HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-03-28, Page 1Vol' XXI l No ZURICH, THURSDAY el 4 MARCH 23, 1922 umeima.i Cheister r.. Smith, Publisher, $1.25 t Year In 41.41v*Ace $1 ,7,0 IN A7t7 1 0i,;t'a MAY .8.O CI;{A.1z0BD• ALITY SERVICE VAL These, are the three outstanding features of our li!riey ' Beford'toying your,. Spring shoes 4st styles in Womens' Oxfords, • be sure to inspect our no lines just arrived, We ha't*e the lat pumps, one and two 'strap' pump with imitation saddle strip r Also a complete line for misses and children. For men afire stylish high shoe in plain or saddle strap. Watchour window and'"get our prices. • W. H. PPILE, ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. OP :O.x4ord;' i_ F • • • voo vo•oG'' ooOd oo • coo odovo 4 ew Spring Arrival Misses and Ladies' • New Spring Coats It is a Areal ,pleasure to show the new Spring coats. The styles are snappy.;' the sloths, greatly imlp-roved over last season's and are ' ce's are , much lower. • Misses and ' Ladies' Suits .Are now being shown at very m,od. crate 'prices. See ou a barge .ran- ge before buying elesewhere. au • st Arr':. ed' 'xy Justa ri- ed -•a rxrce ,rente -' she,. rn'ost !'�M+ia,shaonabyle.��i'�Dr'e , spua�s a,re the xrauc' :taaked of goods e- have•,_thenv,-in the new- - ,est shades, 54"in.' wide at. $2.25 a ., yd. call .and; ,see them, , f' 36.in. • black•,Si1k> TI•.ie beautiful black Duchess Silk is . 3€ in. wide and of splendid weig.- lit; Has fine. evell".weave. and is. , guarnteed to give •satisiactian to the wearer. Our,. Special price is $2.912 per yd. New Wall' Paper Our -'new wall papers have arr11- ived and.; are now ready for your • inspection with beautiful •. designs for Bedroom Kitchen •and • Dining .,Room, at much lower prices than '1e t seasons I S.. GOO D S O R lE 0., wPo01 ask�rgea'; and `ricgtji% in naatves, w ._• I .CieorgettE ricolette Waists In many different:' designs, all the recent' goods moderately priced.,' '? Sameal ,Deitz,.•has purchased a ?rd toltring oar. • iinV andMrs A. J McKinnon, and ..uad.'ildren, have recovered from an e' air (fie "flu and 1VTx"s.' W. F nhbein.er, of. od,. visited at the•.home of the ra sister, :rs W. H;., Hoffman, Sunday. In.utleclge, Mrs. Routledge' ; •Ta11a an•d, Ida Routledge anti' Kenneth attended'tiie funeral of ti?ate John H`ali, held' at' London rlrsday WANTED ro ce,,,,t ve •smart girls as sewing pixre operators L NT, CANADLTD. y . Zurich, Ontario the, death poi'' Mr. CharIes Brill. -took place ofi Sunday, Zurich lost an'ot1Xer, of its pioneers. The 41: Brill was'born•iii Germany ,hen a you'ng.anan came to Ont - lo, with,,his parents and lived in w J amhurg for.'. about twenty-three yi‘ais'' 879 -he carne to Zurich tlas resided here ;ever.. since. He a mail of quiet. disposition and s` iirghly respected by;many. He i iseen •'ilii f iding'h.eaith,•for some K hut•had taken to his: bed' only 6 ,, before his decease,. He'was in '6 t a li •. i3 s,syife'predeceas- d liri sgnrn pears ago He is sur eC� ) -tbre daughters, Mrs H- web Fite ton; - J Zirriitrerman o•f EYE, TESTED Glasses Fitted. YOT.T1 BROKEN LF,•NS,ES', ACCURATELY DTJpLICAily ;. S3'ITHI T' 38 HOURS. W1G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. • 74 Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $0,000,000 Over 13Q Branches. THE MOLSONS BANK There is no safer or •sttr way of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing`' it in a - savings • account with " The ' °hlolsone Bank. Why not •;.b'egin to -day? W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Brand eO*00O00P3000,*•4 0,0.06v4b�td4% ,,•, ,4,,,.• .,...,..,e•• ' ■ • • Great -argaiin Sale 4, AzIAVING A. LARGE STOCK OF DIFP'ERENT:GOODS 14IEN(F.,. 4' .IONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE ' ' AT' ,* PRICES WORTH CONSI•DERING, THESE PRICES WILL BE 4' �► ' GOOD ONLY FOR„ A LIMITED TIME ONLY, ' a , 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets; size- 72184, at ;each Kt* 2 .dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain _ * A Big •Assortiiient of Halters at 25% Reduction. , 4;, 10 _flgibes,` size 54:c62'at''froni, $12.50 ulward5,- :t-. A number 'of real English' Plush Rugs, prices from $600to;$954- ? • Several dozen Men's 'Heavy Horsehide Mitts at a Bargain; „ ` , •. off on' Whips valued `at 75c and, up s"Tda atmhoine; The r;- n nater nets.•of..Single. Harness, a.t:4.2500 each, ne •New Gingham: Of small :patterns, pretty color conibinaticnsp also plain checks -We: hja�>•"• ea , wonderful assortment of - - g ingham,s. A11. that is :shown new effects(.,: .• 'A11_ Wool Alan nels - Superior quality, -the ideal goods ' f,or'the ,one-piece dress :anis mid dips', colors of, navy, sake blue, • cardinal and paddy green, .3(1 •in..,. wide at •. $L251a yd• I or. Young and Old IS ,Spring, is here and. We are now: ready to show our NEW Plaids -- NEW Stripes—NEW Fab'.ics made 'up in the NEWEST of NEW. • Models. • Do not fail to see these Suits. = , SIU ' VAL U.ES $1Z25, $14.95; $19.75 .$23.95, • $27.50: See. our Special in blue Cheviot at $35 New Spring.... Mists, `Hats .+& Caps.. arriving daily. JHeadquarters far Carharrt Overalls Fresh Groceries always on ` hand J4ifilm , lll�r r Rhone 59 J. fREETEF Produce Wanted 'W'E ARE r1N THE MAIMET POE ALSII=I= AND CLOVER SEED • r +rte :.4Z.� r ' •••y r•J' yY'y. i • a. CP cOP AD ie ? $�eeting ,,of the Directors of the Zurich Agricultural Society was held on ,1‘ on, ay;evening. The following rnatters•,were.disposed of;—Owing' to She .scarcitya of'•good,,re_gistered Ban ner bat:seedp it was:decided. that the enter the .Standing; •Field Crop Coni- petitiqn o lJ, Entries in said co ni- petition should' be -Made • with the Secretary sof .the • Society as soon as possible .•'The pasture and hay on the fair grounds will be sold by pub - 1}q .auctionf• on the -sventhg Of May 6th, •- at the' . Wolper Route.' The Fair dates were set for lvronday'and Tiresday,�-September 25th, and 26th. Among the, changes made in the prize list .of :the Society the poultry class will be so' arranged that_ ; prizes will be offeredU'b5r individual birds.` `This should make'thecompetition in this c1aS°s very keen.A special prize ;coriniitteerfeensisting of Messrs. H. i Krueger, A.; Reichert, J. Decher .Jr.•� anctA F Hess was appointed. Thee. duty o£ thxs,''commfttee will be to sec :ure specihl prizes donated by business nien of Zurch, and vicinity for various, compettitlo is: ,, The special' prize of Zurich. Fail Fair has always been at- trahtive and helps •considerably to in- crease the iuterest'taken in our Fall Fair,• - TO OUR .READERS 1 With this week's issue of the Herald, w'e: are•:pleabsed to state that to Publisher, : Mrs . C. L;. Smith in again,give,his attention to :oris 1iv'e, Weekly,. • After being a fo* we°k's duration •sufferer of rheizMatic .fe,Xor, an attack of the flu,<::n'Friewth' ,.period of si,z _weeks• confin d to 'the house, and it Zvi.l ;ye be 'a fev weeks until the Editor twill be, .Hirst ex.iccl.y 'him- self ag ilii 'as • (ivell•as thei Herald. No Matter how ` well, strong and robustc`•ur, ' physical body may be but when 'the :cold paralyzing hand of sfekness is placed upon us, all ou>,'. daily activities are ceased 'incl the'only resourer' is good, a•gedieai attention,' good nurs lug and !'Providenee do the rest. We ass. sur readers to bear with US ' for net ,being able t > ir'u lisp for thres' issues during February but are- pleased that through ; he kindness- of a few friends the 1 isi tivey issues'' were pos-ihlr•.Let us all do our bit and make the lir ilii • ci real live, newsv weekly dit^ing • the remainder of 1922. .S ?till us the news' by letter or phone 'ind. /we; ')will• do the nest, ED TH-I L 4,4:.4!44*.Ock.***a4,1i.op.4.4!.64,041• b,F94)41. 401tO.b••••••••••4•r•4F4', 4A'•t ���,','4�k�1F4F4�4dr3�C�44444��+1'etII'� �e�444�L•�444�44^Ff�4�i�r. .-.tJomfort! 4 Style! + .4. Quality! .4. ,44, T H.:11.1. ABOVE SERVICE IS OUR SLOGAN ADOPTED FOR 19222 •:F: AND . WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR. STORES AND SEE p. `FOR YOURSELF I1' THIS IS NOT CORRECT. .4 WE' HAVE. A FULL, LINE OF , FELT. GOODS FOR, .THE; *' '•• COLD, WEATHER 'OF WHICH PRICES ARE'•REDIICED CON, - ;it ' SI]DERABLY,.,RUBIi:ERS FOR ; THE COMING, ;BLUSH 4'•IIIS :Sp RING, AND OIJR WINDOWS ARE SHOWING SOME OF THE eREAL STYLE AND COMFORTABLE OXFORDS, HIGH SHOTS :t -ETC„ ETC„ IN FACT, WE HAVE EVERYTHING, IN THE FOOT '14, WAR ,ELINE. C: FRIT. Z & SON SHOE MERCHANTS . 4, + • ZURICH DASM1M0®I�4. 44' +i`.i'.l.,.g.'1"y ¢1g1gFp++++++'i„;{.i'4.4.44**+$4"¢'4"14**+++'g++'i.+++4 +44+++++4, ft++ EDT7CTIONS q We are making a special reduct- ion educt-io i. in prices on the following Tires. of .Merchandise Goods: All heavy, ,.YTnderwear, Sweaters; .' Flannelettes, Flannelette Blankets Top Shirts, Stockings, Socks, Yarn Paint, Tin and Granitew ear,alt- ers, Sweat Pads, Fite. TO 40 rax Ip.f is and Chi1dreu 1I iti Use For Over OY rs `Always beats the •i(l.i igs�:iris, /rte 4 FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST PRICCES PAID FOR PGGS AND DR/FD APR Fen A . DO UG LAS PHONE 11 - 97 E3LAKE