HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-12-29, Page 1'Vol., XX. I 1 No 25 ZURICH.. THURSDAY MC 1,;INING DECEMBER 29, 1921. Christmas .Suggestions THE EARLY SHOPPER WANTS AND GETS THE PICK 'OF EVERYTHING. WE HAVE PREPARED OUR STOCK W]DTH. THIS IN VIEW, (1'O GIVE BUYERS NOW A REAL CHANCE. OUR WOMEN'S TWO STR,A.P SLIPPER, FINE SHOES, EVEN- ING SLIPPERS, COSY SLIPPERS, SPATS, OVERSHOES AND AMES HOLDEN RUBBERS ARE MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. FOR THE CHILDREN A DAINTY PAIR OF COSY SLIPPERS` LEGGIN•., OR A PAIR OF RUBBER BOOTS, MEN'S FINE SHOES, OVERSHOES, SPATS., ETC. W. H. PIFiLE,• ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. CALL FOR 1922 'CALENDER I4 ,4 t1 �� O e.��•0.4�• aoo����oc��- e�o�000c� �w 000c�t`c43'c�spC •O•p O O•l! 4 0Y!• O.4 4.O•P*• O p ©l! G'•4 4YJ 0' 4.O a O GOc� • .v. Happy New Yeaij. Mr. George Hess is visiting at Detroit, Dr. and Mrs. O'Dwyer were Sunday visitors at Luean. Miss McDougall of Hurondale, IS visiting with her sister, Mrs. T. L Williams. lfi r. Milton Heyrock of Detroit, spent Sunday with relatives in Zurichl. ".' Miss Lilian Weseloh, who is attending Normal at London, is holidaying at her home here. Mr.. John Geiger of Pigeon,iMich. Wended- the funeral of the late Al . Geiger, on Tuesday. Mr. Wriu. Frank of Waterloo was visitor at the home of Mr. C. Eilber, over the week -end. Mr, Harry Wheaton of Hamilton. Visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,7. Hey, Jr., over the week -end. Miss•• M..A,. Lamont, who is on the Public School teaching staff, Sault St. Marie, is spending the ;vacation at her home here, The` Lutheran S. S:' entertainm, i nt was held on Saturday evening aiidthe church was filled to full capacity. A good program was 14andered by the children. ,Mr. Lambert Klopp, of Ivit.Erie iriminaY, Philaedlphia, is visiting �tii his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,op* fir, ,and.. MYs.:H. Schade andfam- ?,pf 'Dashwood..sperit-,jl oc,,ulay at ore- `of ,Mr. and Mrs. C. L. •'Eva ngelicat:Ladies' Aid me *ill be ,held TueadaY ' after- , i .. lyd,' 2i; r 30.. ,$xslnek lecl ,;40-,,3• QA•tt; Mrs, ;} e'eitz.,.'the seasons To those whose business has helped us to. make ourssuccessfUl, we want to express our sincere TSI for the appreciated r atronage you have favoured us with and to assure you that it will be our aim to deserve a continuat- ation of your favours by the ' service and value we render. May you and yours enjoy a Christmas of old fashioned cheer and a Near Year of fulfiled hopes and Prosperity for 1922. J. PREETER Phone 59 Produce Wanted WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ALSIEE AND CLOVER SEED \) .r2. �>tiday lacing;i 'IaI »� g nearly every adv and bcsl' entain a, here attaCki.dospof cold,terconseG yt}"the Herald'will" 'reach must he' readers a day latter this ;What`' proved a 'serious accid- Lo{;niued on Saturday evening. Chester L. Smith, Publisher, $1.25 a Tear In ,advance 41.7,6 IN ARR1:F>MAY 134 WIARG7�..lh Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK There is, no safer or surer way of safeguarding your sur- plus money' than placing it in a savings account with The Maisons Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B." COLLES Manager Zurich Branch Best Wishes for a bright and Pros. perosis NEW YEAR is our most sincere wishes to our many Patrons. W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 3. a 4' 4, 4, i! 4, $,• 00....040.4011094.40••0444...'_: ••••••00400••••••••••044W-- • 4 • Great Bargain Sale HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS MENtT-- IONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE GOOD UNTIL' DECEMBER 31st ONLY. 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets, si,e 72x84, at each 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain - A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. 10 Robes, size 54x62 at from $12.50 upwards. A .number of real English Plush Rugs, prices from Se ia`. ' dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a 20% off on Whips valued at 75c. and up. A number sets of Single Harness, at $25.00 each. PHONE 102 $0.0o to $9.5f1 Bargain. 4 4 iP 4 4w • 4p 2 4w 8 REPAIRING 4 SPECIALTY 410 ZUR101.4. ::, We take much, pleasure in .ex=, t tending to our . many Customers • vs�Iti Mr. Harry G. Hess was wor4..• ,n s,the work shoo above them and f riend�s our most Sincerest , . e11ry store, and in som ne can with about a cup'IIt Th ng *lir, thighs of bia lens and other 3 ,, e way 4. anks ~ for the past Seasons �:gosoli. �, fill of gasoline exploded, the con •II• � i+9 of same over Mr.Hess burn- Business relations.lt has been a ; 5tivere burns on the Pans. a d the pleasure for us to serve you and .l. ,clothing at -laces was entirely bur- •i• , •E5 �1.n,1 off. Ha at once called for we wish to express our apprec- help, and his father, Mr. W. G. 4. d* 'ation by wishing you a happy f7;tn and in throwina the burning • • n nwt th^-* window. ininred� bliss +t and prosperous lift!"�riflR 1lao. lVl`. $. G. H' • 9R ' � doing as well as can be exnerl:ed, f' ,did s under m,"d;ca1 treai me„i:. T. p onf;n'et to the bed. We hope for 4. .+,loss rushed unstairs to his res- + • 40P' n. speedy recovery. p' 'LATE 'l' Abraham Ge- igerDecember ' n Township'so set- tlers has departed this life, man of wonderful physical stam- ina in his prime days, lived dru ere nearly all his life, being • Waterloo county on June 2nd, 1829, which gives him the good old age of 92 years, 6 months and 20 days Deceased had enjoyed his usual health until a few weeks ago in falling in the house, fractured Ms hip; this with old age was the 'cause of his death. He was mar- ried twice, tt(he-last wife predec- •�aased 'him about four years ago, lived in Zurich about twelve ye- ars, and previous to that on a fare Goshen Line south, now OWe+- ecj, by Mr. Wm. Davidson.. He is survived by four sons, Henry and Eli Geiger of Cavalier, N. lam., Simon and Amos of Michigan; six daughters, Mrs. Thomas and Miss Polly Geiger of Illinois, Miss Lydia Geiger of Woodstock, MMrs. Karcher of Michigan, Mrs. Owers Geiger of Hensali, and Mrs. Eeleos 1t home. ' The funeral took place n on Thursday afternoon to the Babylon Line cemetery for inter- ment. Rev, ,E. B. Meyer officiat- ing. ABRAHAM GEIGER In the passing of Q ff ige> on Thursday b 22 d 4 D cne of Hay h ideal 4. P a BUD 'O.41C Q 0 CAST ► R 'For Infahts mid Citildresl InUseForOver30Yea Always bears the Signtaire ` .ewu Ven 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH DASHWOOD d °v"1.+ 1••4..;•+++•p.•p•p.•p•p.•1•+•D••F••3••I•++ 1•.404.- 4 F.:•.g.•g••i.of.++ p•+ .•F„i44,44+41++.• 4. Y_ Ohristmas Pre�nts Come in and see Our nice display of Christmas toy s z AND PRESENTS FOR YOUNG . Nl)„. OLD, SOM' THINE FOR EVERYONE. ALSO HAVE A NICE ASSOr.” MENr Or CHRISTMAS CANDY, NUTS, PEELS, RA13I\YS, FOR 'THE XMAS CAKE. DOL J.Q.LAS R. e PHONE .11 - 4 E