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Zurich Herald, 1921-12-22, Page 1
Vol. X X 1 I No 24 o�+m.wwv.•,�.u.,eovaaoam„om,.�,enwo ria E.0 E M 13 E R �2� , 1921. Chester L. Smith, Publicher .. $1 25 a Year I Christmas Suggestions eeee THE EARLY SHOPPER WANTS AND GETS THE PICK ,OF EVERYTHING, ' WE HAVE PREPARED OUR STOCK WITH THIS IN VIEW, TO GIVE BUYERS NOW A REAL CJIANCE, OUR WOMEN'S TWO STRAP SLIPPER, FINE SHOES, EVEN- ING SLIPPERS, COSY SLIPPERS, SPATS, OVERSHOES AND AMES HOLDEN RUBBERS ARE MANY TO CHOOSE FROM, FOR THE CHILDREN A DAINTY PAIR OF COSY .SLIPPERS LEGGIN•.., OR A PAIR OF RUBBER _BOOTS, MENS FINE SHOES, OVERSHOES,' SPATS., ETC. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. CALL FOR 1922'CALENDER ® �=©G•G�.c:7• G��G00 G000•e::%''GO� GGGG GGo G•0 G"GOGG•,j' • QO �'O.O•Cy•O.4••J•O•G•O.O •d•'J•O•C!•4G4.O.4'P•Gi•4.O•lJ•p•�7'4•P•pp • 4 P 40 bVP OD �Q 4.Q 40 °1?�D 121h ry tet 24t l►3lICfly C'HRI'STMAS • John Hey, Jr. and son L1 'Were.,to Loudon on Friday, Only three .more days. till .Kznaz, '.But we "will' celebrate the holiday an Monday. Miss Duret, of Holnreeville cal. led, on ' frien'ds in the Village a fee days last week. . Mr. Theo. McAdams of the Bron son. Line recently had the misfo'r- i:unr to break a rib. Messrs. Theo. Wagner and Lloyd Kalbfleisch, who are attending .; the Waterloo Seminary,' are home fortheir year-end vacation. We are sorry to` report that Mr Ernest 'Gies is very III at present but .hope for a speedy recovery. Ori,e of the worst storms in a number of years,.swept over Wes- tern,.Ontario on Sunday. Consid- erable daroiage was+done.-: • • The Lutheran Sunlaly School will•'g'ive its Christmas program On ieceixiber 24th, at 7.30 p. nx. The public is cordially, invited..- C'olition at the door. i4 Fred. -Thiel, harness make/ deal r,. is offering the public some real "3b rgarns along this line of ,goods: People should . take "ad- vantage' of nesse snaps. Tlae; next meeting of the, V.C. T.0 will, take place int the Ladies' Hall, F urrele on Wednesday e ern i�Yg az Fv tip Teece;nber 28th -All AFTE$; �VISI,TING MO.v TRL.�:' e'`ee el A iGE OP OME Oi'; THE WONDER • FUL BARGAINS OFFERED BY GREENSHIELDS LTD. IN DISPOSING OF THE MILLION AND A.,,_ QUARTER DOLLAR SOEOCK. OF GENERAL DRY GOODS WHICH THEY TOOK OVER.FROM 0' . GAULT BROTHERS AT A LOW RATE ON THE DOLLAR, WE HAVE DECIDED TO PUT ON n A TWO WEEK'S SALE AND GIVE THE PUBLIC AN OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE T.i-LEIIR WINTER'S SUUPPLY OF'HEAVY GOODS AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN REPLACEMENT • VALUES TO -DAY, AND' AS THE COTTON MARKET IS ADVANCING AND GOODS ARE VERY SCARCE, WE WOULD. ADVISE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG SALE. ea 1 S Go ds o 0. Q 0o •1D. Q4 18 pieces Dress •Goods Regular up to $1.40 per -Yard, Sale Price 47c 15 pieces Dress Goods Reg. up to $2.25 per yard, Sale Price 69c 6 pieces Dress Goods, Reg. up to $3.00 per yard, Sale Price 98c 10, pieces Dress Goods Reg up to $5.00, per yard, Sale Price .__$L49 2 pieces allwool navy serge 52 -in, reg. $3,00, Sale price ... ... $1.25 1 piece allwool navy serge 5.1 in. Reg. $3.75, Sale price yard ... $2,25 1 piece fine wool Botany Elk. 54 in. Reg. $5.75, Sale price yd. $3.00 1 Piece each, Black and Brown, Botany, 54 in. Reg. $5.00, Sale _.. $2.75 All -Wool 54 -in. Tricotine in following colors-eToupe, Navy, Brown Reindeer and Copen Regular $7,00, Sale Price, per yard .__ _.. $3,00 52 -in. Trientine in colors, ' Navy Toupee Copen and Brown, $5 for$2.75 1. piece only Navy Tricotine Regular $3.50, Sale Price ... .__ -.. $2,00 73ro'adcloths, 1311;., Navy and Brow Reg. $3.00, Sale Price ... ... $1.00 2 only dress ends, Silvertones, Blue and Brown Reg. $6.50, Sale- $3.25 Also a line of 54 -in. Tweed Suitings, excellent for either Ladies' or Men's Suits, special :at • per yard. $2.00 CORD VELVETS Cord Velvets, all shades, Reg. $1.00, Sale Price .-. .•- 50e Cord Velvets all shades, Reg. $1.25, Sale Price ._. ... 65c Special cord 'velvets in cream, and tan, 36 inches wide .Reg. $2:25, Sale Price _-- ... ...$1.00 40 inch Heavy Apron Gingham per yard, Sale .. ..23c 42 inch Heavy Furniture covering, reg. $1.25 for. . - 75c 50 inch. Heavy Furniture covering, reg. $2.00, Sale ... $1.25 FLANNELETTES 36 inch stripe flannelette, light, and dark, Sale ...... ... 22e White Saxony Flannelette at Sale Price • • 15c We have a nice Line of Dark Wrapperette. These have been very, scarce -Sale Priee per yard -. ...50c• Light Pattern wreppsrette, Sale Price per yard .__ -. 21e Good heavy quality 271n. shirting blk and blue step at 20c ,SWEATER COATS 3 only inn's fine Sweaters, Regular $12.50 for .._ -. $6;50 10 only Men's Heavy wool Sweaters, reg. $8,50, for .$13.50 6 only Men's Heavy wool Sweaters, Special at ...$1.98 8 .only Boys, Sweaters fine wool, Reg. $6,00 for ....., $3.50 ig .only Boy's Swetaers, heavy. wool. Reg.' $3.50 for ...$L75 A lot of good wool pullovers at Sete Price ... -.- ... 98c Boy's pull overs, better quality, Reg^ $3:50, Sale x,1.75 Boy's fine wool V neck Rug. $5 50, Sale price ... $3'.50 LADIES SWEATERS Our line of Ladies' fine wool Sweaters sold as high as $14.00 all go at each ... ... ... '$5.00 A few Girl's wool sweaters at each $2.00 Girl's Brushed wool twin's, Reg. $1.25 for ... „ -,. ,..50c Girl's Brushed Wool Scarfs, Reguiar $1;50, Sable .. .. ... 50c Girl's 'finished Wool Scarf and toclul sett, Reg. 4.50 at $1.50 ANT) A. LOT. OP 01II1'R BARGAINS WHICH WE CAN- NOT NUMERATE. HERE. A. 13IG STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS ON HAND AT R EASONABLE PRICES. J. one 59 4 Underwear Sta-nfield's all wool unshrinkablc Heavy Rib Red Label $1.50 Green Label ......... ..$1.25 oda Lines to Clear at ...... ,..$1.00 Flannelett Blankets, large • Size, at per pair .. $1.95 B Suits f ....$3.95 up. r Boy's m s zoo , MOn's Suit9 from $12.75 up. 00 3 40 Boy's Overcoats, from 11. to 15 . �,�d% Years _ .-_ $11.87 �j M':n's Overcoats, one lot at $17.95 ,�QG Men's Overcoats one lot at $22.15 D 0-0 A FRESH STOCK OF GROC-• FRIES ALWAYS ON HAND NEW i' CURRANTS AND RAISINS, PE- r ' ETC'., JUST ARRIV 1 ELS;. AND ED. 'roducc Wanted WE ARE IN THE MAR_ ET FOR ALSIKE' AND CLOVF4RSIDED ;; ✓y C�,•+'�•`.:.'Ci"";,.:i'�.`y�.'`".''`:a^'fir .3 `�: ,.aCF .tee^'4i•' •�^''rs � • • 0•W • pi to +r, In ova last Week's issue we made mention of Miss` Lylyan Rader hav- ing received a certificate of Honor from, the Minister of Agriculture, Toronte, and,Ms. S. B. Strothers, Agricultural Representative, Clin- ton, for having the greatest num- ber of points at the Zurich Rural School ,!air, held on Sept. 16th last his week we are informed that IiiVes Helen Foster is also the recepient of a similar certif- icate. ite Seems rather strange that each of these two pupils hold. this honor, or possibly their num- ber of points are a tie, at least it should be worth finding out. Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches =rR iE MO LS TS BANK There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing it in a savings account with .The. Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch A marriage of interest to many. took place at the'Kippen manse on Nov. 30th, when Mr. Gordon Love, sonj of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew- Loewe, ndrew Love, and Miss Maud Stelek, dau- ghter of My. and Mrs. Frederick Stelck, were' quietly married, the 'Rev. Mr.. Lundy officiating. The happy couple will reside on the _?err Line, We understand that Mr, and Mrs. Love, Sr., intend to retire from farming in the near future, In Federal elections candidates when nominated, make a deposit of $200 each with the returning of- ficer. In ease the sa.ndidate does not obtain hlaf as many votes as the. one Who is elected, said can- didate forfeits this deposit to 1110 Government, otherwise it is ret - u' ned to lrimi; Over 'si'xty can- didates in the recent :election lost their deposits. , This. is rn,u., hlar- ger number than' usual, owing to the three -cornered contest. Per fts and Children;; h Use For h ttr O Y ars iAlOrav Nees the Sigeattue In Advance si.74 !N ARA A}S, $2 MAY 13L•' MUMMY) hrstm GEft Suggestions Le,r6.7� L 8• l S. "MA LAST' f) ' •4 - iM' - T"93h'1 7' I5' 1� IFiTNG TIIA.T WILD GIVE MO±th' LASTING PLEA` ASURE TITAN' S"OMETHINCr;IN JEWELLRY. WATCH OR D ONDS. A FEW SUGGESz0NS FOR ,CHRISTMAS BUYERS FOR HIM FOR HER Waltham, and Elgin Watches`\�1�11/��/ • Cuff Links,, :Gold- Filled, Solid Scarf Pins and. Fobs.. Fountain Pens. Signet Rings, Plain an] engraved, 1,. JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN Wrist Watches from: $88 upe Diamond Rings, Lavalliere Ivory Cloc1u and -Setts.,, Cut Glass. an.d Silverware, Fountain. Peres, ESS PHONE No. 74 re 0"004b0O• 444►OC400.A400.40.0400.O'+8,4000th!l+'$44•40$4..0k•44447. Great r ain Sale -� 4- aa - HAVING A LARGE:.STOCV OFA DIi'MERENT GOODS KENT- . , ZONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON: A SALE AT• PRICES WORTH •CONSIDERING, THESE PRICES. WILL BE. :- GOOD 'UNTIL DECEMIe R 31st ONLY-. • 2 ;dozen aU wool' iorse lankets, :size 72#81, at each.- ..,,,-„,..$5,00„ 11- 2" 2 - dozen Jute lrikets,'; at a • .Real Bargain A 13ig .4sso trn0pt ,4,,. Ratters at-5°/c,:.Reduction . - ; ,, B oake `r " fi,,,, ;' ' rp; pt'? .x .� i A um e o • real Enghs Pla'ih Rtugs, prices from) $6 o0tC.- $9.aCr, ,�' ® Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide I%fitts at ai Bargain. et 4 20% off on Whips valued at 75c. andup. ei: A number sets of Single Harness; at $''15 00 eaehi. 4. PHONE 102 RPATF:iNG: A. S�fEY'+TATLTY a �' OF FRED. THIEL. - ZURICH 404444404 , 4, 44,0.444.4.444 4 ?4O4©Ca,?vi• N0..0.03.z. ,, ,v^+.•a„.<+o•i?...t, te•r••F+•i•+ •1••t .•.1•.,•.:.;..; .1.43 4.4• §•:?•:� �6t Se•e+ 40 °•s ° •1^4+44• °4^$.1•44+^l.•e48.4.84 USEFUL GIFTS THE TIME FOR PURCHASING XMAS GIFTS IS HERE AGAIN. LET IT THIS YEAR BE. SOME- THING USEFUL AND SER.VIC- ABLE. SUCH A GIFT IS AL.WA YS MOST APPRECIATED, LET IT 13E A NICE PAIR OF HOUSE SLIPPERS, HOUSE SHDR , OR SOMETHING IN THE FOO'l WAR .LINE, AND IN DOING SO BE SURE AND PURCHASE THEM AT ONE OF THESE STORES. . FRITZ & SO SHOE MERCHANTS +.1...1.+++++4++++++++++++++++4+4+++++++++++++++444+++++4444. 4 4. ZURICH Christrnas Fresents Come in and see Our -nice display t;•‘' re 1 Christmas toys AND PRESENTS FOR YOUNG AND OL,De SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, ALSO HAVE A •,"1er,1 ASSORTMENT OP CHRISTMAS CANDY, NTH'S, PEELS, RAISINS, mt. von THE XMAS CAKE,