Zurich Herald, 1922-02-09, Page 3CUARDYOUR HEALTH You Can 1)o This by Keeping the Blood Rich and Red. it is useless to tell a hard; working woman to take life easily and not to Worry. Every woman at the head of a Aome; every girl in .oftices, chops and Rectories is subjected to more or , less worry. Thine worrleeepannot be avoided, But it is the duty of every woman and every girl to save her strength as orieh as poesible, and to build up her ,seetein to meet unusual demands. Her future, health depends. upon it, ., To guard against a break- down the blood must be kept rich, red and pure• To keep the blood in this condition Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be found most meal, They strength- en the nerves, restore the appetite and bring , the glow of health to pallid cheeks, and renewed energy to listless people. Women cannot always rest when they should, but,they can • keep l;p their strength through" the occa- sional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This is shown by the case of Mrs. Min- nie Swick, residing near Simcoe, Ont., who says: "A few years ago I was in a deplorable state of Lealth.. My blood was weak and watery and the circula- tion poor. My appetite was. poor and what food I did take distressed me. E was not able to do my ho'us'ework, and often my nights were sleepless, and headache and backache added to my misery. I was finally persuaded to drop other medicines and take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This I did, and after taking the pills for a couple of months I could do my h'ousewo'rk with ease, eat well, slept well and had gain- ed in weight. From my own experi- ence I cannot praise these pills too highly." You can .set Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer --in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents -a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Cur fur Leprosy. News that many lepers, • cured by c'lzaulmoogra oil, have been liberated frons the colony of sufferers on Me10- seal (Hasseaiia,n Islands) and returned to the comeanionship of fealtyfellow- 'beings•, excites• much s'ynlpatlletic hi- lt has not been explained, howeve., that these persons, supposed to be re- covered from the dread malady, have been s!et.free only on parole and with the understanding that they . are to remain under o'bserva•iion. ;So far; 8 Tier cent, of them have relapsed, with recurrence of symptoms, and have been sezrt back to Molokai or farther treatment: The uonclusiorl of the U.S. Public Health Service, which '11,as hacl charge of the experiments, is that chaulmoo- gra oil • cannot bee relied upon as a "cure" for leprosy. An "ethyl ester" derived from ;it is now used, by hypo- dermic injection, And has proved much more efficient than the oil itself. With young people, or Demons in whom the di;s'ease has not progressed far, the treatment seems, et least in many ca'se's, to promise final cure. Leprosy is :undoubtedly of Oriental origin, and many references to it are .made in• ancient literature. In earlier times the afflicted were required by law, -when they appeared on the streets, to ring e bell and ory "Unclean! Un- clean!" This; of dowse, because the disease was .eupposed to be contagious. Recent investigations have proved that it le both contagious and infec- tious. It readily spreads wherever the sufferers are not isolated. During the last few years it has spread alarmingly in Cuba, and in Columbia its ravages are a cause of increasing anxiety. The malady isattributable to a bacterial germ, Bacillus leprae, which has been isolated and satisfactorily identified by Scientists,, Never use water which has been standing overnight in the teakettle. In tihe m'ornnng fill it with fresh water, boils and use at .once. %'t dI ON (lei'' The winter resell is a hard one n the baby. Ile is more or less corilned. to stuffy, badly ventilated roams. it.. is so oti.ed stormy that the mother dose not get him out in the "'resp air as ;often as she should. Ile etttche stir wlziclz rack Iris little systeP1S his stomach and bowels get out of order and he becomes peevish and eines. Te guard against this the mother should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets, in the house. 'Inlay regulate the stomach and bowels, and break up colds, They are 'sold by medicine dealers or by mail tut 25 cents a box from The ,Dr, Williams' Medicine .Co. Brockville', Ont. Surnames and Their Origin HAMMOND .Variations—Hammonds, Fitzeiamond," Hampson, Amundsen. Racial Origin—Norman French, also Scandinavian. Source—A given name. Here is another group of family names which traces hack to the an- cient Teutonic given name of "Amer or "Amala," though it should be re- membered that the groupings in this article, the one that preceded it and the one which is to follow, are more or less arbitrary, and for convenience at disctission, rather than as evidence of rigid oours . es of devel'opmnent. As stated in t11e'p'revious article, the Normans brought• the naive into Bog - land as "Homo". and "I an>•oii." It was not long, however, before the given name . began 'to develop new forms, sucih as "Hammed" and "Ham- mond," the latter quickly becoming i more widespread. In many cases the patronymic, or family name, was form- ed by the prefixing of the Norman "Fitz,'' meaning "son of." In others, • the surname was formed by the addi- t'ioti of the ending "sord," But "Ham- mead:son" was a little too clumsy for the average British tongue, and so did' not endure long, being shortened variously to • Hammond and • Ham- monds.. In more modern times there has been a very general tendency to add a final "s" to such names, so that the name of Hammonds is sometimes. still another lengthening from the term of Hammond. But the given name often developed the diminutive forms, i1T Norman fa5- hion, of "Hamonet" and "Hamolet" or "Hanielot." `Hamonet" quickly be- came "Ham•net, producing the sur- name "Hamnets•en" or "Hainneson," which has finally been twisted mica the inodern Hampson. Haninet• has also given us Hammen "Hamelot seems. to have stopped at giving les Shake- speare's "Hamlet."' The family name of Amundsen, or, as we sometimes see it, Amondson and Amondsen, is nearly always traceable to a development of the Scandinavian form of this ancient given name. Way of Life. To swing along "and sing along And. keep the vision clear, How many in the moving throng Gan come so very near The measure of that mighty love'" Which makes the, way of life A blessed way, a happy way, A betterment of strife? Mother! Move Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels, A teaspoonful to -day may prevent a sick child to -morrow. If con- stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, . orr: if stomach is sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels is. often all that, is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup" which las- directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. es - She'd Learned. The puppy had been punished and was •sulking in a corner. To him came the small daughter of the house •to administer, not comfort, but advice. "Yon may just as well be good first as Last, ' Spot," she administered. "Everybody that belongs to mother has got to'' mind. I've been theotgh`• it all and I' know." • After the Honeymoon. "Well, weld," he exclaimed, as -he I tackled her iir•s't meat Pie, "where did you get this " .- - • I made that outs cceokeay book," replied the young wife. of Mrs. Shorter' PAYNE `It's a='' Variation—Paine. "Ali!" he broke in. "This leathei7 l pickup, 12 Ramsay Lane, Toronto, Ont. WARNING ! Always say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why. take chances? Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" package 'which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during ' 22 . years and proved safe by millions for Colds _ Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Pain ! Pain • Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12. tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—All druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of BayerManufacture an fare againstnoaceticac ne ster TabletSlies llc cid. Wiile it is ompany well known that Aspirin means. Bayer manufacture, to"assistpublic will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." 11...amsc,,.r...., ,. :._ m_. _ A ,"ala__Her Martial Creed. , Rl T` A Mrs. Worth had just learned than her oolored workwoman, Aunt Dinah, GAINED 35 PDQthe fourth time: had at the age .of seventy married far • "Why, Aunt Dinah," she exclaimed, ONLY WEIGHED NINETY "you s'ure'ly haven't married again!" "Yassum, honey, I has," was Aunt POUNDS WHEN SHE BE- Dinrarh's snnilitlg reply "les' as af'en es de Lewd takes 'em, s'a will I." GAN TAKING TANLAC. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order Was So Weak and 111 from for five dollars costs three cents. ALL KINDS OF NEW AND USED -+: toting. pulleys, saws, cable,hose,packing. Stomach Trouble Life Was d:n,add'y se11t roe.over to Se' if he etc.. shipped Canada YORct to K BBI.TIoval Na CO. Burden.a could bol.•r•ow one of Mr. Smith's hoer. els YORK, STREET, TORONTO "'Goodness me! .Toll him he has them Most. persons are not frugal o their- "Tanlac has built Inc up from a mere both on." frame weighing only ninety pounds to time. They use it in a most wasteful a strong woman weighing one hundred Luanne=. Mina rd's Liniment for Distemper. Classified Advertisernent3• ANADIAN MATRIMONIAL PAPI]It,. 255c. No other fee. A. McCreary. U uatham, Ont. Y E1tl' 1VHITE ROCKS. PULLETS, $3 to $5. Cockerels, $5. A. H. Myers', ▪ 432, Stratford, Ont, AGENTS WANTED 1VE AGENTS WANTED F012 Quick selling household necessities. ttepeat orders assured, Write for par- ticulars for sole agency in your town to. Patricia Products, 565 Broadview Ave., Toronto. . BELTING FOR SALE and twenty-five pounds, and my grati- tude is unbounded," said Mrs. Lydia COARSE SAL LAN D'SALT Racial Origin—Norman. French. pert is the binding, I suppose?" "My stomach troubled me so much Bulk Carlots Source—A given name... These family names ai'e really the eam•e word as our modern wards, pagan and peasant,. anti,their--evolution has been a peculiar and interesting one. At a period before the Norman in- vasion of England the root word had the same meaning as our mio'dern peas- ant; that is, countrymen as opposed to townsman. This was in the days. wh en the early Normans first were in- troduced to Christianity. It happened among them as among many other na tionalitiesy that Christianity made more rapid progress in the. towns and more congested centres of population than it did in the outlying districts, a pbrenomenio'n undoubtedly largely due to problems of travel and oommuaSc'a tion. But gradually the word pagans de- noting a countryman, cam11 to denote, as well, one who refused to accept Christianity, and in the defiant stand of those wli'o resisted the new religion was accepted as a term of honor to such an extent that they began to give it to their children as a given name. In the end,, of couns•e, Christianity triumphed, but the given name sur- vived. and rmaind pepuiar,',probably scientific Proof. ' , during the past three years that my One day a teacher. �v nt 6 rs ,s gone •entirely,. gas would farm and 1. them ' clearly,. > me Wild with pain .in the pit , esseseees"—'7 brif they knew that there ivas a of my stomach. The -gas nearly smoth- I burning fire in the body all the times tired me and my heart acted so queerly One little girl spoke up and. said: that it alarmed me. I could get soarce- Yes'm; when it is a cold day, I can that any sleep' and was tired and dull and see the smoke." _ worn out all the time. I often turned so dizzy I could hardly stand up, and Good Verse. at times my head hurt like it would A ,rung fellow, who is given to ver- burst open. • I lost weight until my sifying; recently asked his fiance: • clothes were •entirely too large and 1 "Dearie, did you like the poem I sent was. so weak I could hardly move. you ?• Did it seem too sweetly tendert" "One day I saw a statement about "Oh," she said, "it was lovely. 11 Tanlac and I determined to try it. I I got $8.50 'for it at the church fair" i have now taken ten bottles in all and' WORKS 6 SALT L T VJO NT life wase perfect burden. .14Iy appetrte TORO a,s+hour a ofi ��? C. 'J. CLIFF TORONTO`' solo lie 'make closes in h S rade P y's gy &sraerlca's Plciieer nog memedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H. Clay Glover Co., rao, 118 West 31st Street New York, U.S.A. . — f'— - niy appetite has come back, I eat! In the Dark. anything I want and as much as I js hemeal without pain or Professor—"Every day we great want at every any uncomfortable feeling afterwards. I do not have headaches o'r dizzy spells any more, I sleep soundly every night and get up feeling fine and strong in the morning." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. --Advt. oxygen. - Now, Willie, what do we breathe at night?" Willie -"Nitrogen." as the result of holy lives led by some of the converts of that name. At any rate, the Normans brought the name to England in : the forms "Pagan,",. "Pay'" and "Pain,". and there it be- came a family name in the normal course. • One third of your life is allotted to sleep. Do you -get your share? The most important period in the process of applying nutrition to the repair of the body is while you are asleep. For the most favorable trans- formation of digested food into nerve and cell tissue, so doctors tell us, sleep is absolutely essential. Is it any wonder that those who stiffer from lack of proper sleep are weak, pale and lacking in energy or ambition? One of the causes of insomnia is nerve -irritation from tea and coffee drinking. Tea and coffee both contain caffeine, which has a tendency to cause undue ' stimulation. The irritating effect of caffeine often results in insomnia, depression, and a weakened nervous system. You can easily overcome these troubles by drinking Postum instead of tea or coffee. Postun'* is a delicious, satisfying cereal beverage, and it is absolutely free from caffeine, or any other harmful substance. - Ask your grocer for Postum. Drink this delicious, refreshing beverage fqt ten days. Then see if 'you do not feel better and moxe clear headed and if. you do not sleep better at night—as so many other people have proved for themselves. Postum Gomes in two forms: instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by tlio. addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being pre,. pored) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health "There's a Reiman" Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Ca., Limited, Windsoir, Ont. y" KING OF IW nlikterea feet, Sore Peet, Tired Peet, Filimiuir and Aching Feet. :After a hard day's wort: or a long tramp and your feet are Completely used up, bathe them in hot water, then rub them well with 1.i1NARD'S LINIMENT. It will relieve you and you will never be Instr><ments "chat Leasure v'ithnut a bottle_ Earthquakes. USE .a A ' TO If an earthquake takes place at the , other side of the world, it writes itsown retard an the delicate instiu meats kept fn the observatories in 13rf WARD OFF PAIN fain; says a London magazine.ITTLE aches grow into big pains unless 'warded off by an applica- Next morning you will see in the tion of Sloan's. Rhcuznatism, papers that our instruments have re- neuralgia, stiff joints, lame back won't corded an earthquake of great violence fight long against Sloan's Liniment. which' took place in South rnerioe. For 'more than forty years Sloan's It may be days• before new. •conies Liniment has helped thousands, the through by telegraph from the scene world over, You won't be an excep• of the upheaval to confirm the Meru- I 'Cion. It certainly does produce results. ment's message, 1 it penetrates without rubbing. Keep The s"eisnitograph, as the earthquake ; this old family friend always handy recorder is called., consists. of a re- { for instant use. Ask your neighbor. volving drain and a tiny mirror, The) At ill druggists --35c, 7Oc, $1.40. • Made in Canada.a.:,_ qa '.latter is baianre'd so delicately that the slightest tremor of the earth's artist will'aet it dancing. The drum, o e which is turned by clockwork, is cover- i Ly�-g� ed with a roll of sensitized photo- f Ht graphic paper. Telae mirror focuses a . _ little. �. _......__..._ .. paint of light, reflected from a - 1§'3111an't lamp, oil to the paper. If leadat�;hy! Bilious So long: as• nothing is happening the or Stomach is Baal, mi'rror .remains at rest, and as the 'Talk ` Cascarets" drum revolves a perfectly straight line is traced` on the paper by the point of (let a 10 -cent box now. light; But as soon as a shocic.otcurs irurred Trongue, Bad Colds, lndiges- the mirror is' agitated ones the line be- t}on,'Sa.11ow Skin and lniserabi'e Head- Furred a zigzag. aches' come from a torpid liver and A stone t.ltio•Wt1 into a pond sets ori clogged e fro, which cause your ripples which 'reach the edge. An s'tomac'h to become filled • with nndf- • eartbquake, produces the same result, gested food, which sours and ferments except+th+at the rippies are formed in lii;e garbage In a barrel. That's the tibe earth's hard but slightly elevate crust. Fortunately„ serious earthquakes areskin, everything that, is sickening. A rare, but hun'dreels of small shocks Casoaret to -night will give your nen take place' every day, acid seis'mo- stipated bowels a thorough cleansing graphs of the most delicate type re-. and straighten volt out by morning. •oo'rd them all. They work while you sleep. Millions ---"".-----<4 men and women take a Casearet Every broken premise loft behind now and then to keep their stotnaels, beeetnes a broken bridge Ahead, liver and bowels regulated, and never What you 'corn de to -morrow eviiii huow a miserable moment. Don't for• depend on what you have clone toinv. get the children their little Wedgies Minaret's Liniment for Garget In Coved need a good, geuiile cleanable, toe, first step to untold nl.isely—incliges- tioot foul gases, bad breath, yellow For Fifty Years Mother Seigel's Syrup has been the world's remedy for indigestion, and it is still the best and cheap- est of stomach and liver tonics. The medicinal•extracts of varied roots, barks and leaves restore the natural efficiency of the dig- estive organs and it has banished numberless cases of pain after eating, headaches, flatuleace, acidity, biliousness and constipa- tion. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. 8-921 DAN DER N E Stops Hair Corning Out; Thickens, Beautifies, 35 -cents buys a bottle of "Danderine" at any drug store. After one applica- tion you can not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. TROUBLED VVTU ITCUY ECZEMA hi aash nFaceAnd m s. Cuticura "I had been troubled with eczema on my face which took the form of a rash. Later it broke out on my ,,limbs and they itched very much, causing me to scratch them until they were bleeding. The rashwould often keep inti awake at night. " I tried' some remedies, which i failed, and then thought 1 would try Cutict':xa Soap and Ointment. It was not long till the rash begets to disappear, and I used three cakes of Soap and four boxes of Ointment, which healed ine." (Signed) W. M, klymers, Paris, 'Ont„ Sept. 12, 1919. Cutictira Soap to cleanse, Cuticula Ointment to soothe and heal. Seap 28e, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold tliroughoutthenominion. Canadiaflt epoti L mnn4, Lhnite& St. Peal St., Montreal. Cuticure. Soaip shaves without rout. issue