HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-01-19, Page 8P.tge Fight 7, J YC'EI HE"MLD We take this opportunity of extending to our many customers and friends the Compliments of the Season and our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous J. GASCHO SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's garage - ANNOUNCEMENT In order to please the public and for the Customer to know exactly what he is getting for his money, w e have ar- ranged a schedule Price List in con- nection with ford work which is as follows: Flat Labgr Charge Less Parts Complete Overhauling Motor and Transmission ... ...... ... ... $19.00 Complete Overhauling Motor, less Transmission ...... ... ... ... $15.00 Complete Overhauling Rear Axle, drive shaft included ... ... $6.00 Complete Overhauling rear axle, less drive shaft ... _..( _.. $4.00, Repair and rebush steering gear aid front wheels _.. .. $e.00 General Overhauling on other makes of Caaes will be charged at the rate of 75 cents per hour. All minor repairs taking less than one hour will be charged accord- ing to merit, ( FLAT CHARGE ON REPAIRING BATTERIES. Overhaul and Re -separate Six -Volt Storage Battery... . ._. $8;t00 Replacing one Jar $4.00. Winter Storage, wet, $2.50, Dry $8.00 CUSTOM BATTERY CHARGING ... ... $1.75 ALL BATTERY WORK GUARANTEED • FOR ONE YEAR H. Mousseau Zurich' ffierrg 1 rcotmto:s We most cordially wish all our friends it Merry Christ - m Happy and ProsperousP as and a H ppbNew Year. Cod" Times beget Prosperity, Confidence begets G:nod Times, and Good Appearance begets Confidence. IT IS WITH MST SINCEREST iTHANKS TDAT WE CAN AGAIN EXPRESS TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. MAY THE NEW 'YEAR 13E ONE OF GREAT REJOICING AND OF MARKDD PROSPDRITY TO ALL, AND CONTINUED CONFIDENCE,IN} OUR BUSINESS RELATION'S ZS ODU.R MOST VALUED DE - BUMS. Stade 8c Wetdo Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOM Y RROS, GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing St ,r11111f1(1111I1 _. 11t�,, . lr 11111111111111ii1i(I111 alf The Spirit of the Season Prom- pts us to Extend to All Our Customers Our Sincere Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous NewYearand. may the New Year Light the Paths to Hap- piness and Prosperity.. DENOIVIY EROS. Produce taken in exchange for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Total fines collected in, Windsor police court for city prosecutions during 1921 amounted to $69,332.58. That London Paper which an- nounced the .e -election of Mayor Grab certainly has our worthy chief magistrate all wrong'.—Ont- ario Journal. .. Mr. Zuffie Charette of ` .the Sauble Line, south, has purchased a valuable pacing mare from. his neighbor, Mx': E. Surert s, for a handsome figure. (hiow girls have a smile.) t' Hello! I can't hear You, Such expressions are heard daily over our local telephone. 90 per cent. of these are due to weak and run down batteries. Subscribers should see that this is not neglect ed in order to obtain good tele- phone service. At Boston, A bill filed with the Legislature seeks to require every inhabitant of the state to attend church each Sunday unless unable to do so because of mental or phy- sical condition. Cities or towns would be required to provide nva= chine.ry to enforce the. law. DASHWOOD. Mr. Chas. Geiser is visiting in Detroit Mrd. Ira Tiem,an of the Bank of Commerce, Parkhill, is holiday- ing at his home! here. Mr'. H1ze1 Dark of Ahmerstburg calledd on her friend, Miss Edith Walper on Saturday last. Mr. Earl Geiser has improved his skating rink by adding the hydro lighting system) Mr1 Ira Tetreaul is in St. Joseph Hospital, Londdonl, where he un- derwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Fries left forHam,- ilton last week, before moving to Montreal. Mrs. R. A. Goetz and son are visiting in Sfarniaj Mr. and Mrs. Herrman Zimmer of Stratford spent a few days in .town last week. Mr. H. L. Kraft has purchased the home on the property of the Ontario Flax Co. Mr. Robt. Rowcliffe of Exeter spent Suonday at the home of H. Hoffinenr„ , \ <" • Mr. and Mrs. L. Ham teher at- tended the funeral of the form,er's sister at. Seafortli on, Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes of Winnipeg are visiting with Mr,. and Mrs). Fred, Willert. We ar . e sorry to -report that Mrs Casper p L. Walper still con- tinues in very poor health, having suffered several slight paralytic strokes within the past year, Which have left her practically helpless. Her daughter Edith is in constant attendance. `.Che' Bronson Line Farmer's Club helcl a .sparrow contest Which pro- veld to be a very' intereasting fea- ture. This contest was held for a period of four week, closingJ'an. 1Redo', Louis H. Radnad ,herb Truemner were captains for • the teams and evidently Mr, Rader and his followers were the better wor- kers, catching four thousand sp- arrows while.Mr. Trir;em,ner and hili Worker.\ were auceessful in Batch ing one thousand The losers each paid a fine of twenty-fitvWe, cents, 'ivhild the Winners are treat- leg therrise,lves to n grind oyster aver oar Thursdat evening. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 40 Eggs - 40 Buckwheat ..._.. 85 Barley 60 Wheat 1.05 50-60 Flour per cwt.... ... _.." .._3.75-4.15 Bran , ...... .............» 30.00 Shorts, ... ... 30.00 Potatoes per bag 1.50 Hogs,' per cwt. 9.50 Miss Selma Rader, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Selma Rader is the recipient of a, handsome certif- icate of honor awarded by the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Man- ning Doherty and also bearing the signature of Mr. S. R. Strothersp representative of Clinton, for winning the greatest number of points in S.S. No. 4, Stephen, Shar on School, at Dashwood School Fair held in September 1921. We congratulate Miss Selma on her splendid showing. Mr. Roy Schwarz of the •same school recei- ved a similar certificate .for win- ning the greatest number of points last year 1920. SPORT NEWS The Exeter -Zurich hockey team, goes to St. Marys this Wednes- day evening. Dashwood rink will hold tai first open air Carnivall this Fri- day evening. - Crediton- and Dashwood played a fast game of hockey at Dash- wood on Tuesday eve., the latter winning score 5-2. The fast Exeter -Zurich combin- ation hockey team went to Mitch- ell last Fr:day evening and played the fast team of that place, and also winning as usual, score 6—t On Saturday afternoon, theHen Sall juniors again nu dde their ap- pearance on the local skating ar- ena and met their second defeat this year at the hands of our yo- ungsters, score 9-1. EXETER -ZURICH WINS 4th. STRAIGHT The Exeter -Zurich combination ;slipped over their fourth straight on 'Monday night at Exeter, ag- ainst the fast tClinont Wildcats, score of 8-1. The winners dise played such combination that in particular no stars appeared 1 aion the play, possibly Siebert having a little the better by scoring 5 sgoals. McGraw, the visiting net minder, a chance to- stop) a shower of pucks ,and looked„ like a real custodian. The Wildcats were tamed by peroids; 2-0, 4-1, 8-1. Over 1,500 people fjamimed their way in to see the clash and were accomiodated by the new alterat- ions 'which have been made to the rink, • The line-ups;— •.,, Clinton , Govenlock r def. Manning ...... ..1. def. 1k wden....,....centre wing DraPer„. .1 Wing Tir�ahami , o.Subs Exeter -0. Cook Ilindmersh . C.A. Hoffman • Hoffman •▪ McKinnon ... ,Siebert Robertsory Callfes Referee 'il3ticlr" 11ewtnafl., lr'rr:s Thursday, 'Tannery 1Pth,, 1 21 The store with the 'Liberal Cash Discount We carry in Stock season- able Gifts of Furniture, Har- dware, Pyrex Ware, Allum inum, Silverware, Cutlery, Sleds, Skates, Hockey Sticks Coleman Table LAMPS and LANTERNS Make night bright as Day, guaran- teed safe, and cheap to operate. Call and have us demonstrate, Special Prices on all goods MELIeK& BRAUN. ` PHONE 63 - Iierald jolt DepartJsteflt. Is always at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. May all the joys of the Fest- ive Season be shared by our friends in the fullest meas- ure and may Nineteen- Twen- ty - Two bold for each and everyone an abundance of prosperity. Produce .�':.. ...�a�.ted. utcxick�shsoa� Phone