Zurich Herald, 1922-01-26, Page 2ver IYI.an
For :11 1.frisWI
CHAPTER XI.---(Corit'd.)
"We can't get busy on it till Mr
Wede enta back from Montreal in
feel- days, I'm going to find out wha
lies back of the instructions ylou go
to 'come here and watch our cottage
then ask. him to let. you, .jein. ine
the investigation. Pin gozne. back t
town to -morrow and if anethin • h
per here in the meantime you're to
\Ore_ et• once. Oarl rely on you?'
"keay'; kid, ylaye a bet on. a sure
thing when y'lays it on yr Uncle Dud-
ley. eia t Litile Fet'n f 1 1.= •
but I knows it, ,see, Young
gan bent rne bugle in• a ten -round go
wiraist; I gets this here split whistler
the time I naked ICay-O Bergey, an'
I's horn with this here wheeze in me
pipes, ea' with that bum layout I ain't
bottin' into no eynthia. ortches,stra, be-
lle've me. But I knows, it, see, an'
gob a kick in each mitt aa' I ain't
never renigged on a p'alt Mr. Kendrick,
an I gam to church regelar every
Sunday, sea. • 'Y'r auntie'll be
safer'n if she was at home; fer there
ain't no danger here ol gettin' knocked
down by street-c'ars 'n' autermobiles.
Now, fer Gaterd's sake, chit on an eat."
"All right," lang•hed Phil. "Toast's
just done. An' while we eat perhaps
you won't mind telling' me why you
think my uncle's a grafter." -
"Aw, nix, nix! Don't go rubbin' it
in, kid! protested Mr. McCorquodale
bastilY. r lamp's quit sraekie,
ain't it? Ferget it. Them two guys
I was with that night was a couple os
bums as was workin' fer Nickleby on
a job ani I was just stringin" 'm alosig
nice when. you comes buttlif in an'
rings down the curtain on me, see.
Ps workin' fer Brady then. An' when
T says the Honorable Milt has white
wings folded 'aero st his back I says
it stneere. believe nie. Him 'n' me
went fiskin' tegether in the same punt J
last week!"
(CoPyright by Uussou 'Compel:1Y)
or stetter ng overcome post
Roma methods permanently restote
Pailicalepecole Gtadoete p ls ever'..
Whore. limo advice and literature.
then sauntered along in the senie di-
ll schoel to' find 'Perk to support his renblon just fito.• enough 'behind to keep
. mother ,when she was taken stele He the ether in eight, Per Phil's curiosity
a came tc; nre and 1 gale him Ms first Was now justifiably awake 1
t job. I found him leeral anti trust -
t worthy; but he made one little .slip
, that I want to tell you about."
n It appeared that the boy. had been
't) inveigled in° a get-rieh-qt4ek invest" wi rout incident, JrmsnY LIM Was / She fingoereecil, it eagerly. A sudden
mm14; lvhich had gone the usual waY
' perate
of such things' end left him in a des -I
stepping out with tsho hriskne's$' o one: flush. swept over heai face. ,..,
from the Interprovincial without
tempted to "borrow" a few dollars i
. . Pllght; that he had been' awnhd° licS217114ireaeliXtiale'tSIYY bl7CrOhegTe'et Itieheir-se,g°11-1111bre"aRtiiiTe°:,147 ha•d, 'e; Shea'el" the *said
per, did not alter his stride f •
about half of it; when Nickleby dis- the abruptly halted, i should just see,some of the neighbors'
' covered the small shortage in the looking
paritchiistssevbfayhaend thet• as if ex -1 kitchens. The-i•e are
young bookizeeper's accounts. Instead !Pectin?, to meet somebody here, In 1 so many things
I tcould get to make you ell niore cona
()Lit the. liOtt.4e
OkUldect :frion last weel.c.)
goiils New.. Freek4om Stuff..
Orle '.eveaing the supper table
operation is neceslary, As .fer giving ..
Me things—why, ' kt Woman doestitt
want to have to ask for thing's to he
given ler; she wants to feel that She'
determined to And out where Yourg gl.avellY seleetIng 'a fettled bAl•
I of life and that a fah' abate of aill 7------'---m------• '-
• .alles, father op.enecl up Iris :wallet, is an earfung partner in the besinees
w),0 Worento noveitea for Incur,
ablea, In affiliate:ill with tienevtle end
allied Itospitals, New Xeric Oita,
°nava a three years' COtirse or Tralive
log to YOung womon, haying th;1 ee...
wilted education, axle desirous or tet.
coming' aurses. This Hospital bag
ado p ted the web t -hour A yg tem. Ma
pupils reeeive uniaorinsna the scaoot
a montuiv thlovatece and ttn.veilina
eapensee to e.nd frotn INTew )rork. ror
Sorthet Information aeply to the
Stiles went, perhaps overhaul him end "Now that Mother's getting into income ie her very own to do with as ordered Madge, and then, when she,
atek him to explain himself, . Society sthe'll need a little mor:e money, she sees best,"
they progressed for several bloci-s
With the siteation thus reversed ell ?" he 'said, tvoinikling, and PaSsed Cliaries hastily rose,
s, , g .ablecloth, slut s.ead
Poriap•ground, "I'm afraid not, Charles,"
me, Madge?"
Her face was pale but she stood her
etyou worn give nip tins thing tor Strong fingers.. With pallid face, she'
hut helped, j,erked off her -white petti-
.draw the jagg:ed wounds together,
tried to stern the flood of blood and
coat, tearing it into strips with her'
The bandage—doeset seem to:
"If tie
This money he began pattilig; twontY minutes; but .ae they swung t "Something I knew was mine! We ideas of things seexn to ctash. con-
slowly"1'111 'ser4flr' our". iWt4)Jigichvta,rIyalel•.aliiialideIg'ItliscPlieote him. Il
back Seeretly every week, bit by bit. down towards -Allan Gardens his pace need new curtains and a linoleum'. , you'll help me pet him in the be& of
out of hie salary, He had rotand.eni became more leisuedly, and -oppsisite.'Pd like to get them myeelf. John! you siderably.
sappose this jamitenon fellow 'era
proves of all these notions," he sneer-
ed and then—hetet' himself.
Madge's chili raised hatightily, She
tie car, thank I can hold it with my
"Better stay here until cen get.
the (lector," he responded and
that time secretary and office man -
of reporting the matter Nickleby, atl fiT•stjahe7asnuPiristtraofi 1 ttlisowItyterbPaltatin°,1111 .,.-abie, 44" 1. only
at his from a eltere that was mine."•
could save them i tot deign to answer, He stood a agreed mutely. So be left her there„
ager, told. the boy he would let him off; fertlh tieeesienallY glancing
al watch. It was a long speech for lien She heel, said an abrupt geed -night and moment, irre.soltate, then turned on his '
It was a week later that Madge, at.
if it did not occur again and made
great show s a befriending young, Kendrick took op a position in the / waited anxiously. 'Iliere was a pause vanished. the urgent request of his mother,
the man's head in her lap.
kit 'Stiles was so systeneatically re,
1 natientiv Before 1 •
I out danger ot observation, arid waited ti was never 90 amazed as be was at the Con after that.
There was no attempt at a eon ' .
charies sulked like' One shy glance showed her that the.
:shadows wliere he could look on witht! and John eleared his throat. Charles) mho,. 1 .stepped slowly into Charles' room..
minded of his obligation to Nickleby,- ..',
miati hppleacheci fromi.'irtg• : YsIdutriesgtreect-a ansrr. !Achilles ht his tent, and loft the field, spirit of obstinacy no longer shone in
he had done --carne to such a keen §
tbat lie 'worried constantly over what
nito the par and sat clown onYa'nb
oes laisett his hat and. the te
ewneeli. third •of the cream cheque Mother ' ' as a still ool ef cle 'Pen
They weia•er cwaalitnerand o
, "a guess =trite you may have a, 'to his rival. He ,saw them together at his eyes'
realization of his fault that one night, where they seen became lost in earn_ 1 x the house1••f ' h •tr Th
3, 1 you 'wish a . e egg ever-inereasing engagements here anti;
, times, as he took his mother out to heri
He justPlifted his hands inset the'
he eould stand it nolonger and went to
the Lawson home. With nerves at the' est Conveirsation. • , money is elways yours, you know." there. When he eould he shifted the; covers, reeolhing out for hers which-
to both Nathaniel Lawson and
breaking point he confessed his wrong ,If
his eldeYf-- tnilTntured. Phil 'with' a ies eat eggs!" she answered. "But for
ielool oi eomprehension; but he did not mystell—yes, PR take the third. Now
In t 1,e„ Spring a Young man's CtYes'for sugar and tient'. Grocer- duty on to his father. 1VIrs.
demurred against the men folk's spend.. I
Barnard, he held close. Then. he shut his ey-es
daughter. The boy's contrition hati
the. quotation. There was 1 1 Charles would. only teach me to trouble em, she sai•cl. But there was)
ing so inueh time for her, She hated toi
His lips moved, and his voice came,
a minute, as Madge knelt beside
b to sineere that they both forgave
him on the spot, "Old Nat" patting pair, on the
.. park bench; in. fact, the
nogling levet-like in the aetions of the I run the mine,/
that she had to lean -close
him an the shoulder and assuring him. 3..,:1);..ilng.
that nothing inOre would be said about
thi es to tas c about somethirrg. Did edehaek his, eh- -
womain appeared to he taking
The day of the big Club Picnic at You --are a good driver, clear."
That wa,s too rhuoh! Charles shov- else could they do?
no horse fit fou.• her to drive so what hoarsely, s°
' to,,hear him.
about this secret coniession and for a e •
it. Stites said nothing to Nickleby
, preach •with the .ebj,ect of overheat, -,Iaret.In'kt strong enoug ve a oar! bornly ref s d and Charles had to be elu)keti
circumstances justify a eloser pp- Mother,' he said deeidedly, "you Evan, however, his father flatly, stub -
h to dri ,
her, and she buried her face
time he recovered his spirits.
u e ,
besid hi ,.
She swallovved hard, for a soh
ment. Niekleby's first move was to d ii . t ,ai
Then came the change in manage-, Kendrick stall was debating this re , 1 ;
/IVA, he continuec , g,rowing
r r n
inOre' standini a the door a moment he "You aren't going to marry—Jamie.
mg the conveis Lon,. t _ es a man. o o di ary driving, thauffeur himself. Leaving the car e s
dismiss one employee after another re kite e Pre ?an rep; se•tv.tw° raOn fluent'. "e, woman can do very well, but was surprised, when he returned, to ...g°n
antes t: es, or whom Nickleb -
until almost the only members of the emergencies—that's where it talces a see his mother bending over the wheel. A vigorous ehake of' the head ans-
s ca-utious_y eeind the bench
from the concealment of the ,parts , el e
old staff left was this young fellow,
S '1 f shrubbery. Before he could shout a 1.1-1"11 s 4i •
I just thought I'd .look it over " she I wereti him•
, seemed to have taken a. strange fency.,,,tasaring they had closed in sfientiyi "FannY
and swiftly upen the unsuspecting oe- tn-ith gentle persistence "and so, watching you drive and it doesn't seem
• - - ' e She looked searchingly into his eyes,
James drives a car" she said with a guilty smile "I'v been "ICiss me?"
CHAPTER XII, !The reason NNMS Ilat long in doubt;•for eupants. The girl's cry WaS snitother•taaud ditcloes Madge Halliday. Mr, :Jamieson' so very hard. Give me a leseon', dear!" which promised her anything, everf--
though the indebtedness long since by one assailant and Stiles was strugs, is teaching her."
Kendrick Makes a Touchdown. I,., had been wiped off the slate the newt gulag desperately with the other H thing; and then with flushing cheeks,
she coexed.
Phil's first impulse in hurryine back president began to threaten expoture
her and Mrs. Barnard's first lesson
Ungraciously he climbed in beside she skwlY
"You may have ju•st What you want,
began. . Sweetheart."
She really did very well, he had' to "It is not just forshe whis-
• e city had been to t iver Presi-
Mn fInd the coun-
. unless Stiles clid exactly as he was; Kendrick stood for an instant, held L
dent Wacle's ,letter to Nathaniel Law- told even when the instructions were b hit • az ment: Then Without al ue o g o Madge
son, and with that introduction to -find, c t b Y e ty representative was too much.
on rary to tones usmess e itcs. sound he specl across the street, vuIt-
out how much Nat Lawson knew about b L
That's the kitid of man Mr. Nickle-'
'Ch -t - •md •
ed the iron fence and -charged into the
I Charles decided to take matters in
his friend's plans. The possibility
hand.- He would forgive and forget.
y CMC u_e Lawson y nu eo the exci emen ready .
ddl f h 't t 'th
that the finaneier might be able to —have tried to give .Mrs. Stiles finen-
I—my daughter, Cristobel, Kendrick, fists.' The man who had Stiles down - The young ladv. came to the door
throw some light upon Ben Wade' s was neareet and Phil , d I
object in placing McCor assistara th h
ne in le ta
mese under his breath and
. t happened so unexpeetectly that stalked out of the room. -
e and her - face lit up with how to stop it and start it, I'd be all
to stome purpose, it would seem.
a.dmit 1..elactantly. She had watched
He nodded.. "Yes, I've done a IA
pered. "It's—principle!"
I always thought if only knew
guard' at Span -ow Lake at first Seem-'] 4 1, , "
ed sufficient. justificatien for broach- ate we etnte not been eoie to do so
h. For hts mother't eake I ho P eel
He leaped the overturned beneh, and 'Good •eventrig!" the said. "I aril. "Yes," growled her son. "If. every-
. enough to send him reelingevith Well/pleasure,
. an honest deserving woman; d' • t ,1 the 'd f the h
light," she said..
but of nec la ow on e.o e ead.,
ing the matter. But on seeond
thoughts, Phil hesit,ated• if his chief
Jnilz.finy turns Out all right.' "But there promptly took to his heels. • . • • -
His' steel tray eye • 1 •t1 'th '
re- ere would be : fewer accidents."
, her 1,11. tgled to see you,"
P- n.. e for the nal s attacker, oe I body knew how to stop and to start
had not seen fit to mention it, to his
owii secretary who Ives most viten not have been better for him had he through the shrubbery before r ."Th:ere's a fine- eld moon," he-eaid. I like this?" .
I a "Let' •see,",she taid, "you stop i
are times when I wonder if it a-ould Phil chased' him for sevexal rods. eponsave joy.
concerned, it was unlikely that he had
Y• gone somewhere cut of reach of a stvun; beck toward the benehe BUt;'"Shatittve stay outside a bit?" I The car stood stock still, giving
said anything to Lawson. In that, niere
n''-ian mho. wouOs1 take advantage of a in the brief interval both the ether.; Toieth•ee they wallc-ed through the them a jolt.
case Wade might consider that his to a fresh start."
boyiestead cf trying to help him fellow and young Stiles himself had garden in quiet companionship,. and,! "Now you've killed the engine. Bet-
' vanished and he found only the young:one might have thought, in complete ter let me start it, mother!"
secretary had been very indisereet 'With renewed interest Phil stujied. woman? calmly dusting her skirt. She ,ltarmonen. Madge hoped se. She trust-' She ehuekled like a delighted child
tit le;.ects,a00.Brbyei-ithaet iri
the thoto in his hand before retuenitig- stood in a• finger
Lawson hem% next eventing, he had de- .e.aTti.le case of.ci Vg,hbrif.te• tare titannob aldiiKeir3tda.
af light fr°111 therm- that hea lover had seen the goed I and ehowed him She multi start it, too.
sense of the proposition after all arid So they skimmed along hi the morn-
;iunniy Stites did in- Nat's welcome Kendrick sensed a:
&Med to say n•othing about the matter.
Beeleeth the gentle courtesy of 'Old; tienine.
aceter Byelight upaodrodt ques-Ininn the cuhar- -etsrinl-r 'afe h'eni-g Ina un asej, \vas giving his consent gracionely,l,ing sun.
be led the founder on the In- astonishtient rt seemed as if ell was Ithough silently; Charles, on: the other I As they approaehed Even, lie spoke
strergth of character that earn -mended. 1 aloe to
terp-rossinciaI 'Lean salines Com- always t -o find him staring at hern-Ibande theng'itt that the girl he loved ag .
continue talking of the insti-
deferenee. The youxig man liked lehn:
ee. Th
aftritsejf in the eeed old-fashioned Those weed's ought to be cut Out So
way. - , !we -could see around the corner. There
They sat down, finally-, on the seat is a nasty bridge at the bottom --ah,
, under the old mkt -While the moon- look eut!"
, . eugnty aed yery peettv
cgowsfeet about those kind eyes -put. his -who:, tout
rea Y Itueker of the: life's work and in the Welfare of which foie] '..,Fergusierf,l
lepre-sented his whole stenographer from the ofAegeefe.el
him quickie' at ease, aral as theY satastarted in these. reminiscences of his,
cm the "back piazea" that overlooked' , wns iwrapped. Ozatei„, (To be eontinued.)
an eld-feshioned. flower •gartien. eany struggles and hopes Nathaniel', .
were cha.tting like thes; Lawson proe-ed himself an interest -1
quaintanees. Horticultu -
a Pair of old ae-tt ing• talker anti the I •
re was a hob- tom was well ad with .7`Cat Laws°11 and Eendrick's : at his watch and, refuting any sug-',
tamed when. Kendrick filially glanced' .
intelligent interest in •the stibject. geetion of refreshments, prepared to
placed thein at once on a friendly foot- ,
ing. It Was a little early yet to s.ee t ..-....re have the
e wort:lei-Ad garden at ita best, his ' answer to Wade's let- .
host explained after they had made , ter ready for you first thing in the
a tour t it; but he must e, ' said LaWS071 as he shook;
see it in another month or eo o•r ev
. . ear" and 1 iands heartily, "I've en• - d
would be smothereel in roses..
a ee weeks,. when the peegola; he4elle,'Ilghvilnel•teriblerieYa
you so much that'
Kendrick, and I
Among other things contained in you -won t come again. You'll be wel-, T
Wade's letter, which Phil had just de- come any time."
livered, it was evident that his new Phil left the house with the feeling,
chief had resked Lawson te post the •tliat he hail spent not _only a very:
You, Can:
To work at your best
'You must be at your best,
And the best is nene too good.
To be far the 'man who \wield
Be at his best -
For the interest
Of himself and the multitude.
f you must confess
Yoe find yourself less
ban your full capacity,
Don't blame your pedigree,
But start off to -day
In exactly the way
on know you ought to be.
r -
i Your past is a measure
,Of possible failure
bearer in regard to Loa -a Compan _ pleasant evening, . but a profitable'
,enet Ho had acquired a new appre-i Y
affairs. pertieularly to tell all he knew,
about J. C. Nickleby; for of his own cia.tion ef 'Old Nat" Lawson and,
ef the past. It was soon apparent that
accerd "OI.d. Nat- began to talk freely . standing
. of the situation which nen
Wade had predicted, a better untle
he ea:net-head N'ickl b n impostor hel h • ' 's int estigations.
whose motives were not to be co ,'.
'absorbed was he in reviewing ivhat
, ted in, a self-respecting compto-erai
,, blocks before he became conscioi
had learned that. he -had tvelked se
Niekieby is a scamp and I might ef eomebody following him. Wit
even qealify the sta.tement, sir. by the was at first- merely a suspicion bee=
addition of the word 'dame bl a certainty lArli‘S. he deliberately tia
There s on have my opinion, eel.' ed s_•ereral successive corners only to
and one c f these new addingsniul•alleltilireis': find the figure still in the rear. .
cannot give it to you more quicklY The discovery- -was interestin
accurately." The smile with which he b
or though entirely ridkulous. who could! .
said this faded e smoked for a . resolved to throw
interestedin hie moventents ? He'
nietment in silenee and a grim look the fellow off thei
flee! in its place. He stood up abrupt -
set° , tea' ck and have a closer loolc., at iiiite,
ly. "Excese me a moment while _1 g-e,t, that distriet of tall hedges. He broke '
It should not be 'difficult to de this in
lustrate a tittle story
a Ph°tegrallh wilith will serve r'°' lit abruptly into a rim, dodged around a'
you." rim going to tell, corner and ciroPpe•d over behind the i
thrust into Phil'e hand. the photo
When he returned pee•sently he , Tile sound of running steps ceased,'
'nearest hedge. . - ,
of But the man evidently was attempt- i
.9 young rnan whose expression was., ing s omething to which he was un._
boyishly ingenuous.
'Nothing dishonest in that face, for on reaching the cor-
' there?" demanded Nat is' anceerilsit°1enle4s-1-1.4Ped, bewildered by the".
l'e'we°n•' sudden disappearance of his quarry.!
"That's JinnnY Stiles' He had to quit • He'stood there foolishly, staring about .
.AGEN TS WA N TED ,, . Kendrick peered out from his hid- ',
,uneertainly and grumbling to himself.:
• I ing-pleee with s.oine amusement. at,
EVE R1111/14 ER E ,' this diecomfitur-e. The nearest are ,
. i light was too far away for a clear look '
ON PI :MAN wanfeil in each district. Tod at the man- but just as Phil VMS about,
annuta net return If sem have the atohl- ."'
are 14 line to earn fr°41 $2,40° to 44.000; 4...' 'Um- p the hedge and boldly deraandl '
tiOS tA, manaeal a sales branch for our: an 3 explanation the ether lighted a t r,
sive sale. Artit;3e well advertised. No
competition. Yt,u may appoint
first class seller in yeur district. Eiclu-. eigarette and with a shrug. ,of thej '
eeer own shaultiets.went his way. leaving Kens .
dealere and .111"-ag...tits. This being n drik sitting- beak on his lieele, •itioks1
repeat business ,,ott hove an easy perne irt. his menmay.
anent business one established. $2.400, 1
to $4„000 and more a.year can be east's,. i _ Revealed in 'tile glow of the match.'
made by local . detente agents in any slit) false tied &Teemed fahlilian . The;t
igcountry town or farming district. This ,.younk fellow tees a Ise., moek meaty t
t..i,,,iieritirW;1,..g;tzvn:n,1:T't„Ins%22„ however, before he recalled' the fens.'
portunity. Moat have at beast a eoup,ie 'tures. It was _ant , e..., „ ,.r ,.
J et Strtes 'the -young: .
himself and (a1,1.3,* Pmaii loortli stock on :
at huedred 41011nrS (2tal 10 nrianVe 1 chap Nat Lawson 11,44 „ifiet been telling l' 4
jutha' c't11' eat.941111-anagersi•I'en aria -yri . been studying with much •interest an ' •
an interview wi ,ton y v o an Ici ;
nrd him about and whose photo he had
corm, and ape you As. before going ftdIY.; hour or two ago. .
•Into thp saopotieen with YoU, he will'
ntk yen je4 prO 4 .;. ,.1 iTi in that you bavei Over the bodge went Kendrick just,
euttielont repitt a do not write unlees ... in time to eee annmy Stiles dleappeaen
oil h"" S'''' " 1140re read:V eg'h.laround a Corner. He raft:rapidly down
ienbiviotip 111611 V. -bp bave. the reeuiredi
..V., . .
/ tytql,'.. 1 ,., 1,ear.fib,• iiv,:lf ea,. tn enrreapond 910., street, ,,keekirig___tott.he hbetnielec;Lrdr,
r ' •,. ,, . ' 11 flil M'itt‘e W2th &des atanager,..ttirfe Prick *non he reaCn-a tr:
1.4 ' .:: '''''`.rf"' 're'r°"'' . - - he waited until his man was suffi-,
il'E Ne. 3--'22, ? dewily in the bad to avoid diecovery)
Your future the ran q of...success.
vs' .
You still can melte geed
With due promptitude, showthre
If the will you really poisess.
--Paul Hayden. I eten
edtitun, and tile43.' everything 'would "This is a hoenid hill before us.
I, g t shone -radiantly around them." He had scarcely spoken when Mr.
his and smiled,
The man regarded the sweet face near Jamieson's hea,vier ca.r, driven by
1 Madge, seemed to spring out of the
"It's nice, isn't it, little girl?" 1 weeds at the right. Charles leaned
•She smiled happily. He gently ad- across quickly and grasped the wheel
jus.ted • the -folds of the scarf around f - h' o ee's hands. Madge shot
- her sheulders and drew- her to' him. !ahead turning her automobile to' the
you know I'd be creed t - ,1'...g - o avoid the other. The Barnard
!hOw/ley?" he e.aid, his lips next to; her. car. juht grazed the back, then -took
air.. ',. "I'd give you everything 11 a bound for the 'brid'ge. It lay choking
thought I possibly eould. It would he I and sputtering in the gaily, with Mrs.
neneense." !heavy windshield.
a pleasure to buy you shoes and hats :Barnard. pinned behind the wheel,
1 and things. The other idea is only/ while Charles was thrown against the
1 , fronehini. "You just saved us," be &aid. "That
"Nonsense?" echoed Madge, uneon- Mr. Jamieson and Macig•a. regard•ed
sciouttly straightening up and away each other breathlessly.
1 "And this club, too," he eontinued. was a close call." -
"Ill ad:
it has been successful, andr "Let's 0 b , 1- ein," cried the
proved that you can do those girl. 'They may be killed!" . •
e drew away from him. ing to help Charles, aho was instil -
that's what you wanted to The ear's nose was in the ground
,Wasn't it? But I don't want and broken glass ley aboet. Mrs. Bar-
ontan—I went a -wife." nard, safe behind the wheel, was try -
all. The club is needed here, Cliartes. streaming With blood.
afraid you don't underetand at sible, his face gashed, and his neck
le! As longoas'a clay you possess, theiget,
• iViinard's Liniment for 0�!d, et. .woman% day of isolation is over Co- I "Lay him oai the. glass, quick!"
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c! --kg-ot,4-_ I pa: ?Ts
FRE lawr aekTES iqOULD ear PAST
The school girl a -as ,sitting with her
feet stiatched far out into the aisle'
and was busily chewing gum, when
the teacher espied her. •
"Mary!" called the teacher, Sharply...
"Yes, nia!ain?" questioned the pupil...,
"Take that gum mit of yonr mouths'
and put your .feet in!"
of thinking.
Later, her fingers, wandering down
over his face, touched the bandage on
his neck.
"Where did you learn first-aid, little
girl ?"
She smiled radiantly. "Our club had
"God bless the Club!" said Charles
fervently -and kissed her lips again.
The Winter Hills.
know a haunt amid the hills
Where winter- trumpets loud and
long, -
Where the gray north wind never stills
The measure of its song.
Here all the slopes are white as sleep
In its.ethereal leagues controlled,
Her with fantastic steps there creep
The eIfins of the cold.
Here wlien the red rimmed sun goes
And dark fins stand in silhouette,
One seems to feel and see the frown
Of death, Ind yet—and yet—
Let but the springtime set to lip
One lyric reel and blow a call,
And how this bleak domain will slip
Its toy bond and thrall.
"There is no death!" the sap will sing;
"There is no death!" the sod will
Ancl many another voice will ring e
In rapture of reely,
",he sepulcher will be unsealed;
• To eatth's retie:Ural found the clew,
And to man's eye will be revealed
God's miracle anew,
atinartrs Liniment Useel4y Veterinarleli
Difficult Feat.
Lift Off with Fingers)
Lioos,irt hurt a bit! Drop a little
"Itreezons" en an aching cern, instant.
ly that corn stops hurting, then short.
ly you lift it right off with lingers.
Truly!' •
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle oi
"Pteezone" for a few cents, euilietent
to temovc every hard torn, sort ore,
or corn betWeen the teen ittut the oat.
inses, without Sorenate 'esitet•oa,