HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-12-29, Page 8'}lege night' .pV' l ,'..1:11 ai al 110 ion ,,,, ri 4,0 lir , 1 Ant 11111 I101.1i0� i 11 IIIB 5111 51� 11161 df o.t 1 al In' We take .this opportunity of extending to our many customers and friends the Compliments of the Season and our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Ready, -to -Wear DENOMY B Clothing GENTS. FURNI' A L . .. -,.,xi l.l� - '1),.r , .ry S. Oideced ri SINGS Clothing J.GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted .Phone 67 Zurich's garage `"11 ` Nall 1}i'it14S1 11114irajI 1 01111114111 it o= The Spirit sof the Season Prom- pts us to Extend. to All Our Customers Our Sincere Wishes for a happy and Prosperous New Year and may the New Year Light the Paths to Hap- piness. and Prosperity. Ascetylelle Welding U WE HAVE RE INSTALLED THEO PUBLICEFORENE ALL KINDS INOF PLANT AND WELDING AND BRAZING WORK. GIVE US YOUR WORK AND WE I TOO SMLL ALL. ASSURE YOU SATISFFACTION. NO JOB TOO BIG, NO GeuuUe Pord' Parts ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR FAKTS FOR VARIOS„1S AUTOS T --O-. ,ITE DETOMT EROS. Produce -taken in exchange for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST There'are fifteen recruits signed' up for the Exeter -Zurich hockey. team. Only the best men well make the team. - Sincere sympathy ist felt for Mr. J. J. Merner, of Seaforth. Be sides losing the election, he had a heavy loss by fire, his mother-in law was busied on election day, and his daughter had her leg. broken in Toronto. All this on top of. the decline ,in•Falue of pure ;be stock, and flaX producta,' eeic'e t trials severe. He is a - fighter• in politics acid in ;busin and phis many friends trust tha -far 'a so afas ,iQ 'apG9ia c' W may soon right; themselves a —Exeter Advocate. NOMINATIONS Battery Sales and service Station `complete line of Fires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils,Etc. We need Your Business. Satisfaction Assured Mousseau • Zurich PHONE No. 103. (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Eggs ......... ... ... Buckwheat Barley. Wheat Oats ' 40 ....,. 65 60 95-1,.00 40 Flour per cwt. __. --- --- -_3.75-4.15 Bean:: ..... 28.00 slaortsr•._; ___ 30.00 tatoes per bag _._ 1.50 s'ze Hogs,, :.. ............. 9.25 122 auto markers have raised` figures, an inch those of :1921, on a tratkground TO, CREDITORS Hay Township council nominate, on passed oft very smoothly on Monday afternoon, a large,• nuin ber of rate payers being present and a keen interest was • taken in the affairs of the Township" The nomination were as follows, For Reeve; E.F. Klopp, John La- porte. oFr Councillors; John Campbell, W. E. Turnbull, Sam- u?l Deitz, Louis Rader,, .J P. Rau, and F. C. Kalbfleisch• Mr. Laport, F.C, Kalbflei'sch and. J. P. Rau, resigned, leaving the old 1921 council to act again for the- year1922..,,, In the evening nomination ,for„. Zurich Pollee Vill. age took place which resulted is follows;. Wm. Lamont; F, C• Kalbfleiseh, -Hy. • Tru,enill , J, r'3, Druer and C. C. Schilbe. e Err! ebristmaa We most Cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ - oras and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Good 'Times beget Prosperity, Confidence begets Good �imes, and Good Appearance begets Confidence. .*- IT IS WITH MOST SINCEREST THANKS THAT WE CAN AGAIN EXPRESS TO OIIR MANY CUSTOMERF AND FRIENDS, MAY THE NEW YEAR BE ONE OF GREAT BEJOICIPI'G AND OF MARKED PROSPERITY. TO ALL, AND ,C'ONT'INUED CONI5IDENCE N OUR IIUSINESS EELAPIO'V'S IS QUUR MOST VALUED DE - Stade 84 Weld() etn the matter ,o1 the• estate of 'sry ,Ann Miller late of the Town • -,,lip of •Hay irk the County of Hur- de ,; Spinster, deceased. , .NOTICE ' is hereby' given; pur- suant to section 56 of the Trus- tees Act, R.S.O. 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others hay ing claims or demands against the estate of Mary Ann Miller, who died on or about the 14th day of December 1916 at the Township of Hay, are required on or beiore the 10th day of January 1922 to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Herbert K. Eilber, administrator of ber estate, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and des- cription, 'the full particulars, in writir g of •eheir claims, a state- The'I patere of the secirity, if any, held The. store with the Liberal Cash Discount We carry in Stock season- able Gifts of Furniture, llar- dware, Pyrex Ware, AlIum intim, Silverware, Cutlery, Sleds, Skates, Hockey Sticks Coleman .Table Lamps and Lanterns � Make night bright as Day, guaran- teed safe, and cheap to operate. Call and have us demonstrate, Special Prices On All 1 Goods Please retain all empty Cement Sacks MELIeK&BR1[JN t PHONE 63 � :herald Job D Is al gays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop-. es, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. two last nanusd resigned, leaving by them.. ( the 1920 board elected by aeclam- AND take notice that after The Stephen nomination such last mentioned date tl • Alegi. H. Neel); Deputy -Reeve, is ri ute a assets of the vaid! David Webb; Councillors, George deceased among the parties en- ation. i 1 resulted as follows; For ay all the joys of the Fest- Reeve, dist b to the a ss will 1e ive seas®n be shared b our Penhale, John Hayes, Wm. Schwee titled thereto, having regard only itzer, Elmer Lawson. For Dash-' to the claims of which it shall•then • wood Police Village, will hold an, have notice, and that the said ad- friends in the fullest nieas- .l y '•'ect'on this ear on Monday next for Police Trustees, following are. the candidates.—Mark Brokenshire William Kiei.;siver, ThomasKlump and John C. Reid: 4. Returning Officer, Thos. Hunk -4 in, on Thulnsday last in Exeteil, made the official count for Soutli Huron for the recent election, and results as follows;-• B1ack,McMill an,Mern ea# 87 499 521 100 447 531' 376 456 220 -427 :237 169 39e 236 25, 154 218 397 339 367. 16 197 177' 44 168 234 49,2 Tuckersmith 426 432 232 Seaforth Clinton Hullett Hay 628 Goderich Tp. 289 Stanley 322 Usborne 512 Stephen 682 McKillop 414 I'len Sall 40 Bayfield • 38 Exeter 183 manistr,aator will not be liable for the said assets or any pert thereof to any person or persons of which claim notice shall not have been received by it at the time of such distribution. Herbert. K. Eilber, Administrator, Crediton, Ont. Dated—Dec. 27th, 1921. SPORT NEWS :The Intermediate Ontario Bock-, ey. Schedule for this district has been arranged and it will be not- iced. that the season at Exeter op- ens on January 5th with' 1•Iiteheh. The Exeter17lnxich Club has some twenty players lined up, end they will meed to play a fast game to catch a place on the team). Following is 'the Schedule. — Jan4--Goderich at Clinton Jan. 5—Mitchell at Exeter San. 6—Clinton at St. Marys Jan. 9—St. Marys at Exeter Jeri.9—Goderich at Mitchell , Jan. 11—St. Marys at Clinton Sen. `13—Clinton at Goderich Sen. 13 --Exeter at Mitehelf Jan. 16—Clinton at Exeter , Jan. 19—Mitebell at Clinton San 20 --Exeter at St, Marys San. .24—Clinton at" Mitchell Jan. 24--Goderich at St, Marys Jan. 27w -Exeter at Goderieh San. 27- St. Marys at Mitchell San. 30—Exeter at Clinton Ian. 31 St;. "art's at Goderich ti V'tehe l �t St. 1NCnrys et1t'. l `,at. to Total 4097 4059 3953 Mejority for Tlaek over McMii- Tian 38. Majority for Black over Merner 134. Majority for Mceti1- lian over Merner 96. Applications has been granted by His Honor, Judge L. ,H. Dickson that a recount of the ballots east in the recent election in Somali Iluron be made, nad such recount did eon rnen;c'e its Goderich at 9.130, o'clock, on Friday, Dec. 23rd, 11e turning Officer Thos.. Iluelele, act Election Clerk,< c. 14, Sanderla, ha e' been summoned to appear \ ink Goderich at that time with nr'e'esiry pareels nt hallot9, 'to ^ter'teette'1%tl 'i Ito,.:teteu lith t. ureand may Nineteen-Twen ty- Two hold for each and everyone an abundance : of prosperity. ProduceProduceWanted. uterickFashions Ione