Zurich Herald, 1922-01-19, Page 3DRIVaNG IN Driving in heavy snow takes all the reeources ef the experienced operatoe. A few suggestione drawn from prise - teal experience •sthould he of Value.' You positively Must use • chains. You wild probably •say, "01 couese everybody uses them!" but it is a fact that many " -drivers try to get along Withoet them, Noraskid treads are • good for sudden showers, than mud .and mad, but the snosv will pack in between the Tidos, giving the same effect as a smooth tread and allow the tire to .spin uselessly when the' ear is ,caught in e -snow bank er bele. For best results each vaheel should carry , a "ohatu. But four chains are not a1-. ways available and one can get along with less in city delving. If two are, usied, both shoeld be on the rear I wheels.. But a 'chain on one of the I front wheels will make a great differ -I ence in the way in which the car holds ' the road. There is less tendeney of the trent end to jump amend, or to elide tiff to one side, inalking it ex-; aeeclingly Oifficeat to steer especially! where there is foe under the snow. You I will readily Dee that a foulith -chain; will add to this effeat a steadying, the cart foe if one, wheel tends to slip the.o. ler will hold. Unbooken snow, especially deep drifts, offera-the greatest problem. Naturally they should • be rushed, giv- ing ,th much momentum to the oaras possible. On .country roads there is practically the same thing along the side made by preceding vehicles. Keep away from this as rnuoli as possible, as it is apt to inalte the steering wild and it racks the steering gear un- meaciftialy. This .caution is all the more necessary if there is much of a crust, as it ,clainages the tires to break it up. Another fruitful seurroe of injury is !omen ruts. The tire slips down these • qr fealowe them, weaeing the side- walls •almost as if sandpaper were th 'used. .They should be avoided where this is possible. If the reae end is light it would be well to load in some manner to insure better traction, It la surprising the a DEEP SNOW. difference made by two to three pas- sengers in the way the en holds the road, Provided at is iret Overloaded it will take the bouncebetter and not dance about se muds • Since it is not always convenient to carry passengers, provide a few bags of sand for ballast two or three hun- dred pounds, depending on the on, Some of it may be usetl on icy spots to obtain better tractien, esipeeially for such wheels as have no chain% • Also provide at shovel with which to dig through drifts or to spread the sand. If a rear wheel is spanning uselessay, sand, 'brush, (small branch- eis), bagging, or even a lap robe iney be used to help the wheel Obtain tree - tion and pull out. • Another usefua ,adjunct is a tow rope. No oar should leave the garage without one. If •a post ,can be found near enoli for the rope to reach make a hitch areund the post and fasten the other end to the nearest. part of the rear wheel that is spin- ning at the height et the hub. If the past is ahead of the car this will be the forward part of the wheel.' Let in the dutch very gently and the wheel will pull itself oat, pushing the car ahead of it. Keep your wits about you, manipu- lating the steering wheel cauickly as the oar swerves, and keep to the cen- tre a the rood, as the. snow hides the itches. Note the feel of the rear heels as they run rover ruts Or slip n ice. Ben in mind that an even hrottle widil'afford a more steady 13111Ifi. the car is snowbound in going forward and the driving wheels spin, reverse quickly and back the oar a few feet. This will leave an °pee track in Whach to gather momentum to rush the snowarifts. Quite often one sees a en with rear wheels in a hole and the driver churn - g the wheelstrying to go forward. By reversing quickly and then going forward, one gains conairlaatile help by taking advantage of the momentum just as. the car begins to roll forward gam. Three Miles 4 Day for Health - and God'Looks. mere is no more ample; healthful exercise that walking; and. no better aid • 'to retaining youthful vigor. and aeo•cl looks. If you have no other time: to get in Your three miles, a day walk to and from business,o, if the- dis- tance Is tee great, a part of the way. Everyone shouldene.nd at least two hours out of the twenty-four out-of- doors, and whet better -way to speed it than walking, while, et the same , time, long, deep breathing, fflllng the lungs with -oxygen, refreshes auct re new -the whole body? Out -�f -doors- oeiginal habi- tat; 'living Milder a roof, between atone walls, is an acquired habit. But eeen • centuries of this . habit have not freed the body from nature's demands. Our nervous energy is built up largely by the oeygen we inhale from the .fresh air, This aerates energy is to the in dividual what the electric current le to the inanufacturere it is the newer that do -es -things.' It is very dependent on outd.00r exercise, continued lack a which often results in a complete physical breakdown. People 'who've - ter from nervous exhaustion at this sort sannild walk a greet deal in the • open ,air; not, of course, to the point of fatigue. But, they alaould get just as much outdoor life and exercise as possible. Many a man who has over- worked his mental machinery, and 'andel-worked his physical, has walked himself back to health. - The First Menu. . Has it ever struck you, when gazing • at the bill of fare in a restaurant, how, such cards came to be osiginated? It was in 1541. - At Retiebon A gland State dinner; 'was held, to which most of the German notobalities had been invited. •• • Although the feast -was a oomplete succesi, we aretold that Duke Henry of Brunswick was ill at ease. He had a strip of paper in his hand, at which he kept looking. The guests thought he was memorizing notes for a speech, . but .oneas said to have, inquired: "May I ask the nature of that docu- ment, most noble duke?" • The Duke' of .Brunewick, with a little re-le:dance, explained that the dinner was too sumptuanta for any persoin to do justice to everything. He had con- siequently got the cook to prepare a full list of the dishes., so that he might • select what he fancied in,ost. "Clever dodge., that," remarked the others,, when the story got broadcast "We must, get our kitchen -in -aster to do the same for us." e And so a "bill of fare," or "menu," • was from that time an "institution" at fea-sts, eta. Aageasa's Oil Fields. • A company, is being. formed in France to exploit the -oil fields of Al- geria. • The banana and potato are almost identical in rchemical doinposition, Foods That Biiilit'Uji:Weight • Any fat woman will tell you that she Is a very small eater. To this rule there are few if we exceptions. Neverthelese„at meal times she .seeeIns to be a very he -arty oonsumer, espeeially of foods that fatten. She has it weakness for breaa and butter, and is fond of pastry and sweets. The teinptaficet of dandy, between ineale, ehe finds it hard..to tesist. ' Of "reducing" 'diets tor tat people there is no end—meet et th•ein based upon wholly mistaken ideas; for the quack and the eVeryday medical prac- titioner` are almost equally linemen as a Mile, of tan fandamental princi- ples involyed. But nobody pay a any attention be the skinny folks who are Anxious, to gain flesh. shattid be said parenthetically that the notion that draildeg wither at meals helps to fatten' peaele is a allly delusion. This widely accepted idea hos been utterly exploded bai the sys- teniatiO exepriments of seientific ex, Parts in natation. Water, and plenty of it, at Male impotently helps at- geetion, thereby encouraging the nor - Mal fend -ions of .the bay. Tiles it is feather an anti-fa:dor than otherWiee. AMi anti -fatter for fat Imelda, that is to say. aler the mime rettaton, pleety ef water shoeld be &wait at mettle by penotte Who are unaesweigh There Is nothing 'like milk to build Up Weight, Vases it disegreet etts it d.oes With some peopleh, 'three" to Eve gtasees a day will ftee do We -mitre, lnt tbe milk sbOUld lia 'eer1:imtami' trete reliable daliw, Oediaary milk ''apt to letiVe s slightly disegteetible taste in the enouth. That is beCaase preservative • (commonly forntalin) pas bean put into it, Seca chemicals 'retard digestion. , The -n -111k should be rich in cream, • (Imam is buttee-fat, and butterfat, if props -ran digested, is tremendously tat - teeing, • • Sugar, as everyone knoWs, is a fat making f000d. 1 'Cakes, pastry, die., it enter, importantly into our every -day diet. A Perste! who is under weight may eat candy, to advantage bacon Wet:Able quantities .11 ,he drink plenty af water with it. Otherwise it might 'disagree, Milk chocolate. is Wholes:mile, and on of the meat fat - teeing eif foods, bailie' etch in fat as Well as in sugar. ' • NOthieg fattens like fate, Bread, petal:eta and other starcby &oda ere falteaere, bat butter, olive ell and meat fate are at keel: four tlitiee as weiget tor weight, as, starah or sugar, Milk thittene-laegelly because of the butter -fat it eget:tine iu it reade ly assiefilated form, • '. The fat people liay.e one :notable ad-. :vantage over thethin people. 'They 15en, in every inetanee, if they 'Will etiek to it, get rift of their seperthleee tellpo,se, white eating as emelt as thee want, by. testi feting their diet . to tean inn ,(inchiding pehi try ), fish, settee egga end ,eroneetitreby vegetables, with a Mete thinly buttered bread De toast for, oonsolattott, :Some that feline en the Othe' hand, ape conetitationally eki any. an ri, no me tier What or how notch thee- ,at. they can Itchier gain the p peese they d esti. e, ,r44141°414M: a lltd'rthe:•*.O..:rSj. 14.4. Yet.10"...0 Ine• •• /an taaa aqt,, ae-a-a- ji a( ) assee. Pai "W-a-ae 7ft. aa, rt.* tionsolammut CHEESE -INDUSTRY . OF THE DOMINION. FIRST THREE PLACES AT SHOW IN LONDON. Condensed Milk Production Has Affected Cheese -Making but Latter Still Holds Place. A news despatch fronrEngland nounces that at the Dairy Show h recently inlsondon, where butter a cheese makers of the eatire world m in competition, the first thee 'pia In the cheadar. cheese class went Canada, the first to the Mountain Vi •ohees.e factory, Ontario, the second Ayr and Company, Montreal, and ,t third to th,e Dominion Cheese F tory, Ontario. , Thus further intei tionelawardsfor agrieultaral pantie have been -woe by Canada, andthe honors. now cover a itinge-prantioa as wide as the varied avoducts of t farms of the Dominion, and form ti finest tribute toathe status. of Canadi agriculture. ' • • 'Cheese making has leng been a Pep tar industry in Canada; more espeei ly in the Eastern Provinces, where was early established with the fir settlements, and the -great favor th manufacture has found in the Wes ern Provinces, of recent- years has t a large extent onset 'the decline hibited in the East, The e,xpansio of the Canadian condensed milk indu try has been almost wholly the resu of the diversion of milk from th cheese factories, and tho. increasin den -lairds of the taterns and cities fo milk, cream and Ice cream, has mad greater annual inroads on the indu ry. Cheese making is carried on ani in -those districts where large orient ies of milk are produced, and it Is t hese districts that th,e city milk dis ributors turn for supplies. The con ensed milk production'n of Canada o mounte to about 110,000,000 pound er year, worth $20,000,000, the manu acturing of which is largely effectec t the expense -of the cheese industry an- eld nd et ces to ew to he ac- na- ce se Ily he t an a 11 a Wet. Stimulated the Industry. Conditions arising out of the wa have, however, stimulated dairy or ganizationimi Canada, the most not able move in this direction being the widespread organtzation among pro- dueers. The activities of the National • Dairy Council, organize d in 1918, are having a wholesome influence on, the dairy indestre, and among other bene - eta anticipated is a halt, to the decline of the cheese industry and its return to the impotent place it occupied a few years ago, .a pesition which its Wide poptilarity and export trade amp- ly 'ale:tines, in the year 1920 Canada produced .149,521,008 pounds of cheese valued at $39,087,937, Ontario led in production With 0%847,7.69 pounds, followed a by Quebec with "52,441,504 pounds. In or - de •- e netned 'Come Fiance filawaed is- land, 2,081,277 acanide; New Bruns- wick, 1,212,431 eoileds; Alberta, $98- 756 pounds; British Columbia, 342,053 pounds, nito,ba, a 116,229 p ed mien NoyeaSocitia, 52a138, Naiads.: . and ales• ,katcheWee„ 28,367 ameads. • In the year 1920 there Were operat- ing itt Canada 1,674 factories invite% ! cheese Solely Was Made, ,and 410 cone; bitted better and the.eae feetoriesonak- ing a total of 2,084 establislunents nee:calving cheese., The, average cc obta le a big aor the peoduet during year wee 26 cents as eompated it an avetage ot 2% Cenis tamed throughout 1019, Popular Tribute, anise greatest ttibnee paid to Cana. dian ,Cheese is to be Mend b1 lie. wide- "PbattlatitY and tb o tokeign, ee- t Market it MIS develeped OI t. it$ Many otttlets artelinding the mile la Mg do lieenre thitieg :tone tries ot llhlropealidalittneat. zotul eheeee" • - way, or even nahot, brick at a pinch. But foe real luxury on a, cold night, one shceld have a matrese- heated by steam Dr a flow a hot water, This is matle,pea ctic.a We by a novel ievention credited to a Chicago man, Mark S, Meruda. Take an ordinary arrangement, a 1 bedepriege fasten tlie iower ands oE the dOwings to a metal plate the Din of the bed, and attach their eatim ends to a similar plate of theeitime diteanSiOnia You have then ,si Inge sandwich, so to speak, consisting of two Metal atee with the spelege be- tween them. The mattress of the bed testa uPall he tweet plate. Beneath the lower gate rims *piae, eigzagging back and orth so 59 le lied, accommodation 'for great a leag:th, 01 it as possible. The Apo coiripdap up With the hot watee steam heating plant ofthe house. YoUniVeke up 1tt the night feeling 13 -r -r -e! There is evidently a .exp,orts in the fiscal year a 1921 amounted to 133,620,340 pounds, c valued at $37,146,732, or practically a the entire Dominion production for that year. In 1920 the figures were e 126;395,777 peptide and $0,336,863, and C in the previous yea dd 1919a:152,207,037 It pounds and $35,223.a0. Cheese is ex- I ported from Candato the United icing. dein, United States, epelgiuna, Ben • rnua-a, British Guiana, Barbados, Jamaica, Triniclade, Denmaak, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Newfoundland and other countries. 'D'uring the time that, largely sacra aced to the co.ndensed -milk 'Industry, the' cheese making indestry in the b Eastern Provinces liaeifecorded a de- co co The tc onous Consciousness Th 1/* t ° BY ORISON SWEET 1VIARDEN 1 het sort of a coeeciaasneas yo blabitUally hold? This ie the secret o Year life locked up in you, What coining into your life will be but manifestation of ycer various forms eons dens/lees " • If You hold the consciousness of pex sonal supremacy, it will lift you to higher level; but if your ideal of youi self is low, you will never carve out o yam' life anything great. Your lit statue will haw all the qualities o your model. af, 1 itaso pYiolutrIglife.en, csomouurammunegt keewelpsciaoutt5oripeeLnl, a setnasneas of whatever we wash to 1 $ ' We must not only bold' the con - 1 come true in our lives, but we meat - hold it vigorously, persistently, , en - e thesiastically, or we will get a weak, a wishy-washy procluet, corres,pending to e mar mental attitude. . 1 • Educa,tion, exeerience, means an en. e "arced conaciousness. We may lin- t poverlsh or enrich our consciousness; it depends on ourselves. Whatever we do in life, ins.ofar as. it is real to - us, 4111 function on into our conscious- ness, and it affects us only in the de- gree of which we are cOnseloUS of it. What we get out of life dep-ends very largely upon the size of our con- sciotisnese. If you have a nickle-and- dime consciousness, a cheeseparing, naileaving, string -saving conscious - nese, if you are always counting the nickles and dimes and never thinking ot lamer things, then you will never d.emonstrate the larger things. The men who become successful do not focus their min,ds upon the nickles and dimes; they think in large, geeer oes terms, because they know there is -plenty for everybody, It is just a question . of having the larger consci ousness, of holding the larger model and working to produce it with all In.ess. Think in large terms, and then I their might. If you would win suc- cese, you, too, must hold, is these have held, the victorious conscious - you will begin to demonstrate large things: With the poorhouse conscious- ness you can only demonstrate the poorhciuse; with a failure conscious- ness you can only demonstrate fail- ure. All through life most of us demon- strate the very things we want get, rid of, 'the things ,that hamPer end dis- tress and cripple and han-dica,p us. We have not learned the secret of holding the victorious consciousness, the con- seiousness that life was intended to be infinitely more gaorious than any of us make it that we were all intended to be very much happier than any of us are at present. The development of a selfish <un-. sciousisess will never give us the sat- isfaction which conies Lein the de- velopment of the uu,selfi,sh facultiee the con-sciousness of helping ethers, of being of use in the world, the con- • 4 large part of Napoleon's success was written In his unalterable convic tion that Napoleon was "It," in the conviction ot his, own inherent power and ability te put through the things which he undertook. This very con- viction, this conseleitsaess of power, multiplied his .enormeasly. It is invaria,bly the (raDO that men who do great things believe they can do them. 'Such men have great faith in themselves. Because of this they • are .often misunderstood and unpoPie Jar. Theodore Roosevelt appeared to many overbearing, dictatorial, and domineering; , but it was simply his consciousneiss -of unusual ability and power that created this impression. It is the eoneciousztese of a triumphant, victorions 'mind that makes so many n'ien wile do big things seem egotisti- cal. It is a great thing to go through the world radiating power; to walk among men like a coaqueror, giving every- body the impression that you are a winner. It not bally backs up ycur confidence in yourself, bait also has ! a powerful way of establishing the onlideace of others in you. Such an ttitude will very quickly get you the eputation of being a winner, and verybody will want to .help you. apitai will be attracted te you, pest. bons will open up to you,' hamortunity rill abase You. . The faith ot others in us- is a tre- mendous tonic, a pcaterful stimulus; I while on the other hand the very con- • sciousness that nobody believes in. us, that nobody takes any stock an our we never will erne* to anything. The future, makes us begin to believe that' consciausness of the boy that some- ody, either parent or teacher, has dis- ! vered unsuspected ability in him, is! ne of the greatest , boons that over ! ales to him. sclousness of one's effort to make is1 one's life a masterpiece, te,lbilities, a high-er ideal of man - Hold a higher ideal of your peal - wrong sot. It is a very difficult thi for a man to battle against a bad putatjaa whuie oe . the other ha when - everybody is speaking Uglily him, .and, if he is a lawyer or a dooto chnm e, a remarkable development has been in progress in the newer -West, where the dairy industry has made sucla rapid strides and ,so firmly es- tablished itself in the•agrieultural life ef that vast territory. dtdhereas. In 1915 the Production of cheese in the. four Western Provinces was 1,113,347 peenclea.ia 1916 it was'1,64,3,859;:and be"di917 had risen to 2,359,645., Due to a somewhat similar diversaon of the milk, a decline, as indicated in the me cords iir the. east two years., but this Is regarded as purely temporary, and a returino:the old footing of .the in- dustry expected. London Award a Great Stimulus. , • Whilst Canada is materially no loser in the taking away from one industry to build up another, it would be re- gretful if- the cheese Industry,- in which the Dominion has acaleved' rto such ae:Wn and created such:a. uni- versal 'demand for her product; should be permitted to decline, ana it is gratifying to witness indications of a return to pristine' importance before serious loss has been effected. That the dairy industry is oh a wonderful scale at ascending progress there is every .evidence, and there gall remain . . thtee widest possi allies for profit in „3. the indu.stry. pr. Ctioally the entire output Is at the *emit time export- ed, and there le nosloubt that with the name it has universally won for itself, foreign nia.rketita could absorb much more. The recent awards in London must assuredly be the occasion of fre,sla interest le this old Canadian in- austry. . A Steam Heated Bed. A warming-nan'is all very well in its pti the wit set nor self stet the To a young man dust entering on active career, his reputation, if it the rightsort, is a tremendous ass and a lamentable loss, if it is t eg r hood, of your womanhood; your a higher ideal of your business or profession, a 1 gd higher ideal of ,other people. Think of a , all people as your brothers and els. r; l tars, no matter how low they may recommenchec him, sending hi clients or patients, or, if a busine man, sen -ding Customers to him, his r • ; have sunken in appearance. Bement - a I ber, they are made in the image of e„ their Maker and that image cannot be putation is all the time working him.. I know of no other way for a ma to get to the front so quickly and s effectively than by bearing the vi torious mental attitude toward ever thing, never alauwing oneself to dro one's standards either mental o physical. Even if you are driven t the wall, a.u.d.anift knOw how to mak the next Move, hold tlie victorious a titude hold on to it desperately an the way Will open for you to go tot ward.. Hold on to it for yew future is '1111ItOal 1, • the.. victorious consciousness towards everything in life and es- pecially towards your health. Never think of the cell life of your body as diseased in any organ or tissue. Think of all the cells as perfect intelligeneea as little perfect minds. Think joy gladness, truth,' beauty, health 'strength, confidence, and prosperity into them; and, because they are Intel ligent, they will respond to your high- er intelligence, the master intelligence of the mind, the brain. When, you are tbinking defects and deficiencle,s•you are bending them in- to your body taking them into your life. If you have thetimatiem in your thoughts and Are always telling people aboutatdescribing its symptoms, your remedies .fer, • and your experiente with rheumatism, it will certainly ha crease your trouble. That's the law. Some people imagine they have ha merited tuberculosis, and are always thinking about it, expressing their fears, and predicting an untimely end ' for themselves. This is the very thing they should not do, for it muses de- preseicea in the little cell minds which make up the lungs and other tissues, and discourages these little worker's instead ef encouraging them. as 'praise would. These Cell lulu& are like many employeee, they need eneoura,ge- meet and praise and uplift to produce their best work. , • The troufae, with the majority of us ' is, we do not half believe in ourselves.. We pre eontralled byour doubts,'eur ;fears and set' uncertainties, aud • Ise sense of our inferiority. ha feet le average mind is satueated with le very epposite of the victorious, le triumphant coescionsneas. We old, the ft:Inure, thougbt, the Poverty- ' , tho ioar-health eanacious- • when we should held the MOM'S) e opulent ,•the robust consclotteness. Visualizing peer heellb will ruin the od-heelth coneciotemess, just aa fear, worry, and dlsconragemmmsmit will kill the vietorious voneciousnessa As long as you are convinced that you are a phesinal weakling, that your health iS not up to- etanand and probably never will be, 3rour whole feture will be min' pled, cramped, and dwarfed by 'this .convietion, There is eo getting away from it, If yoe would build health Itt- or 11 C. Isualize life as beautiful, as glori. p one, as a grand opportunity to enjoy r ' and make good. Approach all your O problems, all your tasks, howevet e small, with the victorious attitude, the t_ assurance of victory. If you expect tc d win out in life you meat carry con , quest in your very presence.—Success. lost or smirched. Hold a higher conseiousness of your home and the possibilities of it; a higher consciousness of family har- mony, of happiness and appreciation, a 1 drop in the teitineratut'eomijdos But thet neect het bother you tor long, I 0 SI eepily yeti pasettliana otte ta the eitle 1 - t of the bed. 1,11,111 opens a valve and el 11 gtee teen n little waeel y, . iy (lie beat beetleto poor into the Pipe beneath year carrell, la preseetly, you EIJLI yonteeff too Virin yea turn it oft 11 you, ean Menage an arrangement fat aupplama cold air or 0.041 Water to the plea (leder the bed you oan tailize the tame apparatus for keeping 10111 511 toet 91 night in the autneter 11510, - De sure. you ate right...4a den't be too sure that every one else is wrong, ne th go Do It While They Live. Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up un- . til your Mends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness. Speak approv- ing, cheering words while their ears can hear -and while their hearts can • he thrilled and made happier by their kindness. The things yon mean to • say when they are gone, say before they go. The. Rowan you mean to send for their coffins, send to brighten and sweeten their homes before thee leave them. If my frill& here aaa• baster boxes laid away full 01 fragrant perrfunaes of ,sympathy and affection whioh they intend to break over my dead body, I would rather they be brought out and opened in me weary and troubled hours, that 1 may be me freshest and cheered white I need them. I would rather have a plain coffin, without a flower, a funeral with- out a eulogy, than a life without the sweetness of love .and sympathy, Let us lean to anoint our friends before. hand for their burial. Postmortem kindnesa does not cheer the burdened newel'son the eolfin caat no fragraeoe backward over the weary Indifference. ludifferenoe, unlike, the flower which is -open to sun and shower, is bottled selfishness which both pasts over. Indafferenee is close kit to the gnaw- ing grub of diseentent and they both live thanklessly upon what ,others at- oo inp Lisle Indifference in others ie irritating to these of 'meant ana progressive soul and becomes a drag upon their w ort hy end e a v ore. Thai ffeeence atria; nues ndi afti es tomo moral lapse of the mesneeesseee whose ambitions were Imre of the flevb rant- er than the spirit. radiffereime is 1151 0 sign of know• ledge or experiance so much as a sigtt of 'failure to secure or to put either of them to, geed Account Ihdifterettee is a failure to place right values neon men and movamenta ana. that is wby the indifferent are alettgited and left -bellied by the Con, secreted and del atminaS. The laienich Army to -day vh est powerful in Europe