HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-02-02, Page 6I -1 .�! ; I'll, I . 1-1 Q� -W- -f_ . ..... ... _ : ..... � ..... � ...... __;..N"!.....7. ----7. .11, ..... 1111.1.1- _11-111_-.. .: r.... I .1-111.1 .... I ..... . ----11... ,"... _ ..1.11-11-1 . I � I _ .. .1-_.---1. .. ... 1. - 1.
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- -6 gr ". � 1, � I I . by
I , scraping With,a �blunt.edjged Ivnifo.
First . � The Noon -Hour buich at -d od
� ; i " . � I How to T'an, Farm, Hides. 604k t4e 1pelt in 4 hath coutposed of
I I I . I , . S R
I ,� ,, remoyebAlr. 'Tiodo tW� mix - of- salt, . I
k , I , . . TA I one pound of ullunianda qua -it . —
.- for an sverage-sized hide about a balf- with enough water -avJ,ded tfD0Q,VeT the I 1. I
- . , �
�r I I _. I I �� _� . I . ... I'll � . ... , .. � i . I . ,P0ck air--sliaked 11rue in hfal,4-4bawrel of Pelt. pu the - �, There fare many Triotliers In -the settillng the oxpenditures to the StAls-
. . 11 I 1-1. '* I I volss'eq- awfay.111; a. Wamn � I
� .' 11 . .. I ii . . � . I I W4terandstir briskly. Then iniiti)erse I place ,md turn the skin -in the liquid -land -Ato vadk, daiixty -and wholesome, faction of everyone,
I ., - � I � . I . "I I the hide ,and let remain Irmn three to daily. After a Week, remove the 61d,11 11tinlehes $or their ,children, but there It wlaa .not I-ong- before the teachet
. .,.. .11 I _ - � - L_ '. I .. . I � 11VI) 'days, Stirrinig two or Ibl.Tee times .and � dfry it,� Wheat paxt9y dry, rab and ,Ire SISID Many 'busy and worl. began to no,tiee a dh.ange for the bot -
i . I . I �. _� .. , . daily, Try from time to time to re- stwe I tch th ete drying. ' �-ha`r- ter, by the ,f.iddfeld zest and aptitticls of
. ef sIdn to colinpl � I
104 . 400reas curnmunications to AgroniTMIXtif 73 Apelaide $t. West. Torohtli. move the hair with any blunt t0011, If you ,wl,Vnt sheepskin for leafther, 4.9sed mothers, orr perhaps U few Cal'13- the lCh1tdT611 for tbeim -after-dinrier
I such as the b I inly lunch stuldies.
i�l 0 .ac)k of a cfase-kfnife; re- remove the Wool before putting into Iffaso mothers, Who -deem a
W11 Conservation of Manure. manure spreader -will pay for itsellf move all the 'hair, then rinse in clear I the allum and. To remove satisfaebory if it satialles the ebild's The w,cok's menti for tw,enity chil.
t * Barnyard manume. is One of the most In a 0"Ort time Where there is -21. ny water. Then makeu solution of three saft bath. dren wasos, lolillows:
Valuable by,1n,odticts of the farni. great aniount of farm fertillze,c to Pourids of crushed aluni, lialf_pound 1 wool, pbalce pelft With flegli. side up and arpetfite, even. tliough it is itrr%vhole� Manday—Rioe boiled in milik,
However, its -value :can easily be and' spread. Finene,,�S,, even $preadlng and of slat-petre, and onle or two I sprin-1clie with quicklime. Moisten the some and not at al,l well balaniced.
I saving of labow are but a feNy Of Its Pound s lime and leave for twenty-four hours, - Tuesday—Bean soup.
ordinarily is greatly Ilessened by cer- I "-It. Put flilewle into enlough water to, at.t., which the w(yoa ean -be pulled. Whichever may ,be the case, the Wednesiday—Milk toast.
. I
.1 iny advantages. fully ,cover the hide. Let remiain t`WD-Th, le -':s dinn-er .can not be complete Thursda. —Coco, .
tain adverse conditions, improper mo smaller Portion' , inie can be put on wool gltic of child V a
11, Manure contains a i Weeks sebirTing, once or fwice daily,l Friday—Potato soup.
treat"Vents and, miodes ,of bandling. of phosphooAc acid than of Potash or! ' pelt, ,but injures the wool more than without an appetizing hot dilsh or
- . The ", lue o,f manure lies not only, ,n,.onla am,d 35 therefore an unbal- i At the endbi two weeks the'lilde ' if placed Gii flesh side. dwink for lufnich during the long win- The potatoes for potato soup were
in the fertilizing elements which it, be tanned. Tack the hide out on, a
. may coutain—matea:dalls for which the � aneed, fertilizer. The addition of YoeA.1. ginooth p1lac% such,, as a barn door, Tanning for Robes and RLga. ter dafy. FlOrtunate indeed, Is the preplare(l. the previouls nl,r-,lit -or In the
I ! or avid phosphate, at the rate of abOUt4 stretching in all di: . metions. Get ou " To tani hidles With -hair on flow robes, child who carries to school a Tbernios inoraing before ochool,end left in coAd
farmer PaYs large suans -,Vli en -he buys I forty pounds P, to in n re 0 t bottle filDled with hot infl[k or co,cola, water. The reelpes we used follow:
er n of 'a u N 11 d1111 the wrinkles and when nearly dry Mats, or rugs, weGh the skin and re-
COMT11'ercial. fertilizer—but also in the, so the effe,eltiveness of ,_ , but all can notafford, even these 11ittle
� large percentage Of organic matter i greatly inerea: .at hand,11 move all fleshy matter 'by scraping. Rice Boiled In Milk.
. I manure. Conclusive 3705111tS haye been � rub it with tallow, and, if neeessitifes. Wash ,one quart of tice through ,
:,good c0d,-014 rubbing it in Well. Then I Then wash hair side with warm wLT-ber
and the great mass of bacteria. On, duced, a -s to thiis point. The pho-S.-, Last year the teacher in our dds-
the lighter $oil types especially I pro rall it up for a few days, lveeip in a I and soap �anldl rinse. Take one-fourth several wate'rs ow Until w1a,ter is ell6wr.
1: Phate fcan be dusted over the manure I Warm place, not; hot, away from the Pound each Of sult and pulverized trii,ot school noticed- that the children At teno'cilock put:11t on to boll in four
Organic matter may be the key to the 1 spreader lo,ads as thev aTa hauled to I did not stady well efter the noon hour.
scheme of improvement. The bacte.cla - . sun. Soften by rubbing Well, and if alum, onle,-hfalf ounce of borax, and A little keon observation showed her. quarts ,of slaItted water. At 11A6 add
� the field. s dissDIve In hot Water. Adld, enough I a quart of who,le sweet milk -And ,one-
- are of great value in -that tbey are I . - necessary, 'use miore talalow. Thal the reason. Their food was heavy I ha3f cup Of fresh butter. This will need
. necessary for decay and restiltant . ' . makes a light�coloreld leather, If it rye meal to inake a thick paste and -6 "
beneficiel effects. A few . I Ice Supply on We Farm. is to be blacked,do it before -any tal- slyread on flesh side ofskin. Then fold end unibmIanced, and, at best was no- occasiomial stirring but is welf! -,vorth
I ounces of thing but a cold lumcb; of course, thel the troluble invoived..
rotting manure may easily contain a I One day last sunimer 1 met a farm- low is put on. Uie four ounces nut- lengthwise, flessh side in. Let Terolwin result Was a sluggish brain, as migilit
billion of these microscopic bits of er Who had been to the SbatLon With gallis, eight ,ounces fcDpperas, dissolved twfo weeks in an, airy and shioudy Place, I Bean Soup.
� life. his cream. He had just .received his in. one quart of vinegar or cidew, so,k- then u&-614, s1hake Well, Wash flesh be expected. So our teachler began to -
. . -four side in water, and'scrape ,with a dull make plans, Alter she had them all Put one quart of nls�vvy beans,, -with
- ., Carelessness and, improper handling cheque for Jully and showed' his ac- ing the -hide over night. or twenty . i.1yis I -1 teaspoon of soda, on to bloil
. . I con ,ted, whe ifaid. them before the one ]leve
I . restilt in enormous losses, yet it is count with the Company for the, same hours if necessary. This method can scraper. PuIll and stretch and W"k ,ts, who hesaintilly approveld. at 8.45 otcljo�ck. When thf-7 sbaet, to
Wl nfo uncommon sight to see baft- month. It credited libn With 52 pounds also be used for cowrWes and calf- untildry. Theamiloumits mentioned are PaTe"
I I enough for sheep skin; for ltaTger A little equipment connisting of the boill, dirain RiA add fresh water. Put
�. Yards g1lutted with ntairure which has butter fat -at 47 cents from first grade skins. - i on to lcook agaiii. If a soup bona I& to
� skins use more inproportion. Farmers follilfowing, was doinated' for bought: A I
-1. .for montihs been exposed to the dani- I cream, and 224 pound� biiffer fat at- . Tanning 'Hides With Haii Oh.-- . secondJhand table, a seconcl,hand culp- be used, it 81holuld be put in at ,once
� ReTV action of raims, Ilffire-fanging," 1 87 cents front second - grade cream. � Make a mi)dture of thlreel.pounds of can make good, robes from, wheepskins r kerofeene stove, I anditf not, two squares of sweet milk
". . I I . � .. board, a two-4burve
I iand the type of decay which spells the When I asked him how, lie came to eatboiiate'of soda; three -ounces -each treated as abovw.sand sewed together f -amid olve-Italf cup of fresh butter
I'll, I . . an eight.quart kettle, a tin dishpan, .
.1 1. . 'Word low in bl- letters. A farmer .,have .so much sourr cream, he said.he of nitrate of potash, common salt ' ________4__ . a quart ,cup, a coup ladle and enough should be added at 11.30.'Saat totacte,
I I .1 would not think- of all' owing a ton of had no ice and that his Well water prussiate of potash, sugar oflead -and' A Few Sug estions to soup'bowls and teaspoons to go round. Milk Toast.
11 c0lunlercial fertilazer to be washed by wouldnOt 'keep his cream sweet, espe- ,pulverized copperas; nine� ga,llfons Of 9 The dish towels w,ere hand,henilmed We fOU'nld It handieA to lot each
�� I repeated radifis--yet it is no smaiii e1w. ly wer Sunday. Then I asked him watet I Poultry Shippers. , by the.sewing class, as were the hot- pupil bring lt-i "quota" of toast from
. � number who Will day after day why be hadn!tput -up ice. '"Well," he ,p * .
I lace t1w hide in this solution for oultry in the co'n- pan hbiders. home, rea,dry made. Four quarts of
trample through the barnyard slop said, 'qt was too much bother." two hopws, remove carefudily amid rinse suming centres are having their usual The next thing waS to decidle who whofle milk should be putt on to heat
� and give no thought to more fecoil- A glance -at the figures in this nian"a in co,ld V�Wter. If the hide Is stiff,'dip trouble with d:resised poultry, This was to do the cooking. It war- a sm-6111 at 11.30 o�erock. When it boils, acid
Olnim� SanitarY and efficient methods account will shoW that he lost $22.40 ,It repeatedly in, this mixture: One gall- -is caused mainly by a discoloration of school (and, had ,but feIV OldlOw pupils. salt to taste and- poux over the toast,
I Of handling the farm fertilizer. that mouth by not having ice. lion of soft sloap, -one quart of ftsh-oil, the poultr7 due to improper prepara- The older bo,ys were appointed' to Leave caoqaely covered unti,li ready to
Leaching or washing out may cause Outside of its use in the dairy, ice one, ounce of borax, :four &mces of tion. When shipments in this ,eondii- empty dish water, ge� in water andl serve. This proved a favorite dis.n.
the ]loss Of large proporbions of tbe I is essential in the farm homile for sup- sa,lt four ounces of alicohol'and two tion are received the commission I help serve. There were two fourth Cocoa.
phosphoric acid' and Potash, especially plying the -refrigerator, in which q'iiar'ts of hot water. This method is house has great difficu-Ity in disposing class girls and two third class girls. At 11.30 o'clock puton three quarts
I the latter, while improper fermenta- I meats, butter -and other perishable espeicialfly for hides to be u -Sed, 68 of the productund, then only at a re- One girl front each ol&ss was put on �
tiOn generally -results in the loss of foods can be kept fresh for a number rugs. � off who,le milk and three quarbs of ,
duced price. This usually brings a .the same committee. Committee NO.' water to heat. Mix onle teacup of
I k"ge quIan'tities of antmourla the high- I of days. To tanany kind Of skin with hair'.br I complaint from the shipper because 1, under the strictsupervision. -of the a a
est Priced ingredient of ��m,merclaq I To know -how much ice to put UP, wool on, or without: Take one pound I of the low price, which is often un- teacher,. cooked for One week, and coco, n'd one and, oneAialf cups of
ferbily,zer. A-11 tbxee lossfes can, be cut I the following is a safe rdle to fVl- of alum . one pound, of Glauber salts, justiled, I'll comn-dttee No. 2 did the dishwashing. suglar to a paste With water. Stir the
to a minimum by either hauling the! low: If engaged- in the city milk trade One-half pound of sailt, one-quarter R is by far preferable to ship poul- The next week they chainged ebout s -o paste in to the 'hot millk and ,wmtcr.
� Lot -conie to a boil, and sti.r Well be -
fertilizer direct to the fledd ez it is: the farmer should put up two tons pound, Of sla-Itpetre.' Dissolve in warm try alive, for then, if it should arrive that each comn-ittee had a chance, to
� made, or by properly stor-Ing it in �� of ice per cow, if supplyfing Gream, water. Svak, work and dress- I Once at a time of the Week Which would show. its cuildnary skild. TIte teacher fore serving. I
11 covered pits with tight bottorns. In! one ton per cow is sufficient, land four used skunk skins to make a robe, with Potato Soup.
i necessitate its being kept over a few helped serve ,and taught the children
� the ]latter case, Modstenting and com- i tons for hou&ebold use. siicces's. I .
I . days,; it could be done without detri- how to do the cocking. At 11.00 o�clocic put two quarts of
I . pacting the manure prevents loss di In Putting up ice, one foot below Sheepskins With Wool On or Off.", ment. It can also be prepared just Close account was kept of eveiT- peeled and ffleed potatoes on to cook
Rnlmond'a 'by excluding any large am-! the ice, one folot allong each side, and Remove all fat meaft :from the skin !Ioelorfs ,sale by the butcher so that thing, and, at the end of the month -a in four quarts of salted, water. Let it
. otints Of air, and thexlebY setilng up! two feet albove should be alloWed for I . statement we's sent to each parent I bolll until 11-30 o'clock. Then add two
� bhe kind of rOttin-9 or decay which the -sawdust, If the weather I,% cold, I � . The tc,ta-1 e-,apense for each. month was I qua, ts of iyhole milk -and one-hialf cup
, does not set free thff!� valuable fertil-; it is a good palan to pack damap snow i th
. divided by the number of pupills; thus, of fresh botter.
Wing substance. 1 between the cakes,. Tliis prevents the 1. The Welfare -of ' e Home - I -_ " - --- , -_
I . -1 Poor staga floors and the lack of* ,air from melting the ice. . —_ ---------,
. . � . I . I .it -will have a fresh end,clean appear- across the 'boom, the slall s-thouid be
I sufficient beddin I Ice may be stored, in the corner of Lemons in Mbther Niture's"Kineteergarten an-ce I . made to fit -accordingly.
. to act w absorbents-, are common! a Woodshed or outbulilding, but it is . I .1 - -%v that we have everything, first
- . . 'o. . . 1, � �,.. , . � But if it is desired that dressed Ncl
I . causes of loss of Rquid,manure, Whin I . . I . C� IL .1 I ,� 1� � . . I n e n
h' better to have a building espeeially . I 1�1 � 'poultiT be shipped, the foRa,ving sue- Make one e d. of th, lo, ger bolarld
, .
�. I contains even a larger per . I I I BY MARY,--- . IS DANIS. ' �
.. ,1 I I cenz. of - built for the. p=pose, ,because t1w, I I I .", . I 1q. . I I s,can be followed,bo, advantage: round (this da to be .the bo -w). Then
I '
.. � � - I � mfutlients tblan the'ffoli& Any system dampness is apt to rot sills and walls, One,d the greatest privileges, which. ,$sea, use Viat.. Do not tell �he child gest'om' dip j,he take the shorter board,, some nails,
.. I After killing and bleedfing,
1. - which falls to take care of this Is In.build-ing, two things are essen- a mothercan enjoy is awakening and- what will happen,, bu.rt let him watch fowl in bolling water to loosen the and, fasten, la skate wosswisle on its
I i
incomplete. I if drainage and venbilation. Unless developing a love of nature in her for the changes'thilt,will conie. Bring featheTs. Then following the lay of underside, fat each extreme oufter end;
Under the ad'versle Conditions of, the soil is sandy, a few inches of childa,en. This ,can be dionle by devot- 'pusey �W!1110.W. stalks,; and branches the feathers, wipte them .off"' do nfot they will be the runners. and must
mmthering ani improper declay, just gravel under the Ice, with a drfain. to jilig a small smount of time each day from other bushiis ivto ,a -mrm, ,,,,,,ny pull -1 them off for that breaks, theslan , be fastened solildly, polribing ahead,
described, the loss may easily arise to:oarry off the -,vat,eir is necessary By I to the c�oficmtrated observation of room. -and closerve the bradding, of the 'and any break in the skin will produce After nahling the skates on se.-uwelv,
fifty per cent. Of the nutrient corsd- 'having openings in the giables a, floivers,'trees, birds, c1loudal, -.:now and flow -ems fand leaves. a green spot in a few days. talke the short ,board and nail it
Iftlents, amid probably much higher with' di,augollit can be secured Which Will It other beautiful offerings -of nature. Lead your. little children to think After the feathers ire ,O.ff dip the arosswise of -the ,longer bo,ard, using
the aninionia and potash, which are , carry away the Warm -air under the I Mother Nature herself WIN -outline thel of the April rahis -as; kind- hellpers, and fowli in boiling water geveral times four-inch.,alleats edgewise between the
most easily lost. Experiments and roof. Plans and suggestions for farm I yearly program to be followed. repeat to them "Come listen to the .. two, land, place the short board -about
,, again, holliffing it in a second, or two. ,
. practical tests have showri that in six! ice houses cian be obtained free from Dulting the winter months, when pitter platter .Of the A-prill shomforis. This is to sear over the outer skin one-third of the distance from the bo;w.
Months' exposure, horse i
I . lost as mucih as mamuro has I the Gentmill Expeximental. Flamm, Ot- much timole is'spent indoors, the hours In, these verses ve have the thought lig tly and to make it elXng to the This crosvboamd mutyt be fastened
I sixty .Per cent of its 1 tawa, or fTom your nearest Experl- may be inipToved- bi telling stories of ,of bit* April s1ho-wers bringing out the 5' b firrn4ly to stand the -strain. Then
* I innex.skin. Immediately after ,13,Wtthe vle"'Y
nitrogen, :forty Pw cent. a its pho,s- I mentfal Station. anhitals, -birds, -ants, anid, bees, and sirest May florwers. body in running oold Nvater, or ice take the sledand pli.ace it at the Other
VhUric acid an,d seventy-six per cent. I As !ice often comes into ,direct con- showing, pictures of these useful As the Spring and SuntineT birds
, I Water, and leave it theme for at least end of the long bo-ard- (coestor style)
of its potash. Converted t,o actual. tact -wlith foold and drink, it is int- friends. There ,are many interesting and flowers come, WX the ,ch-1.1dien four hours. This is to take out all and fasten it there with a bolt
�, dollars, this lo�qs titight represent a portant to secure it as ellean as pos- things, to be seen outdeows on winter their correct; -names. It is a splendid of the annimial heat- and besides will through the Vlaffik, co, fliat the sled
, very Im,ge sum on many faring. sibile. It should never be taken from -,valks., It is easy then, vhen trees phvn to collect pretures of familiar
"Fire-finging," an apparent burn- ,66eams or ponds into whicih there is are bare,, for �children to learn to, rec-, birds ,and flowers, and piaste them in give thelowl -a nace, plulnip appearance. ,can be s -ming to the wight or left,'
Ing of manure is caused in dry, open any dirainage from 'houses or barns. agnize them by their barks, This is a Elcrap-books orn -rainy Suninier 'L�ayfs. It is very ess-entiad to, have the fov,l for -6ur rudder to steer wRL A cleat
I ' properly chil"led before shipping. may be. found necessary to Make it
heaps by tile action of certain fungi. Disease germs lying 4ormlaht in the. good time to disloo, er� ,.,ind examine These books will hej-p the ehll�dren to, Another essential toconsider, espe- even With the front. Next, in the
Manure thus attacked soon bKjomes ice may beconte very active If they I nests vvhleh the birds deserted when ,Mnelitber their Suininer friculd's TiThen Ilonig plank, and directl)r over the nA&
I . 13111 cially in the -ship-men't of dressed poul-
OLf litde Value- Moistening and con). get Into man's food. Jack Frost told th * tO fly to the Jack Fxost -and Winter conifeaguin,
I Pacting, the remedies for improper - .1try dl -e �cif the cros,sl-board, we must boire
, Good, -clear ice, free fro,in snoW, warm Southland. When snow comes, - As Autunin coines - on, notice the try, is the time of shipment. pou I
feT,111's"tatiOn. will also Prevent thisiharvested before it begins. to inek, is catch some licard diry flakes on a sliate, party chwses of gold- and Ted which can be sold to advanbage it it arrives the maet-hole, znd stepour mast, and
action, the best. andlet the .chilldTen examine the beau- the leaves puton,and Nvatch -blieflow- at the market tiolt later than, Thursdwy 1 then guy it taftight wilth the sniaR rope
I inornin.g. If it arrives Friday night !to outer ,ends ,of ,crosis-ibeauLd. Then
It shmdd no longer be necessary to Ice is free for ,the tal,ing and re. tifuil ,crystals. Spea-k of the snow as a ers -change. Many sueds -are Sallinn- i atbseh ,the call. and, wililen, this is
caution fawmers against plecIng ma- quires only a little alabor in harvest- soft, -ikillite bl%inket covering -Vne tiny froin the flowers anid trees to ti, or Saturday morning, it comes aifter,
nure in small piles in the field, ,L�o he Ing thereform, Why shoulidn't it be' seeds wh,i�h -are down in the ground-, gTourid. " ald the butchers have been,. supplied fasteqiexi on wirth good stTung twime,
. for the Sunday trade. As it is diffi- the Ice-bolat is wemdv to use, cgid ,%Nne
scaftelled by hand, liater. Loss Of am- useh 'on every Ilari-n, when it �ives I waiting to grow. Then the Airtiunin leaves flubber -Dark: "Now for a racel"
. . I cult to keep dressed poultry overs&v- can Well ren
monia andurieven distribution of plant such glood retuTn's, not only as clash,l Then comes Spring -with her help- down and -waniily cover the little e-ral days the continission man then tl-
I food. are the two main reasons. A' but in convenietice to the household. I ers. the March winds, thi April show- seeds, whidi are ready for a 1, ' has to tor,ce a sale at a sacrifice price, T6 Busy Bee in Winter.
. I I I __ , ' 0 "' -�
— __ ___ ; ers,and the warm a,unshine. The abil, s4leep, after their happy sumni-or. No- - which causes extra Nvork 1= him and In w*lnber, bees should ble, disturbea
I -----.-.v I dren can be outdoors More at this tice that most of t1w, bfirf6is ;have - ne, invaTlably vesults in a kiek- from the -as littleas penible. Nothing is guin-
� ��
.1 Canada's DairyCompetitors. $52,863,867 in 1921, or elose upon 150' time, and love to roinp With the sitwong the squirrels ,have finisheld gatil'o-mling.
11 In ad . clTesses given recently at the Per cent. There Was a decrease in i shipper. -1 � I led -and frequently muoh is lost .by
. the quantity Of cheese expected, but March whid, -which is sweeping and their ivilts., and are stayiftilfg- in their Mickens .are more su-scepitible to, needless$y- exciting them. Sometimes,
. . foonventions of Ontario Dairymen, a large increase in butter and in (,.,on- bljo-yving the dead loaves ,about. Watch wiarin Itall1ow tl:GeA., and the little di.-colforation in keepinig ,after 'being however, an uriftromen'toln,ditiom. may
the Dairy -and, Cold- Storage Commis- dlenced, for the firgt wee green shoots -as they Woods animalls !have found cozy no.61-s di ..
I slorier, IVIT. J. A. Ruddick, dilew atteu� , evaporated, and powdered peell, VIT0119,111 the gTotind-, followled for their long -winter nap's. WatGh -escied than tuAceys, geese or ducks. �,%Tlse that makes it ilylplemtive to I.Olok
tion to the increa * ,competition that milk. In the latter the United States so,on 'bi§ crocuse.s., daffodils., bloadvoot for the first signs of frost; on the Therefore, they shlould be siltipp,&d lafter the bees even, in mild -winter, but
sing alr�e, or ,gx.eater -care slioixld be used .Q
Canada has to face in marketing dairy had in Yeall's glone by practically a since tbese occasilons am rarte, it is
� I monopoly. ,and the tiny wood$ flowers. it is a grass mmd ice on t1ae Puddles. .Then in d-ressing them. best lbo falliow the general rule 'to lat
.. Products, He Pointed Out the 0110TOMUS t jofy W be able, to take children ,w?Llh the first saoivbiall, Win',er has -,.----^. --- — I them severely alone.
. Some of the conclusfions reached by gTea lie wo,odis at this season, surely conie, -and ,ofur cyd,e of the sea. .
. strides that Argentina has made in Mr. Ruddick fare, first, that Caliad6 for -PallkS in t. The Children's Flour. -tirbing the bees, the
. I ian Insotlepaid ,of (list
Tecent Year9i the aggressive attitude ,but the liftle city boys and girls need sons fis co,rap-Ilete. '
I I—— that Now Zealand has assumed, and dairy producers do not interest them- 111 , . Much fun on the ice can bt had I spare moments of winter had betber
. the coming to blit fore Of South selves so much in, n1larketing prah,len-Is t be denied the fun, tol sceing the 11-1 ad,dition to the P,hysilca-1 beriefits
as do the dairymen of other countries. little seeds awake, Try this interest- g%ined by spending inove time cut- with a I'makeshift ice -beat," one thati be employed in getting together the
�w A�rica_ From Argenbina,for instance, ? I . 0 . I ent. y doors, childre-ii willil vain, ,a broadew any boy handy wilth toolis, ,and vfrlio new hille bodies, P-actioni, Land aecore
No, &B export of butter Previous to 1914 second, that the dairy situation is I Ing exaperi. Yi !
Give eac-h chilld, a vponge, and have ,undersbaltdilig, of the procezees of Na� i's the ownfor ,Of a vled land a ,pair of of otlheT thing% whielhl, du,1-ing 4,,he
ow 'criti,081 Owing to conditions arising eirse leo-sons., and nvoTe im� lbatci.�, can readily ,make,
Va3 never =116 -than tan million I Ili ,voisten it and place it in a. saucer tirre in the I swfaTming Nine, we -will Wish we hqfd
pl� PouzAn Per year, but for the eleven Out of and ±01lowing the war; third, m 11 h: �done at Our leisure.
111. that CAUtad'a is the on-ly ,country not in a s:uun-N window. Them sprinkile it portant, a new bctid of stypipat.-hy ,%n,;l T '.,s small icebo�a;t 'has Its 11mit,a-
ill. Months endim�-, November.30, 1921, it fula of ordtinary mixed, grass �,*.e& or,, interest will be forined betNveen. the tio,nis', cand vIlien Ueomes, to bearting to If the surplus, lioney has not yet
.. � *rd niothea Nviniwawd (oloso-haiTled on, tll,e wind), been disposed of, -,,at rid, Of it at olaice.
. VMS 41,518,572 pounds to the United exercising definite control -over its ex- n and 11,ave bi - atid her little ones. g
ports; fourth, that future fcornpetiti' it will not. <116 much, neither c..111 ill., Liquirify the granulat-ed extracted
� . Kingdom 81ove. FTom NT;; Zeaafand 7 ton _. __.___,.__..�_ — .1
P, I � ' in�thef world's inam�kets iviii be keenler '-------- � . � ,._.__-._-f--_�-, - I
0`6 ,7� the exports, also pr!-4,,ipa,1,ly L,o GTeat I dLav6-op tho flying TaflTcad spe,&d ,of lioney -by heaUtig and bottling it in
0; " )Britain, were, L-1 1915, 47,055,128 lbs. -than in the past; fifth, that Nrhffl�- 'The New Roof 1.1 rine --- But Tht roundation 15 Rolten . the reall ice-b,oat. Yet for ala, that, receptaoles that are as air tight ,,,,,
�,_ butter and 01,582.896 lbs. oheeme,and dfairYiiileri's, argiantizatio-as catinct ab- � j ______ ___ .
, .�_ � ig ftaij, Ott evoi it is possible to ntake'them,
- � - - with the Wind blowir I
I I I . � '-2:; %_�
. . . , .1 ---�--=-=.— .-� � �-,,
ov in 1924 72,894,'t-52,lbs. ,butter,and 151,_ sctlut,517 control prices, they can do , . Z , , I I � __ _. _., ___ . 0.11 a ,tanP,lent, the '%tialveshift 1ce,bo,.it'l Xorw that the 'bees are not flying,
' I I � I �___:��.,!.-�_ .*�. --=- - I
, . --- _Z.
I , I .,&* =
li� .L rntich in securing the fullest pog,sibie, t .. (, If = — Z.
W 688,804 lbs, cheeze. The last men, �-_'�Z,===_*=Ri, h. 7� 1 is quits the wond,or; ond if riglii,lyl "Telt U11) all Old, ,Combs end cappings,
' I . I . -
01, fiffolned has risen from 9,691,920 1b,s. in returns to the Producer; sixth, -that ., -1 _�i�_- 1111 ,.,. madle) the wa,y it can, skina c!vey t,he, as beelswax� is, Worth motley.
N, ,I producer.% .0-rould stady �vc.rllfd ,co.,n,d,i- I I 1,-110P, .11 I Z � '.. 11 I I I
I 1904. !South Africa., it is true, has 'I_ ".w. I . . Z I .. lea in A gooill stroog Vresee, is thrila. On wawm, sunny days in winter beas
0 tions in Order to adjti:st their businosg , I -* Ono "b 1- pend lover, come Out of,bbehives for a flight, even
I hwd0fy 'yet becorne a zlerious -rival in I =.,I; :�T.
=. I P��, iliq lu-� cr any v,
11 �' kA u to ch,angin cifrLti-.1itsbanus, &A �;, , � . ,`> k"---ttAvu.,�. ._;,:-�zz�4, -0,
� the "bxport of dairy pr.olduc, , but I, 9 :'�- �� .. -,Z; To inaike our I'mi. ms.6ift,") take a it there is snn,ow on the grorund, and
. . �,.. ,-
sovent;h, that Caraddain dair ten in- I 11 - . . WT _.�
I I, ,:.a
. y1i , I I - � .. ..'�� I '. slerl—the lower the better—a pair of if they alight Ott the snow, ,ms they
I . �
. has made a start and, nuky be emp r, -c ted ( I" I - t�.A
: - to expancL 1-n A1.3 eat ,cour,try im. strmd of takin%,, the initiative them� lk . I .1.. ,,, ",4"K% l'k %,q M. ell"Louit; slilmies, a -11,C11 two bo-f,r.,l.i, thc� first solmetimes do, being torpid froin long.
b selve's, thus inore.�m�ing their . .1- . " - % %4w, p�,
rted nearly four nii.Mon p(,ran.d,q of � own �;_: I 'fect ,1 T n �1
f . '. , .:�, . .-c',Nf, tan � ,long by ciglvt, o ti� ' hiVinin' they nifav become chilled ,so
.. '
V r1ter. and =01,0 t1lan five gnd S half, Power and self-reliance, have depend. , , '. 11 I , � . ,— , � _ , � inches wide, Then. -*o Will need C, that itlioY oan vot return to the hive,
raillion pounds a chease,art4exported �j " . ___ ftb*k1l
" I � I ed to too great an e�tent Upon gov- I . 4� � 'handful 'Of 900(1-�SiMd' lVirie M
� "At aotioii� .�, 11 _ ,its, It is well to cover the snow for ten
- , 1, s,
. nothing� In the first nine months o,f `1'1110 . 9M... I . . �_ some sinall, strong Tope., Olu a mast or fliteen To t in front of the hive,
� the ,present ye6T the eXPOTt,q Of J)Ut� ._____e�__._ 11 J � .1111, I and a �"ail. with a thin In-yer <yf straw, ,or qi,tter�
�. ter 6xiceeded the imPortl -by 1,762 000 - A profefssionjai cisteril C,leane,r ,k.,a, Tpor the wmvl�t, any light, stout Pole from the lien hom,o, They Will. ,oliglht
_ W,ill[ do., qjs if, il ,:p -be si ved T -r in behiTitg e.),ii-lod
, . J,nU� . on it,and . a
� . n e ch te im,. that .at lemt -once a yelaT. - i _!_�. I , 'd th the ),O�o
. , ftch horusc- 7, F"'ng 11 11 .. � wil .0
� � potto by -910,000 lbs. These figur&s voile ishmid put a cupf.til of ,ao, , 5 � - .__ to ,itrengthen -t. loor tho l�laij, con,. and disaNed,
rftl 11 ,:�__. _,Z! 1. t --1 j
.0 I
I In o ___ , __j1iq,qJ111_ *�=.., Pavory now and ihon "M lie r (y.e
� , reptesfett a transfer and Increase 0.1 baking soda, into her ,c!.q1crJq. it not , � ,'lN - , 1 le nXII emi'1411119 Will d1o, or any r
. f�'? " 0�4,414*4�,- ..,-"�, .. ., Dod, ' a
. . . lbrade of 5,6553,000 Nos, of butter at�d only kills ,911 I a E life t, ; t i , . , . 1, �,. --,n �i, a Ix,raN 01,^,L l,
. .f
I ns a ba, Ilay be � -_UgjxE' -It 'around thc liouse;
, ill 1*",11110 now .9t�,,�.'tlll�,o�r,l)e(LI.4,I)Oill)g expifoit�
" ", � ;:, ��,-
5,196 000 lbs. Of elteeao, for nine within the wlater,btit render,44t I. - ,I- (.,. ; �,f," '� 91., , . oniorgeticy, inotbe.r14 fbod.,,_,hoel,,j ean jp2 ed '11.4 po�", ,84',g cort'i'la deshub-14
, " I �.,
sorto I " An'i"O..,
� � ,.f,'-'.','M.Q . c,
itpared w6th a and betteT for iall. purj�osys, even -for �E kh . , � 11 - C0311111,ftnd-(,�e.�rO-d. III jnial,tin, th, ,j.�� jl�. I (17. ,
.�, mofftt6 in 3.921 as eoi I :" I ... R _ .-I...- g I %01i".(10�,"i�.r, apart troln the old,
. ;" ": ... �'�Tf, r 1
, ,
" - I I � I , " -Z ;r " ,��, "..
WhON1 y4ac in 1013, Canada's figres , driinking, , , I
,, It, will, niake cloanfi)Ilg. 11.11. . (100 IMIOWTIRA, fih,P '%I19 o" matton" z,yl�,! -!-.,'.,`h-- Tf'..A?.-1;1 bcv, ar'd il, 1,�4 w,en fo*
. . I " : .
I.,; - I h-fts i;,"n .1-1-, ,l, I 1_11,�..0111.1ftl, L� `41,il' 40 ?n0v'1f,9l0wly` i1ft, R&O
I ohow aa Inerea,ao in value af 4doiry ilece,��Sary, unlvwq fras� , �J'rop. V., 1, � I— li-.-- � 1. --�.........-,.-.giii...�,-�—.-J i% best$ and as the must WIN bim te,n "'-�' 1�' 11 LT ,
", . %ftavott ftoul $21,193,168 fis 1014.to PM, In'to the cistern, I I I . I ftore Suu, or, twelivo loet high, ,adj.d woft�.D six in,-,, 11.,,,,-�, 1110thotts and beu%
I" I � .11 4 , ,", ,,,
...... _ 1. �.':.1.11111, 10