HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-12-29, Page 3I ., , , , I I I I 1111--T-.,T ... .. PT
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�, � . - . . Farming in Northern Ontario rri
�, ".i� I . � I , ,4 .A, : I . 1. F "' V I I I � .. � � � .. I ,L In fire of the Home . I I
i . - , * '. , , I , .4 and' Quebec" I , . . e Wei
� I 1- � . I L I
I � 0 I �. I . I I I -.1:1
) . , I - . I I � VOILlable :facts rGgarding the pros- , . I �� 1; . , �r
, - I
4 . ... I -10 11 . �tis arts - pects ful. agr,i0A,1tuWe in Northern 0 w 1
:, l - IN - 11 . ; '�,, I , I I The exact e,a ,e of w. is -ill' . * I
1. .. , . , n The'value, Of Respon�ro 1 1:
�, I .. I ; =-=.--- .- .. - . , 11 .. ,; I 11 known. Excessive nutrlt!O�n O;f the SkIn tari, and Quebec are to be gatboredl , . . , ,b Iiiy—Bi Barbara,8. Huntier '.
A � ..- - I F �� is present, and bruising Ima /. . I . :
. . .
. � I - . , ,-� I I . -, ,y I Imic from tile report of the Dominion EX -1 It I
� �, I . I . �', I ' seem at that one'si far easi er. for -a mo
, �;,l " . .... -1 I Zx,� � � .- I . sQ7hQbhing to 40 wit'h the condition, perimental Stations at Xapuskasing,' . s a strange fa . , fbor to do a. thinj x
� " . . - . - - are i '�
- I — I I Wart* of ben grow whiere sores have oot" neighbor's children ,.always herself than to succeed In, getting the � �
.."11 , � "' � I ' and La Ferme, Qu,e,, recenitAy 0 1 1
� ,,, . . I . - ra 'be effort I I
1.1 , I Addreiiia er.mmunicationa to A9rG6iQm144 73 Aaelalda St. Wes4 Torovitt'sk heilled, Warts that'have narrow. necks ppblish,ed. Experiments are ' bein,mg wretchedly bro; ght up. We could boy to do it, -but in the end t 1.
� 'I , . I .
�, . I . I � . . be, snipped Off with 0els0br,s. a conductod in li've stock feeding, field suggest innumerable means and will be found well worth the while -and � !
. :� I I �. . d may
"I . . .1 -Keep Water for Stock at Proper-, ascertain whether or not tbe,Y W01111 few at a,time, If this is done, 'apply hiisbandry"' dairying . and other , lines, methodis o I one which a thoughtful mother should . �'. I
� I � . � A�, .1 I I Temperature. . develop sickness. Th7e fact that but Ile I . f linproving upon the "small feel It it duty to make. I IV :
;r . a litt plue, tar. the following clay. At I(apus,iasiing, tile herds consist in fry,, across the way, whilp even at
I , three hens out of sixty showed any E, ,
� � The practice of heititing or warm- 11 xcessive - bleeding may - be stopped ' . The little girl who . shiares the tasl� I
. . I . . beef cattle of fifteen g-rade Sholthorn the moment our own young1ste,rs ru 0 h as V with her mother, and ,
� 11 . Ing tile dailliking water for live's,tock s6gas of the disease, -argues well, for by.bathing with very hot water or 'cows, seven yearlings, ton young n I 9 dis w hi X I
1, ! 4 the dieeit-se-Teisdisting power of OUT .shamelessly wild,, and,, aav subject to whose dkilty It is to aust the living- ��
. � ,during the winter has beeli fiviowed . very abild water, then painting the citive,s; and of diairy cattle ten grade much the same criticism from that! ,
f Owls. *ound with tincture of iodine. 11 . ; room 'befbr,b going to school in, the ..
I � pretby enerally by most live stock . . Mass- Ayrshire and three grode Holstein neighboir herself. � .
. .1 , : "' I
1 " � farmers, ilisiblig anybiling fro,pi an old One of these cOckerels -died and es of small warts may be removed in cow � gi 14, P1109 ., 1. I
, '
�J � . . 8, seven two-year-old, Ayr,-lbire' But it is not In -that splv` of �crlti- . Morning' that, little ' Tl Is de"r. "O 6 : " , ..,
. � kettle to a modern tank heater. I while the others have recovered, they the,course Of thlie, by immersing the heifers,, ' not only her abil-Iffin as �a y0bing 1:1 11� 1, i
1. five yearling calves, and a cism I make a suggestion, rather ill 11 housekeeper, but those chaTacteristics I
� remember seeing at one farrin on a will not be used as breeders. The fact itffected,-teats for ten minutQs or herd sare. A feeding . experiment was a hope that it inity' be Of help to some I
, : lbhat chickens onlee having this dis- more, twice dally, in water containing made " of univelftsimess and service that are -� �
� . moderate winter day, a large tailk.of with ten calves in two gToups of . mother who has a child -or two, with most essential in u1s all. .
I . -water brought to such a temperature ease, aTe aftervmTdis im,mune has been all the bicarbonate of ,sada it will dlsw live,, Group, No. 1 was led in the, the attem-ling problems, ;
, 1, - . . . �tllat I know it JftS aetua-My Insipid N 'fiE1111y established, but 'we hold, in soilve when hot, or in a ten per cent. I The question aa4ses as to when we ': �
, � roin June I to November I on To foster a feeling of responsibil-, . I .
I I -the cattli omillion .with Others, that the -Off- solution OR washing soda. Tlie stable f I I lean begin to Impose these little duties, I I li
� I
. e whilch stood about it. I do c � oats, brian and oililleal cake and in- � ity in a child is one of the most - im- i for surely., three,year-old, can not- ,be � I
I ,:,. . : not -d-Ank it is essentlail to raise tile spring of diseased birds W11-1 u8UMMY stirength of the last-mentioned SOlu- crea,sed ill weight from 1,4�2 lb. to' portant st ' in starting him along expected to shovel snow. No indeed, .
, i , .� temperature of water in winter very be Nveaker and moT,e susceptible to tion should be decreased one-half eps i . I
J� 1 .3,055 lbs, Group No. 2 fed on pa�ture'the right road. It will work wond-ST15., but a child may be trained at a sur-
. . I -. . -much above that of the water as it disease than will the off spring of birds after the first- .day of Vim A,thick for the . gly earl age to perfo-Tin diatin I
, . I of stronger vitality. . I same period in, e Wed in; with him if behas his own little tasks, prisin 7 I
'frol'A the well. Wittier fresh 1,T88 lbs., duties about the house, which he;
. I 'comes L . - paste composed of table ,salt, su, Phur ,Weight from -1,472 lbs. toe . for ! that lead6 as ,he gTows, older,- to. largew I
I . from the well, even at winter temper- For that Teas -on we will not use as and coldLeompressecl castor oil is 'also not o,nly Inaking the, -greatest gain alonle is responsible. things. .1 �
, ature is stimulabin, a breeder ,a feinu@e or a, male thlat� effective, and many people use rasbOr but also the cheapest. The boy who keeps the Vase trim- A two-yiear-old child may be tauglit I .
I . g to a well-fed, ani- . .
. ;
� I ,m,al , and. it seeills to enjoy it, -, hes.been ill or that shows weak vital- oil alone. ,Me latter,, however, Is Dairying, the report points out, is 1-ned along the walks after the lawn I to put -away his to,y.5, take care Of his I .
I ". ',L . Where* wiier stands. in a large bank ity. No breeder that has, ever been slow in effec . t compared with the Other one of the moet profitable branches .has been mowed, who empties the , 'coat and cap, -and ran littais errands I
. . I I and ice fa�eezes on it,. it gets too cold I sick is used in the breeding pen, f or mixtuTe. . .1 1:� . I of the live stock industry in Northern I ashes froan the kitchen range each about the house for -his, mother. He .
I - the very fact that it was sick shows . The eating of wo I !
. I for the best results. Live stock does t, od, bones, bark, Ontario. 'of 106,874 cattle in that! clay, sweeps the snow froi walks "can not be trained too ,so to it
I list . I
, seem to Tel' ill greatly in severe 80ctiO-11 Of country, 89,527 are milch! in winter, picks up his clothes ea.ch. upon himself. Donft make the com. .
. mo� IS - its diseasp-resisting Power is rags, crockery .�nd orther "foreign i i on wa . �
, less than that of other birds. Nature bodies" by eattlie - may be regitrded.
- . weather d1rialk-ing through a hole' in if left to her own devices usually as an ifidication of the lack of some cows- The Profits on one Ayrshire 1 morning and I -eaves his bedroom in 1 mm indetake of ,being "a slaw I to I
'', the� ice. iiiie -&'Sire fox! water in the weedis out such birds. -neediful ingr.Vdienit of a complete ra- for 346 days is given as $287.53 and order, that boy Is beginiling we1q.
! . . , ! your children." I�each them self rel- .�
I 11 . Nvinter is jtistas great- or gTeater than Our flock ranges fro 10 to I Of 'a Holstein for 321 days as $239.15. When he knows that his f, �
. t� . ,ni a 160 tIon. , It is also, a comm I lance, give them some responsibility. . �
. -on habit of � I I
� 1: I , -during the surnmer mon-ths since more of nine pure�bred Yorkshire sows, PenA upon, him for the Mo-, the I You will be more than rewarded far . I
�� birds, ,pTobabdy about the average for pregnant cows, and in that ,ease - sub- eight faxrowed with an average of responsibility thus imposed wiM;, your effort when they attain young . .
, � '. dry feed is keiven and. more water .
I inust be taken into the -body to assim- an ordinary farm, and we know as lit- sides after calving. Treat. by� allow-' 18.3 to- a litter. In field husbandry strengthen the will to do. It may be 1 n-banhood and, womanhood. . .
'i I . ,tie about doctoring as. dio, our neigh- Ing the animals all.the salt they care � . � �
I .
I T . flate the dry foo6stuffs. hors. But we practice prevention to to take. Add wheat bran freely '1� tile I experiments -are progressing in crop - ---— -
� I I
I I . I I rotation, land drainage � I
1� I ., and fertiliz
� - - Converting a Frame House J Anna es'lushuns"
,;� . I . If stock must drink very cold water a greater extent than they practice ration, alibng with ath -:3neal§ in- Ing. ,,A table is given of the results .
- , ,durin- tile winter it will be advis, ey If
" � � able it, and have a more rigid rule. It cluding cottonseed meal and fl,' 'seed , I Lou's "R
11 . I ax 'use.
� to have It accessible aid the time to 11 I I last year in the laist-mentioned. Par- Into a Cement Ho
;.1 pays to do this, as sib -own by the fact meaa. If Possible Supply clover I it was New Ymr',s morning, and
� . them. In this, way they vill drink ., -.0witlaulars are also contained in the re- A frame -house that needs sheeting Anna Lou was dressiing Dolly Dimples I
1 . thAt when -our neighbor on 4one side alfalfa hay. If the habit then, Per- .
i I -small quantities at frequent inbeerval's Port of the successful cultivation of or weather bolards can be made a 1 beside the warm, grafte-Arep. I
- . . . lost heavily through roup, and another sists give -each affeeted animal,from
:1 and consinne suffidient water without � I vegictiables, cereals, and forage crops. hanc'6iome house by using the -old wea,- I "This is the day we start ala over
� . � f ound the ravages of chicken -pox cut- one,half to one ounce of bieaambO44te At La Ferme, in the Abitibi district, tb bolardw with a few bunches of to be good," the little girl wa's,saying.
I � -chilling themselve3. If they
1 4 have "- ting down -his profits, we were not of soda twice claily� in. feed or (4 -Ink- the season of 1920-21 is reported to. labehrso as to leave tair air chamber of We call it making re&-lushunq, don't
1� � ,eese to the -water OJV1y Once or twice bothered with disease. A slight co,ld Ing water. If that do ' ' I . a I
I .zk day't�ey -will consu-ine large quan- has cropped out occil,sionalily, but the have a veterinarian administer . tw� oj!hea Ill '
I es� -not su:Mee, have beei an exc lent one. Twelve two inches or more for plaster. Nail you know. Have you made any, dolly
��; 1 1 Vtic-s of ice w!iiter at -a time which I . I . d of grade Ayrshires and Holisteins lablis on each side of the studdingia, I dew?"
1. removal of the -cause and prompt pre- three di -ams of iodin �mvisba4l .
11 . terads toward chil.'hig the body unduly vent-ve . IT'* a!,and a pure-bred Ayrshire bull are slaw the old boards that come off .
�, . . ,11 measures have kept it from gelatin -capsule, Allowing - the I Anna Lou helped her idold, to nod
�! .vnd to -digestive dii%orders sometimes. horses to kePi;ExPerI=ents were rrade in sun- house so as to fit in between stud- ita head. "I thought you had, you dear
.." - - "F,:,�gz 6rhvik. more frequently than eat- growang dangerous or -running into eat the bark of poplar stecrns� and: fiO:weT growing for ensilage and seem. dings and nall them to larbhs. Then old do,117. You've mlluted not to bide
.�Ii something more serious. ' boughi often causes them to , stop to show that the I
L,� I . tle, lb-o"agli sometimes they will, d)O Aside from 'breeding from only gnawing wood,, -, I I . I : best method of drive nadIs about four or five* inches from nie again. Now, Dolly Diniples,
!�;� witlia--it rather than wade -snow Planting is in rows with 86 or 42 apart on- both sildes of the studdings isn't that quite true?" Dolly nodtled
.1 , I . 11 highly vigorous birds and ones that
't', .ilush to get 1b, ' --------*— � . -hd the plants 6 or 12 and on face of studdings, drive- the once -againi, -ely
il I have ,always enjoyed good Ilealtli, we . . inches between ai so Anna Lou had Sul I
.. There is, I befleve, a limit to stop attribute O.L ' inches apart. The Season for vege- nails, in just so the'outer ar r
i . I 1X good luck to -.cleanliness Stormy Weather Jobs. �ght
'if I -at in heating the water. . Removing in tlie yards, houses and fee3s, to soil tables was 'only fairly good, early as even as Possible with the doors, "Bow -wow! Bow -wow!" . barked
I , � p! .
.. , thadii-I is sufficient. On our farin we have for yeaks,frost, p
;. . We have a sub- that bas never been4lowed to ,become kept a list ofjobs plo,sted, up ��d a 1, injuring the tomatoes and window -frames and, corner boards6 If Rover, as he anuggled close to Anala
. I ' �
.; I I inarme tvT,,e li�eater in our sixteen- contaminated and to feeding Epsom the hired- men -could see. We 1k I . beans, I . I the studdings are hard wood, use Lou. "Oh, Dolly Dimples, Rover'z. .
. 'hundred-glallon tank which i's used salts at the rate of a teaspoc . ,. ept our —.*.— � small nalls, it soft wood, use laalger come to tell us vhat his xes-lutshuns
'Wh-enev�er ice begins to freeze on top. I onfull Per. eyes open t6. note tile things :-that Tobacco Gi6wm'g. I nails. I I :
4 As, live use large quantities bird at leastonce every month during needed attention. Out would �' dcr -are." Then diciggle's little mistress .�
.. I 'Ine ' .
!, . Of wa"bar, I the winter. We.believe that. the fowl the ever-presen, . ; . r� .61 11.11 When Puittipg boards oni, use ten- laughed and said, -Well, Rover, have 1
�$ t memorandiam I. 19 -n, - T�bacco has been grown for many �
LiV: pulliping in from four tO six hundred which is clean inside ais, well as out- tif- t g jotted. 11 "'"' 11"'4 . penny nails driven through smalil viou res'luted niot to lick the roses off
. " � - bin ... 4 �
. 1. . .down. UP(leP, " � I 1, . Years in Quebec, and. in the last quar- strips of, laths at a -bout every other Dolly's cheeles this year?" -
I'll. UrIng A�.�M" 1. ,'fer of a '
� "I . galk-n-s a dlay, the water dOem not side hasgreater resisting powar than Day JobsJ! D I, V i� 4 I. ry studding -and eigb�penny nails at the "Bow--wowl Bow-wowl" be answer- .
. freeze inuch except in cold we I . I.. � ,celltu has become all im-
ather. one which is the opposite. ,.A '� - �� 'n' .... � ;11�:' ...Pu
A few hours of fire in the heater each . fair Weather -the lilst,:��o obi is , I . . rbant crop in south-westeTiii Ontario,
We also :feed green food, ,either - .11 41 .; ", frames .or corner,boards. When the -eid, which, of course, meant "Yes" to
1, ,. 11, �If.� ` .".., .. , . ,., . I .
. an '" i"t.", ' a-Hnk been ffret*intinduced by the boards are on, as -taw as a few batches A=ia Lbu.
,da�' removes the chilil cobs, coal. o -Pretty loxfg,- d occiasi' I
, I �i,, . - - -'Canadlanis s
) r sprouted Oats, mangels, or the left-. " uld `
woQd being u -sed for t�e purpose. The � ' . .we wo, . haive, MoIi 4 i ettlod, there. Mr. Of concrete will go, get a ,,,,, bn,eket �
. over vegetables froan the gardi*l, and' succiessio, ' * ' i ' , "I guess� yo-Wre glad of thai, now, �
temperature of the v n ,inprZ ,�,i`fon��-:..- - �` .'' arli , Chief of1obaccio, Di- , �
� . I I . . atex ,can be rais- believe', thii to. be necessary .to ke0ii ,, ohe'ikiA off ,ill '; "' - " .. �; 1.1 , to' ROUT the concrete between, tile Do* Diiholes,aren't you? Of pourse .1
.*.�� .11 . ,�;
I - . . . I'll I 'Of - the Donilr&xAxp,�rlmeiital r .
ed t1alicker if thetre is a novening of ice the hen toned., - "I . � ,tuidcli,igs. Th I know "
.11 � I I 1) ,��",,, .� ,." en gat a bammer and you are, , .chwk1eid Anna Lou. , �
heat , Prop,or� up to a proper.pitch" ishort��'-I -'t�L�,�-�irii- 9 Jil a �
. �. oil top,. as the ice Prevents the � .. � ��. I � paper ree6l�iy publisheid, tap boardis so as to got -the cement '.'Meowl Xeoi.w.`,,cr1e4, kitty, as, she ,
. 4066ug is, '4 course bsisen. 'Vk. vy,Akwy, .,Li,t�=.� at aa;� being. do,a-e tog -ether. , I I ..
I frayn esicapin-. As'we h . '' . '.!Wne Ofthe " t),Ilngii th
' " - , 1, ...., , .� ne � '4' . 11 " .
" � AF � � - 'd e Oura e bO,*- in A -f t eire day.s rem*&, aill � t4i, "Oh.,' tabbir dear,", laughed the'little *
ave fro"' "D-rty tial'to good 'health. A-dainip houiiie it � testif, :" . tlia ., , -'i'k, i .� : came up near the firlei. , . -
to savent� ]lead of ciittle-Wlthe time, . 11 �, ,� - I — I �W, Vr ,
. . . a constant source of trouble, Th-, �n42v't"�611 - .�!, ... . Fj!�, t . 1: � �
. , , ,
. , : . - .
- . .
,I fe6l safe in saying--thitibAlie heater ., 4_ 0,4 _,, ho, 4 1 '� ' - . '� n- a th6rougif - Ver � . , � I . . . . . . . 11 : dliv-, growth of boards except the top one, and go on girl, "aiaive yon res'luted never again
will'reta,ra .. uIr uses are give ,y �P,t to 6�7tweinty-six Iver's4yzused'Article, He nar- I I I I
' its cost every winter in c�leonin,g ,twice each yew---�o iiii , up. When removing boards, knock to banglid Dolly's hair?"
4 ,
. " is � I
. o and again in the thil, ther. A page taken at'ran- of his Division were the creation as you -wig have to use small strips
the o'oiiveniie�n,ce and benefits we do- early is Me In, ,47 -in the month.re � ... I .s thi&'the first results of the ef- ,trips off. p,.11 the nails fron, boards "Purrl PurrM assented kitty. I
. .,rive from it. 'o til; ,... .. bh�� ci), .
. WhIlib we have a hydro-pn. aboult .the young stock is one Of tl1qse 11, - ins, T .1 �-tobaeco industry in the "Do you hear that, dolly mine?"
euluatic placed It them. The vvills, floors and fallOws: I .. : 11 I?� ince Of Quebec and the estAbli .again after the cement is all set. Use asked Annd Lou, as she fastened the I .
6 i water -system and can give the cattle fixtures are scrubbed, the haus� is . .1 .1 ..; � . $h- cement dope wililte-wgsh. This wiN lost buttort "Isn't this going to ba a
I Clean tAnk -in barn. . 1. �. nib of sorting andfermenting ware- I
i:� a drink -at anq-time by sinip ' I .. � give a ,concrete wall of from one and wmderfuil ye.tr. tnough?" And Dolly
'il 1, ity Opening thoroughly fumigated. Mile interloi Grea-se il,krness. ,�, . � ;; I." I .. lqui I seg. 1 In Ontario, tolba*co growers One-41lalf inches to two,, -Inches thick Dirriple clapped her hands with joy. '
�,'. �
:J a water tap, it would be pretty much is kept whitew"lled, as, this gives a Olear upper barn floor and anilog _ - ;, 1av'e specialized for a number of years and you will have isoinething cheaper "And now, my little family," con-
... 1
11 of a j"'b to keep this up in severe cheeirf,ul 94�pearance to the inside of tools, I . . j.� � jli 1 the cultivatton of the White -Burley and better than lumber. With all the tinued Anna Lou, "since you have
Z wea-ther, but it answers the Purpose the house, Intakes it lighter and more Pull fence posts and plow fene , '' .
�'. . Rll right during sunimer, spring and e'row. �vilrlety, used chiefly in the manufac- nails driven in the stud,41-,igs., it would told me all your res'lus-huns, .1 must I
I I -f a I 1, � . � I . . sanitary during the diark winter dhys. HELITI tile., I I I L 11 � 't.ure of pipe and Plug tobacco. The he hard for the concrete to, get away tell you mine. rm always going to
-1 . --- I The range is kept clean, -no refuse is Repair float tank, seed from this variety from selections
, ,,� from tile Studdings,,,as all would be tidy up my things, and ilever cry
� . algowed to aicicumularbe, and whenever Mount f Ork- handles. � at t1fe Harrow Experimental Station, solid concrete. I have ibufft any house when I g at ,hurt, and never take the
I', . Fighting Disease Before It Comes. we believe the soil is in danger of be- . Fix box staii. I yield ca,ops superior in weight and of tllts way and am well pleased with biggest piece of anytiiing, and—and—
lr� , �
I I L Cood healith can be bred intri a flock, comin-V contaminated it is plowed up Put -new floor irt hog cot. . I . iinprovedi qualky compared -%vith those the improvenient.—E. L. well, ,you
1, and proper sanitary iiieasure'$ wial av-1 lylanted to some crop. The hens Halter and tie calves. . - coming from imported seed. In order see, I've reisll'uted'so many
' I. �
1. nin-rita,'a it. Recently we exposed -our are fenced Out .while bite crop is get-�i Ring yoling bulls. to extend a' knowledge of -----.I-- things that I'm Traid I ean�t remeni-
? � � flock or, part of .it, to chicken -pox ting, started. ' After the cr I op is off This little pocket memorandum Ila methods in tobacco gro vino,""Proved - Found Test Betrn Practical. ,her half of then . i; 'Gut, just the smile,
� I I -when we bought some cockerels aind tile soil is pub In grass and allowed I 3 N ., a nuill- . . let's ala try very hard to keep them,
.1 turned them into the breeding h,ctuse, to imn for a f ow yeaws. been of great service many times. It her of experimental plots have been Recently I visited a larke dtLiry eveaT one."
. , Under this has llelpe& to the accomplishment of 'conducted in co-operation with tile where some wonderful records were
� without first keeping thent in quaran- plan -we' have never been troubled with many -a ta8l . c that *bhervvise would grOWeT3 them -selves.. Fall plowing of being made. I was, pleased, to find the -0----
1, tine foT a length Of timesufficicoit to I soil containiiiation. have been ,forgotten and postponed"bile land to be used, :For the ,crop has test barn well filled, with a splendid January 1st.
. 6
. —--------.--- � ---=�-
1, until mischief resulted, ; I proved of advantage, as it increases lot of ,cowsand heifers. In questioni- I resoj,v,: .
I . , pound for every 100 birdst) in the ---C-- i .soil moisture, -while tending to destroy Ing the owner concerning the etolionly To be better t1lan my last year's,
- �
. . . . insects destructive' to the crop. A of such a barn, lie Informed me thoA best
,� 4 1 � . &1aiking water about twice a month, . -Year. ' ' 1 �
11104 inakes, a satisfactory Substitute. The New study of the various types of see&bed it was one -of the. most Prof1table � To best none, that -being the beit*er
� Balanced rations consist of a A small ship, liaim.ched upon an dn- has shown that a semi -hot -bed under buildings he had ever put lip. -way.
rkr- co.UB place a. smala aino'lilit of sera;Lch mixture and a. mash. The lcm-own sea, glass is the only one that gives abso- The barli was silliple in structure, To give of MY .. best, without an
. kerosene oil top of the drinking water. scratch mixture, usitially oonlpo�sed of A small. seed planted, fron, . an ult. lutely dependable results. Tests of, but built with the idea of ma -king it apology thait it's no bettex.
1. Fead each hen a smaM teais"onful*of three or in -ore gmains, keeps lip the known tree; I vailaties, have proved that White warm ,and easy to ventilate. Steel To try. to v id I . ity
I U 0 tl e neceas Of try, I
I i" Epsom..ssAs mixed with a wet msa�h body weight,.9f the bird and supplies Such is this strange New Year to you. B111`407 and, Comstock -are best suited penis on both sides in two long rows try, try agithi. �.
� in tile morning. Whither the vessel -and. me goeth, to this coutitry I .
, I heat, The mash, cansirating of ground . ) and are in no way furnished room for some twel`1440-1117 To -better the good in me, =d. then :
� � I Fowls fatten in a sh-ort time when grain's or their by-products$ being And how the seed -up groweth inferior in product to'the same var- head. Each Pen vials. supplied with a improve q,n that. :,
� 1.1 fed on ground rice, Nvel scal&,,d I'd high in digestibility and rich in pro, 'God only knoweth. . ieties imported froal . the United ,water bo-wl, inianger and cement fia To do my level best W do better.
� - . or,
! But sall the ship and plant thi with drainage to one end. A feed ;
: :mixed with milk. Add so,im, `01111 tein, is more -directly it -Vail 3 seed,.1 States. Canadian grown seed is re- To make the ,best of things until .
. able, for egg commended. carrier through the centt�e furnished things aye 1,
sugar. This should, be fed in the day- production. Heavy ma,sli coni oil I . better,
: pti TliaVs A,one in faith is done indeeA.
1 time, but only a liftleat a time. The goes Nvith high. production, anid the I I- —. ---- an easy mearps of bringing in pilagiqil To do tile viglbt and- let -the wronit
I =dxtuTe should be very thIc1c. . and &iai'n-, e err
I Green feed in,ast -never be qualitithn of scratch grains -fed are . 11 " . W�llil * a i"I't'r6T ��i,iri ' lit, be Tell. .
giive" designed to be suffi,DienblY low to en- � * .'.; ' .L ' '- each side made it ea'i5y R;Ild c011'V0lli1Mt1 To do a little good towards ,,better-'
-is frnen. Of sprouted Oats, I cou rage heavy mash coiisitimption. .. ... .1 to remove the manure. I ingbad thins,
when it I Am-.... .
Z1vL- 011ie Q ---- I
J. squa,re. inch per hen daily, 1 46 To construct -such a, barn One, must'
know eefinitehy what -cow ,comfort 'not Inly incainatioll'.
I In no, ease will the. greatest -01*11re In i I am the open door to a new chance in life, a chance to try To be goodi up to my capaoity, and
.1 .feeding offset dark, damp� poorly� - .. . Time',s Up! again, an opportunity to bring victory out of defeat.L means. Cow,% do not require fancy ,To keep these resolutions—in -List,
I . I vientilated qiiiarter,% excessive :61-apos- The close of a year makes us think I -am the beginner of new things I blot out the past and and expensive buildiligs. I.Mley am 1 11�--
�:" -are, Uck of exercise or -the use of of the passing Of time, Tile following open up a new world for king and pe,�sant alike—a world filled very vilacitical ill their tastm Theyl � 11
1.1 . mmub stock-. I . I maxims, old and new, sliould make with new hope, new inspiration,� new promise for the future. do I want, however, freedoin in tbeIr' Wintering Idle Horses. .
� �i The dry mash genaral!ly tisved is us thiink of the Value of time: I present you with a new bookwithout blot or blur or blemish sball and a pen pe=itting them to . I
. . conipi . osed of equal ,parts by. weight of Any tilme means M time move about at will. They,like their Pwdiar as it my sewn, thq ollid
wheat, bmn, wileat middlings, ground times. -- - "lost in which will appear the record of your Chance and What you daingetir in wintering idle horses is in
I . .� I
il I . have done with it. . food clean ,and at regm�ar Pell'!Odg, over-fee&vg them. if one has hey, I
� Data, I b .g n They like' a supply of .fresh caean
! eoj�nmeul and meat sarop. It, is ,' A inan who ,does not in I
I I .... "'Is ' I have nothing to do with what you ,corn stower and straw of slifiliciently �
I fed in hoppera, and kept continually I 1)ime to do avyidling. . write, I give yt)U the - . - 7.5 - hau , They prefer a �
6, before the birds. Careful feeders lie whio, has. most time has nolle � materials to make a good record. No page in your new book water alul-q at .d good quality he mu, put,10he id -le, horaes
1 . to � was light, well venbialated stable .to allell .
I Tly vient,la,ed, Itlixough the winter in- reiRsonaMly good
� � watch their birds. and.. regulate tile lose, . ever turned before. No word has Yet been written ill, it. EveTy that Is dark aid poo! QvIliape withont g-raiv fe��,s, Where tfw .
. I Q'QuAity of scratch figod'so as to keep Nothing is more precious than tinle Word You write therein Will speak for or against you. ' Thesa cow requirements demand nlo& I r-0111911i'alre is lacking il, quality then
i J .
I thebirdo in. such a qJ6d,MoQl, that they � I am very, very young, but I ain the heir of all the ages, ory abiquipment, which is not oilly t emuei grain should be added to aup� �
,� . and nothing leits val-Lied. .
" 0 �
. .. I will be -eating luash eagerly with 1110 No rer,qrd can recoverlosit time. richer than Solomon or any Potentate or millionaire that ever the cows' Ilking'but also ls"Os Inuch p1br the deftaiiene,v ,not inore-thian on,3H
i� . I
I ; I- I I accumulation of scralbell graimi in the Be always in tillie; too late is a lived, . I r nd e o ,11,�lf ..
I . litter. ' crime. I a Arork re'tion, ana pre6m-ba-y I I
, �., Focru'r. combs an -d vvvttles -n-vay bo . The time that bears no I I I bring great possibilities to all who accept, my gif ts in the caretaker, -1-4121— I,&". � I
I - . rtlit de- right spirit. But if you,treat me lightly or indifferently, if- you
.!,. - . l � prevented by amintd-nig with a salve si�rves no naine, . 1. Grive tho anini-als exerelm "M
. made of equal parts of vaqedine and s; but tinio; Nvrrtste bihe make no effort to utilize the treasu, 8 I bring, you Will never be_ Begin 1922 With 'a Kindly i,orse, is ,all .R.ctdv r t Id .
Life i. latter re . . 0 C e�a Luwo. Rost k .
,. . . kerosene, woll mixed. Apply fliis at and you reduce tile former. I able to m4ke good your loss. � I 1. Deed. !hIsgivait ellenly. Tural in, a yard dur� I :
. I
:� . I . . iftilit during very ,colid, weather, Pt# You may have tinie again, but I -ani no respector of persons. I show no favoritism—btit Anildst the stress and storins of life, 11119 pletasant day,,s, -Stabl-es shou%d, -be .
,; I I . It on thitIt in cases whero'the comba nevor the tinic'. � 11 shower -my gifts on old and young, on millionalm and beggar nd weary i �Oiool 4nd woll ven fflal ed bat Uie. horsea ���
,. and Wattles aref already frozon, This Take tim; when titile is, for time alilce. I Just help a brofilier ill the strife sibouldahm-,ys bo protteeted I'Trim,draft �
. . .
I and extrento wotilier. 11
li, salve I)$ also excelilent for Polds in the . wi 1-1 away. . I I Resolve t4t you will .no longer squander lny-�ifts, but will And make his path rniore,�6fieelry. ,I,
! �. . I I----- ��
�i V time you put them out to Ilit-0,rest, and you may yet be what you long to be. For blesosed is' (be one who, lenda 1. I
)load, orr ratbling in the throat, ' Tinie pre�gpnt iii t1lo 0717� —
� - -Is must in so far I �
I Winter wre of fou i��41 be sure of � I mark the succeedhig steps of your life and proclaffil to all "I spe not a stop betoro me .
.r`;X%,r; I
NO110 cm 1>0 Provident of tinio who Who know you whiether you are going up ai down' in the human And God will blen ,You, illough your Put the Path is still In ood's keep
. as Possible 'J'aplioato the ll&tttl%l con, " A hand to help a brodieT, 18 I bread -on anotbow
. , I I ditions. of ' I , , . . I � I
I � I , .1 frionds '
.: . ine aoino any. I . I Tho Aituro Ilia motcy, ishall etear, i)
I son in spring, ,,ni,ki s,ti,ri-yetter. Thus, so -ilt In the rho'ce, Of his scal4. . ing
i t'an see" 'a not P"udol
, : . I �e. AVAte to -day on the first page, of Your new book yo-d� am. May leave you, for allothe'r.
I fOl"n of grc,'M, Stl,etmlont food is very And, wbet looks dark in tho efiftwa I I
. s I
11 'r I A goM rneat-clf,'�pr "r , Itiom, your dosires Ur hcal�t longings, Your dreams of the Twice blessed it the kind-ly -deod- . May t-vi"'iliten tus I draw Ii.e.zT.", - . ;
.. 1�Oful to lk�p tho bi -do in 4t hetalthy , ,t -�I)f,edk t.4, 0, bi
I . . I � , y Yo
"Ol.."litien rrnd fb,oir sy��qlvin�s in top,o, I $0118ag'a 1111aking, J future, and them register yotir vow to inako your dieanls collie ------1*----- .
-, �. I f Flowing Onward like a riv, I
11 I 11 no $,,,m'.,:1,.::n1'-, lfc,,hd io availablo, li',P�.l Make a sm-oke.ho.111�q M' 1-,w ort, I frue. I I I Mus-41lig Lbole. 101O, 1`00.1 itis 0 131otor be sll,oi,t 0gin speolk vith Ill - �
1. . 1. $011) 1.1,'1'--;z 0��!Io' ;J tile ratb Inf oniee '"hero nzo good on�,s or, c c � n'L � ), i,L� i I'Ain ,ne Now Year, I . —0. S. Marden Thc receiver anii the,giver. .I I will. , . . I 11 .
.. I I I ,� , il�,*101.11 .
1, . .. 1: . : P. . I . .
iI I . �. I I . I I .. . I . i. I I I 11 I. I I
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