HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-01-26, Page 8?I~age :Eight ANNUAL C 'EARING We will hold one of our old time Clearing Sales, commencing Saturc.ay January 28th. FOR TEE DEOYEGREDUCTIONS PRICES ALONG THE LN,FR ONLY. SAYOEARINGALE WE NS HERE SO DO MEAN 1T. WE CANOT LIST ALL THE AIL TOO VIS TNOUR STORE AND SHARE IN THE MANY NOT FAIL LINES OF SEASONABLE GOODS AT GREATLY S EC REDUCED PRICES LADIES' SWEATERS Ladies up $12.00 to clear at each ... $5.00 Ladies Pullovers, all wool. $3.00l Regular $8.00 now . --. Girls Pullovers to clear at ... $2.00 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS AT BIG REDUCTIONS MEN'S SWEATERS Heavy Jumbo knit at each ...$4.00 3 only, fine all wool at each ...$5.00 Mens fine pullovers at each $1.90 Boys fine Pullovers at each $1.25 Boys heavy wool Pullovers, $160 to clear at Each Thur.iday, S'anuar.y.26th, 1922 _ _ _ Ordered • 1) MOM Y' +;EROS. r heady=fio-Wear GENTS FURNISHINGS Clothing 1 The stare with the Liberal Cash Discount E d Sweaters Valuesto 200 yds only and 15c 40-m, grey cotton, per y Extend to All our of Man's heavy wool hone IptSUS todwp ribbed Clothing raiswpagamiNIIO Look Over These Bargan35c Prom- Lo Chan�brays all col. 27-in'.'exdyd 12� TheBpii'it of the Season d 1 toweling at p y MEN'S UNDERWEAR Heavy Wool Rib, Reg. 2.25 at $1.50 Mens Fleeced to clear at ..- .. 85e Mens Wool Combinations $g 85 Regular $5.00 for ... Mens Natural wool Combinations Reg. $3.25 for ... 1Ches Red chintz comforters for $16.50; omens our Sincere W 1 Tapestry Rug 2/x3 yds. OUBt �.J 00 1 Seamless Rug 3x3; yds. at $11350' Only only Siberian overcoats Dogts atoath .00 Uappy and prosperous One only coat 35.00for !] Men's blue stripe overalls at $1.50 I (,(� Men's heavy tweed pante at $4.00 the Nw Lot ofbok fine shirts all sizes 9 5c•, ew Year a•frfd ' 'ay G Lot of boys Allover sweaters u 65c. 1 and 11�. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Liht the Paths to ilap- LaGies 1 size Reg 3.25 at $2 65 Year • • Ibex, large size, 1 Dragoon mod, size reg. 2.7$ $ and Prosperity. Grey sheeting 2 -yd wide, yd. $1.40 pineSs Grey Flannelette Sheeting Wool Fianna e e .: to clear at per yard75c... MENS AND BOYS SUITS 2 only men's fine worsted $4020 •17$20 LADIES' UNDERWEAR 7 ffiens Suits reg. up to $38 foe Natural Wool I Boys Lot 1, sizes 29 to 34 at $10.00 Bonn a , game j " Lot 2, sizes 22 to 34 at ... $8.25 Reg, 1.75 new a 'rm.. ..$85c .Small boys Suits to clear at $4.50 Ladies fleece Lined at ... •-- - OVERCOATS Regular $1.00 and 51.25 vests •a at each and Draw MISSES AND CHILDRENS UND- ERWEAR AT 20% OFF. GROCERIES Rio Coffee at per pound --- 25c. `Light colored prints at yd. 2uc Cheeseulkt , at pounderu- 18c. Navy and other dark colors at 25c Bulk Dates, per pound ion 40 ink. 25c L soap 6 for 25c. Gingham apron c only wide clear Castile Laundry 25c. 'WrapPerette 3p . 30c'. Castile Soap, 7 bars for at 48c. at per yard 5 broom), a Snap SOc• I Mens heavy Ulsters new stock, 500 for .. Reg. $X� '....." lighter weig new st le at 5151 Siberian Dog coatPRINTS, GINGHAS AND WRAPPERETTES i GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's garage .N-N'ptTN'CEME'T forase the public and In order top pe�' hat he the Customer to knout exactly w is getting, for his money, w e have Ve r r - ranged a schedule Price List -in con- nectiOn with Ford work Which is as DOM7 BROS. Produce taken is exchange for floods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Messrs W. R. Dougall and Jac- ob Haberer, audited the Hay Township iTeasurer's books, the past few days. The Ontario Legislature willme- et on( Tuesday, February 14th: .The opening will be three weeks later than that of last year. "Were you very sick with the Rastus?" "Sick, Sick! Man, Ah was so sick mos' ebery right Ah look in dat err casialty list for znah name." follows: Less Parts Flat Labor Charge$19.00 d Transmission ... ...... ..• - t Complete Overhauling +• Rear Axle, drive shaft included.•• •' $4.00 Complete Overhauling Motor an $15.00 Motor, less Transmission .•• "' ' 15 00 Complete Overhauling ...t ............ •. Complete Overhauling rear axle, less drive shaft ... $4.00 Repair and rebush steering gear and front wheels ... .. ... on other makes of Cars will be charged at General Overhauling All minor repairs taking less than one hour will be charged accord - the rate of 75 cents per hour. ing to merit. FLAT CHARGE ON REPAIRING BATTERIES. Battery •- 8 00 Overhaul and Re -separate Six -Volt Storagee$2.50, Cry $ Replacing one Jar $4.00. Winter Storage, wet, . . y .CUSTOMBA B A�T'TERY CGU RIANTEED FOR ONE YEAR ALL BATTERY WORK ,Z��i�•raMousseau.1i $8.00 $1.75 We carry in Stock season- able Gifts of Fiirniture,.:llar- dware, Pyrex. 'Ware, AlIwn intim, Silverware, Cutlery, Sleds, Skates, Hockey Stick LOCAL MARKETS Corrected -every Wednesday) Butter ... ... 40 Eggs 40 Buckwheat 65 Barley ...... 60 160 Wheat • 5 -6 0 ... ...3.75-4.15 0 30.00 1.50 $11.00 STANLEY TOWNSHIP-' -• -- Rev. Ben Smilie, a returned missionary from India, will give a Missionary address in the Goshen Methodist church on Sunday morn ing• who, has Mr. Orval Stephenson, spent the past few weeks with friends in this part, returned 'letter last week to- his home in Mich. Miss Margaret McConnell of Varnia spent Sunday wit the. Misses Stephenson of Goshen. i •+ At the last meeting of the St- anley Counc'l. A' ex McEwen and Wm. 0. Robinson were appointed township auditors and Joseph Hood was appointed assessor, Mr. Russell Keys of Flint, Mich spent the week -end with his aunt, Miss Annie Keys of Varna. Flour per cwt:... .. Bran Shorts- potatoes per bag Live Hogs per cwt......_ ttere for .55 years, was born in Waterloo county and catne to Dash wood when a young man. His remains were laid to rest on Sun- day in the Evangelical cemetery, .Rev. W. J. Yager officiating. FOR SALE Two, young boars 5 months old and 10 sows due in March and Ap- ril also a good Durham Roan bull, 8 months old. -Thos Harris, Chiselhurst, Cromarty, P. 0. phone 140-17, Tuckersmith. • Coleman Table LAMPS and LANTERNS Make night bright as Day, guaran-, . teed safe, aiid cheap to operate. Carly and have us demonstrate. • Special Prices on all goods MELICK& RTUN PHONE 63 Miss Laura McLcnhiey spent a few days last week at the home of Norman Stephenson, Goshen. DASHWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Shenk and family spent a few days in Stratford last week. Mrs. J. E. Holman of Tavisbck. visited with relatives here last week. Mrs. Miller is at Present visiting her daughter in Woodbridge, Miss Margaret Hanouver has moved from Hartleih's block and is DOW conducting her dressmaking in Mr. Musssrs' house, next to the school. Mr. Clayton Pfile h sick with and attack of appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. England vis- ited in Woodstock last week. Rev. P. Graupner is attending° a Conference in Stratford. ILINIMIIIMMINIMMIMMIMMOMENIMINIONIMMIMMI lierald J?ob Depa,rt ILent Is al Nays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check Books, Posting Bilis a specialty. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the 47th aninu'ral meeting off the members of the Hay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance :Company, will be heldeke the Town Hall, Zurich on Monday, January 30th, 1922, at 1 o'clock, p. m. Business -Receiving the Directors Managers, and Auditors Report. Election of Directors and Audit- ors. And any other business and and suggestions _as 'nay be for the welfare of the Company. All members are requested to be pres- ent at this meeting. Henry Eiiber, Manager. Oscar Plopp, President. C rt Ft1•as We most cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ inas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Good Times beget Prosperity, Confidence begets Good Times! and Good Appearance begets Confidence. IT IS WITH MOST SINCEREST THANKS TIIAT WE CAN AGAIN EXPRESS TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. MAY THE NEW YEAR BE ONE OF GREAT REJOICING AND OE MARKED PROSPERITY TO ALL, AND CONTINUED CONEIDENCE IN OUR BUSINESS VALUED DE- SIRES, A very interesting game of hockey was played here on Mon` day night between Dashwood Jrs. and the Goshen Line. Score 4-0 for Dashwood. The, Ladies Aid of the Evangell- ical hunch shipped a box quilts and clothing to the m3ssion- ionary department of the Evark. church at Toronto last wook. Mr. Oliver Graybeii, Esther and Beatrice. of Toronto, Wilbur of Woodstock and Mrs. Derstein of Saginaw, Mich., attended the fun- eral of the late 3% Graybeil here on Suhday. Guelph Vis Mrs. Louis Morenz of ited with Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Morena: last week. The Bowling Club are holding a meeting in the .barber shop oti Monday e'vening, San. 30, for the purpose of .electing new officers for the new rein; Every13ocly in- terested Is invited to attend, John Gxaybeil passed :away on Thursday; San. 19t1t, aged 88 y'ear's i rtrJ t xa• an 1 13' clay.; Deceas Ll 'V'AS teal.1410.00b10101 it • Btade & AUCTION SA .E Of Live Stock and Household Effects. The undersigned auct- ioneer has bean instructed to sell by public Auction at The Prem-• isos, Halt mflenorth of Zurich on SATURDJANUARY 23th At' 1.30 o'clock, p..un sharp, the following ;- LIVE STOCK -1 black Perch eron mitre 3 yrs, old; 1 cow 8rys. old due in April, 1 Holstein heli- x' 2 yri.old due in M'irrh ; 2 pigs 2 months old, 1 Collie dog. about 50 hens OTHER A.RrTICLES - Writing desk, 3 -burner coal oil stove,churn DeLaval cream separator, vinigar barrel, cttuing box, root pelper, tanning mill, wheelbarrow, 20 foot ladder, top buggy, open buggy, square box cutter, 2 set single. harness, woollen 'horse blanket, pails, forks, shovels, 2 loads of hay some corn stalks, about 50 bush- els of tnangolds, and numerous oth- er articles. - There will also be offered for sale by auction at the same time and place, the property consisting of five acres of choice land, a good frame 'hovuse,g ood barns etc. Terms can be arranged with the owner of same. 10.00 and OF SALE ;74 under Cash. Over that amount months credit will he given on fur- nishing'approved joint notes.: 4% straight off for cash on credit a- mounts. NI/abbr., :iii ' `one:' a'i?uitl�tHitgi>4 May all the joys of the Fest- ive Season be shared by our,. friends in the fullest meas- ureand may NineteenTweflh ty- Two hold for eachand everyone an abundance of prosperity. Produce Wanted. ButeriCkFasbions Phone VUR