HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-03-28, Page 2.. 1. , I I I . , , I i . � I . . I � , , I I I , I I ----_.-­--­ �_ W I t J I .1. , * .$en 1 14 - .. 0* . � ) Horse , ae ln%414 04 . �" , f% � , , Fences. . , �, , , , �, .. I My grandfatl1w tells 1110�i�'V I I I . , , - (�, . I . - I used to figuire on, bui'164�'Ale* - � . .,,,, every ten yeavo�aaiid.'it:�,'too I - I I I , , 44,k I A I, . � , . pretty oweful plum. jng� ,;..t �", Ili � ". . ­ I. , , .�,.- . " I _ V - 11 . - I.... ... I" � � I hold u. 't , I. , I I I I 1. - � , __,;,� p good and 4rou I � - - I - - _ -a -fiffV ','� . ___1 I farmed for mord thian, , !X , .11, I .. I , -- Ist# 73 Aclelzkld* , � W806 'rOrOnt the seme pla . I OLddre$s Gornmullications to ^granom ra 16* 0e, ,so be had,,:to 114i , '.s'�'aw i Shall We Cultivate Orchards? I in the dark unless a record of thi`B fences five t'TOPB�"',h ' "� O' I feed "perievices. He Aati*W;�i,*111 I f eed is kept. Many, farmers f their ex � 'r , �'�, This question can not be answered crops to hogs, sheep, or steers and, and ended up with oL9k,,p,'f)et,s:.,, . I definitely with "yes" or "noll and laid, gh,tbese ed wire. Think hinic -of the ja�iQ;1�� , , " , ', thus do their mar'ketinig thTOu k.. replacing thQsp, femcres,404!11 away on the shelf as a final settle" animals, -while other farmers haul the , r,t , xnent. In older, even, to aPPrOgell all & in money Involved! , � crops to marke'Z and sell feed imtea � I .,r . "! ., 1 just which is He used to loses ,lot' V' -fl. ,4 ­ . ,* answer, it is necessary to know of araimals. The question of from lightning, Most­of�'t "si how much territory is covered in the the most profitable of these two . � �' ' ; " hit him pretty. -hard ,,beoaus� � term "cultivation," and what other t, -`51 methods of marketing can beanswer- _ . 8 and without the day wheii Ile, ,­nm,Q1'.,m1 .. -1 I skim praetiees are followed in the absence ed only by feed record eye mown, ' hi - ii,l Is ,11 I saw in kin r i _ 4 unk i, after L� a,� ",F.+ " I of cultivation. them it is impossible to 'form ars one, 1110'rnin I bi .4 11 . I Cultivation as a method of handling close estimate. . They'd gotten tow 61 , " I "it in an orchard consists of early Feeding all classes Of sto4lt Out Of fence. � .11 I I .�, I I - .1 � 11 I 4 !:, � spring plowing, establishment of a a common crib or bin, but weighing Or Fairmimg certainly jhasL a dust -mulch after a few weeks and the measuring the daily ration fed to each bionized in the last ien,:"­ --- P. maintenance of this dust layer until class, is a common way of keeping a the fences that are, bhilt, V", ".., , " ;, I- �­t# late in summer, at which time a cover 0 . record of feed. This may be ealled have thought 1�1 crop !a paimtedand allo-wed to remain the ration method. Another way is to 9Naw years ago?' X 1 .. . 1. 1P wh each 11 :1 I �� , �. on the ground through the winter. have separate bills out of wh two birds with Q1 ", " ; � � ' W One modification of the cultivation class % I 1. ��7: :1 I ., of stock is fed " and to measure their fen ' - PI t into these bills. lea posts W method is to use clover for a cover I the feed, as it is Pu ins the steel posbg ihtb�;� 11 crop; Plow alternate strips in alter -This may be ca",led the bin method. And they are using "h 0 - nate years,' leave the clever first -method 1 ordinarily t,se I for �, 11 � j::: I . I than ' ' A " strip a '1110 fi S putting up that kind A I I 01 I full season without plowing, but cut ,lays and si-iag,� and the. sec,)ndl for . I- .$ �,; -14; �- ,;g� &xlj, k* . . made out'of vte�el� or eon` the clever and allow it to remain on . , '. ", in ' �_ 01 grains -while a eonibination of the two longer than .any i�'­ ' 6ai' - 11 One O,tll,�� the ground. This plan lessens the wia,l. F,�),;,- 'r�­ 0 ' A , , 10� �ny cue farm buildim�gs- "I qillerel,s I ad" 11 0 I , I chicken coop, and , ­_­'. 11cost Of cultivation materially. iikki4my . is woi,41h a g,roadeall �Aew . ou . Im -, 10, hav-11- ;_11ack o carry are used.. You. won!t li�-i' ' Contrasted with the cultivated I kee track C9 I - 16 orelmrd is the one left in sod. Sod- it over there," said a farm woman, so tning k ,,, " ,. .injng the . from lag LL,st6e] 11 . w ,exactly bow much We feed 911 ,i,4 mulch carries with it the idea of no we know steel post an the �.farrla.�Asi,,.R ' I ; soil, but, as a means our liens.py il 11 P- ,, sthrrIng of the against that lei's the 'POO �; grcm ` Mif `!Lr 1, 1 :,L , 0` of moisture control, the application of Another farmer has an 04 bin in wires and sle'm& �, -'f�66 . 1�_ a blank -et of grass, bay, straw, Or his horse barn and, feedll nothing but where he b6lonis'.1t 141i, ft3q` Jif" P, . � similar material, about the base Of his horses out of it. Furthermore, your fence, it can I travel -` !y- *;, -031! P tftg extending out from thetrunk.- - W the I I 14lage is Mostly fed to dairy cattle) lance to the next -p�bsk�: lf,�- , , to a distance somewhat beyon,d the while most of the .feeds bought are arouild, the whole.flaw , "I 0 - �_"- I. r a single class Of stock - I 0. length of the limbs. This mulch is intended for �A I" I j_1 renewed and maintained permanently. and can therefore, usually be charged 1 7�,,;.7�:41 ' ' Early ' and' lAii"bLyo The advantages of cultivation are, directly to that class. sup - I in brief: It increases aeration Of soil; Where this simple method will not Under the , eXV I iB11 on , Of," . Increases the moisture content during apply the ration method will be found minion Poultry Husbandman, _�­' �11t""Iihe , . as asy ca ul feeder ments, have been triode' xTilly; starts growth early in spring; practically easy. A rd f I ­� I i��"Ii , , , .:; , 4 tnakes it possible actually to control will figure ,his daily rations closely. Experimental FaTm,' 000, , The disadvantages And he will use a ration that I ;­ ,". I moistilre in fall. is well mine which hem wdtild,.�'Ji l , eke it up from Ing the sum thi., 4�%�� rare: It is more expensive; it makes the balanced, and will in mer Mon 1U., _ I - . ground soft at spraying time in some the most economical feeds On the mar- twin if there is. a07.-XWI'U­ ,Y.!,191,1. , Y.1 - I peasons; it breaks roots. ket. When he has done this 0111 that is winter and sunime a - nkl.:t In sod -mulching the advantages are: needed from a :feed record standpoint find oiA if a hen­tha_tA,4gi'�,#' - I ­ .1. � iw'�, , tri Solid ground for spraying; windfalls is to multiply this daily ration by the winter will be lnbre�d% y'�_ - _ lire not so badly bruised; cheaper on number of days it is fed without any ter or worse dfirliig the'ji_li . m , i diming ; , I M pough and hilly land; prevents wash- change, and then to compute the total a hen that fails to lay I r, 9 Ing. Its disadvantages are: Danger boet of each feed- in the ration. ter months. It fiss -'t "'- 'Oil requ. i records claimed that d'hen.'4'gA-`,,,uY �-, . 1 - . of damage to trees Ill case of fire; Figuring feed rations and r ' hether, slie`� start )nora danger from mice; moisture furnish some good practice in farm many eggs, W .:_� 6..1 lacking; wet season, in, fall, moisture arithmetic. if you have a boy. ,or a girl V0mber or Apri'L , - n+:1 4P�,�, ' . them figure ra- these experiments B66 . I. 40til excessive. in the family, have , _ . , , fine let which.'doea riot..;sti A_L I - Glean cultivation, .sod mulch, clean tions, too. . They wile .find them . , I . I -1 11 - �" , , .1 �- lig - . ed�&, .up" I eultivation with cover crops, and cul- practice in multiplizatibil'ama, addition.' near stirring rie'�-ev ,­ ... ..'' . , , � . � IV, .. _1 ,­. 01 - PIT., - 3rob- that begm' . ,Jli�k, , tivation every other year.wers the for the of the I I . s, in'Nb.*tdm, -"_-- I., ' ' ' ' I I I : ration W' To help solve the;. purmo , - jams the same as. fed.,on , . et1w& compared by expert orchavd' .­ 1 0�4 W I .- ­th''111- .�­� I ists with a 'mature orchard of Bald- each of, the thiuty-me days of j�an,u_ and h6no-, . in - these , � - -, � - ,, , '. I'll, , _-. . .1 .. I 'Ae price -of oats . � . : . . I . I at divided livjpo;hi06� _­ . I I 1wins. � ary, alai figure to'l � ': I , ' C! " . The sod orchard, was left perman- forty-orlie cents and cern at nirlety� i started' -,qri wl tu , . ._ , - 11 I - - ' , L, 7t 4 '.1 , . I , I I I I ' . -T . . bushel J,f you,poefier that _ ­. ,", , 1. lsntl� in sod. ar*5�-. W4_8� 1110W�a W -h011 eight -cents a b _ , , .11 � ":� ,�,,,, . I I 1 I . I �� - ­­_­'.��", . r , I _,;,, - . � � . , I � . .. 11 I I �Ivuto 11 +o I Eiwilfn" , , :n� _41.1.,!�L­��­.�"-� � �'-s'­w'.A.W%, 1� V'�� I �­'.." , L .. I .; �, - � I:: I I r, ' , I I * 1 : , � , I I R• -- I- 1 4 - - - 7 - , , - 10, ­ , , I ­ �, I - .THE CHILDREN'S . � �10 ��� 00 7 � ' , I ,- .HOUR 11 T11, �, " � s. 1.00106 I �* tbom. , � : , � Janet's Good Luck. He,!­ I� 0,000 11 . I I ,.. 1 4� K,$ on , All (lay long the -rain had fallen and .� , l , d. ' as night closed in it showed no sign - � I . I �� 11 �� � . , '"' I ,,� 11 new . • �,rming Of WeRrilmeSS but beat with the Same , patter against the win- ,h i4iii monotonous patt , l balb- dow and Qn,t1he roof-, On the street . I I I I kt��;O,Ok the people were hurrying with large � I I 40, cost bundles 'under their arms. ; ,On this., cold, dreary night a little I 1. . I I I'll I'll I . sss� q � ! 1 �(4u, RIB, child was out.' Wishing, to be sure, lo I e l� losses that might go somewhere to get , . 1 � was in warm, where should she go? Her � . I � � I I I I I = or was very sick and she had I � oth 0 L , � - Janet , = jinn, and Janet go for a.doctor and her mother were strangers in the .1�,�.re city and, Janet did not know where , , I I , . M Em .M + . I I ? . . any doctors lived. AM here was a � I A=& � � � A , - I I place; there vits a sign which read: . 11 . , I : I i; � � �. � ". TeYollu 0" I .­, . I . - 11 . ­ dV"fAXJ - ';Dr', A. F. Lovell' that Rounded like n­ , . nice nanie and nice' people always " � . ,*ould a ni , have nice names, the child thought. -2. � . tweUtY I She was a frail, page -faced child . . . . I Nillifig . I I , .��'.. with very little clothing on,, and what I . 11111 .1� 14V", set I . . : , . " , I . ­ , , .11 she had was Tagged and dirty. In her , , , , Yy. ... money her 11. U - hand she clutched the i . 11 1. - ,! l. �I,',', Yft-other had given her with which to � . � the doctor. She reached the steps, .. . ts pay I pos � -0 !, " �4-1'1�'i l4st ,went UP, ,and trembling, . rang the bell. . - . I I I I I .-' ,that A- . I ' ' I No answer. She rang again. Then ii�*. , .the swift sound someone e o d the door, and before Janet, had MwTobacco cf QU � . 4, posts time � .. I time too,pon.heT mouth, said "No, the . . I I �Josses - me," and slammed the ` , 2 . ver dactor is not ho . y door, . . � IF% . ,. . ��, I I I ��at�inco I Poor Janet, weary, cold, hungry, . V2 LWO Tri N S 11 � ! I I �0* the and Bad, she slowly went down the - 0 ' I O!, ,down steps again. , . �Ckages .1 I I I . I z, tl,,�Ds I it � I f a nd in pGa , " Oh dear!" sighed the child, "I I . . disc � I iitit only I could find a doctor. Then she Tun I . I �. � brake: down I & r . bro utterly, and sinking to • * the, ground, cried bitterly. . �i.�.� - -"My dear ,little girl, what is the • , `Ira. , ' r I , matter?" asked a kind voice. Planning the New Home .- ­ " (Aie Do- Janet looked up to see a kind .face I .� , . 1. ­ , I , e�eI - :bendifig over her. 1, ,Oe�ltraa "Come; get up, and tell me all about A great number of farm homes will bathrooln need not ,be large,. It is 1, ,:, .. X � ), deter- it," said the stranger; and taking hold probably - possible to instal a bath -tub, lavatory . I ; � be 'built this year and also " !, og dur- of her hand he helped, her up and led and closet in Q room six 'by eight feet, ', I I I I I I "O .1 a � Beer- her over to a waiting motor car. an equal number of old houses re- although a room eight feet by eight I ' bI �� etween �dtween - Seated In the ear; Janet sobbed out modeled- It Pays to spend consider- feet is much better. . �it, is, to her sad story. able time. in planning; it should also Besides arranging for the -bathroom _ � ring the I "Well, that certainly is too bad; be remembered that a house is not the planning mey be carried a- step lay bet- but •I am.a'doctor, and if you tell me built for the present ,alone. A house farther if the finances will permit., by",,"` *v than where you live I'm sure I will be able in order -be give the best servio- must having the "roughing in" dome. That.. .!11 I I , I *wiu� to cure Your mother." aetuiLly be built ahead of the times. is, the waste pipes and water pipes 1. , , Jami sly. been Jam,.Vs -face broke out into smiles. Perhaps this is impossible, but we which are usually concealed in "the - - . just as "Oh, sir, if you only would," she should at least plan for every conven- walls and under the floors can.be put . U.'], sin' said gratefully. ' . ien,ce possible. It does not cost much in so that the fixtures can be ittaelled -171 The kind doctor took her home and to plan for these things al-thougli we at any The "roughing in". can I - &tra", I . everything . time. .7T ,the pul- looked after her mother. One morning - ng may not -be able to install usually be done for $50 to,$75 � , , - . ' I - ay until Janet - found a large basket of 'food now'. . . . .1� Of, course, if, the bathroom is. on, the I I . I I I I � One and clothing on the doorstep: and at Take plumbing, for instance, no first floor the "roughing in, is. Verv.� I � . 11 I " . the-bAtoln was a cheque signed "Dop.. house should 'be built to-rday s;im.A � .1 �­ ebomber. I farm e e, consisting merely,of the , soil: I tux � I axton' I � I rovision being . - 94hIll,;ts � rj;ovell.'�- Vera PI I I r�ade Pipe eit�nding through fhe'..rO4.lthe ` I � -1 . . ". I . � � I I without some p - fly . I . , " "'­ .11 I - �17, - �� , _ � , .. � I for, a batthroom' and the � ri;�cesslwy .other piping can easi .,'be put in . I 1. I � .4 I - � . . � I . . �, � . ". :� ... --,. I t - ' � ' ' ' �� w re 11 ''I .. � � bingfor the kitchen and laundry. the bas,E�n6n,t at any time. Ofie.'b "", I plum, . I I I . Ing i and . . .. [ -. i �an Axt;H ie The value of plainn�ng is-ldreibly im- should be.. rerqemlN�red ho � in a J T , 1142proire ,, 4 1. � .� I - I . I _V however,:;, - I , o I . _.. _ ,I I . . _. - . . � �. � .., � -1 m �� ,- -1 I m_ .- 7�y I . I I I #V0 1, 4 , � 7� ­,­ L ....... 7�­ 1.:.+ . ,"r­�?,­ . I qtS� c i)fis I . � . , , ��, , -1 �77. -- ----,-,7 -,F--7 I .I ��t�-" I I 1=1�_,l � - orehaj�o,in _6�;, I I � -1 I � . . --,:--, ­_ ­ ­-, .r �. . '�fi tK .I 'A . I �, .. .-, - �- ­_... ­_­�7­7 71­.i4011W*, I ' 'ground. , The more . Poink.. r6k I I , Z44J� Von t e grou , I , � I �, 1: '. 1 -­ e�', It is'a1m6st . ripbasibe to , l� "all, IRV , � 1. '6i:j:;.h 6�orut six fiet long, make a smaff,hwk years ago; ir at the jb�ptw which, r �',` . ­ . every tjom. It U� the qllle�ition Of Wei . . I 1. I I . .ifio. )'� I I 1. . '' * erits "I equire -, Clean % did tivation was plowed of 14.8 and lot �ilni�,� �, , 'A:` 't�riiT one end 0 _ _ wim� th-�Ough which locate a bathroom in a -edfiveniont artido'll to',cqiii�'ealit�:!""�,�-,���.I . I esdm�ativ4i th,Q weights of, fe - . . eggs y , ug. . . a six-inl* P _ , �_:,__ , , L ' spring and, cultivated every two ami , Junay, .! �., Z�­ r.�. I'd A- " , I "rou0bing in" I can e, one -- 4 wet, and,September a' I., bi. � small- flat-h6aded. =!I is driven., into place, or to get the p�pink inproperly. � not,l) d i . � IT I I weeks. September 1. The cultivat., One wt -11 need to i&eighbr nle"121!15'a I . .11 I 1 "chane.," : I ' + . � I v then Proceed to , Even though the plumbing may bi?� 4 1when thevhoiise is built -a L ed orchard Ili which a cover crop was -ration a fswtim�es until one becomes 39.8 eggs. The 3muery:W40 ,I' �.ths, Ae .ax6 handAe W . II . I I ,, . few -mines . .t ' . _' , . i be n . th and Februi�r M'e ' �, w1w the wane armind the handle. later. consideration, something can that is am openi g between two studs. I . , sonic 1k � used received twenty pounds Of crim- awitatomed to eatimating its ineasuro mon _y �. I I . .- surprising how 14.5 eggs and for.,ths, four' Bummer When about r three done now that will make it easier and covered P, oon clover,. Was sown July 10. or weight, but it is surpri *: I , Ulmer .., two and one-half o L d with a paneol', cqn some-, . " . I 01 'Meld of frait-is, of course, one of the , eye becomes trained to woubho averaged 8U. ' �, , A 11 . � inches of handle has been covered, I install later. First, the location of 'the times be left in whidi. the plpesltadT. , . . I 01 soon .with practical exaotnese. ' 11 in Febt ­ ; anil: °Insert another. small nail around which bathroom can be plarmed. This may Ing to the second floor can later be I the best yazdaticks by which to meas- measure I group averaged . WXY. t, cut og and hammered be on either floor, although I t1l nkfor placed, This will save mutilating the , I,. ure the merit of the various practices. A-0i[lustration wail drive this point L March 21.75 eggs_ -=1 for -&6' ,Xoui; ;the wire , is ben I 10 Judged in this way, clean cultivation home, and, shnillar expeviences; will summer months 27 5; Tailia'a ' 'ear- a to smooth- Care must lye taken while the country a bathroom, located on walls when the plumbing is finally in. , P� I - , ff. 'YM wire wound handle to keep the first floor which is easily awes- stalled and will also make the pipes 0, ,�nis& an'sVerago yield for ten yearsk, omur to every reader: indicate 'that the - earlier the t,bil,�. be- , aplAng I--, �ttemi ,e tight and 'close. Bible from the rear of the house would very accessible when in need of re- .. .� �, of,usarly double the yield on sod. The Two college students were working gins to lay after Noir&mba- 1�., . . , '. ore, the wire . I I , . I � I growth of trees was also greater on in the college delft barn and were in- eggs will she :Ire rmP*nz1b1.-e4-b0,,in.:.t1le-. . Any one who uses an. -axe, especially be found the most con-ven-ient. How- pairs. It should be remembered, how- , cultivated trees, There was, however, structed to weigh the -feed -fed to -each Year and' especially in ,the, si "in R ' for ,splitting, knows there is a great ever, an additional closet, or even, a ever, that this "chase" must be'. Si , . , all 'I ' , jided -deg of wear on, under side of han&e. complete bath room on the second filches deep in ordei,to hold the soil lase variation from year to year on cow. After they had done this fm a montlis. It is also geneT- Yp coq . , . I I the sod orcEar&.' Also, this orchard time one of the students began to that the bird that lays late in- tab --:.fall This is where the wire wrapping Pre- floor will be found very useful. The pipe. I until near , * , t, - i , I remits any wear whatever. In ten min- . - - - ­ Puffered Im from frosts and freezes argue that it was useless do cawefullY -not moulting wm,er-, is ...--- . ___ I . . , - . , I than did fertilized tleeA in' clean C131ti- weigh the feed each time, and to prove the heavier layer, It is not -,utas time an axe handle can, in the .I.. I �. . the hexes w-1111 grsdual-17 pick it out` of ration. Thew was a larger percent- his point he turned the face of the plan to 'kill In the autualln b . -1 - 10L I , above way, be made to last as long .. . - .. :&, to is needed every 'r�111O�11011,, t '�'M' the nests so that more ' . . ' * ; - and in&truttedl that feathered � . , - as three handle,s not simiRarly treated. * . ago orf cull apples on tile s,od orchard scales away from. him are not fully'. . . 36y ' I few weeks. A straw litter packed into �'� �:�. ­ -V. A. G. * t � than on cultivated trees. I the other student to record the we use ay -t)be bestliyers. i, ,_�,, _,, ,. I , .1 ' * tfie corners of the nests is about as I . . , I Better still than clean cultivation weights as he measured out the grain ==��__ - _� . I In many poultry houses that are p!�rmanent as any. The chaniging of : . . properly ,constructed little . e h' VVUS the modification of this method, and fed, each cow, and without Imow- I I ,­.* . time " litter does litat take' long and broken I . been spent in making good nests to go clean cuWvatfon followed by i of eggs reimilt from a lackof neStinjr Ma_4 , a cover- Ing what the scales weave recording- lie Pareqts 7A'S Iducators, with those houses. A poor system terlil. So it prays to - . crop. The yield was it triffle higher fed some twenty Odd cows and gave � . ;Ymtch the nests I � I i 111 I nests will mean broken eggs. Open and,k,ge them in the condition that , bin from the Orchard in clean culti- each one the rig-liturnoun-tas recorded ":, i ; nests soon became dirty in winter P, di vation without a cover crop, the tree by the student watching the orales. The Call of the Clock --B Nelia Gardner White from the hens roosting on the Rides of means perfectly clean and unlitoken, � :_, . I - : I I I growth was a little better, and the This feat can ,be duplicated by ,any -i I � - - I eggs. :. :_, � .. I � the boxes The hens will =atoll in W-9.1hilig of soil not so bad, kiirmiT with only a little practice. Ili . ., .. I ,leisure time. - does the litter'In an open nest and kick - . I . The inaftei! of feed records is there- Dear Mbther: I I -11, , .� � It , It is the one who ' . fore wimple enough said requires little Have your cEildren ever 44d, ,'t Wl� task as it comes, does it thor- the eggs against the sides of the box. - For Economical Seeding. - , DaisyDetermining Costs, erlougrh of time, and, furthermore, to cant come, just noly, Mo,tjjer,L��ni oughly, leaves nothing for "some other Then the eggs are broken and it helps The,development of power.farming I . my blocks!" No do6ht'the time." . Of course, we're all only ]in- I . I In the feeding of dairy cattle the I feed stock without measuring the feed busy With ,; at tlia . t - � inomei I 4 •- . ,man and we all have lapses, but it's to stawt th6 egg -eating habit. equipment still goes, on.' One of the �; , Nests should be in portable sections latest devices is a seeding attachmenk I largest single cost is the feed cost, I is like paying out mon wiildf thout blocks we'. L, I " . slid the dairy laushiess is conducted I counting it. very impartanti--m-a-re important thar% .just in so far as we ineet duties un- so they can betaken outside occasion- which can be connected directly to.a. . we can Tewlize. But more i,mpbriant afraid and willingly that our work be- ally for summing and spraying. When Wilce-tooth harrow, thea inakint., a , still should be the response 'Co. de-. coni" easy, a pleasure instead O'f a nests are nailed to the poultry house superior c*mbinati�;Jor seeding amd I . . 1. I I I 1. I chines el-aphasize the imporbance of ,,,and.% a time. Some of us arra dread. � walls they form cracks and crevices. ouvering of grasses and legumes at . cleaning the milker tubes before nets -always ill-vis-tim . .. But how can we get our chilOrpai to I 1, solution; g on the;: itecom- where mites and lice I -Ade. one operation. The attaelkilienit is made le -11, n -f &1_14b ing theem in the sterilizing iplishalent of a given tiek at .A' "given see the finpoTtance of this? First, I Some of the best nests we have I in various lengths so as to fit two, come .1100� . ution cam. reach all parts; K a relentless, .,,at,-fvl,t6 pleasure that aectnipanies that from the ,,,,,, 1. I Dairy experts we conz.,lantly called .that the sol. , "'' I thimAr', emphasis should be placed on I ; releasing the air from the tuber. so time, till otic' children' co seen were so the heni could enter three or four -section harrows and can wpon to explain why apparently clean the use ,of brine as upon time a These nests were be used equally effectively with ariy a basis for the giant. I thiA- a great 40�i 'pf. ,,lle instant response to the call of the slightly dark so the hens could not one. The power for opezating'tlle awlilking machin,es sc, often give milk sterilizing i�*Iudom.t and cleaning the s1,UhfUh1*S,B of this , great coinag rron, clock. The "Come this instant or you easily see the eggs, The hems like the seed -hole agitatm, is derived from two I tvith ahigh germ content which is very stanehion hose anil elieck valves ell that. vlbitra,Ty insistence t4g,�thi,ng,B won't get a bite of six ort" is only secluRion of such a nest and it reduces wheels,, one at ea*lh end of tht Ina- . I � I wimoying to the man who is trying the pail lids in order to prevent leak- I d "" too common. It seerns to me it's only the danger of egg eating. There chime. Tile whole machine bud4 I be done all time. The thill.9911. � late 'in I . I to pradtim high-grade milk. This con- age back into the nmehine from thu childhood surd gladly tAst,a.side 0. 34OU f4iT, while the child i's young, at.leaii, shouldbe about one nest to every four close to the ground to pievent seattell- . �1, . . I I , " 4ition is due to the fact that even air line. as maturity comes L �, � j,%: I that he should be told that'sup though the m;wMne may be %*rubbed , Per �ens as'this prevents crowding, which in of the seed -by the wind, '-­ . The investigators find bliat it is a But tt, there k time is, near at hand, that shortly he'll ' '.. . and as thoroughly cleaned a.s other izn some WAy to 'MA ,t, � 'la is another cause of broken eggs, Combining farm Operations 90 they .. relatively simple mutter to produce punetua%ity amd a well -ordered life, be called in from play, Perhaps you Nests need a steep sloping roof so can be conducted simultaneously 19 a I . I ll ane many caliEnuously milk colvbaining few bac- beautiful and desired irsi6a41 of g, can let him know of something 'h,- likes the hems will loot roost on them. The, very eiTectivewayof reduciingthto:cos( ,� 1 1 places which may harbor bacteria that term. with -anv of -the stan4ard nialcts dreaded fliffig? . For it ig begutq%l, tkat's going to be for supper. YoA'1'l 'must be deep. enough go the eggs w"I I Of, Orbp PWO(l�ctfon' lit a -1eg%iv.6 far'll- , I later *conbambia-to the freshly -&awn � , amd,ftlion%008. if. it �fitd,that he eome�, much more readily ,not 1,611 . . g V I of - miWer provided eextain very Time is not hard,, , , ". ' of milk passing through the machine. d � . . out, but not too deep so they ars will readily recognize tho- vs.100 9&ple 661% in the clearAng process ix used rIghtly, life become§ .smooth, i4x�ii it is time. And soon prioniptneas hens will jump on the eggs. T-Vqistad.1 the new miachitie and will undbtbtedIY The" bacteria, it Ig asserted, must we cared for eaeb day. Retor4s, show- peaceful and ITapp smooth, becomes a habit. Pleasant habits cling bay : . . . bo M114 and it is pointed out that Y; it vaed'.w make,9 a.good iiesting.litter, blit And it ol.great ad*,=+,W' . ins that this can be done ordinary life a tangled mass of. fretting �. ail,J -to. us. Why- not work to make into ',t�= I � 11 . , two methods are giving the best TO- dair,yinen no . �. I . ___­_­­­__­__ """ '_ ­­ _' M I—— - 1.___!!�__.-111&-­-'- I .. I I '. w exteaid over five and disoord. yotev,b, see,, g6l1w �VJ16 al�, pleasant - liabits, all hec4stary, autibs I I . 1 . - .. 11 . I ­ . I 1. . I . : . I ­ . . ; � I I :. � .. - alts at present. llo'usuaa procedure six years of continuous ohs,&rvation. ways had to imsh to get tq;�'�IAAI,6j. oil thit have to be *bserved through life!'? . I I I ... I L � ofter &-eaning the macliine If, to place ._____-1.1-__-__ tim,-_-who rushed to get tbeh" hieaN Wonderful results come from the ek I I the tubes and teat -cups in a sterilizing . . - 01reat from TRAPPER.to MANUFAGTVRER . . solution, uauaby a Eptronig brine. '801110 Power an&Farming. ready -who rushed oblout th.eir,dloan5 pend urea Of a little patience and time. . . It requireB mo'r'e power to carry on Ing and their W-VillgI � It 14 a" -Un�;. You et),n have it game Of going -to. I SCHWARTZ & CO. I : . ,� . dairyinem. use, I domimorei &I Ji.vpOemorite 1 I �­ � 1. 0,ge their the business o� agriculture than is lovely quality, It is nea,rly'alwaV . , s bed -time, tin exploring trip of 3kTr. I . !. q i - . salntfous,, but those so -on 1 284-260 %LA1MrA0TU*w* rvzawts *4*64to I I , ota-engthand fail to sterilly,e tile tulbeA. required by a"111 other industriez coir- when you come down'to 06 fAcbsAobe, Soap Of waah--�up time and an ir.dcpaii- Kinir 19t. Won't 11 - � . , A16110- dent, grown-up event of dr"Bbic time. - I � I . I 0*� t littvi"0i _ - � I I 1. 'Ile addition of hypWh1ov.,'+e to tht� hined. A hundred yomis ago One fain- result of previously no- I , I I - - . metUality really isn't haat we can Muskraft brine is said to give satis�faebfon as RY living in town ,demanded the stir- things on time. Their CIDUIOS, _%101*11�t Pu' rine ft, Larse, Vint IMY'. Large Latff6 Med. Sino,11 Kito DAUlagod I I - - I de(I ,only remember that the accomplish. bark . , 8 11,.Vo , the hypoc, orite oterilizes the brine, Ph16 farn" PrOdUct', Ot four families in order for calRng-the dirties poe I klid , rimajil-g the tilbet In wat& and heat- living, in the corunbrv. To -defy the con- weren't,eleall-tbeir inatevis . ols had not Vient of, things at a certain time is 18.00 - ;zbo $2,00 $Ixo 0.00. $0,60-0 11 , I , . I I I I -F,al,me,r all been urobased for the proposed What we de-gire, not the Accompl!Ri- *"Tfto I Ing to 160 to 110 dog -teas, V. alao hill% ditiom ,is reversed anal one , ft P ( �. ' went Of things because we order them 11 lax. lio . 1.11 , 1, �, I I � , . sofficien-C on his land to feed sowing there wasn't. any, S' 6uring * ,rtf T,nxwo -modfuln swall (106d tjnPritno ,: �. �� I . all the Wateria, but the rub�beir parts grow$ 11, for Be. - done at a c I%` tinie� INA.,-.. $,56,00 40 $80.00 15 26 00- .3 00 , I I , '. I g" 0 'erta � , 8:00 vig machi-nes soon de. POur city families, The increaled Lise powde . , 1. _L 11 l of. most milk 'r On and WWII' X'� et us keep this lesson in our ordinf�vy_ ;40.00 •196:00 � 11 INA,. _ 110,01 1 . 1. I ter,orato with this troatinent, of powcv on the ta,rii is till(- ren8,mi ror One ()f -as wants a chi -1,4 to gl,o�vup to i �L - ­ I I l,',,,1ssjmg a streall, of cold water this big diango-, bo that kind of a porgon, w1io. llelthev mother consciousness if we w"1111t; our W6 will 1.161d ShiDpors, Purn the nocesso-ty tinlo for 'th6m to riturli ". . I . . _-.0- � -, gives llor get% happint%s. .,: I e,hildron to become men and woillan rdmittanee if not sq,tiallosd with out, gr6AIng, • 1 , . I . . I I., I 1. throvqr-h the tubes contirtuou-0,v ll,�A,4 C,rormblip" 6111" friclvb� often loclo However, that State is,0111 Lit ir whose lives tire 91no-o-thly Penaef,ul, I , I ­ - I , Ship by Expreas or pttre�l Post;, Quick Returus Gaantowd heel) touvd to give some satis&eLion I T� - � 1'1't�`l r11111 may find time:t-orr I 'rowth op j�h, !,�.��r<­,11110 f'ok than ).e- al cine, a,rlsillg Tyoyll a,failuro i 81 )im: orktod ,so that thny I . through ellecking the i - '! like a lroyr, ' � culture alld soul- � 9tak U*ferenctn .... borninitni 13my1c,, parrs' ,to f.()l,lllil1g ()t1l.,c.:vv�i, but this task Is eiftu,- flit! ilylpo'K�.Illee 0 things that inake for I baottvpla. I I , Wr ily I Orl Re I I 11.1. I I ­ I 11 ­ r fts" Mi ji ,J1s1ssNJ,W,ft,,,,"rWM r " ­_ "__ #__ _1_--!.- -:A..,-- ,_.,11,0,vnr ziVen lls, not tbe. "nishol, I ,wllo I 11fts tna MOSE growth,