Zurich Herald, 1922-01-12, Page 5' 'Z ufiF'eday, Jranuarrlent, 19`42 BUSINESS CARDS *' caudfoot, Killoran & HOLMES. Barriatere, Solicitors, I'otariee, Pu;oli, Etc,rOffiee on the Square, 2nd door. from Hamilton St. God- eriah. private funds to loan - at lowest rates,, W. I roucifoot, I ,C. J. L, Killora 4' .LOST D. E. Holmes. In Zurich, a puree, containing PUT 'MEM Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN I'Mr. Holmes will be in Rensall on small earmark of money. Finder a • Friday of each week kindly leave at Herald Office. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public ».. . Com missioner, Conveyancing, • Vire and Life Insurance. Agent SHOE AND HARNESS Corporation and Canada Trust REPAIRS Co, • Herald Office, Zurich. DLE. S. Hardie DENTIST ,At ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY 1)ASHWOOD :EVERY THURSDAY IMAM OFF''tC1 — HENS tLL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for1he Co- nnty of Huron, Sales conducted 'in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 18-93 licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in' a position to conduct any hind of Auction Sale. Give me, a trial and I will assure you leatisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich e MARKS ■ Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna. Sausages, etc 1Highest Cash Price for Woull i CASH FOB, SKINS & RIDES rangblut Deiohert ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to •accomo- date ;Oil requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing Clone in the teaming :line. (GEORGE J. THIEF Phone Sia Zurich., momeor LIVE POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl game morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone -94. Zurich • 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London. Life Insurance Co. Head Office; -- London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War. Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period Asx unparelled Reward. • A. Hoffman, Agent__ Having opened up a repair shop in the Old F1ote1, f Blake,: I am in a position to do anything in the line of repairing Shoes, also repair harness, • tf-27 SAM ROPP, - BLAKE STROH'S PRODUCTS •Salesn•aren Wanted to sell our "Excelsior Brand" Malt Syrup and Hops. Agents making big re -r turns:—Apply to Greening and McIal'aster, 631 Dundas st., Lon- don, Ont. • MEETING OF HURON COUNTY •COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the! County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, ato o'clock clock ' rn the afternoon of Tuesday, the 24th day of January 1922. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clark not later than Mord.{y Xpreceding the meeting of Coun- cil. • GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk, Goderich, Jan; 9th, 1922. FOR SALE 6-h. p. slightly ldis,,d. United Gasoline Engine with clutch pulley and dual Ignition for sale at a Bargain. -- L. Prang, Zurich tf23 LOST A few weeks ago, a brown wo- olen shawl between Blake and Zurich. Finder please leave at Herald Office NOTICE We are now in a position to give unexcelled service on Storage Batteries left with u3 for the -win- ter. Our motto is as always has been satisfactory work or no charge is made. Let us keep you battery this 'winter, it will save you a lot of trouble, and by giv- ing it t`o us you, can rest assured that it will be in first class shape in the Spring. We solicit ' your. trade. Phone 626 r 14. E. P. Epps & Son, Varnia. 19.8 G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIS'T Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University,of Toronto. Late D;strict Dental Officer, M`1-' itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at BAYFIELD, Ont. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from: one to five -thirty p. m. 19-25 Zurich Studio and Book Room Printing and Developing, Photos on Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Also sell Cameras Filers, Albums!, and all 'ametuer's Supplies. A full Line of .School books and Stationery always on hand tf21 OBRIEN' & IKALBFLEISCH Hartleib Block — Zurich INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- , ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO.. Ensures your Property 'without Premium Note, and guarantees ,no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co, Fall Winter ;p paid $14 600 loss in the November 1� dill and i Der 1,919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. In force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Am also agentfor several other Wind Insurance .Companies. DE LIVE ,aiIE S Season 1921 1922 'HERE IS A. COLD DAY COM- e:ING. LAY IN YOUR .SUPPLY "I;+TOW WITH OUR . CELEBRATED »ELEWARE: AND HUDSON CO'S, tkCKAWANA'S COAL Mkt & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS I -OMIT lloiteittet Mine. iOw. House ioj. HEWSALL ONT., G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHING IN 1?IRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGMTNINC4 RODS BORN Thiel•afty Hay !l own'ship on Janu- ary Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. k .Wtuo ' Thiel, ,s: 'eon. Failkenbn g -In Hay Township -on December gtat. to Mi'. and Mrs' J. Fatkenburg, a daughter. Mr, Hy. Geiger was at . Henaall on ;Friday Mr, Iki. Wurni, of Zurich, called on 'friends, in town on Thursday --- Seaforth Exposito 4. Rev; Zehz o1 Ta'vistock recently conducted devine services in"' the Mennonite church, 'Bronson Line. A. good representation from Zurich attended the Liberal Con- vention at tl.xn'a.1 or).7'ue3day ani report a very good meeting, Mr. Emery Ruby, who has vis- ited with his parents here for ,leveret weeks, returned to .Kitch- ener on ivioaday morning. M.sa P. Geiger, of Iliinoise, who had been riere owing to the death Ji ner fatner, the late Ab. Geiger returned to :her home last week. Mr. Harry Zap:re of . Blake, who has recently: sold his farm, • has purchased the fine dwelling prop- erty of Me. George Hill, Bruce - Word was received here of the death o,., ,iv1rs. John Schmidt which took piece a ther home' Detroit on January let. Deceased was a sister ore ne late Fred. I nss, Sr, Mr. Clues. Gstscho of the Bron yon Lino has Purchased train, Ins neighea, i1r ,Toa. Soh wartxentru- bcr, the.Line 10.1 -acre farmocv o 'd by the latter, .or the cons:Aeration of $9,20j, Po,ses.on give.i Li the epring, On Thursday evening, Jan. 12th the 4th of a series of concerts put on by the Athletic Club, will be tendered ;in the Town Hall. Oy- apela and Company dome highly recommended as unequaled for entertainment. Be sure and see this one. Get your reserved seat early. One of the first aeipl the City Council o Le -plea for 1922, Major - elect Wilson s.ate3, will heto re- vive the proposal for the electri- fication of the London •Huron Bruce branch of the G. T. R. ` It is claimed that if Premier Drury dod3 not interfere the municipalit 183 to be benefited are willing to go ahead with the rehabilitatioxi of the road as a Hydro-raclia1. • The first Carnival of season! will ben held oni the skating arena on Tuesday evening Mr. Ezra Koehler, the new menage/,, hap done everything in his power to make this a success. Liberal pr- izes are being offered, and already, those who know about it, are mak-. ing preparation' with their a. tire. Read his advertisement in this issue and watch for posters. Pw•a,i clllg T. Winer AdvP acing xndardKeep.heir le Stored Tubers iieguire S.lxygen Importance of Ventllaation inSInee ice •oi' Tel Over faked at l'lantlug.-f)alager to -1 p4S 10 'eecRig :salt. tCorttrl$uted by t)C+nttsiii•in I)epadrtment•of Agriculture, Toronto.) The potato is a.living orgai'ism anal 1f not kept under cotarieI'arv{,i:rlilr to el,;ntinued irate will ttitiodie. exl potatoes frequently fail to pro- duec plants. The cause may be due: to the death of the .buds before planting. Oxygen a Necessiay. All ijving plants require oxygen, and with the potato iii storage this is Obtained directly from the air. Pota- toes in .storage take in oxygen aud also give off carbon dioxide: and heat. The carbon dioxide and Meat are harmful, axle will destroy .la_ tutee:: for seed purposes. Potatoes stored in dead. air for 100 chits rarely s; rout Find grow when planted. 'potatoes stored in a moisture saturated air nal y a exx (. €. 1) xnold,'svften and rot. Pota- toes for seed purposes should be. d:y, clean and. cool when placed in the storage hie or cellar—a dry earth floor Is to be preferred. Ventilation important. The ventilation should be arrang- ed so that air is admitted at tlxe bot- tom of the bins, move upwards very slowly and out at the ceiling or root till' ouglu;ventilators designed to carry away water vapor and heat. ;mala bins separated by an air space or some arrangement such as an air box or double slatted gate that will Prevent dead or warm air accumula- tions are to be preferred to large bin storage whe'e tlxe temperatures may run too high or the air bt.come :moist and dead. >Zixtluenee of Temperature. Potatoes stored in cellars when the temperature is kept at 55 de- grees will sprout in about 75 days. If the temperature is kept at 45 degrees the sprouting will be slower, usually about 125 days. A 40 degree temperature will delay the sproueug still further, holding up the matur- ing" process so that the buds do not `start while in storage until about 200 days from the time of entering the storage. Temperatures of 50 degrees and upward, together with light gen- erally give considerable trouble •through inducing sprouting. Cellars :tlxat can be kept under 50 degrees Sed given sufficient ventilation to Prevent dead air or moisture aeeumu- The end of the year is again lations are generally satisfactory. past and a1L.,people should not forget to go to their local maned' ant and settle cup your account. If you have not got the ready cash as tirnr.s art. -let so good at pres- ent, giv« 1..t tt least a note and get you: inueneff his books. He can t -' x >: et.e this note to the ba.- .i get credit for it, which sable causes of failure. Plant live he. t,xtit a great Leal to meet his ;seed and get. a one hundred per cent:' obligations. :stand of vigorous plants. In buying ,seed potatoes get them early, exam - The Recount of ••rio.ei polled at line tlxe buds and if in doubt about the Federal election on December, their vitality plant a Eery early and 6th, last, held before His Honor. ,watch developments before planting Judge Dickson, ixx Gadeeidh, was completed on Friday last. Mr. Win. Black, the; U. F. D. member - elect gained 8 'notes, Mr. Thos. Danger to Hogs In Feeding Salt. McMillian, the Liberal candidate, gained two, and Mr. J..if. '3Vlerner, the Conservative candidate., gain- ed 3. The total vote as erimrned up by Judge Dickson was:; Black 4,105; McMillan, 4,061; Merrier, 3,064, The reviving devine- services conducted in the Mennonite Meech by Rev, H. Sta'valius, for the past week, and continuing this week until Thursday at least, . and are being largely enjoyed by m<anl• r! Rev. Stavanux is a very sincere elequent speaker and in his dis- eourse hews straight to the line, irrespective of no one:. Good re- sults are also being received, . as several converts have been reached. People who are s'nr_ere about their spiritual being should try and at- tend &these splendid meetings, and taste W11;h you what benefit you C11]j,� , c .• :1 urine ,Seed at Planting Time. At planting time the seed naay be 'arm and look all right. If it fails Ito send up good strong sprouts in ,reasonable time after planting you ,are advised to investigate the condi- ,tions-under which the seed potatoes ,bad been stored as ode of the pos- the main crop.—L. Stevenson, Secre- tary ,Dept.. of Agriculture, Toronto, The, members of the Luther Le- ague of St, Pe e:'s uLth r. n chu ch about fifty in number, enjoyed a a "Moonlight" skating party at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ed, De- ters on M-7nday evening; Skat- ing started at 8 o'clock. Every- body was very much overjoyed when the;r eyes spied a five ;acre field of keen ice. The main sport 'in the ice was playing "Crack --the Whip" and sweeping it 'at .10 belts the skatere ell returned to thti house with a thresher's appetite, which was soon: overcome bythe dainty lunch served by the Uatters F.imily. The rest of tire evening was spent in playing games and singing,' after Which Mr. A. Kalb- fleis^h, .Pres. thanked Mr. and Mrs. Dater • for again kindness shown towards the League. -BORN 3„ Oliver—At Grand Bend, on Jan 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Ware, Oliver daugh tett Foster—At ,Blake, on Jan. 5th, _ oto Mr and, Vra, Lang Poster, a daug!hte' `lsiedexarlan--At grand ,Bend, on Jan. 9th, o Me. and Mrs. 13ru-'e Tien ,, its health and ri`or by keeping 11.; de:IiiaVly S ' tort,i etaer.. Salt is (dangerous to hogs. Though, like other animals, swine crave salt they are xo,ore easily poisoned even by small quantities of it. If they receive tonal amounts regularly at first they seeps to develop a toler- ance for salt, but care must be exer- cised in giving it to theni. Certain pigs were allowed to graze in pastures with cattle where they had access to a salt lick or trough, licked the salt ravetnously, and all but three of the herd died. in an- other case where salt brine was mis- taken for sugar -water and fed to bogs with garbage, the pigs were poisoned,,and died within 48 hours. Salt -poisoned pigs usually show no symptoms tintil from 12 to 24 bours or more. They then show increased thirst, dizziness, or a deep stupor frothing at the mouth, refusing feed, and somet.ines being afflicted with vomiting or tila>,rrinoea, Death Usually follows. after` 24 hours. Treatment in snob oases may con- sist of a dose of two teaspoon of cora;starch belled in two ounces d' e'a'-er until transparent and then di- luted with water enough to make one pint; or a tablespoon, of unground linseed mixed with water until it makes a mucilaginous mass When' salt is given to pigs it should. be included as an ingredient in a mixture containing three parts each of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride (salt), sodium carbonate, iron sulphate, "and one part of flow- ers of sulphur.: This may be placed in some kind of a self -feeder where hogs may have" free access to it, or, it may bo giving by mixing from three to five,tablespoons to a barrel of slop -teed,' or from two to three unix thproughly. It is not advisable to tablespoons 'to the bushel of dry feed, have salt alone in any kind of container at the free disposal . of hogs. Place for Horses to Roll. •W'hetre boron are closely confined hi shale most of the tinne, they are more apt, to roll 1n the filth apd ma- nure thafl if they had been taken out and allowed to roll once a day • x:et- ting them, roll outeido of stalls saves ninth currying and brushing, tteoidaa the poerIbillty of the' Athol rolling wwhere it would get het. and adds tt, Page Five iiy:. Vim,•, ; 11111, f 149 4079 J7l19P102rletaryorPLIWItiMediC11.10 1 11 AVegefablePrep intron tftl9t' li 'similatingtheFnodbyRegela, ;. I I; tingiheatoraachsnitdBo`vets of I t. 119 �>i a la 70JO' y .141.141 ra ;TherebyPromotintpigcstiori. hirci=rfulneSs'ersiRest.Colgad. ' nutter Opitum,Morphine nor, ::Mineral. N5 Oma I9'r,1tG6>''I:IC:. ReepeofOl7j ZVI Putplda SrrrL ill Srnna ,RcrddAle Salts 'lase 5 -ca i,bl IiCarant &wlta Trust e5vr CatrlialSar Sn u' ! }k vm fr 7rya. a AlieipfulRemLdyfor '' Cr ilsiipatiolland'Diarrhoea and Feverishness and 11 Loss OF SL1 P ; eallitiniythcrefreadnTiifantp Ta cSimile si> of tW • 'rrnGrit wB� " � , COMBer'lY• Id k• to 8. yam. P�, Exact Copy of Wrapper. a earl. For Infants and Children. others Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of i .�1fk Fr Over Thirty veers THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK OMIT. L umber "!elate? EMIL-" tr .iPAY,I' ,aa[EPtat ;:.:.p.,.rrs Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and :til ng F. PHONE d/1 Wu have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR -rmY Y1sa, 69 the nitipket for saw w s gA , ZURICH 4. . w d 4. 4 .- --. - w w+Y....-}.• ..T ++++++++++++++ + {m'ta New verland �. for one Year and find that it is easily- the best riding and driving car on the road. idubbertire Buggy, good as new, h a1f price of new one. CHALMERS SIX AT ... ._. ... $300.00 $400.00 MCLAUGULIN TRUC K AT ... _. F.' WI. HESS CO. ver€alis 'Cars! Cvc 0 1 OVERLAND SALES AN i) SERV.ICE ZURICH STATION MAKE YOUR KEEP YOUR MONEY INVESTED IN GOOD SECURITIES. U THE RATE OF INTEREST IS GOING DOWN. NOW IS GOOD TIME TO INVEST IN GOVERNMENT BONDS, VICTORY BONDS, ETC. BUY A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE, INTEREST PAYABLE EVERY SIX MONTHS AT 51,4% PER ANNUM BY KEEPING YOUR MONEY WELL INVESTED YOUR DO .i LARS WORY DAY AND NIGHT. FOR PILL PARTICULARS APPLY TO «-- Anew f. Hess, x Zurich