all s'ostlring in the world will 1y0b down as quickas not be- ta tib .digest' what he eats, and I Vet -and strength ail tree time. In/ eethe job now womking every 4a3r aeal feeling fine .021 the time. I C@%t411'n0enjoy makiue th'e shavings :fin doe'; Tan1ac has just inade a brand neaqian out of me," snlab,is sold by all good druggists. -Advt. Ile Producer for Violins elxrc ,' i>tniilar Instruments. Winter is a dangerous season 'for It is saide that a tc°dern violin, of the little ones, The days are :se any ardinaiy make, can be converted changeable—one day bright, the nest into the 'etduivalent of -'a Stradivarius; cold and stormy, that the mother• es oo• other. yiolii of:, Italy's golden days afraid to take the children out for.: the of ;'etrir -instrument making, by the fresh air and exercise they' needs so attachment to it of a newly invented much. In consequence they are often to frtReOclucer The device is applic- abn1a'to;aiy kind;of string instrument, cooped up in overheated, badly vents Fated rooms and are roan seized wsru ta4& if spedially prepared wood, colds or grippe. What is needed to 4241,46 sosconstY•licted that it conforms keep the Me; ones *ell is Baby's Own •to •tits 'shape of the instrument to Tablets. They will regulate the stunt which xG is attached. QL1iCi{: sive lifornia Fig Syrup For- 'Child's Bo'v5els ach and bowels and drive out. coldsn. and by their use the baby will be able to get over the winter season in per feet safety. The Tablets are sold:. by. medicine dealers or by nail at 25 .ats.'. a box from The Dr. Williame' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Payment Deferred. Alice, the five-year-old, entered ,the general store of'Mr. Smith, withiwl os er;lrrasuctb1ic, a teaspoonful will never she was a great favand, d' -an fall ttsopen the bowels In a few mounted that, to make her dol1V a hourannepe cane see for yourself hew dress, she needed "wintered, blue and: .`thorouglriy it•woiks• all• the consttpa- yellow;'.. tion porn, sour bile and waste from. When Mr, Smith had brought and gives you thezed.ired- amount -of -mater ,,.....,, ,playful child again: • asked how much ofmothers,; keep ealifornie E eilra sick child loves the "fruity" to ofi':`California Fig Syrup." If the lttle•'tonglie is Boated; or if your child ie listless ',cross; feverish, full of, cold, The const of } eUgoland, Whielt' mtia- sured 120 miles in A.D. 1300, had been reduced to three miles in 11300 by eoast erosion: r+.✓w,.r,iw.w,wenmlu✓!✓1.Iwgr.yl^WH w'.vrr,,:1r'h, THIN, FLAT HAiR THICK T K CROWS LONG, AND ABUNDANT 4P W Hr W Nr WNndy,/hYl!,IYi.s1./ W I.Y W /NIr4/11171,Y1/!I?19s!,a "Uanderine" cos; only 35 cents a ,bottle. One application ends all dandruff, stops itching and g and fa.ling hair, end, in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your 'hal::. It will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, and easy ta do up. But what will please you most i, will be after a few weeks use whenyou see" l new hair ---fine and downy at first—yes— but really new hair growing all over the scalp. "Dander - me" is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy and luxuriant. "that i s.. i s h7a dy ,They lanoWe tea- That_ _t¢ill.eoi9t you .just' One klsm ;1rtig 6.,1,: �},.. , ep11 r , nes a ale :dllI1 to ?spired trle;•storekeegea, .tea -. �. II -t s• `f 'y.- y i ::'.1Pt .i�'01'�a." even to � :� .•�•'i r a 'r'iY.he ei*ailQ.n, A,>a atia`:wlfl coriie 1u end pay yrtu to mor . ' i' Hire "t`lg'Syrnp" which 'bee, dirtions•';` Err Galiies and. Children' at ro�v.• • all ages"`Yirinnteti; on ebattle. 14ipthort The hearten ;1>raitl".00m.taivs 300000r..1'oumuef•,iay • California . oz yeti may 000 nerve cells: :get a91 rinitatian'fig syrup mus',' as the Latin. reedit/on. limited knowledge concerning mediea Dutch navigator who discovered it in "`lour`:graavdfather tided to a green 'It is:tnteres'tingta note in .this. non- valsnciai conditions to smile knowing. called it Cape after r, 1Gl.u, and c 11 old age, ;il�ltiin't' :he. section -teat ninny given names • have ly and refer to what is: termed. "tbe his birthplace. ". "I'd "eertatnlq ;call it -that. 'Why, the been developed independently in the bar sinister," in. short; to illegitimacy, old gentaeinan,allowed; himself to be Gaelic and Teutonic tomes;.but along • What the origin of a family, name is e rig , oil'tzageoiisly swindled' a dozen times virtually parallel lines', and when yon in the. specific, individual case, only a after lie ftS,,seyenty" trace back the conne^tion you clo not dependable genealogical tracing of it if : t ;lied it until you arrive at that prehis- back to; its, source will estahlish. you counted 'in, " $il tJEY• ORt5ER$. aa toric and misty speculative period be- :about the family name of Prior o1' It is atways•sate to send a Dominion fere the Celts and the Teutons branch- Pryor, this, much is certain: It was In Express-1S'1Pney;Urder. Five dollars casts thiea nts i s founded aCo ,„ host case o idol t on the word d bt 11 • •ail stackw from thy© parentAa s oc p ed off i 3� • and subsequently split again into many races and natione. For compare- The harp is: laelieved to have origin- 1 o ? h . in bow, the tight - tongues, f n1 � htiYlt , dive analysis of Celtic and Teutonic ated t g g tongues as well as the Latin. and 1y stretched string ofewhich will emit Greek shows that a Marge proportion a musita:l lio'te-.:, of their fundamental• vocabularies, atr'ipped of their variations, iufleoetions analysis, any more• then does the I which In, medieval times were held in M hard a Lilsiinttni Prevents Spanish Flu and changes, are from the - same word shallow theory that 'all kings are dee- every little village. �__flere lis, a Useful Tree. ----- Probable no other tree in the world, unless it i-4, the bamboo, is'useful in so many differentewaye as: the carnauba, a species of ira,lrn tlliat grows in norili- ern Brazil. ATot only le the tree pretty, •says M1•:;,iarry A.. Frdnolt, but it is useful ftgrn root• to crown . -: Fibres -and wax front jhe 'leaves were used. to ;make thesi;drst phone: graph rergids•. and son earif -the first 1oleic-II lit fila is ' The wax'in- c nded from ki . s all earls: from' earls, or all Keys:ers, from kaisers,. There weren't enough king's, even those of Ireland to ac- count for all the kings among English- speakieg races to -day. undoubtedly ec The alternative, and y "prior," with its well-known meaning the true explanation in, the vast ma- in religious life. , The explanation that jorits of cases, is that men were given, such nicknames. as "the prior," "the king," and so on, either from peculiari- ties, of bearing or from taking part in the very popular "mystery plays" the Heine was first borne by actual children of priors, assumed to have been lioun�d by vows of celibacy, is plausible; but It doesn't bear deep He beat the train to the crossing s a good " many times "It's never touched me yet," he explained when they pointed out the risks. That's the answer a good many people ' make when they hear that the drug element in • tea and coffee often harms nerves and health.' They say. it's never touched thein yet. Sometimes they only think it hasn't. Wakeful nights, drowsy days, headaches that keep corn- ing more fre- quently—often are blamed on bad Hick when the blame -be- longs art bad judgment in taking, needless chances with harm. Over on the safe side is Postum, a pure cereal beverage, delicious and satisfying -- con- taining nothing that can harm nerves or digestion. Thousands who used to try their luck with tea or coffee are enthusiastic over having found safety and satis- faction in Postum. • It's worth your while to make the test with Postum for ten days, Postum is- a delightful drink for any member of the family, at any meal. Your ¢•roper his boll forms of Postutn: Instant Posture (in tine) made instantly in the cup bythe addition of boiling ?Vater... ?ostum Cereal (In packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being'prep red) made by taoilingfee24 minutes. Postum ,dor Hit "There's C Con lie► a Resp JNfade b! Csoadiero *atom Cereal ,, ,'iltnite& Win? ri r Ont. e eg. 31Ien . deed is oe,.of li e'lmportant exports of Brazil To: gel itthe natives thrash the leaveen trail the Wax falls from' them in the; shape; of a white powder. The powderL is 'later worked up Into many teem, ,,Yfrom. seals: to shoe polish. The hativHs *eke their candles, of it. The fibro of the leaves they weave into hater.nt�ate; and•' baskets. They also make broorus of, them, and they use the leaves to roof their, houses and to make -palm-deaf fans: Useful fibres also. bonie, fronl..-tlhe inside of the trunk, the iron -hard wood, • of which they use to ,Make many things from tilustoal inns invents• to water pipes, From the resits -they' make a purgative and a kind' of i`a]r nha that is of ines- timable value .• to tltuem in . times of fe- tllibe, The pulp! Of the: fruit has an agree- able taste; and frown 'the 'Seed, which its ofagreeable baste 'When roasted, 'corneae eaeeharine substance that cam. other be u d a food or turndd into *146 or vinegar, •,p`iaally thhey use the reed go •birirow.l tlhiat 1s•, the knobs f4 which the lade Miwke*?Die the ends of their dreSAii, The elicketpollok of the birros can he beard s11. over toox'th:t era 13razit; y also Mak hl'o elle is'.Is***ins d 'siaz leOtertat than tens len 1$8uE, r l .iN America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H. Clay Glover Co., Inc. 129 West 24th Street New York, U.S.A. Saving Reminder A Health Sa o Don't Wait until you get the Spanish intjbenza USE Mioard' Liniment At the first sign of it. Its Healing Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE. FAC WITH 'Hard "end Red Festered and Itched Badly; Cuticura Heals. "My trouble began with a rough- ening of the skin and itchingscalp. Later hard, ,.red pimples broke oat on my face and cora pp, letely covered it. Some of4h'e,pimp :festere d and, itcledbadyat,taes begaa-usin adontmeati. after a few days mg face felt' better. I continued using them and in three csweeks was completely healed, after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and one boa of- Cuticura Ointment!' (Signed) Leslie Gray, 10 Chestnut St., Plymouth, Mass.,1!eb.28,1921. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and perfume. trample BachPreebv,4..'aU. Addraee: "Lymrna,iim sted, 844 St. Paul ht, W, Montreal." Sold every where. Soap25c. Ointment 25 and Talenm25e. -Cuticurc Scap shaves without mug. nI Ciatti iied ' Mver omenta . t' TOPA town? Yeti can earn Ii 6 Qids ir. e, teach you, Write Ch f n botart Canada Vulcaniser, London, Ont. eseo, .9 oottherrRf eA Greer Cnathum, Ont: .'. BELTING FOR I¢AL ALI, KINDS OF 4ND USER ! belting. ;pplleys, saw, cp,bie.hose, packing,' eta, shipped (subject to approval at 1 welt prices in Canada.YORK BELTIal VO.. las YORK, BTR>SLT. '•l,RRON',CO. The man who feeas certain 'he will not seemed se seldom m.iabakeo. Pe Ina rd' s Liniment for Coughs and golds COARSE SALT LAND * So:► L' T Bulk' C".arlots TORONTO .SALT WORKeI 0. J. C • TOROfriTO ACHES ANDPAINS— SLOAN'S 1ETSM. VOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of Sloan's Lini merit handy and apply when) you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends a feeling of warmth through the aching part. Sloan's Liniment penetrate without rubbing, . Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia,. Sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints„ lame back and sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Astra your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70_c, $1.40. Made In Canada. ' A En.imeni SO WEAK COU'LD HARDLY DO ANYTHING Now Looks After Home, Thanks to Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound Meaford, Ontario:—"I was so weak I could hardly do . anything and any back seemed the worst. I read so much about Lydia E. "Pinkham's Vege- table. Compound for women that I thought 1 would try it. • I feel that. it did help Me for I :am, looking after n1 own homeenow drfd -- ' seem',. quite strong again. 1 have recommended your Vegetable Compound to quite :la few friends and you can. use my name of you wish to do so."—Mas. H. Powrsii, Box 440, Meaford, Ontario. In your own neighborhood there are doubtless women who know of the great value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women every- where, either by word of mouth or by letter, recommend this •splendid .medicine. Those who have suffered from female weakness, change of life, and similar troubles know of the wonderful relief brought to them by the Vegetable Compound. CA For Constipated Bowels — Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic -laxative to ! physic your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness. Sour Stomach is candy -like Cascarets. One or two to -night will empty your bowels com- pletely by morning and you will feel I splendid. "They wort: while you sleep." Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like salts, Pills, Calomel, or IOil, and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin, Unlessyou see the- name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism 7'oothaci'le Neuralgia Neuritis. Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain tad r Vtlyor" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Espirin is the trade rustic (i`egln erect In Canada) of Bayer A3Anucaat,rrd of Mano- detioae1deat.hr et 1BalioYlinaeld• ire it s well known that, J, pirin ineans B5yer ahutaetui•e, to assist the plibtia against Ireltitltuts, the Tablets et 1.34yer eeallaar :it111 19e tttaluped ivlt1i their genele'1 Erode mark, the "'slayer Crpee; °