HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-01-05, Page 2. I . .. . .... . . ", ............ . ... I i , 1. 1111.1- I., ......... � . , � " . I . 11 - I 0 -Y-
1.11-1 . I I .. � . - I I
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� � � �' . � I Tempting Dishes for the In I .�
. I 1. �
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I I . .
I . .1. I I . ,tr" I I I. I I I BY MAMON DALLAS. 0 � � .
t, .. I I I I - �� � 110-�*".§' 1 , 10.1", -1 i I . . - I I
k' I . I -==111- — , 1. I ., . , e " , . I I I � . I . . , 1. I
. � , . - I . , I room , Mayonnaise sala4s-EquoJI parts of : . -'
k 11 . , I - W � . The prablem of diet in the sicl� �
, : , . . � - . � I -1 . . I.,. I "I , "'t, ''.., . I I
. I I . I ud. chielcoll, V*lnufs may.be
, . . I I .110 '. Is always a� matte,r of more or less Celery a . � .
. ,, , -11 , . �- -- .. . I . . PismmAmcmr . .. ". , ..: �' � dad� , I egg Yoke, I cup
I I .1 .. ... , . . Anxiety -in every bovie, especially ad Dressing,
P, --� ! . 4�OM FLA ft F-1144�411 .11 ,�:�' . , I I , . �
. �: ,�- - is of'loiig duratlon olIve, -oil, I tt,oaspocn- sQt, .,'pepper (cpy-
0". . . Address ,communit,,ations to Agran'0MIst., 73 AaclaWs St W*&t,,.X,vrontQk 1� . ., ..- " � I . ;� . where the jtll��!o.&is
.'�11� � I . � .. -
- . - I
h� I � I . . I , , . I and Ithe ' ItAil and cppirl� enne pepper) mustard eild, -sugar to
. 0 .S.A �,,� � , �,, I., appi.i.01te is f I
- this. time of roots, alfalfa, Or 'clOveT, . .�"14 vvq,� I I ". : , , t , J , 4 , � F I I . . ., . 'e� 2 tablespao�,% of vinegar or I . I
1h - Maintaining Size and Quality of . U . .. 0� , , , �� cious " . � 1. tas,t
It � �.. Breeding Hogs, . 11 a 11t4t nitrolgenous, meal mixture and I MAN(It , + �, �; . , I I - lomon Juice. Beat 'egg wlit,h., .0,11ye oil,: .
1� I . I � ,,,, . , III �(,,6.n!�Ideilpg the diat of any pa
. I I 'C' pl.ilty of mineral, nPatter-eartli, &Ods, I Docroa . - L, , " "' I no -er from what dissase odd ,drop by drop, tbon, mustard atid I . .
1� , ThIM I$ not class 01 UVO Stool .011: 4 111A �.�, , .L .: �Ia. ,I 00 . iijej�t niatt �
1� : : the -t, * ashost, charcoal, eite.-are Points truly 0 � I =g4r ialt and-, pepper; a4.d vine,ger'to . .
IL, - , farm that will dc -,.,rate so essential to the production, 019 large, a JOPAN ' I �, , I he may be suffering, there %re two , , , I . . I I
rapidllVand perni-anentlyas will swine, gs, 11 '�F!AJINII I "' 1 I essential features to be studded. thin. Chill a -ad serv-6 '.
-... healthy litborg,;. Pitofits frorm ho ,. 11 .1 i . Cream toast-Toa8t bread,, drop into .
I -- - - provided the necessary priwiplea to 6% de.pend largely on being able I I . I ThR firsit f(,at.uro is, or sli,alild be, boll , ling salted wator.' Remove quiokly -
avoid such are toveA,00ked. 'The two after S per $ow. Tho I I , , :: � the nutritive value of the fovd. The I 1: .
l following points ,are worthy of con- to 'Wod"Ice many Pig I and ,pour ,Over it 'a thin treaIll 15411ce I I
. st -NW'VT to cleanse and ReEM11,90 . I 11 7� W, - , � � aim of invalid ,cookery Is tolivild and I I . . �
sideration in that they deal with the sure V .�': WAS—, , . . and saTva"., . . . I
I � � . . air the waste which is going on AAA - I I I , . I
basis of maintenivinc,6 Of size, qua,,jity, thii body of the pregnant animal is to . dr It . rep, Caramel lee cre4m-Oaramel used I
�nd, health, and therefore successful pump ,plenty of pure 1.1w,h airthrough L - , . 'I , (V 0�? � 1,01-1 I I -the system during Illness, "Therefore, -o prevelit f@Tmen.-
` - -V - . -" food must be given .Ist In place of ,sugar ,t i I
- .
� , I M, ti�,wards restora- I Vart scalded eream, I cuip . I
moreaSe witlithe hei,& the lungs by means of exercise. -01 .IV . . �� . t I ' not , e in her efforts which will a, tation. 1; I
In conoluslon, the hog is a si-mlyle I 1 �J;,z4rg 1 . ... nple a ,Pat sugar, U crup of caramel. Freeze. .
1. The regular introduction of new nd lowly I - , , tion.' For exal ient suffer- Banana cream -Three, batiallas out 't 1,
blood,�-In�,breeding is usualli, fatal to and lowly animal of simple a , I . I'll X, . � . I Ing ;,,o � m typhoid'fevor should not be . i! I �
the.hog. The evil results are seen In ways but capable of reflocting mo -re � -into striall Pieces, -one -cup. water, si.N �, .
-. ' " given solid food, nor a patient with I", I
many ways in the -first generation. The eanspicuoustly and promptly than pos- I -- I . " . talDlespolons SU,g+.I,r, one-l1illf Viild 01 ,
I BNght's diseava given too much -starch . j�
practice may be necessanj at times, by sibly any other farm an-hilial, -the ef- . . or �S,ulgar. � lemon; 000k ten minutes; reftiov6 rin.6; V. �
. 1'�
read,' � I . . add one-iliedtt ta,bl"poari hyzlratod igola- k.�
-advanced breeders but should be ab- facts of good . qr bad b, ing- and . - . I The ,second feature is the pmpara- tine, one cup whipped -cream, juice 0,f t
solutely ayolded �y the prac;�Ioal or f eeding practices: X� I I I tion of serving up theTood, It should ,one lemon. Mold and chill ' ill. I �
1commerciall hog-anan., Line bi�eedlng, � . 11 � !',,I t .
provided, Intelligent care Is used and - . . I - I 11 . I . . I I � be Served in small quantities,, andt in Orange Bavarian L cree m' -Grated '"" � ,
g..' . — . as attractive w manner. as po,s'sible. 1. �1.
with due ,consideration of �niprovo- What About Water Frekilm in .1 - rind ott one orange, juice of three t�l .
ment of type -and strength of the in- Poultry flouses? '. 1 The linen s 'uld be Spotless and tile oranges -jhaq sugar, one I �
. . .. , cpt�- , 0. I a. ,61 .- dishes of -re, if prac- , olie I f cup of t , �
. I " . . I - I .4 tionty chinawe cup of, cream, two tablespo 011s. gela- -
daviduals chosen, Is an excelliefit prac- Cold poultry houses now advocated. ?� , 11 . i - ti -cal, and always whole, not enipiped tine. Method of making:- W%ip, the � , "',
. vilded! It Is not carried to Farmers -' i
tice, pl: o, I . who .now -sell and probably It= I I I , I , I r
. excess. Afterall, with the bacon hog, will 00 � ! ,. I and cracked as we soinetimeS see� ,cream; -set 'in ice; so,ak gelatifile in 1/4,
.r .. �
I nitinue to sell the bulk of the I-'. . . � 1 High, seasoning � shavldbetav-oided� also cup of codd water; dis'soolve ir.�,NL -cup I I ..
' - 1��-
. out-cr,ossing is the safest, ,provided poultry produetsin this coui�try, keep �i ..
-- � I all extremes, In the prepaalati=6 of ,of boillng ! ter; -d jul an�ld ri d, I "
- , . w ai ad oe n of �
the breeder has type ,solidly in his j,jons, f,br th& money there is in them r . 11 " I - I , id begiven, a stipulated ni'l dis ., �
. . I . ;;: ..,
.� 4. rain(L -Out-croaving atandist for strength and very ,seldom for pleasure, This is P 11 � '11 I ; � the food it shoul aranges, - then, . sugar; stir. u i - � .",4 , .
� ; ' �
I . . . . . . � W-1 � -for cooking, tays . . . ; � -,
. �� I and vitality.. 11rodificacy is of equal why elaborate and. costly buildings, . .. I., I �- � , a time, Nourishment pa solved �nd then Partially child, Whell � i.,, ..
;. � .1- .� - � � a more Imborbant part In the recovery nearly cold--adid, whIpped, cream; beat �,:�i I
I . I . Importance. The dam of the boar newly with fairly large amolitits. to be de- . I � of the patient than we realize. -The until thi,ek; niold. and ipMll. � I . -
UU. . � �..�
Introduced to the herd'has much, to dil, 01DVOr 1 Mtst ' I I value of this branch of nursing cannot Egg chocolate -To -be served -
.� cted fram.sales to nte and- ' I . I . I t. I . I . -Baltimore S . ,
do with thesize and, strength Of -future depreciation, were never very popular. — — -- i as I .1.
litters and the prolificacy of her When the toIdvoultryhou'se� was ad- ' most certain to be blowivit with Ries ' be over estimated. . I soon, as -made. 4 Two square of chaeo. ,'4 . I � I
. .
Meat -Curing Recip"es. it is my ipurp ose to give some diet- I late, :V4 ,cup of sugav, 1h. cup water,, 2 � 11 11.1
. ('11 .
grandc-1hildrea. In this the hog -ma -a vocated, it.was immediately felt that and become infested with skippers. etle recipes for the most cominan dis- ,CUPS. milk, ,added gradually, vanilla.. I � .
should take a lesson from the cattle- it would' solve -the question, because it The two waTs of ,Curing pork and- The ano, . sit ze . itistaotory way to handle ea ,:,.� � � I
man and horse -man. . beef awe brinielcuring and. diry curin see, with the hope that they may Cook to a paste; stir constantly; let I
-ad plenty ,of ven- , Paper and -baking owe of their bog five minutes.. . :, 11
The GIM's three was -dbeap, it provid . . g' the meat is, ik) wrap it,pp in helpthose whoare move fmin fire' � I
immediate dams are worthy Brine ouring IS less trouble than dry th enclose in str Re . 11 4�
of the tilation. which kept it ,dry and the on- ong muslin sachs, loved *ones� in, their thome and whose. and beat in whites ;�. ; I
: closest inveistitation. birds reanalined, healthy in it. curing; -If brine is properly made it . ,of two eggs, well tt�., 4, I
' I
I . . wffl keep for . 1 . .h of tied tigibitIty tat -the torps. -. brains are racked often by trying t0;whipped. , . ,,- �". I; .
a reaspniabil-Q engt . � � . n I, ,�
2. Iteeping good sows for several -.A drawback during winter.' Unfar- ' Dried beef , Here IS a good, recipe think of something which will notonly I Velvet cream -1/4 box, g �,;��, �
. .
years�The ciotno1on practice with t1lilately there is nothing perfec: I t in time. it it beconves� ropy -11 must be for dried- beef. Try itby all means: tempt but benefit the Patient. . elathilaj, 1/1 . t�l;-�i� ,
. I Poured ,off .,and boiled or a new I cup cold wat-eri 4 tablespoons lzeffito-n e,,,,, ,
many swine raisers is to breed the6Zj:.tjjo%woiZd,,kfid people soon commenced : 'Got the tender slile of the round Out Consumption -Treatment and Diet . . ce, V2 ,cup sugar, I cup , ,,,� ".
. ,
I ' With' the L -brine must be made. A . cool. . I Jul orealn ` � 11` I
tilts as - eaely as, possible, to,find, -Oertain drawli4eki- Wthd, cold of agood &,sit beef, For every twenty The treatment of consumption has ' (whippod). Soak the gelatins apd, 61s- ' .1 ,!'It.
young Saw once pre W& I * " this was to be expected and eel'la'r is the best place for,poundsof beef, take onie pint of salt, received n�ucjh attention and study by solve over hat watgr; add lento "�
, gnant, gra is house.
I 1.
,checked,. '' Sh� Is aften a, sm-alil Or would no doubt have happened witt t ..n. j �Ilce lt� �
�� . �
L both methods ,of, curing., , Ruth *th6 ,a teaeguonfu,1 of saltpetre and, a quiar- at, the g7ea est minds in the medical slid sugar; set on ice tocDol. -When it ,�!
medium-Azed, pig when she farrows surface of -the iheat wdt1fl-Kne -`,'salt ter .of pound of brawn sugar. Mix � . ''I .
any other kind, of bufl,ding. One of . . a world. By a careful and ddet�',ti'c.beginisto,har,denad,d-crea,m; beg until X;!�,,
I ltl�,.
her firist spring littm She Is bred' at the troubles was that water froze and andallaw it to. drain, flesh side d6wu, -these welli, roliling, out any lunips; di- treatment, a great dealt "lay 'be doll's thick. Mold, -and, chill,. 'O'.. � � , �.! I
weaning, or sometimes before, for a the laying hens -were often deprived for ifroll� Six 'to' *twelve hours b6fare vide Into three equal parts and -rub to arrest its progress.. -Fresh air, ex -1 Coffee cream -2 tablespoons W!
late suntmer or fall Ilitter, after which during most of the time of what was tha'meat'i§ cuidd., either witil. brine well into the beeif for three miccessive � . galla. �.'., I
� . , "; I
* dry'bure. . erciste, and. cold water bathing We'tine, Y4 ,cup atrong coffee, 1/2 cup ! �,
she is sold. At most two litters axe considered -an, essential part -of their cure or darys, Turn beef daily in the liquar it invaluable. �,;
taken from her, frequently -but One- daily ration., Morin,v6r, women and Brine cure: For'sach. 100 poundsof .11 . . I -sugar, Y2 .cup cream. Roak thi2v.-.g61`4- .. ..
wi make, lit should not -make niuch, I . ; �
For the upkeep of the'llerid, the best chlI41ren, whoattend to the poultry I = use eigiht pounds of salt, two and Avoid Starchy loods, and lexws -of tine, addooff eeend.'sugar, cook...When 1'�: L I
, ii . e'at but what there is rub into and -,pile . . N ...
. sughr and eggs, if there is any ten- it bi�gine to thicken add ,cream. '. ,Beat, ...6ol, ,
Sows are chosen from tlio'oring lit- -a larige nrumber,of cases, -had a hard, One-ha"T pounds.of'sugar or syruP, ,on the bed. Rub a little extia-sullt ' oh' * Fats i Id ,and te-hill, .
. two ouno'SL of 'SkaltPot-k6 and four gal- � .. . . I delrey toward -gas&1c; catar , 1110'. i � .1
ters, This piacti-ce has certain ec,on- time,chopping or rthawing out icefrom dilto the holo ,out f or ,the stripig 0 . � I
lie hang it by. At the .end � and tails may be'giyen in the, fo2?.m al I Niltited cr,am-Three tablespolonE � .
01111heal featm-es in that the cost Of vessels, and. in m.ality instances'drilik-:10"fls of water. In warm weather in' o�fa week hang alive oil, salads, ,cream, ba,bon, mults,'gelatine 1/2 cup oald water, 2 cups
0ainbaining the niii,turo brood sow is Ing fountains evenbrok . , or tell 'pounds of salt are pxefeTable. In dry, raither warm place till it .
eliminated, and, wheir she is marketed e All the ingredients aTe poured i"hbot in a and marviow. God liver oil hais! liong cream .' �� 1.
a' � , W1hd1RP6CL1/1 CUP nUtE6 U, cup 11 %�.51�,;.,,
An experiment at C p Rouge -As it stops driliTing, then in -a coollor- dry been -held, to'be of eminent vx-lue and --or, I cup pawidered su ....
as a yearling she is usually, light seemed, impossible to keep waiter from the water and bailed until tharoug(lily place. Do not smake it; it Spoils the it bajes,ses 11', the boiling wai /2 �. g a r.
� �
� I �
enough to el"a as a heavy bacon, or freezing in ,the modern cold, poultry mixed. Then let the brine .cool. Place flavor . p a advantage of food- Dissalive,gelaitine' mix nuts, suga d -7 .
' .. .. r an'
� . a light saw, obtaining ;a price little hougo without, closing it too tight, liams ,on the ,bottom of the container, . rl�— Oils should be given in very small cream; add to gelZiffie; stir ,constlant- I
beliaw the ma*et for the bacon class- -shoulders ne:kt, bdebn sides -and- small- . quantities at fixst. Here are a few 11y. Moldand chill. � I
. - making it stuffy, damp end unhealthy . � .
. es. The result, holw8vem, Of Year by for ithe,fow%s, it wes decided- to, try ercutsontorp. Pourdn-thebTineand Canada's Potato Crop. recipes. Sherry jelly-(Wj�jl 02_ve dry) pilrob- 11,��
. I only For the Consumptive Patient. ed lips). :/'P, -clip -water, % booc gela. � 1,
be sure it- -covers the me,& ,thoroughly. Prince Edward Island is the I Yl
yew, choosing future breeding Stock )snow for laldng hens; The experiment li,.�
' . In five days, pow off the brine -gid. protrmice in the East that -had a good Cream sweetbreads - SOak the tine, 4 tablesP0,0116, -Sherry, rind. anid ' I 1
friom the progeny of the young, -and was. condueted d" five 13easons, . .�� .
,:Vg change the ment, placing the topmeat ,crop of one lenion.
ftequ�htly insufficiently grown., sow, from- the beginning . of Novea�ber to yottiatoes this yew, although Sweetbreads in cold salted water,,, juice of . I
I f C t-W&O e 3 �VA , e
wilil sia-rely become appawent. Size and the end of February each year. An on the bottom, and, the bottom, meat -dn .the Pradrie Provinces all produce,ii throw into boiling ivater and boil fi - I Fren h omele n gg n b �
� �
'Vitality wila be sa,crificed. top, atfter vftch pour baick %the brine. above the -average I -or ten years, Sas- teen minutes. A little lemon. juice or'eaten without ,disturbing patd,ent, ar :,;,�
There are �averaige of twenty-thre-o'birds were in . �
certain ideals even in a -sow. She must each pen, and, ,both rece "Vd Practically Do -Ulrlos. again ,on . thw., tenth . and katchewan and Manitoba doing par- V11109a"r will whiten- the broad. Drain w1lore there we no signis af 'kastrie , 1.
be ty w, strong, tile , q eighteenth days. If the .-IX ticularly twelil. Q�iebec's production. and cut intodice. Make cresin white ,catarrh, I f0Und,.tj,j,,f�a.jj . . I 1.
picA of the brood, so - saitDo uantities of �:feecl, "O'ne, lot , �-Invabepomes , �, . , , owing *melot .� I .
iles � a oT all a e meat o'ut " d-'-,v;ish it was bellaw the average. BrItisE Col� Muce with, q --up cream, or 2 table- Very much relish&d., Separate on�e ,% �i
. ff, leapatious; ,she must be a motb�er ge�tjing�.. w t the time; and t1le'roPy take th an
-kind, gentle, and ,careful ,of her other sn � Boil I unibia's yield was below the average SPoons of milk and 2 of --cream, 2 white and -yolk; beat the white unt 7�
I ow, me I tharoughly, also the,container til I I
- ,fr,om the mot nt t was On- tablespoons -of ,butter. Blend 2 table- t the yoke u'ltil tlemon . � I �
. the brine or make newt,brine,-'replacetbut exceeded, thAt.of I;ais,t year. � . I very ;stiff; he -a . ..�
I YOUT19--PrOlific, and -with the teats available until the testing period was butter, idA ' I ��,,
, "
. . the meat in the barrel andeaver'-with- taTiols croTN botli'eatt auid'w6st, was SP�tis 'Of flOUT with Cream edor�z �daono tablespoon of ,
'and mammary dinreloplient to feedlier finisill . . I I water to , I
'ed orill and let boil. Pour over meat, sprinkle yoke; add salt .and pep ;
' �i,
-large litter. Once in a whiWone-finds What . the 'r'esu'lfs' I I I 1. . brine. Allow four days' cure for ei& not half of .last veax,'but the nowth -per. Foldwhite .";.,, .1
, ! ;
such a sow or one with, some of these were -After re- Pound -in a hani or sho-ul, der, and thi;6e districts ,showed, up satisfactorily. with bread crumbs and brown in oven. into yolk. Have -one teaspoon. of but- e, t
cording the feed eaten -by each lot� the , W
. qualfficatians. Is it wise to part with revenue was arriv6d at by counting days' for eadi paund in bacon sides ver the -0hole .province, the yield was Suet pudding- 4. cup of suet, �j t in ted I e 1,-�':
. y er el n th pan, Turn, the omelet . �,
. ,and smaXI pieces, -For, ex,aniplte, a 103% buslie-lis per acre against 152 cup of itiollases, :V1 cup .of milk, 1 cup into .
I pan and ,cook for one minute; re- � I
I her as a Yearling? WiR notsom.6 of the eggs and also, calculating the dif- fifteen. -pound ham takes, sixty days. last year and -an averageof 119%. :for of flour, 1/4 tea,spoianspice, 1/s teasp0,011 duce the heat; trywith a knife lightly. I �., �
her progeny -,be likely to inhexit her ferende in weight of the birds -vrl-deh i 0
virtues? Would vot sows from b..'er were placed on the scales, -every year, When meat is removed frain the biTine the years 1911 to 1921. These facts scads, Put into a pudding cup and Fold and turn into. platter. Ser'�e at . ..... : 6
future litters as a mature animal the it should, be soaked- for about hall an lare taken from the -Dominion Fruit siteam for three-quarters, of an hour. once. I ., t"'.
11-oth -at the beginning and at the end . � ,,..':
befter Still? The wTdter has . butir in ,%Nmter bef ore being p�.aced in � Commissioner's repowt, dated Novem- Serve With a cream sauce. I Creamy omelet-Boaj up the whole ",;, .
in mind of'the experinient. For the average ' , �,'.�
. N,,�,
I 11:
, .
sows in the various herds, .on the Ex- of .all tests the pens receivilig- snoNjr the emoke-house. . 'r. ber, 1921'. Exbept�ng British Qcl-wn- Bacon dressing -F ry thin slicas of c1mg; add ,one tablespoon, -of cream; ,, �,
perimsental Farins Sy&em that have gained 11, per ceii-t. less than those Dry; cure: This requires more .work- bia, all the provinces rerpoit freedom -bacon. Straill, Add,to quantity of fat heat and, butter the pan. Pour.etgi Into ,,�
. I
sh ane4hird the quantity ,of vinegar. the pan and cons-thlitly lift from th.te , I
beelikept from five to seven years and *ge#ing water,but, on.thoother hand, than brine curing. For W11 . loo fro-ni. any serious .disease. In Briti Tilicken . by adding ficur. Serve as a centre of pan 1411 cooked, Serve at I
pounds �of meat- uss seven poiulds':'of. Columbia late blight seriolisd7iedilced, . .
have been producers ,of large, stroag they laid. 28 percent. better. With the y available dressing on grape fruit, 11�� I
IM-ters throughout. These have been, valuations placed ,on salt, two and, oiie�llal f pounds of sugar the shipping stock usuall clice. � tl�
� ineat .,. and eggs, - - . �,, 1�,
-om. the ,Jbi I rds -receiving - '---- - - - � I I t'.
I !DxcePti6ns,'it is true. The average the profit ft . . and two ounces of saltpetre. , �.Mix ,all � f roan the lower mainland-. The drought I I
d sow :frequently becomes clu ' the Ingredients thoroughly, rub one-: in the,eawly part of thesunimer play- j, 6 1
goo msy snow - was, for the fi7esea-sons, exactly Wi ter W rk for the Bee. combs, cappinigs, etc ed � i� 11
,alid0owkward after threeorlbur years 121 third of the mixture over the meat ed sod havoc with the potato crops 9 can. be render
A- per cent. highe'r illan frd-m the I . keeper. . early and the wax obtaffied manufac- i � � "I
. �
I of age. She des#oys her little pigs ones getting water. - � ,and pack tile meat away I'll a boxor in Ontario and Nova Scotia, in the tured, into foundation for spring use. � :
. . tl� �, .
through no de�sire' of her own and Conclusions ihich'-may be drawn- on a table. The third &.'y rub on h1a,19. first named province pairiticillarly. Re. With the bees all snug1ty packed A-117 manufacturers of bee supplies �, � .
. I , , I
ceases to be -profitable. Tosum up,it It is 'hard, to draw definite, conclusions of *the remaining mixture and.,again garding the market generally, the re- t away in, ,their winter quarters and- re- will convert- the wax into f oundation I i", I
. I
is a wise policy to T-etaitione or more from most ig experiments with paick the r6at. The seve port says that as the digging season quilrilig no further attention for the at a reasonable charge. , , �, I
, feedii the remainder of the inixtue over ... t,1pragTossed,and the favorable weatherr next four or five months, the bee- . m re. , �1;1 I I
sows, depending on tile: size of tile p6111 -y j eca,Lj,-,e it ,is well nigh im- I
ti )� .
I ent me*..,end pik&kdt to ,cure. . 1.0- i
elprise. Choose breed -Ing stock as possible to bring together two lots'of Allow a coutinued,.there was expectation of a keeper loan now turn his attention to ful.1y protected from the iiavishes, of I i
. :Car as possilAt from these mature a,n,i- birds having I . day'and- �i fhalf care foa.� each piyuild,darger -crop than originally estimated preparations .for next seession's activi- inice and w1ax moth during the winter � I I
. e\actly the same breed -
mals, Othersows, less desirable, inay ing behind the in a piece of inteut.. A tweiity�qound ,and, growers became opitimisAic. Ship- tios, As the active sea,sou is compar- :
in. The time ,of hatch- as they -a-re'one of -the most valuable � I
usi the condition of each I . I ments grew heavy, but the demand atively short and ,commen,�,L-s with a. � I
be mark-eted after one or two,litters. Ing for pulle hattil. will take thir,ty -days ti> ,cuile, assets a beekeoper has The .b4et � N
Whert meat is removed froindry cu�v.' iurned -out uilusnally light, -and prices rush, the man -who would inake the' nletho'd is to p_ja e t e 00 ' �.. I .
The proven brood sow, .,however, individual layer and many other i c h mbs in sapeiLl"".. �, I 1,
* it should , be waEthed with hikewarm sliumped accordingly. The total yield best ,�se of his time and s-ecur . 2
should stay in the herd- 'until she things may also be sources of I I 'a, and to tier"the Supers -one above th.� , : C
teas - error. - , . 11
. In this case, thoajgi, individuals were water before being smoked,. �, ', of potatoes frcan,Edl Canada this yeair max-milm crop from his bees must be " ;
es to be mi, economical producer. . � -cod at 110,895,000 bush0s, propared, -with everything in readiness other with a queen excluder benieaf�6 �� � 11
-hosen as even -as possible and w ere . o pile. ij
3. There are several other paillt.s in c ,Sometimes bliere it trouble in beep- is pla i d, anotlier over the top �ctfjh !
. 1, g meat after it has, been curod orla,glainst 133,831,400 budhols in 1920. before it is, actually needed. Most of 'an ! ,i
� , ,
swine management which. have much ]loused in adjoining,-Peti§- The ,eon- n i This will prevent damage from inic"-. I e
. Smoked. It should ,be skoredt in a di -y) I, The average wholesele pal,ce f or tl�e these orteparations oa.n be iriade -d'UT- To -prev-dilt miolding anddainage T 1 � C
to do with the maintenance of strength elusion Nybich may bo -drawn is th.,at i �,
W1 a - likes, If a-l-� enti rom I I
med be , fraid1 to give oil] WAx 1110IL"If the collibs ,should -be st ,red a
d quality. (1) Keeping the young nobody r coul and well-ventilatod p re Daivinion is quoted as $1.55 per, Ing the winter inoilith.s.
Gotw growing bone, and muscle instead snow, -w-hon. it is inipossp)le to y lowed to hang .up tilipooteced, it is al.' I cwt., or about 9.3c, -per boohel , - Par every ,colony of bees a bee- Ill a dry, ,col place, exposure 0 ' a
do . I , 1. . d to a ,
I of fat, in other words, I I . � — keeper has, lie should have at least � , "
. skini-inilk, otheinvise, though it'i,4.admitted� that m— -- - . teniperattiro -of 11 ,deg p will. de,-broy. � � T
I nitrogenous feeds,. g'reen feeds and water should be kept. in pens -when I . fri � three full depth,or six,shallow -supors jarvae Of t1m wax ;;;�th.' � ii:
� exercise. (2) Exercise end outdoor I practicable. -Gus A. Lantgelier, Super- . for surplus honoy. He should, have . . . t(
I ne Welfar6 of the Home I . --#S.— )
life duAng the winter when the SoNjr I intendent, Experimental Station, C I I I . enough 10-ftiame 111ires, ,complete to : ! I A
10, is Carrying her young, and the use at I Rouge, Que. . \ ap " . - take care of all the increase hie is I Don't let 11ho.mice Pat you out of I I I,(
0� � I 11=1 ''I .1 I I likely to make during the slimmer, A the frait busfittess, I "I � re
10� — , I The Best Story Teller in the World — *By Anna Mae Brady lack ,of supplies when. 11-onoy is com-1 . ; �,,
oil I . I 11111 � I # I - . al
i�� .
11111 ! . . . ing in -and bees ,are Sarli-Ling . -111
1� 111111 A �, " I � , means I Let the bacteria bring baok V01;Z I of
00. , 0 Memories mean 111UL111 to us especial- Jim Thomas ohang,ed. their minds even a heavy reduction in the aniount of niitmtogeo. , . I I Pf
I 111i ols , isho& When Ruth honeY - Supplies. should be . -
I I /I , . , io .
� - . � '411i�� ly as we dro,woldertild whou ir,-,th4e- hef'ore'she had fill stored. AN ' . I 41ways,simlil f .
' ' I Elizabeth told the most impossible ,90"Ple Over -CRr-efullY and ,put ilito e at theold, tow far she It'.
P, A considerable number ,of poultry .When different .classes of ,sheep axe.aniong us who does not 'Count the things Mother s1ways ,,just happen. I pr, er world-n-goo-nd-ftion. If any new providIes tile b's .
0- - I . . ap I st nixtket, for waste I
11 1. I .� � i� F1
� houses a -to built so higqi and, the am- kePt On the favin it Will be folind. Ad:- I early home pictures treasured, in th& led they "Viould -be I oravos. I .1. I I I �
1� I I ed" to tell us a w nderfi.illy bnagin� ones' are Tequiat .� . . � q�
ount jol air space that an ust be warmed vantageous to separate thein for win-, mind as its dearest pos- ative !,Zry taip- G * n4li ol�dered, early, as most dealerg'alllow a - . . � I
i.- - ' back ,of *no's Ana everse evening . . . I
16 I � by the birds is so great that it is ter feeding and care. Unless this i5j session? C4n?t you remember those we had Mother Obose rhyme., for the discount oil early owders. These Sup. The fairmerlis traiiiii,jig in oo-opera- 11 I I Tl
P- Impossible for -winter temperatures to done,sonle . members of �he flack will -happy, joyous, -09,re-fpeo thnes WhOl baby, but I think we'blder ones enjoym Plies can be made up before the spring, tive marketing will ultmatelypoepare - fir
0 .�.� 'be pkasant. This can be remediedby get moye than their Share of fee&., Mather used to gather us around her ed .them as =udh as the baby -did-, When ordering hive bodies siVers, 111in, to ,co-operate, fuilly -with Natare � � Vh
putting in a straw loft to occupy I 'large lots, it'is, most - ' L ey
.1 911 -l"I"ile tile weak" aninlals val-1 get less. knoe in the evening after -the ,day's Although we ,began these r1lymes- be- ,otc-, Ill, economical in prodUttion, , I il
I �
I extess spate in the top of the house In feeding sililie to sh6dep mTel 'to laugh to P1111 I I , I �, gr,
I livoib needed as head room -by the care- aliould, I be taken .not �o,,give the ani -I work was done and tell us the most fore she could talk, she used, chase them i -n the flat in fetates . i �'. eli
�. I . talier. I � , � mals any that is spoiled. Slwep are � wonderful staries it has ever been out and clap, her hands w1heii we ,would Of-fi've- The inaterial.is akl cut to The ptee.-ent, 4.9 a. gooi, time to pu,r4 ) po
, privilege to hearlt- Mally" -01' us have say thoin . Sometimes -standard, size ,and retudy to ,but to.� chase plire-bre 11' stotit., No man "
,. . . . i, , 17.3 used . di ve 0 . av
ju prov,idIng vo � -can ,Afford .to f avin with scrob - sires Al "
. I . � . litilat.joij also, pem-liatly susceptible to indury",fraln Studied, the art,of ztorytmtoliling Sin& - tvake up tuties and Sing thein for her, geblier. If- �a beekeeper is handy,with I I 'I'l
I ,. . to Id be .,left open in -leo-$ which fo-tin gas. ' .. then andhave heard the NV0rla'S'9r09,t7 Those . were very happy t, 110s, come tools antil call 6btain. good lum,bte,r It ,and all would. mako"Mor -,of ��: , A
iiough: isp�ee shou I � I .e"�t it Nvith !
� e ioubi m"de ,al the buifffing so that The breeding ewes, need ,exercise in; ost story ' " k I t � , . Wa
I . th _tellor, yet t -, ,Is .Mother to. think.of. it they were the very, it .
I . 0 is very inuch cheaper to mia e the pure-bred stock r1l,glit throtel
: '
:r , �he open ift-ollf. will eqaail -onetelien of win,ttor, The health'and vigor,desirad surpassed them allI. � � . pi6t 10ve ever known. hives, floor boards, etc., athionio, using flocks and botda. ... �illl - � , : Vt.
4 1 ,tile total f1dor space. This open sorem cannot be obta,i,lied by -housing the We never know what ,story iho was' � Mother is gone now but I call llut� a standard hivo, ,as a m,odol, The I ..-..,--, ,, I I ,� alli
. �. 1, 4y a Sur-, tiv e-yesand'tee her in that framas� lliow�ever, are,ilillietilt,to Make -lie best gilard. agaffist I Pol
� 915 . , s if !
ug4A to be ,near the bottotm of the animals tOO 6 01-Y indoors. going to tell, that was always o4d rocker, SlInlight is t I Vri
. I I
soath . — -4 . I I gueS8 ty d, , ,, jit I ,�
, � � sidlo rather than at tho top so I pTise, and how we did like to ,and i0arly "eve. ay of my lif 0 soltlo- 1without special machinery qjjj� should I tilberetilaisis. Make sure there'is plenty I 6
! .that the warm,air froin tho r6osts will , Prolnote''peace among nations'')>y whicill. one was coming, W.tasn4 it think f ram, thosii .stories sho told ,be,,obtainod, from a Togtilat inavII&O'. ok light 1311abiled Tor the now stable or �11.
. . .
go the very -0ight Bro4ier Jack comes to''ank, I guess I listened ao. ,tuker- 00,11* toundabiolj,�alfbe order. If tho:016toilo. U gaing to do for some , . ..
'"Ot flow up and; vabof the,opeft space. pronioting- goad will mimong nefthbors. Stran i I : 00
I I . 11 ,
. -*�-- Plan ,as, far as possible to gA ille did not wash his hands and saa; he ,intently and. loved them to much thit (-,d early, but it is, not adivis,able to put- t tinio to -come, onitarge -the wftfdowa., 10 ;1
� I
, A paite of scales and- a record sheet n1an-urell In and Jim Thowtas were never go! . rg to they hotaille a- part of iby'10101 ArWit into bIle Tka,"les b0fiar(l +116 8pr1,n,6g,j'P,0`U0,blk, the uppcir half of thtee, .01 �: I
.1 in the d Iry stable, I cent. wash their hall&. th�r I This, work shou,14 be done ;'n, ' . the 1, , A � tb C
� - . � 41 . Will goal, show this way close to a hundred, pet again wasn't it so to'tbL* end of thtne for hie 96 I a w"Irm . F06cidthietlpiryztablo hould be ,
, I . I
. .1 . I wiliel, of' the fettitner value a this projuet I ott wige that Mother A6�id t Y§ - .0 .Y- I room a.s th e, 'wax is.. ve, it n I be ,� )wc
whi& cows are proAta'ble and, Lill tis the will� *Iwa ,be ,the very � best %tot . ry,brntI6 wben gl�t-u r d fhat glii-s should alw�ays
are 110t, . I is conserved -for crop uso. I I story of the pig Brotherl, Jac'k'And I tellsk Ill ,the world., j I . . . t cold �anlf is .olisily broken, 'broken 001ET'L . . ', . � �� to,
; I I . .. I . . - " .1 ., of
� � I � I I.; , . . 1 2 � . . . 1, 1. a I I I I I I I I . � . . .
I I . I . . . . . � . I I � � . p , . I .,L, I I I I . . I . � I 7 "I (111
[-7 ,�, I
'. I .., .",
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I ! I . . I L . I I .1. t I I I I PW
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, � 1. I ... , ,.. � ... 4 4"" -11-1.111.1 ., --,",-11 . -111-1. =�.t., . . ....... .1. ...4 . ....... . � ....... � I . . � I � , 11 � I I