Zurich Herald, 1922-01-19, Page 11 Vol. XX l I No 2$ ERALD ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1922. New Year 'Resolutions AMONG YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS, LETT 'THIS BE ONE; -RESOLVED THAT YOU WILL TRY A PAIR OP AMES HOLDEN SHOES, FOR MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN A SHOE THAT YOU WILL ALWAYS ASK FOR AFTER YOU HAVE ONCE WORN THEM' . 'AMES HOLDEN RUBBERS WHICH HAVE THEIR GUARANTEE ATTACHED TO EACH PAIR. LET US HELP YOU BY DEALING WITH USITO MAKe YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 1922 THE HOME OF GOOD SHOiS, EJ ZURICH FORU R1922I HCALENDER ib o i9 1 j�'4�' d oovoo• 000000�oo�v�000000�oo�vvvor .v Seasons Greetings To those whose business has helped us to make ourssuccessful, we want to express our sincere - THANK for the appreciated ratronage you have favoured us with and to assure you that it will be our aim to deserve a continuat- ation: of your. favours by the service, and value we render. May you and yours enjoy a Christmas of old fashioned cheer and .a Near Year of fulf i led hopes and Prosperity for .1922. Phone 59. PREETER Produce wanted WE 411g IN rIIE MA.REET POE ALSIIXE AND CLOVER„SEED • CP 7 CP CP CP CP oVg is Mr.. Ed. Wurm, was to Listowel on Saturday, The .1Canadian dollar is gettir_•g back its self-respect. Arr. Andy Yungblut of Vancou- B, renewing acquanitances a- round here. • Misses P. Wurt.z, D. Fritz and O. M. O'Brien. were to London on aturclay. Mrs. F. Genttner of Dashwood is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch, Mr. John Gerber of the Bron - Son, attended the funeral .of a relative at Bdaen over the week- ,en •,'r^ r. and Mrs. David Gingericli of the Goshen; south are spending a;•few weeks visiting friends and relatives in Michigan. Mr, .Henry Geiger left last week for Michigan, after visiting there he will return, tot his home at Cav- alier, N. Dok. He spent, several leeks in Zurich. Mr. Albert Gies, who spent sev- eral weeks with his father, Mr. Ernest Gies who was in poor health but is now recovering, returned to Kitchener on ~Saturday. The freight service on the L. H. &' Brulce has bjeen cut down to one train M day. The freight •from, the south will come up every 'Fronday, Wednesday,. and Friday, ',and from;.the north every Tuesday, Thursday ;and . Saturday. If this F414,,.avast ete tr.£iecl .much better i'Viee” would 'be given . Among the appointments of King's Connell in the list recent- ly issued by the Provincial Gov- ernment on New Years, we notice the namie of Mil. George E. Bu- chanan, 'son of Dr: G. Buhcanan, now of Toronto, formerly of Zur- ich. We extend congratulations. The monthly meeting of the,,Zur ieh Womiens' Instituite was held in the Ladies' Hall, Zurich, cn 'Wed- nesday evening last, a most spl- endid programs was rendered by Mrsrs. P. Manson, E. Broder:ck,and W. •Consitt. The ladies also ser- ved a, dainty lunch after the pro- gram, -which was of the very best. SUCCESSFUL CARNIVAL What is considered as possibly the best .carnival ever held in Zurich took place on Tuesday ev- ening at the local open air arena. The characters ,in the various clas- ses were miost splendidly attired; 'and the. costumies were very adm'r- able, consequently a large amount of trouble and pains were exec- uted 'in having this part so per- fect. The prizes offered by the' manager, Mr. Koehler also looked good to the winners, and these good prizes also helped to make the event what it was. The 'man- ager is ,to be congratulated in do- ing everything in his power to make this a success. The attend- ance of spectators was also good. Following is a list of the prize. winners ;— Ladies Best Fancy .,L', Siebert{, Boo -Peep,. Muriel Preeter, Lady Like. Gents Fancy -=C. A. Hoffman, Jack of Hearts; I. Kalbfleisch,Kly X -Klan: Ladies Conic—Dorothy Fritz, nIrkie Mamimie; MrS. M. Weber, Old Maid. Gents. Comic—P. Mohn, Clown; C. Hoffman, Old Pet. GG'rls Fancy under 15—Marguer- ite Prang, Angel; Lulu Albrecht, Canfada. Boys Finny under 15—Iven Yun- blut, Chef; Willie Neeb, Darkey. Girls •Com,ic under 15--Ly]yan Rader, Veola Prang. Boys Cotnic under 15—Raymond Fisher, Newell 'Geiser. Girls fancy iunder 12•--Kath''en Wurrn, Dindaiine Hair Tonic; Ger- ald'n;e Serurer; in, , Boys fancy under 12—Wes. Cal- Ilas, Gent, Earl Yungblut. Girls comic under 12—GladysMel- irk; Rosaleeni Sararas. Bov's ;Corrie Ain.der 12— Irvin McBride; Charles Sararas. Iddges--Miss D. Truemner, W. 13. Niles, W. F. Braun. Vor Infants and Children in Use For Over 3OYears I Always hears the Signkttlite of Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In A.dvanee $1.5o !N ARREARS, 4;2 MAX BE CHAR CIE Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch Automobile SKATES ALL SIZES ALL TYPES; FROM $2.00 UP Each. Pair put on Free of charge: Skate Grinding done every even*. ing. Perfect Job Guaranteen. W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 ,O.000OO..00.e000.OSOOOOO®t 0.......0..04.4+000se.OiOt�° 0 Great Bargain Sale HAVING- A LARGE STOCK OF DIFF'ERENT GOODS MENT- IONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT : g PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE e O GOOD ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLYE 4 a • O. 4 O• • 44 'it REPAIRING A "SPECIALTY• • • 41, 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets, site 72x84, at each ... $,5,09 e 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain • A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. .10 Robes, size 54x62 at from: $12.50 upwards. - 9 A number of real English Plush Rugs, prices from $6.00 to $9.511 Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain. 420% 'oll on Whips :valued at 75c. and up. 4 A number se'-- of Single Harness,s PHONE 102 FRED THIEL - ZURICH fr A000000000000000000000000440OOMO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*9**Ak s. .• 4, X444.44+O•II +4.4.•II4444.444 4.44 1• 3•d l••i•4.4.44% > 4 T. O We take much pleasure in ex= 4. tending to our many Customers I 4. and friends our most Sincerest 4. 4. Thanks for the past Seasons I 4. Business relations.It has been a 4. 4. O pleasure for us to serve you and 4. 4. we wish to express our apprec- t iation by wishing you a happy 0. it and prosperous 4 kew Ment 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS + ZURICH DASHWOOD j: :..4 .;.+++++++0+++++++4.44+÷*++•: ++444-+++++++4. 4++++•>i 3. A Happy and Prosperous 1922 we wish to all our customers and fri- ends and we trust that the friendly relationship which has existed be- tween us in the past will be ever more firmly woven togeti e.r in the New Year R. N uLAS PHONE tt a» 97 BL,