HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-02-02, Page 5Thursday, February 2, 1,922 BUSINESS CARDS Proudfoot, Killoran 84 HOLMES, Barri&ters, Solicitors, Notaries, Publi:, Etc. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. God - elicit!, Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. 3, L. Killoran D. E. Holmes. Mr, Holmes will be in Hensel! on Friday of each week. .NDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich, Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST ,At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHV(.'OOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE HI N° ILL, leessarmarpon OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron,- Sales conducted ins any' part of the County, Char- gee moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been 14d in my hada for sale, une 13-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me; a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13, Zurich Peet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc 'Highest Cash Price for 'Wool; CASIi FOR SKINS fi B1DES i r l.gbi xt e .cher't ZURICH LIVERY I am; in a position to accomo- date 'ail requirements in the Livery Line, 'have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich. oangoarossaarversomamonsuelummwormasoksam000 LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED Taken every day 'till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in, Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT fee the London Life ,Incurance Co. 5flead Office; - London, Canada SCALE n:F,PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period ' Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period unparelled Reward. A. Hoffman, Agent COAL Fall and winter. DELIVERIES Season 1921 1922 THERE IS A COLD DAY COM- ING. LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WITH OUR CELEBRATED LiELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LACKAWANA.'S COAL. .A_ Cary: e1011. .COAL & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS i -CASH „'hone 1 pOffice y710w, Ifolisseg 10j. ,PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN Ti3I5 COLUMN FOR SALE Two young boars 5 months old and 10 sows due in March and Ap- ril also a good Durham Roan bull, $ months old, --Thos Harris, Chiselhurst, Croiniarty, P. O. phone 140-17, Tuekersmith. SHOE AND HARNESS REPAIRS Having opened up a repair shop in the Old Hotel, Blake, I am in a position to do anything in the line of repairing Shoes, also repair harness. tf-27 SAM ROPP, - BLAKE STR'OH'S PRODUCTS Salesmen Wanted to sell our "Excelsior Brand Malt Syrup and Hbps. .. Agents making big re- turns. --Apply to Greening and McMaster, 631 Dundas st., Lon- don, Ont. NOTICE I have taken out Li •diise bx Auctioneer for. the County of Hur- on, and am in a. position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James renomey, R. -R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 WANTED, MEN and .WOMEN to• sell to woman in homes rubber -lined, waterproof Gingham, Aprons for use in the kitchen. Can easily earn $1.4.00 daily and more. Rapid seller and ready demand. Send 75 cents for simple apron and full particulu e. Money refunded if simple returned, BRUTISH RUBBER COMPANY, 232 McGill Street, Montreal, Can. -BABY CHIC1t - - It is cheaper and more satisfac- tory to bu yready hatched chicks. We guarantee sae delivery of vige orous, pura bred, beaky chicks of all breeds. Write for free book- let and pr'eel. 'THE CCA.NA,IIAN. CHICK HATCHERY. Ltd., .Dept„C. N., Hamilton, Ontario: FOR SALE 6-h. p. slightly used United Gasoline Engine with clutch pulley and dual Ignition for sale at a Bargain. - L. Prang, Zurich tf23 FREE "HOOTCH” A Sparkling Stimnlrnt, Frill of Wit and Tfumor. Free copy will be sent upon receipt of your name with address complete. Write to G. Mitchell, 397 Pearl :St. Brook- lyn, N. Y. G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S,, D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons 'of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, M'1- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at BAYFIELD, Ont Monday, Wednesday, Friday ane Saturday from one to five -thirty p. m. 19-25 Zurich Studio and Book".Room Printing and Developing, Photo: fon Post Cards Me., Etc. Also sell Cameras Films, Albums;. and all ametuer's S:applies, A full Line of .School books and Stationery always on hand tf21 (:'BRIEF' & KALBFLEISCH Hartleib Block - Zurich INSIII%E YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO, Insures your Property without PremiWn Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid Slit 600 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per Gent, Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZjJRICH, - ONT, ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE PEAT, ' t f .LTGH'rNI7.1C3 iiQl>A LOCAL NE Z listen IA L. ;D Miss Gross, of Blyth is the gu- ;st of Mrs. J. lEiey, Jr.. *MT. Mr, Carl Blumenstein was ou business trip `to London on Weci» ne sday. M.r. Ayres of. Detroit .is spend.;- Mg pend- ing the winter at the , home of B. Truemner, Mr. W. L. Siebert is attending the funeral of a relative at Ham- ilton this' week. Miss, Adell Witmer of th'e Baby- lon Line, is vieiting the week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gramm,Hen salt. W'e are pleased to see Mr. Er nest Gies able to walk down town again after his recent p ill- r.ess. A member of the 'strong Blake Hockey team advise us. that they are open for engagenments to play games, if strong enough opposit- ion can be found. J'. Gascho & Son are holding their annual sale of merchandise at present, and are offering - re- markable bargains, which • are being taken by any hungry buyers. 'ii'lie subject of the debate that was given in the Babylon Line, S. S. No. 6, on Friday evening,. res- olved that a tidy crank was bet- ter than a good natured slop. The aferm,ative side won by two points. The lookout committee have decid- ed to give a concert some timein February, On Monday afternoon t11e I7t13, annual meeting of the 1 -/ay- Eire ]insurance CCo. was held in the town Hall, Zurich. • IT1ae business part was conducted very ably by the President, Mr. Klopp and the _Manager, 141r..Eilber. The three _3irectora whose term had expired were re-slecbed they are; C. Stan Wm. CCon,sitt, and Wm. Lmnoat, the la -ter, however owing to have lag, the appointment of General_ Agent for the.Company, was comp oiled to resign, and upon his rec- cmmenri ttion, Mr. Peter Manson was elecsecl in his place. Mr Lamont is the distinstion of be ing the eldest director on the board, ha, leg held this psoition for twenl y -•seven years, and he is well able of taking the general agency oft the hands of Mr. G. Holtz:311e, who has resigned. Mr. Stephen Webb was elected Pres- ident for the coming year. We quote the following from the Detroit News of Jan. 241h, re- gardign the horse raees and • Tony the Her well knd'fvn in.,,Zurich, at. at Mt' Ciem ps,, Mich., on • ' that date. -Most important of the three events' raced to -day was 'the",—"",I6 pace in; which Esta G, was cons''-d- ered best. She came mightly ne- ar not st t_t.zg after the first heat, fi n -sins so far back she barely bc'. the flag. Tony the Hes Li this heat, handily at the :es ' i-1 was in front in the sec- ond. when they reached the .home stretch, but made a tired break which allowed Billy Modell to step to the front. The third heat was a big surprise. Nat Ray took it easy with Toney the Hero until the last eigth, then setting sail, he just beat Polly :Staout, which gave him the big 'slice of the $700 purse. His first heat of 2.15% was the fastest of the day. -We may also add that in the se- eson of 1921 Tony the Hero won fire firsts in straight he-tts, and one second in six starts, makinc a 'vile in 2.12 and another in 2.16%, On July. 1st. he was taken sick, of which results he has not entire- ly recovered. This famous Little roan horse was raised and det-el- ope dby Mr. Ed. Wurra of Zurich. ind is one of the fastest ones that ever cane from our native burg. VERSATILE ARTISTS IN ALEXANDER TRIO Musicians of unusual cleverness distinctive in Lyceum; Fields. A versatile artist and master of saxaphone, mellophone, guitar and steel guitar, is Mr. F. 3, Alexander, who appears at Town Hall. Zurich T4hursday, "Feb, 0th at the head of the Alexander Trio one of them -lost novel and vensatle inee'c:il orgarisat'ons krown to the Lyceum, Platfrom. For years he has been, at the head of his own concert company and this season is assisted by Mrs. Anna Alexan- der, who plays the saxaphone, uk- elele, nvelephona and piano, and Miss Vivan Vivian Peierce, viol- inist, pianist and musical ruder. Miss Pierce is a lyric soprano of unusual ability and is to be heard in solos as well as with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander in ensemble vocal ntnnber of distinction, The Al- exander Trio has won a place as one of the leading novelty music- al attractions in the United States through its record tour of the middle western States and the Pacific Coast. Every member is an artist and is piaster of atheist two instruments. Their combin- ation effects are almost un'imited and the three delightful musicians combine in a program which use wally requires the services of live or six people.Classical popular and orchestral are interspersed with delightful reeding'' and vocal number to provide an pi ydc an L v ening of rCtro pleastr.re, • 1 FMS AVE'TEE YOU doth tale Cornirn pity and the EX -I biter Get Public ty. •t lays to Lei 1Othel5 if,now TPat Vat slave- the (;coif; --- "righting t1) ilessla,j I+'ly' 'x'he Silo a Proven LJ1iIi!'y, • (Gonirieu'red by Ontario Depsrtmont al Agrlcultufe, Toronto,) To the general fanner who grows ;sod grain for seed, to the specialist in garden and truek crops, and par- ticularly to the live stock man, the Fall Fair offers an opportunity, fi gays to advertise; the Fair is the place where the people see the gooks produced, and seeing is believing. Moreover,, the papers report the win- liings, and through these the exhibi- tion gets a large amount of adver- tising free which would otherwise coat him a considerable amount of money. Winning in close competi tions under a competent judge adds dollars, to the value of stock shown. and increases the market price of any commodity, as well as giving the ex- hibitor a standing not only in his own ,omtnunity but over a section of cilitntry eotresponding to the sire and e.fluence of the show at which prizes, are won. The Fair is a good place to make 'sales. Prospective buyers bee the good exhibits made and en- quire about the breeding stook at home: Stockmen show at Fairs largely to make sales rather than to win prizes, although the latter is a Meter in the sales and they are not disappointed as evidenced by the growing interest in the Fall Fair. Showing at the Fair, coupled with a judicious newspaper advertising pol- icy,. which should never be neglected, is good business. Ti,a two go together and work hand in hand. It pays to let others know of your good stock. Use printers' ink and snow a. the Fall Fair. -Wade Toole, O. A. Col- lege, Guelph. Fighting the Hessian Fly. Growers of winter wheat are ad- vised to practice immediate control measures t lvocated by the Depart- ment experts. The following eight cardinal control measures, if rigor- ously enforced and adhered to by every grain grower, will prevent the introduction and spread of the pest: Do not sow wheat on stubble if possible to avoid it. Plough under all infested stubble and ruined wheat where practicable soon after harvest, especially where this does not interfere with the growing of clover and forage grasses. Destroy all volunteer wheat by harrowing, disking, ploughing, or otheru$tse, Mouth alt winter wheat land as ea?r ea4 deeply as existing condi- Um.% permit, and . prepare a thor- oughly pulverized and compacted seedbett, • Conserve moisture against a period of drought at seeding time. Use the best seed procurable. Keep the soil in good tilth and, mast important of all, sow winter wheat during the fly -free period as advised by local farm advisers or texperinient stations. Work in co-operation with your :neighbor in fighting this pest, as community action is essential to in- sure complete success. Late sowing is recommended, but not -too late sowing, as the latter is as disastrous in its ultimate results as is top early sowing. Uncle Sam's grain -disease doctors say that the safe date in a time of normal rain- fall usually coincides, in any one locality,' with the preferable time for sowing to bring maximum yield. For example, grain growers in northern Michigan and Ontario are advised to sow after September 1, while the producers of southern Michigan and northern Ohio will escape fly infesta- tion if they plant their groin about September 20,-U. S. Weekly News Letter. Silo Almost as Useful as Barn. The silo is rapidly becoming recog- nized as a necessary part of the farmer's equipment. A farm without a silo, at least in the corn area, is no longer up to date. The rapid adoption of the silo is accounted for by recognition of its advantages. If corn' is cut at the proper stage and put into a good silo, the whole corn plant is eaten. Silage is more convenient to feed than is any other rough feed com- ,monly used on the farm. Silage is both palatable and suc- mulent. The addition of a succulent feed eo a ration increases the digestibility of the dry feed eaten. With a silo it is possible to save corn ,that might otherwise, owing to immaturity, be largely wasted. The silo not only provides excel- lent feed in winter time, but furn- ishes a means of :keeping more for summer use feed of high Quality. ;August Farm Hints. As the grains are harvested the land whibh is not seeded should, when practicable, be cultivated on the surface so as to germinate the scattered `seeds, hold the moisture; and better flt the land for ploughing in the autumn. Sort ':land calculated for hinter Wheat—should be ploughed eaely in the month ind'harrowed every week or tett' days In preparation. When picking wild bowers do not take' the whole plant. Remember leaves and roots are needed to grow again neat year. We hear emelt these days about planting shrubbery, and dowers and tnbliehing good fruit anti vegetable 1.akrdons on the farm. They all pay.in money vallie as well as adders Page Viva( 1lunmmuuwn uW+••'NQ 4070 .... : tel'roorieiar'YOrIathRtileal il(OM, Al%telaVMar gilibr rp.ottat ingiheroodby lteguia ingtheStomachs and newe 1 of ,r! Thereby 'rewetoti n t D ige' tto l Cheerfulness "aadilQytCca ,:!ns; neither Opium,Vurphine nor, Mineral.NOT tCAR20TiO4j Rev!esne0:04..cir C7u1 Rev! it l�;sra�rr+ rnrhrne :sag, stnLmateadeo Oardreaugar �4 hmlpfutitem¢By;or ,'constipation aad'Diaprhoea,. andLOSS FeverisofhneSLEss1iand 14, a tln$thcrelro infancy tl r 5iknaiu�ol iis4 AHMOCENNTTrrAllRACLo,PPQ• s, 4. STO IA For Infants atxl Chi chef's. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. isonagewmgemesrmyszmit THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK Cil L tuber Laths Eihingies Everything in ECombination storm and screen doors made to order - Lumber surd Building r- i Custom Work cur Sr( cla ltd, Always in the -market for sa'v logy, • r • PHONE ( 9 .,. 1•,,._..,._,_,.+1.•- ►+a•+ :ALBFLEISCE, - zuRictri odZSLUREMazgfirzawromasami New Overland 4 et We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for one Year and find that it is easily the • best riding and driving car on the road. Rubbertire Buggy, good as new, h alf CI CHALMERS SIX AT ... -.- ... �.. McLAUGHLIN TRUC K AT --. F. M. HESS CO. OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE price of new one. ,... $803.00 5400.00 -t, E ZURICH STATION Overland Cars! Overlat d Cars o. AKE YOUR OLLARS WORK KEEP YOUR MONEY INVESTED IN GOOD SECURIITIES. U THE RATE OF INTEREST IS GOING DOWN. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO' INVEST IN GOVERNMENT BONDS, VICTORY BONDS, ETC. BUY A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE, INTEREST PAYABLE EVERY SIX MONTHS AT 5%% PER ANNUM BY KEEPING YOUR MONEY WELL INVESTED YOUR DOL- LARS WORY DAY AND NIGHT. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO;--- llfV Andrew F. kssr 1U IC 13