HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-12-22, Page 8Page Right ': tURI'on n r� The Gift Shop of Zurich, the Store where a Dollar will buy a good Dollars Worth of . Goods DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE. WE ASSURE SATISF ;ACTION, AS OUR AIM IS TO HAVE A. COMPLETE RANGE OF ;VERY NEWEST LINES OF HOLIDAY GOODS. FOR LADIES Sweater Coats, Scarf and Toque Setts, Stamped Goods, Centre - pieces, Fancy Huck Towels, Boud- ior Caps, A Fine Range otNipon China and Glassware, Fancy Hand- kerchiefs in Boxes, etc. FOR MEN Now lot of wool and Silk Scarfs Ties, Fine Shirts, Sox, Sweater Coats, Etc. A fine array of Dolls, Games, Toys of all kinds, picture books, for the little ones, also Candies, in large variety, Walnut', Filberts Almonds, Peanuts, Etc. SPECIALS FOR TWO WEEKS Let us show our Men's Overco- ats and suit and compare our prices.' 5 only Men's Heavy Overcoats, New Stock at $19.75 3 only Men's weight Overcoats New Stock at -. -_ $15.00 2 Men's Ulster of ercioats at $10.00 Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters to el ear at ___ -_. ___ ...$$4.25 Boy's Sweaters, a snap at 75c. to 1,95e. each. 6 only Girl's Coats New Stock. at half Price to clear. All Coatings Reg. $5.0u to $6.00 to clear at $2.95:' t® Produce Wanted GROCERIES 1 New Raisins 24cts. lb. New Currants 18e. lb. Rio Coffee, 20cts. ib. Peanuts 20c. pound Mixed Nuts, Special at 27c. STAMPED MATS New shipment just arrived new designs. lb. HERALD keeely-to-Wear DENOMY BROS, Ordered Clothing GENT$ .FURNISHINGS Clothing Splendid Grey eiton VERCOATS Au i:a iV t t' votive` mecliurn shade of lime gray 'n ' 1 t' )n, made in models to suit all BIG ROOOSI si ULSTERS,, ST- ANDARD CHESTERFIELDS ,AND S-IART, ALL-ROUND BELTPRS, WELL TAILORED AND T'RIMM- E:D. se We are ready with the warm Winter Clothing you'll .need. This Store pays particular atterntian to Your 'requirements. We mention just a few of them here; Winter Caps, with 'inside pull- down band of fleece or fur, any shape you'll want. Heavy Jumboo Knit Coat. Swe- aters, with shawl collar; colors heather, navy, maroon and brown. OS. Protuce taken in exchange for Goocis ITEMS OF- LOCAL INTEREST Last Wednesday was the last council meeting, for this year,and also the last day for paying tax- es: After that date 4% interest in will be charged on unpaid takes. Phone 67 Zuric S ., • a!/ r0'rage Ascetylene Ascetyle: e Weiding WE HAVE INSTALLED AN OXY-ASCETYLENE WELDING PLANT AND ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR ALL KINDS OP WELDING AND BRAZING WORK. GIVE US YOUR WORD AND WE WILL ASSURE YOU SATISFFACTION. NO JOB TOO BIG, NO JOB TOO SMALL. Genuijie• Ford :Parts ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VAIRIOUS AUTOS B:tt3ry Sales and Service Station A comp1ete line of 'Fires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. Wa ked Your Business. Satisfactlen Assured lVllousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. ,. •x-7 ;,mss '—"ate ireljri&t ao We most cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and Prosperous New year, Goocl. Times beget Prosperity, Confidence begets Good Times, and Geod- Appearance begets Confidence. •se'" ''°`~ • --• IT Is WITH MOST SINCEREST ITITANKS TIIA'1' WE CAN AGAIN EXPRESS TO OUR MANY Y CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS, MAY THE NEW YEAR. BE ONE OF GREAT REJOICING AND OF MARKED PROSPERITY TO ALL, AND CONTINUED 'CONFIDENCE XN • OUR BUSINESS RELATION'S IS OIJURMOST VALUED 17E ' - SIRES► Stade 8c Weido If you are going away visiting or getting visitors over.. the holi- days, let us know all about it by phone or drop a note in out lettee. box on the front office, door. The concert givenin the town hall on Saturday evening wa very `,educatioefal. Dr. ,Carper$ is a master along this line . of lecturing, and his discourse was enjoyed by all presort. The by=election in North Ox- ford on Monday for the Provin- tai Il7iase, Was wan by Mr. Boss buy raffle tickets nor help the cand'date ter the Progressive eari'1 ,eleleede fund, and they get the he polled 4687 votes. The Liberall'eash IP advance business. candidate Mr. Day drew 33884..antel LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ... --...... -_. 40 Eggs 65 Buckwheat • 60 Barley ... 60 Wheat 95-1,-00 Oats 40 Flour per cwt. ... --_ •__ ..-3.75-4.15 Bran .•, Shorts Potatoes per bag .- Live Hogs. t•• 28.00 330.00 1.50 9.25 expected;to dig, up foreverything that comes along_ from a raffle ti- cket to a church fund by people who claire they do part of, their tradinghere, but our friends Rob- ert Simpson and T. Eaton neither Mr. Neel the Neely, Conservative 954, We would ask our readers to bear a little with us this week as news seems scarce, and , we are over -mashed in our job depart ent. But the time for renew- ing your subscription is here a gain, nsd we can always find a little time to attend to this part of the business4 For the third time iia recent months burglars descended in Ex- eter on Friday night. This time they entered the store of Jones- & May, by a rear window afterpry ing apart iron bars. They throve ou lily ransacked the store and' took with then a large amount of merchandise. Made a careful set- rtion of footwear, fitting theme selves out .with rubber boots and others of various kinds. They helped themselves to the best 'of. raincoats and finished by picking out ties • and shirts. Also went through the empty cash drawers' tossing thein up on <.the shelves of terwards, locating $1.50 in a bort: Mrs. J. J. Merner, Seaforth, re- ceived on December 4th, the.isad news of the death in Cleveland, of. the death of her mother, Mrs. Ed ward Graham,, a former resident' of Goderich.. The late Mrs. Gra- ham was born in Ireland, eighty years ago, and came to Canada When 15 years of age. The fare - settled in Hamilton, later mov- ing to Ashfield and Goderich, wb. are she liverl for 50 years. Her husband, the late Wdward Grah 'aro. die d14 years ago. About seven years agfi -Mrs. Graham, moved to Cleveland, where she - made her home with her daughter, Miss Ida Graham', who with ''Ione sisters and one brother; Thomas of Goderich survive. The sisters -are :vire. J. J. Merner; Seaforth; Mrs.' Minkie, Cleveland; Mrs. •Chaa.Lin dnefr•.ld, Parkh:l:; Mrs, Preston ,and, Miss Ida Graham, Cleveland. The funeral took place in Goderich. Ofl, YES, IT'S A SNAP "Yes," remarked the country merchant. "1 certainly havea sn tp. The wholesale houses draw on me. every month, and cheer on ane at sight, but if I send a bill to a customer, he eomee swearing read and quits he at my store. While lint hard up for honey, many of those who are owing ane are sending money to mail Order houses. If I eeeti ibute ir,oner to env cause' t,eople ,sa-v I am bidd- ne" "'re tr-d7, Tf I' (.1011'; they PA r 'aria, a bog. Avers .441 .J'':.;tea. 1 . SPORT NEWS The hockey fansofExeter st- and -a good chance to see some fast hockey in Exeter this season The Exeter -Zurich team are enter- ed with she O.H.A.. Intermediates and the Northern league seniors Groupings have been made by the • 0.H.A. and Exeter ;Zurich is grouped with Goderich, ,Clintore Mitchell and St. Marys. These same teams will likely be group- ed in the Northern leaguer and pos sibiy Wingham will be added:. This means that there should be a lot of games played in Exeter this winter. Last year Goderich and the Exeter -Zurich team; were the only two in the group. • NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby; given that a meeting of the Elec- tors of. the Municipality of the Township of Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, in The VILLAGE OF ZURICH, on MONDAY DECEMBER 26th, 1921, at the hour from one to two o'clock, p. mu, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Ehy for the year 1922, and in case a peel is demanded, polls will be opened on— MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1021 In the several Polling Sus -Divis- ions of the Township as follows ; Poll Na. 1, School House No. 2; Edgar Munn D.R.O„ Earl Camp- bell Pool Clerk. Poll No, 2, School House No, 14, D. Burns D.R.O., W. D. Thomp- gon Poll Clerk. Poll. No. 3, Town'Hall, Zurich, W. O'BrienD:R.O,, W,, F. Braun. Poll Clerk. poll No. 4, W. G. Hess' Shop; W, G. Huss, D,R,O„; D. Oswald Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5, Sehool House No. 12, H. Krueger D.R.O,, S. M. Ziler Poll Clerk., Poll No. 6, lTartleil)'s Hall; J. K. Goetz D,R,O., D. Tiernan, Poll Clerk. Poly No. 7, School House No. e, A, Love D,R.O., 5, Walker Poll. Clerk. Poll No, 8, Frame hotel St. Jos- eph., 6''. Ducharrne t17,RA,, Jos. Corrlveau, Poll Clerk. Said Polls will be kept open from 9 o'clock, axe, until 5 o'clock, p. m., and no longer, ' ANDREW F, HESS, 1' eturning Officer r IG 71pLt ,, fltriehe eleth.. Thursday, ' Deeembei.' 22nd, 111. lillmrnieanmellimipaellmwmamorimweimmeimmwmil The stare with the Liberal Cash Discount We carry, in • Stock season- able G-ifts of Furniture , far dware,PyrexWare, AlIum, inum, .. Silverware, Cutlery, Sleds, Skates, Hockey Sticks CIen amps ,d I rai�n Make night bright as Day, guaran- teed safe, and cheap to operate. Call and have us demonstrate. PricesBpecial n All Goods Please .return ail empty Cement Sacks I K PHONE 63 221 N s.l 1 Job Depar-tmei i Is al mays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop-. es, Check Books, Posting Bilis a specialty, bruin °: teMite SUg ri 01/ -With every Cash purchase of$25 we will sell you 100 lbs. of sugar for $G This offer' good only until Dec. 25th Palm, Olive Soap 4 Cakes for 25e. Only four to one Customer Save neon'ey by doing your Xmas. shop ping at this Store IYIAN.ACIJRE SETS, SHAVING JNG SETS, BRUSHAND COMB SETS, ALL SUITABLE FOR XMAS PRESENTS; BEAUTIFUL PAIN- TED CHINA, NIPPON CHINA; 'TOYS OF ALL KINDS; IHANDKER- CHIEFS AT ALL PRICES; NEW STATIONERY ,FOR XMAS PRES- . ENTS.i You roust pay this store a visit in order to realize the many. Christmas Values. A few Ladies' Sweatereoats, (New' Raisins 24e.• a pound. Reg. $5, $3, $1.0 for .._ -.. ...$2.50 New Currants' 19e, a lbj. ' Men's heavy all -wool tweed • pants, Reg. 6,50 fol $4,00 New stock Bib Overalls at :..$1,65 See our line of Men's Raie- coats at .:. __. ... •.. $4.90 Other Rain Coats at Redueed Prices. Men's Suits at prices away down. Men's New Overcoats 1921 style at Reduced Prices. Tapestry Rugs, .just arrived at,a price that will make you smile. Belles, all colors Reg. $6 and ;$6' a yd,. on sale now at'-., 40 -in. Serge in all colors, a yd, 90c All coatings, Reg, $6,00 now $3.001 Produce Wanted. Phone.,462. New Figs, 2 lbs. for 25e. Roasted Coffee, 5 lbs. for $1.00 Cheese 25e, a pound. - t Orange Peel 35c. a ib. Candies, Nuts at equally low prices These Prices are good 'only until Saturday evening Dec. 24th. 36 -in. grey cotton lOyds for $1,2. Flannelette Blankets iia Blue and pink borders 2 sues at $1.85, See our new Bee of $1 Corsets. A snap in all lines of dress goods; :at 35c, a yard ButerickPashions