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Zurich Herald, 1922-02-02, Page 3
,:,..,...,_..-..sans—...... . ,... .-,. ... i ,.....—..:......—.....—,.::sass.._-...,..,--.:.---,--�....�_..».. -.»_ _»._... ....—,.-...._,-...,.. Romance of the Privy Cool, and tile, worst is yet to The Privy°Catrn e � " .0 ° _._ _ ,, _ Council Held on the oc- The Council, however, is rarely con •:. ld ca gest since the red r1 e en when Orders In sign inceof.ttheris regi par lues rho �touned ,tciy, slid even I On tme Slrare of the Arctic Ovea.n. at Ocean. They spmea.d oat over a vast I'a'r I; William incl Council are Issued they take tine name the+ extraue ntzrtltern 1?oizut Of Alaska' area fully 60 anile's square. Mary. • { squ re•.. Each boat ConzteSl in a purely formal manner. Na . I lively a tribe of l siklmos who are do- carries a 1149, and wCn,ea a whale is The history of this old institution is Order• in Council can be made which i clared to be the &reatest whale hunt, •t • an amazing ori Parliament cannot override, t struck, the signal is holsted, where- g °; yet: the public knows I erS in the world, These hardy natives 1 upon all the other boats haeten to the little of its romance, Nearly all t9ze Council's fancies are brave the dangers .of Vale Arctic seas assistance olf the fortunate hu In b clow carried on. b' such bodies as the ! 'n open boats. Skirting treacherous ice { Usually tine wAn 1 mals. bygone days tiro country was vir- Y z , C y a e has hecra killed by tualiy ruled by the Privy Council, To- 13oartl of Trade and the Local tlavozzt• i'1101,815; faning dead] 9 blizzaz°alis In search the -day its functions ate, In no sense auto- znent Board, which are really offshonts r z time the other boats come lip, ;GT'gazno, which they often Pursue, A few of 'tile Eaklmo hunters have cubic, and adllits deliberations are of tlzo Council. r scores of miles from land. whaling ins which more or less of a formal character, One of its most important remaining ,x E ( g z ch slboot an expdo. •� ala hales are hunted in the Arctic _rn . sive harpoon that instantly kills. Wlie7z it carts at the height of its functions is its part in judicial mat- ..`'�.. ters, Where the law oourts have' fall- ~�^���� hay brad June, when tlhe ice fields i Others have Only their rifles or spears, 'Power, and known under It first name, �\ oken up and swept ed the Judicial Committee of. tha Uoun-I V1, `--«"" " 1'• / a southward i rritli maz9cers atid.buays can :isiing of the Great Council oP the King, its 1` ` . l intO Bering Sea, and again in Se tern seal skins Inflated with ail•, 1111/ bar, ,before winite'r seals the ocean When• a whale J ,duties were iitauy salol varied, sort cit Cttai step in and suitznron deferi•d / »lii;rW - w d a za captured, the bents largely affected the conduct of tironts a.] anCuset"s before i� � � y� �� 'I Fz with its impenetrable cap eP ice, The, of the h n Interesting, w ter, assemble at the, Is Royal flonseehodd. The members, g. too, i,y t11e history of the /�' i mammals enter the extreme northera j as quicklyas they can, The e Privy Seal which is appended to l baat�s� are An les as defined in elle oath, ill Privy G, % WVters tnv'heu the ice gcc.' cut in the I limed• out, with sells u grants *hleh are afterwards to pus � , ,rti ° i P> each towing *"To advise the Ding to the best of his r�� t t , / spriztg azvd ata"Y nwtil elle ice returns. I the other, the dead rvihai bringing the Great Sea..], and to documents of (��� � , But the Eskimo 1 tn,in up •cuzvnfng and dfecret; to to keep the rlq pursues the whale the rear, and the slow voyage h'01116 - void itnportauzco which do rrct re- r ��' " shalt it a tlOn; s council secret, to avoid mutt - appears early in etre sea on, ward is begun. M,h-ea share is reach- tion; serf tb help :anrci strengthen the quire etre latter, Various reigning than turns Inns atten&n to seal and ed, the *!-We must be, cut rxzanat c s were at waria;nce whit the up in the execution of what shall be res;oQvecl:' duck hunting, returna.ng to the hunt water, s'inoe th+er are not enough mein l i•zvy Councfi over the Sea, but uiti- R�' for the mammal -S, in the fall to. "fill his , to drag the gre�It carcass u Sometimes in the est the Council ,'j%'; p on shore. r' calve to loggerlle�adis with Parliament, mately it was decided that anything , , larder foe• the long winter. all the whaling season is aver, :and once, at least -when ,?antes I. tore which the CouncfM had not passed J .r'� �i !�'"" The llskiinos o•f the Arctic have I each succesaEul hunter give a na-lu-ka� could lest receive the Seal, t' I strange customs. It has -UP Parliament's pretest against his in Proved diffi- tak (celebrati•onl, rvitlh the rest of the Only on very rare occasions is elle cult to convert them to the ways of vi'ilagers as his guests. There is feast• terfereff with Sunday liberties- full Privy Council summoned. The — ' \ ,came orf best. As time went on its p the white man. Of the practical arts - ing, blanket tc eirg, and a dx�z,ca at tduties were merged into Parliament succession of the Bing, or a Royal ar6 of the latter, the natives have adcrted the end of the Program which often ti , Perhaps may require s full Councfi, whale -boats is and firearms. The meth- lasts, fc+r days. All the olld mail and •and it_becante a mush weakened body. Perhaps the most famous nesting wens ` I odes• of hunting are their own- wanLea, and t Some of the matters which the Coun- that of November, 1839, when the \, the sick Eakiznors, are Iii ties taken in 'hand would sound With sails hoisted to the wind, the, guests of the prince of the w(Lale hunt. ^strange to modern ears; In 17.88 it whole of the dQuncii was called to \\ I boats to the number -of 10 or 12, each Tbos,e not able to ry alk are carried by took upon itself the deity of in uimin Victoria's Buckingham Palace to receive Queen carrying three or four hunters armed the ntesr or 11,aubed on sleds to that art q g Victi,ria's annown�cemtenit of her in. '• With rifles', depart out upon the Arctic 1 of the vi4aage selected for the feast :into the sanity of George. TIL, and re- tended m�i.rria.ge. -' = �- _ eeiving the reports of the Royal our - Ordinary meetings of the Council--- ,g,eons. Later, in 1821., it had sutnclent wb,lch require the attendance o2 Only there, but anIy to meet with cruel die• s+tz'eizgth to take up the question of Pour or six -are usually held at utter- 1 / TRAGIC UN FOR appointment. A great landslide had Quew✓n Caroline's right taste crowned vals of three or four weeks in one of. _ a «�w ¢Oi _ !! �ibrought the whole cliff down above 'Queen Consort the rooms of the Palace. The busi � ' _ - Q��� �s z. �� ! the spot where the treasure had been A good irdea of the old status of the nese, as a rule, is, purely Pornzal, and, mosphere will be as clear as that of a _~ _ E M burred, and nail utarks were destroyed, «' Council may be gathered from the fact 'indeed, there is little Bard work at- Welsh mountain, for no smoke -fumes The Source Of Our Linen. It is said that Hackett died of dis�tp- that the Cabinet was one ,of its sub- tached to a Privy Councili"erns job. wiI'I pollute lit. I Linnen is scarce and high in price paizutment. ,00rnniittees, and still is, for that mat Even more strange will be the these days, mainly because Russia, the .POSSESS A FASCINATION � ION in the Cocos treasure, which lies al. ter. Members of the Privy Council are styled "Right"H•onaiable." changes in atter directions. great flax -growing country, is no long- �L�©r�� ����S�S.� ����. ready cost over a score of Lives, lies - - -- Science may have slolved completely er furnishing the raw material, where it was buried, and probably will tt A the secrets of changing sex anddeven Far a long time Scotland and Ire- lie there until the end of Time. a MIRACLES YEAR R Nervous people who a e t like to There must surely be some ie 'U fate i l E+� species; it will be possible far a man land.have produced most of the linen But In �+� �;i3�$�'iECeB Those, travel by air will be able to go to in Highgate to 'phone his brother in used by the English-speaking world. 3'which hamits• the treuirre-seeker,. France Uy train, for the Channnel Tun- Themoist climate of those regions is Yielding of Fatal Lege Have whether inanocent or guilty. Here is a TWO THOW pq D nel will be an accomplished fact. More Canada; and televisiona car enable 1f i° v znau to see that seine brattier as if lz-e favorable for bleaching. In former perfectly true• story, one out oaf L. sccrE r' a. than that, there will. be a chain v tun- days tete Irish and Scotch raised their Paid a Heavy Penalty. were sitting in the same room.that might b�a quoted: cels round the- world, and the traveller, "Cattle and sheep, and all animals own flax, but in recent years they helve It is said that :another attempt i�s to During the American Civil War of if lie bikes, will be independent of imported it in •enormous quantities TO -MORROW'S MARVELS either ,ships or aeroplanes. which provide human food, will have be nada to recover the treasure o.f, 1860-1864, the infamous M e ds frtam Russia (until that source of sup- I brothers and their n cl FOR TO -DAYS BABIES. disappeared," an eminent scientist de- oak Island. gang h.«d u_z t.:.� Make Your Own Gold, claves. "It will be a world 'without P -1y was cunt off) and from Belgium, Oak Island is a small patch of landDenver gold escort, and, ar,, r hcrot Some German linens wear 1•ike iraa, T 1 in ,down,, the The time Is not far distant, Mr. Edi- cornfields or m•eadows, or even coal Off the coast of Nova Scotia, where a j g guards, want with sis sen says•, when the changing of one mines. but in finish and pattern the Irish and hoard of plate, jewels, and other loot ' hundred thousand dollars ;.Orth of ears metal to another wild be as familiar as "Restare'd to its Scoteb, are Par superior. To be a linen f cold dust and nu primaeval beauty, designee' demands an artistic skill not was buried by pirates during the Life Ort This Planet 80g nuggets. y Hence Predicted b � the manufacture of Jam to -day; and and covered with verdure, forests, and I in1ferlor to that required of a designer seventeenth century. But it was not I -United States cavalry rrer^ •eon up; Y when a bar of iron will be converted in flowers the world will be a vast gar- I until th.e year 1800 that the first at. I fie their track, and the Re.n.ol:^s C. a few bowies into an ill -got of ure old, den, in which 'man will live ha, g happily, Of laces. Ofie thousand dollars was d into the wild mouataic.s of Colon �? English Writer.P g ppi tempt was made to recover it. Gold will then be s'o common and amid the abundance of the olden age ;the price paid not long ago for stable- Thxee men, one •of whom had inherit- !',da where, being hard 'Prc-,;;ed, they Rona ee in these says lurks every- cheap that a clan will not require a of legend. g g � cloth and tweaty-fottr napkins in the 1 hastily buried their plunder. T ed a chart of :the hiding -place from an P he sl>ot where, for we are on the threshold of tang purse to sleep on a golden toed- "A'11 whave*' work, but It'VIE be': paftenn'of which the Rape of Preset - "I'll *I'd sailor, a friend i was• marked by'driving a anew world, which, though we shall stead, ride in a gtolden motor-dar, Or to a labor .of love and deli ht I pi ,twat depicted, + d of his: fattier, set I g bowie knife delight, because to 'work, to dig beneath a huge oak deep into a great pine tree, which see,rt, wf11 be evolved when many Purit}sh his drawilig-rosin jvith a;sutite ;each individnral will find liis r f• '.: 11.s:P`reznch,and Belig ans are fa- stood above . ew!axdAn , � close to, the beach. At a death a4 the place,: as .l breaking of the babies of today are •oQd, says a of the once -precious suet , -. ao'� i£ryr their..fine-damarsik lineinas, OiP.tlueban the, afi+ort to raise his mozslII intellect ` eighteen feet tbey.struck a laz+ge flat die. writer in a London magazine, The tious•e of tluee3 g,enerati°ns ual, and aesthetic development to the Whrch when finished in In are called In the n,iuety wins sears' felas'es hence will probably be furnished with highest degree it can attain»" silk"rlramask." That kind of weave atone' and th�efr hopes ran high. There The Hand of Fate, which: ave being signed every day, steel or nfciea3um-an alloy of nickel gets Its. nfzne from an ancient cloth of rt*ere letters, rudely cut, upon fire slab, But the troopers. soon caught uy ;1 'theme is -a ta,rtgibl�e. link between now -so light that a Sideboard will be as When Coal Will be Useless. Damascus, The designs are exquisite; fond these when cleaned Out read as � with elle gang, a,nd the banclibs,.resisf� and that great Puttire,foJllarn, Ing fiercely, were all shot dorrat. All, easy to move as a drawing -room chair All. foods will be made artifioalI and do conventsutri and schools+ children „ >I•Iory many p�eo le wile . Y• Ten Feet Below This. Stone Two p put their to -day aald a fifth of the present cost. The laboratory will supplant the farm; study art -lettering for napkins, table- at leant, but one. He, a zu"an named ,l -names at the foot of such documents The Work of. the house will be re. the chemist will take the lace of she - Million Pounds Are Buried." cIio�th�s, etc:. John Reynolds, cases wounded, but man• realize that, if they could live to see duced to a negligible P P I Imagine, if you can, the furious g' quantity by a herd said husbandman-. Science will . RecentIy the gzozvizig of flax and energy with which the three began' aged to crawl into thick Inver. That the parclhenents produced in A,D. 2020, hundred elentriOal devices, not a few rephiae and even excel Natttz^a, the manufacture of limen has been car- nicht ha caught a gleam of light in the digging. They did not stop to e'at ar they might find themselves in a land of which are in use to -day, from open. Already we have gone a long way in 1 rind on in Canada, where it promises sleep, bwt usle,d pick and shovel des- valley below, and, half feast with the 'train which almost -everything familiar ing the door or removing a meal to this direction. Nearly severity years to become a'n iiupor.tant dndus,try, loss of blood, crept twards it. At -even oattIa and coal -had disappear- cleaning the baofi,s slid the automatic ago M. Berthelot the perately, last he reached a tiny cabin, which sd? great French Dead Men's Gold. was inhabited by a miner named in• cooking of a six -course dfuanei•. chemist, lu,acl prepared in his lahora- �+ What is in Store. The books of the year 2000 wild prob. tory the fats which are such an irn- I Fire -Walkers Of "Ji. Without the Slightest warning the ton Glasenan That now world is coming, it is the, ably be printed on nickel leaves, so portant cons,tituen't of humaer foods. The daring, feats of the fire -walkers side of the pit gave way and the sea Glasman was. good to him„ but Rey inIleeittance, of many of the babies of i light and thin that a single volume will The secrets of preparing the carbons of Fiji have hitherto been wraipmed in came pouring in, One mart was drown- nolds was beyond help. Rorvever, b• , today, And, just as our forefathers i contain 30,000 pages; and the pages and Sugars which are also vital 9iatre j nlys'ten'Y, but a,t 1:sst an exl)1ana,tion of ed outright; a �sicond barely escaped! fore he died, dre managed to pant oud alis+t have speculated upon the present will be more flexible and durable than long been discovered. An • clay it may the triol. has beer. With his life. having Ila Pumps,, the ; to Glassman his, stcrr, and,, l�nas;inl I 3 given by Major W. .n•a, so ive can dimly picture the things paper• i be possible to prepare the albuminoids 1• Chapple, who has written a book survivor:; were forced to abandon their that a•1l his vompau;o,l. were dead, Which will be commonplace to our I Wonder -Working Machines, I iu the laboratory, ascot fleas rem levo ort the subject. seaarch. explained to the miner wl:are the gold &_'Aldren's children, the constituents iiece;sas p 1 Fiji is an island in the Pacific Oceatn I �, ears later another attempt was � was bttried. l:n tahe rvorla s as re acture the 3» fnt' man's made and excavations were carried to That very night the weather broke, ' `I'll^ change will be a vast oue. In change will be Just as revolutionary. i complete ncntrishmant, •oud the only place rvltera lire -walking i a depth °f s�o;me sixty feet. Thee rat- Doren canoe the n tr• 'r the year 2000 the l•OcOmativo of to -day Where we have to -day a score of Ina- So, instead of fields Of giain and is lunowzi. The natives ddg a wide pit, 3 t s a z » _t storm which will be almost as remote as the lum• chines, one will then suiliee. Accord- grass; of cattle, sheep, and so on, we w'hiCh is- filled with alternate layers of ( ten staves of a barrel were found, and lasted for three days, c:,zti it was I•ong ,b bering coach am Stuart days to, us. ing to Mr. EcliSan, "a neutuvy hence shall have thousands of enlormous woad and big flat stones, Fine is ap-! Solna links of a heavy silver chain, before Glasnta . was cable to begin his Tr urns will survive, but they will be ri*o shall izava a machine; into once end factories in which a vast army of plied to the waocl, and when the stoics I Then' again, salt Water burst into the search. driven by elect,^rorty, at a speed which oP which we shall put cloth, thread, chemists slid their-assis,bants will pre, a.re shed=hot the blazing togas are pulled pit, and filled it nearly -to the brim, Glasma.n was then a heaN -built, will take the pare all the varied foods to fill the away said tbie stones places rotund the Perhaps the bet authenticated of Powerful young n7ttu t�centyeight passenger Pram Landon buttozis, all So On, and from the other all treasure stories is that aP Cocos yoaits of age. ! to Leetly witilldn ninety minutes. Mi lec- enol draw` snits., complete to the last I worlds larders. edge of the pit in ti circle. The natives all hi the year 18tH the teem Thirty-seven O seven ear - tricity will also be the motive power stitch, and ready folded for delivearyl" t But, to c�oanpl�eta the revolution, we then farm a line and walk rapidly over r of y Years later that is, in of all the world's machinery. London will be a city of furteen mil_ I must have a new and inexhaustible the stones In. their bare feet. Callao wau.s hourly expecting to be the year 1.900--a Shrivelled old fellow, But such ejsrth-crawlllig IV141 appeal lion souls(nearly twice its present source of haat sand energy. The world's Major Chapple examined some of bombarded by the Peruvian heel. So with, bleared eyes and a Tang whits to few travellers. The vast majority population), stretching its vastness ( the City Fathers hastily collected all beard, aPPeared in the village of Pine coal -fields and its, rese�rvairs os ail will the men and found that their feet were will prefer to Wing their was g sue clay -and sooner than most people in no way nut of the ordinary, and that tl it church plata stool a great quaartity Grave, which lies close under the 3 through over ,& city, om acres, e will, too, be a M of money from the banks, and placed nz'atmtains• His pockets were stuffed ., the air at a speed two or three times silent city, with streets paved with rmaoin'o-be exhausted, and it is, vital.- they were neither burnt n:or evens hot. RIS Creat, There will be fleets of giant nickaIum-more duraizle, resilient, said 1p intp0 It 11 that tna.w Should replace The explurn,atiou is that the font Is it for safety aboard, a British barque, with rough gold, bath dust and nug- aeroplaues capable of eat•rying fifty silent than rubber -over which the them by a storehouse that will novel- never. in contact with the red-hio•t the Mary Dien, which happened to be gatS. l)assemgens fro -in Landon to Paris and streanze of eleCtrica{lly-driven vehicles fail. This we have in the earth's Iasi- I stone Sufficiently long to dry tip the lying in the harbor, Ills, name, he said, was Anton tures« crack In a couple of hours, will pour without a` sound; and its at. tray heat, a reservoir of energy which nat;nr moisture and burn the foot. The treasure was -sof enoruinusvalue, inan, and when, as ked where he lead rte_ would supply the whole world's needs TSing Edward was persuaded on one and the crew of the barque, tempted gat the gold, said: ._. ....__..-._:--^ �- ... .._�.. _-..-.._.�.•.:._.-..._._..�--W: .�.. .. b�eb'oatd. endurance, mutinied during "I've found the cache. It's the stuff • • far as many millions of yoa.r., as you occtusdon to put his finger into a boicl Ran Your Ata obi A 1i h ,�� like to zzarne. of tnalteri lead. if the finger is mors- the following udght, murdered all their the Reynolds, buried in .1863, Naw I teil;elt,,amd withdrawn quickly, it will Officers, and, slipping their cable, sail- must go to the lawyer in Deriver. Digging for Heat, not be' burnt, since the steam goner- ed away. He went, but with what purpose no M'hy usle expensive gasoline? Air close to the driver•',ii seat, enables, him To capture this eztoigy.it would ba atec[ aubizn�l else longer Parrns a buflar Reaching Cocos I4land, they agreed One will ever kuow, for hardly had he Is etteaai slid net likely to rise in price. ! to contrail the force of the air jet de- � salf3fclent to dig down to a depth of not of vapor, and the, finger does not colue to burry their treasure there, and did Seated himself In •the Iawyler's oflioe s: Put In all air tui^blive, and be inde•pen- livered to the blades of the turbine i more than three milesti At thin depth into 00vta.ct, with the boiling metal. scan• In all there were eleven. beast- when he gave a. sdight gasp, Slipped dent of the Was trust. wheel, and thus, to regulate sl)eed as f we should find the heart rwhdeiz fs the loads, But a, Peruvian vessel had Sol« forward, and foil to the floor, A Bz•;oadrlyn ratan, EdNyenol L. Fitz lie wishes. g lorvad, ttndy its th;e 14Tar3 I)iau Iia was rlaad when tryiey pieked Molter Gibbon,, believes ' that be lies solved The all, ancoun source of ail life seed the Origin of all put bo teved by a. rapidly ! Industr'y, Water, Polo example, at, t'Ire Warranted to Wear. ; sea again, carne up with lier. The uI'• i,ha glob len with an ail coafts •e for uioaing autoinobillle exeits• a Strang bottom Of such deep sinking's, would As lie marched itrt:o the, strap at the mutineers, fought hard, but their ship --'- - - -- ---- atttt0111abileS that 8ave,5 foal Go ts, doe,, pressure atg'atinst the fronit Olt the ve- be under a pressure S'a enormous and hemi o� his five Sons Staten' looked wa+s captured. and all but three were Getting Ready for Her, away rrwtli mulch lutricate machinery i hicle, This pressure representel power, I at such a temperature, elicit it would very.worried, killed. Mother° T i1 ha•t are you doing, send a,bnlisties danger of fire or ex l�,- and scazze of it the znrenfar believes I sufliee, too keep) fin motion ail the ell• l scenting a, big order, i ?" P ( ' ) 1 I �i'he ,tailor C, g � No,t• sone of tlrass three over ntuu• I3i1l,Y. sio 1 can be pe'ofltabdy' utilized. Hence he , garles of the world at an absurdly small J calve forward all smiles and borrrs" aged to get back to C000z; but one, BiQIy, -".Making b >S a txuse for little sire - C M3eneatl: the car (:Itiar>ordini to his Proposes to eruct at the front at the 1 co�sf. Its contintta;l diS�bil'lati�az), to:u, "�'os', sir," tier said, "1Vliat; can T do by m'aw.e Thompson, boque�t�tltt�d his I ten•," a 1, novel design) are, two Terga aylitidnicti•1 machine at funnel, facing corwaril, to would give us- watr*r abs,alntt,el;v free • fon you?" � Secret to a lin-au zl:amed Heaton. Heat- 11Mathai --' , Taut you haven t a litatl�► tanks to hold caznprasstrcl air., which srvall,otiv a portion of elle opposing air, I gram microbes. "I`want shite for these ladil re i ton took into Ills, •confidence a certain �sistar, Billy," may be forced Into them through a and deliver it tbrougth a pipe to the May tayiping this reservoir --a. vast plied Slater, Captain Bogue, and the two, shipping Billy-"lytn. _ not va t, 11th Mrs. Sniitlr Mose. They xtao connected together by roam of the turbine, where• it will fru- molten sphere 111,are tharn 8,000 miles "Ala flve?" asked bhe tailor beam• together alt a small vessel, did actual- of one. � , f ting. i' ' g e. and we. Hc.t. t r et ytltiuug the �. a Pipe,. from 'which an�iren' pipe ex« p'l+nge flee bUades, li�l�i 'ter drive In diameter, with a tcnnporature bfg'lt � "'fee, sir. t)¢itl would you Mfke ly ntrunage to reach Cocos and rodlS- Sznitlzis: do, F tends itptVarry and Porwa•rd, its nozzle tunbfne wheal slid rve act i I etnrmi t t. „ g ti tioaial enough not oriyy to molt, but to vapor- at y Particular mattea'faI? donee the buried hoard. °:• rlblivcring a jot of air under pz^est ire s:Y}eed to the car. ivie, all known substances, -we should "I 'anattld.," said Slater, in deopair; By the Sign of the Bowie Knife upon the bin.dest of, a, turbine wheel, This-, however, is. not all. The In- have no further use for coal or oil, "sweet iraa!" � T " Eftctrlc-Bhad gone ashore In a small Folding Form, Cabinet Made in 1• The turbine is at the front of the veut0a` lrraposes to gather in n�onrly all We should have a vast; st°arebouse They of �- ea, .w -�-- boast ,lad thM they l s oadet withof atter i j c,�,r, und"ar elle lioorci, atriloarrylrng an the r+es�t of the opposing air thiroitClu a tlierma-electric energy, Red Snow. thousand , , 131ectrir. h:ttltr lu;t.se ]trt>vect tat .,+ Six thousattd poundts worth of Cold, ! cat ' 6t}s parip�hery a nuitvl)ei of. blades, it Puui,nol three feet ret diameter, opening Ozte 1)smslan in r�ver,V sevein lives .to : ,lead st1: tfra�at r•'alue itt the+ tt•e .. ory in Creetrlaitd, anal yellow T3og`1ta a.1So filled his• pockets, On the ii , aioll,dillg of t ari- x+atates irisi"rlo of an, air«tight casing, Ottt of elle front of etre car sled inviting be eighty, so that lir A, u, 2000 ebildre'tt 'al •• r- r t i uus diseases, cunrl : „ t nS lit tike irzlcnzi are eluate sacci, Clip way l)ac1; to the ship the Best up:tot, ` a folclirus, �.,ibtuat Its slhaft is. g:eat:red to a driving Shaft, a 1hrSAz of aitatuospli-ea'a to Wake Its, way of to -dozy :sihould Disable to look atoull,'d l "red Ono " ' that 0:iu be u"l'Od air ho 0 , w Is, maci'0 by wind -placed ctti'cl Bogue, weighted with his gold, � to . h mit, be w,111ah matkes• tile, Polar rvlbieelo of the to a condenser, froul which it Will be them, upon this, great new wax1ld, 418 osft n Wedre�zaticl by t..]to..e neo+ li+ P > tiro rm°tile areas chla.mydo. same tills u sterno• lleaton luttrely es- „ ,g ,nt i. <tt« xittoaxuabilo go raunK~i, X'an s'oe cE Putnl)ed to the tanits. The tendon. Iht• r.r"tv c+a.bhte. pumping dare in teed, le a l to be mg,111e, . I pat stuclei .of. rr�liiuli are rad caped with liiS life, but lost over t I1it,, fc,1t1• ec- csou�tr,�e, lnary it rv�orke, "tales Jot of osier- will be done l).y ;f seltail • om other faauid oven izn line dry, Legal wot+clttz�g i znezi;t 5 •� • .. Y � llon.�: tiO th��"t it r,+au bt, •, • ta�ros's!ed air f,roza the tanks is thrown motor, wtulah, WIN arlso oyevate a d ia. eft a tzillet -nano ear f , r kl g slots. The yoliOw raiars," ,starer Of itis ltewly,gailled wealth. k s, a . fc,•Yleti tut,tn yl y y S lease. Do,oalled because the grotind becomes Then that weathor turned bad, and they zn le t,cttnl>ass� for lighting tine Vehlelle• ..,,., covered tVitlt at ..� « ..._ ,.oredl)1y ati;+tilnet [ho b]!axltcis of tlt�a tuz� nio � trate, causiur, trio Iattttn to rtottuto, and It is sliiggl s'tetl that a third tanAc pocitllaz•, line yellow rlrete forced to run; for it, Tito habit orf e X.li,ctalicy a;rtar tt ! depgsit, are ostially found to be. caused Later, Hoxton. took ztnothor partn'or•, I ntatmleS: tint .tt an ' wan. ` il,i+ l:r,rrwr:,r twig• develoJleni is taariatnMt« elle starfgo era aaniprscased air nil WontetS Wfta Wank, by elle I)ollezr of lire tram w .. n « It z:� a1. foratt teal t t'; .,",;tt• wlz,enils d tine ear tor ehiiveeldctAge tof 00-V etre S etas behind flti ry t t p , l rowltag, ltstillp 1. 7Taci,,.t•J.. llafore the two ctould of atttraet,10114 l • T l lit d s o t Alt tO every tell M6,n Work. miles yard z)iilgs distant, 'file )ollpn aural fregll, 1, tui <rrwt <nt:I: at * t�lvtui,siarz, elite agile of the rete.r whele ututic?rtr tied ed for rve es fif . 1 l azrraillrtttt°tals: to visit elle l,a,:tttse ry+i eters v+ ' • •° g t;Y• years at,go,,bot tiow Is caught by the ivinift rarrfr+.d. ttitd ? islaltd, Ironton (lied- ill eiretttitttl r at dt, wE. ,tn.,: what wt a'..... ave, Olt'exatwd by a l.iavt�r Oat. M the ratio 1:5 arie to font^, then t1�rlpperd. t , fia.rltett tet last, tiff laver t 1;r.fet to ileal, sinal ;rot rc:il,ts caber WR 1+suit we aeric for.