Zurich Herald, 1922-02-09, Page 5Thursday Fel=l iietl,;y 9th. itxoir.. ILE lit AL I) ROSINESS CARDS : +rou.d:foot, Killoran & HOLMES, Ilaz'a'i tern, Solicitors, lioLarlea, Etc. .Office on the Square, and door •iron Hamilton ' St, God- -erich. private fundi to loan at lowest rates.' W, Proudfoot, K,C. J. I. Killoran D. E. Holmes, Mr, Holines will be in Hensall on Friday of each week, ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public C'om .missianer, Conveyancing, Fire a'nd Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co Hez•a1d Office, Zurich.. Dr.E. S. Har8, ,e DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WE.DNI: Sn A5i DASHWOOT7 EVERY THUis8DAY MAIN orrteR - HEN° a LL arlarProitAINommoran OSCAR KLOPP Licensed' Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfactiou guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0. Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no eharge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich fleet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc 'Highest Ca,h Price for Wooll CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES. Ytu,gbiut .&•, Deichert ZURICH LIVERY I am. in -a position: to ^accomo- .late all requirements in the Livery imine, have Auto for hire. Any- •ithing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Moue 58 Zurich. LIVE POULTRY WANTED °.1aker',every day till 3 Oelack p.m. • Do riot feed fowl same morning when rhrought in. ' Highest,: Cash Prices —CASH FOR -- Cream and ""Eggs Wo O'B;ie.n Phone 94. .Zurich 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Insurance Co. Ileac' Office* • London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period An unparelled Reward. • C. A. Hoffman, Agent COAL Y'al .and Winter DELIVERIES Season 1921...1922 THERE IS A COLD DAY COM - /NG. LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WITH OUR CELEBRATED iDELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LXCKAWANA'S COAL. ZassAea Gal' .te1oz , tom. tit PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS ;-CASH Phone ! Office 1.0w, Souse 10j, HENSALLONT, PITT YOUR Wants, For Sale, .Lost,. Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS .COLUMN FOR SALE T .. young boars 5 months old and 0 sows . due in Marsh and An- ted also a good Durham . Roan bull, 8 lnonthe old. -Thos Harris, Chisellaurst, Cromarty, P. 0, phone 140-17, Tuckersmith. SHOE AN:D HARNESS REPAIRS Having: opened up a repair shop in the Old Hotel, Blake, I am in a position to do anything in the line of repairing Shoes, also repair harness. tf-27 SAM ROPP, - BLAKE FORD PERTS I can supply genuine Ford parts at. a reasonable price if people have time to wait till they arrive and,eanti one wishing to put same in cars, can get themfrom me, and can save, you money. -L. Prang, NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to Con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trig] and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James tenom•ey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 ' WANTED MEN and WOMEN to sell to women in homes rubber -lined, waterproof Gingham, Aprons for use in the kitchen.. Can easily ern $t4.00 daily and more. Rapid seller and ready demand. Sand 75 cents for sample apron and full parlicul tri. Money refunded. if sample returned • B}UTIS1.1 RUBBER COMPANY, 232 McGill Street, Montreal, Can. --BABY CHICKS It is cheaper and more satisfac- tory to bu yready hatched chicks. We guarantee safe delivery of vig- orous, pure bred, husky chick`s of all breeds. Write for free book- let and , rp'ees. HE CCANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY.- Ltd., Dept,(. N., Hamilton, Ontario. FREE "HOOTCH". A. Sparkling Stimul tut, Full bf Wit and Humor. Free cony will be sent upon receipt of your name with address complete. Write to G. Mitchell, .397 Pearl St. Broolz= lye, N. Y. . G. E. ,'ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST - Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, ,M'I itary District No. One, London,Ont Office' hours at BAYFIELD, Ont. Monday. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday` from one to five -thirty p. m. • 19-25 LOCAL NEWS' tutN Aa� PIM z. , MacKinnon was London, on Wednesday. Mr. J'. Rey, Jr, wa:s to London, on business on Friday. Mr. Kerneth Routledge '.apert the week -end at Centralia. Mr. 3. K. Ehlers of Dashwood;, called in the villager on Mon- day. • Mr. and Mrs, H. Krueger of the 14th con., were at London on Tues- day. Mr. G. Gundell of the Hall Dent Ltd., London, was inthe village on Wed n'esday, Mr. Ayres, who had been .for some time ,visiting in Zurich, has returned to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Foster and. family of Heniall, were Sunday Vis- itors in the village. The new Dominion Government has issued 191 roders-in-council in the first six weeks of their office, Mr. C. Fritz was a few days at Dahwood thiss week, in charge of the shoe store there. Mr. James. Denolny of the 14th, eon., wishes to inform; the public that he has taken out, license for austioneer to conduct ;sales. The new Pontiff elected. at Ronne on Monday is Cardinal Ach- ille Ratti, Archbishop of Milon an Italian, and has accepted the title of Pope Piu3 XI. Miss Pearl Johnston met walla painful accident on the skating arena ;on Saturday evening, when in some way she overbalanced arid in being assisted, fractured one of the bones in her hand. Mr. Harry' G. Hexa, who has al- most entirely recovered from the burning accident sotne weeks a- go, has resumed his duties as man- ager of the Hill Dent Glove Factory, here. The people of Zurich last week took advantage of the fine' ice that is available this winter,. and filled their ice -houses to capacity. The finest ice for several seasons has bean stored away this winter. Mr. Chris. Schoch of the .14th, Con. Hay, received word last week of the death of his brother the late Henry Schoch, of Michigan Mr. Schoch was a Zurich Old .Eloy, add is - known by many of our older citizens. Mr. Alex. Foster has just come pletedefiliing -several ice houaesin Hensall, also in. Zurich; from Beil s pond. Mr. Foster says this ;' as' the very choicest of fresh _ spring water ice which is usually rather hard to get at this time of ,year., Miss Lottie, Gaister returned... tei • her home here from Xitehencr,;•°abii Friday, where, she, underwent an operation for appendicitis at. 'the - Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital mind," ,we are pleased. to•,i's alnps"q ing .nicely, . ' - . We 'are indeed soxry= for .a try pographien •rrar made yin, kraal week's H':.L.,t, in :the =annual port o,. tip: E;v'ang�lical , S, S„,„ Lad':. 'i 1..9.4, when We state i th ; i.: finances . weree $74.00. It,. r Mints As to Both Summer and Winter Treatment. Flow to Protect Them From Sim Scald --A. I4tuie Grease „,on the Body Is flelpful Beeping Brood Sows Cheaply In Winter -,- ITn- neoessary Loss Among Young (Contributed by Ont'rio Deppartment of Agriculture Toronto,) • During midsunine•r owners of light colored pigs l're,luently complain of sunburn'oi suiis'said. This condition of the hide of the animal is similar to that of people, i� gives the same degree of uncomfortableness 'to the pig and is caused in the same man - tier. Consequently, the same method of prevention and treatment may be carried out. - Sholter Is Most Desirable. In the first place, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and the prevention is shelter. No matter what kind of stock is in the pasture, shade is essential, and much more so is it for pigs on account of the thin coating of hair on their bodies. If the pasture for pigs is so situated that there are no trees to afford shade to the animals it would be just as well to keep them shut up during the hottest parts of the day and allow them to run out during tae. evening; night and early morning hours. By keeping them in a pen that is somewhat darkened, they miss both the hot rays of the sun and the flies that are always so bad around a stable of any kind, during the hot weather. Give Tlaein a "Hog Wallow." Some people provide a "hog wa • tow" in their pasture which is a ve good thing, but the location slioul be some place in the shade, as it a well-known fact that the ]iia wi blister far quicker when wet tha when dry. A pig seems to thin than a wallow is an essential thing, and if he persuades the farmer into ,--&-,------,--:-+++++.4++++++++++.1.4,- thinking the same, the farmer should 'lead hien to•bel]eve that during the heat of the day is the best time to keep ou,. of it. 1 - is 11 'aux-.ga^�:�.�,.r�.�:-sw:a�-�T.ra airnainammammommommemmis. CASTORIA i mmmu,mmmmonsil u®o nun mmmWmammi ''T1leProprieta yo 1,,p°G tMcdtcisetl AVe¢efablePreparatisarstA51-:', simiiatingthe oodbyileguta j; itiselho Stomachs and Bowels o ,y i,Thei'eby.Proraaing etA g atloid' Gheerfuine5s and Rest.Cen'n0s l neither O itim,Morphine n otl ,Mineral. NOT NARCOT1CI Reape ----rS Il6LPITG Prrmplirn Sed Senna ,7farheJCu,1'alts y iniac Brad Prpy erminI jji!F[mrbar,rrtei'ad2 %Yarm sad ctary,rswgar n'Ya,m' Ahetpfutgemedyfor Consti ationand'Diarrhoea ' and Feverishness and LoSs of SLEEP 0:ttlnexe rdtom inlarat E.! Tac•Simite 5ilnature of fnE CENTAUR CUMPANx •� MONTREAL P•Q a t Gins* its :u11�! l S. Doss . QC •xl�r�X For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of itt Ose For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Vaseline Good for Sunburn. If the pigs have become sunburn - cd at all, it is well' to keep them inside for a few days and thoroughly grease their bodies,with some nice smooth grease such as vaseline. The grease tends •to keep the air from the irritated skin and ease the' un- ;conaforableness of the animal. Vase- line also has a wonderful healing and eurative property which makes it .preferable in such .cases.—J. C. Meneath, 0. A. College, Guelph. • eep . Biro¢ eGows tui. Winter as ,Cheaply as Possible. During the winter tire brood Sows ioeld be maintained as .cheaply as assi;ble, but at the same time they •u.s,. -be properly fed in order to far- ms/ a. large number of healthy, veil -grown pigs in the spring. Best esul;ts .are obtained when sufficient sh.sa..l have read $174:09; Two 'recon as, 'one ra season a:icl the second a -ivoi'1d's•his h -rater. g mark„ also a .--feature Brace aunex- iu ed hy• the Canadian bred Tony _ h the hero, but now Alercm ownyil sp provided ai i na alae for the 4di h ab w :1I food is given to produce .daily gains n the sows of one-half or three- ourths of a ,pound. To do this' the rale, feed must be limited, anal, 11i- tedwith »sone roughage, for unless e ration has sufficient bulk, the ws will become .constipated and ungry, due to the undistended cau- tion .of the .digestive tract. Legume ays are the chief ro.ughages avaid- le• at this season; and their use i11 cheapen the eost .of feeding.. falf t .Lxcelleat for' Feed. Either alfalfa, clover, soy -bean, or w -pea bay . makes an excellent ughage, and when fed, little or no gh-priced protein concentrate is eded to balance the corn. Bright, afy alfalfa hay gives the hest re- lts .of any of these roughages. Alfalfa meal is 'simply the best grade of alfalfa hay chopped into a meal. Clover, hay contains almost as much nourishment as alfalfa hay, and soy- bean hay, cut and cured when "the beans are almost ripe, is a very au- tritious feed. Cowpea hay should be cut when the first pease are ripen- ing and consequently does not have high food value as soy -bean hay, ilrea;t.care must be exercised in cur- .ag soy -bean and cowpea hay, for the ,stalks are very heavy and sue- aulent and unless thoroughly dried :ire apt to mold. Under no condi- tion should a brood sow be fed upon any roughage wh:icli is not bright nutritious, and free -iron ' smut • or maid. She does' not relish or thrive on such inferior. feed. •It is very apt to`cause severe digestive troubles and iiay •lead to the loss of her litter. ddto1 f Zurich Studio air Book Room, Cariadian sport, surely 'cause fol Printing and Developing, Photos. on Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Also sell Cameras Films, Albums', and all ametuer's Supplies. A full Line of School hooks and Stationery always on hand tf21 OBRIEN' & KALBFLEISCH Hartleib Block - Zurich BORN Campbell-I:n Hay Township, onm January 15th to Mr. and Mrs„Earl. JCunpbell, a sonf Krueger -At lath con. Hay Town- ,. ship, on Feb. lst, to Mr. and Mrs. Elinor Krueger, a daughter Holtzman, -At Kitchener, on Jan. 28th, to Mr, and Mrs, Norman W. Holternali, a son. INSUB� YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $21100 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000..• Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prefn- ium note 2 per cent, Am also agent for several other Wind Inseirance Companies, G. Itoltzman ZURICH', ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN I.UG11TNING RODS Joy. and pride among the ranks of. native horsemen, -Canadian Sports man. This celebrated horse'. Toney the Hera was raised and de- veloped by Mr: Ed. Wurm of Zur- ich. Mrs. 11cGuire, of Brussels, Co- unty President of the W. C. T. u: will address the Ladies at the local Hall here oe Wednesday evening Feb. 15th. at eight o'clock in the the Ladies' Hall. As Mrs. Mr. Guire has bee•i county supe ] ztend- ent of the department of Moral Education and mothers meetings' for some years, she will speak a- ong this line. ' Special music is also provided. ;hearty• invite ation is extended to all Ladies.' Hon., S. 3, Latta, minister of ed- ucation . gave.' notice in the •Bask- atchewan legislature of a reso:ut- ion calling on the Dominion. Gov- ernment for a substantial i• edur- tion on the customs tariff, resump- tion of recierecity ne,;ota':;on: w t'm; the 'United : States, and placing cin the free list of all agricultural hue' p1ernente, 'i'rm and hotlitlligla mtic- "Iver, vehicles, fertilvers, cosi. lumber, cement, gasoline,' alumnae ating fuel and lubricating 011st• And all raw materials and machin- ery used int their m::anufacttue •Mr. Latta is, a native of HuronCounty, and is lnbwn� by many in Zfzich,, having been principal of the Public School for several years. Word was received here :on Tu-' esday by Mr. Ernest Gies,' of the' death of his brother, Mr. henry Cries of St. Jacobs, who ' died on Tuesday, Feb.' 7th at that pluce;in. liis 85th year. The late Mr.Gies was known by many here and vis,, ited around Zurich last year, was a former resident of -Hay' Town ship, having' lived on several farms in this community years ago. A bouit t wenty years ago he,, re- moved to New Hamburg, later. going to St. Jacobs. lie is survived by one brother, Mr, Ernest Gies of Zurich, one sister, Mrs, Mrs, Menges of Kitchener, His evils having pre -deceased him him. '.l'he funeral will be held on that �tl iy, to 'St•. Jaeene, a0 re til ne le su `i xaneces:ary Loss Among Young Pigs. `On 75. Minnesota farms a total of 5,2A pigs were farrowed with an average of 8.31 per litter. Of this number 9.21 per cent. were farrowed dead, 18.21 per cent. died before weaning, 68.30 per cent. were raised, and 31:70 per cent. of the original pig crop was lost. Improper feeding and lack of exercise by the brood sows during the winter were re- sponsible for most of the trouble (unnecessary trouble) at farrowing time, Brood sows should be encoer- aged to get out and work every day. 'The 'droppings should be watched. •Tf'• the' sows are constipated, oilmeal or bran should be introduced into their ration until satisfactory con- dition results. For immediate action a reasonable dose of epsom salta should be given, Arsenate of lead or paris green are good remedies to use against chewing insects. When Paris green Is used it is well to add an equal ,quantity of lime to prevent injury dqa • ,. `-,'-+4•+-1-a-4-1-i— .5.+++++✓r+4 + L..t � ,Y, ug ber Laths . LPin0 .es .1, ]Everything in + t Combination storm and screen doors made to order, 1 I Lumber and B'ui•idj1fR:}' Mater ' t. + ,1, ¢. Custom \' ork our eciaJty t ,1, 1, . - 4. t Always in the market for Saliv logs t ,. i•{f�FJ r tt. KALBFLEISCR ____, •+ PHONE 60i ZURIC11 iCAO 416111111111.11111 v. rL V L !New Overland 4 We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for Year .and find that it is- easily. the best riding driving car. en the road. Rubbertfre Buggy, good as new,h CIIALMEES ` SIX AT ... ... ... $800.00 MCL AUGHLIN TRUC K AT ... -- $404.00 F. M. HESS CO. ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE 'STATION alf CI one (1) and ea. pric of new one, Overland Cars! C1 Overlord Cars MAKE YOUR DOLLARS WORK KEEP YOUR MONEY INVESTED IN GOOD SECURITIES, U THE RATE OF INTEREST IS GOING DOWN. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO' INVEST IN GOVERNMENT BONDS, VICTORY BONDS, ETC. BUY A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE. INTEREST PAYABLE EVERY SIX MONTES AT 51,¢% PER .ANNUM BY KEEPING YOUR MONEY WELL INVESTED YOUR D0L4 LABS WORRY DAY AND NIGHT, FOR FITLL PARTICULARS APPLY TO Andrew F. Hess, Zurich