Zurich Herald, 1922-02-02, Page 7Clew er Rescue of O ii rtal
aw Marooned 150 Feet in Air,
LLP a While repairing, s'ing'e? essud"sd, the
Winter is a dangerous season for
the little ones, The days are se
ehang•eabJe----one clay bright, the next
call and stormy, that the mother Is
afraid to take the children out. for the
fresh air and exercise they need so
enr li. In consequence they are often
cooped up in overheated, badly venti-
lated rooms and are coon seized with
raids_ or grippe. What is needed to
keep tb,e little ones well is Baby's Own
Tablets.. They win regulate the stom-
ach and bowels aucl drive out colds,
and by their vets the baby will be able
to get over the winter' seamen in per -
feet safety. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers cr by nail at 25 ccs.
i hoe from The lir. 'Williams'' �iedi-
eino Co., Brockville, Ont.
Pat's Answer.
A motorist, who was touring in Ire-
land one day met a native who was
driving a donkey and cart. Thinking
he would have a little fun at his ex-
pense, he began: -
"What is the difference, Pat, be-
tween your turnout and mine?"
The native looked at the questioner
a minute or so, and then replied:
"Not a great deal. The donkey's in
the shafts in the one, and on the seat
in the other."
The motorist asked no mere canun-
d runs s.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
Sure of it.
ars.. acres wa entertaining some of
her scan's little friends, "Willie," she
said, aaddresaing a six-year-old, who
was ei?pocving a plate of cold beef, "are
you sure ycu can vut your ,awn meat?"
The child, who was. making desper-
ate efforts• wii.h his knife and fork, re-
"Yeaa, thanks. I've often bed it as
tough as •this• at Mose."
Minarcrs Liniment for Distemper.
top of a smokestack, 125 ft. above the
Poor of a a0 -ft. -high buil'.i'lnti in Coo
punt of the Atnerrcan Bridge Coni-
puny, C1)iee•l'o,.the workman let drop
the line wlricll was bie only moans of
returning to the reef, and thence to
the ground. There lvae nopossibility
ca conveying a line to that height with
any applieace in the plaat, and so• up -
peal was made for lealp teem the fire
department which has a since -throwing
gun in appectirarsce exactly like a Mili-
tary rifle, fee use ie such an ern'srg-
eney. Several futile attemptm wero
tirade to fire the line within: reach of
the marconeed workmen, and finally
tit+::, mated of rescue had to bo aboa-
dcued. Fortnrsadcly, as the stack had
not been in use, it Was cold, and• .finai-
ly a fellow, workiib' n climbed from
the level of the roof up the first $0 ft.
of the inside of time steak, to •clinch
height it was lined with asbestos. On
a 3 -in, steel ring, on the top of the as-
bestos, tate reecuer stood, with his legs
astride the stack. In the meantime
souse long, light wooden scantlings,
that had been cut and drilled •for tenu-
plates, as used in all structural work,
were obtained and passed. up to him.
He pushed upward, first one of these
scantlings, to the top of which a line
was made fast, and to the bottom of
that suautling he attached, with the
aid of the holes, .another, and so on,
scantling after scantling, until the top
vee came within reach of the strand-
ed workman. This. did not happen un-
tild the peer fellow had spenit four
hours in his, perilous position, 150 ft.
above ground, in the frosty December
artmospherMe. Once lie grasped the' end
of the line, it was' a matter of only a
few minutes before he had hitched it
to the top of the stack, and slid down
to ,safety.
Johnny Spills the Beans.
Johnny* was entertaining hie sister's
caller and said, "Helen told ma yester-
day yogi were a born politician"
"Indeed!" said the young mee,
pleased as he could be. "Why does
site think that?"
"That's just what ma wanted to
know, and Helen said it's because you
can do so nnich talking without coma
milting yourself."
Surnames and Their Origin
Variations—Buckler, Bucksmith; •
Racial Origin—English •
Source—An occupation.
Theoretically, it would be possible
to build up a good argument ea -meet-
ing the fancily name of Arbuckle with
the •contrivance known. as a buckle,
anti assume that the ,first Arbuekies,
or Bucklers, were makers of these con-
A. study of diose historical ]ist:s in
which so many of the names of the
middle ages have been preserved
(both those, wh]ch already had becorne
1teTedita*•y anti those which were still
merely descriptive) shows that this
view would he in error.
True, one Who mado or cold buckles
might naturally have been called a
"buckler." But for the most part he
wasn't. The records show that it was
the maker of "bucklers" who was call-
ed first a "buclerer," shortened later ;
into "butler" or bolceler." "Buckler
is a word almost obsolete to -day. it •
Racial Origin—English.
Source --A personal characteristic.
This family name is also found in
the elder forms of Blythman and
Mittman. And its meaning really is
what you might hesitate to suspect,
"ob•eerful or "happy."
It belongs to that classification of
family names which- were originality this contest, if they desire• to de
deeoriptive of some , ;ersonal chai•ac- whether it wins a prize'er fret.''
Thirteen n Prizes to be Awarded
in a Letter Writing
Some years ago the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., of,
fared a series of prizes to residents of
tise Province of Ontario for the beast
letters describing the benefits derived
from the use of I)r. Williams' Pink
Pills, either in the case of the writer
of the letter, or some member ,of the
writer's family,". Hundreds''of letters
were submitted in .this competition,
and yet there must liai-e been thous-
ands et other users of the pills who
did not avail themselves of the op-
portund•ty to win a •prize. To all these
another letter writing competition is
offered. There are tbo sande who
have experienced great. benefit from
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
whose cases have newer been reported,
These will furnish the material for the
letters to be written in this contest.
There is no demand u.pon.the imagine -
tion; every letter must deal with Pacts
and facts only.
The • Prizes.
The Di. Williams' Medicine 'Co,, of
Brockville, Ont., will award a prize of
$25.00 for the beet letter received on.
or before the 15th day of February,
1922, from residents 'of the Province
of Ontario on tihe subject: "Why I
Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
A prize of $10.00 will be awarded., for
the second hest Ietter receixeel
prize of $5.00 for the third best letter'
and ten prizes of $2,00 each for the
next best ten letters. •
The Conditions.
If you are describing the benefits
you have derived in your own case, or,
that of some otter member• of your
family, the symptoms of the illness
should be fully described, and the let-
ter signed with the frill name and Gore
rest post office address of the person
sending it in. If the case relates to
some person other than the writer of
the letter, it must also be signed by
the person whose ease is described, as
a guarantee of the truth of the state-
ments made.
The writer et each letter must give
the name and crate of the paper in
tvhioh he or she saw this announce-
Fine writing will, not win a prize
leas you have a good case to descr
The strength of the recemniend.ati
and not the style of the letter will
the 'basis of the award. •
It is unelers,tood that The Dr, W
hams' Medicine Co. shall have t
right to publish any letter entered
The Floor Heal.
"DM your watch stop when it drop-
ped On 'the floor?" asked one man, of
his friend.
"Sure," was the reply. , "Did you
think. it would go through?"
The Only Time.
"'What is a honeymoon, pa?"
'"A leoneyanbon, my son, is that time
'ft a man's life when his wife is really
supplied with ala sire wants to wear."
The Young Genius,
Mother—"Willie, how is it that no
xnat%ter hove quiet and peaceful things
are, as soon as you appear an the
scene trouble begins?"
gtie:r's it's just a gift,
HOx ity.
Our apieett forebagrs clung to trees,
• Iet titles far antedating these --
In sleep would cling with ilandeeand'
They wore no high heeled pumps nor
So. Darwin says -7 guess he lcia�owel,
If they had lora their hold, you see,
And toppled down from out their tree;
Wild animals were all around
To grab thein When they hit the
With teeth all primed and set to gnash
Through cutlet, steak or Preset ape
hash --
Careers; were ended witch a erasd i
But those who wakened with a start
Did not bocan%ex Ape a la carte,
They locked . their' toes 1n. tighter'
Tb�e fit survivors, we are told,
Dived to become both gray and •citl.
We dream of falling, wbiie in bed;
We waken with a start instead.
The instinct that our forebears knew
• Must be• Dr. Cupid.
"I don't like your heart action," said
the doctor, applying his stethoscope
�Yo i've had rapine trouble with an-
gina pectoris, haven't you?"
"You°re partly right, d�oc," answered
theeyoung man, sheepisarly. "Only that
ain't her name:"
S handled down to me and you, ,
W e might have. missed the wio14 Big
f,Grandpa, Ape,'s�os long ago,
Had not waked just in time, you know,
Violet McDougal.
Minard's Liniment for target In Cotes.
'A ; short temper and a long heed
Corrected. ` r
"`.Tames, hive you whispered lo -day
S{'It11011t iielmic.Si'Qar?.'' "e
w "Qnly 17Vunst„•
"Liarry; should James have ,s�a.i
.ivlrttnstr,. ', :.
""Neill; he should have' said to iet 3i
At the Laundry.
Laundryman ----"I'm sorry, but ane of
your shirts is lost"
Customer --"But I paid for having it
laundered:" • '
Laundryman 'That's all right. We
did it up before we lost it." ment handy and apply when
you first feel the ache or pain.
Truth Wilt Out ' It quickly eases the pain and sends
Ethel (to her dearest friend—"I put
aching part.. Slap as Liniment permth netrates
h the
my foot in it. so dreadfully when Ed without rubbing•
win proposal.' I meant to say,. `This fi• ne; too, for 'rheumatism, neuralgia,]
arely go together.
Every discord may be regarded as
paint: of the great endeavor to adjust
one's selif to the, _ beauty of the :uni-
verse' •
"Tin feeling like a new man since
Tanlac soothed and toned up my stom-
ach' and for the . first time in forty
years can eat a hearty meal and suffer
a; no distress ' afterwards," was the re-
markable statement of Patrick J.
Haley, 107 Prospect Ave., Syracuse,
N.Y,, a well-known iron and steel wzk-
"Only those who have had stomach •
trouble- in a bad form can know what
I suffered during all those years. 1
I was almost a nervous wreck, 'too, and
for years I didn't know what it was
Ito get a good sound sleep at night.
"I got new life and energy- front each
dose of Tanlac and now I'ln a well -and
happy man instead of a.sick and
miserable one, as 1 was for so many
years. I'll vouch for the merit of Tan.iac at any•time."
Taniac is sold by leading druggists
everywhere.. Advt.
t,IOID the misery of racking pain.
Have a- bottle of Sloan's L,ini-
aciatrca, sprains and strains, stiff joints,
is so sudden!' you know, but I was so
bane back an s r
Sustered that instead I exclaimed 'At d o emuscles.
last' "ur fort !ears pain's enemy. tisk Classified AdveartaseltlrYex:ts.
" At all druggists --33c, 70c, $1.40. ANADIAN .:MATRIMONIAL PAPER,
Always Supplied, nR4de.in Canada.
f Ch 05c.No other fee. A •12cCreery,
Chatham, Ont.
Ilse' son .c,f a well-known physician
]ares' to "play doctor."
un -The 'little fell•osy .makes, the temeels e '�"� gg�� . ,Paints
ib0 tritt B. icer m �Llkt?ilt .ALL K.tN . OP NSW AND USED
th health �' belting, u
"of nt,,,t -ifing' boos �es, lecteirius as to
the of the inmates... ,Usually he = , , .s , _ ..�: s pu lyra saws, cable,hose,pa.ckin '.
eta, shipped subject- to approval a,tlowestt
j hes With'hini an assortment of dol'is— prices in Canada. YORE., BELTING Co„
be his' "Patents' in lien of larger •ones.. ln6 YORK, , sTt;EET, TORONTO.
11:Recently 'he cabled at' a hone and
he asked, ':Anybody sick hen?"
in ire c;as aa'4'wetred iin;:the neg•ati'vd.
so;."' "Oh, well,,:;l>o said with,lr~o.Fessionai
welo'ucikalance, - proclrtoin'g:tree' of'his'
j dol!is, "guess I'll leave . a couple of contfpated, bi'licus, irritable feverish years, and the n +r it th beet' h'
I babies, anyway!" .. liniment on ,he market. I find that 3t
terlstic, in this case a characteristic ' This contest will.chose on Febrsrs
of temperament. 15, 1922, and the •pt'izes will' be asvar
ha Some people find it difticult to see ed as soon as poesihiei thereafter,
" such apparently "silly"nrcknantes not delay. Writ& yoilr letter ' ow, T'
wore so conneon or so wolf thought of serve the above conditigns carefll�
that they later developed into regular or your Ietter may be thrown otica
family names The fact remains, flow- ; Adams all letters as, foliows: .
ever, that they did No less a person -i The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co;,.
age than do:.n, sister of King Henry i Brockville, Ont.
VIll. of England, :ellen ebe became be -1 Letter Contest OOepartment,
trotted to the Scottish monarch, there-, -
tries, .was earned . Joan alalic recce ! of Past Ages, :
by the Scots,,and the old records 'are:i
full of such descs'ip�tive.'surnames as
"Goode,,, "Merry." "Gay," "Blythe,"
"Make-BIiss" and the like. In an old
Wardrobe Ac°cunt there appeals cased in a mighty- shell somewhat re
"1297, December 26. To Maud make.; sembling that of a turtle but far mor
Joy, for dancing before Edward, Prince 1111 assive. The carapace, furthermore
of Wales, at Ip.swicb, two, schillings," ! was almost dome-shaped, and all part
The Norman tendeilc•y with Gush de. of the c'reature's body, inchldiug eve.
cuiptic-e tgimulate cit ills was to use I tha cash, were heavily armored,
the definite article, "le," with them. This remarkable animal seems to
BO as the Saxon element began again.; have been exclusively American, and
o gain dominance in English speech i until recently none of its fossil r
the article came to be dispensed with mains has been disoovered north of
Mote often than not. i the Rio Grande, barring a few frag
• • of full of cold. A teasseo;nfail. • n.•ever gives, ;quick• relief to minor ailments
arc a s Hein.
It has been shown in preceding ar-
ticles how just the 'ar" of "`arrow" is
r:n sMeet in the name of Arsmith, The
same is the eilse in Arbuckle. The "are
butler" made a certain tyre of shield ,
designed to ward oil arrows, and in 1
the course of time the name has be -
c ome shortened from '"Arbuckler" to, t
"Arhnckle." "Uneksniith" w.•sa "butler- !
smith." + 1
other!. ()pen
.Child's Bowels With
California: is Fig Syrup
Y1nir`I ttIe one will Iove.the "fruity"
taste of t'Califoriila 'igr Syrnrli".. even l£
One of the best known guides in
Nova Scotia gives this testimonial of
Have used Minerd's Liniment fn my
home, bunting and lumber. eamps for
�' , e es ' iS*' it
Do,c l` ,a f4rti t 1
ape 11. ee�& TO.1llEi t .. In a,few hours you can see f if of wounds Alsoit isgreat
• or yourself
by ending war between the two coon- 1 ,
.`aloan Armored dS11rk3Xfii{
s o c eanse the liven• and 'bowels, suoh as sprains•abraises and all kinds
a remedy
for Liver, Bowels
how the ought ,2 work§:ai1'the'sogir: for coughs; cosdse, etc. whioh once is
bile, and undigested itiogi put of the liable to catch when log driving and
Whams! You are headaohy, baweIr aua2 yob have ii..we]], playful crttiatng daring the winter and spring
p child e •cafe: months. I would not be without
censti ated, your eyes burn skin , is g MITA RD'S' LINII1 ENT and cannot re- '
y o11nw .your stomach is -seur, 'b icy,. 141 lIioins of mothers keep 'California 1 ccanmend it too highly. No cronies you feel Miserable. l''ig Syrup" handy. '.Piney know a tea -
(Signed) • Ellison Gray,
You • need a thorough physic with elk:mini to -day serves a si •k child to-
"Caacarats" to -night to cleenee the nrolrow. Ask your druggist, Per genu; a, , »• r " ' ' Non. ' •'r"�
stoniaci . of sour, fermenting food and fn,e !"Califoi ria. Fig Syrup" Which has .t
foul gases; take the excess bile from, &rectfors for babies and children ,of a H!(� FLAT HAIR
at the liver and carry out of•the system all ages printed on bottle. Mother! i '
h all the constipated poison in the You must say "California" or you !nay I
_ bowels, -Get is 10 -cent boa; new and let get au''imitation fig syrup. ' • ;
Surely the strangest mammal the,
ever lived was the "glylitc:don," whic
parried its house with it, being en
"Cas•carets" • etraighten • yeu out by
interning. AND ABUNDANT
+.r"Pis'WlrHarWnMr/trrrW5,},,a,PVOugpUNer,ar,r,Voo oo.N,
"Danderirte" • cos'
only 85 cents a beetle
One application ends ail
dandruff, stops itchtng
and falling hair, and,
Plain Facts cts '<or
Stomach Sufferers
Digested food snakes us strong,
e- vigorous, healthy. Dyspeptics are
invariably weak and ailing. All
- Ill they need to make thea! strong
' ; meats of bones. A big one was dug
up recently, however, not far free
Taupe, Ariz„ by Dr. Galley, a palaeon-
tologist of the United States National
Marcum. It is a complete skeleton,
representing a specimen which in life
11ta1Gt have weighed about half a ton.
The glyptodon was so sluggish that
a mile a month. trust have been hist
You wouldn't put on hobbles
ti run foal race
Then why load up on• handicaps for
the day's work?
A good deal of food, unwisely chosen;
does weigh the body down and clog the
digestion, and dull the brain.
Why put on the hobbles? t,
Grape -Nuts is a breakfast or lunch-
time dish for those who want food effi-
ciency, and: hind and body efficiency.
Grape -Nuts satisfies and nourishes,
It delights the taste, It is ready to serve
whenever you are ready to eat. And it
digests easily, quickly and completely—
leaving no handicap of heaviness and
da owsinesi .
Grape -Nuts is the food for health
and action.
"There's a Reason"
Made fly Canadian Posture" Cereal Co., Ltd,, Windsor, Ont.
Sold by goad grocer s ever wI ere p
about its best racing speed. It fed on
!herbage, presumably, and possessing
i no weapons of defense, would have
! been easy prey for carnivorous ene-
mies if its armor bad not afforded ade-
quate protection. When attacked it
had only to withdraw its head, which
e was covered by a hccavy bony sheath,
and to retract its legs beneath the
shell, in order to become iilvulsverabl•e.
The •aseaiiant might as well tackle' a
The specimen found in. Arizona prob-
ably lived not less t]rau 1,1100,000 years
ago, Its tribe (co.nteniporar' with the
jmegatheerlum or giant sloth) has no
t descendants to -day, but is represented
( in a- way by the modern armadillo,
' which le likewise au arinnred mammal
land one of the cmto tit -ice of native.
Might Have Seen Worse.
An It'i8'hfllan Iiarllet). Pat (unaiaminof
name, that) was making a wood pig.
st.yte, when .he misses a mail and hit
his thumb, breaking IL
1 After .hraving it wrapped up he met
iiorae of itis frieutts, who 11aturallq asked
]rim what he had been doing.
! "Sure,,' said I'at, "I hit me thumb
1 with a hammer, It's bad now, but 1'd
I had no thumb left at all. if I'd been
1 striking with both. hands."
..-_._ _....r ,.,,--..
Ileahtlt is a jewel, the most wontierr-
ful beaut%t'ior known to man. Gucaa'd
It, wear it, love it', because without it,
Me itself is the dreat•iostt, cruelest gift
you own. ..
and wen is the power to digest
food, and that is just what Mother
Seigel's Syrup gives. It helps the 11
stomach, liver and bowels to do
their work eciently. Sold in
550c. and $1.00 bottles in drug • l
Stores" 8-621
Baulk Carrots
Anaar1ca'a Pioneer Pog 3.1orire$19n
. Boots on
and How to Feed
Mailed S8ree to. any Ad-
dress by: the' Author.
a. Clay q•1o' ee. Co., Tao,
118 West 81st Street
New York, U.S.A.
to a few moments
you have doubled ,the
beauty of your tai .
It will appear .a Mass,
so soft, lustrous, and
easy to do up. But What •
will please you most
will be after , a few
weeks use, whenyo'tl See `1
new hair—fide and
dewny at first— y ee
but really new hair
ta.: —..se growing all over the scalp. • "Dander -
me" is to the hair,what ;Fresh showers
of'sain and sufiislbite•are to vegetation.
It goes right to the roots; invigorates
and strengthens them. This delightful,
stimulating tonichelps thin, lifeless,
faded lreaar •to grow 'long, thick, heavy
and mans giant. •
WANING! Say "Bayer" when you .'16uly. Aspirin.
Unless you see, the. naive "Bayer" oil tablets, you are
not getting Aspirin at all. Why talo chances
,Accept only an "unbroken package of °`Ba ].:!,'Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose Marked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe b r Trillions for
Colds ` Headache Rhe i.lnatism
Toothache• Neuralgia Neuritis,
Earache Lumbago Pain,; Pain
Tandy "Beyer" boxes of 113 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 1(10—Druggists.
,Aspirin Is the trade marl: fregisterrd in Cabacs) of liayor Wrintcfactufe of No110-
aetticacidester carr 0a leyl1Ca,'rd, While It is Ivo)) l gown chit ksi}!rl Y Vanua 134yat.
eir0ibilCat'rura, to anent ilia 1 t tile ngsin.t irattatiohs, the liahiets'et;i3a'cr• co, po yy
Will be stamped setth'their general trade mark, the "BUM tress,"
Is so soothing and cooling for
baby's tender skin after a bath
with Cuticura Soap:
Sei1,25c, •dietaetat25oa15ac. lItituis8.Sc, .Sokt
througlboutthei)otniniotb, CanadianDepot:
Loeb 1lelted, 844 St, Peel St., W. Mantua?,
Cutictata Soap shev,,p without twig.
.x.-ew.x.-ww,..su.iort« v:.nw.,wR...,o.:w donn..wwesr.,:
t8SLIt No, 'l-'-'22.