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Zurich Herald, 1921-12-29, Page 4
o' THE HERALDom the Issued Wednesday noon r f' LD PRINTING 'E,"HRA . OFFICE Effective after Am. left, e19l20 t uloaeriptiOn Terme '$126 pier year 113 stdvanoe; $2:•OO may be charged it not so paid. V. '$, subscripti- ons $1,75 strictly i!n advance. No 'traper discontinued until all ar- roars are paid unless sitthe option t? the publiehea•. rue date to 'Which every subsrriptio3 is paid le denoted on the 'label• ADVERTISING •RATES '.Display Advertiain•g-'Trade known application; Stray Animals -'clue insertion -50c 'bee ipsertions $1.00. sate Varna or Real Estete for 42 for first month, $1'or each sub- sequent, insertion. 'roteesional Cards -rot exceeding t inch, $5 per year. Auction Sales, $1:50 for one in- sertion, $2 for two itasertions, if not raver 5 inches in length. Local and Legal ad sertisrng not - fees, . reading matter, 10e a line for i 1rst insertion and 5e per line for each subsequent insertion. Card of Thanks, In Memoriam, :50e. Miscellaneous a3'treleaof not swore than five lines, For Sale, To 'Sent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., witch insertion 25a. Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT or, HENSALL O. T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING 1G'h.. 7 m. leave urrc .00 a. Stage : South, No. 162 ..... ... ... 8.58 a.m. s. North, No. 163 ... -.. ..-10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON le ▪ Stage leave .Zurich 3.00 p.rn. e South, Pto. 164 ... ... 4.50 p.m. 1► North, No. t65 ... ...,6.14 p.m. • 1'he Herald Department is al- e ways ready to turn out first-class r _ -'work at moderate prices consider Ong the great increase in cost of production. "'Every farmer should e ;arid many"have already, have a e , lir/sited supply of note paper and • -envelopes, with No. of Telephone and Rural Mail route, and perhaps o whatever specialty he follows in estock, grain or fruit. It looks ` gtusinesslike and .costs little more 'r than the retail price of the blank :stationery. The Humble Home In :the Rear' L man, gaunt. hollow-eyed{ lay on The bed in a little shack Ili the -.rear." The closed .window was a silent reproach to an unwholesome •arbage heap within twenty feet of the front door. There, the man, his wife and two children existed, miser- abbr. How could a victim of tuberculosis possibly recover under such condi- tions? .Ah! the pitiful lack -of money to provide for his needs! The dumb .agony in his wife's eyes! The National Zanitarium came to the rescue. He was sent to the Mus- koka hospital for Consumptives, and 'the family provided for in healthy 4urroundings. 'That was a year ago. , It has taken time, but p'Yre air, perfect rest, pro- per -,-and sufficient food, have done -Their work.. 3t is expected'that a few months 'will complete his recovery, and lit Vim for light work. Contributions may be sent to Hon. "W. A. Charlton 223 College Street, Toronto. MARRIED ''5IARR-EILBER-At Detroit onDe- oember 15 Miss Ila R. Eilber, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Charles • Eilber, of Crediton, to Mr. J, • Marr, of Baltimore, Md. 3BAUUN-LAM�,.NT-At Zur'c'a on Tuesday, Deo, . 27th, Miss Marg art Donella Lament, to Mr. William. F. Braun, both of Zurich Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Roomi III for the month of De- -nember ;- Jr. IV ;-Mildred Geiger, absent; fvelina Ducharm,e 377, Dorothy Br- inner 372; Irene Decher 369, Leo - Ord Prang 363, Luella Reichert 351; sUlaude Meidinger 291; Austin Hey On; Raymond Fisher 271; Ethel mess 239, Kenneth Koehler 193, Leonard, Wagner 175. Sr. IIT-Iielen Foster 433, Mer «vyn Schwalm. 326, 'Mertha Heideln nn 317; Wesley Callfas 310, Rosa - Seen Sararas 297, Victoria Deichert "t55; Hazel Bedard. 218;' Alvin Gam- etic* 108, Marcella Farwell 188; !francis Deitrich 146. Jr.. III; -Vera •Kal.bfleiseh 285; 'Clarence 's ar'tvell 286, 'Stella Ca,fhs Wil, Dorothy Ze ts1.2t7, W;11'e Ne'?b 167; •E1zar Mousseau 120, Freda ialbfleisch, Teacher ROOM II Jr. III --Norman Fleischauer 83, :,awrence Howald 70; Russell Du- •1laartoe 69, Edward Brenner 65. Sr. XT-Kethleen Worm 75. Den- nis 13ederd 71; Willie Liebold 64, 4G'.oldie Uttley 63,' Franey Kocheni': '56, Floyd Foster 51; Greco Kocher 41; Rose Albrecht 35;. Claire Mel- re's 32, Brue Koehler and 1V il:iretl '9ttttley; absent. • Jr. IT -Eleanor Fleischiuer� '76 Ineala1i Scrapes 75, Rose' 'i'..iebold: 72 rt1'red 'Dor;h'tree 69.letilrene Sch- ur,' •1 68 Erl'l Thiel 5), 'Erwin •Oi^t•« ,+• ...a 71 ; "' ;ra, e-�i, • ,ICArL USING LW AG ROO OiiS •��te u'iic7a n` 'tel' Thunder rite r1.g ;many Ili B art ar pts of•c ill all the gee. not nt. not pts ght charge he of ,wh he kng ole nds an are rice us'e oslizi 3'041 ridge. takes ,sir plc encs g• dEn chief consists. dost where bu d 9 Systems g ops Arty Paot rod Rather over iron4 "if earn "method" in it Ground nal 'ole be m ing as cos t%u from , or p for ref st, in sp Even are Although or one ds of are ;, r and p The iea but 2 . Keep inch struck, ver lee Our wh No e even the red when 11 rth tca 1 work. of of r 'refs rkm d trsi gs; out as e howl the 131a eget early ro r I, Erne •iOpiniemS,Corrected by .S•t 'Merits r> f 1xp: rt. Why "B nig Shoe#)') Be nodded-- When odded-- 1 W he Metal iLtoofs Are Safe -- Shelter of Trent) t Unsafe Durilrg Titu; r Storm's. (Contrtb d,by'Ontario Department 01 'rieultu*e,'I noront4.i "(The a uy direst questions con- cerning ghtnion rrods or cables, methods of inststlli,ag, etc., sent to s O.A. C. Ith,e Department of ;Physics, , Guelph, e often ',accompanied by •atateme ofthervrews of those sub- mitting these questions. The follow - ling list• orreete hv.iews, or impres- •:Tions, ;w prove 1'aelpful to those who are at interested in the protea. rticr'i of it properly from lightning discharges. iJt77..de es an ,erroneous view Of •stateme. tG.+de es;correet,explanations or ateterne of ,fact•s. E. esi ning,rods•attract the elec- :tr,ie ..on the ;cloud and then a11ow :t Sash to ,travel down the syetepa .lightning rods to the ,ground ere it disappears. !O. -2? ,rodding esestem forms a eoneteet' plink between the charge on elle ;. ud .and ,the ;charge on the carat .a ..tructure i otected. The charges the clogs?. ,and on the earthof opposite polarity, and the /reduced charge ,Sln tthe earth or struce s quietly .neutralized by the ro $ .system including the nts on the t The nevtrala,zing ofbe,cabOe, one the the eller a ,es ,lace in :the form of an g p almost ;exit discharge Brom the ,points Ted on the ridge, or on p•omiu 5 at yariolte parts of the heading. It is el thus "preventing,. the sud fiasb from the cloud that the efficiency of the rodding system sists. The system helps to avoid ructiop by ,fires even in cases t e a flash cannot be pre- vented, t These flashes are almost unheard f today with the efficient rodding stems beteg installed by lightning rod dealers. "Bedding sys- tems properly installed 4o protect." E. A Med of rodslifg "system" is satin ore if the -proper kind of rod or cable is used. It all depends on the . C. R er say any durable rod, copper throe ounces per foot, and 3'a ounces per foot is good enough properly installed." Em- phasis of be too strongly laid on the "m od" of installatioars. E. If the ground rod or' cable is Placed the ground a distance of six feet,is considered satisfactory. C. G nd {rods must be down to perpet moisture, or (where this is finpossi )- special arrangements must ade•to provide the best grounding, more ground rods being necessaryand special advice must.. be sought to"the best metjled in each special e. ''" E. A ilding with metal roof • is safe electrical discharges. C. A metal roof grounded at ,tbe corners and with a "sharp" ridge - board' points, makes an excellent system fire protective purposes. The ch' metal parts in the build- ing. mu however, be connected to the ma system as suggested in rodding ecifieations, Bulletin No. 220. of the Department of Agricul- ture forOntario. E. properly rodded build- ings sometimes struck. G. A ugh the above is true, the chances of their being injured'' if struck, struck at all, are so few that is safe to challenge the statementas "misleading," When hundre of thousands of dollars' worth property is being destroyed annuallyin the Province of Ontario there on record spaces of twelve months` duration where no single proper' sodded building was burn- ed, practically none even in- jured. E. T safest place in a thunder- storm' sort distance from a tall tree, lightning is liable to strike anything,or anywhere. C. as far away as possible from trees. All things are not equally liable to be struck. There are no freaks in the case of light- ning discharges. Some things are never ck, other things are al- most invariably strue:k if a discharge takes place near them. ll. buildings are insured. Then y rod there at • extra expense? 'C. one has any right to take a chane on destroying life and pro- perty a if the life of the indivi-, dual or property is insured. Dow about reduction of insurance pre- miums buildings are rodded? E. A rodding companies are trustworthy. Therefore buy the cheapen cable and installation. C. Al rodding companies in the country are not equally trustworthy even if honest end conscientious in their There is suets a thing as lack knowledge of the proper method installation, Therefore. deal' onlywith those companies who know t business and guarantee good workmanship. The best is none too goo when human lives are al stake. Conor on.-Al1 Valuable farm buildings, unless of steel structure through or entirely enclosed in metal, should be rodded or , partly rodded, the ease may demand. Only the work of the most reputable ern should be considered "good enough. if in doubt,'seek advicr' from Physics Department, - W. C. Blackwood, O. A. College, Guelph. All v i bier should be harvested in the morning and put in cool pia instil desired for us. None ofel;is eel ,l.;,inciitrlee Nelle STANLEY TOWNSHIP Munieipal NoxTl nation was held in the Town Hail, Varnia, oe Fl=i day of last week when the fol- lowing nominations were made- For Reeve; Newton Elliott and Geo B. Hanley. For Councillors; Wm Douglas, John Bathweil, John Manson and John Etue. • As four councillors are required they 'were declared elected, but an election be held for the .Reeve next Mon- day, Mr. and Mrs. O John Bryne and )Miss Rosie Armstrong of London, spent Xmas. at the home of Mr. Wilson Armettwng, Mr. Ruskin Keys, who has bead o© near Elmira teaching school n a is sIs- ending the Xmas. holidays at his home 'on the Babylon. of Mr. W. ;H. ;Stogdill Sut. toga; was here -last week attending the funeral of his'lal:ther. Miss Elenor McKinley, who is attending Collegiate in Clinton is: home for the eirilidays. Mrs. Jas. Reid and daughter of, Seaforth have spent the past two weeks visiting laor sisters Mrs. O. McAsh of Varnia -and Mrs. M. C. Talbot, also her ;brother, Mr. Artie Keyii, Miss Flossie Hayter of London is .spending the holidays at the parental .home on Goshen. Mrs. Robt. Armstrong and dau- ghters of Clinton spent Xmas. at the old home on Goshen. Another of the old residents of Stanley .passed away on Tuesday December '20th, in the person of William, Stogdill at the age of 71 years and 5 months. He had been in failing health for some time and his death was not expected. Mr. Stogdill spent almost all his life on the farm on the Goshen Line, being born there in ,July 1850 and continued to reside there till about 3 years ago when he eerie ted the farm, and he and Mrs„ Stog dill moved to Varna. About. 39 years ago he was united in marri- age to Miss Emily Reid, who with one son and two daughters 'sur- vive him. The 'son is Mr. William H. Stogdill of Sutton' and the •dau- ghters are Mrs: Herb. Smith of Stapley and Mrs. S. Hines of Trip pereiile. The funeral was held on Thursday to Bayfield cemetery Rev. .3 L. Foster of 'Varna, con- ducting the 'service. DASHWOOD. Mr. Clarence Yager of Sarnia spent the holiday at his home here Miss Clara Kuntz -of Detroit is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kellerman are visiting in Chesley. • Mrs.••Durstein and son of Sag- inaw, Mich., are srtieg with Mr. and Mrs. Grayly Sr. ; , Mr. and Mrs. "Wilbur Graybeff of Woodstock are 'visiting ,M.Aeand )Vire. J. W4 Graybeil.•.1 Mrs. Humble and 'childr, en, ; Mr, and Mrs. 11. Elsie and Mr. and Mrs D. Pfaff' andson; .Clifford of S niaare :Ii�,lit2ai� :it" Mr. W'mi. Musser pf Peterhof. is, visiting at his home; here . Mr: and Mrs. N: E. Dahms are spending they holidays-. in Hane• overt. ~r• I ENSiAI.L. Mrs, 3, Melick coetinutaa very seriously' ill,at the home .of her daughter MrO, S, Merner, .Mr. E, ,Steaey of Orilla store or Mr, Jolrn Steacy of town recently .1pur- chased a business in that town}, Mrs. T. Murdock and daughter, Miss Ethel, left here this week to spend a few days with their relatives and friends in Toronto' Mrs, O. Melick,•'of this viliageb has sold her neat dwelling on the north aide of Richmond 'Street South to. the Misses Janot and. Barbara Forrest, or the town- ship of Tuclrersmith., Mrs, Fred IS,nallacombe and B' a th Mani, to Jean M daughter, , ane of ar formerly of Hensall, are spending a few, months visiting her mother, 'Mrs.. J, 'Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Horton ,who have been in the West for the past year or •so visiting With menders: of their family, reteened to Hensall east week. Mr. Rands 'was looking this we- .ek for' conveniently situated hefts 'that would ,begood for an open 'Air skating rink and would lige to get the rink in operation. Ser. ,Garnet •Case, of Toronto Is visiting with his parents, Mr. aiad h1[rs. George Case. Mr. Leuii.s MacKay who is attell dung the University, at Toronto is haine for the, holidays. Mr. Robt. Drysdale of Sandusky Miele., •'is here attending the fun- eral of .,his sister the late Mrs Percy Richardson. • COUNTY NEWS Archie Morgan, of Usborne;,has bought two pure-bred Holstein heifers from Mr. J. 3. Merner at a fancy price, for the improvement of Holsteins. ofhis d her Robt: Weeks, an Englishman,who has been working with farmers in -Cleburne; Tp., - and recently with Hy. Delbridge, was taken ill last week, and ;lied on Sunday with pn ,eulruonia, aged 62 years. Miss; Florence Turnbull, who has been attending Stratford Normal, is holidaying at her home near Grand Bend. John Glavin, 'C,S.B.., son of Mr. Joseph Glavin, of Mt. Carna!el, was ordained to ;the priesthood on •Sat- rrday, Dec. 17th, at the St. Basel ,Cleorch. Toronto, by `Arch Bishop McNeil of that city. The newly ordained celebrated his first Mass aft Mt. Carn1el on Sunday, er 18th. and Mrs: Chats. F. Eilber Airfare an :ounce e de ghter, Ila' tR. to Mr . Je cif 13altimere, Md., on i'`:e Dec.. 15th at Detroit, me and, Mrs ; Mair jet on syetiv 'Z;oele•and aftertheir saireelete end doted. with, Hathiltbnl Decem, M of C oft .G Th M 1 Dr. Geo. Snider ,pf Cardington Ohio, spent Christmas with parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Snider Mr. Homer Guenther of Water- loo, spent (c the week -end at his home. , Mr.• and Mrs. Hazen Dark and daughter. Betty of Ahmeratburg, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C: Steinhageni, Mr. Herb Gainer of Detroit is visiting at his home here over the holidays. Mr. Edmund Kraft had the mis fortuneof having his finger tak- en off in a grinding machine last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Schede and family • spent Xmas day at Zurich. Mr. Walter Fassold of London, spent Christmas with his par- ents. Miss Letta Guenther is visiting in Detroit this week. Mr: Harry Guenther of Windsor visited his parents over Sunday. Mr. Earl Geiser hasopened a new skating rink, Skating every afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft and family and Mr. and Mrs. Pred Preeter spent Xrnaes in London. Among those who-: spent Chr- istmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Koch are; Mr. Milford Koch, Miss Alma •Koch, Detroit; Mr. Earl Hariton of St. Marys; Misses Alberta and Myrtle Koch, efisses Gertrude and Alice Pollex, Mrs. Osek Dale and Master Melvin Dale, Mr. Russell Pitt of London, Mr. and Mrs, Elmorer Thiel and family of Blake. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Room II, based on 'iximinations and daily word; dur- ing the months, Sr. TOT -Grace Guenther 271; Harry 1Tlotfm,an 253, Clarence Fish- er 211: Arnetta Steinhageu 168, F osse Kleinstl' e, rdnaWi d 155, W•n.. Hanover 147, Alice Wil;ert 140x, Harry Hartleib 135x Jr. III -Courtney Burmeister 265, Theada Hayter 264, Marguerite xl''ld 232, Ethel I3artleib '215, Flor- ence Guenther 006, Gordon Bender Tee Apron Restemeyer 176, Ivan Liop trd 175; Eddie Hamecher164, 'T'rgnret Merner 160, Elgin Mere net 157x, ldildred White 150x, Mar- '?i'r Grupaner le5x, Clareeee Pfaff 111, Nelda Fassold 25% Sr. II --Garnet Burmeister 213, Louis Zimmer 188, Willie Breland seri Leenerd :Render 188; Pearl "older 186, Selma Genttner 170, +-r, y leen 1!i' l!ii'l Witmer 105x, ITON. einecher is at present qu, end rimier the doetor',s care.c 'A.. nee,: hymn book has 'been in - 'toed ueecl n-'t educed in, (the Evangelical church -It: is a credit 'the conrmi•tlee, who prepared the book as it con- tains songs ;or every occasion: Miss Clarissa Hill, nurse, of Windsor. is holidaying with her parents here. • Mrs. W. 11. Gams it has returned from Nev York where -she has been visiting her daughter, tMi'ss Lulu Gaiser. Walter Hsush, wee has been at- tending college in Kitchener, is visitingwith his parents. The "Evailg'lical S. School ent- ertainment was held on Monday evening aid was hi every way a decided success. The Cantata "A Rose of :f3 - th.ehe n" was rendered, also a inie&id pro rare given. BAYPIELD Mr. Thos. Barrett of Wingham VAS the guest of his daughter,iMrs T. Brandon, the past week. A case came up before Magis- trate C. H. Reid on Tuesday after- noon of last week` in the town hall in which Bedour from near Dry- sdale, entered an 'action against 3, Laporte for running an auto af- ter dark without a• tail .,light. .M - ter hearing the case the magistrate dismissed. the action. The public iohool .cvalee't, given ,in the town hall last Friday ,even- even- ing by thescholars of the school was •a great ,auecess. Mrs. Biggart and daughter•,Mrs Angus : Welch, and .hex ,daughter, .Mies Agnes Welch, left last week to spend the winter in Toronto, EXETER John Motl k has .returned to his home in Pigeon, Mich., after Spending a few day • with relatives John. Deering of ,Flint, Mich., is spendinging a few days with rel - ivies here. The Salvation Army .Xmaa, En- tertainment and Santa Claus in the Town hall on Monday evepirag last attracted a foll..home, .and proved to ,be very entertaining. Mrs. G. Vivan, of .Mitchell, .is spending the holidays with her •d daughter, Mrs. W. H. Doerr. Those who had thhe, pleasure of hearing the singing of the "Meso ;slah" at James St. Methodist church on Thursday and Friday of Dec- ember, 15th and 16th, were iunst- tutted in S, heir praise and appree-r action. The solo work was taken by Miss E. Rennie of Zurich; Mrs. Bishop of St. Marys, Mr. J. Parnell Merris of London, and Mr. E. M. Hording, of London;. It was a delight to think that our own dis- trict eould produce a 'soprano, in the person of Miss Rennie, capable of taking this part of the work and the audience showed their ap- preciation. ' The one regrettable feature of the whole affa irwas the lack of support from, the comm- unity'. unity. At the Thursday evenings. entertainment'the attendance was only fair. Friday evening the weather was very unfavraoble •and the crowd small. The expense of Producing a chorus on such a large scale is conside.reable. As "a re- sult t•he Choral Society will be; $120 in debt. The proceeds amounted to $330.00 Thursday Dec', 29 1921 Freight rates on all railways,' ins Came. will be cut 10 per cent on Dec., lst, {Sleeping, Pullman and .parlor car rates are also circle ered to be cut., ,h;. the Landlord. Item .L` Raised the • , "I never do have any fun," •com- plaine,'l a young giro petulantly. "come with ro,e, and I'll cure you* discontent," stt3'gestetl a visiting, ciurse of the National Sanitarium Association. They visited a humble little 'home., The mother was struggling to sup -- •port, the three children, whtle her ulosis at husband Muskoka, HospitnitforrConsump- tives. ons imp tives. became. Life was not rosy. It baa tragic 'when the rent, was doubled. Hopeless despair looked from hers brown eyes.. Three pair's of childish + eyes watching, sensed! something "tc, make even baby lips; cp./Warr. "But there!" with a stnilei• and'the babies smiled too, "I musn't complain„ IIe's ••getting better anyway. Ile, writes it's wonderful up there=it's, saved his life," And the brown eyes; were a prayer. ' I've just got to help," exclaimed! an enthusiastic young person as she: and the nurse walked• down the road..' Contributions may- be sent to Hon., W. A. Charlton 22:3 College Street,,. Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given,,pur-- suant to the Statute, iso that behalf' that all persons having • claims a- gainst the estate of Peter N. Denomme, who died, on Novem- ber 11th, 1921, are required on or - before the 31st day of December 1921, to send to the undersigned executors of the will of the said' deceased, full particulars of their - claims; and after the said 31st• day of December, 1921, the said' Executors will distribute the assets of said deceased among the - persons entitled thereto, > g regard only to claims of which: they shall then have had notice, and the. said Executors will not be liable for the said assets to any - person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. Victoria Denomme and Frank Denomme.-Executors. Dated at Zurich this 13th day of December, 1921. /(., Give aWliite'Cap Electric Washer for a Christlnas present. It ' extends ; the good cheer of Christmas to every wash -day of the year. No other present can make wife or mother so happy. See the W„hate Cap in our store. • - Stade & Weido 11.11111111111111111111 131,,,, .., Zurich des easy n, '°m Doubles ./Y?ikaAe SYS air, ..� ".'. on casml1 s ACR® CUSHION INNER TIRO LIMITi:d ":RU & MR COMPANY rn isiommommios WINGHA , iN.ONTARIO, magabrainamioneemis been appointed Agent for this district for the, 3 I have b� � �� ted i;' above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. And evil i be n e , pleased to give adel�nonstr�,tio n at any tithe. Call l and , convinced: • V kN phn Zurich